mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 15:08:01 -05:00
@ -218,6 +218,19 @@ GSList *gslist_remove_string (GSList *list, const char *str)
return list;
GSList *gslist_delete_string (GSList *list, const char *str, GDestroyNotify free_func)
GSList *l;
l = g_slist_find_custom(list, str, (GCompareFunc) g_strcmp0);
if (l != NULL) {
return g_slist_delete_link(list, l);
return list;
/* `list' contains pointer to structure with a char* to string. */
char *gslistptr_to_string(GSList *list, int offset, const char *delimiter)
@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ GSList *gslist_find_string(GSList *list, const char *key);
GSList *gslist_find_icase_string(GSList *list, const char *key);
GList *glist_find_string(GList *list, const char *key);
GList *glist_find_icase_string(GList *list, const char *key);
GSList *gslist_remove_string (GSList *list, const char *str);
GSList *gslist_remove_string (GSList *list, const char *str) G_GNUC_DEPRECATED;
GSList *gslist_delete_string (GSList *list, const char *str, GDestroyNotify free_func);
void gslist_free_full (GSList *list, GDestroyNotify free_func);
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ int cap_toggle (IRC_SERVER_REC *server, char *cap, int enable)
return TRUE;
else if (!enable && gslist_find_string(server->cap_queue, cap)) {
server->cap_queue = gslist_remove_string(server->cap_queue, cap);
server->cap_queue = gslist_delete_string(server->cap_queue, cap, g_free);
return TRUE;
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ int cap_toggle (IRC_SERVER_REC *server, char *cap, int enable)
if (enable && !gslist_find_string(server->cap_active, cap)) {
/* Make sure the required cap is supported by the server */
if (!gslist_find_string(server->cap_supported, cap))
if (!g_hash_table_lookup_extended(server->cap_supported, cap, NULL, NULL))
return FALSE;
irc_send_cmdv(server, "CAP REQ %s", cap);
@ -79,61 +79,130 @@ static void cap_emit_signal (IRC_SERVER_REC *server, char *cmd, char *args)
static gboolean parse_cap_name(char *name, char **key, char **val)
const char *eq;
g_return_val_if_fail(name != NULL, FALSE);
g_return_val_if_fail(name[0] != '\0', FALSE);
eq = strchr(name, '=');
/* KEY only value */
if (eq == NULL) {
*key = g_strdup(name);
*val = NULL;
/* Some values are in a KEY=VALUE form, parse them */
} else {
*key = g_strndup(name, (gsize)(eq - name));
*val = g_strdup(eq + 1);
return TRUE;
static void event_cap (IRC_SERVER_REC *server, char *args, char *nick, char *address)
GSList *tmp;
GString *cmd;
char *params, *evt, *list, **caps;
int i, caps_length, disable, avail_caps;
char *params, *evt, *list, *star, **caps;
int i, caps_length, disable, avail_caps, multiline;
params = event_get_params(args, 3, NULL, &evt, &list);
params = event_get_params(args, 4, NULL, &evt, &star, &list);
if (params == NULL)
/* Multiline responses have an additional parameter and we have to do
* this stupid dance to parse them */
if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(evt, "LS") && !strcmp(star, "*")) {
multiline = TRUE;
/* This branch covers the '*' parameter isn't present, adjust the
* parameter pointer to compensate for this */
else if (list[0] == '\0') {
multiline = FALSE;
list = star;
/* Malformed request, terminate the negotiation */
else {
/* The table is created only when needed */
if (server->cap_supported == NULL) {
server->cap_supported = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash,
g_free, g_free);
/* Strip the trailing whitespaces before splitting the string, some servers send responses with
* superfluous whitespaces that g_strsplit the interprets as tokens */
caps = g_strsplit(g_strchomp(list), " ", -1);
caps_length = g_strv_length(caps);
if (!g_strcmp0(evt, "LS")) {
/* Create a list of the supported caps */
for (i = 0; i < caps_length; i++)
server->cap_supported = g_slist_prepend(server->cap_supported, g_strdup(caps[i]));
/* Request the required caps, if any */
if (server->cap_queue == NULL) {
if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(evt, "LS")) {
if (!server->cap_in_multiline) {
/* Throw away everything and start from scratch */
else {
cmd = g_string_new("CAP REQ :");
avail_caps = 0;
server->cap_in_multiline = multiline;
/* Check whether the cap is supported by the server */
for (tmp = server->cap_queue; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) {
if (gslist_find_string(server->cap_supported, tmp->data)) {
if (avail_caps > 0)
g_string_append_c(cmd, ' ');
g_string_append(cmd, tmp->data);
/* Create a list of the supported caps */
for (i = 0; i < caps_length; i++) {
char *key, *val;
if (!parse_cap_name(caps[i], &key, &val)) {
g_warning("Invalid CAP %s key/value pair", evt);
/* Clear the queue here */
gslist_free_full(server->cap_queue, (GDestroyNotify) g_free);
server->cap_queue = NULL;
if (!g_hash_table_insert(server->cap_supported, key, val)) {
/* The specification doesn't say anything about
* duplicated values, let's just warn the user */
g_warning("The server sent the %s capability twice", key);
/* If the server doesn't support any cap we requested close the negotiation here */
if (avail_caps > 0)
irc_send_cmd_now(server, cmd->str);
/* A multiline response is always terminated by a normal one,
* wait until we receive that one to require any CAP */
if (multiline == FALSE) {
/* No CAP has been requested */
if (server->cap_queue == NULL) {
else {
cmd = g_string_new("CAP REQ :");
g_string_free(cmd, TRUE);
avail_caps = 0;
