mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 15:08:15 -05:00
Renamed muc functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ cmd_reset_autocomplete()
if (win_current_is_groupchat()) {
PAutocomplete nick_ac = room_get_nick_ac(win_current_get_recipient());
PAutocomplete nick_ac = muc_get_roster_ac(win_current_get_recipient());
if (nick_ac != NULL) {
@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ _cmd_complete_parameters(char *input, int *size)
if (win_current_is_groupchat()) {
PAutocomplete nick_ac = room_get_nick_ac(win_current_get_recipient());
PAutocomplete nick_ac = muc_get_roster_ac(win_current_get_recipient());
if (nick_ac != NULL) {
_parameter_autocomplete_with_ac(input, size, "/msg", nick_ac);
_parameter_autocomplete_with_ac(input, size, "/info", nick_ac);
@ -1534,7 +1534,7 @@ _cmd_msg(gchar **args, struct cmd_help_t help)
if (win_current_is_groupchat()) {
char *room_name = win_current_get_recipient();
if (room_nick_in_roster(room_name, usr)) {
if (muc_nick_in_roster(room_name, usr)) {
GString *full_jid = g_string_new(room_name);
g_string_append(full_jid, "/");
g_string_append(full_jid, usr);
@ -1614,7 +1614,7 @@ _cmd_join(gchar **args, struct cmd_help_t help)
strcpy(jid_cpy, jid);
nick = strdup(strtok(jid_cpy, "@"));
if (!room_is_active(room)) {
if (!muc_room_is_active(room)) {
jabber_join(room, nick);
win_join_chat(room, nick);
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ jabber_join(const char * const room, const char * const nick)
xmpp_send(jabber_conn.conn, presence);
room_join(room, nick);
muc_join_room(room, nick);
@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ jabber_change_room_nick(const char * const room, const char * const nick)
jabber_leave_chat_room(const char * const room_jid)
char *nick = room_get_nick_for_room(room_jid);
char *nick = muc_get_room_nick(room_jid);
xmpp_stanza_t *presence = stanza_create_room_leave_presence(jabber_conn.ctx,
room_jid, nick);
@ -454,10 +454,10 @@ jabber_update_presence(jabber_presence_t status, const char * const msg,
xmpp_send(jabber_conn.conn, presence);
// send presence for each room
GList *rooms = room_get_rooms();
GList *rooms = muc_get_active_room_list();
while (rooms != NULL) {
char *room = rooms->data;
char *nick = room_get_nick_for_room(room);
char *nick = muc_get_room_nick(room);
char *full_room_jid = room_create_full_room_jid(room, nick);
xmpp_stanza_set_attribute(presence, STANZA_ATTR_TO, full_room_jid);
@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ _groupchat_message_handler(xmpp_stanza_t * const stanza)
// room not active in profanity
if (!room_is_active(room_jid)) {
if (!muc_room_is_active(room_jid)) {
log_error("Message recieved for inactive groupchat: %s", room_jid);
@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ _chat_message_handler(xmpp_stanza_t * const stanza)
char *jid = NULL;
// private message from chat room use full jid (room/nick)
if (room_is_active(short_from)) {
if (muc_room_is_active(short_from)) {
jid = strdup(from);
priv = TRUE;
// standard chat message, use jid without resource
@ -994,18 +994,18 @@ _room_presence_handler(const char * const jid, xmpp_stanza_t * const stanza)
// leave room if not self nick change
if (nick_change) {
} else {
// handle self nick change
} else if (room_is_pending_nick_change(room)) {
room_change_nick(room, nick);
} else if (muc_is_room_pending_nick_change(room)) {
muc_complete_room_nick_change(room, nick);
prof_handle_room_nick_change(room, nick);
// handle roster complete
} else if (!room_get_roster_received(room)) {
} else if (!muc_get_roster_received(room)) {
@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ _room_presence_handler(const char * const jid, xmpp_stanza_t * const stanza)
// handle nickname change
if (stanza_is_room_nick_change(stanza)) {
char *new_nick = stanza_get_new_nick(stanza);
room_add_pending_nick_change(room, new_nick, nick);
