Herve Quiroz 5a0f39ebd8 Fujaba Tool Suite 4
The primary topic of the Fujaba Tool Suite project is to provide an easy to
extend UML and Java development platform with the ability to add plug-ins.

* Fujaba Tool Suite combines UML class diagrams and UML behaviour diagrams to
  a powerful, easy to use, yet formal system design and specification language.
* Furthermore the Fujaba Tool Suite supports the generation of Java sourcecode
  out of the whole design which results in an executable prototype, ideally.
* Moreover the way back is provided, too (to some extend so far), so that Java
  sourcecode can be parsed and represented within UML.


PR:		83471
Submitted by:	Gerrit Beine <>
2005-07-15 12:48:11 +00:00

1579 lines
41 KiB

# $FreeBSD$
COMMENT = Development utilities
SUBDIR += ElectricFence
SUBDIR += SpecTcl
SUBDIR += ZendOptimizer
SUBDIR += a2dev
SUBDIR += aap
SUBDIR += ac-archive
SUBDIR += ace
SUBDIR += ace+tao
SUBDIR += ace+tao-doc
SUBDIR += acpicatools
SUBDIR += activitymail
SUBDIR += adabindx
SUBDIR += adabooch
SUBDIR += adabooch-doc-html
SUBDIR += adacurses
SUBDIR += adasdl
SUBDIR += aegis
SUBDIR += agenda-headers
SUBDIR += agenda-libs
SUBDIR += agenda-snow-libs
SUBDIR += agenda-static-libs
SUBDIR += agide
SUBDIR += ald
SUBDIR += alf
SUBDIR += allegro
SUBDIR += alleyoop
SUBDIR += anjuta
SUBDIR += antlr
SUBDIR += apache-ant
SUBDIR += apr
SUBDIR += apr-svn
SUBDIR += argouml
SUBDIR += argp-standalone
SUBDIR += argtable
SUBDIR += arm-elf-binutils
SUBDIR += arm-elf-gcc295
SUBDIR += arm-rtems-binutils
SUBDIR += arm-rtems-g77
SUBDIR += arm-rtems-gcc
SUBDIR += arm-rtems-gdb
SUBDIR += arm-rtems-objc
SUBDIR += as31
SUBDIR += asis
SUBDIR += asl
SUBDIR += asmutils
SUBDIR += astyle
SUBDIR += atlas
SUBDIR += atlas-devel
SUBDIR += aunit
SUBDIR += autobook
SUBDIR += autoconf213
SUBDIR += autoconf253
SUBDIR += autoconf259
SUBDIR += autodia
SUBDIR += autogen
SUBDIR += automake14
SUBDIR += automake15
SUBDIR += automake19
SUBDIR += avalon-framework
SUBDIR += avarice
SUBDIR += avltree
SUBDIR += avr-binutils
SUBDIR += avr-gcc
SUBDIR += avr-gdb
SUBDIR += avr-libc
SUBDIR += avra
SUBDIR += avrdude
SUBDIR += bcc
SUBDIR += bcpp
SUBDIR += beagle
SUBDIR += bglibs
SUBDIR += bicyclerepair
SUBDIR += bin86
SUBDIR += bison
SUBDIR += bison-devel
SUBDIR += bison1875
SUBDIR += bitkeeper
SUBDIR += bnf
SUBDIR += boaconstructor
SUBDIR += boehm-gc
SUBDIR += bonobo
SUBDIR += bonobo-conf
SUBDIR += boost
SUBDIR += boost-python
SUBDIR += bouml
SUBDIR += bugbuddy
SUBDIR += bugzilla
SUBDIR += buildtool
SUBDIR += buildtool-doc
SUBDIR += byaccj
SUBDIR += c2lib
SUBDIR += c2man
SUBDIR += c2mdoc
SUBDIR += c4
SUBDIR += c_c++_reference
SUBDIR += c_parser
SUBDIR += calibrator
SUBDIR += callgrind
SUBDIR += cbrowser
SUBDIR += cc65
SUBDIR += ccache
SUBDIR += cccc
SUBDIR += ccdoc
SUBDIR += ccmalloc
SUBDIR += cdecl
SUBDIR += cdialog
SUBDIR += cdk
SUBDIR += cdoc
SUBDIR += cedet
SUBDIR += cedet-emacs20
SUBDIR += cflow
SUBDIR += cflow2vcg
SUBDIR += cgilib
SUBDIR += cgprof
SUBDIR += chora
SUBDIR += cil
SUBDIR += cl-asdf
SUBDIR += cl-asdf-clisp
SUBDIR += cl-asdf-cmucl
SUBDIR += cl-asdf-sbcl
SUBDIR += cl-port
SUBDIR += cl-port-clisp
SUBDIR += cl-port-sbcl
SUBDIR += cl-split-sequence
SUBDIR += cl-split-sequence-clisp
SUBDIR += cl-split-sequence-cmucl
SUBDIR += cl-split-sequence-sbcl
SUBDIR += cl-uffi
SUBDIR += cl-uffi-cmucl
SUBDIR += cl-uffi-sbcl
SUBDIR += clanlib
SUBDIR += clanlib-devel
SUBDIR += clig
SUBDIR += clint
SUBDIR += clisp-hyperspec
SUBDIR += cmake
SUBDIR += cocktail
SUBDIR += codecrusader
SUBDIR += codeville
SUBDIR += codeworker
SUBDIR += cogito
SUBDIR += colorer
SUBDIR += commoncpp
SUBDIR += cons
SUBDIR += cons-test
SUBDIR += cook
SUBDIR += cpan-upload
SUBDIR += cppadvio
SUBDIR += cppunit
SUBDIR += cproto
SUBDIR += crossgo32
SUBDIR += crossgo32-djgpp2
SUBDIR += crossgo32-djgpp2-pdcurses
SUBDIR += cscope
SUBDIR += cscout
SUBDIR += cssc
SUBDIR += cstringbuffer
SUBDIR += ctags
SUBDIR += cut
SUBDIR += cutils
SUBDIR += cvs+ipv6
SUBDIR += cvs2cl
SUBDIR += cvs2html
SUBDIR += cvs2p4
SUBDIR += cvs2svn
SUBDIR += cvsadmin
SUBDIR += cvsbook
SUBDIR += cvschk
SUBDIR += cvsd
SUBDIR += cvsdelta
SUBDIR += cvsdiff2patch
SUBDIR += cvsgraph
SUBDIR += cvslines
SUBDIR += cvsmapfs
SUBDIR += cvsmonitor
SUBDIR += cvsnt
SUBDIR += cvspadm
SUBDIR += cvsplot
SUBDIR += cvsps
SUBDIR += cvsps-devel
SUBDIR += cvsstat
SUBDIR += cvstrac
SUBDIR += cvsutils
SUBDIR += cvsweb
SUBDIR += cvsweb3
SUBDIR += cvswrap
SUBDIR += cweb
SUBDIR += cxmon
SUBDIR += cxref
SUBDIR += cxxtest
SUBDIR += darcs
SUBDIR += darts
SUBDIR += datadesigner
SUBDIR += dbus
SUBDIR += dbus-sharp
SUBDIR += ddd
SUBDIR += decompyle
SUBDIR += desktop-file-utils
SUBDIR += devhelp
SUBDIR += devtodo
SUBDIR += dia2code
SUBDIR += dialyzer
SUBDIR += diffconvert
SUBDIR += directfb
SUBDIR += distcc
SUBDIR += distel
SUBDIR += dits
SUBDIR += dmake
SUBDIR += dmalloc
SUBDIR += doc++
SUBDIR += doctorj
SUBDIR += dotconf
SUBDIR += dotconf++
SUBDIR += doxygen
SUBDIR += dparser
SUBDIR += dprog
SUBDIR += dumb
SUBDIR += dwarfdump
SUBDIR += e4graph
SUBDIR += ebnf2yacc
SUBDIR += eboxy
SUBDIR += ecb
SUBDIR += ecb-emacs20
SUBDIR += ecgi
SUBDIR += ecos-tools
SUBDIR += eet
SUBDIR += eieio
SUBDIR += eieio-emacs20
SUBDIR += elf
SUBDIR += elfio
SUBDIR += elfsh
SUBDIR += elftoaout
SUBDIR += elib
SUBDIR += elib-emacs19
SUBDIR += elib-emacs20
