initial import
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
CFLAGS += -I/usr/X11R6/include/
xmem: xmem.o get_mem.o MemStripChart.o
gcc $(CFLAGS) -o xmem xmem.o get_mem.o MemStripChart.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXt -lXaw -lXmu
xmem.o: xmem.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c xmem.c
get_mem.o: get_mem.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c get_mem.c
MemStripChart.o: MemStripChart.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c MemStripChart.c
-rm xmem *.o
install: xmem
install -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/
install -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)/etc/X11/app-defaults/
install -m 755 xmem $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/
install -m 644 $(DESTDIR)/etc/X11/app-defaults/XMem
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
* MemStripChart Widget
* from StripChart Widget derived
* Author: Hans-Helmut B"uhmann 20. Jan. 1996
#ifndef _XawMemStripChartP_h
#define _XawMemStripChartP_h
#include "MemStripChart.h"
#include <X11/Xaw/SimpleP.h>
#define NO_GCS 0
#define FOREGROUND (1 << 0)
#define HIGHLIGHT (1 << 1)
#define CODE (1 << 2)
#define SHARED (1 << 3)
#define BUFFER (1 << 4)
#define FREE (1 << 5)
#define SWAP (1 << 6)
/* New fields for the memStripChart widget instance record */
typedef struct {
Pixel fgpixel; /* color index for text */
Pixel hipixel; /* color index for lines */
Pixel codepixel; /* color index for code memory */
Pixel cachedpixel; /* color index for cached memory */
Pixel bufferpixel; /* color index for buffer memory */
Pixel freepixel; /* color index for free memory */
Pixel swappixel; /* color index for used swap memory */
GC fgGC; /* graphics context for fgpixel */
GC hiGC; /* graphics context for hipixel */
GC codeGC; /* graphics context for codepixel */
GC cachedGC; /* graphics context for cachedpixel */
GC bufferGC; /* graphics context for bufferpixel */
GC freeGC; /* graphics context for freepixel */
GC swapGC; /* graphics context for swappixel */
/* start of graph stuff */
int update; /* update frequence */
int scale; /* scale factor */
int min_scale; /* smallest scale factor */
int interval; /* data point interval */
XPoint * points ; /* Poly point for repairing graph lines. */
double max_value; /* Max Value in window */
valuedata[1024]; /* record of data points */
XtIntervalId interval_id;
XtCallbackList get_value; /* proc to call to fetch load pt */
int jump_val; /* Amount to jump on each scroll. */
} MemStripChartPart;
/* Full instance record declaration */
typedef struct _MemStripChartRec {
CorePart core;
SimplePart simple;
MemStripChartPart mem_strip_chart;
} MemStripChartRec;
/* New fields for the StripChart widget class record */
typedef struct {int dummy;} MemStripChartClassPart;
/* Full class record declaration. */
typedef struct _MemStripChartClassRec {
CoreClassPart core_class;
SimpleClassPart simple_class;
MemStripChartClassPart mem_strip_chart_class;
} MemStripChartClassRec;
/* Class pointer. */
extern MemStripChartClassRec MemstripChartClassRec;
#endif /* _XawMemStripChartP_h */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
* MemStripChart Widget
* from StripChart Widget derived
* Author: Hans-Helmut B"uhmann 20. Jan. 1996
#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/IntrinsicP.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/XawInit.h>
#include "MemStripCharP.h"
#include <X11/Xfuncs.h>
#define MS_PER_SEC 1000
/* Private Data */
#define offset(field) XtOffsetOf(MemStripChartRec, field)
static XtResource resources[] = {
{XtNwidth, XtCWidth, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension),
offset(core.width), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 120},
{XtNheight, XtCHeight, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension),
offset(core.height), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 120},
{XtNupdate, XtCInterval, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
offset(mem_strip_chart.update), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 10},
{XtNminScale, XtCScale, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
offset(mem_strip_chart.min_scale), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 1},
{XtNforeground, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
offset(mem_strip_chart.fgpixel), XtRString, XtDefaultForeground},
{XtNhighlight, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
offset(mem_strip_chart.hipixel), XtRString, XtDefaultForeground},