muc_set_roster_pending_nick_change(room, new_nick, nick);
} else {
prof_handle_room_member_offline(room, nick, "offline", status_str);
@ -1038,16 +1038,16 @@ _room_presence_handler(const char * const jid, xmpp_stanza_t * const stanza)
} else {
show_str = "online";
if (!room_get_roster_received(room)) {
room_add_to_roster(room, nick, show_str, status_str);
if (!muc_get_roster_received(room)) {
muc_add_to_roster(room, nick, show_str, status_str);
} else {
char *old_nick = room_complete_pending_nick_change(room, nick);
char *old_nick = muc_complete_roster_nick_change(room, nick);
if (old_nick != NULL) {
room_add_to_roster(room, nick, show_str, status_str);
muc_add_to_roster(room, nick, show_str, status_str);
prof_handle_room_member_nick_change(room, old_nick, nick);
} else {
if (!room_nick_in_roster(room, nick)) {
if (!muc_nick_in_roster(room, nick)) {
prof_handle_room_member_online(room, nick, show_str, status_str);
} else {
prof_handle_room_member_presence(room, nick, show_str, status_str);
@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ _presence_handler(xmpp_conn_t * const conn,
// handle chat room presence
if (room_is_active(from)) {
if (muc_room_is_active(from)) {
return _room_presence_handler(from, stanza);
// handle regular presence
@ -41,17 +41,17 @@ typedef struct _muc_room_t {
GHashTable *rooms = NULL;
static void _room_free(muc_room *room);
static void _free_room(muc_room *room);
* Join the chat room with the specified nickname
room_join(const char * const room, const char * const nick)
muc_join_room(const char * const room, const char * const nick)
if (rooms == NULL) {
rooms = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free,
muc_room *new_room = malloc(sizeof(muc_room));
@ -72,62 +72,16 @@ room_join(const char * const room, const char * const nick)
* Leave the room
room_leave(const char * const room)
muc_leave_room(const char * const room)
g_hash_table_remove(rooms, room);
* Flag that the user has sent a nick change to the service
* and is awaiting the response
room_set_pending_nick_change(const char * const room)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
chat_room->pending_nick_change = TRUE;
* Returns TRUE if the room is awaiting the result of a
* nick change
room_is_pending_nick_change(const char * const room)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
return chat_room->pending_nick_change;
} else {
return FALSE;
* Change the current nuck name for the room, call once
* the service has responded
room_change_nick(const char * const room, const char * const nick)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
chat_room->nick = strdup(nick);
chat_room->pending_nick_change = FALSE;
* Returns TRUE if the user is currently in the room
room_is_active(const char * const full_room_jid)
muc_room_is_active(const char * const full_room_jid)
char **tokens = g_strsplit(full_room_jid, "/", 0);
char *room_part = tokens[0];
@ -145,13 +99,59 @@ room_is_active(const char * const full_room_jid)
* Flag that the user has sent a nick change to the service
* and is awaiting the response
muc_set_room_pending_nick_change(const char * const room)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
chat_room->pending_nick_change = TRUE;
* Returns TRUE if the room is awaiting the result of a
* nick change
muc_is_room_pending_nick_change(const char * const room)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
return chat_room->pending_nick_change;
} else {
return FALSE;
* Change the current nuck name for the room, call once
* the service has responded
muc_complete_room_nick_change(const char * const room, const char * const nick)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
chat_room->nick = strdup(nick);
chat_room->pending_nick_change = FALSE;
* Return a list of room names
* The contents of the list are owned by the chat room and should not be
* modified or freed.
