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2012-05-24 00:11:43 +00:00
* ui.h
2019-11-13 11:11:05 +00:00
* vim: expandtab:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4
2012-02-20 20:07:38 +00:00
2019-01-22 10:31:45 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2012 - 2019 James Booth <boothj5@gmail.com>
2023-01-10 09:37:25 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2019 - 2023 Michael Vetter <jubalh@iodoru.org>
2012-02-20 20:07:38 +00:00
* This file is part of Profanity.
* Profanity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Profanity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
2016-07-24 00:14:49 +00:00
* along with Profanity. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2012-02-20 20:07:38 +00:00
* In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to
* link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under
* certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and
* distribute linked combinations including the two.
* You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the
* code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you
* may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not
* obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception
* statement from your version. If you delete this exception statement from all
* source files in the program, then also delete it here.
2012-02-20 20:07:38 +00:00
#ifndef UI_UI_H
#define UI_UI_H
2012-02-05 23:08:15 +00:00
2016-03-31 20:05:02 +00:00
#include "config.h"
2015-10-31 23:38:08 +00:00
2016-07-24 14:43:51 +00:00
#include "config/tlscerts.h"
#include "config/account.h"
Improve MUC title behaviour for roster, statusbar, and titlebar ## Abstract Continuation of https://github.com/profanity-im/profanity/pull/1881 Give all MUC title commands a consistent command structure and appearance. - `/roster room use name|jid` and `/roster room show|hide server` are now `/roster room title bookmark|jid|localpart|name` - `/statusbar room room|jid` is now `/statusbar room title bookmark|jid|localpart|name` - `/statusbar show|hide jid` and `/statusbar show|hide name` are now `/titlebar room title bookmark|jid|localpart|name` Fix both bugs mentioned in https://github.com/profanity-im/profanity/pull/1881 ### src/ui/mucwin.c:mucwin_generate_title Called by each command to generate a properly formatted title. It checks for "name" first because "name" is the default preference for each command. The last if-statement sets the title to "localpart" for special cases when the title should be "localpart" instead of the user-defined preference. ## Testing ### Preparation Remove preferences that will interfere with testing. ``` sed -i "/roster.rooms.title=/d" profrc sed -i "/statusbar.room.title=/d" profrc sed -i "/titlebar.muc.title=/d" profrc sed -i "/roster.rooms.use.name=/d" profrc sed -i "/roster.rooms.server=/d" profrc sed -i "/statusbar.room=/d" profrc sed -i "/titlebar.muc.title.jid=/d" profrc sed -i "/titlebar.muc.title.name=/d" profrc sed -i "/roster.rooms.by=/d" profrc ``` ### Command Definitions | Test | Window | | :--- | :--- | | `/help roster` | - /roster room title bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name<br>- room title bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name : Display the bookmark name, JID, JID localpart, or room name as the roster title for MUCs.<br>- *No /roster show\|hide server*<br>- *No /roster room use jid\|name* | | `/help statusbar` | - /statusbar room title bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name<br>- room title bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name : Display the bookmark name, JID, JID localpart, or room name as the title for MUC tabs.<br>- *No /statusbar room jid\|room* | | `/help titlebar` | - /titlebar room title bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name<br>- room title bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name : Display the bookmark name, JID, JID localpart, or room name as the MUC window title.<br>- *No /titlebar show\|hide jid\|name* | ### Autocomplete | Test | Command line | | :--- | :--- | | `/roster room <TAB>` | Autocompletes `title` | | `/roster room title <TAB>` | Autocompletes `bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name` | | `/statusbar room <TAB>` | Autocompletes `title` | | `/statusbar room title <TAB>` | Autocompletes `bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name` | | `/titlebar room <TAB>` | Autocompletes `title` | | `/titlebar room title <TAB>` | Autocompletes `bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name` | | `/roster room <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `use`, `show`, or `hide` | | `/roster room use <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `name` | | `/roster room show <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `server` | | `/roster room hide <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `server` | | `/statusbar room <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `jid` or `room` | | `/titlebar show <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `jid` or `name` | | `/titlebar hide <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `jid` or `name` | ### Set Preferences | Test | Window | profrc | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `/roster room title bookmark` | Roster MUCs will display 'bookmark' as their title. | roster.rooms.title=bookmark | | `/roster room title jid` | Roster MUCs will display 'jid' as their title. | roster.rooms.title=jid | | `/roster room title localpart` | Roster MUCs will display 'localpart' as their title. | roster.rooms.title=localpart | | `/roster room title name` | Roster MUCs will display 'name' as their title. | roster.rooms.title=name | | `/roster room title invalid` | Invalid usage, see '/help roster' for details. | | | `/statusbar room title bookmark` | Displaying 'bookmark' as the title for MUC tabs. | statusbar.room.title=bookmark | | `/statusbar room title jid` | Displaying 'jid' as the title for MUC tabs. | statusbar.room.title=jid | | `/statusbar room title localpart` | Displaying 'localpart' as the title for MUC tabs. | statusbar.room.title=localpart | | `/statusbar room title name` | Displaying 'name' as the title for MUC tabs. | statusbar.room.title=name | | `/statusbar room title invalid` | Invalid usage, see '/help statusbar' for details. | | | `/titlebar room title bookmark` | MUC windows will display 'bookmark' as the window title. | titlebar.muc.title=bookmark | | `/titlebar room title jid` | MUC windows will display 'jid' as the window title. | titlebar.muc.title=jid | | `/titlebar room title localpart` | MUC windows will display 'localpart' as the window title. | titlebar.muc.title=localpart | | `/titlebar room title name` | MUC windows will display 'name' as the window title. | titlebar.muc.title=name | | `/titlebar room title invalid` | Invalid usage, see '/help titlebar' for details. | | | `/roster room use jid` | Invalid usage, see '/help roster' for details. | | | `/roster room use name` | Invalid usage, see '/help roster' for details. | | | `/roster room show server` | Invalid usage, see '/help roster' for details. | | | `/roster room hide server` | Invalid usage, see '/help roster' for details. | | | `/statusbar room jid` | Invalid usage, see '/help statusbar' for details. | | | `/statusbar room room` | Invalid usage, see '/help statusbar' for details. | | | `/titlebar show jid` | Invalid usage, see '/help