mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 15:08:15 -05:00
Merge branch 'master' into osx-functional
This commit is contained in:
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ static char *my_sha1;
static void _save_cache(void);
static EntityCapabilities* _caps_by_ver(const char *const ver);
static EntityCapabilities* _caps_by_jid(const char *const jid);
EntityCapabilities* _caps_copy(EntityCapabilities *caps);
static EntityCapabilities* _caps_copy(EntityCapabilities *caps);
@ -106,6 +106,66 @@ caps_init(void)
my_sha1 = NULL;
GList *result = NULL;
GList *curr = prof_features;
while (curr) {
result = g_list_append(result, curr->data);
curr = g_list_next(curr);
GList *plugin_features = plugins_get_disco_features();
curr = plugin_features;
while (curr) {
result = g_list_append(result, curr->data);
curr = g_list_next(curr);
return result;
caps_create(const char *const category, const char *const type, const char *const name,
const char *const software, const char *const software_version,
const char *const os, const char *const os_version,
GSList *features)
EntityCapabilities *result = (EntityCapabilities *)malloc(sizeof(EntityCapabilities));
if (category || type || name) {
DiscoIdentity *identity = (DiscoIdentity*)malloc(sizeof(DiscoIdentity));
identity->category = category ? strdup(category) : NULL;
identity->type = type ? strdup(type) : NULL;
identity->name = name ? strdup(name) : NULL;
result->identity = identity;
} else {
result->identity = NULL;
if (software || software_version || os || os_version) {
SoftwareVersion *software_versionp = (SoftwareVersion*)malloc(sizeof(SoftwareVersion));
software_versionp->software = software ? strdup(software) : NULL;
software_versionp->software_version = software_version ? strdup(software_version) : NULL;
software_versionp->os = os ? strdup(os) : NULL;
software_versionp->os_version = os_version ? strdup(os_version) : NULL;
result->software_version = software_versionp;
} else {
result->software_version = NULL;
result->features = NULL;
GSList *curr = features;
while (curr) {
result->features = g_slist_append(result->features, strdup(curr->data));
curr = g_slist_next(curr);
return result;
caps_add_by_ver(const char *const ver, EntityCapabilities *caps)
@ -175,70 +235,11 @@ caps_map_jid_to_ver(const char *const jid, const char *const ver)
caps_contains(const char *const ver)
caps_cache_contains(const char *const ver)
return (g_key_file_has_group(cache, ver));
static EntityCapabilities*
_caps_by_ver(const char *const ver)
if (g_key_file_has_group(cache, ver)) {
EntityCapabilities *new_caps = malloc(sizeof(struct entity_capabilities_t));
char *category = g_key_file_get_string(cache, ver, "category", NULL);
char *type = g_key_file_get_string(cache, ver, "type", NULL);
char *name = g_key_file_get_string(cache, ver, "name", NULL);
if (category || type || name) {
DiscoIdentity *identity = malloc(sizeof(struct disco_identity_t));
identity->category = category;
identity->type = type;
identity->name = name;
new_caps->identity = identity;
} else {
new_caps->identity = NULL;
char *software = g_key_file_get_string(cache, ver, "software", NULL);
char *software_version = g_key_file_get_string(cache, ver, "software_version", NULL);
char *os = g_key_file_get_string(cache, ver, "os", NULL);
char *os_version = g_key_file_get_string(cache, ver, "os_version", NULL);
if (software || software_version || os || os_version) {
SoftwareVersion *software_versionp = malloc(sizeof(struct software_version_t));
software_versionp->software = software;
software_versionp->software_version = software_version;
software_versionp->os = os;
software_versionp->os_version = os_version;
new_caps->software_version = software_versionp;