{XtNcodecolor, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
offset(mem_strip_chart.codepixel), XtRString, XtDefaultForeground},
{XtNcachedcolor, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
offset(mem_strip_chart.cachedpixel), XtRString, XtDefaultBackground},
{XtNbuffercolor, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
offset(mem_strip_chart.bufferpixel), XtRString, XtDefaultForeground},
{XtNfreecolor, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
offset(mem_strip_chart.freepixel), XtRString, XtDefaultBackground},
{XtNswapcolor, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
offset(mem_strip_chart.swappixel), XtRString, XtDefaultForeground},
{XtNgetValue, XtCCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtPointer),
offset(mem_strip_chart.get_value), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL},
{XtNjumpScroll, XtCJumpScroll, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
offset(mem_strip_chart.jump_val), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) DEFAULT_JUMP},
#undef offset
static void Initialize(), Destroy(), Redisplay(), MoveChart(), SetPoints();
static Boolean SetValues();
static int repaint_window();
MemStripChartClassRec memStripChartClassRec = {
{ /* core fields */
/* superclass */ (WidgetClass) &simpleClassRec,
/* class_name */ "MemStripChart",
/* size */ sizeof(MemStripChartRec),
/* class_initialize */ XawInitializeWidgetSet,
/* class_part_initialize */ NULL,
/* class_inited */ FALSE,
/* initialize */ Initialize,
/* initialize_hook */ NULL,
/* realize */ XtInheritRealize,
/* actions */ NULL,
/* num_actions */ 0,
/* resources */ resources,
/* num_resources */ XtNumber(resources),
/* xrm_class */ NULLQUARK,
/* compress_motion */ TRUE,
/* compress_exposure */ XtExposeCompressMultiple |
/* compress_enterleave */ TRUE,
/* visible_interest */ FALSE,
/* destroy */ Destroy,
/* resize */ SetPoints,
/* expose */ Redisplay,
/* set_values */ SetValues,
/* set_values_hook */ NULL,
/* set_values_almost */ NULL,
/* get_values_hook */ NULL,
/* accept_focus */ NULL,
/* version */ XtVersion,
/* callback_private */ NULL,
/* tm_table */ NULL,
/* query_geometry */ XtInheritQueryGeometry,
/* display_accelerator */ XtInheritDisplayAccelerator,
/* extension */ NULL
{ /* Simple class fields */
/* change_sensitive */ XtInheritChangeSensitive
WidgetClass memStripChartWidgetClass = (WidgetClass) &memStripChartClassRec;
* Private Procedures
static void draw_it();
/* Function Name: CreateGC
* Description: Creates the GC's
* Arguments: w - the mem strip chart widget.
* which - which GC's to create.
* Returns: none
static void
CreateGC(w, which)
MemStripChartWidget w;
unsigned int which;
XGCValues myXGCV;
if (which & FOREGROUND) {
myXGCV.foreground = w->mem_strip_chart.fgpixel;
w->mem_strip_chart.fgGC = XtGetGC((Widget) w, GCForeground, &myXGCV);
if (which & HIGHLIGHT) {
myXGCV.foreground = w->mem_strip_chart.hipixel;
w->mem_strip_chart.hiGC = XtGetGC((Widget) w, GCForeground, &myXGCV);
if (which & CODE) {
myXGCV.foreground = w->mem_strip_chart.codepixel;
w->mem_strip_chart.codeGC = XtGetGC((Widget) w, GCForeground, &myXGCV);
if (which & SHARED) {
myXGCV.foreground = w->mem_strip_chart.cachedpixel;
w->mem_strip_chart.cachedGC = XtGetGC((Widget) w, GCForeground, &myXGCV);
if (which & BUFFER) {
myXGCV.foreground = w->mem_strip_chart.bufferpixel;
w->mem_strip_chart.bufferGC = XtGetGC((Widget) w, GCForeground, &myXGCV);
if (which & FREE) {
myXGCV.foreground = w->mem_strip_chart.freepixel;
w->mem_strip_chart.freeGC = XtGetGC((Widget) w, GCForeground, &myXGCV);
if (which & SWAP) {
myXGCV.foreground = w->mem_strip_chart.swappixel;
w->mem_strip_chart.swapGC = XtGetGC((Widget) w, GCForeground, &myXGCV);
/* Function Name: DestroyGC
* Description: Destroys the GC's
* Arguments: w - the mem strip chart widget.
* which - which GC's to destroy.
* Returns: none
static void
DestroyGC(w, which)
MemStripChartWidget w;
unsigned int which;
if (which & FOREGROUND)
XtReleaseGC((Widget) w, w->mem_strip_chart.fgGC);
if (which & HIGHLIGHT)
XtReleaseGC((Widget) w, w->mem_strip_chart.hiGC);
if (which & CODE) {
XtReleaseGC((Widget) w, w->mem_strip_chart.codeGC);
if (which & SHARED) {
XtReleaseGC((Widget) w, w->mem_strip_chart.cachedGC);
if (which & BUFFER) {
XtReleaseGC((Widget) w, w->mem_strip_chart.bufferGC);
if (which & FREE) {
XtReleaseGC((Widget) w, w->mem_strip_chart.freeGC);
if (which & SWAP) {
XtReleaseGC((Widget) w, w->mem_strip_chart.swapGC);
/* Function Name: DrawMemStrip
* Description: Draw a mem strip
* Arguments: w - the mem strip chart widget.
