Rodrigo Osorio e2e8fe73c9 graphics/mypaint-brushes2: Add new port for mypaint-brushes v2
Add this new port as a dependency of graphics/mypaint.

mypaint-brushes V2 is mostly identical to 1.3 brushes with a few tweaks
for some new inputs available in mypaint 2.x, such as viewzoom and viewrotation
Existing mypaint-brushes V1 branch still maintained, and is required by
many GTK tools such as Gimp.

Major changes since v2.0.0
 - Include Dieterle brushes
 - reductions to the file sizes of the preview icons.

PR:		235805
Submitted by:	Greg V <>
2020-03-28 11:32:04 +00:00

4 lines
200 B

TIMESTAMP = 1584895759
SHA256 (mypaint-mypaint-brushes-v2.0.2_GH0.tar.gz) = 01032550dd817bb0f8e85d83a632ed2e50bc16e0735630839e6c508f02f800ac
SIZE (mypaint-mypaint-brushes-v2.0.2_GH0.tar.gz) = 1564926