titlebar' for details. | | | `/titlebar hide jid` | Invalid usage, see '/help titlebar' for details. | | | `/titlebar show name` | Invalid usage, see '/help titlebar' for details. | | | `/titlebar hide name` | Invalid usage, see '/help titlebar' for details. | | ### Display Set Preferences | Test | Window | | :--- | :--- | | /prefs ui | - Roster rooms title (/roster) : name<br>- Room tab display (/statusbar) : name<br>- MUC window title (/titlebar) : name | ### Test MUC Window #### Test: without *name* preference, without *room name* field ``` /join muc@dmn.im /room config /field1 "" /form submit /quit ``` | Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `/join muc@dmn.im` | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im | | `/room config` | | muc<span/>@dmn.im conf | muc<span/>@dmn.im config | | `/field2 edit` | | | muc<span/>@dmn.im config * | | `/msg tst` | tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst | | `/roster room by service` | muc | | | #### Test: with *name* preference, without *room name* field ``` /roster room title name /statusbar room title name /titlebar room title name /save /quit ``` | Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `/join muc@dmn.im` | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im | | `/room config` | | muc<span/>@dmn.im conf | muc<span/>@dmn.im config | | `/field2 edit` | | | muc<span/>@dmn.im config * | | `/msg tst` | tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst | | `/roster room by service` | muc | | | #### Test: without *name* preference, with *room name* field ``` sed -i "/roster.rooms.title=/d" profrc sed -i "/statusbar.room.title=/d" profrc sed -i "/titlebar.muc.title=/d" profrc /join muc@dmn.im /room config /field1 "my_room" /form submit /quit ``` | Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `/join muc@dmn.im` | my_room | my_room | my_room | | `/room config` | | my_room conf | my_room config | | `/field2 edit` | | | my_room config * | | `/msg tst` | tst | my_room/tst | my_room/tst | | `/roster room by service` | my_room | | | #### Test: with *name* preference, with *room name* field ``` /quit /roster room title name /statusbar room title name /titlebar room title name /save /quit ``` | Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `/join muc@dmn.im` | my_room | my_room | my_room | | `/room config` | | my_room conf | my_room config | | `/field2 edit` | | | my_room config * | | `/msg tst` | tst | my_room/tst | my_room/tst | | `/roster room by service` | my_room | | | #### Test: with *localpart* preference ``` /quit /roster room title localpart /statusbar room title localpart /titlebar room title localpart /save /quit ``` | Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `/join muc@dmn.im` | muc | muc | muc | | `/room config` | | muc conf | muc config | | `/field2 edit` | | | muc config * | | `/msg tst` | tst | muc/tst | muc/tst | | `/roster room by service` | muc | | | #### Test: with *bookmark* preference, without *bookmark name* ``` /quit /roster room title bookmark /statusbar room title bookmark /titlebar room title bookmark /save /quit /bookmark add muc@dmn.im ``` | Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `/bookmark join muc@dmn.im` | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im | | `/room config` | | muc<span/>@dmn.im conf | muc<span/>@dmn.im config | | `/field2 edit` | | | muc<span/>@dmn.im config * | | `/msg tst` | tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst | | `/roster room by service` | muc | | | #### Test: with *bookmark* preference, with *bookmark name* ``` /quit /bookmark remove muc@dmn.im /bookmark add muc@dmn.im name "my_bookmark" ``` | Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `/bookmark join muc@dmn.im` | my_bookmark | my_bookmark | my_bookmark | | `/room config` | | my_bookmark conf | my_bookmark config | | `/field2 edit` | | | my_bookmark config * | | `/msg tst` | tst | my_bookmark/tst | my_bookmark/tst | | `/roster room by service` | my_bookmark | | | #### Test: with *jid* preference ``` /quit /roster room title jid /statusbar room title jid /titlebar room title jid /save /quit ``` | Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `/join muc@dmn.im` | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im | | `/room config` | | muc<span/>@dmn.im conf | muc<span/>@dmn.im config | | `/field2 edit` | | | muc<span/>@dmn.im config * | | `/msg tst` | tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst | | `/roster room by service` | muc | | | ### Test Contact Chat Window Title #### Test: without contact nick ``` /roster add tst@dmn.im ``` | Test | Titlebar | | :--- | :--- | | `/msg tst@dmn.im` | tst<span/>@dmn.im | #### Test: with contact nick ``` /roster add tst@dmn.im my_tst ``` | Test | Titlebar | | :--- | :--- | | `/msg my_tst` | my_tst <tst<span/>@ike.snikket.chat> | ### Test Preference Upgrade #### Test /roster | Test | profrc | | :--- | :--- | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.use.name=name' profrc` | Original key removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.use.name=' profrc` | Original key removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.server=' profrc` | Original key removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.use.name=jid' profrc` | Original key removed.<br>roster.rooms.title=jid | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.use.name=jid' profrc`<br>`sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.server=false' profrc` | Original keys removed.<br>roster.rooms.title=localpart | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.use.name=jid' profrc`<br>`sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.server=true' profrc` | Original keys removed.<br>roster.rooms.title=jid | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.use.name=jid' profrc`<br>`sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.server=' profrc` | Original keys removed.<br>roster.rooms.title=jid | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\statusbar.room=' profrc` | Original key removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\statusbar.room=room' profrc` | Original key removed.<br>statusbar.room.title=localpart | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\statusbar.room=jid' profrc` | Original key removed.<br>statusbar.room.title=jid | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.jid=' profrc` | Original key removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.name=' profrc` | Original key removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.jid=true' profrc` | Original key removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.name=true' profrc` | Original key removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.jid=false' profrc` | Original key removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.name=false' profrc` | Original key removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.jid=true' profrc`<br>`sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.name=false' profrc` | Original key removed.<br>titlebar.muc.title=jid | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.jid=false' profrc`<br>`sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.name=true' profrc` | Original keys removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.jid=true' profrc`<br>`sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.name=true' profrc` | Original keys removed. | ### Test Valgrind No memory leaks detected relating to these changes.
