mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 15:09:23 -05:00
565 lines
15 KiB
565 lines
15 KiB
/** Text mode drawing functions
* @file */
#include "config.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "elinks.h"
#include "bfu/dialog.h"
#include "cache/cache.h"
#include "document/document.h"
#include "document/html/frames.h"
#include "document/html/iframes.h"
#include "document/options.h"
#include "document/refresh.h"
#include "document/renderer.h"
#include "document/view.h"
#include "dialogs/status.h" /* print_screen_status() */
#include "intl/charsets.h"
#include "intl/libintl.h"
#include "protocol/uri.h"
#include "session/location.h"
#include "session/session.h"
#include "terminal/draw.h"
#include "terminal/tab.h"
#include "terminal/terminal.h"
#include "util/error.h"
#include "util/lists.h"
#include "util/memory.h"
#include "util/string.h"
#include "viewer/text/draw.h"
#include "viewer/text/form.h"
#include "viewer/text/link.h"
#include "viewer/text/search.h"
#include "viewer/text/view.h" /* current_frame() */
#include "viewer/text/vs.h"
static inline int
check_document_fragment(struct session *ses, struct document_view *doc_view)
struct document *document = doc_view->document;
struct uri *uri = doc_view->vs->uri;
int vy;
struct string fragment;
if (!init_string(&fragment)) return -2;
if (!add_uri_to_string(&fragment, uri, URI_FRAGMENT)) {
return -2;
/* Omit the leading '#' when calling find_tag. */
vy = find_tag(document, fragment.source + 1, fragment.length - 1);
if (vy == -1) {
struct cache_entry *cached = document->cached;
if (cached->incomplete || cached->cache_id != document->cache_id) {
return -2;
if (get_opt_bool("document.browse.links.missing_fragment",
ses)) {
info_box(ses->tab->term, MSGBOX_FREE_TEXT,
N_("Missing fragment"), ALIGN_CENTER,
msg_text(ses->tab->term, N_("The requested fragment "
"\"%s\" doesn't exist."),
} else {
int_bounds(&vy, 0, document->height - 1);
return vy;
static void
draw_frame_lines(struct terminal *term, struct frameset_desc *frameset_desc,
int xp, int yp, struct color_pair *colors)
int y, j;
assert(term && frameset_desc && frameset_desc->frame_desc);
if_assert_failed return;
y = yp - 1;
for (j = 0; j < frameset_desc->box.height; j++) {
int x, i;
int height = frameset_desc->frame_desc[j * frameset_desc->box.width].height;
x = xp - 1;
for (i = 0; i < frameset_desc->box.width; i++) {
int width = frameset_desc->frame_desc[i].width;
if (i) {
struct el_box box;
set_box(&box, x, y + 1, 1, height);
draw_box(term, &box, BORDER_SVLINE, SCREEN_ATTR_FRAME, colors);
if (j == frameset_desc->box.height - 1)
draw_border_cross(term, x, y + height + 1,
BORDER_X_UP, colors);
} else if (j) {
if (x >= 0)
draw_border_cross(term, x, y,
BORDER_X_RIGHT, colors);
if (j) {
struct el_box box;
set_box(&box, x + 1, y, width, 1);
draw_box(term, &box, BORDER_SHLINE, SCREEN_ATTR_FRAME, colors);
if (i == frameset_desc->box.width - 1
&& x + width + 1 < term->width)
draw_border_cross(term, x + width + 1, y,
BORDER_X_LEFT, colors);
} else if (i) {
draw_border_cross(term, x, y, BORDER_X_DOWN, colors);
if (i && j)
draw_border_char(term, x, y, BORDER_SCROSS, colors);
x += width + 1;
y += height + 1;
y = yp - 1;
for (j = 0; j < frameset_desc->box.height; j++) {
int x, i;
int pj = j * frameset_desc->box.width;
int height = frameset_desc->frame_desc[pj].height;
x = xp - 1;
for (i = 0; i < frameset_desc->box.width; i++) {
int width = frameset_desc->frame_desc[i].width;
int p = pj + i;
if (frameset_desc->frame_desc[p].subframe) {
draw_frame_lines(term, frameset_desc->frame_desc[p].subframe,
