mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 15:07:28 -05:00
Add photobox for images
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
/* Normilizes box-sizing */
#pbOverlay *,
#pbOverlay *:before,
#pbOverlay *:after {
-moz-box-sizing: content-box;
box-sizing: content-box;
#pbOverlay.show{ opacity:1; pointer-events:auto; }
opacity:0; overflow:hidden; width:100%; height:100%; position:fixed; z-index:9999; left:0; top:0; text-align:center; pointer-events:none;
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#e2000000', endColorstr='#e2000000');
/* background:radial-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,.6) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,.9) 100%); */
transition:opacity 300ms ease;
#pbOverlay.msie{ background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.6); }
.msie.pbLoading .pbWrapper{ background:url('../images/loading.gif') no-repeat center center; }
@keyframes pbLoaderFrames{ 50%{ height:5px; } }
@-webkit-keyframes pbLoaderFrames{ 50%{ height:5px; } }
.pbLoader{ display:none; width:100px; height:100px; position:absolute; z-index:999; top:0; left:0; right:0; bottom:0; margin:auto; text-align:center; border-radius:100%; box-shadow:15px 32px 60px -20px #FFF inset, 1px 1px 3px 1px #FFF inset, 0 0 20px; transition:.3s; }
.thumbs .pbLoader{ -webkit-transform:translateY(-50px); transform:translateY(-50px); }
.pbLoading:not(.msie):not(.error) .pbLoader{ display:block; }
.pbLoader b{ display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle; margin:0 2px; width:8px; height:60px; border-radius:5px; background:rgba(255,255,255,.8); box-shadow:0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,.5); -webkit-animation:.9s pbLoaderFrames infinite linear; animation:.9s pbLoaderFrames infinite linear; }
.pbLoader b:nth-child(2){ -webkit-animation-delay:.3s; animation-delay:.3s; }
.pbLoader b:nth-child(3){ -webkit-animation-delay:.6s; animation-delay:.6s; }
.mobile.pbLoading .pbLoader{ transform:none; transition:0s; }
#pbCaption .pbThumbs ul:after,
#pbOverlay .prevNext:after,
#pbOverlay .pbLoader:before{ content:""; display:inline-block; height:100%; margin-right:-.25em; vertical-align:middle; }
/* Animation when image was not loaded */
@keyframes deadImage{ 50%{ text-shadow:0 0 25px rgba(255,255,255,.5); transform:scale(.85); } }
@-webkit-keyframes deadImage{ 50%{ text-shadow:0 0 25px rgba(255,255,255,.5); -webkit-transform:scale(.85); } }
#pbOverlay button{ outline:0 !important; box-shadow:0; }
.pbWrapper{ -moz-box-sizing:border-box; box-sizing:border-box; transform:rotate(0deg); vertical-align:middle; height:100%; perspective:1200px; position:relative; }
.video > .pbWrapper{ z-index:11; display:inline-block; }
/*#pbOverlay.error .pbWrapper{ display:inline-block; width:100%; }*/
.pbLoading .pbWrapper{ display:inline-block\9; width:100%; } /* ie8+9 hack */
.pbWrapper:before{ content:'\2716'; color:transparent; text-shadow:0 2px 35px rgba(255,255,255,0); font-size:0; vertical-align:middle; cursor:default; transition:text-shadow .7s ease-out; }
.error .pbWrapper:before{ font-size:22em; text-shadow:0 0 0 #FFF; -webkit-animation:2s 1s deadImage infinite linear; animation:2s 1s deadImage infinite linear; }
.thumbs .pbWrapper{ padding:0; margin:0; }
.error .pbWrapperr img{ width:0; }
.pbWrapper > div{ display:none; width:624px; height:351px; vertical-align:middle; border-radius:5px; background:rgba(0,0,0,.5); }
.video > .pbWrapper > div{ display:inline-block; }
#pbOverlay iframe,
