XEP-0184: Message Delivery Receipts, *requires* the id attribute.
Generally this is not the case.
For this reason the id was only present in the DeliveryReceipt struct
since it was only used for XEP-0184.
For https://github.com/profanity-im/profanity/issues/660 XEP-0313 MAM
and https://github.com/profanity-im/profanity/issues/805 XEP-0308 Last Message Correction
we will also need the id.
So in preparation for further work let's move the id to the general
We will need to adapt code so that we actually always write the ID if we
receive one.
Profanity sends the same value for both. Other clients might not.
Safe both since we could need them later.
Once we implement Last Message Correction we will need the regular id.
If we override it with origin-id and another client chooses to not use
the same value for id and origin-id then we can't interpret the id sent
with the LMC request correctly.
For OMEMO we had a list with our sent messages.
It was used so that we don't decrypt our own messages in MUCs that come
in via reflection.
Recently for https://github.com/profanity-im/profanity/pull/1209 we
started to use origin-id and use an algorithm so we can detect our own
sent messages via checking origin-id.
Profanity uses the same id for the message ID and origin-id.
With 06f300a42c4c627b6f1817bd48d92f083ffd9883 we added the
message_is_sent_by_us() function.
We implemented XEP-0359 this way to fix
https://github.com/profanity-im/profanity/issues/1201 so that we don't
log our own messages in MUCs twice.
We can now check whether the message was sent by us using this function
and can get rid of the list.
Probably we could also put many parts of the sv_ev_room_message()
function inside (else) part of `if (!(g_strcmp0(mynick,
message->jid->resourcepart) == 0 && message_is_sent_by_us(message))) {`.
Have to look more closely whether any of this needs to be run in case
the message actually comes from us.
Some clients (eg. PSI) are sending the stanzas delimited by whitespace
text nodes, which will fail while looping through the <prekeys/>
children and also print weird errors when iterating through the <list/>
of devices.
When debugging this, I was looking at the XML of Gajim and PSI and first
was somehow confused why Profanity printed "OMEMO: received device
without ID" while the XML looked identical (minus the actual IDs and the
JIDs of course).
However, Gajim was sending the XML without whitespace nodes in between
and PSI did not, so for example the following (with the relevant
whitespace nodes marked with X):
<message type="headline" to="..." from="...">
<event xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event">
<items type="headline" node="eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.devicelist">
<item id="...">
<list xmlns="eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl">
X <device id="..."/>
X <device id="..."/> X
<delay xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay" stamp="..." from="..."/>
... would result in three times the "OMEMO: received device without ID"
error, because we actually have three XML text nodes here that obviously
don't have an "id" attribute.
Now since the <list/> children above aren't really a problem and only
annoying, text nodes in the <prekeys/> stanza actually cause
omemo_start_device_session_handle_bundle to return failure.
I've fixed this by explicitly matching the stanza names we are
interested in, skipping everything else.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@nix.build>
Reported-by: @devhell
For now we initialize gtk in tray_init().
Should maybe use a general function and check in tray_init and
clipboard_init whether gtk was already initialized.
Also we initialize mucuser properly.
Now in case of a carbon of a MUC PM we sv_ev_incoming_carbon() which
calls _sv_ev_incoming_plain() and then we log it via chat_log_msg_in()
in there.
But we also get the sv_ev_incoming_private_message() and call
chat_log_msg_in() in there too. So the incoming message get's logged
If I'm not mistaken MUC PMs have not been logged at all if there was no
other client sending carbons.
This should add MUC PM logging functionality.
We still need to make sure carbons log to the same file.
Regards https://github.com/profanity-im/profanity/issues/1214
Change default themes text color
Using "default" instead of white makes the default better readable
when using a black/dark font on white/light background.
May fix#535
So far if one had enabled `/history` and did `/msg somenick` the history
was loaded from file and displayed like this:
04-04-17 15:23 - 3/4/2017:
01-01-00 10:30 - me: ....
01-01-00 10:31 - somebody: ....
01-01-00 10:32 - somebody: ....
So the first line contained the actual date. But the date used in each
line was always 01-01-2000. This date was for some reason hardcoded.
This commit now actually uses that date to build the proper GDateTime
instead of just printing it.
Fix https://github.com/profanity-im/profanity/issues/922
This caused the bug mentioned in the PR comment:
It seems with the changes done here we get a crash in: src/xmpp/message.c message_handlers_init() when looking up handlers: ProfMessageHandler *handler = g_hash_table_lookup(pubsub_event_handlers, curr->data);.
Steps to reproduce:
open Profanity and connect
/autoping set 10
/autoping timeout 10
stop WiFi/connection
wait for Lost connection
restart wifi
So far only with dummy value.
We will need an identifier that we can hash together with a message ID
and put in as the origin-id.
So when we receive message we can unsplit it and see if it was sent from
this client.
Regards https://github.com/profanity-im/profanity/issues/1207
ncursesw defines _XOPEN_SOURCE macro via command-line. In particular, it
is defined in ncursesw.pc and extracted via pkg-config. From other side,
Python defines the same macro unconditionally in pyconfig.h. Python-3.x
defines the macro with value different than ncursesw does. In turn, this
causes a warning that the macro is redefined. And warnings are treated
as errors.
Since both entities define the mecro unconditionally, we can't simply
reorder headers as Python developers suggest. So, undefine the macro
just before the <Python.h> to fix this silly issue.