* x - the x-position.
* Returns: none
static void
DrawMemStrip(w, x)
MemStripChartWidget w;
unsigned int x;
int top, bottom;
bottom = w->core.height;
if (w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[x].code != 0.0) {
top = (int) (w->core.height
- (int)(w->core.height * w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[x].code)
/ w->mem_strip_chart.scale);
XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), w->mem_strip_chart.codeGC,
x, top, (unsigned int) 1, bottom - top);
bottom = top;
if (w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[x].cached != 0.0) {
top = (int) (w->core.height
- (int)(w->core.height * (w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[x].code
+ w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[x].cached))
/ w->mem_strip_chart.scale);
XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), w->mem_strip_chart.cachedGC,
x, top, (unsigned int) 1, bottom - top);
bottom = top;
if (w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[x].buffer != 0.0) {
top = (int) (w->core.height
- (int)(w->core.height * (1.0 - w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[x].free))
/ w->mem_strip_chart.scale);
XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), w->mem_strip_chart.bufferGC,
x, top, (unsigned int) 1, bottom - top);
bottom = top;
if (w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[x].free != 0.0) {
top = (int) (w->core.height
- (int)(w->core.height)
/ w->mem_strip_chart.scale);
XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), w->mem_strip_chart.freeGC,
x, top, (unsigned int) 1, bottom - top);
bottom = top;
if (w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[x].swap != 0.0) {
top = (int) (w->core.height
- (int)(w->core.height * (1.0 + w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[x].swap))
/ w->mem_strip_chart.scale);
XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), w->mem_strip_chart.swapGC,
x, top, (unsigned int) 1, bottom - top);
static void Initialize (greq, gnew, args, num_args)
Widget greq, gnew;
ArgList args;
Cardinal *num_args;
MemStripChartWidget w = (MemStripChartWidget)gnew;
if (w->mem_strip_chart.update > 0)
w->mem_strip_chart.interval_id = XtAppAddTimeOut(
w->mem_strip_chart.update * MS_PER_SEC,
draw_it, (XtPointer) gnew);
CreateGC(w, (unsigned int) ALL_GCS);
w->mem_strip_chart.scale = w->mem_strip_chart.min_scale;
w->mem_strip_chart.interval = 0;
w->mem_strip_chart.max_value = 0.0;
w->mem_strip_chart.points = NULL;
static void Destroy (gw)
Widget gw;
MemStripChartWidget w = (MemStripChartWidget)gw;
if (w->mem_strip_chart.update > 0)
XtRemoveTimeOut (w->mem_strip_chart.interval_id);
if (w->mem_strip_chart.points)
XtFree((char *) w->mem_strip_chart.points);
DestroyGC(w, (unsigned int) ALL_GCS);
* NOTE: This function really needs to recieve graphics exposure
* events, but since this is not easily supported until R4 I am
* going to hold off until then.
static void Redisplay(w, event, region)
Widget w;
XEvent *event;
Region region;
if (event->type == GraphicsExpose)
(void) repaint_window ((MemStripChartWidget)w, event->xgraphicsexpose.x,
(void) repaint_window ((MemStripChartWidget)w, event->xexpose.x,
static void
draw_it(client_data, id)
XtPointer client_data;
XtIntervalId *id; /* unused */
MemStripChartWidget w = (MemStripChartWidget)client_data;
MemStripChartCallbackData value;
double usedmem;
if (w->mem_strip_chart.update > 0)
w->mem_strip_chart.interval_id =
XtAppAddTimeOut(XtWidgetToApplicationContext( (Widget) w),
w->mem_strip_chart.update * MS_PER_SEC, draw_it,client_data);
if (w->mem_strip_chart.interval >= (int)w->core.width)
MoveChart( (MemStripChartWidget) w, TRUE);
/* Get the value, stash the point and draw corresponding line. */
if (w->mem_strip_chart.get_value == NULL)
XtCallCallbacks( (Widget)w, XtNgetValue, (XtPointer)&value );
* Keep w->mem_strip_chart.max_value up to date, and if this data
* point is off the graph, change the scale to make it fit.