} else {
new_caps->software_version = NULL;
gsize features_len = 0;
gchar **features = g_key_file_get_string_list(cache, ver, "features", &features_len, NULL);
if (features && features_len > 0) {
GSList *features_list = NULL;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < features_len; i++) {
features_list = g_slist_append(features_list, strdup(features[i]));
new_caps->features = features_list;
} else {
new_caps->features = NULL;
return new_caps;
} else {
return NULL;
static EntityCapabilities*
_caps_by_jid(const char *const jid)
return g_hash_table_lookup(jid_to_caps, jid);
caps_lookup(const char *const jid)
@ -261,287 +262,12 @@ caps_lookup(const char *const jid)
return NULL;
_caps_copy(EntityCapabilities *caps)
if (!caps) {
return NULL;
} else {
EntityCapabilities *result = (EntityCapabilities *)malloc(sizeof(EntityCapabilities));
if (caps->identity) {
DiscoIdentity *identity = (DiscoIdentity*)malloc(sizeof(DiscoIdentity));
identity->category = caps->identity->category ? strdup(caps->identity->category) : NULL;
identity->type = caps->identity->type ? strdup(caps->identity->type) : NULL;
identity->name = caps->identity->name ? strdup(caps->identity->name) : NULL;
result->identity = identity;
} else {
result->identity = NULL;
if (caps->software_version) {
SoftwareVersion *software_version = (SoftwareVersion*)malloc(sizeof(SoftwareVersion));
software_version->software = caps->software_version->software ? strdup(caps->software_version->software) : NULL;
software_version->software_version = caps->software_version->software_version ? strdup(caps->software_version->software_version) : NULL;
software_version->os = caps->software_version->os ? strdup(caps->software_version->os) : NULL;
software_version->os_version = caps->software_version->os_version ? strdup(caps->software_version->os_version) : NULL;
} else {
result->software_version = NULL;
result->features = NULL;
GSList *curr = caps->features;
while (curr) {
result->features = g_slist_append(result->features, strdup(curr->data));
curr = g_slist_next(curr);
return result;
caps_create_sha1_str(xmpp_stanza_t *const query)
GSList *identities = NULL;
GSList *features = NULL;
GSList *form_names = NULL;
GHashTable *forms = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, (GDestroyNotify)form_destroy);
xmpp_stanza_t *child = xmpp_stanza_get_children(query);
while (child) {
if (g_strcmp0(xmpp_stanza_get_name(child), STANZA_NAME_IDENTITY) == 0) {
const char *category = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(child, "category");
const char *type = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(child, "type");
const char *lang = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(child, "xml:lang");
const char *name = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(child, "name");
GString *identity_str = g_string_new(category);
g_string_append(identity_str, "/");
if (type) {
g_string_append(identity_str, type);
g_string_append(identity_str, "/");
if (lang) {
g_string_append(identity_str, lang);
g_string_append(identity_str, "/");
if (name) {
g_string_append(identity_str, name);
g_string_append(identity_str, "<");
identities = g_slist_insert_sorted(identities, g_strdup(identity_str->str), (GCompareFunc)strcmp);
g_string_free(identity_str, TRUE);
} else if (g_strcmp0(xmpp_stanza_get_name(child), STANZA_NAME_FEATURE) == 0) {
const char *feature_str = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(child, "var");
features = g_slist_insert_sorted(features, g_strdup(feature_str), (GCompareFunc)strcmp);
} else if (g_strcmp0(xmpp_stanza_get_name(child), STANZA_NAME_X) == 0) {
if (g_strcmp0(xmpp_stanza_get_ns(child), STANZA_NS_DATA) == 0) {
DataForm *form = form_create(child);