2023-10-06 00:16:04 +00:00
#include "config/preferences.h"
#include "command/cmd_funcs.h"
#include "ui/win_types.h"
#include "xmpp/message.h"
2016-07-24 14:02:43 +00:00
#include "xmpp/muc.h"
2016-07-24 14:43:51 +00:00
2016-03-31 20:05:02 +00:00
2015-10-27 22:25:02 +00:00
#include "otr/otr.h"
2015-10-31 23:22:23 +00:00
2015-06-15 19:11:34 +00:00
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
#define NO_ME 1
#define NO_DATE 2
#define NO_EOL 4
#define NO_COLOUR_FROM 8
#define NO_COLOUR_DATE 16
#define UNTRUSTED 32
2015-11-01 19:02:09 +00:00
// core UI
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void ui_init(void);
void ui_load_colours(void);
void ui_update(void);
void ui_close(void);
void ui_redraw(void);
void ui_resize(void);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void ui_focus_win(ProfWin* window);
void ui_sigwinch_handler(int sig);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void ui_handle_otr_error(const char* const barejid, const char* const message);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
unsigned long ui_get_idle_time(void);
void ui_reset_idle_time(void);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void ui_print_system_msg_from_recipient(const char* const barejid, const char* message);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void ui_close_connected_win(int index);
int ui_close_all_wins(void);
int ui_close_read_wins(void);
void ui_close_win(int index);
int ui_win_unread(int index);
2021-05-29 18:16:21 +00:00
gboolean ui_win_has_attention(int index);
gboolean win_has_attention(ProfWin* window);
gboolean win_toggle_attention(ProfWin* window);
char* ui_ask_password(gboolean confirm);
2015-10-25 23:31:11 +00:00
char* ui_get_line(void);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
char* ui_ask_pgp_passphrase(const char* hint, int prev_fail);
void ui_contact_online(char* barejid, Resource* resource, GDateTime* last_activity);
void ui_contact_typing(const char* const barejid, const char* const resource);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void ui_disconnected(void);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void ui_room_join(const char* const roomjid, gboolean focus);
void ui_switch_to_room(const char* const roomjid);
void ui_room_destroy(const char* const roomjid);
void ui_room_destroyed(const char* const roomjid, const char* const reason, const char* const new_jid,
const char* const password);
void ui_room_kicked(const char* const roomjid, const char* const actor, const char* const reason);
void ui_room_banned(const char* const roomjid, const char* const actor, const char* const reason);
void ui_leave_room(const char* const roomjid);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void ui_show_roster(void);
void ui_hide_roster(void);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void ui_roster_add(const char* const barejid, const char* const name);
void ui_roster_remove(const char* const barejid);
void ui_contact_already_in_group(const char* const contact, const char* const group);
void ui_contact_not_in_group(const char* const contact, const char* const group);
void ui_group_added(const char* const contact, const char* const group);
void ui_group_removed(const char* const contact, const char* const group);
void ui_contact_offline(char* barejid, char* resource, char* status);
void ui_handle_recipient_error(const char* const recipient, const char* const err_msg);
void ui_handle_error(const char* const err_msg);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void ui_clear_win_title(void);
void ui_goodbye_title(void);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void ui_handle_room_configuration_form_error(const char* const roomjid, const char* const message);
void ui_handle_room_config_submit_result(const char* const roomjid);
void ui_handle_room_config_submit_result_error(const char* const roomjid, const char* const message);
void ui_show_lines(ProfWin* window, gchar** lines);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void ui_redraw_all_room_rosters(void);
void ui_show_all_room_rosters(void);
void ui_hide_all_room_rosters(void);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void ui_handle_software_version_error(const char* const roomjid, const char* const message);
void ui_show_software_version(const char* const jid, const char* const presence, const char* const name,
const char* const version, const char* const os);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void ui_prune_wins(void);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void ui_auto_away(char* message, gint time, resource_presence_t res_presence);
void ui_handle_login_account_success(ProfAccount* account, gboolean secured);
void ui_update_presence(const resource_presence_t resource_presence, const char* const message, const char* const show);
void ui_invalid_command_usage(const char* const cmd, void (*setting_func)(void));
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
gboolean ui_win_has_unsaved_form(int num);
2015-11-01 19:02:09 +00:00
// Chat window
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
ProfChatWin* chatwin_new(const char* const barejid);
void chatwin_incoming_msg(ProfChatWin* chatwin, ProfMessage* message, gboolean win_created);
void chatwin_receipt_received(ProfChatWin* chatwin, const char* const id);
void chatwin_recipient_gone(ProfChatWin* chatwin);
void chatwin_outgoing_msg(ProfChatWin* chatwin, const char* const message, char* id, prof_enc_t enc_mode, gboolean request_receipt, const char* const replace_id);
void chatwin_outgoing_carbon(ProfChatWin* chatwin, ProfMessage* message);
void chatwin_contact_online(ProfChatWin* chatwin, Resource* resource, GDateTime* last_activity);
void chatwin_contact_offline(ProfChatWin* chatwin, char* resource, char* status);
gchar* chatwin_get_string(ProfChatWin* chatwin);
2016-03-31 20:05:02 +00:00
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void chatwin_otr_secured(ProfChatWin* chatwin, gboolean trusted);
void chatwin_otr_unsecured(ProfChatWin* chatwin);
void chatwin_otr_trust(ProfChatWin* chatwin);
void chatwin_otr_untrust(ProfChatWin* chatwin);
void chatwin_otr_smp_event(ProfChatWin* chatwin, prof_otr_smp_event_t event, void* data);
