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Author SHA1 Message Date
IsaacM88 23c6936398 Improve MUC title behaviour for roster, statusbar, and titlebar
## Abstract

Continuation of https://github.com/profanity-im/profanity/pull/1881

Give all MUC title commands a consistent command structure and appearance.

- `/roster room use name|jid` and `/roster room show|hide server` are now `/roster room title bookmark|jid|localpart|name`
- `/statusbar room room|jid` is now `/statusbar room title bookmark|jid|localpart|name`
- `/statusbar show|hide jid` and `/statusbar show|hide name` are now `/titlebar room title bookmark|jid|localpart|name`

Fix both bugs mentioned in https://github.com/profanity-im/profanity/pull/1881

### src/ui/mucwin.c:mucwin_generate_title

Called by each command to generate a properly formatted title. It checks for "name" first because "name" is the default preference for each command. The last if-statement sets the title to "localpart" for special cases when the title should be "localpart" instead of the user-defined preference.

## Testing

### Preparation

Remove preferences that will interfere with testing.

sed -i "/roster.rooms.title=/d" profrc
sed -i "/statusbar.room.title=/d" profrc
sed -i "/titlebar.muc.title=/d" profrc
sed -i "/roster.rooms.use.name=/d" profrc
sed -i "/roster.rooms.server=/d" profrc
sed -i "/statusbar.room=/d" profrc
sed -i "/titlebar.muc.title.jid=/d" profrc
sed -i "/titlebar.muc.title.name=/d" profrc
sed -i "/roster.rooms.by=/d" profrc

### Command Definitions

| Test | Window |
| :--- | :--- |
| `/help roster` | - /roster room title bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name<br>- room title bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name : Display the bookmark name, JID, JID localpart, or room name as the roster title for MUCs.<br>- *No /roster show\|hide server*<br>- *No /roster room use jid\|name* |
| `/help statusbar` | - /statusbar room title bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name<br>- room title bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name : Display the bookmark name, JID, JID localpart, or room name as the title for MUC tabs.<br>- *No /statusbar room jid\|room* |
| `/help titlebar` | - /titlebar room title bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name<br>- room title bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name : Display the bookmark name, JID, JID localpart, or room name as the MUC window title.<br>- *No /titlebar show\|hide jid\|name* |

### Autocomplete

| Test | Command line |
| :--- | :--- |
| `/roster room <TAB>` | Autocompletes `title` |
| `/roster room title <TAB>` | Autocompletes `bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name` |
| `/statusbar room <TAB>` | Autocompletes `title` |
| `/statusbar room title <TAB>` | Autocompletes `bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name` |
| `/titlebar room <TAB>` | Autocompletes `title` |
| `/titlebar room title <TAB>` | Autocompletes `bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name` |
| `/roster room <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `use`, `show`, or `hide` |
| `/roster room use <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `name` |
| `/roster room show <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `server` |
| `/roster room hide <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `server` |
| `/statusbar room <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `jid` or `room` |
| `/titlebar show <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `jid` or `name` |
| `/titlebar hide <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `jid` or `name` |

### Set Preferences

| Test | Window | profrc |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| `/roster room title bookmark` | Roster MUCs will display 'bookmark' as their title. | roster.rooms.title=bookmark |
| `/roster room title jid` | Roster MUCs will display 'jid' as their title. | roster.rooms.title=jid |
| `/roster room title localpart` | Roster MUCs will display 'localpart' as their title. | roster.rooms.title=localpart |
| `/roster room title name` | Roster MUCs will display 'name' as their title. | roster.rooms.title=name |
| `/roster room title invalid` | Invalid usage, see '/help roster' for details. | |
| `/statusbar room title bookmark` | Displaying 'bookmark' as the title for MUC tabs. | statusbar.room.title=bookmark |
| `/statusbar room title jid` | Displaying 'jid' as the title for MUC tabs. | statusbar.room.title=jid |
| `/statusbar room title localpart` | Displaying 'localpart' as the title for MUC tabs. | statusbar.room.title=localpart |
| `/statusbar room title name` | Displaying 'name' as the title for MUC tabs. | statusbar.room.title=name |
| `/statusbar room title invalid` | Invalid usage, see '/help statusbar' for details. |  |
| `/titlebar room title bookmark` | MUC windows will display 'bookmark' as the window title. | titlebar.muc.title=bookmark |
| `/titlebar room title jid` | MUC windows will display 'jid' as the window title. | titlebar.muc.title=jid |
| `/titlebar room title localpart` | MUC windows will display 'localpart' as the window title. | titlebar.muc.title=localpart |
| `/titlebar room title name` | MUC windows will display 'name' as the window title. | titlebar.muc.title=name |
| `/titlebar room title invalid` | Invalid usage, see '/help titlebar' for details. |  |
| `/roster room use jid` | Invalid usage, see '/help roster' for details. |  |
| `/roster room use name` | Invalid usage, see '/help roster' for details. |  |
| `/roster room show server` | Invalid usage, see '/help roster' for details. |  |
| `/roster room hide server` | Invalid usage, see '/help roster' for details. |  |
| `/statusbar room jid` | Invalid usage, see '/help statusbar' for details. |  |
| `/statusbar room room` | Invalid usage, see '/help statusbar' for details. |  |
| `/titlebar show jid` | Invalid usage, see '/help titlebar' for details. |  |
| `/titlebar hide jid` | Invalid usage, see '/help titlebar' for details. |  |
| `/titlebar show name` | Invalid usage, see '/help titlebar' for details. |  |
| `/titlebar hide name` | Invalid usage, see '/help titlebar' for details. |  |