char *form_type = form_get_form_type_field(form);
form_names = g_slist_insert_sorted(form_names, g_strdup(form_type), (GCompareFunc)strcmp);
g_hash_table_insert(forms, g_strdup(form_type), form);
child = xmpp_stanza_get_next(child);
GString *s = g_string_new("");
GSList *curr = identities;
while (curr) {
g_string_append(s, curr->data);
curr = g_slist_next(curr);
curr = features;
while (curr) {
g_string_append(s, curr->data);
g_string_append(s, "<");
curr = g_slist_next(curr);
curr = form_names;
while (curr) {
DataForm *form = g_hash_table_lookup(forms, curr->data);
char *form_type = form_get_form_type_field(form);
g_string_append(s, form_type);
g_string_append(s, "<");
GSList *sorted_fields = form_get_non_form_type_fields_sorted(form);
GSList *curr_field = sorted_fields;
while (curr_field) {
FormField *field = curr_field->data;
g_string_append(s, field->var);
g_string_append(s, "<");
GSList *sorted_values = form_get_field_values_sorted(field);
GSList *curr_value = sorted_values;
while (curr_value) {
g_string_append(s, curr_value->data);
g_string_append(s, "<");
curr_value = g_slist_next(curr_value);
curr_field = g_slist_next(curr_field);
curr = g_slist_next(curr);
char *result = p_sha1_hash(s->str);
g_string_free(s, TRUE);
g_slist_free_full(identities, g_free);
g_slist_free_full(features, g_free);
g_slist_free_full(form_names, g_free);
return result;
caps_create(xmpp_stanza_t *query)
char *software = NULL;
char *software_version = NULL;
char *os = NULL;
char *os_version = NULL;
xmpp_stanza_t *softwareinfo = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(query, STANZA_NS_DATA);
if (softwareinfo) {
DataForm *form = form_create(softwareinfo);
FormField *formField = NULL;
char *form_type = form_get_form_type_field(form);
if (g_strcmp0(form_type, STANZA_DATAFORM_SOFTWARE) == 0) {
GSList *field = form->fields;
while (field) {
formField = field->data;
if (formField->values) {
if (strcmp(formField->var, "software") == 0) {
software = strdup(formField->values->data);
} else if (strcmp(formField->var, "software_version") == 0) {
software_version = strdup(formField->values->data);
} else if (strcmp(formField->var, "os") == 0) {
os = strdup(formField->values->data);
} else if (strcmp(formField->var, "os_version") == 0) {
os_version = strdup(formField->values->data);
field = g_slist_next(field);
xmpp_stanza_t *child = xmpp_stanza_get_children(query);
GSList *identity_stanzas = NULL;
GSList *features = NULL;
while (child) {
if (g_strcmp0(xmpp_stanza_get_name(child), "feature") == 0) {
features = g_slist_append(features, strdup(xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(child, "var")));
if (g_strcmp0(xmpp_stanza_get_name(child), "identity") == 0) {
identity_stanzas = g_slist_append(identity_stanzas, child);
child = xmpp_stanza_get_next(child);
// find identity by locale
const gchar* const *langs = g_get_language_names();
int num_langs = g_strv_length((gchar**)langs);
xmpp_stanza_t *found = NULL;
GSList *curr_identity = identity_stanzas;
while (curr_identity) {
xmpp_stanza_t *id_stanza = curr_identity->data;
const char *stanza_lang = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(id_stanza, "xml:lang");
if (stanza_lang) {
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num_langs; i++) {
if (g_strcmp0(langs[i], stanza_lang) == 0) {
found = id_stanza;
if (found) {
curr_identity = g_slist_next(curr_identity);
// not lang match, use default with no lang
if (!found) {
curr_identity = identity_stanzas;
while (curr_identity) {
xmpp_stanza_t *id_stanza = curr_identity->data;
const char *stanza_lang = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(id_stanza, "xml:lang");
if (!stanza_lang) {
found = id_stanza;