x + 1, y + 1, colors);
x += width + 1;
y += height + 1;
static void
draw_iframe_lines(struct terminal *term, struct iframeset_desc *iframe_desc,
int xp, int yp, struct color_pair *colors)
int j;
assert(term && iframe_desc && iframe_desc->iframe_desc);
if_assert_failed return;
for (j = 0; j < iframe_desc->n; j++) {
struct el_box box;
int y = iframe_desc->iframe_desc[j].y - 1;
int x = iframe_desc->iframe_desc[j].x - 1;
int height = iframe_desc->iframe_desc[j].height + 1;
int width = iframe_desc->iframe_desc[j].width + 1;
set_box(&box, x, y + 1, 1, height - 1);
draw_box(term, &box, BORDER_SVLINE, SCREEN_ATTR_FRAME, colors);
set_box(&box, x + width, y + 1, 1, height - 1);
draw_box(term, &box, BORDER_SVLINE, SCREEN_ATTR_FRAME, colors);
set_box(&box, x + 1, y, width -1 , 1);
draw_box(term, &box, BORDER_SHLINE, SCREEN_ATTR_FRAME, colors);
set_box(&box, x + 1, y + height, width - 1, 1);
draw_box(term, &box, BORDER_SHLINE, SCREEN_ATTR_FRAME, colors);
draw_border_char(term, x, y, BORDER_SULCORNER, colors);
draw_border_char(term, x, y + height, BORDER_SDLCORNER, colors);
draw_border_char(term, x + width, y, BORDER_SURCORNER, colors);
draw_border_char(term, x + width, y + height, BORDER_SDRCORNER, colors);
draw_border_cross(term, x, y, BORDER_X_DOWN, colors);
static void
draw_clipboard(struct terminal *term, struct document_view *doc_view)
struct document *document = doc_view->document;
struct color_pair *color;
int starty, startx, endy, endx, x, y, xoffset, yoffset;
assert(term && doc_view);
if_assert_failed return;
if (document->clipboard_status == CLIPBOARD_NONE) {
color = get_bfu_color(term, "clipboard");
xoffset = doc_view->box.x - doc_view->vs->x;
yoffset = doc_view->box.y - doc_view->vs->y;
if (document->clipboard_box.height >= 0) {
starty = int_max(doc_view->box.y, document->clipboard_box.y + yoffset);
endy = int_min(doc_view->box.y + doc_view->box.height,
document->clipboard_box.y + document->clipboard_box.height + yoffset);
} else {
endy = int_max(doc_view->box.y, document->clipboard_box.y + yoffset);
starty = int_min(doc_view->box.y + doc_view->box.height,
document->clipboard_box.y + document->clipboard_box.height + yoffset);
if (document->clipboard_box.width >= 0) {
startx = int_max(doc_view->box.x, document->clipboard_box.x + xoffset);
endx = int_min(doc_view->box.x + doc_view->box.width,
document->clipboard_box.x + document->clipboard_box.width + xoffset);
} else {
endx = int_max(doc_view->box.x, document->clipboard_box.x + xoffset);
startx = int_min(doc_view->box.x + doc_view->box.width,
document->clipboard_box.x + document->clipboard_box.width + xoffset);
for (y = starty; y <= endy; ++y) {
for (x = startx; x <= endx; ++x) {
draw_char_color(term, x, y, color);
doc_view->last_x = doc_view->last_y = -1;
static void
draw_view_status(struct session *ses, struct document_view *doc_view, int active)
struct terminal *term = ses->tab->term;
draw_forms(term, doc_view);
if (active) {
draw_searched(term, doc_view);
draw_clipboard(term, doc_view);
draw_current_link(ses, doc_view);
/** Checks if there is a link under the cursor so it can become the current
* highlighted link. */
static void
check_link_under_cursor(struct session *ses, struct document_view *doc_view)
int x = ses->tab->x;
int y = ses->tab->y;
struct el_box *box = &doc_view->box;
struct link *link;
link = get_link_at_coordinates(doc_view, x - box->x, y - box->y);
if (link && link != get_current_link(doc_view)) {
doc_view->vs->current_link = link - doc_view->document->links;
/** Puts the formatted document on the given terminal's screen.