#pbOverlay embed,
#pbOverlay object{ display:block; width:100%; height:100%; opacity:1; transition:.5s; }
.pbWrapper .pbHide iframe{ opacity:0; }
.pbWrapper > div,
.pbWrapper > img{
transition:.5s .5s cubic-bezier(.1, .87, .48, 1);
box-shadow:0 0 20px #000;
opacity: 1;
.mobile.show .pbWrapper > div,
.mobile.show .pbWrapper > img{
/* Content effects */
.pbWrapper > *,
.pbHide .pbWrapper > .prepare{ opacity:0; vertical-align:middle; -webkit-transform:scale(.2) rotateX(80deg); -ms-transform:scale(.2) rotateX(80deg); transform:scale(.2) rotateX(80deg); border-radius:6px; border:none; max-height:95%; max-width:100%; }
.on .pbWrapper > *{ transition-delay:0s; }
.pbWrapper .zoomable{ -webkit-transition:0s; transition:0s; position:relative; z-index:9; }
.pbWrapper .rotating{ -webkit-transition:.25s cubic-bezier(.4,.04,0,1); transition:.25s cubic-bezier(.4,.04,0,1); }
.pbHide .pbWrapper > *{ -webkit-transform:scale(1.2); transform:scale(1.2); transform:none\9; opacity:0; transition:.4s ease-out; }
/*-- close button --*/
#pbAutoplayBtn{ position:absolute; top:-50px; right:-50px; z-index:999; display:block; padding:0 0 20px 20px; text-align:center; cursor:pointer; color:#FFF; transition:.3s .3s ease-out; }
.pbHide #pbCloseBtn{ top:-50px; right:-50px; }
.on #pbCloseBtn{ top:-2px; right:-2px; }
#pbCloseBtn:before{ content:'\00D7'; font:bold 1em/1 arial; }
#pbCloseBtn:before, #pbAutoplayBtn:before{ display:inline-block; height:35px; width:35px; padding:8px 8px 12px 12px; font-size:2em; opacity:.8; vertical-align:middle; background:rgba(255,255,255,.2); border-radius:0 0 0 70px; transition:.1s ease-out; }
#pbCloseBtn:hover:before{ padding:15px 10px 24px 24px; background:rgba(255,100,100,.4); }
/*-- autoplay controller --*/
#pbAutoplayBtn{ display:none; right:auto; left:-50px; padding:0; width:50px; height:50px; font-size:13px; }
.hasAutoplay #pbAutoplayBtn{ display:block; }
#pbAutoplayBtn:hover{ width:60px; height:60px; }
.on #pbAutoplayBtn{ top:0px; left:0px; transition:.1s ease-out; }
#pbAutoplayBtn:before{ content:'\2016'; width:100%; height:100%; border-radius:0 0 70px 0; font-weight:bold; padding:0; text-indent:-6px; line-height:1.6; }
#pbAutoplayBtn:active:before{ text-shadow:0 0 3px #FFF, 0 0 6px #FFF; }
#pbAutoplayBtn.play:before{ content:'\25BA'; }
#pbAutoplayBtn .pbProgress{ display:none\9; width:100%; height:100%; overflow:hidden; position:absolute; padding:6px; top:0; left:0; opacity:.2; transform:rotateZ(0deg); -webkit-transform:rotateZ(0deg); -ms-transform:rotateZ(0deg); -webkit-transform-origin:0 0; -ms-transform-origin:0 0; transform-origin:0 0; -webkit-transition:.3s; transition:.3s; }
.mobile #pbAutoplayBtn .pbProgress{ -webkit-transition:0s; transition:0s; }
#pbAutoplayBtn.playing .pbProgress{ -webkit-transform:rotateZ(90deg); -ms-transform:rotateZ(90deg); transform:rotateZ(90deg); }
#pbAutoplayBtn .pbProgress:before{ content:''; position:absolute; right:0; bottom:0; width:200%; height:200%; border-radius:50%; box-shadow:0 0 0 8px #FFF inset; }
.pbHide #pbCaption{ position:absolute; z-index:999; margin-bottom:5px; bottom:-120px; width:100%; overflow:hidden; transform:translateZ(0px); transition:.4s; }
.show.on #pbCaption{ bottom:0; transition-delay:.5s; }
#pbOverlay.thumbs #pbCaption label{ display:block; }
#pbCaption label{ display:none; float:right; margin:0 1em; color:#FFF; opacity:.3; transition:.2s; cursor:pointer; }
#pbCaption label:after{ content:'\276F'; font-size:30px; line-height:30px; display:inline-block; transform:rotate(-90deg); transition:.2s ease-out; }