curr_identity = g_slist_next(curr_identity);
// no matching lang, no identity without lang, use first
if (!found) {
if (identity_stanzas) {
found = identity_stanzas->data;
const char *category = NULL;
const char *type = NULL;
const char *name = NULL;
if (found) {
category = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(found, "category");
type = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(found, "type");
name = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(found, "name");
EntityCapabilities *new_caps = malloc(sizeof(struct entity_capabilities_t));
if (category || type || name) {
DiscoIdentity *identity = malloc(sizeof(struct disco_identity_t));
identity->category = category ? strdup(category) : NULL;
identity->type = type ? strdup(type) : NULL;
identity->name = name ? strdup(name) : NULL;
new_caps->identity = identity;
} else {
new_caps->identity = NULL;
if (software || software_version || os || os_version) {
SoftwareVersion *software_versionp = malloc(sizeof(struct software_version_t));
software_versionp->software = software;
software_versionp->software_version = software_version;
software_versionp->os = os;
software_versionp->os_version = os_version;
if (features) {
new_caps->features = features;
} else {
new_caps->features = NULL;
return new_caps;
caps_get_my_sha1(xmpp_ctx_t *const ctx)
if (my_sha1 == NULL) {
xmpp_stanza_t *query = caps_create_query_response_stanza(ctx);
my_sha1 = caps_create_sha1_str(query);
xmpp_stanza_t *query = stanza_create_caps_query_element(ctx);
my_sha1 = stanza_create_caps_sha1_from_query(query);
@ -557,62 +283,6 @@ caps_reset_ver(void)
caps_create_query_response_stanza(xmpp_ctx_t *const ctx)
xmpp_stanza_t *query = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx);
xmpp_stanza_set_name(query, STANZA_NAME_QUERY);
xmpp_stanza_set_ns(query, XMPP_NS_DISCO_INFO);
xmpp_stanza_t *identity = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx);
xmpp_stanza_set_name(identity, "identity");
xmpp_stanza_set_attribute(identity, "category", "client");
xmpp_stanza_set_attribute(identity, "type", "console");
GString *name_str = g_string_new("Profanity ");
g_string_append(name_str, PACKAGE_VERSION);
if (strcmp(PACKAGE_STATUS, "development") == 0) {
g_string_append(name_str, "dev.");
g_string_append(name_str, PROF_GIT_BRANCH);
g_string_append(name_str, ".");
g_string_append(name_str, PROF_GIT_REVISION);
g_string_append(name_str, "dev");
xmpp_stanza_set_attribute(identity, "name", name_str->str);
g_string_free(name_str, TRUE);
xmpp_stanza_add_child(query, identity);
GList *curr = prof_features;
while (curr) {
xmpp_stanza_t *feature = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx);
xmpp_stanza_set_name(feature, STANZA_NAME_FEATURE);
xmpp_stanza_set_attribute(feature, STANZA_ATTR_VAR, curr->data);
xmpp_stanza_add_child(query, feature);
curr = g_list_next(curr);
GList *plugin_features = plugins_get_disco_features();
curr = plugin_features;
while (curr) {
xmpp_stanza_t *feature = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx);
xmpp_stanza_set_name(feature, STANZA_NAME_FEATURE);
xmpp_stanza_set_attribute(feature, STANZA_ATTR_VAR, curr->data);
xmpp_stanza_add_child(query, feature);
curr = g_list_next(curr);
return query;
@ -626,6 +296,77 @@ caps_close(void)
prof_features = NULL;
static EntityCapabilities*
_caps_by_ver(const char *const ver)
if (!g_key_file_has_group(cache, ver)) {
return NULL;
char *category = g_key_file_get_string(cache, ver, "category", NULL);
char *type = g_key_file_get_string(cache, ver, "type", NULL);
char *name = g_key_file_get_string(cache, ver, "name", NULL);
char *software = g_key_file_get_string(cache, ver, "software", NULL);
char *software_version = g_key_file_get_string(cache, ver, "software_version", NULL);
