mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 15:09:23 -05:00
Merge with http://elinks.cz/elinks.git
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ELinks 0.12.GIT\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-21 11:01+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-03-21 11:03+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-23 18:35+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-03-23 18:37+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Laurent Monin <zas@norz.org>\n"
"Language-Team: French <zas@norz.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@ -2022,11 +2022,6 @@ msgstr "Action non reconnue (erreur interne)"
msgid "Error registering event"
msgstr "Erreur d'enregistrement d'événement"
#. name:
#: src/config/kbdbind.c:992
msgid "Keyboard Bindings"
msgstr "Association de touches"
#: src/config/options.inc:19
msgid "Configuration system"
@ -2254,8 +2249,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Délai d'expiration pour les connexions non-redémarrables (en secondes)."
#. Keep options in alphabetical order.
#. name:
#: src/config/options.inc:134 src/document/document.c:346
#: src/config/options.inc:134
msgid "Document"
msgstr "Document"
@ -8244,17 +8238,22 @@ msgstr "Message Ruby"
msgid "Ruby"
msgstr "Ruby"
#: src/scripting/scripting.c:59
#: src/scripting/scripting.c:44
#, c-format
msgid "[%s error] %s"
msgstr "[erreur %s] %s"
#: src/scripting/scripting.c:60
#, c-format
msgid "An error occurred while running a %s script"
msgstr "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'exécution d'un script %s"
#: src/scripting/scripting.c:65
#: src/scripting/scripting.c:66
msgid "Browser scripting error"
msgstr "Erreur de script"
#. name:
#: src/scripting/scripting.c:93
#: src/scripting/scripting.c:94
msgid "Scripting"
msgstr "Scripting"
@ -8504,11 +8503,6 @@ msgstr "Impossible de lire l'
msgid "Too many bytes read from the itrm!"
msgstr "Trop d'octets lus en provenance de itrm!"
#. name:
#: src/terminal/screen.c:1129
msgid "Terminal Screen"
msgstr "Ecran de terminal"
#: src/terminal/tab.c:205
msgid "Do you really want to close the current tab?"
msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir fermer l'onglet courant ?"
@ -8517,11 +8511,6 @@ msgstr "
msgid "Do you really want to close all except the current tab?"
msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir fermer tout sauf l'onglet courant ?"
#. name:
#: src/terminal/terminal.c:383
msgid "Terminal"
msgstr "Terminal"
#: src/util/secsave.c:361
msgid "Cannot read the file"
msgstr "Échec de lecture du fichier"
@ -8897,6 +8886,3 @@ msgstr "Temporisation"
#: src/viewer/viewer.c:25
msgid "Viewer"
msgstr "Visualisateur"
#~ msgid "Delete text from clipboard"
#~ msgstr "Effacer le texte du tampon"
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ELinks 0.12.GIT\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-18 13:56+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-03-18 14:10+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-23 13:49+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-03-23 14:10+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Witold Filipczyk <witekfl@pld-linux.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <translation-team-pl@lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@ -2032,6 +2032,11 @@ msgstr "Nierozpoznana akcja (b
msgid "Error registering event"
msgstr "B³±d przy rejestrowaniu zdarzenia"
#. name:
#: src/config/kbdbind.c:992
msgid "Keyboard Bindings"
msgstr "Przypisania klawiszy"
#: src/config/options.inc:19
msgid "Configuration system"
@ -2262,7 +2267,8 @@ msgstr ""
#. Keep options in alphabetical order.
#: src/config/options.inc:134
#. name:
#: src/config/options.inc:134 src/document/document.c:346
msgid "Document"
msgstr "Dokument"
@ -5855,6 +5861,11 @@ msgstr ""
"b³±d i mo¿e to spowodowaæ zastopowanie ca³ego ELinksa.\n"
"Wykonywanie skryptu zosta³o przerwane."
#. name:
#: src/ecmascript/see.c:184
msgid "SEE"
msgstr "SEE"
#: src/ecmascript/see/window.c:227 src/ecmascript/spidermonkey/window.c:331
msgid "JavaScript Alert"
msgstr "Alert JavaScriptu"
@ -5868,6 +5879,11 @@ msgstr "Skrypt zawarty w bie
msgid "JavaScript Error"
msgstr "B³±d JavaScriptu"
#. name:
#: src/ecmascript/spidermonkey.c:315
msgid "SpiderMonkey"
msgstr "SpiderMonkey"
#: src/formhist/dialogs.c:67
msgid "Forms are never saved for this URL."
msgstr "Formularze dla tego URL-a nie s± zapisywane."
