Sergei Kolobov 0702007805 Add skadns 0.23:
Skadns is a kind of an Asynchronous DNS client software:
- Kind of: it's small. Really small. But it just works.
- Asynchronous: all DNS operations are non-blocking.
- DNS client software: it's a DNS client, what you may know
  as a "stub resolver". To perform full DNS resolution,
  you will still need a full resolver like dnscache.

The skadns library offers a simple API to make asynchronous DNS queries.
The skadnsip, skadnsmx and skadnsfilter commands are examples
of how to use that API. They are mainly there for their source code.
The skadnsd daemon, usable as a child process or as a separate service,
handles the grunt work of DNS querying and makes the network
completely invisible to the client.

Author:	Laurent G. Bercot <>
2004-01-01 23:12:39 +00:00

70 lines
1.5 KiB

# $FreeBSD$
SUBDIR += adns
SUBDIR += ares
SUBDIR += bind8
SUBDIR += bind84
SUBDIR += bind9
SUBDIR += bind9-dlz
SUBDIR += bind9-sdb-mysql
SUBDIR += ddclient
SUBDIR += ddup
SUBDIR += dhid
SUBDIR += dhisd
SUBDIR += djbdns
SUBDIR += dlint
SUBDIR += dnrd
SUBDIR += dns_balance
SUBDIR += dnsflood
SUBDIR += dnsmasq
SUBDIR += dnssecwalker
SUBDIR += dnstop
SUBDIR += dnstracer
SUBDIR += dnsutl
SUBDIR += dnswalk
SUBDIR += domtools
SUBDIR += ez-ipupdate
SUBDIR += firedns
SUBDIR += geta
SUBDIR += ghtool
SUBDIR += h2n
SUBDIR += hesiod
SUBDIR += host
SUBDIR += idnkit
SUBDIR += ipcheck
SUBDIR += libdjbdns
SUBDIR += maradns
SUBDIR += mdnsd
SUBDIR += mydns
SUBDIR += noip
SUBDIR += nsd
SUBDIR += nslint
SUBDIR += nsping
SUBDIR += odsclient
SUBDIR += p5-BIND-Conf_Parser
SUBDIR += p5-DNS-Config
SUBDIR += p5-DNS-Zone
SUBDIR += p5-Net-DNS
SUBDIR += p5-Net-DNS-ZoneFile
SUBDIR += p5-Net-Nslookup
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Client-DNS
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-DNS
SUBDIR += pdnsd
SUBDIR += posadis
SUBDIR += powerdns
SUBDIR += py-adns
SUBDIR += py-dns
SUBDIR += rbldnsd
SUBDIR += skadns
SUBDIR += sleuth
SUBDIR += staticcharge
SUBDIR += totd
SUBDIR += updatedd
SUBDIR += walker
SUBDIR += weedns_sc
SUBDIR += zonecheck
.include <>