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Michael Smith 15783d12f8 oddsock's win32 port/GUI
svn path=/trunk/icecast/; revision=3787
2002-08-09 15:55:02 +00:00

500 lines
13 KiB

// TabCtrlSSL.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "TabCtrlSSL.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
// Construction
CTabCtrlSSL::CTabCtrlSSL () {
AfxEnableControlContainer ();
#endif // !_AFX_NO_OCC_SUPPORT
// Destruction
CTabCtrlSSL::~CTabCtrlSSL (void) {
// Page Functions
int CTabCtrlSSL::AddSSLPage (LPCTSTR pszTitle, int nPageID, CTabPageSSL* pTabPage) {
// Add a page to the tab control.
TabDelete tabDelete;
tabDelete.pTabPage = pTabPage;
tabDelete.bDelete = FALSE;
return AddPage (pszTitle, nPageID, tabDelete);
int CTabCtrlSSL::AddSSLPage (LPCTSTR pszTitle, int nPageID, LPCTSTR pszTemplateName) {
// Verify that the dialog template is compatible with CTabCtrlSSL
// (debug builds only). If your app asserts here, make sure the dialog
// resource you're adding to the view is a borderless child window and
// is not marked visible.
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (pszTemplateName != NULL) {
BOOL bResult = CheckDialogTemplate (pszTemplateName);
ASSERT (bResult);
#endif // _DEBUG
// Add a page to the tab control.
// Create a modeless dialog box.
CTabPageSSL* pDialog = new CTabPageSSL;
if (pDialog == NULL) {
return -1;
if (!pDialog->Create (pszTemplateName, this)) {
pDialog->DestroyWindow ();
delete pDialog;
return -1;
TabDelete tabDelete;
tabDelete.pTabPage = pDialog;
tabDelete.bDelete = TRUE;
return AddPage (pszTitle, nPageID, tabDelete);
int CTabCtrlSSL::AddSSLPage (LPCTSTR pszTitle, int nPageID, int nTemplateID) {
return AddSSLPage (pszTitle, nPageID, MAKEINTRESOURCE (nTemplateID));
BOOL CTabCtrlSSL::RemoveSSLPage (int nIndex) {
if (nIndex >= GetItemCount ())
return FALSE;
// Notify derived classes that the page is being destroyed.
OnDestroyPage (nIndex, m_nPageIDs[nIndex]);
// Switch pages if the page being deleted is the current page and it's
// not the only remaining page.
int nCount = GetItemCount ();
if (nCount > 1 && nIndex == GetCurSel ()) {
int nPage = nIndex + 1;
if (nPage >= nCount)
nPage = nCount - 2;
ActivateSSLPage (nPage);
// Remove the page from the tab control.
DeleteItem (nIndex);
// Destroy the dialog (if any) that represents the page.
TabDelete tabDelete = m_tabs[nIndex];
CTabPageSSL* pDialog = tabDelete.pTabPage;
if (pDialog != NULL) {
pDialog->DestroyWindow ();
delete pDialog;
// Clean up, repaint, and return.
m_tabs.RemoveAt (nIndex);
m_hFocusWnd.RemoveAt (nIndex);
m_nPageIDs.RemoveAt (nIndex);
Invalidate ();
return TRUE;
int CTabCtrlSSL::GetSSLPageCount (void) {
return GetItemCount ();
BOOL CTabCtrlSSL::GetSSLPageTitle (int nIndex, CString &strTitle) {
if (nIndex >= GetItemCount ())
return FALSE;
TCHAR szTitle[1024];
TC_ITEM item;
item.mask = TCIF_TEXT;
item.pszText = szTitle;
item.cchTextMax = sizeof szTitle / sizeof (TCHAR);
if (!GetItem (nIndex, &item))
return FALSE;
strTitle = item.pszText;
return TRUE;
BOOL CTabCtrlSSL::SetSSLPageTitle (int nIndex, LPCTSTR pszTitle) {
if (nIndex >= GetItemCount ())
return FALSE;
TC_ITEM item;
item.mask = TCIF_TEXT;
item.pszText = (LPTSTR) pszTitle;
BOOL bResult = SetItem (nIndex, &item);
if (bResult)
Invalidate ();
return bResult;
int CTabCtrlSSL::GetSSLPageID (int nIndex) {
if (nIndex >= GetItemCount ())
return -1;
return m_nPageIDs[nIndex];
int CTabCtrlSSL::SetSSLPageID (int nIndex, int nPageID) {
if (nIndex >= GetItemCount ())
return -1;
int nOldPageID = m_nPageIDs[nIndex];
m_nPageIDs[nIndex] = nPageID;
return nOldPageID;
BOOL CTabCtrlSSL::ActivateSSLPage (int nIndex) {
if (nIndex >= GetItemCount ())
return FALSE;
// Do nothing if the specified page is already active.
if (nIndex == GetCurSel ())
return TRUE;
// Deactivate the current page.
int nOldIndex = GetCurSel ();
if (nIndex != -1) {
TabDelete tabDelete = m_tabs[nOldIndex];
CTabPageSSL* pDialog = tabDelete.pTabPage;
if (pDialog != NULL) {
m_hFocusWnd[nOldIndex] = ::GetFocus ();
pDialog->ShowWindow (SW_HIDE);
// Activate the new one.
