mirror of https://github.com/profanity-im/profanity.git synced 2024-09-15 19:38:07 -04:00
Paul Fariello 44d16e9141 Add prof_message_t to wrap all message attributes
Probably missing copy of body to plain in carbon and privmessage.
Only covers the incoming message path because goal is OMEMO decryption
of untrusted message.
Cover some of the log functions but not all.
2019-06-20 14:30:42 +02:00

575 lines
19 KiB

#include "config.h"
#include <glib.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <cmocka.h>
#include "ui/window.h"
#include "ui/ui.h"
#include "otr/otr.h"
#include "tests/unittests/ui/stub_ui.h"
// mock state
static char output[256];
expect_cons_show(char *expected)
expect_string(cons_show, output, expected);
expect_any(cons_show, output);
expect_cons_show_error(char *expected)
expect_string(cons_show_error, output, expected);
expect_any(cons_show_error, output);
expect_win_println(char *message)
expect_string(win_println, output, message);
// stubs
void ui_init(void) {}
void ui_load_colours(void) {}
void ui_update(void) {}
void ui_close(void) {}
void ui_redraw(void) {}
void ui_resize(void) {}
void ui_focus_win(ProfWin *win) {}
void chatwin_otr_secured(ProfChatWin *chatwin, gboolean trusted) {}
void chatwin_otr_unsecured(ProfChatWin *chatwin) {}
void chatwin_otr_trust(ProfChatWin *chatwin) {}
void chatwin_otr_untrust(ProfChatWin *chatwin) {}
void chatwin_otr_smp_event(ProfChatWin *chatwin, prof_otr_smp_event_t event, void *data) {}
void chatwin_set_enctext(ProfChatWin *chatwin, const char *const enctext) {}
void chatwin_unset_enctext(ProfChatWin *chatwin) {}
void chatwin_set_incoming_char(ProfChatWin *chatwin, const char *const ch) {}
void chatwin_unset_incoming_char(ProfChatWin *chatwin) {}
void chatwin_set_outgoing_char(ProfChatWin *chatwin, const char *const ch) {}
void chatwin_unset_outgoing_char(ProfChatWin *chatwin) {}
void ui_sigwinch_handler(int sig) {}
unsigned long ui_get_idle_time(void)
return 0;
void ui_reset_idle_time(void) {}
ProfChatWin* chatwin_new(const char * const barejid)
return NULL;
void ui_print_system_msg_from_recipient(const char * const barejid, const char *message) {}
void ui_close_connected_win(int index) {}
int ui_close_all_wins(void)
return 0;
int ui_close_read_wins(void)
return 0;
// current window actions
void ui_clear_current(void) {}
void ui_current_print_line(const char * const msg, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, msg);
vsnprintf(output, sizeof(output), msg, args);
void ui_current_print_formatted_line(const char show_char, int attrs, const char * const msg, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, msg);
vsnprintf(output, sizeof(output), msg, args);
void ui_close_win(int index) {}
int ui_win_unread(int index)
return 0;
char * ui_ask_password(void)
return mock_ptr_type(char *);
char *ui_get_line(void)
return NULL;
void xmlwin_show(ProfXMLWin *xmlwin, const char * const msg) {}
// ui events
void ui_contact_online(char *barejid, Resource *resource, GDateTime *last_activity)
void ui_contact_typing(const char * const barejid, const char * const resource) {}
void chatwin_incoming_msg(ProfChatWin *chatwin, prof_message_t *message, gboolean win_created) {}
void chatwin_receipt_received(ProfChatWin *chatwin, const char * const id) {}
void privwin_incoming_msg(ProfPrivateWin *privatewin, prof_message_t *message) {}
void ui_disconnected(void) {}
void chatwin_recipient_gone(ProfChatWin *chatwin) {}
void chatwin_outgoing_msg(ProfChatWin *chatwin, const char * const message, char *id, prof_enc_t enc_mode,
gboolean request_receipt) {}
void chatwin_outgoing_carbon(ProfChatWin *chatwin, const char * const message, prof_enc_t enc_mode) {}
void privwin_outgoing_msg(ProfPrivateWin *privwin, const char * const message) {}
void privwin_occupant_offline(ProfPrivateWin *privwin) {}
void privwin_occupant_kicked(ProfPrivateWin *privwin, const char *const actor, const char *const reason) {}
void privwin_occupant_banned(ProfPrivateWin *privwin, const char *const actor, const char *const reason) {}
void privwin_occupant_online(ProfPrivateWin *privwin) {}
void privwin_message_occupant_offline(ProfPrivateWin *privwin) {}
void privwin_message_left_room(ProfPrivateWin *privwin) {}
void ui_room_join(const char * const roomjid, gboolean focus) {}
void ui_switch_to_room(const char * const roomjid) {}
void mucwin_role_change(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const role, const char * const actor,
const char * const reason) {}
void mucwin_affiliation_change(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const affiliation, const char * const actor,
const char * const reason) {}
void mucwin_role_and_affiliation_change(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const role,
const char * const affiliation, const char * const actor, const char * const reason) {}