usedmem = 1.0 + value.swap;
if (usedmem > w->mem_strip_chart.max_value) {
w->mem_strip_chart.max_value = usedmem;
if (XtIsRealized((Widget)w) &&
w->mem_strip_chart.max_value > w->mem_strip_chart.scale) {
XClearWindow( XtDisplay (w), XtWindow (w));
w->mem_strip_chart.interval = repaint_window(w, 0, (int) w->core.width);
w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[w->mem_strip_chart.interval] = value;
if (XtIsRealized((Widget)w)) {
DrawMemStrip(w, w->mem_strip_chart.interval, value);
* Fill in the graph lines we just painted over.
if (w->mem_strip_chart.points != NULL) {
w->mem_strip_chart.points[0].x = w->mem_strip_chart.interval;
XDrawPoints(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), w->mem_strip_chart.hiGC,
w->mem_strip_chart.points, w->mem_strip_chart.scale - 1,
XFlush(XtDisplay(w)); /* Flush output buffers */
w->mem_strip_chart.interval++; /* Next point */
} /* draw_it */
/* Blts data according to current size, then redraws the stripChart window.
* Next represents the number of valid points in data. Returns the (possibly)
* adjusted value of next. If next is 0, this routine draws an empty window
* (scale - 1 lines for graph). If next is less than the current window width,
* the returned value is identical to the initial value of next and data is
* unchanged. Otherwise keeps half a window's worth of data. If data is
* changed, then w->mem_strip_chart.max_value is updated to reflect the
* largest data point.
static int
repaint_window(w, left, width)
MemStripChartWidget w;
int left, width;
int i, j;
int next = w->mem_strip_chart.interval;
int scale = w->mem_strip_chart.scale;
int scalewidth = 0;
/* Compute the minimum scale required to graph the data, but don't go
lower than min_scale. */
if (w->mem_strip_chart.interval != 0 || scale <= (int)w->mem_strip_chart.max_value)
scale = ((int) (w->mem_strip_chart.max_value)) + 1;
if (scale < w->mem_strip_chart.min_scale)
scale = w->mem_strip_chart.min_scale;
if (scale != w->mem_strip_chart.scale) {
w->mem_strip_chart.scale = scale;
left = 0;
width = next;
scalewidth = w->core.width;
if (XtIsRealized ((Widget) w))
XClearWindow (XtDisplay (w), XtWindow (w));
if (XtIsRealized((Widget)w)) {
Display *dpy = XtDisplay(w);
Window win = XtWindow(w);
width += left - 1;
if (!scalewidth) scalewidth = width;
if (next < ++width) width = next;
/* Draw data point lines. */
for (i = left; i < width; i++) {
DrawMemStrip(w, i, w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[i]);
/* Draw graph reference lines */
for (i = 1; i < w->mem_strip_chart.scale; i++) {
j = i * ((int)w->core.height / w->mem_strip_chart.scale);
XDrawLine(dpy, win, w->mem_strip_chart.hiGC, left, j, scalewidth, j);
/* Function Name: MoveChart
* Description: moves the chart over when it would run off the end.
* Arguments: w - the load widget.
* blit - blit the bits? (TRUE/FALSE).
* Returns: none.
static void
MoveChart(w, blit)
MemStripChartWidget w;
Boolean blit;
double old_max;
int left, i, j;
int next = w->mem_strip_chart.interval;
if (!XtIsRealized((Widget) w)) return;
if (w->mem_strip_chart.jump_val < 0) w->mem_strip_chart.jump_val = DEFAULT_JUMP;
if (w->mem_strip_chart.jump_val == DEFAULT_JUMP)
j = w->core.width >> 1; /* Half the window width. */
else {
j = w->core.width - w->mem_strip_chart.jump_val;
if (j < 0) j = 0;
(void) memmove((char *)(w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata),
(char *)(w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata + next - j),
j * sizeof(MemStripChartCallbackData));
next = w->mem_strip_chart.interval = j;
* Since we just lost some data, recompute the
* w->mem_strip_chart.max_value.