SUBDIR += entity
SUBDIR += epm
SUBDIR += epydoc
SUBDIR += eric
SUBDIR += eris
SUBDIR += erlslang
SUBDIR += error
SUBDIR += esdl
SUBDIR += esvn
SUBDIR += excalibur-configuration
SUBDIR += f77flow
SUBDIR += fam
SUBDIR += fampp
SUBDIR += fastcrc
SUBDIR += fastdep
SUBDIR += fc++
SUBDIR += ffcall
SUBDIR += fhist
SUBDIR += fib
SUBDIR += flick
SUBDIR += florist
SUBDIR += flowdesigner
SUBDIR += flyspray
SUBDIR += fnccheck
SUBDIR += fnorb
SUBDIR += fortran-utils
SUBDIR += fpc-fvision
SUBDIR += fpc-gdb
SUBDIR += fpc-gdbint
SUBDIR += fpc-regexpr
SUBDIR += fpp
SUBDIR += freebase
SUBDIR += freelibiberty
SUBDIR += freeride
SUBDIR += freescope
SUBDIR += frink
SUBDIR += fsmgenerator
SUBDIR += ftnchek
SUBDIR += fujaba
SUBDIR += funnelweb
SUBDIR += g-wrap
SUBDIR += g2c
SUBDIR += gaa
SUBDIR += gamin
SUBDIR += gaphor
SUBDIR += gauche-gaunit
SUBDIR += gauche-readline
SUBDIR += gauche-sdl
SUBDIR += gaul
SUBDIR += gccxml
SUBDIR += gconf
SUBDIR += gconf2
SUBDIR += gconfmm
SUBDIR += gconfmm26
SUBDIR += gcvs
SUBDIR += gdb53
SUBDIR += gdb53-act
SUBDIR += gdb6
SUBDIR += gdbmods
SUBDIR += gengameng
SUBDIR += gengetopt
SUBDIR += genproto
SUBDIR += gettext
SUBDIR += gettext-lint
SUBDIR += getxml
SUBDIR += gindent
SUBDIR += glade2
SUBDIR += glademm
SUBDIR += glib12
SUBDIR += glib20
SUBDIR += glibmm
SUBDIR += global
SUBDIR += glrparser
SUBDIR += glui
SUBDIR += gmake
SUBDIR += gnome-vfsmm
SUBDIR += gnome2-hacker-tools
SUBDIR += gnomebuild
SUBDIR += gnomecommon
SUBDIR += gnomecrash
SUBDIR += gnomevfs
SUBDIR += gnomevfs2
SUBDIR += gnu-autoconf
SUBDIR += gnu-automake
SUBDIR += gnu-libtool
SUBDIR += gnulibiberty
SUBDIR += gnustep
SUBDIR += gnustep-make
SUBDIR += gob2
SUBDIR += gonzui
SUBDIR += google-sparsehash
SUBDIR += gorm
SUBDIR += gperf
SUBDIR += gputils
SUBDIR += gsoap
SUBDIR += gstreamer-plugins-gconf
SUBDIR += gstreamer-plugins-gnomevfs
SUBDIR += gstreamer-plugins-sdl
SUBDIR += gtgt
SUBDIR += gtranslator
SUBDIR += guikachu
SUBDIR += gvd
SUBDIR += gwenhywfar
SUBDIR += happydoc
SUBDIR += hapy
SUBDIR += hptools
SUBDIR += hs-alex
SUBDIR += hs-buddha
SUBDIR += hs-c2hs
SUBDIR += hs-cpphs
SUBDIR += hs-crypto
SUBDIR += hs-drift
SUBDIR += hs-green-card
SUBDIR += hs-haddock
SUBDIR += hs-happy
SUBDIR += hs-hat
SUBDIR += hs-hdoc
SUBDIR += hs-hmake
SUBDIR += hs-hpl
SUBDIR += hs-idoc
SUBDIR += hs-popenhs
SUBDIR += hs-tclhaskell-ghc
SUBDIR += hs-uni
SUBDIR += hypersrc
SUBDIR += i386-rtems-binutils
SUBDIR += i386-rtems-g77
SUBDIR += i386-rtems-gcc
SUBDIR += i386-rtems-gdb
SUBDIR += i386-rtems-objc
SUBDIR += i960-rtems-binutils
SUBDIR += i960-rtems-gcc
SUBDIR += i960-rtems-gdb
SUBDIR += ice
SUBDIR += icu
SUBDIR += icu2
SUBDIR += id-utils
SUBDIR += ifd-test
SUBDIR += imake-4
SUBDIR += imake-6
SUBDIR += inilib
SUBDIR += initutil
SUBDIR += invitation_to_ruby
SUBDIR += ipython
SUBDIR += ireport
SUBDIR += itext
SUBDIR += ixlib
SUBDIR += jakelib2
SUBDIR += jam
SUBDIR += java-util-concurrent
SUBDIR += jclassinfo
SUBDIR += jcmdline
SUBDIR += jep
SUBDIR += jrtplib
SUBDIR += jsap
SUBDIR += jude-community
SUBDIR += judy
SUBDIR += kaptain
SUBDIR += kcachegrind
SUBDIR += kdbg
SUBDIR += kdesdk3
SUBDIR += kdevelop
SUBDIR += kimwitu
SUBDIR += kimwitu++
SUBDIR += klassmodeler
SUBDIR += kodos
SUBDIR += korelib
SUBDIR += kprof
SUBDIR += kscope
SUBDIR += kyra
SUBDIR += lbpp
SUBDIR += leaktracer
SUBDIR += lemon
SUBDIR += leoarg
SUBDIR += libPropList
SUBDIR += libU77
SUBDIR += libafterbase
SUBDIR += libassa
SUBDIR += libassetml
SUBDIR += libast
SUBDIR += libavl
SUBDIR += libbfd
SUBDIR += libbinio
SUBDIR += libbnr
SUBDIR += libbonobo
SUBDIR += libbonobomm
SUBDIR += libcapsinetwork
SUBDIR += libccid
SUBDIR += libcheck
SUBDIR += libchipcard
SUBDIR += libchipcard-kde
SUBDIR += libcii
SUBDIR += libconfuse
SUBDIR += libcoro
SUBDIR += libcwd
SUBDIR += libdict
SUBDIR += libdlmalloc
SUBDIR += libds
SUBDIR += libdsp
SUBDIR += libdwarf
SUBDIR += libedit
SUBDIR += libelf
SUBDIR += libevent
SUBDIR += libexecinfo
SUBDIR += libffi
SUBDIR += libformat
SUBDIR += libfs++
SUBDIR += libg++
SUBDIR += libgconf-java
SUBDIR += libgetline
SUBDIR += libghthash
SUBDIR += libgii
SUBDIR += libgiigic
SUBDIR += libglade
SUBDIR += libglade-java
SUBDIR += libglade2
SUBDIR += libglademm
SUBDIR += libglademm24
SUBDIR += libgnugetopt
SUBDIR += libgsf
SUBDIR += libgsf-gnome
SUBDIR += libgtop2
SUBDIR += libgutenfetch
SUBDIR += libhash
SUBDIR += libhoard
SUBDIR += libical
SUBDIR += libidn
SUBDIR += libltdl15
SUBDIR += libmatheval
SUBDIR += libmba
SUBDIR += libmcve
SUBDIR += libmimedir
SUBDIR += libmtrie
SUBDIR += libmusclecard
SUBDIR += libnaji
SUBDIR += liboil
SUBDIR += libol
SUBDIR += libole2
SUBDIR += liboop
SUBDIR += libopendaap
SUBDIR += libopensync
SUBDIR += libowfat
SUBDIR += libpci
SUBDIR += libpdel
SUBDIR += libpeak
SUBDIR += libpreps
SUBDIR += libpreps-devel
SUBDIR += libredblack
SUBDIR += libshbuf
SUBDIR += libshhmsg
SUBDIR += libshhopt
SUBDIR += libsigc++
SUBDIR += libsigc++12
SUBDIR += libsigc++20
SUBDIR += libsigcx
SUBDIR += libsigsegv
SUBDIR += libslang
SUBDIR += libslang2
SUBDIR += libsoup
SUBDIR += libstatgrab
SUBDIR += libstrfunc
SUBDIR += libstroke
SUBDIR += libtai
SUBDIR += libtap
SUBDIR += libtar
SUBDIR += libtecla
SUBDIR += libticalcs
SUBDIR += libtifiles
SUBDIR += libtool13
SUBDIR += libtool15
SUBDIR += libukcprog
SUBDIR += libunicode
SUBDIR += libusb