* @a active indicates whether the document is focused -- i.e.,
* whether it is displayed in the selected frame or document. */
static void
draw_doc(struct session *ses, struct document_view *doc_view, int active)
struct color_pair color;
struct view_state *vs;
struct terminal *term;
struct el_box *box;
struct screen_char *last = NULL;
int vx, vy;
int y;
assert(ses && ses->tab && ses->tab->term && doc_view);
if_assert_failed return;
box = &doc_view->box;
term = ses->tab->term;
/* The code in this function assumes that both width and height are
* bigger than 1 so we have to bail out here. */
if (box->width < 2 || box->height < 2) return;
if (active) {
/* When redrawing the document after things like link menu we
* have to reset the cursor routing state. */
if (ses->navigate_mode == NAVIGATE_CURSOR_ROUTING) {
set_cursor(term, ses->tab->x, ses->tab->y, 0);
} else {
set_cursor(term, box->x + box->width - 1, box->y + box->height - 1, 1);
set_window_ptr(ses->tab, box->x, box->y);
color.foreground = get_opt_color("document.colors.text", ses);
color.background = doc_view->document->height
? doc_view->document->color.background
: get_opt_color("document.colors.background", ses);
vs = doc_view->vs;
if (!vs) {
int bgchar = get_opt_int("ui.background_char", ses);
#ifdef CONFIG_UTF8
draw_box(term, box, bgchar, 0, get_bfu_color(term, "desktop"));
draw_box(term, box, (unsigned char)bgchar, 0, get_bfu_color(term, "desktop"));
if (document_has_frames(doc_view->document)) {
int bgchar = get_opt_int("ui.background_char", ses);
#ifdef CONFIG_UTF8
draw_box(term, box, bgchar, 0, get_bfu_color(term, "desktop"));
draw_box(term, box, (unsigned char)bgchar, 0, get_bfu_color(term, "desktop"));
draw_frame_lines(term, doc_view->document->frame_desc, box->x, box->y, &color);
if (vs->current_link == -1)
vs->current_link = 0;
if (ses->navigate_mode == NAVIGATE_LINKWISE) {
} else {
check_link_under_cursor(ses, doc_view);
if (!vs->did_fragment) {
vy = check_document_fragment(ses, doc_view);
if (vy != -2) vs->did_fragment = 1;
if (vy >= 0) {
doc_view->vs->y = vy;
if (vy == -1) {
struct location *loc = cur_loc(ses);
if (loc) {
struct uri *cur_uri = loc->vs.uri;
if (list_has_prev(ses->history.history, loc)) {
struct uri *prev_uri = loc->prev->vs.uri;
if (compare_uri(cur_uri, prev_uri, URI_BASE)) {
doc_view->vs->y = doc_view->prev_y;
vx = vs->x;
vy = vs->y;
if (doc_view->last_x != -1
&& doc_view->last_x == vx
&& doc_view->last_y == vy
&& !has_search_word(doc_view)) {
clear_link(term, doc_view);
draw_view_status(ses, doc_view, active);
doc_view->last_x = vx;
doc_view->last_y = vy;
int bgchar = get_opt_int("ui.background_char", ses);
#ifdef CONFIG_UTF8
draw_box(term, box, bgchar, 0, get_bfu_color(term, "desktop"));
draw_box(term, box, (unsigned char)bgchar, 0, get_bfu_color(term, "desktop"));
if (!doc_view->document->height) return;
while (vs->y >= doc_view->document->height) vs->y -= box->height;
int_lower_bound(&vs->y, 0);
if (vy != vs->y) {
vy = vs->y;
if (ses->navigate_mode == NAVIGATE_LINKWISE)
for (y = int_max(vy, 0);
y < int_min(doc_view->document->height, box->height + vy);
y++) {
struct screen_char *first = NULL;
int i, j;
int last_index = 0;
int st = int_max(vx, 0);
int en = int_min(doc_view->document->data[y].length,
box->width + vx);
