mirror of https://gitlab.xiph.org/xiph/ezstream.git synced 2024-10-13 04:53:36 -04:00

243 lines
6.8 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
EXAMPLE: A valid configuration that contains every configuration option
NB: /ezstream/metadata/program is commented out so that this configuration
can work without scripting.
<!-- Ezstream configuration root element -->
Server configuration
<!-- Identifying name (default: "default") -->
<name>Test Server</name>
Transport protocol:
HTTP (default), HTTPS (implies <tls>required</tls>), ICY, RoarAudio
<!-- Server address -->
<!-- Server port (default: 8000) -->
<!-- Login user (default: "source") -->
<!-- Login password (check file permissions, or everyone can see this) -->
Configure TLS requirement: none, may, required (default: "may")
For compatibility reasons, the default configuration and this example
is "may". THIS IS INSECURE. It allows a MitM to intercept the
password and tamper with the stream. It is recommended to set this to
"required" when configuring TLS to secure streaming over untrusted
Configure allowed cipher suites for TLS other than the libshout
See openssl(1)/ciphers(1) for details.
Directory to use for server certificate verification in "hash format".
See openssl(1)/verify(1) for details.
One of the <ca_dir /> or <ca_file /> settings must be enabled for
certificate verification to succeed.
<!-- <ca_dir>/etc/ssl/certs</ca_dir> -->
CA bundle for both server certificate verification and building the
client certificate chain.
One of the <ca_dir /> or <ca_file /> settings must be enabled for
certificate verification to succeed.
<!-- <ca_file>/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt</ca_file> -->
X.503 client certificate, in PEM format, containing both certificate
(with public key) and private key in the same file, for
<!-- <client_cert>/etc/ssl/private/ezstream.crt</client_cert> -->
<!-- Number of reconnection attempts, before giving up (default: 0) -->
Stream configuration
Identifying name (default: "default")
NB: Only the "default" stream is supported at this point.
<!-- <name>default</name> -->
<!-- Mount point on server -->
<!-- Name of the intake entry to use (default: "default") -->
<intake>Test Input</intake>
<!-- Name of the server entry to use (default: "default") -->
<server>Test Server</server>
Setting to allow stream to be listed in public YP directory
(default: no)
<!-- Stream format: Ogg, MP3, WebM, Matroska -->
<!-- Encoder name (defined below) to use for (re)encoding -->
<!-- Various other informational settings -->
<stream_name>Test Stream</stream_name>
<stream_description>Test tones and noise</stream_description>
Intake configuration
<!-- Identifying name (default: "default") -->
<name>Test Input</name>
Media type: autodetect, file, playlist, program, stdin
(default: autodetect)
<!-- Input file, program name, or "stdin" keyword (deprecated) -->
<!-- Shuffle playlists (default: no) -->
<!-- Stream intake indefinitely or only once (default: no) -->
<!-- Search for files relative to the playlist location (default: no) -->
Metadata configuration
<!-- Program to query for metadata instead of from media files -->
<!-- <program>meta.sh</program> -->
<!-- Metadata format -->
<format_str>@a@ - @t@</format_str>
<!-- Interval for additional metadata refreshes (default: -1 (none)) -->
<!-- Setting to clean up extraneous whitespace (default: no) -->
<!-- Setting to suppress all metadata udpates (default: no) -->
Decoder configurations
<!-- Decoder name -->
<!-- Program and options -->
<program>oggdec -R -b 16 -o - @T@</program>
<!-- File extensions to use this decoder for -->
<program>madplay -b 16 -R 44100 -S -o raw:- @T@</program>
<program>flac -s -d --force-raw-format --sign=signed --endian=little -o - @T@</program>
<program>faad -d -f 2 -w @T@</program>
<program>opusdec --rate 44100 @T@ -</program>
Encoder configurations
<!-- Encoder name -->
<!-- Output stream format -->
<!-- Program and options -->
<program>oggenc -r -B 16 -C 2 -R 44100 --raw-endianness 0 -q 1.5 -t @M@ -</program>
<program>opusenc --vbr --bitrate 96 --title @t@ --artist @a@ --raw --raw-rate 44100 - -</program>
<program>lame --preset cbr 128 -r -s 44.1 --bitwidth 16 - -</program>