mirror of https://github.com/irssi/irssi.git synced 2024-09-29 04:45:57 -04:00

Syntax rewrite for S-commands

Rewrote the syntax documentation for all commands starting with S.
This commit is contained in:
Geert Hauwaerts 2014-07-30 14:29:06 +02:00
parent 4beebe3238
commit 822db3090f
9 changed files with 222 additions and 88 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,24 @@
-formats: Save all /FORMATs into theme file
Saves the current Irssi configuration into the configuration
-formats: Saves all the formats into the theme file.
See also: RELOAD
The file to save the configuration or theme into; if no parameter is given,
the active configuration or theme file will be used.
Saves the configuration file.
/SAVE -formats
/SAVE ~/.irssi/config-new
%9See also:%9 SET, RELOAD

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@ -1,8 +1,25 @@
IRC Operator command. Makes an IRC server connect
to another server. This is CONNECT on the protocol level.
The server to connect to, the connection port and the remote server that
initiates the connection attempt.
If no remote server is given, the server you are currently connected to will
be used.
Connect a server to the IRC network; this command is restricted to IRC
/SCONNECT ircsource.irssi.org
/SCONNECT ircsource.irssi.org 6667 be.hub

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@ -1,19 +1,32 @@
Irssi has very powerful support for scripts written in Perl - they can extend functionality of Irssi in almost unlimited way, and they still keep the client's core unbloated, light and fast. You can control loading and execution of such scripts by this command.
Without any parameters, /SCRIPT acts in same way as if you would call /SCRIPT LIST.
LIST: Displays the list of loaded scripts.
EXEC: Executes the given code.
LOAD: Loads the given script into the memory and executes it.
UNLOAD: Unloads the given script from the memory.
RESET: Unloads all the scripts.
-permanent: In combination with EXEC, the code will be loaded into the
/SCRIPT LIST displays list of all currently loaded scripts, together with full path to their source files.
If no argument is given, the list of active scripts will be displayed.
/SCRIPT EXEC executes the <commands> as a little perl script. It doesn't preserve it loaded in memory, unless -permanent is specified.
/SCRIPT LOAD loads the <script> in memory and executes it.
Interact with the Perl engine to execute scripts.
/SCRIPT UNLOAD unloads the <script> from memory.
/SCRIPT RESET unloads all loaded scripts and resets the perl interpreter.
/SCRIPT LOAD ~/.irssi/scripts/nickserv.pl
/SCRIPT EXEC foreach my $channel (Irssi::channels()) { Irssi::print($channel->{name} . " @ " . $channel->{server}->{tag}); }
See also: LOAD, UNLOAD
%9See also:%9 LOAD, SAVE, UNLOAD

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@ -1,20 +1,37 @@
/SCROLLBACK, or the default alias /SB:
- Remove lines with level matching one of those
specified in the comma-separated list <level>.
- Clear screen, free all memory used by texts in window.
- Jump to start of the buffer.
- Jump to end of the buffer.
/SB GOTO [[-|+]line#|time]
- Jump to specified line or timestamp.
time format is [dd[.mm] | -<days ago>] hh:mi[:ss].
CLEAR: Clears the screen and the buffer of all text.
LEVELCLEAR: Clears the screen and the buffer of text matching the given
GOTO: Go to the given position.
HOME: Go to the start of the buffer.
END: Go to the end of the buffer.
See also: SET SCROLL
-all: Applies to all windows instead of only the active one.
-level: The levels, separated by a comman, to match.
The line number, timestamp to jump to or the window reference number to
Manipulate the text in the window to go to a to the given line number, or
clear the buffers.
The timestamp format is format is "[dd[.mm] | -<days ago>] hh:mi[:ss]".
%9See also:%9 CLEAR, WINDOW

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@ -1,23 +1,33 @@
You can view or change the settings with /SET command.
/SET without any arguments displays all the settings.
/SET <key> displays settings whose key (partly) matches <key>
/SET <key> <value> sets <key> to <value>
-clear: Removes the setting's value from the configuration.
-default: Restore the setting to its default value.
Boolean settings accept only values ON, OFF and TOGGLE. You can
also use /TOGGLE command to change them, so /TOGGLE <key> behaves
like /SET <key> TOGGLE. /TOGGLE also accepts arguments ON and OFF
when /TOGGLE behaves exactly like /SET.
The setting and the value; if no value is given, the list of settings that
matched will be returned. If no arguments are given, all the settings will
be displayed.
Remember that changes are not saved until you use /SAVE!
/SET autolog OFF - Sets value for setting 'autolog'
/SET close - Shows all settings whose variable name
contains 'close'. Very practical.
Modifies the value of a setting; boolean settings accept only ON, OFF and
See also: TOGGLE
Please remember that you need to use the SAVE command to store the changes
into your configuration.
/SET nick mike
/SET -clear nick
/SET log_timestamp %H:%H:%S
/SET -default log_timestamp
/SET close
%9See also:%9 SAVE, TOGGLE