SetCurSel (nIndex);
TabDelete tabDelete = m_tabs[nIndex];
CTabPageSSL* pDialog = tabDelete.pTabPage;
if (pDialog != NULL) {
::SetFocus (m_hFocusWnd[nIndex]);
CRect rect;
GetClientRect (&rect);
ResizeDialog (nIndex, rect.Width (), rect.Height ());
pDialog->ShowWindow (SW_SHOW);
return TRUE;
int CTabCtrlSSL::GetSSLActivePage (void) {
return GetCurSel ();
CWnd* CTabCtrlSSL::GetSSLPage (int nIndex) {
if (nIndex >= GetItemCount ())
return NULL;
TabDelete tabDelete = m_tabs[nIndex];
return (CWnd*) tabDelete.pTabPage;
int CTabCtrlSSL::GetSSLPageIndex (int nPageID) {
int nCount = GetItemCount ();
if (nCount == 0)
return -1;
for (int i=0; i<nCount; i++) {
if (m_nPageIDs[i] == nPageID)
return i;
return -1;
// Private helper functions
#ifdef _DEBUG
BOOL CTabCtrlSSL::CheckDialogTemplate (LPCTSTR pszTemplateName) {
// Verify that the dialog resource exists.
ASSERT (pszTemplateName != NULL);
HINSTANCE hInstance = AfxFindResourceHandle (pszTemplateName, RT_DIALOG);
HRSRC hResource = ::FindResource (hInstance, pszTemplateName, RT_DIALOG);
if (hResource == NULL)
return FALSE; // Resource doesn't exist
HGLOBAL hTemplate = LoadResource (hInstance, hResource);
ASSERT (hTemplate != NULL);
// Get the dialog's style bits.
DLGTEMPLATEEX* pTemplate = (DLGTEMPLATEEX*) LockResource (hTemplate);
DWORD dwStyle;
if (pTemplate->signature == 0xFFFF)
dwStyle = pTemplate->style;
dwStyle = ((DLGTEMPLATE*) pTemplate)->style;
UnlockResource (hTemplate);
FreeResource (hTemplate);
// Verify that the dialog is an invisible child window.
if (dwStyle & WS_VISIBLE)
return FALSE; // WS_VISIBLE flag is set
if (!(dwStyle & WS_CHILD))
return FALSE; // WS_CHILD flag isn't set
// Verify that the dialog has no border and no title bar.
return FALSE; // One or more border flags are set
if (dwStyle & WS_CAPTION)
return FALSE; // WS_CAPTION flag is set
return TRUE;
#endif // _DEBUG
void CTabCtrlSSL::ResizeDialog (int nIndex, int cx, int cy) {
if (nIndex != -1) {
TabDelete tabDelete = m_tabs[nIndex];
CTabPageSSL* pDialog = tabDelete.pTabPage;
if (pDialog != NULL) {
CRect rect;
GetItemRect (nIndex, &rect);
int x, y, nWidth, nHeight;
DWORD dwStyle = GetStyle ();
if (dwStyle & TCS_VERTICAL) { // Vertical tabs
int nTabWidth =
rect.Width () * GetRowCount ();
x = (dwStyle & TCS_RIGHT) ? 4 : nTabWidth + 4;
y = 4;
nWidth = cx - nTabWidth - 8;
nHeight = cy - 8;
else { // Horizontal tabs
int nTabHeight =
rect.Height () * GetRowCount ();
x = 4;
y = (dwStyle & TCS_BOTTOM) ? 4 : nTabHeight + 4;
nWidth = cx - 8;
nHeight = cy - nTabHeight - 8;
pDialog->SetWindowPos (NULL, x, y, nWidth, nHeight, SWP_NOZORDER);
// Overridables
BOOL CTabCtrlSSL::OnInitPage (int nIndex, int nPageID) {
// TODO: Override in derived class to initialise pages.
return TRUE;
void CTabCtrlSSL::OnActivatePage (int nIndex, int nPageID) {
// TODO: Override in derived class to respond to page activations.
void CTabCtrlSSL::OnDeactivatePage (int nIndex, int nPageID) {
// TODO: Override in derived class to respond to page deactivations.
void CTabCtrlSSL::OnDestroyPage (int nIndex, int nPageID) {
// TODO: Override in derived class to free resources.
// Message handlers
void CTabCtrlSSL::OnSelChanging (NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) {
// Notify derived classes that the selection is changing.
int nIndex = GetCurSel ();
if (nIndex == -1)
OnDeactivatePage (nIndex, m_nPageIDs[nIndex]);
// Save the input focus and hide the old page.
