Koop Mast 377f75536b Update the gnome-games suite to the latest:
Update atomix to 3.22.0.
Update five-or-more to 3.22.2.
Update four-in-a-row to 3.22.1.
Update gnome-2048 to 3.22.0.
Update gnome-chess to 3.24.1.
Update gnome-klotski to 3.22.1.
Update gnome-mahjongg to 3.22.0.
Update gnome-mines to 3.24.0.
Update gnome-nibbles to 3.24.0.
Update gnome-robots to 3.22.1.
Update gnome-sudoku to 3.24.0.
Update gnome-taquin to 3.22.0.
Update gnome-tetravex to 3.22.0.
Update hitori to 3.22.3.
Update iagno to 3.22.0.
Update lightsoff to 3.24.0.
Update quadrapassel to 3.22.0.
Update swell-foop to 3.24.0.
Update tali to 3.22.0.

 * Add licenses
 * Review dependancies
 * Update WWW lines

Obtained from:	gnome devel repo (based on)
2017-05-17 08:44:31 +00:00

4 lines
168 B

TIMESTAMP = 1481308437
SHA256 (gnome3/tali-3.22.0.tar.xz) = 5ba17794d6fb06b794daaffa62a6aaa372b7de8886ce5ec596c37e62bb71728b
SIZE (gnome3/tali-3.22.0.tar.xz) = 1716728