@ -6937,6 +6953,11 @@ msgstr "~Pe
msgid "~BeOS terminal"
msgstr "Terminal ~BeOS"
#. name:
#: src/protocol/auth/auth.c:332
msgid "Authentication"
msgstr "Autentykacja"
#: src/protocol/auth/dialogs.c:87
#, c-format
msgid "Authentication required for %s at %s"
@ -8327,6 +8348,11 @@ msgstr "Nie okre
msgid "No program specified for protocol %s."
msgstr "Nie okre¶lono programu do obs³ugi protoko³u %s."
#. name:
#: src/scripting/guile/guile.c:16
msgid "Guile"
msgstr "Guile"
#: src/scripting/lua/core.c:312 src/scripting/python/keybinding.c:151
msgid "Error registering event hook"
msgstr "B³±d przy rejestrowaniu zaczepienia zdarzenia"
@ -8347,21 +8373,46 @@ msgstr "Konsola Lua"
msgid "Enter expression"
msgstr "Wprowad¼ wyra¿enie"
#. name:
#: src/scripting/lua/lua.c:16
msgid "Lua"
msgstr "Lua"
#. name:
#: src/scripting/perl/perl.c:16
msgid "Perl"
msgstr "Perl"
#. name:
#: src/scripting/python/python.c:18
msgid "Python"
msgstr "Python"
#: src/scripting/ruby/core.c:131 src/scripting/ruby/core.c:184
msgid "Ruby Message"
msgstr "Wiadomo¶æ Ruby'ego"
#: src/scripting/scripting.c:59
#. name:
#: src/scripting/ruby/ruby.c:16
msgid "Ruby"
msgstr "Ruby"
#: src/scripting/scripting.c:44
#, c-format
msgid "[%s error] %s"
msgstr "[B³±d %s] %s"
#: src/scripting/scripting.c:60
#, c-format
msgid "An error occurred while running a %s script"
msgstr "Wyst±pi³ b³±d przy uruchamianiu skryptu %s"
#: src/scripting/scripting.c:65
#: src/scripting/scripting.c:66
msgid "Browser scripting error"
msgstr "B³±d skryptów przegl±darki"
#. name:
#: src/scripting/scripting.c:93
#: src/scripting/scripting.c:94
msgid "Scripting"
msgstr "Skryptowanie"
@ -8369,6 +8420,11 @@ msgstr "Skryptowanie"
msgid "User script alert"
msgstr "B³±d skryptu u¿ytkownika"
#. name:
#: src/scripting/smjs/smjs.c:16
msgid "Spidermonkey ECMAScript"
msgstr "ECMAScript Spidermonkey"
#: src/session/download.c:235 src/session/download.c:359
#: src/session/download.c:598 src/session/download.c:686
msgid "Download error"
@ -8605,6 +8661,12 @@ msgstr "Nie mo
msgid "Too many bytes read from the itrm!"
msgstr "Zbyt du¿o bajtów przeczytanych z itrm!"
#. name:
#: src/terminal/screen.c:1129
msgid "Terminal Screen"
msgstr "Ekran terminala"
#: src/terminal/tab.c:205
msgid "Do you really want to close the current tab?"
msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz zamkn±æ bie¿±c± kartê?"
@ -8613,6 +8675,12 @@ msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz zamkn
msgid "Do you really want to close all except the current tab?"
msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz zamkn±æ wszystkie karty za wyj±tkiem bie¿±cej?"