GList *
if (rooms != NULL) {
return g_hash_table_get_keys(rooms);
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ room_get_rooms(void)
* The nickname is owned by the chat room and should not be modified or freed
char *
room_get_nick_for_room(const char * const room)
muc_get_room_nick(const char * const room)
if (rooms != NULL) {
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
@ -180,6 +180,170 @@ room_get_nick_for_room(const char * const room)
* Returns TRUE if the specified nick exists in the room's roster
muc_nick_in_roster(const char * const room, const char * const nick)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
PContact contact = g_hash_table_lookup(chat_room->roster, nick);
if (contact != NULL) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
* Add a new chat room member to the room's roster
muc_add_to_roster(const char * const room, const char * const nick,
const char * const show, const char * const status)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
gboolean updated = FALSE;
if (chat_room != NULL) {
PContact old = g_hash_table_lookup(chat_room->roster, nick);
if (old == NULL) {
updated = TRUE;
p_autocomplete_add(chat_room->nick_ac, strdup(nick));
} else if ((g_strcmp0(p_contact_presence(old), show) != 0) ||
(g_strcmp0(p_contact_status(old), status) != 0)) {
updated = TRUE;
PContact contact = p_contact_new(nick, NULL, show, status, NULL, FALSE);
g_hash_table_replace(chat_room->roster, strdup(nick), contact);
return updated;
* Remove a room member from the room's roster
muc_remove_from_roster(const char * const room, const char * const nick)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
g_hash_table_remove(chat_room->roster, nick);
p_autocomplete_remove(chat_room->nick_ac, nick);
* Return a list of PContacts representing the room members in the room's roster
* The list is owned by the room and must not be mofified or freed
GList *
muc_get_roster(const char * const room)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
return g_hash_table_get_values(chat_room->roster);
} else {
return NULL;
* Return a PAutocomplete representing the room member's in the roster
muc_get_roster_ac(const char * const room)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
return chat_room->nick_ac;
} else {
return NULL;
* Set to TRUE when the rooms roster has been fully recieved
muc_set_roster_received(const char * const room)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
chat_room->roster_received = TRUE;
* Returns TRUE id the rooms roster has been fully recieved
muc_get_roster_received(const char * const room)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
return chat_room->roster_received;
} else {
return FALSE;
* Remove the old_nick from the roster, and flag that a pending nickname change
* is in progress
muc_set_roster_pending_nick_change(const char * const room,
const char * const new_nick, const char * const old_nick)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
g_hash_table_insert(chat_room->nick_changes, strdup(new_nick), strdup(old_nick));
muc_remove_from_roster(room, old_nick);
* Complete the pending nick name change for a contact in the room's roster
* The new nick name will be added to the roster
* The old nick name will be returned in a new string which must be freed by
* the caller
char *
muc_complete_roster_nick_change(const char * const room,
const char * const nick)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
char *old_nick = g_hash_table_lookup(chat_room->nick_changes, nick);
char *old_nick_cpy;
if (old_nick != NULL) {
old_nick_cpy = strdup(old_nick);
g_hash_table_remove(chat_room->nick_changes, nick);
return old_nick_cpy;
return NULL;
* Get the room name part of the full JID, e.g.