2015-11-01 19:02:09 +00:00
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void chatwin_set_enctext(ProfChatWin* chatwin, const char* const enctext);
void chatwin_unset_enctext(ProfChatWin* chatwin);
void chatwin_set_incoming_char(ProfChatWin* chatwin, const char* const ch);
void chatwin_unset_incoming_char(ProfChatWin* chatwin);
void chatwin_set_outgoing_char(ProfChatWin* chatwin, const char* const ch);
void chatwin_unset_outgoing_char(ProfChatWin* chatwin);
gboolean chatwin_db_history(ProfChatWin* chatwin, const char* start_time, char* end_time, gboolean flip);
2015-11-01 19:02:09 +00:00
2015-11-01 22:02:22 +00:00
// MUC window
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
ProfMucWin* mucwin_new(const char* const barejid);
void mucwin_role_change(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const role, const char* const actor, const char* const reason);
void mucwin_affiliation_change(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const affiliation, const char* const actor,
const char* const reason);
void mucwin_role_and_affiliation_change(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const role,
const char* const affiliation, const char* const actor, const char* const reason);
void mucwin_occupant_role_change(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const nick, const char* const role,
const char* const actor, const char* const reason);
void mucwin_occupant_affiliation_change(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const nick,
const char* const affiliation, const char* const actor, const char* const reason);
void mucwin_occupant_role_and_affiliation_change(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const nick,
const char* const role, const char* const affiliation, const char* const actor, const char* const reason);
void mucwin_roster(ProfMucWin* mucwin, GList* occupants, const char* const presence);
void mucwin_history(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const ProfMessage* const message);
void mucwin_outgoing_msg(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const message, const char* const id, prof_enc_t enc_mode, const char* const replace_id);
void mucwin_incoming_msg(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const ProfMessage* const message, GSList* mentions, GList* triggers, gboolean filter_reflection);
void mucwin_subject(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const nick, const char* const subject);
void mucwin_requires_config(ProfMucWin* mucwin);
void mucwin_info(ProfMucWin* mucwin);
void mucwin_show_role_list(ProfMucWin* mucwin, muc_role_t role);
void mucwin_show_affiliation_list(ProfMucWin* mucwin, muc_affiliation_t affiliation);
void mucwin_room_info_error(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const error);
void mucwin_room_disco_info(ProfMucWin* mucwin, GSList* identities, GSList* features);
void mucwin_occupant_kicked(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const nick, const char* const actor,
const char* const reason);
void mucwin_occupant_banned(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const nick, const char* const actor,
const char* const reason);
void mucwin_broadcast(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const message);
void mucwin_occupant_offline(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const nick);
void mucwin_occupant_online(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const nick, const char* const roles,
const char* const affiliation, const char* const show, const char* const status);
void mucwin_occupant_nick_change(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const old_nick, const char* const nick);
void mucwin_nick_change(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const nick);
void mucwin_occupant_presence(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const nick, const char* const show,
const char* const status);
void mucwin_update_occupants(ProfMucWin* mucwin);
void mucwin_show_occupants(ProfMucWin* mucwin);
void mucwin_hide_occupants(ProfMucWin* mucwin);
void mucwin_affiliation_list_error(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const affiliation, const char* const error);
void mucwin_handle_affiliation_list(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const affiliation, GSList* jids);
void mucwin_affiliation_set_error(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const jid, const char* const affiliation,
const char* const error);
void mucwin_role_set_error(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const nick, const char* const role, const char* const error);
void mucwin_role_list_error(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const role, const char* const error);
void mucwin_handle_role_list(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const role, GSList* nicks);
void mucwin_kick_error(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const nick, const char* const error);
gchar* mucwin_get_string(ProfMucWin* mucwin);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void mucwin_set_enctext(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const enctext);
void mucwin_unset_enctext(ProfMucWin* mucwin);
void mucwin_set_message_char(ProfMucWin* mucwin, const char* const ch);
void mucwin_unset_message_char(ProfMucWin* mucwin);
