Thomas Morper 60dc26dd79 net-im/prosody: update to 0.12.2

Fixes and improvements

 * util.stanza: Allow U+7F when constructing stazas
 * net.unbound: Preserve built-in defaults and Prosodys settings for luaunbound
 * mod_smacks: Disable not implemented resumption behavior on s2s
 * mod_http: Allow disabling CORS in the http_cors_override option and by default

Minor changes

 * util.json: Accept empty arrays with whitespace
 * util.stanza: Adjust number of return values to handle change in dependency
   of test suite
 * util.startup: Ensure import() is available in prosodyctl
 * mod_storage_sql: Fix initialization when called from prosodyctl
 * mod_storage_sql: Fix the summary API with Postgres
 * mod_admin_shell: Fixes for showing data related to disconnected sessions
 * core.s2smanager: Don’t remove unrelated session on close of bidi session
 * mod_smacks: Don’t send redundant requests for acknowledgement
 * mod_admin_shell: Rename commands user:roles() to user:setroles() and
   user:showroles() to user:roles()
 * mod_smacks: Bounce unhandled stanzas from local origin
 * mod_bookmarks: Reduce log level of message about not having any bookmarks
 * mod_s2s: Fix firing buffer drain events
 * mod_http_files: Log warning about legacy modules using mod_http_files
 * util.startup: Wait for last shutdown steps
 * util.datamapper: Improve handling of schemas with non-obvious “type”
 * util.jsonschema: Fix validation to not assume presence of “type” field
 * util.jsonschema: Use same integer/float logic on Lua 5.2 and 5.3

PR:		268382
Reported by: (maintainer)
2022-12-15 18:16:00 +01:00

4 lines
159 B

TIMESTAMP = 1671011048
SHA256 (prosody-0.12.2.tar.gz) = b662e824114f9f0fb8e9196aa9edab7444d43f94881cbc85c9d74793b938aa16
SIZE (prosody-0.12.2.tar.gz) = 614303