void mucwin_occupant_role_change(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const nick, const char * const role,
const char * const actor, const char * const reason) {}
void mucwin_occupant_affiliation_change(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const nick, const char * const affiliation,
const char * const actor, const char * const reason) {}
void mucwin_occupant_role_and_affiliation_change(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const nick, const char * const role,
const char * const affiliation, const char * const actor, const char * const reason) {}
void mucwin_roster(ProfMucWin *mucwin, GList *occupants, const char * const presence) {}
void mucwin_history(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const nick, GDateTime *timestamp, const char * const message) {}
void mucwin_incoming_msg(ProfMucWin *mucwin, prof_message_t *message, GSList *mentions, GList *triggers) {}
void mucwin_outgoing_msg(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const message, const char *const id, prof_enc_t enc_mode) {}
void mucwin_subject(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const nick, const char * const subject) {}
void mucwin_requires_config(ProfMucWin *mucwin) {}
void ui_room_destroy(const char * const roomjid) {}
void mucwin_info(ProfMucWin *mucwin) {}
void mucwin_show_role_list(ProfMucWin *mucwin, muc_role_t role) {}
void mucwin_show_affiliation_list(ProfMucWin *mucwin, muc_affiliation_t affiliation) {}
void mucwin_room_info_error(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const error) {}
void mucwin_room_disco_info(ProfMucWin *mucwin, GSList *identities, GSList *features) {}
void ui_room_destroyed(const char * const roomjid, const char * const reason, const char * const new_jid,
const char * const password) {}
void ui_room_kicked(const char * const roomjid, const char * const actor, const char * const reason) {}
void mucwin_occupant_kicked(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const nick, const char * const actor,
const char * const reason) {}
void ui_room_banned(const char * const roomjid, const char * const actor, const char * const reason) {}
void mucwin_occupant_banned(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const nick, const char * const actor,
const char * const reason) {}
void ui_leave_room(const char * const roomjid) {}
void mucwin_broadcast(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const message) {}
void mucwin_occupant_offline(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const nick) {}
void mucwin_occupant_online(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const nick, const char * const roles,
const char * const affiliation, const char * const show, const char * const status) {}
void mucwin_occupant_nick_change(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const old_nick, const char * const nick) {}
void mucwin_nick_change(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const nick) {}
void mucwin_occupant_presence(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const nick, const char * const show,
const char * const status) {}
void mucwin_update_occupants(ProfMucWin *mucwin) {}
void mucwin_show_occupants(ProfMucWin *mucwin) {}
void mucwin_hide_occupants(ProfMucWin *mucwin) {}
void mucwin_set_enctext(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const enctext) {}
void mucwin_unset_enctext(ProfMucWin *mucwin) {}
void mucwin_set_message_char(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const ch) {}
void mucwin_unset_message_char(ProfMucWin *mucwin) {}
void ui_show_roster(void) {}
void ui_hide_roster(void) {}
void ui_roster_add(const char * const barejid, const char * const name) {}
void ui_roster_remove(const char * const barejid) {}
void ui_contact_already_in_group(const char * const contact, const char * const group) {}
void ui_contact_not_in_group(const char * const contact, const char * const group) {}
void ui_group_added(const char * const contact, const char * const group) {}
void ui_group_removed(const char * const contact, const char * const group) {}
void chatwin_contact_online(ProfChatWin *chatwin, Resource *resource, GDateTime *last_activity) {}
void chatwin_contact_offline(ProfChatWin *chatwin, char *resource, char *status) {}
void ui_contact_offline(char *barejid, char *resource, char *status) {}
void ui_handle_recipient_error(const char * const recipient, const char * const err_msg)
void ui_handle_error(const char * const err_msg)
void ui_clear_win_title(void) {}
void ui_goodbye_title(void) {}
void confwin_handle_configuration(ProfConfWin *confwin, DataForm *form) {}
void ui_handle_room_configuration_form_error(const char * const roomjid, const char * const message) {}
void ui_handle_room_config_submit_result(const char * const roomjid) {}
