mirror of https://github.com/ihabunek/toot.git synced 2024-09-22 04:25:55 -04:00
Denis Laxalde 9d3d38552e
Display saved timelines in "goto" menu
We introduce "saved timelines" as a new entry in configuration file. For
now, we only save whether the timeline is local or not. Timeline save is
not implemented yet, only retrieval from config file and display is
handled at the moment. Saved timelines in the goto menu.
2020-05-11 13:20:07 +02:00

168 lines
6.0 KiB

import json
import traceback
import urwid
import webbrowser
from toot import __version__
from .utils import highlight_keys
from .widgets import Button, EditBox, SelectableText
class StatusSource(urwid.ListBox):
"""Shows status data, as returned by the server, as formatted JSON."""
def __init__(self, status):
source = json.dumps(status.data, indent=4)
lines = source.splitlines()
walker = urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker([
urwid.Text(line) for line in lines
class StatusLinks(urwid.ListBox):
"""Shows status links."""
def __init__(self, links):
def widget(url, title):
return Button(title or url, on_press=lambda btn: webbrowser.open(url))
walker = urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker(
[widget(url, title) for url, title in links]
class ExceptionStackTrace(urwid.ListBox):
"""Shows an exception stack trace."""
def __init__(self, ex):
lines = traceback.format_exception(etype=type(ex), value=ex, tb=ex.__traceback__)
walker = urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker([
urwid.Text(line) for line in lines
class StatusDeleteConfirmation(urwid.ListBox):
signals = ["delete", "close"]
def __init__(self, status):
yes = SelectableText("Yes, send it to heck")
no = SelectableText("No, I'll spare it for now")
urwid.connect_signal(yes, "click", lambda *args: self._emit("delete"))
urwid.connect_signal(no, "click", lambda *args: self._emit("close"))
walker = urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker([
urwid.AttrWrap(yes, "", "blue_selected"),
urwid.AttrWrap(no, "", "blue_selected"),
class GotoMenu(urwid.ListBox):
signals = [
def __init__(self, user_timelines):
self.hash_edit = EditBox(caption="Hashtag: ")
actions = list(self.generate_actions(user_timelines))
walker = urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker(actions)
def get_hashtag(self):
return self.hash_edit.edit_text.strip()
def generate_actions(self, user_timelines):
def _home(button):
def _local_public(button):
self._emit("public_timeline", True)
def _global_public(button):
self._emit("public_timeline", False)
def _hashtag(local):
hashtag = self.get_hashtag()
if hashtag:
self._emit("hashtag_timeline", hashtag, local)
def mk_on_press_user_hashtag(tag, local):
def on_press(btn):
self._emit("hashtag_timeline", tag, local)
return on_press
yield Button("Home timeline", on_press=_home)
for tag, cfg in user_timelines.items():
is_local = cfg["local"]
yield Button("#{}".format(tag) + (" (local)" if is_local else ""),
on_press=mk_on_press_user_hashtag(tag, is_local))
yield Button("Local public timeline", on_press=_local_public)
yield Button("Global public timeline", on_press=_global_public)
yield urwid.Divider()
yield self.hash_edit
yield Button("Local hashtag timeline", on_press=lambda x: _hashtag(True))
yield Button("Public hashtag timeline", on_press=lambda x: _hashtag(False))
class Help(urwid.Padding):
def __init__(self):
actions = list(self.generate_contents())
walker = urwid.SimpleListWalker(actions)
listbox = urwid.ListBox(walker)
super().__init__(listbox, left=1, right=1)
def generate_contents(self):
def h(text):
return highlight_keys(text, "cyan")
def link(text, url):
attr_map = {"link": "link_focused"}
text = SelectableText([text, ("link", url)])
urwid.connect_signal(text, "click", lambda t: webbrowser.open(url))
return urwid.AttrMap(text, "", attr_map)
yield urwid.Text(("yellow_bold", "toot {}".format(__version__)))
yield urwid.Divider()
yield urwid.Text(("bold", "General usage"))
yield urwid.Divider()
yield urwid.Text(h(" [Arrow keys] or [H/J/K/L] to move around and scroll content"))
yield urwid.Text(h(" [PageUp] and [PageDown] to scroll content"))
yield urwid.Text(h(" [Enter] or [Space] to activate buttons and menu options"))
yield urwid.Text(h(" [Esc] or [Q] to go back, close overlays, such as menus and this help text"))
yield urwid.Divider()
yield urwid.Text(("bold", "General keys"))
yield urwid.Divider()
yield urwid.Text(h(" [Q] - quit toot"))
yield urwid.Text(h(" [G] - go to - switch timelines"))
yield urwid.Text(h(" [H] - show this help"))
yield urwid.Divider()
yield urwid.Text(("bold", "Status keys"))
yield urwid.Divider()
yield urwid.Text("These commands are applied to the currently focused status.")
yield urwid.Divider()
yield urwid.Text(h(" [B] - Boost/unboost status"))
yield urwid.Text(h(" [C] - Compose new status"))
yield urwid.Text(h(" [F] - Favourite/unfavourite status"))
yield urwid.Text(h(" [R] - Reply to current status"))
yield urwid.Text(h(" [S] - Show text marked as sensitive"))
yield urwid.Text(h(" [T] - Show status thread (replies)"))
yield urwid.Text(h(" [L] - Show the status links"))
yield urwid.Text(h(" [U] - Show the status data in JSON as received from the server"))
yield urwid.Text(h(" [V] - Open status in default browser"))
yield urwid.Divider()
yield urwid.Text(("bold", "Links"))
yield urwid.Divider()
yield link("Documentation: ", "https://toot.readthedocs.io/")
yield link("Project home: ", "https://github.com/ihabunek/toot/")