"The comservd program provides a facility to access network terminal server serial ports, such as those available on Xyplex terminal server models, via /dev device file entries. This allows programs such as tip(1) to access devices connected to the terminal server serial ports."
33 lines
620 B
33 lines
620 B
# $FreeBSD$
SUBDIR += asmodem
SUBDIR += bayonne
SUBDIR += bpl+
SUBDIR += comserv
SUBDIR += conserver
SUBDIR += ecu
SUBDIR += gkermit
SUBDIR += gnokii
SUBDIR += hylafax
SUBDIR += kermit
SUBDIR += lrzsz
SUBDIR += mgetty+sendfax
SUBDIR += minicom
SUBDIR += mlan
SUBDIR += mserver
SUBDIR += plp
SUBDIR += qico
SUBDIR += qpage
SUBDIR += seyon
SUBDIR += snooper
SUBDIR += sredird
SUBDIR += tkhylafax
SUBDIR += viewfax
SUBDIR += vpb2
SUBDIR += xcept
SUBDIR += yaps
SUBDIR += zmtx-zmrx
.include <bsd.port.subdir.mk>