SUBDIR += libvanessa_adt
SUBDIR += libvanessa_logger
SUBDIR += libvanessa_socket
SUBDIR += libvc
SUBDIR += libxalloc
SUBDIR += libzt
SUBDIR += libzvbi
SUBDIR += lightning
SUBDIR += lincvs
SUBDIR += linux-allegro
SUBDIR += linux-glib2
SUBDIR += linux-libglade
SUBDIR += linux-runrev
SUBDIR += linux-sdl12
SUBDIR += linux-understand_ada
SUBDIR += linux-understand_c
SUBDIR += linux-understand_java
SUBDIR += linux_devtools
SUBDIR += linux_devtools-6
SUBDIR += linux_devtools-7
SUBDIR += linux_kdump
SUBDIR += linuxthreads
SUBDIR += log4c
SUBDIR += log4cplus
SUBDIR += log4cpp
SUBDIR += log4cxx
SUBDIR += log4j
SUBDIR += log4sh
SUBDIR += looks
SUBDIR += lwp
SUBDIR += m17n-db
SUBDIR += m17n-docs
SUBDIR += m17n-lib
SUBDIR += m4
SUBDIR += m6811-binutils
SUBDIR += m6811-gcc
SUBDIR += m68k-rtems-binutils
SUBDIR += m68k-rtems-g77
SUBDIR += m68k-rtems-gcc
SUBDIR += m68k-rtems-gdb
SUBDIR += m68k-rtems-objc
SUBDIR += make++
SUBDIR += makedepend
SUBDIR += makeplus
SUBDIR += maketool
SUBDIR += maven
SUBDIR += memcheck
SUBDIR += mercator
SUBDIR += mercurial
SUBDIR += meta-cvs
SUBDIR += mico
SUBDIR += mime
SUBDIR += mingw
SUBDIR += mingw-bin-msvcrt
SUBDIR += mingw-binutils
SUBDIR += mingw-gcc
SUBDIR += mingw-opengl-headers
SUBDIR += mingw32-bin-msvcrt
SUBDIR += mingw32-binutils
SUBDIR += mingw32-gcc
SUBDIR += mips-rtems-binutils
SUBDIR += mips-rtems-g77
SUBDIR += mips-rtems-gcc
SUBDIR += mips-rtems-gdb
SUBDIR += mips-rtems-objc
SUBDIR += mipsel-linux-binutils
SUBDIR += mipsel-linux-gcc
SUBDIR += mipsel-linux-kernel-headers
SUBDIR += mk
SUBDIR += mkcmd
SUBDIR += mkmf
SUBDIR += mm
SUBDIR += mob
SUBDIR += mono-tools
SUBDIR += monodoc
SUBDIR += monotone
SUBDIR += motor
SUBDIR += mpatrol
SUBDIR += mprof
SUBDIR += msp430-binutils
SUBDIR += msp430-gcc
SUBDIR += msp430-gdb
SUBDIR += msp430-libc
SUBDIR += msrc0
SUBDIR += nana
SUBDIR += nant
SUBDIR += nasm
SUBDIR += naturaldocs
SUBDIR += ncnf
SUBDIR += ncurses
SUBDIR += newfile
SUBDIR += newt
SUBDIR += ngpt
SUBDIR += noweb
SUBDIR += nspr
SUBDIR += nx
SUBDIR += oaf
SUBDIR += ocaml-camomile
SUBDIR += ocaml-classes
SUBDIR += ocaml-equeue
SUBDIR += ocaml-extlib
SUBDIR += ocaml-findlib
SUBDIR += ocaml-pcre
SUBDIR += ocaml-sdl
SUBDIR += ocaml-sem
SUBDIR += ocaml-ulex
SUBDIR += ocamlweb
SUBDIR += ode
SUBDIR += omniNotify
SUBDIR += oniguruma
SUBDIR += openorb
SUBDIR += openthreads
SUBDIR += opentop
SUBDIR += openzz
SUBDIR += orbitcpp
SUBDIR += oskit
SUBDIR += ossp-al
SUBDIR += ossp-cfg
SUBDIR += ossp-ex
SUBDIR += ossp-l2
SUBDIR += ossp-val
SUBDIR += ossp-var
SUBDIR += ossp-xds
SUBDIR += p4.el
SUBDIR += p4api
SUBDIR += p4db
SUBDIR += p4delta
SUBDIR += p4genpatch
SUBDIR += p4v
SUBDIR += p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar
SUBDIR += p5-Agent
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Accounting
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Annotate
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Bucketizer
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-ChooseSubsets
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Cluster
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Diff
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Evolutionary
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Interval2Prefix
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-LUHN
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-MDiff
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-MarkovChain
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-MinMax
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-NaiveBayes
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Networksort
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Numerical-Shuffle
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Permute
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-SVM
SUBDIR += p5-Alias
SUBDIR += p5-Alzabo
SUBDIR += p5-Alzabo-GUI-Mason
SUBDIR += p5-App-Info
SUBDIR += p5-AppConfig
SUBDIR += p5-AppConfig-Std
SUBDIR += p5-Array-Iterator
SUBDIR += p5-Array-Window
SUBDIR += p5-AtExit
SUBDIR += p5-Attribute-Handlers
SUBDIR += p5-Attribute-Handlers-Prospective
SUBDIR += p5-Attribute-Persistent
SUBDIR += p5-B-Deobfuscate
SUBDIR += p5-B-Graph
SUBDIR += p5-B-Keywords
SUBDIR += p5-B-Size
SUBDIR += p5-BSD-Resource
SUBDIR += p5-BSD-stat
SUBDIR += p5-C-Scan
SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-DistnameInfo
SUBDIR += p5-CPAN-Mini
SUBDIR += p5-Cache
SUBDIR += p5-Cache-Cache
SUBDIR += p5-Cache-FastMmap
SUBDIR += p5-Cache-Mmap
SUBDIR += p5-Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry
SUBDIR += p5-Calendar-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Carp-Assert
SUBDIR += p5-Carp-Clan
SUBDIR += p5-Carp-Datum
SUBDIR += p5-Cdk
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Accessor
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Accessor-Chained
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Accessor-Lvalue
SUBDIR += p5-Class-AlzaboWrapper
SUBDIR += p5-Class-ArrayObjects
SUBDIR += p5-Class-AutoClass
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Autouse
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Base
SUBDIR += p5-Class-BlackHole
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Container
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Contract
