
If you haven't met mysql++ before, please take a look at the documentation
in ../../doc/mysql++ before trying to play with these examples.  Thank you.

To compile a mysql++ program,

  o  you have to have libmysqlclient installed on your system.  It's
     provided by the mysql-client port/package.  MySQL++ now needs
     MySQL 3.23 client libraries to run, so if you have old 3.22
     libraries, please upgrade them.

  o  you have to link your programs with the sqlplus library

  o  you have to add "-D_FIX_FOR_BSD_" to your CXXFLAGS environment

For example, you can try to compile with something like this

c++ -D_FIX_FOR_BSD_ -I/usr/local/include/mysql -L/usr/local/lib -lsqlplus -o simple1

Happy mysql++'ing.

					-Miklos Niedermayer (