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synced 2025-02-02 15:09:23 -05:00
Add a hooks.js for SpiderMonkey to make Jonas happy.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
/* These are examples for the ELinks SpiderMonkey scripting interface.
* Place choice parts in a file named "hooks.js" in your ELinks configuration
* directory (~/.elinks).
elinks.keymaps.main["@"] = function () {
elinks.location = elinks.location + "/..";
elinks.preformat_html_hooks = new Array();
elinks.preformat_html = function (cached) {
for (var i in elinks.preformat_html_hooks)
if (!elinks.preformat_html_hooks[i](cached))
return false;
return true;
elinks.goto_url_hooks = new Array();
elinks.goto_url_hook = function (url) {
for (var i in elinks.goto_url_hooks){
url = elinks.goto_url_hooks[i](url);
if (typeof(url) == 'boolean' && !url) return false;
return url;
elinks.follow_url_hooks = new Array();
elinks.follow_url_hook = function (url) {
for (var i in elinks.follow_url_hooks) {
url = elinks.follow_url_hooks[i](url);
if (typeof(url) == 'boolean' && !url) return false;
return url;
function root_w00t(cached) {
cached.content = cached.content.replace(/root/g, "w00t");
return true;
function mangle_deb_bugnumbers(cached) {
if (!cached.uri.match(/^[a-z0-9]+:\/\/[a-z0-9A-Z.-]+debian\.org/)
&& !cached.uri.match(/changelog\.Debian/))
return true;
var num_re = /([0-9]+)/g;
var rewrite_closes_fn = function (str) {
return str.replace(num_re,
'<a href="http://bugs.debian.org/$1">$1</a>');
/* Debian Policy Manual 4.4 footnote 16 */
var closes_re = /closes:\s*(?:bug)?\#?\s?\d+(?:,\s*(?:bug)?\#?\s?\d+)*/gi;
cached.content = cached.content.replace(closes_re, rewrite_closes_fn);
return true;
function rewrite_uri(uri) {
if (!elinks.bookmarks.smartprefixes) return true;
var parts = uri.split(" ");
var prefix = parts[0];
if (!elinks.bookmarks.smartprefixes.children[prefix]) return true;
var rule = elinks.bookmarks.smartprefixes.children[prefix].url;
var rest = parts.slice(1).join(" ");
if (rule.match(/^javascript:/))
return eval(rule
.replace(/^javascript:/, "")
.replace(/%s/, rest));
return rule.replace(/%s/, escape(rest));
function block_pr0n(uri) {
if (uri.match(/pr0n/)) {
elinks.alert('No pr0n!');
return "";
return true;
/* The following functions are for use as smartprefixes. Create a top-level
* folder titled "smartprefixes". In it, add a bookmark for each smartprefix,
* putting the keyword in the title and either a normal URI or some JavaScript
* code prefixed with "javascript:" as the URI. When you enter the keyword
* in the Go to URL box, ELinks will take the URI of the corresponding bookmark,
* replace any occurrence of "%s" with the rest of the text entered in the Go to
* URL box, evaluate the code if the URI starts with "javascript:", and go to
* the resulting URI.
/* Helper function for debian_contents and debian_file. */
function debian_package (url, t)
url = url.replace(/(\w+):(\w+)/g,
function (all, key, val) { t[key] = val; return ""; })
return 'http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word='
+ escape(url.replace(/\s*(\S+)\s*/, '$1'))
+ '&searchmode=' + (t.searchmode || 'searchfilesanddirs')
+ '&case=' + (t["case"] || 'insensitive')
+ '&version=' + (t.version || 'stable')
+ '&arch=' + (t.arch || 'i386')
/* javascript:debian_contents("%s"); */
function debian_contents (url)
return debian_package (url, { searchmode: "filelist" })
/* javascript:debian_file("%s"); */
function debian_file (url)
return debian_package (url, { searchmode: "searchfilesanddirs" })
/* javascript:cvsweb("http://cvsweb.elinks.cz/cvsweb.cgi/", "elinks", "%s"); */
function cvsweb (base, project, url)
/* <file>:<revision>[-><revision>] */
url = url.replace(/^(.*):(.*?)(?:->(.*))?$/, "$1 $2 $3");
var parts = url.split(" ");
if (parts[3]) {
elinks.alert('this smartprefix takes only one to three arguments');
return "";
var file = parts[0], oldrev = parts[1], newrev = parts[2];
if (!file) {
elinks.alert('no file given');
return "";
if (newrev)
return base + project + "/" + file + ".diff"
+ "?r1=" + oldrev + "&r2=" + newrev + "&f=u";
if (oldrev)
return base + "~checkout~/" + project + "/" + file
+ (oldrev != "latest" && "?rev=" + oldrev || "");
return base + project + "/" + file
/* javascript:gmane("%s") */
function gmane (url)
var v = url.split(' ');
var group = v[0], words = v.slice(1).join(' ');
if (!words) return "";
return "http://search.gmane.org/search.php?query=" + words
+ "&group=" + group;
/* javascript:bugzilla('http://bugzilla.elinks.cz/', "%s"); */
function bugzilla (base_url, arguments)
if (!arguments || arguments == '') return base_url;
if (arguments.match(/^[\d]+$/))
return base_url + 'show_bug.cgi?id=' + arguments;
return base_url + 'buglist.cgi?short_desc_type=allwordssubstr'
+ '&short_desc=' + escape(arguments);
Reference in New Issue
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