* Full JID = "test@conference.server/person"
@ -279,172 +443,8 @@ room_parse_room_jid(const char * const full_room_jid, char **room, char **nick)
* Returns TRUE if the specified nick exists in the room's roster
room_nick_in_roster(const char * const room, const char * const nick)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
PContact contact = g_hash_table_lookup(chat_room->roster, nick);
if (contact != NULL) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
* Add a new chat room member to the room's roster
room_add_to_roster(const char * const room, const char * const nick,
const char * const show, const char * const status)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
gboolean updated = FALSE;
if (chat_room != NULL) {
PContact old = g_hash_table_lookup(chat_room->roster, nick);
if (old == NULL) {
updated = TRUE;
p_autocomplete_add(chat_room->nick_ac, strdup(nick));
} else if ((g_strcmp0(p_contact_presence(old), show) != 0) ||
(g_strcmp0(p_contact_status(old), status) != 0)) {
updated = TRUE;
PContact contact = p_contact_new(nick, NULL, show, status, NULL, FALSE);
g_hash_table_replace(chat_room->roster, strdup(nick), contact);
return updated;
* Remove a room member from the room's roster
room_remove_from_roster(const char * const room, const char * const nick)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
g_hash_table_remove(chat_room->roster, nick);
p_autocomplete_remove(chat_room->nick_ac, nick);
* Return a list of PContacts representing the room members in the room's roster
* The list is owned by the room and must not be mofified or freed
GList *
room_get_roster(const char * const room)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
return g_hash_table_get_values(chat_room->roster);
} else {
return NULL;
* Return a PAutocomplete representing the room member's in the roster
room_get_nick_ac(const char * const room)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
return chat_room->nick_ac;
} else {
return NULL;
* Set to TRUE when the rooms roster has been fully recieved
room_set_roster_received(const char * const room)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
chat_room->roster_received = TRUE;
* Returns TRUE id the rooms roster has been fully recieved
room_get_roster_received(const char * const room)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
return chat_room->roster_received;
} else {
return FALSE;
* Remove the old_nick from the roster, and flag that a pending nickname change
* is in progress
room_add_pending_nick_change(const char * const room,
const char * const new_nick, const char * const old_nick)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
g_hash_table_insert(chat_room->nick_changes, strdup(new_nick), strdup(old_nick));
room_remove_from_roster(room, old_nick);
* Complete the pending nick name change for a contact in the room's roster
* The new nick name will be added to the roster
* The old nick name will be returned in a new string which must be freed by
* the caller
char *
room_complete_pending_nick_change(const char * const room,
const char * const nick)
muc_room *chat_room = g_hash_table_lookup(rooms, room);
if (chat_room != NULL) {
char *old_nick = g_hash_table_lookup(chat_room->nick_changes, nick);
char *old_nick_cpy;
if (old_nick != NULL) {
old_nick_cpy = strdup(old_nick);
g_hash_table_remove(chat_room->nick_changes, nick);
return old_nick_cpy;
return NULL;
static void
_room_free(muc_room *room)
_free_room(muc_room *room)
if (room != NULL) {
if (room->room != NULL) {
@ -27,33 +27,37 @@
#include "prof_autocomplete.h"
void room_join(const char * const room, const char * const nick);
void room_change_nick(const char * const room, const char * const nick);
void room_leave(const char * const room);
gboolean room_is_active(const char * const full_room_jid);
char * room_get_nick_for_room(const char * const room);
void muc_join_room(const char * const room, const char * const nick);
void muc_leave_room(const char * const room);
gboolean muc_room_is_active(const char * const full_room_jid);
GList* muc_get_active_room_list(void);
char * muc_get_room_nick(const char * const room);
void muc_set_room_pending_nick_change(const char * const room);
gboolean muc_is_room_pending_nick_change(const char * const room);
void muc_complete_room_nick_change(const char * const room,
const char * const nick);
gboolean muc_add_to_roster(const char * const room, const char * const nick,
const char * const show, const char * const status);
void muc_remove_from_roster(const char * const room, const char * const nick);
GList * muc_get_roster(const char * const room);
PAutocomplete muc_get_roster_ac(const char * const room);
gboolean muc_nick_in_roster(const char * const room, const char * const nick);