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Data-Inheritable
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Date
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Default
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Delegation
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Factory
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Factory-Util
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Fields
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Generate
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Gomor-Hash
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Handle
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Hook
SUBDIR += p5-Class-ISA
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Inner
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Inspector
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Loader
SUBDIR += p5-Class-MakeMethods
SUBDIR += p5-Class-MethodMaker
SUBDIR += p5-Class-MethodMapper
SUBDIR += p5-Class-NamedParms
SUBDIR += p5-Class-ObjectTemplate
SUBDIR += p5-Class-ObjectTemplate-DB
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Observable
SUBDIR += p5-Class-ParmList
SUBDIR += p5-Class-ReturnValue
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Roles
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Singleton
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Tangram
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Tom
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Trigger
SUBDIR += p5-Class-Virtual
SUBDIR += p5-Class-WhiteHole
SUBDIR += p5-Class-XPath
SUBDIR += p5-Clone
SUBDIR += p5-Commands-Guarded
SUBDIR += p5-Config-Auto
SUBDIR += p5-Config-Fast
SUBDIR += p5-Config-General
SUBDIR += p5-Config-Ini
SUBDIR += p5-Config-IniFiles
SUBDIR += p5-Config-Objective
SUBDIR += p5-Config-Setting
SUBDIR += p5-Config-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Config-Tiny
SUBDIR += p5-ConfigReader
SUBDIR += p5-ConfigReader-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Coro
SUBDIR += p5-Curses
SUBDIR += p5-Curses-Application
SUBDIR += p5-Curses-Forms
SUBDIR += p5-Curses-UI
SUBDIR += p5-Curses-Widgets
SUBDIR += p5-DB_File-Lock
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Compare
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Dump
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Dump-Streamer
SUBDIR += p5-Data-DumpXML
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Dumper
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Dumper-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Flow
SUBDIR += p5-Data-HexDump
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Hexdumper
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Hierarchy
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Properties
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Random
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Serializer
SUBDIR += p5-Data-ShowTable
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Stag
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Table
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Taxonomy-Tags
SUBDIR += p5-Data-TemporaryBag
SUBDIR += p5-Data-TreeDumper
SUBDIR += p5-Data-UUID
SUBDIR += p5-Date-Calc
SUBDIR += p5-Date-DayOfWeek
SUBDIR += p5-Date-Easter
SUBDIR += p5-Date-ICal
SUBDIR += p5-Date-ISO
SUBDIR += p5-Date-Leapyear
SUBDIR += p5-Date-Manip
SUBDIR += p5-Date-Pcalc
SUBDIR += p5-Date-Roman
SUBDIR += p5-Date-Set
SUBDIR += p5-Date-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-DateConvert
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-Christian
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-FrenchRevolutionary
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-Hebrew
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-Julian
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-Mayan
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Calendar-Pataphysical
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-Cron
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-Easter
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-ICal
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-NameDay
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-Random
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-Recurrence
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Event-Sunrise
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Fiscal-Year
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Baby
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Bork
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Builder
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-DBI
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-DateManip
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Duration
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Epoch
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Excel
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-HTTP
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-IBeat
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-ICal
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-ISO8601
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Mail
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-MySQL
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Pg
