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session.c : irssi
Copyright (C) 2001 Timo Sirainen
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include "module.h"
2019-05-01 10:33:47 -04:00
#include <irssi/src/core/signals.h>
#include <irssi/src/core/commands.h>
#include <irssi/src/core/args.h>
#include <irssi/src/core/network.h>
#include <irssi/src/core/net-sendbuffer.h>
#include <irssi/src/core/pidwait.h>
#include <irssi/src/lib-config/iconfig.h>
#include <irssi/src/core/chat-protocols.h>
#include <irssi/src/core/servers.h>
#include <irssi/src/core/servers-setup.h>
#include <irssi/src/core/channels.h>
#include <irssi/src/core/nicklist.h>
static char *session_file;
char *irssi_binary = NULL;
static char **session_args;
void session_set_binary(const char *path)
irssi_binary = g_find_program_in_path(path);
void session_upgrade(void)
if (session_args == NULL)
execv(session_args[0], session_args);
fprintf(stderr, "exec failed: %s: %s\n",
session_args[0], g_strerror(errno));
/* SYNTAX: UPGRADE [<irssi binary path>] */
static void cmd_upgrade(const char *data)
CONFIG_REC *session;
char *session_file, *str;
char *binary;
if (*data == '\0')
data = irssi_binary;
if ((binary = g_find_program_in_path(data)) == NULL)
/* save the session */
session_file = g_strdup_printf("%s/session", get_irssi_dir());
session = config_open(session_file, 0600);
signal_emit("session save", 1, session);
config_write(session, NULL, -1);
/* data may contain some other program as well, like
/UPGRADE /usr/bin/screen irssi */
str = g_strdup_printf("%s --noconnect --session=%s --home=%s --config=%s",
binary, session_file, get_irssi_dir(), get_irssi_config());
session_args = g_strsplit(str, " ", -1);
signal_emit("gui exit", 0);
static void session_save_nick(CHANNEL_REC *channel, NICK_REC *nick,
CONFIG_REC *config, CONFIG_NODE *node)
node = config_node_section(config, node, NULL, NODE_TYPE_BLOCK);
config_node_set_str(config, node, "nick", nick->nick);
config_node_set_bool(config, node, "op", nick->op);
config_node_set_bool(config, node, "halfop", nick->halfop);
config_node_set_bool(config, node, "voice", nick->voice);
config_node_set_str(config, node, "prefixes", nick->prefixes);
signal_emit("session save nick", 4, channel, nick, config, node);
static void session_save_channel_nicks(CHANNEL_REC *channel, CONFIG_REC *config,
GSList *tmp, *nicks;
node = config_node_section(config, node, "nicks", NODE_TYPE_LIST);
nicks = nicklist_getnicks(channel);
for (tmp = nicks; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next)
session_save_nick(channel, tmp->data, config, node);
static void session_save_channel(CHANNEL_REC *channel, CONFIG_REC *config,
node = config_node_section(config, node, NULL, NODE_TYPE_BLOCK);
config_node_set_str(config, node, "name", channel->name);
config_node_set_str(config, node, "visible_name", channel->visible_name);
config_node_set_str(config, node, "topic", channel->topic);
config_node_set_str(config, node, "topic_by", channel->topic_by);
config_node_set_int(config, node, "topic_time", channel->topic_time);
config_node_set_str(config, node, "key", channel->key);
signal_emit("session save channel", 3, channel, config, node);
static void session_save_server_channels(SERVER_REC *server,
CONFIG_REC *config,
GSList *tmp;
/* save channels */
node = config_node_section(config, node, "channels", NODE_TYPE_LIST);
for (tmp = server->channels; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next)
session_save_channel(tmp->data, config, node);
static void session_save_server(SERVER_REC *server, CONFIG_REC *config,
int handle;
node = config_node_section(config, node, NULL, NODE_TYPE_BLOCK);
config_node_set_str(config, node, "chat_type", chat_protocol_find_id(server->chat_type)->name);
config_node_set_str(config, node, "address", server->connrec->address);
config_node_set_int(config, node, "port", server->connrec->port);
config_node_set_str(config, node, "chatnet", server->connrec->chatnet);
config_node_set_str(config, node, "password", server->connrec->password);
config_node_set_str(config, node, "nick", server->nick);