void muc_set_roster_received(const char * const room);
gboolean muc_get_roster_received(const char * const room);
void muc_set_roster_pending_nick_change(const char * const room,
const char * const new_nick, const char * const old_nick);
char* muc_complete_roster_nick_change(const char * const room,
const char * const nick);
gboolean room_from_jid_is_room(const char * const room_jid);
char * room_create_full_room_jid(const char * const room,
const char * const nick);
char * room_get_room_from_full_jid(const char * const full_room_jid);
char * room_get_nick_from_full_jid(const char * const full_room_jid);
gboolean room_parse_room_jid(const char * const full_room_jid, char **room,
char **nick);
gboolean room_add_to_roster(const char * const room, const char * const nick,
const char * const show, const char * const status);
void room_add_pending_nick_change(const char * const room,
const char * const new_nick, const char * const old_nick);
char* room_complete_pending_nick_change(const char * const room,
const char * const nick);
gboolean room_nick_in_roster(const char * const room, const char * const nick);
gboolean room_from_jid_is_room(const char * const room_jid);
PAutocomplete room_get_nick_ac(const char * const room);
GList * room_get_roster(const char * const room);
void room_set_roster_received(const char * const room);
gboolean room_get_roster_received(const char * const room);
void room_remove_from_roster(const char * const room, const char * const nick);
char * room_create_full_room_jid(const char * const room,
const char * const nick);
void room_set_pending_nick_change(const char * const room);
gboolean room_is_pending_nick_change(const char * const room);
GList* room_get_rooms(void);
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ prof_handle_room_broadcast(const char *const room_jid,
prof_handle_room_roster_complete(const char * const room)
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ prof_handle_room_member_presence(const char * const room,
const char * const nick, const char * const show,
const char * const status)
gboolean updated = room_add_to_roster(room, nick, show, status);
gboolean updated = muc_add_to_roster(room, nick, show, status);
if (updated) {
win_show_room_member_presence(room, nick, show, status);
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ void
prof_handle_room_member_online(const char * const room, const char * const nick,
const char * const show, const char * const status)
room_add_to_roster(room, nick, show, status);
muc_add_to_roster(room, nick, show, status);
win_show_room_member_online(room, nick, show, status);
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ void
prof_handle_room_member_offline(const char * const room, const char * const nick,
const char * const show, const char * const status)
room_remove_from_roster(room, nick);
muc_remove_from_roster(room, nick);
win_show_room_member_offline(room, nick);
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ prof_handle_room_member_offline(const char * const room, const char * const nick
prof_handle_leave_room(const char * const room)
@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ win_show_outgoing_msg(const char * const from, const char * const to,
// create new window
if (win_index == NUM_WINS) {
if (room_is_active(to)) {
if (muc_room_is_active(to)) {
win_index = _new_prof_win(to, WIN_PRIVATE);
} else {
win_index = _new_prof_win(to, WIN_CHAT);
@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ win_show_room_roster(const char * const room)
int win_index = _find_prof_win_index(room);
WINDOW *win = windows[win_index]->win;
GList *roster = room_get_roster(room);
GList *roster = muc_get_roster(room);
if ((roster == NULL) || (g_list_length(roster) == 0)) {
wattron(win, COLOUR_ROOMINFO);
@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ win_show_room_message(const char * const room_jid, const char * const nick,
WINDOW *win = windows[win_index]->win;
if (strcmp(nick, room_get_nick_for_room(room_jid)) != 0) {
if (strcmp(nick, muc_get_room_nick(room_jid)) != 0) {
if (strncmp(message, "/me ", 4) == 0) {
wattron(win, COLOUR_THEM);
wprintw(win, "*%s ", nick);
@ -1020,7 +1020,7 @@ win_show_room_message(const char * const room_jid, const char * const nick,
dirty = TRUE;
if (strcmp(nick, room_get_nick_for_room(room_jid)) != 0) {
if (strcmp(nick, muc_get_room_nick(room_jid)) != 0) {
if (prefs_get_flash()) {
@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ win_show_room_message(const char * const room_jid, const char * const nick,
if (strcmp(nick, room_get_nick_for_room(room_jid)) != 0) {
if (strcmp(nick, muc_get_room_nick(room_jid)) != 0) {
if (prefs_get_beep()) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user