void ui_handle_room_config_submit_result_error(const char * const roomjid, const char * const message) {}
void mucwin_affiliation_list_error(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const affiliation, const char * const error) {}
void mucwin_handle_affiliation_list(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const affiliation, GSList *jids) {}
void mucwin_affiliation_set_error(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const jid, const char * const affiliation,
const char * const error) {}
void mucwin_role_set_error(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const nick, const char * const role,
const char * const error) {}
void mucwin_role_list_error(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const role, const char * const error) {}
void mucwin_handle_role_list(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const role, GSList *nicks) {}
void mucwin_kick_error(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char * const nick, const char * const error) {}
void confwin_show_form(ProfConfWin *confwin) {}
void confwin_show_form_field(ProfConfWin *confwin, DataForm *form, char *tag) {}
void confwin_form_help(ProfConfWin *confwin) {}
void confwin_field_help(ProfConfWin *confwin, char *tag) {}
void ui_show_lines(ProfWin *window, gchar** lines) {}
void ui_redraw_all_room_rosters(void) {}
void ui_show_all_room_rosters(void) {}
void ui_hide_all_room_rosters(void) {}
gboolean jabber_conn_is_secured(void)
return TRUE;
TLSCertificate* jabber_get_tls_peer_cert(void)
return NULL;
void cons_show_tlscert(TLSCertificate *cert) {}
void cons_show_tlscert_summary(TLSCertificate *cert) {}
void ui_prune_wins(void) {}
void ui_handle_login_account_success(ProfAccount *account, int secured) {}
void ui_update_presence(const resource_presence_t resource_presence,
const char * const message, const char * const show) {}
char* inp_readline(void)
return NULL;
void inp_nonblocking(gboolean reset) {}
void ui_inp_history_append(char *inp) {}
void ui_invalid_command_usage(const char * const usage, void (*setting_func)(void)) {}
gboolean ui_win_has_unsaved_form(int num)
return FALSE;
void ui_status_bar_inactive(const int win) {}
void ui_status_bar_active(const int win) {}
void ui_status_bar_new(const int win) {}
void ui_write(char *line, int offset) {}
// console window actions
void cons_show(const char * const msg, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, msg);
vsnprintf(output, sizeof(output), msg, args);
void cons_show_padded(int pad, const char * const msg, ...) {}
void cons_show_help(const char *const cmd, CommandHelp *help) {}
void cons_about(void) {}
void cons_help(void) {}
void cons_navigation_help(void) {}
void cons_prefs(void) {}
void cons_show_ui_prefs(void) {}
void cons_show_desktop_prefs(void) {}
void cons_show_chat_prefs(void) {}
void cons_show_log_prefs(void) {}
void cons_show_presence_prefs(void) {}
void cons_show_connection_prefs(void) {}
void cons_show_otr_prefs(void) {}
void cons_show_pgp_prefs(void) {}
void cons_show_omemo_prefs(void) {}
void cons_show_account(ProfAccount *account)
void cons_debug(const char * const msg, ...) {}
void cons_show_time(void) {}
void cons_show_word(const char * const word) {}
void cons_show_error(const char * const cmd, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, cmd);
vsnprintf(output, sizeof(output), cmd, args);
void cons_show_contacts(GSList * list) {}
void cons_show_roster(GSList * list)
cons_bad_cmd_usage(const char * const cmd)
void cons_show_roster_group(const char * const group, GSList * list) {}
void cons_show_wins(gboolean unread) {}
void cons_show_status(const char * const barejid) {}
void cons_show_info(PContact pcontact) {}
void cons_show_caps(const char * const fulljid, resource_presence_t presence) {}
void cons_show_themes(GSList *themes) {}
void cons_show_scripts(GSList *scripts) {}
void cons_show_script(const char *const script, GSList *commands) {}
void cons_show_aliases(GList *aliases)
void cons_show_login_success(ProfAccount *account, int secured) {}
void cons_show_software_version(const char * const jid,
const char * const presence, const char * const name,
const char * const version, const char * const os) {}
void cons_show_account_list(gchar **accounts)
void cons_show_room_list(GSList *room, const char * const conference_node) {}
void cons_show_bookmarks(const GList *list)
void cons_show_disco_items(GSList *items, const char * const jid) {}
void cons_show_disco_info(const char *from, GSList *identities, GSList *features) {}
void cons_show_room_invite(const char * const invitor, const char * const room,
const char * const reason) {}
void cons_check_version(gboolean not_available_msg) {}
void cons_show_typing(const char * const barejid) {}
void cons_show_incoming_room_message(const char *const nick, const char *const room, const int win_index, gboolean mention, GList *triggers, int unread) {}