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Roman
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-Strptime
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Functions
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-HiRes
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Incomplete
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Locale
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Precise
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-Set
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-TimeZone
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-TimeZone-Alias
SUBDIR += p5-DateTime-TimeZone-LMT
SUBDIR += p5-Decision-ACL
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Arena
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Constants
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Cover
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Cycle
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-DProf
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-DProfPP
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Diagram
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Leak
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-LeakTrace
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Modlist
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-ObjectTracker
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-PPPort
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Peek
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Pointer
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Profile
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Profiler
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Size
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-SmallProf
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-StackTrace
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-StealthDebug
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Symdump
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-Trace
SUBDIR += p5-Devel-ptkdb
SUBDIR += p5-Dialog
SUBDIR += p5-Encode-compat
SUBDIR += p5-Env-PS1
SUBDIR += p5-Errno
SUBDIR += p5-Event
SUBDIR += p5-Exception-Class
SUBDIR += p5-Exporter-Lite
SUBDIR += p5-Exporter-Tidy
SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-CBuilder
SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-Constant
SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-Depends
SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-MakeMaker
SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-ParseXS
SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-PkgConfig
SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-XSBuilder
SUBDIR += p5-File-BaseDir
SUBDIR += p5-File-BasicFlock
SUBDIR += p5-File-Binary
SUBDIR += p5-File-Cache
SUBDIR += p5-File-DirSync
SUBDIR += p5-File-FTS
SUBDIR += p5-File-Find-Rule
SUBDIR += p5-File-Flat
SUBDIR += p5-File-Flock
SUBDIR += p5-File-Grep
SUBDIR += p5-File-HomeDir
SUBDIR += p5-File-Lock
SUBDIR += p5-File-MMagic
SUBDIR += p5-File-MimeInfo
SUBDIR += p5-File-Modified
SUBDIR += p5-File-NCopy
SUBDIR += p5-File-NFSLock
SUBDIR += p5-File-Path-Expand
SUBDIR += p5-File-PathConvert
SUBDIR += p5-File-ReadBackwards
SUBDIR += p5-File-Remove
SUBDIR += p5-File-Slurp
SUBDIR += p5-File-Sync
SUBDIR += p5-File-Tail
SUBDIR += p5-File-Temp
SUBDIR += p5-File-Type
SUBDIR += p5-File-chdir
SUBDIR += p5-FileHandle-Unget
SUBDIR += p5-Filesys-Statvfs_Df
SUBDIR += p5-Filesys-Virtual
SUBDIR += p5-Filesys-Virtual-Plain
SUBDIR += p5-Filter
SUBDIR += p5-FreezeThaw
SUBDIR += p5-Getargs-Long
SUBDIR += p5-Getopt-ArgvFile
SUBDIR += p5-Getopt-Declare
SUBDIR += p5-Getopt-Long
SUBDIR += p5-Getopt-Mixed
SUBDIR += p5-Getopt-Popt
SUBDIR += p5-Glib2
SUBDIR += p5-Gnome2-GConf
SUBDIR += p5-Heap
SUBDIR += p5-Heap-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Heap-Simple-Perl
SUBDIR += p5-Heap-Simple-XS
SUBDIR += p5-Hook-LexWrap
SUBDIR += p5-IO-All
SUBDIR += p5-IO-Capture
SUBDIR += p5-IO-CaptureOutput
SUBDIR += p5-IO-Digest
SUBDIR += p5-IO-Multiplex
SUBDIR += p5-IO-Pager
SUBDIR += p5-IO-String
SUBDIR += p5-IO-Stty
SUBDIR += p5-IO-Tee
SUBDIR += p5-IO-Tty
SUBDIR += p5-IO-Util
SUBDIR += p5-IO-stringy
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Cache
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Cmd
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Locker
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Run
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Run3
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-ShareLite
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-Shareable
SUBDIR += p5-IPC-SharedCache
SUBDIR += p5-Include
SUBDIR += p5-Inline
SUBDIR += p5-Inline-ASM
SUBDIR += p5-Inline-CPP
SUBDIR += p5-Inline-Filters
SUBDIR += p5-Inline-Java
SUBDIR += p5-Inline-Tcl
SUBDIR += p5-Ioctl
SUBDIR += p5-List-Group
SUBDIR += p5-Locale-Maketext
SUBDIR += p5-Locale-Maketext-Fuzzy
SUBDIR += p5-Locale-Maketext-Gettext
SUBDIR += p5-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon
SUBDIR += p5-Locale-Maketext-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Locale-PGetText
SUBDIR += p5-Locale-gettext
SUBDIR += p5-Locale-libintl
SUBDIR += p5-LockFile-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Accounting-SVK
