Odoo is a suite of web based open source business apps. The main Odoo Apps include an Open Source CRM, Website Builder, eCommerce, Warehouse Management, Project Management, Billing & Accounting, Point of Sale, Human Resources, Marketing, Manufacturing, etc Odoo Apps can be used as stand-alone applications, but they also integrate seamlessly so you get a full-featured Open Source ERP when you install several Apps. WWW: https://www.odoo.com
126 lines
3.9 KiB
126 lines
3.9 KiB
COMMENT = Monetary, financial, and related applications
SUBDIR += R-cran-AER
SUBDIR += R-cran-PerformanceAnalytics
SUBDIR += R-cran-RFinanceYJ
SUBDIR += R-cran-TTR
SUBDIR += R-cran-ccgarch
SUBDIR += R-cran-fBasics
SUBDIR += R-cran-fGarch
SUBDIR += R-cran-gmm
SUBDIR += R-cran-lmtest
SUBDIR += R-cran-plm
SUBDIR += R-cran-quantmod
SUBDIR += R-cran-strucchange
SUBDIR += R-cran-timeDate
SUBDIR += R-cran-timeSeries
SUBDIR += R-cran-tseries
SUBDIR += R-cran-urca
SUBDIR += R-cran-vars
SUBDIR += alkimia
SUBDIR += aqbanking
SUBDIR += beancount
SUBDIR += beanie
SUBDIR += chiapos
SUBDIR += cointop
SUBDIR += electrum
SUBDIR += expense
SUBDIR += fava
SUBDIR += fixc
SUBDIR += frontaccounting
SUBDIR += gnucash
SUBDIR += gnucash-docs
SUBDIR += grisbi
SUBDIR += homebank
SUBDIR += hs-hledger
SUBDIR += hs-hledger-ui
SUBDIR += hs-hledger-web
SUBDIR += jgnash
SUBDIR += kmymoney
SUBDIR += kraft
SUBDIR += ktoblzcheck
SUBDIR += ledger
SUBDIR += ledgersmb12
SUBDIR += libbtc
SUBDIR += libofx
SUBDIR += libstocks
SUBDIR += moneymanagerex
SUBDIR += myphpmoney
SUBDIR += nextcloud-cospend
SUBDIR += odoo
SUBDIR += odoo14
SUBDIR += p5-Business-CreditCard
SUBDIR += p5-Business-MaxMind-CreditCardFraudDetection
SUBDIR += p5-Business-OCV
SUBDIR += p5-Business-OnlinePayment
SUBDIR += p5-Business-OnlinePayment-2CheckOut
SUBDIR += p5-Business-OnlinePayment-AuthorizeNet
SUBDIR += p5-Business-OnlinePayment-BankOfAmerica
SUBDIR += p5-Business-OnlinePayment-Beanstream
SUBDIR += p5-Business-OnlinePayment-Cardstream
SUBDIR += p5-Business-OnlinePayment-Jettis
SUBDIR += p5-Business-OnlinePayment-LinkPoint
SUBDIR += p5-Business-OnlinePayment-MerchantCommerce
SUBDIR += p5-Business-OnlinePayment-Network1Financial
SUBDIR += p5-Business-OnlinePayment-OCV
SUBDIR += p5-Business-OnlinePayment-PayConnect
SUBDIR += p5-Business-OnlinePayment-PaymenTech
SUBDIR += p5-Business-OnlinePayment-PaymentsGateway
SUBDIR += p5-Business-OnlinePayment-SurePay
SUBDIR += p5-Business-OnlinePayment-TCLink
SUBDIR += p5-Business-OnlinePayment-VirtualNet
SUBDIR += p5-Business-OnlinePayment-eSec
SUBDIR += p5-Business-OnlinePayment-iAuthorizer
SUBDIR += p5-Business-PayPal-IPN
SUBDIR += p5-Business-Stripe
SUBDIR += p5-Business-TW-Invoice-U420
SUBDIR += p5-Business-TW-TSIB-CStorePayment
SUBDIR += p5-Business-TW-TSIB-VirtualAccount
SUBDIR += p5-Business-WorldPay-Junior
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Currency
SUBDIR += p5-Finance-Amortization
SUBDIR += p5-Finance-Bitcoin
SUBDIR += p5-Finance-Currency-Convert
SUBDIR += p5-Finance-Currency-Convert-WebserviceX
SUBDIR += p5-Finance-Currency-Convert-XE
SUBDIR += p5-Finance-Quote
SUBDIR += p5-Finance-QuoteHist
SUBDIR += p5-Finance-QuoteTW
SUBDIR += p5-Finance-TW-EmergingQuote
SUBDIR += p5-Finance-TW-TSEQuote
SUBDIR += p5-Finance-YahooQuote
SUBDIR += p5-Locale-Currency-Format
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Financial
SUBDIR += p5-PayflowPro
SUBDIR += pear_Payment_DTA
SUBDIR += prestashop
SUBDIR += py-Nasdaq-Data-Link
SUBDIR += py-backtrader
SUBDIR += py-bitcoin
SUBDIR += py-ebaysdk
SUBDIR += py-mplfinance
SUBDIR += py-ofxparse
SUBDIR += py-pycoin
SUBDIR += py-python-bitcoinlib
SUBDIR += py-python-obelisk
SUBDIR += py-quantecon
SUBDIR += py-stripe
SUBDIR += py-ta-lib
SUBDIR += py-vatnumber
SUBDIR += py-yfinance
SUBDIR += py-ystockquote
SUBDIR += qtbitcointrader
SUBDIR += quantlib
SUBDIR += quickfix
SUBDIR += rubygem-money
SUBDIR += skrooge
SUBDIR += sql-ledger
SUBDIR += ticker
SUBDIR += tickrs
SUBDIR += vanitygen
SUBDIR += venice
SUBDIR += weberp
SUBDIR += xtrader
.include <bsd.port.subdir.mk>