2000-03-25 15:24:32 -05:00
Add the following entry to /etc/fstab:
linproc /compat/linux/proc linprocfs rw 0 0
and you can play with VMware after the next boot.
Or hit the following commands to play now. :)
/sbin/mount_linprocfs linproc /compat/linux/proc
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/vmware.sh start
2000-03-25 18:02:49 -05:00
Also, consider making a link /compat/linux/tmp if your /tmp
doesn't have sufficient free space or is slow. VMware uses
/tmp to back the VM's memory.
ln -s /usr/tmp /compat/linux/tmp
2000-03-25 15:24:32 -05:00