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Agent
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Agent-Logger
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-Config
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Dispatch-Perl
SUBDIR += p5-Log-Log4perl
SUBDIR += p5-Log-TraceMessages
SUBDIR += p5-Mac-FileSpec-Unixish
SUBDIR += p5-Make
SUBDIR += p5-Memoize
SUBDIR += p5-Memoize-ExpireLRU
SUBDIR += p5-Mknod
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Build
SUBDIR += p5-Module-CoreList
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Info
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Info-File
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Install
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Load
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Load-Conditional
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Pluggable
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Pluggable-Fast
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Pluggable-Ordered
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Refresh
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Reload
SUBDIR += p5-Module-ScanDeps
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Starter
SUBDIR += p5-Module-Versions-Report
SUBDIR += p5-Net-LibIDN
SUBDIR += p5-OLE-Storage_Lite
SUBDIR += p5-OOTools
SUBDIR += p5-ORBit
SUBDIR += p5-Object-MultiType
SUBDIR += p5-Object-Realize-Later
SUBDIR += p5-P4
SUBDIR += p5-P4-Client
SUBDIR += p5-PAR-Dist
SUBDIR += p5-PCSC-Card
SUBDIR += p5-POE-API-Hooks
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Child
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-DebugShell
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-DirWatch
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-IKC
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-JobQueue
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Logger
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-RSS
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Server-XMLRPC
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-TSTP
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Devel-Profiler
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Exceptions
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Session-MultiDispatch
SUBDIR += p5-PPerl
SUBDIR += p5-Parallel-ForkManager
SUBDIR += p5-Params-CallbackRequest
SUBDIR += p5-Params-Check
SUBDIR += p5-Params-Util
SUBDIR += p5-Params-Validate
SUBDIR += p5-Parse-CPAN-Packages
SUBDIR += p5-Parse-PerlConfig
SUBDIR += p5-Parse-RecDescent
SUBDIR += p5-Parse-Yapp
SUBDIR += p5-ParseLex
SUBDIR += p5-PatchReader
SUBDIR += p5-PathTools
SUBDIR += p5-Path-Class
SUBDIR += p5-Penguin
SUBDIR += p5-Penguin-Easy
SUBDIR += p5-Perl6-Export
SUBDIR += p5-Perl6-Form
SUBDIR += p5-PerlIO-eol
SUBDIR += p5-PerlIO-via-MD5
SUBDIR += p5-PerlIO-via-dynamic
SUBDIR += p5-PerlIO-via-symlink
SUBDIR += p5-PerlMenu
SUBDIR += p5-Pod-Coverage
SUBDIR += p5-Proc-Background
SUBDIR += p5-Proc-Daemon
SUBDIR += p5-Proc-PID-File
SUBDIR += p5-Proc-PIDFile
SUBDIR += p5-Proc-ProcessTable
SUBDIR += p5-Proc-Reliable
SUBDIR += p5-Proc-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Project-Gantt
SUBDIR += p5-Rcs
SUBDIR += p5-Rcs-Agent
SUBDIR += p5-ReadLine-Gnu
SUBDIR += p5-ReadLine-Perl
SUBDIR += p5-Regexp-Assemble
SUBDIR += p5-Regexp-Shellish
SUBDIR += p5-Religion
SUBDIR += p5-ResourcePool
SUBDIR += p5-Resources
SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Mirror
SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Notify
SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-SVN-Web
SUBDIR += p5-Search-Binary
SUBDIR += p5-Set-Array
SUBDIR += p5-Set-Crontab
SUBDIR += p5-Set-Infinite
SUBDIR += p5-Set-NestedGroups
SUBDIR += p5-Set-Object
SUBDIR += p5-Set-Scalar
SUBDIR += p5-Shape
SUBDIR += p5-Shell-Base
SUBDIR += p5-Shell-Parser
SUBDIR += p5-Smart-Comments
SUBDIR += p5-Sort-Array
SUBDIR += p5-Sort-ArrayOfArrays
SUBDIR += p5-Sort-Tree
SUBDIR += p5-Sort-Versions
SUBDIR += p5-Spiffy
SUBDIR += p5-Spoon
SUBDIR += p5-Storable
SUBDIR += p5-String-Approx
SUBDIR += p5-String-CRC32
SUBDIR += p5-String-Checker
SUBDIR += p5-String-Ediff
SUBDIR += p5-String-LRC
SUBDIR += p5-String-Parity
SUBDIR += p5-String-Random
SUBDIR += p5-String-RexxParse
SUBDIR += p5-String-Similarity
SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Override
SUBDIR += p5-Sub-Uplevel
SUBDIR += p5-Sys-Mmap
SUBDIR += p5-System2
SUBDIR += p5-Term-ANSIColor
SUBDIR += p5-Term-ANSIScreen
SUBDIR += p5-Term-ProgressBar
SUBDIR += p5-Term-Prompt
SUBDIR += p5-Term-Query
SUBDIR += p5-Term-ReadKey
SUBDIR += p5-Term-ReadLine-Zoid
SUBDIR += p5-Term-Screen
SUBDIR += p5-Term-Shell
SUBDIR += p5-Term-Size
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Builder-Tester
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Class
SUBDIR += p5-Test-ClassAPI
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Cmd
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Deep
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Differences
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Exception
SUBDIR += p5-Test-File
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Harness
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Inline
SUBDIR += p5-Test-LectroTest
SUBDIR += p5-Test-LongString