old_max = w->mem_strip_chart.max_value;
w->mem_strip_chart.max_value = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < next; i++) {
if (w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[i].swap + 1.0 > w->mem_strip_chart.max_value)
w->mem_strip_chart.max_value = w->mem_strip_chart.valuedata[i].swap + 1.0;
if (!blit) return; /* we are done... */
if ( ((int) old_max) != ( (int) w->mem_strip_chart.max_value) ) {
XClearWindow(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w));
repaint_window(w, 0, (int) w->core.width);
XCopyArea(XtDisplay((Widget)w), XtWindow((Widget)w), XtWindow((Widget)w),
w->mem_strip_chart.hiGC, (int) w->core.width - j, 0,
(unsigned int) j, (unsigned int) w->core.height,
0, 0);
XClearArea(XtDisplay((Widget)w), XtWindow((Widget)w),
(int) j, 0,
(unsigned int) w->core.width - j, (unsigned int)w->core.height,
/* Draw graph reference lines */
left = j;
for (i = 1; i < w->mem_strip_chart.scale; i++) {
j = i * ((int)w->core.height / w->mem_strip_chart.scale);
XDrawLine(XtDisplay((Widget) w), XtWindow( (Widget) w),
w->mem_strip_chart.hiGC, left, j, (int)w->core.width, j);
static Boolean SetValues (current, request, new, args, num_args)
Widget current, request, new;
ArgList args;
Cardinal *num_args;
MemStripChartWidget old = (MemStripChartWidget)current;
MemStripChartWidget w = (MemStripChartWidget)new;
Boolean ret_val = FALSE;
unsigned int new_gc = NO_GCS;
if (w->mem_strip_chart.update != old->mem_strip_chart.update) {
if (old->mem_strip_chart.update > 0)
XtRemoveTimeOut (old->mem_strip_chart.interval_id);
if (w->mem_strip_chart.update > 0)
w->mem_strip_chart.interval_id =
w->mem_strip_chart.update * MS_PER_SEC,
draw_it, (XtPointer)w);
if ( w->mem_strip_chart.min_scale > (int) ((w->mem_strip_chart.max_value) + 1) )
ret_val = TRUE;
if ( w->mem_strip_chart.fgpixel != old->mem_strip_chart.fgpixel ) {
new_gc |= FOREGROUND;
ret_val = True;
if ( w->mem_strip_chart.hipixel != old->mem_strip_chart.hipixel ) {
new_gc |= HIGHLIGHT;
ret_val = True;
if ( w->mem_strip_chart.codepixel != old->mem_strip_chart.codepixel ) {
new_gc |= CODE;
ret_val = True;
if ( w->mem_strip_chart.cachedpixel != old->mem_strip_chart.cachedpixel ) {
new_gc |= SHARED;
ret_val = True;
if ( w->mem_strip_chart.bufferpixel != old->mem_strip_chart.bufferpixel ) {
new_gc |= BUFFER;
ret_val = True;
if ( w->mem_strip_chart.freepixel != old->mem_strip_chart.freepixel ) {
new_gc |= FREE;
ret_val = True;
if ( w->mem_strip_chart.swappixel != old->mem_strip_chart.swappixel ) {
new_gc |= SWAP;
ret_val = True;
DestroyGC(old, new_gc);
CreateGC(w, new_gc);
return( ret_val );
/* Function Name: SetPoints
* Description: Sets up the polypoint that will be used to draw in
* the graph lines.
* Arguments: w - the MemStripChart widget.
* Returns: none.
#define HEIGHT ( (unsigned int) w->core.height)
static void
Widget widget;
MemStripChartWidget w = (MemStripChartWidget) widget;
XPoint * points;
Cardinal size;
int i;
if (w->mem_strip_chart.scale <= 1) { /* no scale lines. */
XtFree ((char *) w->mem_strip_chart.points);
w->mem_strip_chart.points = NULL;
size = sizeof(XPoint) * (w->mem_strip_chart.scale - 1);
points = (XPoint *) XtRealloc( (XtPointer) w->mem_strip_chart.points, size);
w->mem_strip_chart.points = points;
/* Draw graph reference lines into clip mask */
for (i = 1; i < w->mem_strip_chart.scale; i++) {
points[i - 1].x = 0;
points[i - 1].y = HEIGHT / w->mem_strip_chart.scale;
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
#ifndef _XawMemStripChart_h
#define _XawMemStripChart_h
* MemStripChart Widget
* from StripChart Widget derived
* Author: Hans-Helmut B"uhmann 20. Jan. 1996
/* StripChart resources:
Name Class RepType Default Value
---- ----- ------- -------------
accelerators Accelerators AcceleratorTable NULL
ancestorSensitive AncestorSensitive Boolean True
background Background Pixel XtDefaultBackground
backgroundPixmap Pixmap Pixmap XtUnspecifiedPixmap
borderColor BorderColor Pixel XtDefaultForeground
borderPixmap Pixmap Pixmap XtUnspecifiedPixmap
borderWidth BorderWidth Dimension 1
colormap Colormap Colormap parent's colormap
cursor Cursor Cursor None
cursorName Cursor String NULL
depth Depth int parent's depth