config_node_set_str(config, node, "version", server->version);
config_node_set_bool(config, node, "use_tls", server->connrec->use_tls);
config_node_set_str(config, node, "tls_cert", server->connrec->tls_cert);
config_node_set_str(config, node, "tls_pkey", server->connrec->tls_pkey);
config_node_set_bool(config, node, "tls_verify", server->connrec->tls_verify);
config_node_set_str(config, node, "tls_cafile", server->connrec->tls_cafile);
config_node_set_str(config, node, "tls_capath", server->connrec->tls_capath);
config_node_set_str(config, node, "tls_ciphers", server->connrec->tls_ciphers);
Add x509 certificate and public key pinning support. This patch adds two new options to /CONNECT and /SERVER to let the user pin either an x509 certificate and/or the public key of a given server. It is possible to fetch the certificate outside of Irssi itself to verify the checksum. To fetch the certificate call: $ openssl s_client -connect chat.freenode.net:6697 < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | \ openssl x509 > freenode.cert This will download chat.freenode.net:6697's TLS certificate and put it into the file freenode.cert. -tls_pinned_cert ---------------- This option allows you to specify the SHA-256 hash of the x509 certificate. When succesfully connected to the server, irssi will verify that the given server certificate matches the pin set by the user. The SHA-256 hash of a given certificate can be verified outside of irssi using the OpenSSL command line tool: $ openssl x509 -in freenode.cert -fingerprint -sha256 -noout -tls_pinned_pubkey ------------------ This option allows you to specify the SHA-256 hash of the subject public key information section of the server certificate. This section contains both the cryptographic parameters for the public key, but also information about the algorithm used together with the public key parameters. When succesfully connected to the server, irssi will verify that the given public key matches the pin set by the user. The SHA-256 hash of a public key can be verified outside of irssi using the OpenSSL command line tool: $ openssl x509 -in freenode.cert -pubkey -noout | \ openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | \ openssl dgst -sha256 -c | \ tr a-z A-Z It is possible to specify both -tls_pinned_cert and -tls_pinned_pubkey together.
2016-10-16 08:39:00 -04:00
config_node_set_str(config, node, "tls_pinned_cert", server->connrec->tls_pinned_cert);
config_node_set_str(config, node, "tls_pinned_pubkey", server->connrec->tls_pinned_pubkey);
handle = g_io_channel_unix_get_fd(net_sendbuffer_handle(server->handle));
config_node_set_int(config, node, "handle", handle);
signal_emit("session save server", 3, server, config, node);
/* fake the server disconnection */
net_sendbuffer_destroy(server->handle, FALSE);
server->handle = NULL;
server->connection_lost = TRUE;
server->no_reconnect = TRUE;
static void session_restore_channel_nicks(CHANNEL_REC *channel,
GSList *tmp;
/* restore nicks */
node = config_node_section(NULL, node, "nicks", -1);
if (node != NULL && node->type == NODE_TYPE_LIST) {
tmp = config_node_first(node->value);
for (; tmp != NULL; tmp = config_node_next(tmp)) {
signal_emit("session restore nick", 2,
channel, tmp->data);
static void session_restore_channel(SERVER_REC *server, CONFIG_NODE *node)
CHANNEL_REC *channel;
const char *name, *visible_name;
name = config_node_get_str(node, "name", NULL);
if (name == NULL)
visible_name = config_node_get_str(node, "visible_name", NULL);
channel = CHAT_PROTOCOL(server)->channel_create(server, name, visible_name, TRUE);
channel->topic = g_strdup(config_node_get_str(node, "topic", NULL));
channel->topic_by = g_strdup(config_node_get_str(node, "topic_by", NULL));
channel->topic_time = config_node_get_int(node, "topic_time", 0);
channel->key = g_strdup(config_node_get_str(node, "key", NULL));
channel->session_rejoin = TRUE;
signal_emit("session restore channel", 2, channel, node);
static void session_restore_server_channels(SERVER_REC *server,
GSList *tmp;
/* restore channels */