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Manifest
SUBDIR += p5-Test-MockModule
SUBDIR += p5-Test-MockObject
SUBDIR += p5-Test-NoWarnings
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Pod
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Pod-Coverage
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Reporter
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Tester
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Unit
SUBDIR += p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize
SUBDIR += p5-Test-Warn
SUBDIR += p5-Text-vFile-asData
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Array-Sorted
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-Cache
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-DB_File-SplitHash
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-DB_FileLock
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-File
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-FileLRUCache
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-IxHash
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-iCal
SUBDIR += p5-Time-Duration
SUBDIR += p5-Time-HiRes
SUBDIR += p5-Time-Local
SUBDIR += p5-Time-Object
SUBDIR += p5-Time-Period
SUBDIR += p5-Time-Piece
SUBDIR += p5-Time-modules
SUBDIR += p5-TimeDate
SUBDIR += p5-TraceFuncs
SUBDIR += p5-Tree-Binary
SUBDIR += p5-Tree-DAG_Node
SUBDIR += p5-Tree-Parser
SUBDIR += p5-Tree-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-Tree-Simple-View
SUBDIR += p5-Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory
SUBDIR += p5-UNIVERSAL-exports
SUBDIR += p5-UNIVERSAL-moniker
SUBDIR += p5-Unix-Statgrab
SUBDIR += p5-VCP-Dest-svk
SUBDIR += p5-VCP-Source-cvsbk
SUBDIR += p5-VCP-autrijus
SUBDIR += p5-Want
SUBDIR += p5-base
SUBDIR += p5-enum
SUBDIR += p5-iCal-Parser
SUBDIR += p5-mixin
SUBDIR += p5-prefork
SUBDIR += p5-release
SUBDIR += p5-version
SUBDIR += p65
SUBDIR += parrot
SUBDIR += patch
SUBDIR += pccts
SUBDIR += pcl-cvs-emacs
SUBDIR += pcl-cvs-emacs20
SUBDIR += pcre
SUBDIR += pcre++
SUBDIR += pcre-utf8
SUBDIR += pcsc-lite
SUBDIR += pear-Config
SUBDIR += pear-Console_Getargs
SUBDIR += pear-Console_Getopt
SUBDIR += pear-Console_Table
SUBDIR += pear-Date
SUBDIR += pear-Event_Dispatcher
SUBDIR += pear-FSM
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_BBCodeParser
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Common
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Form
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Javascript
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Page2
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_QuickForm
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_QuickForm_Controller
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_QuickForm_SelectFilter
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Select
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Select_Common
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Table
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Template_Flexy
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Template_IT
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_Template_PHPLIB
SUBDIR += pear-HTML_TreeMenu
SUBDIR += pear-I18N
SUBDIR += pear-OLE
SUBDIR += pear-PEAR_PackageFileManager
SUBDIR += pear-PHPUnit
SUBDIR += pear-PHPUnit2
SUBDIR += pear-PHP_Beautifier
SUBDIR += pear-PHP_Compat
SUBDIR += pear-PHP_CompatInfo
SUBDIR += pear-Pager
SUBDIR += pear-Structures_DataGrid
SUBDIR += pear-System_Command
SUBDIR += pear-Text_Diff
SUBDIR += pear-VFS
SUBDIR += pear-Validate
SUBDIR += pear-Var_Dump
SUBDIR += pear-XML_Parser
SUBDIR += pear-XML_Serializer
SUBDIR += pear-XML_Transformer
SUBDIR += pear-XML_Tree
SUBDIR += pear-XML_Util
SUBDIR += pear-XML_XPath
SUBDIR += pear-apd
SUBDIR += pecl-statgrab
SUBDIR += pedisassem
SUBDIR += perforce
SUBDIR += perltidy
SUBDIR += pharmacy
SUBDIR += php-dbg
SUBDIR += php-xdebug
SUBDIR += php4-dio
SUBDIR += php4-gettext
SUBDIR += php4-mcve
SUBDIR += php4-ncurses
SUBDIR += php4-pcntl
SUBDIR += php4-pcre
SUBDIR += php4-pear
SUBDIR += php4-readline
SUBDIR += php4-shmop
SUBDIR += php4-sysvmsg
SUBDIR += php4-sysvsem
SUBDIR += php4-sysvshm
SUBDIR += php4-tokenizer
SUBDIR += php5-dio
SUBDIR += php5-gettext
SUBDIR += php5-mcve
SUBDIR += php5-ncurses
SUBDIR += php5-pcntl
SUBDIR += php5-pcre
SUBDIR += php5-pear
SUBDIR += php5-readline
SUBDIR += php5-shmop
SUBDIR += php5-sysvmsg
SUBDIR += php5-sysvsem
SUBDIR += php5-sysvshm
SUBDIR += php5-tokenizer
SUBDIR += phpbt
SUBDIR += phptags
SUBDIR += physfs
SUBDIR += picasm
SUBDIR += picp
SUBDIR += picprog
SUBDIR += pinstall
SUBDIR += pkgconfig
SUBDIR += ply
SUBDIR += pmake
SUBDIR += pmk
SUBDIR += popt
SUBDIR += portcheckout
SUBDIR += portlint
SUBDIR += portmk
SUBDIR += porttools
SUBDIR += poslib
SUBDIR += powerpc-rtems-binutils
SUBDIR += powerpc-rtems-g77
SUBDIR += powerpc-rtems-gcc
SUBDIR += powerpc-rtems-gdb
SUBDIR += powerpc-rtems-objc
SUBDIR += ppl
SUBDIR += prcs
SUBDIR += premake
SUBDIR += preps-gui
SUBDIR += privman
SUBDIR += prototype
SUBDIR += psvn
SUBDIR += pth
SUBDIR += ptmalloc
SUBDIR += ptypes
SUBDIR += publib
SUBDIR += pwlib
SUBDIR += py-anonfunc
SUBDIR += py-ansistyle
SUBDIR += py-bison
SUBDIR += py-cheetah
SUBDIR += py-ciphon
SUBDIR += py-clientcookie
SUBDIR += py-coro
SUBDIR += py-ctypes
