
39 lines
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{ type: install
message: <<EOM
The following configuration will need to be done prior to using
webtrees for the first time:
1. For installation on the apache web server, add the following to your
apache site configuration, and restart the web server:
Alias /webtrees%%VERSION_SUFFIX%% %%WWWDIR%%/
### Add the AcceptPathInfo directive only for Apache 2.0.30
### or later.
AcceptPathInfo On
<Directory %%WWWDIR%%>
AllowOverride None
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
2. Webtrees uses a MySQL database. Configure a MySQL webtrees user
and database using commands such as (substitute PASSWD for something
of your own choosing):
mysql> create user webtrees%%VERSION_SUFFIX%%@localhost identified by PASSWD;
mysql> create database webtrees%%VERSION_SUFFIX%%;
mysql> grant all on webtrees%%VERSION_SUFFIX%%.* to webtrees%%VERSION_SUFFIX%%@localhost;
3. Configure webtrees by browsing to the webtrees URL:
and you should be taken to the setup wizard, which will lead you
through setting up webtrees: asking for the database server, database
user and database name, and then assist you in creating a webtrees
admin account, etc.