Improve MUC title behaviour for roster, statusbar, and titlebar ## Abstract Continuation of https://github.com/profanity-im/profanity/pull/1881 Give all MUC title commands a consistent command structure and appearance. - `/roster room use name|jid` and `/roster room show|hide server` are now `/roster room title bookmark|jid|localpart|name` - `/statusbar room room|jid` is now `/statusbar room title bookmark|jid|localpart|name` - `/statusbar show|hide jid` and `/statusbar show|hide name` are now `/titlebar room title bookmark|jid|localpart|name` Fix both bugs mentioned in https://github.com/profanity-im/profanity/pull/1881 ### src/ui/mucwin.c:mucwin_generate_title Called by each command to generate a properly formatted title. It checks for "name" first because "name" is the default preference for each command. The last if-statement sets the title to "localpart" for special cases when the title should be "localpart" instead of the user-defined preference. ## Testing ### Preparation Remove preferences that will interfere with testing. ``` sed -i "/roster.rooms.title=/d" profrc sed -i "/statusbar.room.title=/d" profrc sed -i "/titlebar.muc.title=/d" profrc sed -i "/roster.rooms.use.name=/d" profrc sed -i "/roster.rooms.server=/d" profrc sed -i "/statusbar.room=/d" profrc sed -i "/titlebar.muc.title.jid=/d" profrc sed -i "/titlebar.muc.title.name=/d" profrc sed -i "/roster.rooms.by=/d" profrc ``` ### Command Definitions | Test | Window | | :--- | :--- | | `/help roster` | - /roster room title bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name<br>- room title bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name : Display the bookmark name, JID, JID localpart, or room name as the roster title for MUCs.<br>- *No /roster show\|hide server*<br>- *No /roster room use jid\|name* | | `/help statusbar` | - /statusbar room title bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name<br>- room title bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name : Display the bookmark name, JID, JID localpart, or room name as the title for MUC tabs.<br>- *No /statusbar room jid\|room* | | `/help titlebar` | - /titlebar room title bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name<br>- room title bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name : Display the bookmark name, JID, JID localpart, or room name as the MUC window title.<br>- *No /titlebar show\|hide jid\|name* | ### Autocomplete | Test | Command line | | :--- | :--- | | `/roster room <TAB>` | Autocompletes `title` | | `/roster room title <TAB>` | Autocompletes `bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name` | | `/statusbar room <TAB>` | Autocompletes `title` | | `/statusbar room title <TAB>` | Autocompletes `bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name` | | `/titlebar room <TAB>` | Autocompletes `title` | | `/titlebar room title <TAB>` | Autocompletes `bookmark\|jid\|localpart\|name` | | `/roster room <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `use`, `show`, or `hide` | | `/roster room use <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `name` | | `/roster room show <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `server` | | `/roster room hide <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `server` | | `/statusbar room <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `jid` or `room` | | `/titlebar show <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `jid` or `name` | | `/titlebar hide <TAB>` | Does not autocomplete `jid` or `name` | ### Set Preferences | Test | Window | profrc | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `/roster room title bookmark` | Roster MUCs will display 'bookmark' as their title. | roster.rooms.title=bookmark | | `/roster room title jid` | Roster MUCs will display 'jid' as their title. | roster.rooms.title=jid | | `/roster room title localpart` | Roster MUCs will display 'localpart' as their title. | roster.rooms.title=localpart | | `/roster room title name` | Roster MUCs will display 'name' as their title. | roster.rooms.title=name | | `/roster room title invalid` | Invalid usage, see '/help roster' for details. | | | `/statusbar room title bookmark` | Displaying 'bookmark' as the title for MUC tabs. | statusbar.room.title=bookmark | | `/statusbar room title jid` | Displaying 'jid' as the title for MUC tabs. | statusbar.room.title=jid | | `/statusbar room title localpart` | Displaying 'localpart' as the title for MUC tabs. | statusbar.room.title=localpart | | `/statusbar room title name` | Displaying 'name' as the title for MUC tabs. | statusbar.room.title=name | | `/statusbar room title invalid` | Invalid usage, see '/help statusbar' for details. | | | `/titlebar room title bookmark` | MUC windows will display 'bookmark' as the window title. | titlebar.muc.title=bookmark | | `/titlebar room title jid` | MUC windows will display 'jid' as the window title. | titlebar.muc.title=jid | | `/titlebar room title localpart` | MUC windows will display 'localpart' as the window title. | titlebar.muc.title=localpart | | `/titlebar room title name` | MUC windows will display 'name' as the window title. | titlebar.muc.title=name | | `/titlebar room title invalid` | Invalid usage, see '/help titlebar' for details. | | | `/roster room use jid` | Invalid usage, see '/help roster' for details. | | | `/roster room use name` | Invalid usage, see '/help roster' for details. | | | `/roster room show server` | Invalid usage, see '/help roster' for details. | | | `/roster room hide server` | Invalid usage, see '/help roster' for details. | | | `/statusbar room jid` | Invalid usage, see '/help statusbar' for details. | | | `/statusbar room room` | Invalid usage, see '/help statusbar' for details. | | | `/titlebar show jid` | Invalid usage, see '/help titlebar' for details. | | | `/titlebar hide jid` | Invalid usage, see '/help titlebar' for details. | | | `/titlebar show name` | Invalid usage, see '/help titlebar' for details. | | | `/titlebar hide name` | Invalid usage, see '/help titlebar' for details. | | ### Display Set Preferences | Test | Window | | :--- | :--- | | /prefs ui | - Roster rooms title (/roster) : name<br>- Room tab display (/statusbar) : name<br>- MUC window title (/titlebar) : name | ### Test MUC Window #### Test: without *name* preference, without *room name* field ``` /join muc@dmn.im /room config /field1 "" /form submit /quit ``` | Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `/join muc@dmn.im` | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im | | `/room config` | | muc<span/>@dmn.im conf | muc<span/>@dmn.im config | | `/field2 edit` | | | muc<span/>@dmn.im config * | | `/msg tst` | tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst | | `/roster room by service` | muc | | | #### Test: with *name* preference, without *room name* field ``` /roster room title name /statusbar room title name /titlebar room title name /save /quit ``` | Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `/join muc@dmn.im` | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im | | `/room config` | | muc<span/>@dmn.im conf | muc<span/>@dmn.im config | | `/field2 edit` | | | muc<span/>@dmn.im config * | | `/msg tst` | tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst | | `/roster room by service` | muc | | | #### Test: without *name* preference, with *room name* field ``` sed -i "/roster.rooms.title=/d" profrc sed -i "/statusbar.room.title=/d" profrc sed -i "/titlebar.muc.title=/d" profrc /join muc@dmn.im /room config /field1 "my_room" /form submit /quit ``` | Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `/join muc@dmn.im` | my_room | my_room | my_room | | `/room config` | | my_room conf | my_room config | | `/field2 edit` | | | my_room config * | | `/msg tst` | tst | my_room/tst | my_room/tst | | `/roster room by service` | my_room | | | #### Test: with *name* preference, with *room name* field ``` /quit /roster room title name /statusbar room title name /titlebar room title name /save /quit ``` | Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `/join muc@dmn.im` | my_room | my_room | my_room | | `/room config` | | my_room conf | my_room config | | `/field2 edit` | | | my_room config * | | `/msg tst` | tst | my_room/tst | my_room/tst | | `/roster room by service` | my_room | | | #### Test: with *localpart* preference ``` /quit /roster room title localpart /statusbar room title localpart /titlebar room title localpart /save /quit ``` | Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `/join muc@dmn.im` | muc | muc | muc | | `/room config` | | muc conf | muc config | | `/field2 edit` | | | muc config * | | `/msg tst` | tst | muc/tst | muc/tst | | `/roster room by service` | muc | | | #### Test: with *bookmark* preference, without *bookmark name* ``` /quit /roster room title bookmark /statusbar room title bookmark /titlebar room title bookmark /save /quit /bookmark add muc@dmn.im ``` | Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `/bookmark join muc@dmn.im` | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im | | `/room config` | | muc<span/>@dmn.im conf | muc<span/>@dmn.im config | | `/field2 edit` | | | muc<span/>@dmn.im config * | | `/msg tst` | tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst | | `/roster room by service` | muc | | | #### Test: with *bookmark* preference, with *bookmark name* ``` /quit /bookmark remove muc@dmn.im /bookmark add muc@dmn.im name "my_bookmark" ``` | Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `/bookmark join muc@dmn.im` | my_bookmark | my_bookmark | my_bookmark | | `/room config` | | my_bookmark conf | my_bookmark config | | `/field2 edit` | | | my_bookmark config * | | `/msg tst` | tst | my_bookmark/tst | my_bookmark/tst | | `/roster room by service` | my_bookmark | | | #### Test: with *jid* preference ``` /quit /roster room title jid /statusbar room title jid /titlebar room title jid /save /quit ``` | Test | Roster | Statusbar | Titlebar | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | `/join muc@dmn.im` | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im | muc<span/>@dmn.im | | `/room config` | | muc<span/>@dmn.im conf | muc<span/>@dmn.im config | | `/field2 edit` | | | muc<span/>@dmn.im config * | | `/msg tst` | tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst | muc<span/>@dmn.im/tst | | `/roster room by service` | muc | | | ### Test Contact Chat Window Title #### Test: without contact nick ``` /roster add tst@dmn.im ``` | Test | Titlebar | | :--- | :--- | | `/msg tst@dmn.im` | tst<span/>@dmn.im | #### Test: with contact nick ``` /roster add tst@dmn.im my_tst ``` | Test | Titlebar | | :--- | :--- | | `/msg my_tst` | my_tst <tst<span/>@ike.snikket.chat> | ### Test Preference Upgrade #### Test /roster | Test | profrc | | :--- | :--- | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.use.name=name' profrc` | Original key removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.use.name=' profrc` | Original key removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.server=' profrc` | Original key removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.use.name=jid' profrc` | Original key removed.<br>roster.rooms.title=jid | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.use.name=jid' profrc`<br>`sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.server=false' profrc` | Original keys removed.<br>roster.rooms.title=localpart | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.use.name=jid' profrc`<br>`sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.server=true' profrc` | Original keys removed.<br>roster.rooms.title=jid | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.use.name=jid' profrc`<br>`sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\roster.rooms.server=' profrc` | Original keys removed.<br>roster.rooms.title=jid | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\statusbar.room=' profrc` | Original key removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\statusbar.room=room' profrc` | Original key removed.<br>statusbar.room.title=localpart | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\statusbar.room=jid' profrc` | Original key removed.<br>statusbar.room.title=jid | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.jid=' profrc` | Original key removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.name=' profrc` | Original key removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.jid=true' profrc` | Original key removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.name=true' profrc` | Original key removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.jid=false' profrc` | Original key removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.name=false' profrc` | Original key removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.jid=true' profrc`<br>`sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.name=false' profrc` | Original key removed.<br>titlebar.muc.title=jid | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.jid=false' profrc`<br>`sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.name=true' profrc` | Original keys removed. | | `sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.jid=true' profrc`<br>`sed -i '/\[ui\]/a\titlebar.muc.title.name=true' profrc` | Original keys removed. | ### Test Valgrind No memory leaks detected relating to these changes.