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@ -1,24 +1,29 @@
Works only in some IRC networks.
SILENCE is similar in many respects to IGNORE, except that it is
server-based. What this means is the server will never even send
you messages from anyone you have silenced, whereas it will with
IGNORE, where your client is responsible for filtering the messages
out. This has the advantage of not bogging your client down with
excessive data as it tries to filter out messages. The silence list
is lost when you disconnect. SILENCE only affects private messages
and invites.
The nickname or hostname to silence; you must prepend it by the "+" or "-"
character to indicate whether the entry should be added or removed.
The default behavior is to SILENCE a nick!user@host pattern, and
if such a pattern is not passed as the argument, it must be prepended
with a plus ('+') to be added to your silence list. If a pattern is
prepended with a minus ('-'), it will be removed from your silence list.
If you only specify a nickname, you can list the patterns in the
silence list owned by that nickname. If no arguments are given, your
own silence list is displayed.
If no arguments are given, the list of silence entries will be displayed.
Manages the server side ignore list; users or hostnames that match an entry
on the list are not able to send you any messages or invites.
This command does not work on all IRC networks.
/SILENCE +mike
/SILENCE -mike
/SILENCE +*!*@*.irssi.org
/SILENCE -*!*@*.irssi.org
%9See also:%9 ACCEPT, IGNORE

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@ -1,8 +1,20 @@
IRC Operator command. Splits the given server and all servers
behind it from your side of the IRC network.
The server and the disconnect reason.
Disconnects a server from the IRC network; this command is restricted to
IRC operators.
/SQUIT ircsource.irssi.org I'm fixing a desync!
%9See also:%9 DIE, OPER, SCONNECT

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@ -1,23 +1,43 @@
Shows some irc server usage statistics. Available types vary slightly
per server; some common ones are:
c - Shows C and N lines for a given server. These are
the names of the servers that are allowed to connect.
h - Shows H and L lines for a given server (Hubs and Leaves).
k - Show K lines for a server. This shows who is not
allowed to connect and possibly at what time they are
not allowed to connect.
i - Shows I lines. This is who CAN connect to a server.
l - Shows information about amount of information passed
to servers and users.
m - Shows a count for the number of times the various
commands have been used since the server was booted.
o - Shows the list of authorized operators on the server.
p - Shows online operators and their idle times.
u - Shows the uptime for a server.
y - Shows Y lines, which lists the various connection
classes for a given server.
? - Shows information about servers connected to a server.
The statistic identifier and the remote server; if no remote server is
given, the active server will be used.
Displays statistics from the IRC server; some statistics require you to have
IRC operators privileges and might differ between IRC networks.
Common statistics:
C: Displays the servers the server may connect to.
H: Displays hub server the server may connect to.
K: Displays the permanent blacklist of hostnames which are prohibited
from connecting to the server.
k: Displays the temporary blacklist of hostname which are prohibited
from connecting to the server.
I: Displays the list of hostnames which are allowed to connect to the
L: Displays the list of connected users and servers.
M: Displays the list of commands and how many times they have been
O: Displays the list of hostnames and users which are allowed to
become IRC operators.
P: Displays the ports the server is listening on.
p: Displays the IRC operators and their idle time.
u: Displays the uptime of the server.
Y: Displays the list of connection groups users are placed into.
?: Displays information about the utilized bandwidth.
/STATS I ircsource.irssi.org
%9See also:%9 MOTD, OPER

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@ -1,10 +1,36 @@
Commands for modifying the statusbar.
ENABLE: Enables the statusbar.
DISABLE: Disabled the statusbar.
RESET: Restores the default statusbar configuration.
TYPE: Identifies the type of statusbar.
PLACEMENT: Identifies the placement of the statusbar.
POSITION: Identifies the position of the statusbar.
VISIBLE: Identifies the visibility of the statusbar.
ADD: Adds a statusbar into the configuration.
REMOVE: Removes a statusbar from the configuration.
The name of the statusbar; if no argument is given, the list of statusbars
will be displayed.
Modified the attributes of the statusbar.
- Display all statusbars.
/STATUSBAR window ADD time
%9See also:%9 WINDOW
- display elements of statusbar <name>