TODO list updated - Added UAC disable and powercfg's
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,16 +16,15 @@
--- Specify control type, number of buttons, joysticks - TODO
- Begin install process
--- Create restore point for C:\ - scripts/ps/makerespt.ps1
--- Resize C:\ to 80GB - scripts/unattend/autounattend.xml
--- Resize D:\ to consume desired disk space - scripts/unattend/autounattend.xml
- OS Configuration
--- Set user to auto-login - scripts/unattend/autounattend.xml
--- Disable auto-sleep and turning off screen - TODO
--- Disable auto-sleep and turning off screen - scripts/ps/install.ps1
--- Disable UAC - scripts/ps/install.ps1 (maybe through autounattend?)
--- Disable Windows Defender - scripts/unattend/autounattend.xml
--- Disable OneDrive - scripts/unattend/autounattend.xml
--- Create folders - scripts/ps/makedirs.ps1
------- C:\sctools\ - scripts/ps/makedirs.ps1
------- D:\sccontent\* - scripts/ps/makedirs.ps1
------- C:\sc\tools\ - scripts/ps/makedirs.ps1
------- C:\sc\content\* - scripts/ps/makedirs.ps1
--- Download supporting applications - scripts/ps/download.ps1
----- 7-Zip binary - scripts/ps/download.ps1
----- wget - scripts/ps/download.ps1
@ -49,9 +48,9 @@
--- Extract/install utilities & drivers - scripts/ps/install.ps1
--- Copy game content from external storage - scripts/ahk/usbwatch.ahk
----- Scan for *.exe filenames - scripts/ahk/usbwatch.ahk
------- Create folders under D:\sccontent\ based on file names found - scripts/ahk/usbwatch.ahk
------- Create folders under C:\sc\content\ based on file names found - scripts/ahk/usbwatch.ahk
--------- Write list of exes to disk - scripts/ahk/usbwatch.ahk
--------- Text processing - scripts/ahk/usbwatch.ahk
--------- Create directories - scripts/ahk/usbwatch.ahk
--- Enable Unified File Writer on C:\ & D:\ partitions - scripts/ps/startuwf.ps1
--- Enable Unified File Writer - scripts/ps/startuwf.ps1
----- Create recommit script to write changes to disk - scripts/ps/stopuwf.ps1
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
Write-Host "---Disable UAC---"
Set-ItemProperty -Path REGISTRY::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System -Name ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin -Value 0
Write-Host "---Installing Programs---"
Write-Host "---Installing git---"
C:\sc\tools\7zip\7zr.exe x -o "C:\sc\tools\git\" "C:\sctools\git\PortableGit.7z.exe"
@ -35,4 +38,11 @@ $vSCSetWallpaperCode = @'
Add-Type $vSCSetWallpaperCode
Write-Host "---Configure Power Settings---"
powercfg.exe /Change monitor-timeout-ac 0
powercfg.exe /Change monitor-timeout-dc 0
powercfg.exe /Change standby-timeout-ac 0
powercfg.exe /Change standby-timeout-dc 0
Reference in New Issue
Block a user