Po-Chuan Hsieh 2be576619f
www/rubygem-faraday-follow_redirects: Add rubygem-faraday-follow_redirects 0.3.0
Faraday 2.x compatible extraction of FaradayMiddleware::FollowRedirects. This
gem will also work with Faraday 1.x, to support gem codebases which can work
with Faraday 1.x or 2.x. For the former standard version of this middleware for
Faraday 1.x, check out Faraday
1.x support is considered deprecated, please update to Faraday 2.x.
2022-10-10 03:45:25 +08:00

4 lines
199 B

TIMESTAMP = 1665330602
SHA256 (rubygem/faraday-follow_redirects-0.3.0.gem) = d92d975635e2c7fe525dd494fcd4b9bb7f0a4a0ec0d5f4c15c729530fdb807f9
SIZE (rubygem/faraday-follow_redirects-0.3.0.gem) = 8704