Greg Lewis 9404716e92 Add a port of ndiff:
ndiff is a utility for comparing putatively similar files, ignoring small
numeric differences.  The utility is written by Nelson H.  F. Beebe and
covered by the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2.  It may be
built with arbitrary precision support (more powerful) or using built-in
floating point precision, see Makefile.

Assessing the consistency of a numerical program run in multiple
environments (operating systems, architectures, or compilers) can be a
difficult task for a human, as small differences in numerical output values
are expected.  File differencing utilites, such as diff(1), will generally
produce voluminous output, often longer than the original files.

ndiff solves this problem. Taking two two text files expected to be
identical, or at least numerically similar, it allows to specify absolute
and/or relative error tolerances for differences between numerical values
in the two files, and then reports only the lines with values exceeding
those tolerances.  It also tells by how much they differ. A simple example:

% ndiff --relative-error 1.0e-3 test019.txt.1 test019.txt.2
### Maximum relative error in matching lines = 8.64e-51 at line 129 field 4


I've cleaned up the submitted version a little.

PR:		62221
Submitted by:	Stefan A. Deutscher <>
2004-02-18 22:02:39 +00:00

226 lines
5.1 KiB

# $FreeBSD$
SUBDIR += R-a4
SUBDIR += R-letter
SUBDIR += abs
SUBDIR += add
SUBDIR += algae
SUBDIR += apc
SUBDIR += arpack
SUBDIR += arpack++
SUBDIR += asir2000
SUBDIR += atlas
SUBDIR += atlas-devel
SUBDIR += bamg
SUBDIR += biggles
SUBDIR += blacs
SUBDIR += blas
SUBDIR += blitz++
SUBDIR += calc
SUBDIR += calcoo
SUBDIR += calctool
SUBDIR += ccmath
SUBDIR += clarence
SUBDIR += cln
SUBDIR += concorde
SUBDIR += cxsc
SUBDIR += dcdflib
SUBDIR += diehard
SUBDIR += djbfft
SUBDIR += drgeo
SUBDIR += eispack
SUBDIR += emc2
SUBDIR += entropy
SUBDIR += eukleides
SUBDIR += eval
SUBDIR += fbm
SUBDIR += femlab
SUBDIR += fftpack
SUBDIR += fftw
SUBDIR += freefem
SUBDIR += freefem++
SUBDIR += fudgit
SUBDIR += fung-calc
SUBDIR += fxt
SUBDIR += galculator
SUBDIR += gambit
SUBDIR += gap
SUBDIR += gcalctool
SUBDIR += gdcalc
SUBDIR += geg
SUBDIR += gexpr
SUBDIR += glgraph
SUBDIR += glove
SUBDIR += glpk
SUBDIR += gnumeric
SUBDIR += gnumeric2
SUBDIR += gnuplot
SUBDIR += gnuplot+
SUBDIR += grace
SUBDIR += gracetmpl
SUBDIR += graphthing
SUBDIR += gri
SUBDIR += grpn
SUBDIR += gsl
SUBDIR += guppi
SUBDIR += hexcalc
SUBDIR += it++
SUBDIR += itl
SUBDIR += jacal
SUBDIR += jama
SUBDIR += javanns
SUBDIR += kaskade
SUBDIR += koctave
SUBDIR += kseg
SUBDIR += lapack
SUBDIR += lapack++
SUBDIR += libgmp-freebsd
SUBDIR += libgmp4
SUBDIR += libneural
SUBDIR += libranlib
SUBDIR += linalg
SUBDIR += linpack
SUBDIR += linux-dislin
SUBDIR += linux-relview
SUBDIR += lp_solve
SUBDIR += matrix
SUBDIR += maxima
SUBDIR += metis
SUBDIR += metis-edf
SUBDIR += mpexpr
SUBDIR += mprime
SUBDIR += mtl
SUBDIR += mtrxmath
SUBDIR += mupad
SUBDIR += naturalmath
SUBDIR += nauty
SUBDIR += ndiff
SUBDIR += netcdf
SUBDIR += newmat
SUBDIR += ngraph
SUBDIR += nsc2ke
SUBDIR += ntl
SUBDIR += octave