#pbCaption label:hover{ opacity:1; }
#pbCaption .title,
#pbCaption .counter{ display:inline-block; color:#FFF; margin:0 6px; }
#pbCaption .counter{ display:none; opacity:.55; }
.hasCounter #pbCaption .counter{ display:inline-block; }
.pbCaptionText{ display:inline-block; transition:.3s; opacity:.9; font-weight:bold; vertical-align:middle; text-shadow:1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.5); padding-left:60px; } /* padding-left from <label> */
.pbCaptionText.change{ -webkit-transform:translateY(25px); transform:translateY(25px); opacity:0; }
#pbCaption .rotateBtn{ display:none; background:none; border:0; font:800 1.7em/0 Arial; vertical-align:middle; color:rgba(255,255,255,.5); width:1.1em; height:1.1em; padding:0; border-radius:50%; background:rgba(0,0,0,.2); cursor:pointer; transition:.15s ease-out; }
#pbCaption .rotateBtn.show{ display:block; float:right; }
#pbCaption .rotateBtn:hover{ color:rgba(255,255,255,.7); }
#pbCaption .rotateBtn:active{ color:white; background:rgba(0,0,0,.4); }
.mobile #pbCaption label{ display:none; z-index:-1; color:red; }
.mobile .pbCaptionText{ padding:0; }
/* hide thumbnails */
#pbThumbsToggler:checked ~ #pbCaption .pbThumbs{ margin:0; }
#pbThumbsToggler:checked ~ #pbCaption label:after{ transform:rotate(90deg) }
#pbThumbsToggler:checked ~ .pbWrapper{ margin-top:-50px; padding:50px 0; }
.pbThumbs{ display:none; transition:.35s; -webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch; }
.thumbs .pbThumbs{ display:block; width:100%; padding:5px 0 2px; margin-bottom:-100px; overflow:hidden; }
.mobile .pbThumbs{ overflow:auto; }
.pbThumbs:hover{ clear:both; }
.pbThumbs ul{ display:inline-block; position:relative; list-style:none; height:80px; padding:0 5px; margin:0; white-space:pre; transition:.2s; }
.pbThumbs ul:after{ vertical-align:bottom; }
.pbThumbs li{ display:inline-block; vertical-align:bottom; height:70%; opacity:.6; text-align:center; position:relative; transition:.15s; }
.pbThumbs li.active{ height:100%; opacity:1; }
.pbThumbs li:hover{ height:100%; opacity:1; }
.pbThumbs li.video::before{ content:'\25BA'; color:#FFF; font-size:20px; height:20px; width:20px; line-height:.9; position:absolute; bottom:4px; left:7px; background:rgba(0,0,0,.4); box-shadow:0 0 0 3px rgba(0,0,0,.4); border-radius:0 3px 0 0; pointer-events:none; }
.pbThumbs a{ height:100%; padding:0 2px; display:block; -moz-user-select:none; }
.pbThumbs li:hover a{ }
.pbThumbs img{ height:96%; min-height:95.9%; border:2px solid #FFF; max-width:none; border-radius:0; transition:.15s; }
.pbThumbs li:hover img{ min-height:96%; } /* fix a bug in Chrome and Opera */
.pbThumbs li.fast a img{ transition:none; }
.pbThumbs li.active a img{ border-color:#D8FF16; min-height:96%; }
#pbOverlay .prevNext{ display:none; background:rgba(0,0,0,0); position:absolute; z-index:10; height:100%; width:35%; padding:80px 0; opacity:0; box-sizing:border-box; -moz-box-sizing:border-box; top:0; transition:.2s ease-out; text-shadow:0 0 12px #000, 0 0 10px #FFF; user-select:none; filter:alpha(opacity=0); cursor:pointer; }
#pbOverlay.hasArrows .prevNext{ display:block; }
#pbOverlay .prevNext.pbHide{ display:none; }
#pbOverlay.on .prevNext:hover{ opacity:.5; filter:alpha(opacity=50); }
#pbOverlay.on .prevNext:hover:active{ transition:80ms; opacity:1; filter:alpha(opacity=100); text-shadow:0 0 16px #FFF, 0 0 10px #000; }
.prevNext b{ display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle; transition:.2s ease-in; }
