Jason W. Bacon a0498a53b5 biology/tophat: Fast splice junction mapper for RNA-Seq reads
TopHat is a fast splice junction mapper for RNA-Seq reads. It aligns RNA-Seq
reads to mammalian-sized genomes using the ultra high-throughput short read
aligner Bowtie, and then analyzes the mapping results to identify splice
junctions between exons.


TopHat has been Superseded by HISAT2 and is no longer maintained upstream.
This port is provided mainly for revisiting old studies where TopHat was used.
2019-09-27 00:49:48 +00:00

176 lines
3.9 KiB

# $FreeBSD$
COMMENT = Biology
SUBDIR += abyss
SUBDIR += artemis
SUBDIR += avida
SUBDIR += babel
SUBDIR += bamtools
SUBDIR += bcftools
SUBDIR += bedtools
SUBDIR += biococoa
SUBDIR += bolt-lmm
SUBDIR += bowtie
SUBDIR += bowtie2
SUBDIR += bwa
SUBDIR += canu
SUBDIR += cd-hit
SUBDIR += cdbfasta
SUBDIR += checkm
SUBDIR += chemeq
SUBDIR += clustal-omega
SUBDIR += clustalw
SUBDIR += consed
SUBDIR += cufflinks
SUBDIR += cytoscape
SUBDIR += ddocent
SUBDIR += diamond
SUBDIR += dsr-pdb
SUBDIR += emboss
SUBDIR += exonerate
SUBDIR += fasta
SUBDIR += fasta3
SUBDIR += fastahack
SUBDIR += fastdnaml
SUBDIR += fastool
SUBDIR += fastp
SUBDIR += fastqc
SUBDIR += fasttree
SUBDIR += fastx-toolkit
SUBDIR += figtree
SUBDIR += fluctuate
SUBDIR += freebayes
SUBDIR += garlic
SUBDIR += gatk
SUBDIR += gemma
SUBDIR += gff2ps
SUBDIR += gmap
SUBDIR += gperiodic
SUBDIR += graphlan
SUBDIR += grappa
SUBDIR += groopm
SUBDIR += haplohseq
SUBDIR += hhsuite
SUBDIR += hisat2
SUBDIR += hmmer
SUBDIR += htslib
SUBDIR += hyphy
SUBDIR += igv
SUBDIR += infernal
SUBDIR += iolib
SUBDIR += iqtree
SUBDIR += jalview
SUBDIR += jellyfish
SUBDIR += kallisto
SUBDIR += lagan
SUBDIR += lamarc
SUBDIR += libbigwig
SUBDIR += libgtextutils
SUBDIR += libsbml
SUBDIR += linux-foldingathome
SUBDIR += mafft
SUBDIR += mapm3
SUBDIR += migrate
SUBDIR += minimap2
SUBDIR += molden
SUBDIR += mopac
SUBDIR += mothur
SUBDIR += mrbayes
SUBDIR += mummer
SUBDIR += muscle
SUBDIR += ncbi-blast+
SUBDIR += ncbi-cxx-toolkit
SUBDIR += ncbi-toolkit
SUBDIR += ngs-sdk
SUBDIR += p5-AcePerl
SUBDIR += p5-Bio-ASN1-EntrezGene
SUBDIR += p5-Bio-Cluster
SUBDIR += p5-Bio-Coordinate
SUBDIR += p5-Bio-Das
SUBDIR += p5-Bio-Das-Lite
SUBDIR += p5-Bio-FeatureIO
SUBDIR += p5-Bio-GFF3
SUBDIR += p5-Bio-Glite
SUBDIR += p5-Bio-Graphics
SUBDIR += p5-Bio-Phylo
SUBDIR += p5-Bio-SCF
SUBDIR += p5-BioPerl
SUBDIR += p5-BioPerl-Run
SUBDIR += p5-TrimGalore
SUBDIR += p5-transdecoder
SUBDIR += paml
SUBDIR += pbbam
SUBDIR += pbcopper
SUBDIR += pbseqan
SUBDIR += pear-merger
SUBDIR += phrap
SUBDIR += phred
SUBDIR += phylip
SUBDIR += phyml
SUBDIR += plinkseq
SUBDIR += primer3
SUBDIR += prodigal
SUBDIR += prodigy-lig
SUBDIR += protomol
SUBDIR += psi88
SUBDIR += py-Genesis-PyAPI
SUBDIR += py-biom-format
SUBDIR += py-biopython
SUBDIR += py-bx-python
SUBDIR += py-cutadapt
SUBDIR += py-dnaio
SUBDIR += py-fastTSNE
SUBDIR += py-gffutils
SUBDIR += py-gtfparse
SUBDIR += py-loompy
SUBDIR += py-macs2
SUBDIR += py-multiqc
SUBDIR += py-orange3-bioinformatics
SUBDIR += py-orange3-single-cell
SUBDIR += py-pyfaidx
SUBDIR += py-pysam
SUBDIR += py-xenaPython
SUBDIR += pycogent
SUBDIR += pyfasta
SUBDIR += python-nexus
SUBDIR += rainbow
SUBDIR += recombine
SUBDIR += ruby-bio
SUBDIR += rubygem-bio
SUBDIR += samtools
SUBDIR += seaview
SUBDIR += seqan
SUBDIR += seqan-apps
SUBDIR += seqan1
SUBDIR += seqio
SUBDIR += seqtk
SUBDIR += seqtools
SUBDIR += sim4
SUBDIR += slclust
SUBDIR += smithwaterman
SUBDIR += stacks
SUBDIR += star
SUBDIR += stringtie
SUBDIR += t_coffee
SUBDIR += tabixpp
SUBDIR += tophat
SUBDIR += treekin
SUBDIR += treepuzzle
SUBDIR += trimadap
SUBDIR += trimmomatic
SUBDIR += ugene
SUBDIR += unanimity
SUBDIR += vcflib
SUBDIR += vcftools
SUBDIR += velvet
SUBDIR += viennarna
SUBDIR += vsearch
SUBDIR += wise
.include <>