SUBDIR += oleo
SUBDIR += p5-AI-DecisionTree
SUBDIR += p5-AI-NeuralNet-BackProp
SUBDIR += p5-AI-NeuralNet-Mesh
SUBDIR += p5-AI-Perceptron
SUBDIR += p5-Bit-ShiftReg
SUBDIR += p5-Bit-Vector
SUBDIR += p5-Chart-Math-Axis
SUBDIR += p5-Date-Handler
SUBDIR += p5-Graph
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Base85
SUBDIR += p5-Math-BaseCalc
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Bezier
SUBDIR += p5-Math-BigInt
SUBDIR += p5-Math-BigIntFast
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Calc-Units
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Currency
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Expr
SUBDIR += p5-Math-FFT
SUBDIR += p5-Math-FixedPrecision
SUBDIR += p5-Math-GMP
SUBDIR += p5-Math-GSL
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Interpolate
SUBDIR += p5-Math-LinearCombination
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Logic
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Pari
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Random
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Random-MT
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Round
SUBDIR += p5-Math-SimpleVariable
SUBDIR += p5-Math-TrulyRandom
SUBDIR += p5-MatrixReal
SUBDIR += p5-Number-Compare
SUBDIR += p5-Roman
SUBDIR += p5-Set-IntSpan
SUBDIR += p5-Set-Window
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-ChiSquare
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Contingency
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Descriptive
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Distributions
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-LTU
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-OLS
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Table-F
SUBDIR += pari
SUBDIR += pari-devel
SUBDIR += parmetis
SUBDIR += physcalc
SUBDIR += ploticus
SUBDIR += ploticus-nox11
SUBDIR += plplot
SUBDIR += pspp
SUBDIR += py-fpconst
SUBDIR += py-gato
SUBDIR += py-gnuplot
SUBDIR += py-gsl
SUBDIR += py-mpz
SUBDIR += py-numarray
SUBDIR += py-numeric
SUBDIR += py-numeric17
SUBDIR += py-probstat
SUBDIR += py-scientific
SUBDIR += qscanplot
SUBDIR += rascal
SUBDIR += rcalc
SUBDIR += rpc
SUBDIR += rpy
SUBDIR += ruby-algebra
SUBDIR += ruby-bitset
SUBDIR += ruby-bitvector
SUBDIR += ruby-gmp
SUBDIR += ruby-gnuplot
SUBDIR += ruby-math3d
SUBDIR += ruby-narray
SUBDIR += ruby-netcdf
SUBDIR += sc
SUBDIR += scalapack
SUBDIR += scigraphica
SUBDIR += scilab
SUBDIR += sdpa
SUBDIR += slsc
SUBDIR += snns
SUBDIR += solitaire
SUBDIR += spar
SUBDIR += spooles
SUBDIR += spooles-mpich
SUBDIR += ss
SUBDIR += superlu
SUBDIR += superlu_mt
SUBDIR += surf
SUBDIR += taucs
SUBDIR += thx_1138
SUBDIR += topaz
SUBDIR += tvmet
SUBDIR += umatrix
SUBDIR += umfpack
SUBDIR += units
SUBDIR += unixstat
SUBDIR += vecfem
SUBDIR += vtk
SUBDIR += vtk-data
SUBDIR += vtk-examples
SUBDIR += vtk-headers
SUBDIR += vtk-java
SUBDIR += vtk-python
SUBDIR += vtk-tcl
SUBDIR += wingz
SUBDIR += wingz3
SUBDIR += wmcalc
SUBDIR += xgfe
SUBDIR += xgobi
SUBDIR += xgraph
SUBDIR += xldlas
SUBDIR += xlispstat
SUBDIR += xplot
SUBDIR += xspread
SUBDIR += xwpl
SUBDIR += yacas
.include <>