### Display Set Preferences

| Test | Window |
| :--- | :--- |
| /prefs ui | - Roster rooms title (/roster) : name<br>- Room tab display (/statusbar) : name<br>- MUC window title (/titlebar) : name |

### Test MUC Window

#### Test: without *name* preference, without *room name* field

/join muc@dmn.im
/room config
/field1 ""
/form submit

| Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| `/join muc@dmn.im` | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im |
| `/room config` |  | muc<span/>@dmn.im conf | muc<span/>@dmn.im config |
| `/field2 edit` |  |  | muc<span/>@dmn.im config * |
| `/msg tst` | tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst |
| `/roster room by service` | muc |  |  |

#### Test: with *name* preference, without *room name* field

/roster room title name
/statusbar room title name
/titlebar room title name

| Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| `/join muc@dmn.im` | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im |
| `/room config` |  | muc<span/>@dmn.im conf | muc<span/>@dmn.im config |
| `/field2 edit` |  |  | muc<span/>@dmn.im config * |
| `/msg tst` | tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst |
| `/roster room by service` | muc |  |  |

#### Test: without *name* preference, with *room name* field

sed -i "/roster.rooms.title=/d" profrc
sed -i "/statusbar.room.title=/d" profrc
sed -i "/titlebar.muc.title=/d" profrc
/join muc@dmn.im
/room config
/field1 "my_room"
/form submit

| Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| `/join muc@dmn.im` | my_room | my_room | my_room |
| `/room config` |  | my_room conf | my_room config |
| `/field2 edit` |  |  | my_room config * |
| `/msg tst` | tst | my_room/tst | my_room/tst |
| `/roster room by service` | my_room |  |  |

#### Test: with *name* preference, with *room name* field

/roster room title name
/statusbar room title name
/titlebar room title name

| Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| `/join muc@dmn.im` | my_room | my_room | my_room |
| `/room config` |  | my_room conf | my_room config |
| `/field2 edit` |  |  | my_room config * |
| `/msg tst` | tst | my_room/tst | my_room/tst |
| `/roster room by service` | my_room |  |  |

#### Test: with *localpart* preference

/roster room title localpart
/statusbar room title localpart
/titlebar room title localpart

| Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| `/join muc@dmn.im` | muc | muc | muc |
| `/room config` |  | muc conf | muc config |
| `/field2 edit` |  |  | muc config * |
| `/msg tst` | tst | muc/tst | muc/tst |
| `/roster room by service` | muc |  |  |

#### Test: with *bookmark* preference, without *bookmark name*

/roster room title bookmark
/statusbar room title bookmark
/titlebar room title bookmark
/bookmark add muc@dmn.im

| Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| `/bookmark join muc@dmn.im` | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im |
| `/room config` |  | muc<span/>@dmn.im conf | muc<span/>@dmn.im config |
| `/field2 edit` |  |  | muc<span/>@dmn.im config * |
| `/msg tst` | tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst |
| `/roster room by service` | muc |  |  |

#### Test: with *bookmark* preference, with *bookmark name*

/bookmark remove muc@dmn.im
/bookmark add muc@dmn.im name "my_bookmark"

| Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| `/bookmark join muc@dmn.im` | my_bookmark | my_bookmark | my_bookmark |
| `/room config` |  | my_bookmark conf | my_bookmark config |
| `/field2 edit` |  |  | my_bookmark config * |
| `/msg tst` | tst | my_bookmark/tst | my_bookmark/tst |
| `/roster room by service` | my_bookmark |  |  |

#### Test: with *jid* preference

/roster room title jid
/statusbar room title jid
/titlebar room title jid

| Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| `/join muc@dmn.im` | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im |
| `/room config` |  | muc<span/>@dmn.im conf | muc<span/>@dmn.im config |
| `/field2 edit` |  |  | muc<span/>@dmn.im config * |
| `/msg tst` | tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst |
| `/roster room by service` | muc |  |  |

