1999-11-10 18:53:56 -05:00
# New ports collection makefile for: elsa
1999-12-04 15:28:24 -05:00
# Version required: 1.0b-017
1999-11-10 18:53:56 -05:00
# Date created: 06 October 1999
# Whom: Chris D. Faulhaber <jedgar@fxp.org>
# $FreeBSD$
DISTNAME = elsa-freebsd_x86
1999-12-04 15:28:24 -05:00
PKGNAME = elsa-1.0b-017
1999-11-10 18:53:56 -05:00
MAINTAINER = jedgar@fxp.org
RESTRICTED = "LIC: redistribution not allowed"
1999-12-04 15:28:24 -05:00
WRKSRC = ${ WRKDIR } /ELSA-1_0b-017-freebsd_x86
1999-11-10 18:53:56 -05:00
NO_BUILD = yes
1999-12-04 15:28:24 -05:00
LOG_DIR ?= /var/log/elsa
1999-11-10 18:53:56 -05:00
. i n c l u d e < b s d . p o r t . p r e . m k >
. i f ! e x i s t s ( $ { D I S T D I R } / $ { D I S T N A M E } $ { E X T R A C T _ S U F X } )
IGNORE = 'The source to this port may not be automatically fetched due to licensing restrictions. You MUST fetch the source manually after registering at: http://streaming.entera.com/orderform.shtml Once ${DISTFILES} has been downloaded, move it to ${DISTDIR} and then restart this build.'
. e n d i f
1999-12-04 15:28:24 -05:00
pre-fetch :
@for library in libc_r.so.3 libstdc++.so.2 libg++.so.4; do \
if [ -z " `ldconfig -r -elf | ${ GREP } $$ library` " ] ; then \
${ ECHO } ; \
${ ECHO } "This port requires the following FreeBSD 3.x compatibility" ; \
${ ECHO } "libraries: libc_r.so.3, libstdc++.so.2, and libg++.so.4." ; \
${ ECHO } "Please ensure they are installed and properly registered" ; \
${ ECHO } "with the system (see ldconfig(8)). These libraries may be" ; \
${ ECHO } "obtained from compat3x and/or a recent FreeBSD 3.x system." ; \
${ ECHO } ; \
exit 1; \
fi \
1999-11-10 18:53:56 -05:00
do-configure :
1999-12-04 15:28:24 -05:00
@${ PERL } -pi.orig -e 's|__PREFIX__|${PREFIX}|' ${ WRKSRC } /elsa.cfg
@${ PERL } -pi.orig -e 's|__LOG_DIR__|${LOG_DIR}|' ${ WRKSRC } /elsa.cfg
1999-11-10 18:53:56 -05:00
do-install :
${ MKDIR } ${ PREFIX } /share/elsa/content
1999-12-04 15:28:24 -05:00
${ MKDIR } ${ LOG_DIR }
1999-11-10 18:53:56 -05:00
${ INSTALL_SCRIPT } ${ WRKSRC } /elsa ${ PREFIX } /sbin
${ INSTALL_DATA } ${ WRKSRC } /elsa.cfg ${ PREFIX } /etc
${ INSTALL_DATA } ${ WRKSRC } /LICENSE ${ PREFIX } /share/elsa
${ INSTALL_DATA } ${ WRKSRC } /README ${ PREFIX } /share/elsa
${ INSTALL_DATA } ${ WRKSRC } /content/elsa-test.mov ${ PREFIX } /share/elsa/content
post-install :
@if [ ! -f ${ PREFIX } /etc/rc.d/elsa.sh ] ; then \
${ ECHO } " Installing ${ PREFIX } /etc/rc.d/elsa.sh startup file. " ; \
${ ECHO } "#!/bin/sh" > ${ PREFIX } /etc/rc.d/elsa.sh; \
${ ECHO } " [ -x ${ PREFIX } /sbin/elsa ] && ${ PREFIX } /sbin/elsa -d ${ PREFIX } /etc > /dev/null & && ${ ECHO } -n ' elsa' " >> ${ PREFIX } /etc/rc.d/elsa.sh; \
${ CHMOD } 555 ${ PREFIX } /etc/rc.d/elsa.sh; \
. i n c l u d e < b s d . p o r t . p o s t . m k >