2023-10-06 00:16:04 +00:00
gchar* mucwin_generate_title(const gchar* const muc_jid, const preference_t pref);
gboolean mucwin_set_room_name(const gchar* const muc_jid, const gchar* const new_room_name);
2015-11-01 22:02:22 +00:00
2015-11-08 22:08:29 +00:00
// MUC private chat window
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void privwin_incoming_msg(ProfPrivateWin* privatewin, ProfMessage* message);
void privwin_outgoing_msg(ProfPrivateWin* privwin, const char* const message);
void privwin_message_occupant_offline(ProfPrivateWin* privwin);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void privwin_message_left_room(ProfPrivateWin* privwin);
gchar* privwin_get_string(ProfPrivateWin* privwin);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void privwin_occupant_offline(ProfPrivateWin* privwin);
void privwin_occupant_kicked(ProfPrivateWin* privwin, const char* const actor, const char* const reason);
void privwin_occupant_banned(ProfPrivateWin* privwin, const char* const actor, const char* const reason);
void privwin_occupant_online(ProfPrivateWin* privwin);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void privwin_room_destroyed(ProfPrivateWin* privwin);
void privwin_room_left(ProfPrivateWin* privwin);
void privwin_room_kicked(ProfPrivateWin* privwin, const char* const actor, const char* const reason);
void privwin_room_banned(ProfPrivateWin* privwin, const char* const actor, const char* const reason);
void privwin_room_joined(ProfPrivateWin* privwin);
2015-11-08 22:08:29 +00:00
2018-09-05 10:30:30 +00:00
// config window
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void confwin_handle_configuration(ProfConfWin* confwin, DataForm* form);
void confwin_show_form(ProfConfWin* confwin);
void confwin_show_form_field(ProfConfWin* confwin, DataForm* form, char* tag);
void confwin_form_help(ProfConfWin* confwin);
void confwin_field_help(ProfConfWin* confwin, char* tag);
gchar* confwin_get_string(ProfConfWin* confwin);
2015-11-08 22:08:29 +00:00
2015-11-01 19:39:36 +00:00
// xml console
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void xmlwin_show(ProfXMLWin* xmlwin, const char* const msg);
gchar* xmlwin_get_string(ProfXMLWin* xmlwin);
2015-11-01 19:39:36 +00:00
// vCard window
void vcardwin_show_vcard_config(ProfVcardWin* vcardwin);
gchar* vcardwin_get_string(ProfVcardWin* vcardwin);
void vcardwin_update(void);
2015-11-01 19:02:09 +00:00
// Input window
char* inp_readline(void);
void inp_nonblocking(gboolean reset);
// Console window
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void cons_show(const char* const msg, ...);
void cons_show_padded(int pad, const char* const msg, ...);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void cons_about(void);
void cons_help(void);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void cons_show_help(const char* const cmd, CommandHelp* help);
void cons_bad_cmd_usage(const char* const cmd);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void cons_navigation_help(void);
void cons_prefs(void);
void cons_show_ui_prefs(void);
void cons_show_desktop_prefs(void);
void cons_show_chat_prefs(void);
void cons_show_log_prefs(void);
void cons_show_presence_prefs(void);
void cons_show_connection_prefs(void);
void cons_show_otr_prefs(void);
2015-06-22 20:09:14 +00:00
void cons_show_pgp_prefs(void);
2019-04-01 11:53:29 +00:00
void cons_show_omemo_prefs(void);
2022-05-05 21:48:43 +00:00
void cons_show_ox_prefs(void);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void cons_show_account(ProfAccount* account);
void cons_debug(const char* const msg, ...);
void cons_show_error(const char* const cmd, ...);
void cons_show_contacts(GSList* list);
void cons_show_roster(GSList* list);
void cons_show_roster_group(const char* const group, GSList* list);
2015-11-30 00:17:44 +00:00
void cons_show_wins(gboolean unread);
void cons_show_wins_attention();
gchar* cons_get_string(ProfConsoleWin* conswin);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void cons_show_status(const char* const barejid);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void cons_show_info(PContact pcontact);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void cons_show_caps(const char* const fulljid, resource_presence_t presence);
void cons_show_themes(GSList* themes);
void cons_show_scripts(GSList* scripts);
void cons_show_script(const char* const script, GSList* commands);
void cons_show_aliases(GList* aliases);
void cons_show_login_success(ProfAccount* account, gboolean secured);
void cons_show_account_list(gchar** accounts);
void cons_show_room_list(GSList* room, const char* const conference_node);
void cons_show_bookmark(Bookmark* item);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void cons_show_bookmarks(const GList* list);
void cons_show_bookmarks_ignore(gchar** list, gsize len);
void cons_show_disco_items(GSList* items, const char* const jid);
void cons_show_disco_info(const char* from, GSList* identities, GSList* features);
2022-05-30 16:04:36 +00:00
2021-06-30 08:42:36 +00:00
void cons_show_disco_contact_information(GHashTable* addresses);
2022-05-30 16:04:36 +00:00
void cons_show_qrcode();
2022-05-30 16:04:36 +00:00
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void cons_show_room_invite(const char* const invitor, const char* const room, const char* const reason);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void cons_check_version(gboolean not_available_msg);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void cons_show_typing(const char* const barejid);
void cons_show_incoming_room_message(const char* const nick, const char* const room, const int win_index,
gboolean mention, GList* triggers, int unread, ProfWin* const window);
void cons_show_incoming_message(const char* const short_from, const int win_index, int unread, ProfWin* const window);
void cons_show_incoming_private_message(const char* const nick, const char* const room, const int win_index, int unread, ProfWin* const window);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void cons_show_room_invites(GList* invites);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void cons_show_received_subs(void);
void cons_show_sent_subs(void);
void cons_theme_setting(void);
void cons_resource_setting(void);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void cons_privileges_setting(void);
void cons_beep_setting(void);
2015-12-29 23:32:32 +00:00
void cons_console_setting(void);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void cons_flash_setting(void);
void cons_tray_setting(void);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void cons_splash_setting(void);
void cons_titlebar_setting(void);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void cons_vercheck_setting(void);
void cons_occupants_setting(void);
void cons_roster_setting(void);
void cons_presence_setting(void);
void cons_wrap_setting(void);