### Test Contact Chat Window Title

#### Test: without contact nick

/roster add tst@dmn.im

| Test | Titlebar |
| :--- | :--- |
| `/msg tst@dmn.im` | tst<span/>@dmn.im |

#### Test: with contact nick

/roster add tst@dmn.im my_tst

| Test | Titlebar |
| :--- | :--- |
| `/msg my_tst` | my_tst <tst<span/>@ike.snikket.chat> |

### Test Preference Upgrade

#### Test /roster

| Test | profrc |
| :--- | :--- |
| `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.use.name=name' profrc` | Original key removed. |
| `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.use.name=' profrc` | Original key removed. |
| `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.server=' profrc` | Original key removed. |
| `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.use.name=jid' profrc` | Original key removed.<br>roster.rooms.title=jid |
| `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.use.name=jid' profrc`<br>`sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.server=false' profrc` | Original keys removed.<br>roster.rooms.title=localpart |
| `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.use.name=jid' profrc`<br>`sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.server=true' profrc` | Original keys removed.<br>roster.rooms.title=jid |
| `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.use.name=jid' profrc`<br>`sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.server=' profrc` | Original keys removed.<br>roster.rooms.title=jid |
| `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\statusbar.room=' profrc` | Original key removed. |
| `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\statusbar.room=room' profrc` | Original key removed.<br>statusbar.room.title=localpart |
| `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\statusbar.room=jid' profrc` | Original key removed.<br>statusbar.room.title=jid |
| `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.jid=' profrc` | Original key removed. |
| `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.name=' profrc` | Original key removed. |
| `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.jid=true' profrc` | Original key removed. |
| `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.name=true' profrc` | Original key removed. |
| `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.jid=false' profrc` | Original key removed. |
| `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.name=false' profrc` | Original key removed. |
| `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.jid=true' profrc`<br>`sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.name=false' profrc` | Original key removed.<br>titlebar.muc.title=jid |
| `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.jid=false' profrc`<br>`sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.name=true' profrc` | Original keys removed. |
| `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.jid=true' profrc`<br>`sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.name=true' profrc` | Original keys removed. |

### Test Valgrind

No memory leaks detected relating to these changes.
2023-10-05 18:16:04 -06:00
Shahab Vahedi 883469c549 themes/batman: Use "bold_black" iso "black_bold"
This makes all the related errors in the log files go away:
  prof: ERR: Color: bad color name black_bold_default
  prof: ERR: Unable to load colour theme

Fixes https://github.com/profanity-im/profanity/issues/1810
2023-04-03 21:47:24 +02:00
Michael Vetter 12f5e350ab Rename gruvbox_trung to gruvbox_transparent 2022-10-11 16:10:29 +02:00
Trần H. Trung dd52a3f5ce Add transparency optimized gruvbox theme
Change background from Grey15 → Black which can be mapped to transparent with a better visibility.
Shuffle 6 lines of color for legibility.

Signed-off-by: Trần H. Trung <work@trung.fun>
2022-10-11 16:08:20 +02:00
Paul Fertser 12fcced57c Add irssi theme
The theme is intended to closely resemble the default Irssi look and
feel, with minimum visual clutter in UI elements, roster and occupants
lists are simplistic, similar to nicklist.pl Irssi script output.

