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Thomas Baruchel 2023-02-02 08:44:03 +01:00
parent 9aa2a2c6cd
commit f73fe61b34
2 changed files with 83 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -425,6 +425,15 @@ Proof.
rewrite rev_involutive. reflexivity.
Lemma tm_step_even_step : forall (n : nat),
rev (tm_step (Nat.double n)) = tm_step (Nat.double n).
intro n. induction n.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite Nat.double_S. rewrite <- tm_step_lemma. rewrite <- tm_step_lemma.
rewrite tm_morphism_twice_rev. rewrite IHn. reflexivity.
Theorem tm_step_double_index : forall (n k : nat),
nth_error (tm_step n) k = nth_error (tm_step (S n)) (2*k).

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@ -1624,3 +1624,77 @@ Proof.
simpl. rewrite Nat.add_0_r. reflexivity.
left. assumption.
Theorem tm_step_square_prefix_not_nil :
forall (n : nat) (hd a tl : list bool),
tm_step n = hd ++ a ++ a ++ tl -> 0 < length a -> hd <> nil.
intros n hd a tl. intros H I.
assert (W: {hd=nil} + {~ hd=nil}). apply list_eq_dec. apply bool_dec.
destruct W. rewrite e in H. rewrite app_nil_l in H.
generalize dependent a.
generalize dependent tl.
induction n.
- intros tl a. intros H I.
destruct a. inversion I. inversion H.
assert (length (nil : list bool) = length (nil : list bool)).
reflexivity. rewrite H2 in H0 at 2. rewrite app_length in H0.
rewrite Nat.add_comm in H0. inversion H0.
- intros tl a. intros H I.
assert (hd <> nil
\/ exists a' tl', tm_step (pred (S n)) = a' ++ a' ++ tl' /\ 0 < length a').
generalize I. generalize H. replace (a++a++tl) with (hd ++ a ++ a ++ tl).
apply tm_step_square_prefix_not_nil0. rewrite e. reflexivity.
destruct H0. assumption. destruct H0. destruct H0.
rewrite <- pred_Sn in H0.
destruct H0.
generalize H1. generalize H0. apply IHn.
- assumption.
Theorem tm_step_square_tail_not_nil :
forall (n : nat) (hd a tl : list bool),
tm_step n = hd ++ a ++ a ++ tl -> 0 < length a -> tl <> nil.
intros n hd a tl. intros H I.
assert (W: {tl=nil} + {~ tl=nil}). apply list_eq_dec. apply bool_dec.
destruct W. rewrite e in H. rewrite app_nil_r in H.
assert (X: n = 2 * Nat.div2 n + Nat.b2n (Nat.odd n)). apply Nat.div2_odd.
rewrite <- Nat.double_twice in X.
assert (Y: rev (hd ++ a ++ a) = rev (hd ++ a ++ a)). reflexivity.
rewrite <- H in Y at 1.
rewrite rev_app_distr in Y. rewrite rev_app_distr in Y.
rewrite <- app_assoc in Y. rewrite X in Y.
assert (Z : { odd n = true } + {~ odd n = true}). apply bool_dec.
destruct Z. rewrite e0 in Y. rewrite Nat.add_1_r in Y.
rewrite tm_step_odd_step in Y.
assert (map negb (rev a ++ rev a ++ rev hd)
= map negb (rev a ++ rev a ++ rev hd)). reflexivity.
rewrite <- Y in H0 at 1.
assert (forall l, map negb (map negb l) = l).
intro l. induction l. reflexivity. simpl. rewrite negb_involutive.
rewrite IHl. reflexivity. rewrite H1 in H0.
rewrite map_app in H0. rewrite map_app in H0.
rewrite <- app_nil_l in H0.
assert ((nil : list bool) <> nil).
assert (0 < length (map negb (rev a))). rewrite map_length.
rewrite rev_length. assumption. generalize H2. generalize H0.
apply tm_step_square_prefix_not_nil. contradiction H2.
apply not_true_is_false in n0. rewrite n0 in Y.
rewrite Nat.add_0_r in Y. rewrite tm_step_even_step in Y.
rewrite <- app_nil_l in Y.
assert ((nil : list bool) <> nil).
assert (0 < length (rev a)). rewrite rev_length. assumption.
generalize H0. generalize Y.
apply tm_step_square_prefix_not_nil. contradiction H0.
reflexivity. assumption.