char *os = g_key_file_get_string(cache, ver, "os", NULL);
char *os_version = g_key_file_get_string(cache, ver, "os_version", NULL);
gsize features_len = 0;
gchar **features_list = g_key_file_get_string_list(cache, ver, "features", &features_len, NULL);
GSList *features = NULL;
if (features_list && features_len > 0) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < features_len; i++) {
features = g_slist_append(features, features_list[i]);
EntityCapabilities *result = caps_create(
category, type, name,
software, software_version, os, os_version,
if (features_list) {
return result;
static EntityCapabilities*
_caps_by_jid(const char *const jid)
return g_hash_table_lookup(jid_to_caps, jid);
static EntityCapabilities*
_caps_copy(EntityCapabilities *caps)
if (!caps) {
return NULL;
const char *const categoty = caps->identity ? caps->identity->category : NULL;
const char *const type = caps->identity ? caps->identity->type : NULL;
const char *const name = caps->identity ? caps->identity->name : NULL;
const char *const software = caps->software_version ? caps->software_version->software : NULL;
const char *const software_version = caps->software_version ? caps->software_version->software_version : NULL;
const char *const os = caps->software_version ? caps->software_version->os : NULL;
const char *const os_version = caps->software_version ? caps->software_version->os_version : NULL;
return caps_create(categoty, type, name, software, software_version, os, os_version, caps->features);
static void
_disco_identity_destroy(DiscoIdentity *disco_identity)
@ -49,14 +49,15 @@
void caps_init(void);
EntityCapabilities* caps_create(const char *const category, const char *const type, const char *const name,
const char *const software, const char *const software_version,
const char *const os, const char *const os_version,
GSList *features);
void caps_add_by_ver(const char *const ver, EntityCapabilities *caps);
void caps_add_by_jid(const char *const jid, EntityCapabilities *caps);
void caps_map_jid_to_ver(const char *const jid, const char *const ver);
gboolean caps_contains(const char *const ver);
char* caps_create_sha1_str(xmpp_stanza_t *const query);
xmpp_stanza_t* caps_create_query_response_stanza(xmpp_ctx_t *const ctx);
EntityCapabilities* caps_create(xmpp_stanza_t *query);
gboolean caps_cache_contains(const char *const ver);
GList* caps_get_features(void);
char* caps_get_my_sha1(xmpp_ctx_t *const ctx);
@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ _caps_response_id_handler(xmpp_stanza_t *const stanza, void *const userdata)
// validate sha1
gchar **split = g_strsplit(node, "#", -1);
char *given_sha1 = split[1];
char *generated_sha1 = caps_create_sha1_str(query);
char *generated_sha1 = stanza_create_caps_sha1_from_query(query);
if (g_strcmp0(given_sha1, generated_sha1) != 0) {
log_warning("Generated sha-1 does not match given:");
@ -742,11 +742,11 @@ _caps_response_id_handler(xmpp_stanza_t *const stanza, void *const userdata)
} else {
log_info("Valid SHA-1 hash found: %s", given_sha1);
if (caps_contains(given_sha1)) {
if (caps_cache_contains(given_sha1)) {
log_info("Capabilties already cached: %s", given_sha1);
} else {
log_info("Capabilities not cached: %s, storing", given_sha1);
EntityCapabilities *capabilities = caps_create(query);
EntityCapabilities *capabilities = stanza_create_caps_from_query_element(query);
caps_add_by_ver(given_sha1, capabilities);
@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ _caps_response_for_jid_id_handler(xmpp_stanza_t *const stanza, void *const userd
log_info("Associating capabilities with: %s", jid);
EntityCapabilities *capabilities = caps_create(query);
