Martin Wilke 14a36e4848 As its name suggests, picocom is a minimal dumb-terminal emulation pro-
gram. It is, in principle, very much like minicom(1) , only it's "pico"
instead  of "mini"! It was designed to serve as a simple, manual, modem
configuration, testing, and debugging tool. It has also  served  (quite
well) as a low-tech "terminal-window" to allow operator intervention in
PPP connection scripts (something like the  ms-windows  "open  terminal
window  before / after dialing" feature). It could also prove useful in
many other similar tasks.

2008-11-23 18:22:19 +00:00

163 lines
3.5 KiB

# $FreeBSD$
COMMENT = Communication utilities
SUBDIR += acfax
SUBDIR += aldo
SUBDIR += anyremote
SUBDIR += aprsd
SUBDIR += asmodem
SUBDIR += atslog
SUBDIR += bfhist
SUBDIR += bforce
SUBDIR += bforce-kst
SUBDIR += birda
SUBDIR += bluegps
SUBDIR += bluez-firmware
SUBDIR += bpl+
SUBDIR += cdr_read
SUBDIR += chu
SUBDIR += comserv
SUBDIR += conserver
SUBDIR += conserver-com
SUBDIR += cutecom
SUBDIR += cwdaemon
SUBDIR += ebook2cw
SUBDIR += echolinux
SUBDIR += efax
SUBDIR += efax-gtk
SUBDIR += fldigi
SUBDIR += gammu
SUBDIR += garmin-utils
SUBDIR += geoid
SUBDIR += gfax
SUBDIR += ghfaxviewer
SUBDIR += gkermit
SUBDIR += gmfsk
SUBDIR += gnocky
SUBDIR += gnokii
SUBDIR += gnuradio
SUBDIR += gpredict
SUBDIR += gpsk31
SUBDIR += grig
SUBDIR += gscmxx
SUBDIR += gsmlib
SUBDIR += hamfax
SUBDIR += hamlib
SUBDIR += hcfmdm
SUBDIR += hcidump
SUBDIR += hf
SUBDIR += hso-kmod
SUBDIR += hylafax
SUBDIR += ib-kmod
SUBDIR += ibp
SUBDIR += java-commapi
SUBDIR += java-commapi-freebsd
SUBDIR += jerm
SUBDIR += kallers
SUBDIR += kb
SUBDIR += kermit
SUBDIR += klog
SUBDIR += kmobiletools
SUBDIR += kpsk
SUBDIR += ktrack
SUBDIR += libfec
SUBDIR += libirman
SUBDIR += libsyncml
SUBDIR += libticables
SUBDIR += libticables2
SUBDIR += libticalcs2
SUBDIR += linpsk
SUBDIR += linrad
SUBDIR += lirc
SUBDIR += locator
SUBDIR += lrzsz
SUBDIR += ltmdm
SUBDIR += mgetty+sendfax
SUBDIR += minicom
SUBDIR += mlan
SUBDIR += mlan3
SUBDIR += mserver
SUBDIR += nasawash
SUBDIR += ncid
SUBDIR += nec2c
SUBDIR += nokryptia
SUBDIR += o2sms
SUBDIR += obexapp
SUBDIR += openobex
SUBDIR += p5-Device-Gsm
SUBDIR += p5-Device-Modem
SUBDIR += p5-Device-SerialPort
SUBDIR += p5-Fax-Hylafax-Client
SUBDIR += p5-SMS-Send
SUBDIR += p5-SMS-Send-DeviceGsm
SUBDIR += p5-SMS-Send-TW-PChome
SUBDIR += p5-SMS-Send-TW-ShareSMS
SUBDIR += p5-SMS-Send-TW-emome
SUBDIR += picocom
SUBDIR += plp
SUBDIR += pr
SUBDIR += predict
SUBDIR += py-bulksms
SUBDIR += py-lirc
SUBDIR += py-serial
SUBDIR += pyla
SUBDIR += qfaxreader
SUBDIR += qico
SUBDIR += qicosi
SUBDIR += qpage
SUBDIR += qrq
SUBDIR += qsstv
SUBDIR += ruby-serialport
SUBDIR += ruby-termios
SUBDIR += rxtx
SUBDIR += scmxx
SUBDIR += scud
SUBDIR += ser2net
SUBDIR += serialoverip
SUBDIR += seyon
SUBDIR += sms_client
SUBDIR += smstools
SUBDIR += smstools3
SUBDIR += snooper
SUBDIR += soundmodem
SUBDIR += spandsp
SUBDIR += spandsp-devel
SUBDIR += spandsp-devel5
SUBDIR += splat
SUBDIR += sredird
SUBDIR += syncterm
SUBDIR += tcpser
SUBDIR += thebridge
SUBDIR += tilp2
SUBDIR += tits
SUBDIR += tkhylafax
SUBDIR += tkscanfax
SUBDIR += tlf
SUBDIR += trustedqsl
SUBDIR += twpsk
SUBDIR += uird
SUBDIR += unixcw
SUBDIR += uticom
SUBDIR += viewfax
SUBDIR += vrflash
SUBDIR += wsjt
SUBDIR += wwl
SUBDIR += wy60
SUBDIR += xastir
SUBDIR += xcept
SUBDIR += xdx
SUBDIR += xlog
SUBDIR += xmorse
SUBDIR += xnecview
SUBDIR += xwota
SUBDIR += yagiuda
SUBDIR += yaps
SUBDIR += yawmppp
SUBDIR += yfklog
SUBDIR += zmtx-zmrx
SUBDIR += zssh
.include <>