int max = int_min(en, st + 200);
if (en - st > 0) {
draw_line(term, box->x + st - vx, box->y + y - vy,
en - st,
for (i = en - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (doc_view->document->data[y].ch.chars[i].data != ' ') {
last = &doc_view->document->data[y].ch.chars[i];
last_index = i + 1;
for (i = st; i < max; i++) {
if (doc_view->document->data[y].ch.chars[i].data != ' ') {
first = &doc_view->document->data[y].ch.chars[i];
for (j = st; j < i; j++) {
draw_space(term, box->x + j - vx, box->y + y - vy,
for (i = last_index; i < box->width + vx; i++) {
draw_space(term, box->x + i - vx, box->y + y - vy,
draw_view_status(ses, doc_view, active);
if (has_search_word(doc_view))
doc_view->last_x = doc_view->last_y = -1;
if (document_has_iframes(doc_view->document)) {
draw_iframe_lines(term, doc_view->document->iframe_desc, box->x, box->y, &color);
if (vs->current_link == -1)
vs->current_link = 0;
static void
draw_frames(struct session *ses)
struct document_view *doc_view, *current_doc_view;
int *l;
int n, d;
assert(ses && ses->doc_view && ses->doc_view->document);
if_assert_failed return;
if (!document_has_frames(ses->doc_view->document)
&& !document_has_iframes(ses->doc_view->document)) return;
n = 0;
foreach (doc_view, ses->scrn_frames) {
doc_view->last_x = doc_view->last_y = -1;
foreach (doc_view, ses->scrn_iframes) {
doc_view->last_x = doc_view->last_y = -1;
l = &cur_loc(ses)->vs.current_link;
*l = int_max(*l, 0) % int_max(n, 1);
current_doc_view = current_frame(ses);
d = 0;
while (1) {
int more = 0;
foreach (doc_view, ses->scrn_frames) {
if (doc_view->depth == d)
draw_doc(ses, doc_view, doc_view == current_doc_view);
else if (doc_view->depth > d)
more = 1;
if (d == 0) foreach (doc_view, ses->scrn_iframes) {
draw_doc(ses, doc_view, doc_view == current_doc_view);
if (!more) break;
/** @todo @a rerender is ridiciously wound-up. */
draw_formatted(struct session *ses, int rerender)
assert(ses && ses->tab);
if_assert_failed return;
if (rerender) {
rerender--; /* Mind this when analyzing @rerender. */
if (!(rerender & 2) && session_is_loading(ses))
rerender |= 2;
render_document_frames(ses, rerender);
/* Rerendering kills the document refreshing so restart it. */
if (ses->tab != get_current_tab(ses->tab->term))
if (!ses->doc_view || !ses->doc_view->document) {
/*INTERNAL("document not formatted");*/
struct el_box box;
int bgchar = get_opt_int("ui.background_char", ses);
set_box(&box, 0, 1,
ses->tab->term->height - 2);
#ifdef CONFIG_UTF8
draw_box(ses->tab->term, &box, bgchar, 0, get_bfu_color(ses->tab->term, "desktop"));
draw_box(ses->tab->term, &box, (unsigned char)bgchar, 0, get_bfu_color(ses->tab->term, "desktop"));
if (!ses->doc_view->vs && have_location(ses))
ses->doc_view->vs = &cur_loc(ses)->vs;
ses->doc_view->last_x = ses->doc_view->last_y = -1;
refresh_view(ses, ses->doc_view, 1);
refresh_view(struct session *ses, struct document_view *doc_view, int frames)
/* If refresh_view() is being called because the value of a
* form field has changed, @ses might not be in the current
* tab: consider SELECT pop-ups behind which -remote loads
* another tab, or setTimeout in ECMAScript. */
if (ses->tab == get_current_tab(ses->tab->term)) {
draw_doc(ses, doc_view, 1);
if (frames) draw_frames(ses);