Based on "original" theme.
2022-04-02 17:55:27 +03:00
Martin Dosch 4cb0eae6b3 Add (experimental) theme snikket. 2021-10-16 14:08:21 +02:00
a1346054 a1dc3d1237 Trim excess whitespace 2021-08-26 01:18:10 +00:00
d3npa 1759a75dad
fix typo in color name 2021-07-14 11:59:15 -04:00
Michael Vetter 9e679a03a5 Fix color typo in headache and whiteness theme
Reported at: https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1180739
Fixes https://github.com/profanity-im/profanity/issues/1471
2021-01-18 10:32:53 +01:00
Florent Lévigne f90f9e0c0f Update gruvbox theme (background color) 2020-08-27 10:49:30 +02:00
Michael Vetter 85520ecdc5 Remove unanimous MAM display
For some time users could choose to have the old way "unanimous" where
all the MUC history is just grey (or whatever was set). Now it is always
just displayed like regular new incoming MUC text.
2020-04-25 17:19:02 +02:00
Michael Vetter a8bc3c38b2 Add jubalian theme 2020-03-25 15:45:59 +01:00
Michael Vetter 3c1db1cd32 xep-0308: make correction.char themeable 2020-02-10 14:58:22 +01:00
Florent Lévigne 06daf9d733 Add gruvbox theme
Inspired by the vim gruvbox color scheme.
2020-01-28 13:33:38 +01:00
Martin Dosch 155a88521f Add (experimental) solarized-light theme
This theme should (when finished) look well
with the solarized-light color scheme.
It is still very rough and needs a lot of polishing
but I will try to improve it when I find time.
Otherwise it might be start for someone
using solarized-light to improve it.
2019-11-08 14:49:27 +01:00
Michael Vetter 47d8d210ab Make forest theme more readable 2019-10-22 15:10:55 +02:00
Martin Dosch df25e9c3d9 Add cmd.wins.unread 2019-10-12 13:42:08 +02:00
mdosch 82f343c0fc Fix solarized dark theme
This fixes a whitespace issue that was probably introduced
by using the github editor.
2019-09-25 19:02:19 +02:00
Martin 95f365565b
Update theme solarized dark
The theme `solarized dark` is updated to play well with
the newly added `statusbar.active` from #1195
2019-09-25 11:25:23 +02:00
Martin 5dbef8ad54
Set color for roster.header to default 2019-09-12 22:00:17 +02:00
Martin 49271e46fc
Add color for main.text.history
Use the color schemes default for history.
2019-09-11 18:49:53 +02:00
Martin 3c59f985e5
Update colors in solarized-dark theme 2019-08-24 08:24:12 +00:00
Martin db4b30fd83
Change orange to orange1
`orange` is no allowed color[^1] so it is replaced by `orange1`.

2019-08-23 15:14:47 +02:00
Martin Dosch 637708151c Add solarized theme 2019-08-20 19:48:28 +02:00
Paul Fariello 9482ce6168 Set foreground color for untrusted messages 2019-06-20 14:30:45 +02:00
Michael Vetter 84ccee2093 Add omemo.char to themes 2019-06-05 11:01:58 +02:00
Michael Vetter fcf4d14374 Document statusbar.time theme feature
Users where under the impression that you can't colour the time displayed
in the statusbar.
Let's add it to the template, and also change all themes to use the same
colour for the time as for the statusbar text.
2019-06-05 10:40:03 +02:00
Paul Fariello a952776b89 Rename mucconf wins into conf wins
Configuration windows are now being used by both muc and cmd.
2018-09-05 13:51:00 +02:00
James Booth 34aa7a717c Update theme 2018-03-24 20:27:48 +00:00
James Booth 513a80c950 Update theme 2018-03-11 01:24:36 +00:00
James Booth d6e7f389d1 Add max tab length to statusbar 2018-03-11 01:18:46 +00:00
James Booth aa520f4f7c Add statusbar pref to themes 2018-03-10 23:22:58 +00:00
James Booth f4759cf337 Update themes 2018-02-10 00:01:26 +00:00
James Booth ffa01a1a4c Add main.help.header to themes 2016-10-30 17:06:06 +00:00
James Booth 0e1df8c542 Update theme boothj5_laptop 2016-10-16 22:56:52 +01:00
James Booth 3671dbb576 Update theme boothj5_laptop 2016-10-16 22:52:32 +01:00
James Booth 503e0ae38e Fix time.xmlconsole in themes 2016-10-16 22:20:36 +01:00
James Booth 7e6e6296f1 Update boothj5_laptop theme 2016-10-16 19:37:23 +01:00
James Booth 5ede33a3b6 Add boothj5_laptop theme 2016-10-16 19:33:27 +01:00
James Booth 095c129a6b Update boothj5 theme 2016-10-10 22:42:08 +01:00
James Booth d3cc5bd7ed Allow vertical positioning of all windows 2016-09-23 00:56:53 +01:00
James Booth 0aa758cbfb Add /inputwin top|bottom command
closes #853
2016-09-19 23:40:45 +01:00
James Booth 1a3dc91e11 Highlight room trigger terms 2016-02-13 22:46:25 +00:00
James Booth 2f82f50a35 Added roommention.term theme option 2016-02-10 23:03:23 +00:00
James Booth 71679a3159 Added mention and trigger themes for console 2016-02-10 21:38:28 +00:00
James Booth 7bdc46c012 Updated boothj5 theme 2016-02-10 21:14:18 +00:00
James Booth abc2f0de39 Added /roster show|hide unsubscribed 2016-02-07 00:49:48 +00:00
James Booth bab75cae15 Implemented /console private setting 2016-02-03 23:39:20 +00:00
James Booth 72c1c49695 Added console.chat preference 2016-02-03 23:02:52 +00:00
James Booth f0837abf0a Updated themes 2016-02-01 01:42:09 +00:00