EntityCapabilities *capabilities = stanza_create_caps_from_query_element(query);
caps_add_by_jid(jid, capabilities);
@ -870,11 +870,11 @@ _caps_response_legacy_id_handler(xmpp_stanza_t *const stanza, void *const userda
// nodes match
if (g_strcmp0(expected_node, node) == 0) {
log_info("Legacy capabilities, nodes match %s", node);
if (caps_contains(node)) {
if (caps_cache_contains(node)) {
log_info("Capabilties already cached: %s", node);
} else {
log_info("Capabilities not cached: %s, storing", node);
EntityCapabilities *capabilities = caps_create(query);
EntityCapabilities *capabilities = stanza_create_caps_from_query_element(query);
caps_add_by_ver(node, capabilities);
@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@ _disco_info_get_handler(xmpp_stanza_t *const stanza)
xmpp_stanza_set_id(response, xmpp_stanza_get_id(stanza));
xmpp_stanza_set_attribute(response, STANZA_ATTR_TO, from);
xmpp_stanza_set_type(response, STANZA_TYPE_RESULT);
xmpp_stanza_t *query = caps_create_query_response_stanza(ctx);
xmpp_stanza_t *query = stanza_create_caps_query_element(ctx);
if (node_str) {
xmpp_stanza_set_attribute(query, STANZA_ATTR_NODE, node_str);
@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ _handle_caps(const char *const jid, XMPPCaps *caps)
if (g_strcmp0(caps->hash, "sha-1") == 0) {
log_info("Hash %s supported", caps->hash);
if (caps->ver) {
if (caps_contains(caps->ver)) {
if (caps_cache_contains(caps->ver)) {
log_info("Capabilities cache hit: %s, for %s.", caps->ver, jid);
caps_map_jid_to_ver(jid, caps->ver);
} else {
@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ _send_caps_request(char *node, char *caps_key, char *id, char *from)
if (node) {
log_debug("Node string: %s.", node);
if (!caps_contains(caps_key)) {
if (!caps_cache_contains(caps_key)) {
log_debug("Capabilities not cached for '%s', sending discovery IQ.", from);
xmpp_stanza_t *iq = stanza_create_disco_info_iq(ctx, id, from, node);
@ -36,6 +36,10 @@
#include "config.h"
#include "gitversion.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
@ -1052,6 +1056,51 @@ stanza_create_room_config_submit_iq(xmpp_ctx_t *ctx, const char *const room, Dat
return iq;
stanza_create_caps_query_element(xmpp_ctx_t *ctx)
xmpp_stanza_t *query = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx);
xmpp_stanza_set_name(query, STANZA_NAME_QUERY);
xmpp_stanza_set_ns(query, XMPP_NS_DISCO_INFO);
xmpp_stanza_t *identity = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx);
xmpp_stanza_set_name(identity, "identity");
xmpp_stanza_set_attribute(identity, "category", "client");
xmpp_stanza_set_attribute(identity, "type", "console");
GString *name_str = g_string_new("Profanity ");
g_string_append(name_str, PACKAGE_VERSION);
if (strcmp(PACKAGE_STATUS, "development") == 0) {
g_string_append(name_str, "dev.");
g_string_append(name_str, PROF_GIT_BRANCH);
g_string_append(name_str, ".");
g_string_append(name_str, PROF_GIT_REVISION);
g_string_append(name_str, "dev");
xmpp_stanza_set_attribute(identity, "name", name_str->str);
g_string_free(name_str, TRUE);
xmpp_stanza_add_child(query, identity);
GList *features = caps_get_features();
GList *curr = features;
while (curr) {
xmpp_stanza_t *feature = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx);
xmpp_stanza_set_name(feature, STANZA_NAME_FEATURE);
xmpp_stanza_set_attribute(feature, STANZA_ATTR_VAR, curr->data);
xmpp_stanza_add_child(query, feature);
curr = g_list_next(curr);
return query;
stanza_contains_chat_state(xmpp_stanza_t *stanza)
@ -1084,6 +1133,107 @@ stanza_create_ping_iq(xmpp_ctx_t *ctx, const char *const target)
return iq;
stanza_create_caps_sha1_from_query(xmpp_stanza_t *const query)
GSList *identities = NULL;
GSList *features = NULL;
