2000-07-26 17:52:19 +00:00
2000-08-13 15:24:23 +00:00
- Shows all the open DCC connections.
2001-01-18 02:30:59 +00:00
/DCC RESUME [<nick> [<file>]]
2000-08-13 15:24:23 +00:00
- Resumes a DCC SEND/GET connection.
2004-03-23 22:06:41 +00:00
/DCC CHAT [-passive] [<nick>]
2000-07-26 17:52:19 +00:00
- Sends a chat connection request to remote client or accepts
2000-08-13 15:24:23 +00:00
a chat connection if the remote end has already sent a request.
2004-03-23 22:06:41 +00:00
If -passive is used then the passive DCC protocol is used (as mIRC
can do). This is useful to bypass a NAT/firewall which limit your
possibility in listening for remote connections.
2001-01-18 02:30:59 +00:00
/DCC GET [<nick> [<file>]]
2000-07-26 17:52:19 +00:00
- Gets the file offered by remote client. The file is downloaded and
saved into the current working directory.
2004-03-23 22:06:41 +00:00
/DCC SEND [-passive] [-append | -prepend | -flush | -rmtail | -rmhead]
2002-11-11 06:35:12 +00:00
<nick> <file> [<file> ...]
2000-07-26 17:52:19 +00:00
- Sends a DCC SEND request to remote client. Remote end has to accept
2004-03-23 22:57:09 +00:00
the request before the transmission can be started. Giving multiple
files queues them. File names may contain shell expansion
characters: * ? [] ~ (~ expansion may not be supported on all
platforms). Files with spaces in their names need to be quoted (eg.
"file name"). If -passive is used then the passive DCC protocol is
used (as mIRC and xchat > 2.0.7 can do). This is useful to bypass a
NAT/firewall which limit your possibility in listening for remote
2003-10-01 16:02:43 +00:00
/DCC SERVER [<+|-scf> <port>]
2004-03-23 22:57:09 +00:00
- Starts a DCC SERVER on the specified port. The remote can connect
to this server and initiate chat, send and fserve requests. You can
specify + or - using any combination of the flags 's' (Send),
'c' (Chat), or 'f' (Fserver).
2000-08-13 15:24:23 +00:00
/DCC CLOSE <type> <nick> [<file>]
2000-07-26 17:52:19 +00:00
- Closes a DCC-connection. Type can be either SEND, GET or CHAT.
See also: CD