node = config_node_section(NULL, node, "channels", -1);
if (node != NULL && node->type == NODE_TYPE_LIST) {
tmp = config_node_first(node->value);
for (; tmp != NULL; tmp = config_node_next(tmp))
session_restore_channel(server, tmp->data);
static void session_restore_server(CONFIG_NODE *node)
SERVER_REC *server;
const char *chat_type, *address, *chatnet, *password, *nick;
int port, handle;
chat_type = config_node_get_str(node, "chat_type", NULL);
address = config_node_get_str(node, "address", NULL);
port = config_node_get_int(node, "port", 0);
chatnet = config_node_get_str(node, "chatnet", NULL);
password = config_node_get_str(node, "password", NULL);
nick = config_node_get_str(node, "nick", NULL);
handle = config_node_get_int(node, "handle", -1);
if (chat_type == NULL || address == NULL || nick == NULL || handle < 0)
proto = chat_protocol_find(chat_type);
if (proto == NULL || proto->not_initialized) {
if (handle < 0) close(handle);
conn = server_create_conn(proto->id, address, port,
chatnet, password, nick);
if (conn != NULL) {
conn->reconnection = TRUE;
conn->connect_handle = g_io_channel_new(handle);
server = proto->server_init_connect(conn);
server->version = g_strdup(config_node_get_str(node, "version", NULL));
server->session_reconnect = TRUE;
signal_emit("session restore server", 2, server, node);
static void sig_session_save(CONFIG_REC *config)
GSList *tmp;
GString *str;
/* save servers */
node = config_node_traverse(config, "(servers", TRUE);
while (servers != NULL)
session_save_server(servers->data, config, node);
/* save pids */
str = g_string_new(NULL);
for (tmp = pidwait_get_pids(); tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next)
g_string_append_printf(str, "%d ", GPOINTER_TO_INT(tmp->data));
config_node_set_str(config, config->mainnode, "pids", str->str);
g_string_free(str, TRUE);
static void sig_session_restore(CONFIG_REC *config)
GSList *tmp;
char **pids, **pid;
/* restore servers */
node = config_node_traverse(config, "(servers", FALSE);
if (node != NULL) {
tmp = config_node_first(node->value);
for (; tmp != NULL; tmp = config_node_next(tmp))
/* restore pids (so we don't leave zombies) */
pids = g_strsplit(config_node_get_str(config->mainnode, "pids", ""), " ", -1);
for (pid = pids; *pid != NULL; pid++)
static void sig_init_finished(void)
CONFIG_REC *session;
if (session_file == NULL)
session = config_open(session_file, -1);
if (session == NULL)
signal_emit("session restore", 1, session);
void session_register_options(void)
static GOptionEntry options[] = {
{ "session", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &session_file, "Used by /UPGRADE command", "PATH" },
{ NULL }
session_file = NULL;
void session_init(void)
command_bind("upgrade", NULL, (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_upgrade);
signal_add("session save", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_session_save);
signal_add("session restore", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_session_restore);
signal_add("session save server", (SIGNAL_FUNC) session_save_server_channels);
signal_add("session restore server", (SIGNAL_FUNC) session_restore_server_channels);
signal_add("session save channel", (SIGNAL_FUNC) session_save_channel_nicks);
signal_add("session restore channel", (SIGNAL_FUNC) session_restore_channel_nicks);
signal_add("irssi init finished", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_init_finished);
void session_deinit(void)
command_unbind("upgrade", (SIGNAL_FUNC) cmd_upgrade);
signal_remove("session save", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_session_save);
signal_remove("session restore", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_session_restore);
signal_remove("session save server", (SIGNAL_FUNC) session_save_server_channels);
signal_remove("session restore server", (SIGNAL_FUNC) session_restore_server_channels);
signal_remove("session save channel", (SIGNAL_FUNC) session_save_channel_nicks);
signal_remove("session restore channel", (SIGNAL_FUNC) session_restore_channel_nicks);
signal_remove("irssi init finished", (SIGNAL_FUNC) sig_init_finished);