GSList *form_names = NULL;
GHashTable *forms = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, (GDestroyNotify)form_destroy);
xmpp_stanza_t *child = xmpp_stanza_get_children(query);
while (child) {
if (g_strcmp0(xmpp_stanza_get_name(child), STANZA_NAME_IDENTITY) == 0) {
const char *category = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(child, "category");
const char *type = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(child, "type");
const char *lang = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(child, "xml:lang");
const char *name = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(child, "name");
GString *identity_str = g_string_new(category);
g_string_append(identity_str, "/");
if (type) {
g_string_append(identity_str, type);
g_string_append(identity_str, "/");
if (lang) {
g_string_append(identity_str, lang);
g_string_append(identity_str, "/");
if (name) {
g_string_append(identity_str, name);
g_string_append(identity_str, "<");
identities = g_slist_insert_sorted(identities, g_strdup(identity_str->str), (GCompareFunc)strcmp);
g_string_free(identity_str, TRUE);
} else if (g_strcmp0(xmpp_stanza_get_name(child), STANZA_NAME_FEATURE) == 0) {
const char *feature_str = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(child, "var");
features = g_slist_insert_sorted(features, g_strdup(feature_str), (GCompareFunc)strcmp);
} else if (g_strcmp0(xmpp_stanza_get_name(child), STANZA_NAME_X) == 0) {
if (g_strcmp0(xmpp_stanza_get_ns(child), STANZA_NS_DATA) == 0) {
DataForm *form = form_create(child);
char *form_type = form_get_form_type_field(form);
form_names = g_slist_insert_sorted(form_names, g_strdup(form_type), (GCompareFunc)strcmp);
g_hash_table_insert(forms, g_strdup(form_type), form);
child = xmpp_stanza_get_next(child);
GString *s = g_string_new("");
GSList *curr = identities;
while (curr) {
g_string_append(s, curr->data);
curr = g_slist_next(curr);
curr = features;
while (curr) {
g_string_append(s, curr->data);
g_string_append(s, "<");
curr = g_slist_next(curr);
curr = form_names;
while (curr) {
DataForm *form = g_hash_table_lookup(forms, curr->data);
char *form_type = form_get_form_type_field(form);
g_string_append(s, form_type);
g_string_append(s, "<");
GSList *sorted_fields = form_get_non_form_type_fields_sorted(form);
GSList *curr_field = sorted_fields;
while (curr_field) {
FormField *field = curr_field->data;
g_string_append(s, field->var);
g_string_append(s, "<");
GSList *sorted_values = form_get_field_values_sorted(field);
GSList *curr_value = sorted_values;
while (curr_value) {
g_string_append(s, curr_value->data);
g_string_append(s, "<");
curr_value = g_slist_next(curr_value);
curr_field = g_slist_next(curr_field);
curr = g_slist_next(curr);
char *result = p_sha1_hash(s->str);
g_string_free(s, TRUE);
g_slist_free_full(identities, g_free);
g_slist_free_full(features, g_free);
g_slist_free_full(form_names, g_free);
return result;
stanza_get_delay(xmpp_stanza_t *const stanza)
@ -1573,6 +1723,118 @@ stanza_parse_caps(xmpp_stanza_t *const stanza)
return caps;
stanza_create_caps_from_query_element(xmpp_stanza_t *query)
char *software = NULL;
char *software_version = NULL;
char *os = NULL;
char *os_version = NULL;
xmpp_stanza_t *softwareinfo = xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_ns(query, STANZA_NS_DATA);
if (softwareinfo) {
DataForm *form = form_create(softwareinfo);
FormField *formField = NULL;
char *form_type = form_get_form_type_field(form);
if (g_strcmp0(form_type, STANZA_DATAFORM_SOFTWARE) == 0) {
GSList *field = form->fields;
while (field) {
formField = field->data;
if (formField->values) {
if (strcmp(formField->var, "software") == 0) {
software = formField->values->data;