void cons_show_incoming_message(const char * const short_from, const int win_index, int unread) {}
void cons_show_room_invites(GList *invites) {}
void cons_show_received_subs(void) {}
void cons_show_sent_subs(void) {}
void cons_alert(void) {}
void cons_theme_setting(void) {}
void cons_privileges_setting(void) {}
void cons_beep_setting(void) {}
void cons_console_setting(void) {}
void cons_flash_setting(void) {}
void cons_splash_setting(void) {}
void cons_vercheck_setting(void) {}
void cons_resource_setting(void) {}
void cons_occupants_setting(void) {}
void cons_roster_setting(void) {}
void cons_presence_setting(void) {}
void cons_wrap_setting(void) {}
void cons_winstidy_setting(void) {}
void cons_encwarn_setting(void) {}
void cons_time_setting(void) {}
void cons_statuses_setting(void) {}
void cons_wintitle_setting(void) {}
void cons_notify_setting(void) {}
void cons_states_setting(void) {}
void cons_outtype_setting(void) {}
void cons_intype_setting(void) {}
void cons_gone_setting(void) {}
void cons_history_setting(void) {}
void cons_carbons_setting(void) {}
void cons_receipts_setting(void) {}
void cons_log_setting(void) {}
void cons_chlog_setting(void) {}
void cons_grlog_setting(void) {}
void cons_autoaway_setting(void) {}
void cons_reconnect_setting(void) {}
void cons_autoping_setting(void) {}
void cons_autoconnect_setting(void) {}
void cons_rooms_cache_setting(void) {}
void cons_inpblock_setting(void) {}
void cons_winpos_setting(void) {}
void cons_statusbar_setting(void) {}
void cons_tray_setting(void) {}
void cons_show_contact_online(PContact contact, Resource *resource, GDateTime *last_activity)
void cons_show_contact_offline(PContact contact, char *resource, char *status) {}
void cons_theme_colours(void) {}
void cons_theme_properties(void) {}
// title bar
void title_bar_set_presence(contact_presence_t presence) {}
// status bar
void status_bar_inactive(const int win) {}
void status_bar_active(const int win, win_type_t type, char *identifier) {}
void status_bar_new(const int win, win_type_t type, char *identifier) {}
void status_bar_set_all_inactive(void) {}
// roster window
void rosterwin_roster(void) {}
// occupants window
void occupantswin_occupants(const char * const room) {}
void occupantswin_occupants_all(void) {}
// window interface
ProfWin* win_create_console(void)
return mock_ptr_type(ProfWin*);
ProfWin* win_create_xmlconsole(void)
return NULL;
ProfWin* win_create_chat(const char * const barejid)
return mock_ptr_type(ProfWin*);
ProfWin* win_create_muc(const char * const roomjid)
return NULL;
ProfWin* win_create_config(const char *const title, DataForm *form, ProfConfWinCallback submit, ProfConfWinCallback cancel, const void *userdata)
return NULL;
ProfWin* win_create_private(const char * const fulljid)
return NULL;
ProfWin* win_create_plugin(const char *const plugin_name, const char * const tag)
return NULL;
char* win_get_tab_identifier(ProfWin *window)
return NULL;
void win_update_virtual(ProfWin *window) {}
void win_free(ProfWin *window) {}
gboolean win_notify_remind(ProfWin *window)
return TRUE;
int win_unread(ProfWin *window)
return 0;
void win_resize(ProfWin *window) {}
void win_hide_subwin(ProfWin *window) {}
void win_show_subwin(ProfWin *window) {}
void win_refresh_without_subwin(ProfWin *window) {}
void win_refresh_with_subwin(ProfWin *window) {}
void win_println(ProfWin *window, theme_item_t theme, const char ch, const char *const message, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, message);
vsnprintf(output, sizeof(output), message, args);
void win_print(ProfWin *window, theme_item_t theme_item, const char ch, const char *const message, ...) {}
void win_appendln(ProfWin *window, theme_item_t theme_item, const char *const message, ...) {}
char* win_get_title(ProfWin *window)
return NULL;
void win_show_occupant(ProfWin *window, Occupant *occupant) {}
void win_show_occupant_info(ProfWin *window, const char * const room, Occupant *occupant) {}
void win_show_contact(ProfWin *window, PContact contact) {}
void win_show_info(ProfWin *window, PContact contact) {}
void win_println_indent(ProfWin *window, int pad, const char * const message, ...) {}
void win_clear(ProfWin *window) {}
char* win_to_string(ProfWin *window)
return NULL;
// desktop notifier actions
void notifier_uninit(void) {}
void notify_typing(const char * const handle) {}
void notify_message(const char *const name, int win, const char *const text) {}
void notify_room_message(const char * const handle, const char * const room,
int win, const char * const text) {}
void notify_remind(void) {}
void notify_invite(const char * const from, const char * const room,
const char * const reason) {}
void notify_subscription(const char * const from) {}
void notify(const char * const message, int timeout,
const char * const category) {}