/* Check whether the cap is supported by the server */
for (tmp = server->cap_queue; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) {
if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended(server->cap_supported, tmp->data, NULL, NULL)) {
if (avail_caps > 0)
g_string_append_c(cmd, ' ');
g_string_append(cmd, tmp->data);
/* Clear the queue here */
gslist_free_full(server->cap_queue, (GDestroyNotify) g_free);
server->cap_queue = NULL;
/* If the server doesn't support any cap we requested close the negotiation here */
if (avail_caps > 0)
irc_send_cmd_now(server, cmd->str);
g_string_free(cmd, TRUE);
else if (!g_strcmp0(evt, "ACK")) {
else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(evt, "ACK")) {
int got_sasl = FALSE;
/* Emit a signal for every ack'd cap */
@ -141,11 +210,11 @@ static void event_cap (IRC_SERVER_REC *server, char *args, char *nick, char *add
disable = (*caps[i] == '-');
if (disable)
server->cap_active = gslist_remove_string(server->cap_active, caps[i] + 1);
server->cap_active = gslist_delete_string(server->cap_active, caps[i] + 1, g_free);
server->cap_active = g_slist_prepend(server->cap_active, g_strdup(caps[i]));
if (!g_strcmp0(caps[i], "sasl"))
if (!strcmp(caps[i], "sasl"))
got_sasl = TRUE;
cap_emit_signal(server, "ack", caps[i]);
@ -157,7 +226,7 @@ static void event_cap (IRC_SERVER_REC *server, char *args, char *nick, char *add
if (got_sasl == FALSE)
else if (!g_strcmp0(evt, "NAK")) {
else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(evt, "NAK")) {
g_warning("The server answered with a NAK to our CAP request, this should not happen");
/* A NAK'd request means that a required cap can't be enabled or disabled, don't update the
@ -165,6 +234,42 @@ static void event_cap (IRC_SERVER_REC *server, char *args, char *nick, char *add
for (i = 0; i < caps_length; i++)
cap_emit_signal(server, "nak", caps[i]);
else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(evt, "NEW")) {
for (i = 0; i < caps_length; i++) {
char *key, *val;
if (!parse_cap_name(caps[i], &key, &val)) {
g_warning("Invalid CAP %s key/value pair", evt);
g_hash_table_insert(server->cap_supported, key, val);
cap_emit_signal(server, "new", key);
else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(evt, "DEL")) {
for (i = 0; i < caps_length; i++) {
char *key, *val;
if (!parse_cap_name(caps[i], &key, &val)) {
g_warning("Invalid CAP %s key/value pair", evt);
g_hash_table_remove(server->cap_supported, key);
cap_emit_signal(server, "delete", key);
/* The server removed this CAP, remove it from the list
* of the active ones if we had requested it */
server->cap_active = gslist_delete_string(server->cap_active, key, g_free);
/* We don't transfer the ownership of those two
* variables this time, just free them when we're done. */
else {
g_warning("Unhandled CAP subcommand %s", evt);
@ -443,8 +443,10 @@ static void sig_disconnected(IRC_SERVER_REC *server)
gslist_free_full(server->cap_active, (GDestroyNotify) g_free);
server->cap_active = NULL;
gslist_free_full(server->cap_supported, (GDestroyNotify) g_free);
server->cap_supported = NULL;
if (server->cap_supported) {
server->cap_supported = NULL;
gslist_free_full(server->cap_queue, (GDestroyNotify) g_free);
server->cap_queue = NULL;
@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ struct _IRC_SERVER_REC {
unsigned int motd_got:1; /* We've received MOTD */
unsigned int isupport_sent:1; /* Server has sent us an isupport reply */
unsigned int cap_complete:1; /* We've done the initial CAP negotiation */
unsigned int cap_in_multiline:1; /* We're waiting for the multiline response to end */
unsigned int sasl_success:1; /* Did we authenticate successfully ? */
int max_kicks_in_cmd; /* max. number of people to kick with one /KICK command */
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ struct _IRC_SERVER_REC {
int max_whois_in_cmd; /* max. number of nicks in one /WHOIS command */
int max_msgs_in_cmd; /* max. number of targets in one /MSG */
GSList *cap_supported; /* A list of caps supported by the server */
GHashTable *cap_supported; /* A list of caps supported by the server */
GSList *cap_active; /* A list of caps active for this session */
GSList *cap_queue; /* A list of caps to request on connection */
@ -12,7 +12,10 @@ static void perl_irc_connect_fill_hash(HV *hv, IRC_SERVER_CONNECT_REC *conn)
static void perl_irc_server_fill_hash(HV *hv, IRC_SERVER_REC *server)
AV *av;
HV *hv_;
GSList *tmp;
GHashTableIter iter;
gpointer key_, val_;
perl_irc_connect_fill_hash(hv, server->connrec);
perl_server_fill_hash(hv, (SERVER_REC *) server);
@ -34,10 +37,14 @@ static void perl_irc_server_fill_hash(HV *hv, IRC_SERVER_REC *server)
(void) hv_store(hv, "cap_complete", 12, newSViv(server->cap_complete), 0);
(void) hv_store(hv, "sasl_success", 12, newSViv(server->sasl_success), 0);
av = newAV();
for (tmp = server->cap_supported; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next)
av_push(av, new_pv(tmp->data));
(void) hv_store(hv, "cap_supported", 13, newRV_noinc((SV*)av), 0);
hv_ = newHV();
g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, server->cap_supported);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key_, &val_)) {
char *key = (char *)key_;
char *val = (char *)val_;
hv_store(hv_, key, strlen(key), new_pv(val), 0);
(void) hv_store(hv, "cap_supported", 13, newRV_noinc((SV*)hv_), 0);
av = newAV();
for (tmp = server->cap_active; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user