destroyCallback Callback XtCallbackList NULL
foreground Foreground Pixel XtDefaultForeground
getValue Callback XtCallbackList NULL
height Height Dimension 120
highlight Foreground Pixel XtDefaultForeground
insensitiveBorder Insensitive Pixmap GreyPixmap
jumpScroll JumpScroll int 1/2 width
mappedWhenManaged MappedWhenManaged Boolean True
minScale Scale int 1
pointerColor Foreground Pixel XtDefaultForeground
pointerColorBackground Background Pixel XtDefaultBackground
screen Screen Screen parent's screen
sensitive Sensitive Boolean True
translations Translations TranslationTable NULL
update Interval int 10 (seconds)
width Width Dimension 120
x Position Position 0
y Position Position 0
codecolor Foreground Pixel "red"
cachedcolor Foreground Pixel "yellow"
buffercolor Foreground Pixel "blue"
freecolor Foreground Pixel "green"
swapcolor Foreground Pixel "red"
#define DEFAULT_JUMP -1
#ifndef _XtStringDefs_h_
#define XtNhighlight "highlight"
#define XtNupdate "update"
#define XtNcodecolor "codecolor"
#define XtNcachedcolor "cachedcolor"
#define XtNbuffercolor "buffercolor"
#define XtNfreecolor "freecolor"
#define XtNswapcolor "swapcolor"
#define XtCJumpScroll "JumpScroll"
#define XtCScale "Scale"
#define XtNgetValue "getValue"
#define XtNjumpScroll "jumpScroll"
#define XtNminScale "minScale"
#define XtNscale "scale"
#define XtNvmunix "vmunix"
/* struct for callback */
/* code + shared + buffer + free == 1.0 */
typedef struct {
double code;
double cached;
double buffer;
double free;
double swap;
} MemStripChartCallbackData;
typedef struct _MemStripChartRec *MemStripChartWidget;
typedef struct _MemStripChartClassRec *MemStripChartWidgetClass;
extern WidgetClass memStripChartWidgetClass;
#endif /* _XawMemStripChart_h */
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Normal file
Binary file not shown.
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
XMem.input: false
*Label*Justify: left
*JumpScroll: 1
*internalBorderWidth: 0
*showGrip: FALSE
*codecolor: red
*cachedcolor: orange
*buffercolor: yellow
*freecolor: green
*swapcolor: blue
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
* get_mem.c
* get memory usage, from get_load.c derived
* Author: Hans-Helmut Buehmann 20. Jan. 1996
* Modified for more recent kernels Helmut Geyer Oct. 1996
#include <X11/Xos.h>
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "MemStripChart.h"
void GetMemLoadPoint(w, closure, call_data) /* Linux version */
Widget w; /* unused */
caddr_t closure; /* unused */
caddr_t call_data; /* pointer to (MemStripChartCallbackData) return value */
MemStripChartCallbackData ret;
/* meminfo();*/
/*et.code = (double)(kb_main_used - kb_main_buffers - kb_main_cached) / kb_main_total;
ret.cached = (double)kb_main_cached / (double)kb_main_total;
ret.buffer = (double)kb_main_buffers / (double)kb_main_total;
|||| = (double)kb_main_free / (double)kb_main_total;
ret.swap = (double)kb_swap_used / (double)kb_main_total;
ret.code = 0.5;
ret.cached = 0.5;
ret.buffer = 0.5;
|||| = 0.5;
ret.swap = 0.5;
memcpy(call_data, &ret, sizeof(MemStripChartCallbackData));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
* function prototypes for get_mem.c
* Author: Hans-Helmut B"uhmann 20. Jan. 1996
#ifndef __get_mem_h
#define __get_mem_h
#include "MemStripChart.h"
void GetMemLoadPoint( /* Linux version */
Widget w, /* unused */
caddr_t closure, /* unused */
caddr_t call_data /* pointer to (MemStripChartCallbackData) return value */
#endif /* __get_mem_h */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
.TH XMEM 1x "Release 5, X Version 11" "memory display utility"
xmem \- memory/swap usage display utility for X
.B xmem
.RB [\| \-toolkitoption ... \|]
.RB [\| \-update
.IR seconds \|]
.RB [\| \-hl
.IR color \|]
.RB [\| \-highlight
.IR color \|]
.RB [\| \-jumpscroll
.IR pixels \|]
.RB [\| \-label
.IR string \|]
.RB [\| \-nolabel \|]
program displays the used amount of memory/swap.
accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command line options (see X(1)). The order
of the options in unimportant.
also accepts the following additional options:
.B \-hl color, \-highlight color
This option specifies the color of the scale lines.