#. name:
#: src/terminal/terminal.c:383
msgid "Terminal"
msgstr "Terminal"
#: src/util/secsave.c:361
msgid "Cannot read the file"
msgstr "B³±d odczytu z pliku"
@ -8758,117 +8826,122 @@ msgid "Submit button"
msgstr "Przycisk wys³ania formularza"
#. accelerator_context(link_menu.map)
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1279
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1278
msgid "Display ~usemap"
msgstr "Poka¿ ~mapê obrazków"
#. accelerator_context(link_menu.std)
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1284
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1283
msgid "~Follow link"
msgstr "Wybierz od~no¶nik"
#. accelerator_context(link_menu.std)
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1286
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1285
msgid "Follow link and r~eload"
msgstr "Wybierz odno¶nik i p~rze³aduj"
#. accelerator_context(link_menu.std)
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1290
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1289
msgid "Open in new ~window"
msgstr "Otwórz w no~wym oknie"
#. accelerator_context(link_menu.std)
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1292
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1291
msgid "Open in new ~tab"
msgstr "Otwórz w nowej ~karcie"
#. accelerator_context(link_menu.std)
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1294
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1293
msgid "Open in new tab in ~background"
msgstr "Otwórz w nowej k~arcie w tle"
#. accelerator_context(link_menu.std)
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1299
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1298
msgid "~Download link"
msgstr "~Pobierz"
#. accelerator_context(link_menu.std)
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1302
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1301
msgid "~Add link to bookmarks"
msgstr "~Dodaj zak³adkê"
#. accelerator_context(link_menu.std)
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1306
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1305
msgid "Pass link URI to e~xternal command"
msgstr "Przeka¿ URI odno¶nika do z~ewnêtrznego polecenia"
#. accelerator_context(link_menu.form, link_menu.reset, link_menu.textarea)
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1317 src/viewer/text/link.c:1357
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1316 src/viewer/text/link.c:1356
msgid "~Reset form"
msgstr "Wy~czy¶æ formularz"
#. accelerator_context(link_menu.textarea)
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1332
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1331
msgid "Open in ~external editor"
msgstr "Otwórz w zewnêtrznym ~edytorze"
#. accelerator_context(link_menu.form, link_menu.textarea)
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1340
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1339
msgid "~Submit form"
msgstr "~Prze¶lij formularz"
#. accelerator_context(link_menu.form, link_menu.textarea)
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1341
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1340
msgid "Submit form and rel~oad"
msgstr "Prze¶lij fo~rmularz i prze³aduj"
#. accelerator_context(link_menu.form, link_menu.textarea)
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1345
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1344
msgid "Submit form and open in new ~window"
msgstr "Prze¶lij ~formularz i otwórz w nowym oknie"
#. accelerator_context(link_menu.form, link_menu.textarea)
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1347
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1346
msgid "Submit form and open in new ~tab"
msgstr "Prze¶lij formularz i otwórz na nowej ~karcie"
#. accelerator_context(link_menu.form, link_menu.textarea)
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1350
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1349
msgid "Submit form and open in new tab in ~background"
msgstr "Prze¶lij formularz i otwórz w ~tle na nowej karcie"
#. accelerator_context(link_menu.form, link_menu.textarea)
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1355
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1354
msgid "Submit form and ~download"
msgstr "Prze¶lij formu~larz i ¶ci±gnij"
#. accelerator_context(link_menu.form, link_menu.reset, link_menu.textarea)
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1362
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1361
msgid "Form f~ields"
msgstr "Pola form~ularza"
#. accelerator_context(link_menu.form, link_menu.map, link_menu.std)
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1369
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1368
msgid "V~iew image"
msgstr "Poka¿ o~brazek"
#. accelerator_context(link_menu.form, link_menu.map, link_menu.std)
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1371
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1370
msgid "Download ima~ge"
msgstr "Pobierz ~obrazek"
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1380
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1379
msgid "No link selected"
msgstr "Nie wybrano ¿adnego odno¶nika"
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1450
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1449
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Obrazek"
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1455
#: src/viewer/text/link.c:1454
msgid "Usemap"
msgstr "Mapa obrazków"
#. name:
#: src/viewer/text/marks.c:155
msgid "Marks"
msgstr "Zaznaczenia"
#: src/viewer/text/search.c:1081
msgid "Search hit top, continuing at bottom."
msgstr "Przeszukiwanie osi±gnê³o pocz±tek tekstu, kontynuacja od koñca."
@ -8977,6 +9050,11 @@ msgstr "B
msgid "Error writing to file"
msgstr "B³±d zapisu do pliku"
#. name:
#: src/viewer/timer.c:88
msgid "Timer"
msgstr "Czasomierz"
#. name:
#: src/viewer/viewer.c:25
msgid "Viewer"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user