} else if (strcmp(formField->var, "software_version") == 0) {
software_version = formField->values->data;
} else if (strcmp(formField->var, "os") == 0) {
os = formField->values->data;
} else if (strcmp(formField->var, "os_version") == 0) {
os_version = formField->values->data;
field = g_slist_next(field);
xmpp_stanza_t *child = xmpp_stanza_get_children(query);
GSList *identity_stanzas = NULL;
GSList *features = NULL;
while (child) {
if (g_strcmp0(xmpp_stanza_get_name(child), "feature") == 0) {
features = g_slist_append(features, strdup(xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(child, "var")));
if (g_strcmp0(xmpp_stanza_get_name(child), "identity") == 0) {
identity_stanzas = g_slist_append(identity_stanzas, child);
child = xmpp_stanza_get_next(child);
// find identity by locale
const gchar* const *langs = g_get_language_names();
int num_langs = g_strv_length((gchar**)langs);
xmpp_stanza_t *found = NULL;
GSList *curr_identity = identity_stanzas;
while (curr_identity) {
xmpp_stanza_t *id_stanza = curr_identity->data;
const char *stanza_lang = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(id_stanza, "xml:lang");
if (stanza_lang) {
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num_langs; i++) {
if (g_strcmp0(langs[i], stanza_lang) == 0) {
found = id_stanza;
if (found) {
curr_identity = g_slist_next(curr_identity);
// not lang match, use default with no lang
if (!found) {
curr_identity = identity_stanzas;
while (curr_identity) {
xmpp_stanza_t *id_stanza = curr_identity->data;
const char *stanza_lang = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(id_stanza, "xml:lang");
if (!stanza_lang) {
found = id_stanza;
curr_identity = g_slist_next(curr_identity);
// no matching lang, no identity without lang, use first
if (!found) {
if (identity_stanzas) {
found = identity_stanzas->data;
const char *category = NULL;
const char *type = NULL;
const char *name = NULL;
if (found) {
category = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(found, "category");
type = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(found, "type");
name = xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(found, "name");
EntityCapabilities *result = caps_create(category, type, name, software, software_version, os, os_version, features);
g_slist_free_full(features, free);
return result;
stanza_get_error_message(xmpp_stanza_t *stanza)
@ -1712,7 +1974,7 @@ stanza_attach_caps(xmpp_ctx_t *const ctx, xmpp_stanza_t *const presence)
xmpp_stanza_t *caps = xmpp_stanza_new(ctx);
xmpp_stanza_set_name(caps, STANZA_NAME_C);
xmpp_stanza_set_ns(caps, STANZA_NS_CAPS);
xmpp_stanza_t *query = caps_create_query_response_stanza(ctx);
xmpp_stanza_t *query = stanza_create_caps_query_element(ctx);
char *sha1 = caps_get_my_sha1(ctx);
xmpp_stanza_set_attribute(caps, STANZA_ATTR_HASH, "sha-1");
@ -291,6 +291,10 @@ void stanza_attach_caps(xmpp_ctx_t *const ctx, xmpp_stanza_t *const presence);
void stanza_attach_show(xmpp_ctx_t *const ctx, xmpp_stanza_t *const presence, const char *const show);
void stanza_attach_status(xmpp_ctx_t *const ctx, xmpp_stanza_t *const presence, const char *const status);
xmpp_stanza_t* stanza_create_caps_query_element(xmpp_ctx_t *ctx);
char* stanza_create_caps_sha1_from_query(xmpp_stanza_t *const query);
EntityCapabilities* stanza_create_caps_from_query_element(xmpp_stanza_t *query);
const char* stanza_get_presence_string_from_type(resource_presence_t presence_type);
xmpp_stanza_t* stanza_create_software_version_iq(xmpp_ctx_t *ctx, const char *const fulljid);
xmpp_stanza_t* stanza_create_disco_items_iq(xmpp_ctx_t *ctx, const char *const id, const char *const jid);
Reference in New Issue
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