(Xresource: *mem.highlight)
.B \-jumpscroll number-of-pixels
The number of pixels to shift the graph to the left when the graph reaches the
right edge of the window. The default value is 1/2 the width of the current
window. Smooth scrolling can be achieved by setting it to 1.
(Xresource: *mem.jumpScroll)
.B \-label string
The string to put into the label in the
window. (default: hostname alias)
(Xresource: *label.label)
.B \-nolabel
If this command line option is specified then no label will be displayed above
the memory usage graph.
(Xresource: *showLabel)
.B \-update seconds
This option specifies the interval in seconds at which
updates its display. The minimum amount of time allowed between updates is 1
second. The default is 10.
(Xresource: *mem.update)
.B \-codecolor color
Color for used code and stack memory. The default is red.
(Xresource: *mem.codecolor)
.B \-cachedcolor color
Color for cached memory. The default is yellow.
(Xresource: *mem.cachedcolor)
.B \-buffercolor color
Color for buffer memory. The default is blue.
(Xresource: *mem.buffercolor)
.B \-freecolor color
Color for free memory. The default is green.
(Xresource: *mem.freecolor)
.B \-swapcolor color
Color for swap memory. The default is red.
(Xresource: *mem.swapcolor)
In addition to the resources available to each of the widgets used by
there is one resource defined by the application itself.
.B showLabel (class Boolean)
If False then no label will be displayed.
In order to specify resources, it is useful to know the hierarchy of the widgets
which compose
In the notation below, indentation indicates hierarchical structure. The widget
class name is given first, followed by the widget instance name.
.ta .5i 1.0i 1.5i 2.0i
Xmem xmem
Paned paned
Label label
StripChart load
to get the default host and display number.
to get the name of a resource file that overrides the global resources
stored in the RESOURCE_MANAGER property.
/etc/X11/app-defaults/XMem - specifies required resources
X(1), xrdb(1), mem(4), Athena StripChart Widget.
Copyright 1988, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
See X(1) for a full statement of rights and permissions.
K. Shane Hartman (MIT-LCS) and Stuart A. Malone (MIT-LCS);
with features added by Jim Gettys (MIT-Athena), Bob Scheifler (MIT-LCS), Tony
Della Fera (MIT-Athena), and Chris Peterson (MIT-LCS).
Updated 2007/04 by Michelle Konzack <>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#define xload_width 32
#define xload_height 32
#define xload_x_hot 15
#define xload_y_hot 16
static unsigned char xload_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x03, 0x1e, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x03,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x03,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x80, 0xff, 0x03, 0x00, 0xc0, 0xff, 0x03,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xe0, 0xff, 0x03, 0x00, 0xf0, 0xff, 0x03,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xf8, 0xff, 0x03, 0x00, 0xf8, 0xff, 0x03,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xfc, 0xff, 0x03, 0x00, 0xfc, 0xff, 0x03,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xfe, 0xff, 0x03, 0x00, 0xfe, 0xff, 0x03,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x80, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xc0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xf8, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03};
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
* xload - display system load average in a window
* Copyright 1989 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* $XConsortium: xload.c,v 1.36 91/05/24 16:57:46 converse Exp $
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include <X11/Shell.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/Cardinals.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/Label.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/Paned.h>
#include "MemStripChart.h"
#include <X11/Xaw/StripChart.h>
#include <X11/Xmu/SysUtil.h>
/* #include <X11/Wc/WcCreateP.h> */
#include "xmem.bit"
extern void exit();
#include "get_mem.h"
static void quit();
* Definition of the Application resources structure.
typedef struct _XLoadResources {
Boolean show_label;
Boolean use_lights;
} XLoadResources;
* Command line options table. Only resources are entered here...there is a
* pass over the remaining options after XtParseCommand is let loose.
static XrmOptionDescRec options[] = {
{"-scale", "*load.minScale", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-update", "*load.update", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-hl", "*load.highlight", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-highlight", "*load.highlight", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-jumpscroll", "*load.jumpScroll", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-label", "*label.label", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-nolabel", "*showLabel", XrmoptionNoArg, "False"},
{"-lights", "*useLights", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
static XrmOptionDescRec options_mem[] = {
{"-scale", "*mem.minScale", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-update", "*mem.update", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-hl", "*mem.highlight", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-highlight", "*mem.highlight", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-codecolor", "*mem.codecolor", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-cahedcolor", "*mem.cachedcolor", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-buffercolor", "*mem.buffercolor", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-freecolor", "*mem.freecolor", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-swapcolor", "*mem.swapcolor", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-jumpscroll", "*mem.jumpScroll", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-label", "*label.label", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-nolabel", "*showLabel", XrmoptionNoArg, "False"},
{"-lights", "*useLights", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
* The structure containing the resource information for the
* Xload application resources.
