Fernando Apesteguía 69aa629543 textproc/bibtool: update to 2.68

 * Handling of extracting by aux file improved.

 * Record extended by attribute lineno.
   This attribute carries the line number of the initiating \@.

 * The format of the error messages has been slightly streamlined.
   Double spaces are avoided; two colons in one message are avoided.

 * The format of the messages of `check_rule` include file and line

 * Warning for double fields added.

 * The empty output file is used to signal that the output should be

 * The resources `check.warning.rule` and `check.error.rule`
   have been introduced to allow semantic checks to be classified as
   warning or error.

 * The behaviour of the resource `check.double` has been
   generalized. The requirement of double entries to be adjacent
   has been dropped. This has the impact that the processing is
   slightly slower.

 * New resource file `unique.field` intruduced. With this
   resource it is possible to specify additional unique constraints
   for fields. If different records have the same value for one of
   those fields then a warning is issued.

 * Static library renamed from libbib.a to libbibtool.a.

Reported by:	portscout
2020-04-15 11:16:36 +00:00

4 lines
155 B

TIMESTAMP = 1586936140
SHA256 (BibTool-2.68.tar.gz) = e1964d199b0726f431f9a1dc4ff7257bb3dba879b9fa221803e0aa7840dee0e0
SIZE (BibTool-2.68.tar.gz) = 745469