.prevNext:hover b{ transition:.2s cubic-bezier(.095, .870, .485, .985); }
#pbPrevBtn b{ transform:scale(.4) translateX(350px); -webkit-transform:scale(.4) translateX(350px); }
#pbNextBtn b{ transform:scale(.4) translateX(-350px); -webkit-transform:scale(.4) translateX(-350px); }
/* */
#pbPrevBtn b:before,
#pbNextBtn b:after{ display:inline; line-height:.3; font-size:18em; font-weight:normal; color:#FFF; font-family:Arial; }
#pbPrevBtn b:before{ content:'\2039'; }
#pbNextBtn b:after{ content:'\203A'; }
/* */
.on #pbPrevBtn:hover b{ transform:scale(1) translateX(20px); -webkit-transform:scale(1) translateX(20px); }
.on #pbNextBtn:hover b{ transform:scale(1) translateX(-20px); -webkit-transform:scale(1) translateX(-20px); }
.show #pbPrevBtn, #pbOverlay.show #pbNextBtn{ }
.show #pbPrevBtn{ left:0; text-align:left; }
.show #pbNextBtn{ right:0; text-align:right; }
/*------- media queries (for small screens) -----------*/
@media all and (max-width:700px){
.pbWrapper img,
.pbHide .pbWrapper img.prepare{ max-height:100%; }
.thumbs .pbWrapper{ padding:0; margin:0; }
.pbThumbs{ margin-bottom:-60px; }
.pbThumbs.show{ margin:0; }
.pbThumbs ul{ height:50px; }
.pbThumbs li{ height:100%; opacity:1; }
.pbThumbs li img{ min-height:96.5%; }
/* fix for Chrome */
@media all and (max-width:710px){
.pbThumbs li.active a img{ min-height:96%; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#pbOverlay{ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#e6000000', endColorstr='#e6000000'); }
#pbOverlay .prevNext{ filter:alpha(opacity=0); }
#pbOverlay.on .prevNext:hover{ filter:alpha(opacity=60); }
#pbOverlay.on .prevNext:active{ filter:alpha(opacity=100); }
#pbPrevBtn b:before{ content:'‹'; }
#pbNextBtn b:after{ content:'›'; }
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -26,8 +26,11 @@
{% if not preferences.theme.is_brutalist %}
<link rel="stylesheet"
href="{% static 'css/fork-awesome.min.css' %}">
<link rel="stylesheet"
href="{% static 'css/photobox.css' %}">
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'js/jquery.min.js' %}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'js/intercooler.js' %}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'js/jquery.photobox.js' %}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'js/brutaldon-enhancements.js' %}"></script>
{% block page_scripts %}
{% endblock %}
@ -209,6 +212,10 @@
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', menuPrepare);
Intercooler.ready(function ()
{% block page_scripts_inline %}
{% endblock %}
@ -54,26 +54,30 @@
{% if toot.media_attachments %}
<div class="level attachments">
{% for media in toot.media_attachments %}
<a class="level-item" href="{{ media.url }}">
{% if toot.sensitive %}
{% for media in toot.media_attachments %}
{% if media.type == "image" %}
<a class="level-item" href="{{ media.url }}">
{% else %}
<a class="level-item" href="{{ media.url }}" rel="video">
{% endif %}
{% if toot.sensitive %}
<img src="{% static "images/sensitive.png" %}"
{% else %}
{% else %}
<img src="{{ media.preview_url }}"
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
alt="{% if media.description %}
{{ media.description }}
{% elif media.text_url %}
{% elif media.text_url %}
{{ media.text_url }}
{% else %}
{% else %}
{{ media.url }}
{% endif %}"
{% endif %}"
{% if media.description %}
title="{{ media.description }}"
{% endif %}
class="image is-max-256">
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user