#define Offset(field) (XtOffsetOf(XLoadResources, field))
static XtResource my_resources[] = {
{"showLabel", XtCBoolean, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
Offset(show_label), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) TRUE},
{"useLights", XtCBoolean, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
Offset(use_lights), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) FALSE},
static XtResource my_resources_mem[] = {
{"showLabel", XtCBoolean, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
Offset(show_label), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) TRUE},
#undef Offset
static XLoadResources resources;
static XtActionsRec xload_actions[] = {
{ "quit", quit },
static Atom wm_delete_window;
static int light_update = 10 * 1000;
* Exit with message describing command line format.
void usage(char *progname)
fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [-options ...]\n\n", progname);
fprintf (stderr, "where options include:\n");
fprintf (stderr,
" -display dpy X server on which to display\n");
fprintf (stderr,
" -geometry geom size and location of window\n");
fprintf (stderr,
" -fn font font to use in label\n");
fprintf (stderr,
" -update seconds interval between updates\n");
fprintf (stderr,
" -label string annotation text\n");
fprintf (stderr,
" -bg color background color\n");
fprintf (stderr,
" -fg color text color\n");
fprintf (stderr,
" -hl color scale color\n");
fprintf (stderr,
" -codecolor color used code and stack memory color\n");
fprintf (stderr,
" -cachedcolor color used cached memory color\n");
fprintf (stderr,
" -buffercolor color used buffer memory color\n");
fprintf (stderr,
" -freecolor color used free memory color\n");
fprintf (stderr,
" -swapcolor color used swap memory color\n");
fprintf (stderr,
" -nolabel removes the label from above the chart.\n");
fprintf (stderr,
" -jumpscroll value number of pixels to scroll on overflow\n");
fprintf (stderr,
"The reference line refers to the avaible installed ram\n");
fprintf (stderr, "\n");
int main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
XtAppContext app_con;
Widget toplevel, load, pane, label_wid, load_parent;
Arg args[1];
Pixmap icon_pixmap = None;
char *label, host[256];
char *lastslash;
/* For security reasons, we reset our uid/gid after doing the necessary
system initialization and before calling any X routines. */
setgid(getgid()); /* reset gid first while still (maybe) root */
toplevel = XtAppInitialize(&app_con, "XMem", options_mem, XtNumber(options_mem),
&argc, argv, NULL, NULL, (Cardinal) 0);
if (argc != 1) usage(argv[0]);
XtGetApplicationResources( toplevel, (XtPointer) &resources,
my_resources_mem, XtNumber(my_resources_mem),
NULL, (Cardinal) 0);
* This is a hack so that f.delete will do something useful in this
* single-window application.
XtAppAddActions (app_con, xload_actions, XtNumber(xload_actions));
XtParseTranslationTable ("<Message>WM_PROTOCOLS: quit()"));
XtSetArg (args[0], XtNiconPixmap, &icon_pixmap);
XtGetValues(toplevel, args, ONE);
if (icon_pixmap == None) {
XtSetArg(args[0], XtNiconPixmap,
(char *)xload_bits,
xload_width, xload_height));
XtSetValues (toplevel, args, ONE);
if (resources.show_label) {
pane = XtCreateManagedWidget ("paned", panedWidgetClass,
toplevel, NULL, ZERO);
label_wid = XtCreateManagedWidget ("label", labelWidgetClass,
pane, NULL, ZERO);
XtSetArg (args[0], XtNlabel, &label);
XtGetValues(label_wid, args, ONE);
if ( strcmp("label", label) == 0 ) {
(void) XmuGetHostname (host, 255);
XtSetArg (args[0], XtNlabel, host);
XtSetValues (label_wid, args, ONE);
load_parent = pane;
load_parent = toplevel;
load = XtCreateManagedWidget ("mem", memStripChartWidgetClass,
load_parent, NULL, ZERO);
XtAddCallback(load, XtNgetValue, (void*)GetMemLoadPoint, NULL);
XtRealizeWidget (toplevel);
wm_delete_window = XInternAtom (XtDisplay(toplevel), "WM_DELETE_WINDOW",
(void) XSetWMProtocols (XtDisplay(toplevel), XtWindow(toplevel),
&wm_delete_window, 1);
static void quit (w, event, params, num_params)
Widget w;
XEvent *event;
String *params;
Cardinal *num_params;
if (event->type == ClientMessage &&
event->[0] != wm_delete_window) {
XBell (XtDisplay(w), 0);
exit (0);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user