SUBDIR += py-cxx
SUBDIR += py-dateutil
SUBDIR += py-dbus
SUBDIR += py-dialog
SUBDIR += py-elementtree
SUBDIR += py-fam
SUBDIR += py-fileutils
SUBDIR += py-fortran
SUBDIR += py-freebsd
SUBDIR += py-game
SUBDIR += py-gamin
SUBDIR += py-getargs
SUBDIR += py-grouch
SUBDIR += py-icalendar
SUBDIR += py-istring
SUBDIR += py-kjbuckets
SUBDIR += py-kqueue
SUBDIR += py-ll-core
SUBDIR += py-ll-url
SUBDIR += py-log4py
SUBDIR += py-logging
SUBDIR += py-logilab-common
SUBDIR += py-mx-experimental
SUBDIR += py-ncurses
SUBDIR += py-omniorb
SUBDIR += py-optik
SUBDIR += py-orbit2
SUBDIR += py-parsing
SUBDIR += py-period
SUBDIR += py-plex
SUBDIR += py-pmock
SUBDIR += py-pqueue
SUBDIR += py-psyco
SUBDIR += py-px
SUBDIR += py-repl
SUBDIR += py-resourcepackage
SUBDIR += py-reverse
SUBDIR += py-rlcompleter2
SUBDIR += py-ro
SUBDIR += py-roxlib
SUBDIR += py-sendfile
SUBDIR += py-simpleparse
SUBDIR += py-simpy
SUBDIR += py-sip
SUBDIR += py-spark
SUBDIR += py-statgrab
SUBDIR += py-tables
SUBDIR += py-tconfpy
SUBDIR += py-twisted
SUBDIR += py-twistedCore
SUBDIR += py-twistedFlow
SUBDIR += py-twistedRunner
SUBDIR += py-twistedXish
SUBDIR += py-ui
SUBDIR += py-unit
SUBDIR += py-urwid
SUBDIR += py-vmaps
SUBDIR += py-wsdllib
SUBDIR += py-xdg
SUBDIR += py-xoltar-toolkit
SUBDIR += py-yaml
SUBDIR += py-zopeInterface
SUBDIR += py_otp_interface
SUBDIR += pychecker
SUBDIR += pylint
SUBDIR += pyobfuscate
SUBDIR += pyrex
SUBDIR += pyumlgraph
SUBDIR += qca
SUBDIR += qextmdi
SUBDIR += qmake
SUBDIR += qsa
SUBDIR += qssl
SUBDIR += qtk
SUBDIR += ragel
SUBDIR += rapidsvn
SUBDIR += re2c
SUBDIR += readline
SUBDIR += regexx
SUBDIR += regexxer
SUBDIR += replay
SUBDIR += rhtvision
SUBDIR += rinfo
SUBDIR += rlwrap
SUBDIR += robodoc
SUBDIR += root
SUBDIR += root-doc
SUBDIR += rote
SUBDIR += rpc2
SUBDIR += rtplib
SUBDIR += ruby-amstd
SUBDIR += ruby-aspectr
SUBDIR += ruby-avl
SUBDIR += ruby-bsearch
SUBDIR += ruby-byaccr
SUBDIR += ruby-cache
SUBDIR += ruby-calendar
SUBDIR += ruby-cvs
SUBDIR += ruby-date2
SUBDIR += ruby-dialogs
SUBDIR += ruby-fam
SUBDIR += ruby-filelock
SUBDIR += ruby-filemagic
SUBDIR += ruby-gconf2
SUBDIR += ruby-gemfinder
SUBDIR += ruby-gems
SUBDIR += ruby-gettext
SUBDIR += ruby-glib2
SUBDIR += ruby-gnomevfs
SUBDIR += ruby-gnustep
SUBDIR += ruby-inline
SUBDIR += ruby-intl
SUBDIR += ruby-io-reactor
SUBDIR += ruby-jttui
SUBDIR += ruby-libglade
SUBDIR += ruby-libglade2
SUBDIR += ruby-locale
SUBDIR += ruby-metaruby
SUBDIR += ruby-mmap
SUBDIR += ruby-mock
SUBDIR += ruby-ncurses
SUBDIR += ruby-nodedump
SUBDIR += ruby-p4
SUBDIR += ruby-pcsc-lite
SUBDIR += ruby-poll
SUBDIR += ruby-property
SUBDIR += ruby-racc
SUBDIR += ruby-rbbr
SUBDIR += ruby-rbison
SUBDIR += ruby-rbprof
SUBDIR += ruby-rbtree
SUBDIR += ruby-rjudy
SUBDIR += ruby-robjectteam
SUBDIR += ruby-rrb
SUBDIR += ruby-rreadline
SUBDIR += ruby-rudl
SUBDIR += ruby-sdl
SUBDIR += ruby-setup.rb
SUBDIR += ruby-slang
SUBDIR += ruby-strongtyping
SUBDIR += ruby-sysvipc
SUBDIR += ruby-textbuf
SUBDIR += ruby-tzfile
SUBDIR += rudiments
SUBDIR += rvi
SUBDIR += rvm
SUBDIR += safestr
SUBDIR += scandoc
SUBDIR += scons
SUBDIR += scsh-install-lib
SUBDIR += sdl12
SUBDIR += sdl_ldbad
SUBDIR += sdlmm
SUBDIR += sdts++
SUBDIR += sedsed
SUBDIR += semantic
SUBDIR += semantic-emacs20
SUBDIR += sfio
SUBDIR += sgb
SUBDIR += sgl
SUBDIR += sh-rtems-binutils
SUBDIR += sh-rtems-g77
SUBDIR += sh-rtems-gcc
SUBDIR += sh-rtems-gdb
SUBDIR += sh-rtems-objc
SUBDIR += shapelib
SUBDIR += shmap
SUBDIR += showgrammar
SUBDIR += shtool
SUBDIR += sigslot
SUBDIR += silc-toolkit
SUBDIR += simgear
SUBDIR += simpletest
SUBDIR += simulavr
SUBDIR += skalibs
SUBDIR += smake
SUBDIR += smc
SUBDIR += smv
SUBDIR += soup
SUBDIR += sourcenav
SUBDIR += sparc-rtems-binutils
SUBDIR += sparc-rtems-g77
SUBDIR += sparc-rtems-gcc
SUBDIR += sparc-rtems-gdb
SUBDIR += sparc-rtems-objc
SUBDIR += spin
SUBDIR += splint
SUBDIR += st
SUBDIR += stlfilt
SUBDIR += stlport
SUBDIR += stlport-icc
SUBDIR += str
SUBDIR += strace
SUBDIR += styx
SUBDIR += subversion
SUBDIR += subversion-perl
SUBDIR += subversion-python
SUBDIR += sunterlib
SUBDIR += svk
SUBDIR += swarm
SUBDIR += swig11
SUBDIR += swig13
SUBDIR += swig13-doc
SUBDIR += swigruby
SUBDIR += sysconftool
SUBDIR += t1lib
SUBDIR += tavrasm
SUBDIR += tcl-memchan
SUBDIR += tcl-neo
SUBDIR += tcl-trf
SUBDIR += tclcheck
SUBDIR += tclcl
SUBDIR += tclgetopts
SUBDIR += tcllib
SUBDIR += tclreadline
SUBDIR += tcltls
SUBDIR += tclxml
SUBDIR += tdl
SUBDIR += templ
SUBDIR += terminality
SUBDIR += tide
SUBDIR += tigcc
SUBDIR += tinylaf
SUBDIR += tinyq
SUBDIR += titano
SUBDIR += tkcon
SUBDIR += tkcvs
SUBDIR += tkinspect
SUBDIR += tkmerge
SUBDIR += tkp4
SUBDIR += tkref
SUBDIR += tla
SUBDIR += tmake
SUBDIR += tnt
SUBDIR += towitoko
SUBDIR += tpasm
SUBDIR += tpg
SUBDIR += trio
SUBDIR += tvision
SUBDIR += uclmmbase
SUBDIR += ucpp
SUBDIR += upnp
SUBDIR += ups-debug
SUBDIR += ustl
SUBDIR += valgrind
SUBDIR += valgrind-snapshot
SUBDIR += varconf
SUBDIR += vb2c
SUBDIR += viewcvs
SUBDIR += vstr
SUBDIR += vtcl
SUBDIR += websvn
SUBDIR += wftk
SUBDIR += wininfo
SUBDIR += wizard
SUBDIR += wxGlade
SUBDIR += xfc
SUBDIR += xmake
SUBDIR += xparam
SUBDIR += xtl
SUBDIR += xtla
SUBDIR += xwpe
SUBDIR += xxgdb
SUBDIR += xxl
SUBDIR += yacl
SUBDIR += yasm
SUBDIR += z80-asm
SUBDIR += zendstudio
SUBDIR += zthread
SUBDIR += zziplib
.include <>