void cons_time_setting(void);
2016-09-22 20:42:00 +00:00
void cons_wintitle_setting(void);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void cons_notify_setting(void);
void cons_show_desktop_prefs(void);
void cons_states_setting(void);
void cons_outtype_setting(void);
void cons_intype_setting(void);
void cons_gone_setting(void);
void cons_history_setting(void);
2015-02-02 10:10:05 +00:00
void cons_carbons_setting(void);
2015-03-15 19:48:19 +00:00
void cons_receipts_setting(void);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void cons_log_setting(void);
void cons_logging_setting(void);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void cons_autoaway_setting(void);
void cons_reconnect_setting(void);
void cons_autoping_setting(void);
void cons_autoconnect_setting(void);
2018-02-05 20:01:54 +00:00
void cons_room_cache_setting(void);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void cons_inpblock_setting(void);
2018-03-08 22:27:49 +00:00
void cons_statusbar_setting(void);
void cons_winpos_setting(void);
void cons_color_setting(void);
void cons_correction_setting(void);
void cons_executable_setting(void);
void cons_slashguard_setting(void);
void cons_mam_setting(void);
void cons_silence_setting(void);
2022-06-22 09:40:20 +00:00
void cons_mood_setting(void);
void cons_strophe_setting(void);
void cons_privacy_setting(void);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void cons_show_contact_online(PContact contact, Resource* resource, GDateTime* last_activity);
void cons_show_contact_offline(PContact contact, char* resource, char* status);
2016-01-21 00:50:55 +00:00
void cons_theme_properties(void);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void cons_theme_colours(void);
void cons_show_tlscert(const TLSCertificate* cert);
void cons_show_tlscert_summary(const TLSCertificate* cert);
2012-02-12 22:38:27 +00:00
void cons_alert(ProfWin* alert_origin_window);
void cons_remove_alert(ProfWin* window);
void cons_clear_alerts(void);
gboolean cons_has_alerts(void);
2015-11-02 20:39:43 +00:00
// title bar
void title_bar_set_presence(contact_presence_t presence);
2015-06-15 19:11:34 +00:00
// status bar
void status_bar_inactive(const int win);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void status_bar_active(const int win, win_type_t wintype, char* identifier);
void status_bar_new(const int win, win_type_t wintype, char* identifier);
2015-06-15 19:11:34 +00:00
void status_bar_set_all_inactive(void);
2014-12-16 23:00:05 +00:00
// roster window
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void rosterwin_roster(void);
2014-12-16 23:00:05 +00:00
2014-12-16 23:37:23 +00:00
// occupants window
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void occupantswin_occupants(const char* const room);
2019-04-23 12:10:18 +00:00
void occupantswin_occupants_all(void);
2014-12-16 23:37:23 +00:00
2015-06-15 19:11:34 +00:00
// window interface
ProfWin* win_create_console(void);
ProfWin* win_create_xmlconsole(void);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
ProfWin* win_create_chat(const char* const barejid);
ProfWin* win_create_muc(const char* const roomjid);
ProfWin* win_create_config(const char* const title, DataForm* form, ProfConfWinCallback submit, ProfConfWinCallback cancel, const void* userdata);
ProfWin* win_create_private(const char* const fulljid);
ProfWin* win_create_plugin(const char* const plugin_name, const char* const tag);
ProfWin* win_create_vcard(vCard* vcard);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void win_update_virtual(ProfWin* window);
void win_free(ProfWin* window);
gboolean win_notify_remind(ProfWin* window);
int win_unread(ProfWin* window);
void win_resize(ProfWin* window);
void win_hide_subwin(ProfWin* window);
void win_show_subwin(ProfWin* window);
void win_refresh_without_subwin(ProfWin* window);
void win_refresh_with_subwin(ProfWin* window);
2016-10-15 18:53:49 +00:00
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void win_print(ProfWin* window, theme_item_t theme_item, const char* show_char, const char* const message, ...);
void win_println(ProfWin* window, theme_item_t theme_item, const char* show_char, const char* const message, ...);
void win_println_indent(ProfWin* window, int pad, const char* const message, ...);
2016-10-15 18:53:49 +00:00
void win_println_va(ProfWin* window, theme_item_t theme_item, const char* show_char, const char* const message, va_list arg);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void win_append(ProfWin* window, theme_item_t theme_item, const char* const message, ...);
void win_appendln(ProfWin* window, theme_item_t theme_item, const char* const message, ...);
2016-10-15 21:12:07 +00:00
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void win_append_highlight(ProfWin* window, theme_item_t theme_item, const char* const message, ...);
void win_appendln_highlight(ProfWin* window, theme_item_t theme_item, const char* const message, ...);
2016-10-15 18:53:49 +00:00
gchar* win_get_title(ProfWin* window);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void win_show_occupant(ProfWin* window, Occupant* occupant);
void win_show_occupant_info(ProfWin* window, const char* const room, Occupant* occupant);
void win_show_contact(ProfWin* window, PContact contact);
void win_show_info(ProfWin* window, PContact contact);
void win_show_vcard(ProfWin* window, vCard* vcard);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void win_clear(ProfWin* window);
char* win_get_tab_identifier(ProfWin* window);
gchar* win_to_string(ProfWin* window);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void win_command_list_error(ProfWin* window, const char* const error);
void win_command_exec_error(ProfWin* window, const char* const command, const char* const error, ...);
void win_handle_command_list(ProfWin* window, GSList* cmds);
void win_handle_command_exec_status(ProfWin* window, const char* const type, const char* const value);
void win_handle_command_exec_result_note(ProfWin* window, const char* const type, const char* const value);
char* win_get_last_sent_message(ProfWin* window);
2015-06-15 19:11:34 +00:00
2015-11-01 19:02:09 +00:00
// desktop notifications
void notifier_initialise(void);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void notifier_uninit(void);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void notify_typing(const char* const name);
void notify_message(const char* const name, int win, const char* const text);
void notify_room_message(const char* const nick, const char* const room, int win, const char* const text);
2014-12-22 22:13:42 +00:00
void notify_remind(void);
2020-07-07 12:18:57 +00:00
void notify_invite(const char* const from, const char* const room, const char* const reason);
void notify(const char* const message, int timeout, const char* const category);
void notify_subscription(const char* const from);
2012-02-05 23:08:15 +00:00