TabDelete tabDelete = m_tabs[nIndex];
CTabPageSSL* pDialog = tabDelete.pTabPage;
if (pDialog != NULL) {
m_hFocusWnd[nIndex] = ::GetFocus ();
pDialog->ShowWindow (SW_HIDE);
*pResult = 0;
void CTabCtrlSSL::OnSelChange (NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) {
int nIndex = GetCurSel ();
if (nIndex == -1)
// Show the new page.
TabDelete tabDelete = m_tabs[nIndex];
CTabPageSSL* pDialog = tabDelete.pTabPage;
if (pDialog != NULL) {
::SetFocus (m_hFocusWnd[nIndex]);
CRect rect;
GetClientRect (&rect);
ResizeDialog (nIndex, rect.Width (), rect.Height ());
pDialog->ShowWindow (SW_SHOW);
// Notify derived classes that the selection has changed.
OnActivatePage (nIndex, m_nPageIDs[nIndex]);
*pResult = 0;
void CTabCtrlSSL::OnSetFocus (CWnd* pOldWnd) {
CTabCtrl::OnSetFocus (pOldWnd);
// Set the focus to a control on the current page.
int nIndex = GetCurSel ();
if (nIndex != -1)
::SetFocus (m_hFocusWnd[nIndex]);
void CTabCtrlSSL::OnKillFocus (CWnd* pNewWnd) {
CTabCtrl::OnKillFocus (pNewWnd);
// Save the HWND of the control that holds the input focus.
int nIndex = GetCurSel ();
if (nIndex != -1)
m_hFocusWnd[nIndex] = ::GetFocus ();
// My thanks to Tomasz Sowinski for all his help coming up with a workable
// solution to the stack versus heap object destruction
void CTabCtrlSSL::OnDestroy (void) {
int nCount = m_tabs.GetSize ();
// Destroy dialogs and delete CTabCtrlSSL objects.
if (nCount > 0) {
for (int i=nCount - 1; i>=0; i--) {
OnDestroyPage (i, m_nPageIDs[i]);
TabDelete tabDelete = m_tabs[i];
CTabPageSSL* pDialog = tabDelete.pTabPage;
if (pDialog != NULL) {
pDialog->DestroyWindow ();
if (TRUE == tabDelete.bDelete) {
delete pDialog;
// Clean up the internal arrays.
m_tabs.RemoveAll ();
m_hFocusWnd.RemoveAll ();
m_nPageIDs.RemoveAll ();
CTabCtrl::OnDestroy ();
BOOL CTabCtrlSSL::OnCommand (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
// Forward WM_COMMAND messages to the dialog's parent.
return GetParent ()->SendMessage (WM_COMMAND, wParam, lParam);
BOOL CTabCtrlSSL::OnNotify (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pResult) {
// Forward WM_NOTIFY messages to the dialog's parent.
return GetParent ()->SendMessage (WM_NOTIFY, wParam, lParam);
BOOL CTabCtrlSSL::OnCmdMsg (UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra,
// Forward ActiveX control events to the dialog's parent.
if (nCode == CN_EVENT)
return GetParent ()->OnCmdMsg (nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo);
#endif // !_AFX_NO_OCC_SUPPORT
return CTabCtrl::OnCmdMsg (nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo);
int CTabCtrlSSL::AddPage (LPCTSTR pszTitle, int nPageID, TabDelete tabDelete) {
// Add a page to the tab control.
TC_ITEM item;
item.mask = TCIF_TEXT;
item.pszText = (LPTSTR) pszTitle;
int nIndex = GetItemCount ();
if (InsertItem (nIndex, &item) == -1)
return -1;
if (NULL == tabDelete.pTabPage) {
// Fail - no point calling the function with a NULL pointer!
DeleteItem (nIndex);
return -1;
else {
// Record the address of the dialog object and the page ID.
int nArrayIndex = m_tabs.Add (tabDelete);
ASSERT (nIndex == nArrayIndex);
nArrayIndex = m_nPageIDs.Add (nPageID);
ASSERT (nIndex == nArrayIndex);
// Size and position the dialog box within the view.
tabDelete.pTabPage->SetParent (this); // Just to be sure
CRect rect;
GetClientRect (&rect);
if (rect.Width () > 0 && rect.Height () > 0)
ResizeDialog (nIndex, rect.Width (), rect.Height ());
// Initialize the page.
if (OnInitPage (nIndex, nPageID)) {
// Make sure the first control in the dialog is the one that
// receives the input focus when the page is displayed.
HWND hwndFocus = tabDelete.pTabPage->GetTopWindow ()->m_hWnd;
nArrayIndex = m_hFocusWnd.Add (hwndFocus);
ASSERT (nIndex == nArrayIndex);
else {
// Make the control that currently has the input focus is the one
// that receives the input focus when the page is displayed.
m_hFocusWnd.Add (::GetFocus ());
// If this is the first page added to the view, make it visible.
if (nIndex == 0)
tabDelete.pTabPage->ShowWindow (SW_SHOW);
return nIndex;