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package display
import (
// This file contains the functions that aren't part of the public API.
func leftMargin() int {
return int(float64(termW) * viper.GetFloat64("a-general.left_margin"))
func textWidth() int {
if termW <= 0 {
// This prevent a flash of 1-column text on startup, when the terminal
// width hasn't been initialized.
return viper.GetInt("a-general.max_width")
rightMargin := leftMargin()
if leftMargin() > 10 {
// 10 is the max right margin
rightMargin = 10
max := termW - leftMargin() - rightMargin
if max < viper.GetInt("a-general.max_width") {
return max
return viper.GetInt("a-general.max_width")
// queryEscape is the same as url.PathEscape, but it also replaces the +.
// This is because Gemini requires percent-escaping for queries.
func queryEscape(path string) string {
return strings.ReplaceAll(url.PathEscape(path), "+", "%2B")
// resolveRelLink returns an absolute link for the given absolute link and relative one.
// It also returns an error if it could not resolve the links, which should be displayed
// to the user.
func resolveRelLink(tab int, prev, next string) (string, error) {
if !tabs[tab].hasContent() {
return next, nil
prevParsed, _ := url.Parse(prev)
nextParsed, err := url.Parse(next)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.New("link URL could not be parsed")
return prevParsed.ResolveReference(nextParsed).String(), nil
// followLink should be used when the user "clicks" a link on a page.
// Not when a URL is opened on a new tab for the first time.
// It will handle setting the bottomBar.
func followLink(tab int, prev, next string) {
// Copied from URL()
if next == "about:bookmarks" {
if strings.HasPrefix(next, "about:") {
Error("Error", "Not a valid 'about:' URL for linking")
if tabs[tab].hasContent() {
tabs[tab].saveScroll() // Likely called later on, it's here just in case
nextURL, err := resolveRelLink(tab, prev, next)
if err != nil {
Error("URL Error", err.Error())
go goURL(tab, nextURL)
// No content on current tab, so the "prev" URL is not valid.
// An example is the about:newtab page
_, err := url.Parse(next)
if err != nil {
Error("URL Error", "Link URL could not be parsed")
go goURL(tab, next)
// reformatPage will take the raw page content and reformat it according to the current terminal dimensions.
// It should be called when the terminal size changes.
// It will not waste resources if the passed page is already fitted to the current terminal width, and can be
// called safely even when the page might be already formatted properly.
func reformatPage(p *structs.Page) {
if p.Width == termW {
// No changes to make
var rendered string
if p.Mediatype == structs.TextGemini {
// Links are not recorded because they won't change
rendered, _ = renderer.RenderGemini(p.Raw, textWidth(), leftMargin())
} else if p.Mediatype == structs.TextPlain {
rendered = renderer.RenderPlainText(p.Raw, leftMargin())
} else {
// Rendering this type is not implemented
p.Content = rendered
p.Width = termW
// reformatPageAndSetView is for reformatting a page that is already being displayed.
// setPage should be used when a page is being loaded for the first time.
func reformatPageAndSetView(tab int, p *structs.Page) {
tabs[tab].applyScroll() // Go back to where you were, roughly
// setPage displays a Page on the passed tab number.
// The bottomBar is not actually changed in this func
func setPage(tab int, p *structs.Page) {
tabs[tab].saveScroll() // Save the scroll of the previous page
// Make sure the page content is fitted to the terminal every time it's displayed
// Change page on screen
tabs[tab].page = p
tabs[tab].view.Highlight("") // Turn off highlights
// Setup display
// Save bottom bar for the tab - TODO: other funcs will apply/display it
tabs[tab].barLabel = ""
tabs[tab].barText = p.Url
// goURL is like handleURL, but takes care of history and the bottomBar.
// It should be preferred over handleURL in most cases.
// It has no return values to be processed.
// It should be called in a goroutine.
func goURL(tab int, u string) {
final, displayed := handleURL(tab, u)
if displayed {
if tab == curTab {
// Display the bottomBar state that handleURL set
// handleURL displays whatever action is needed for the provided URL,
// and applies it to the current tab.
// It loads documents, handles errors, brings up a download prompt, etc.
// The string returned is the final URL, if redirects were involved.
// In most cases it will be the same as the passed URL.
// If there is some error, it will return "".
// The second returned item is a bool indicating if page content was displayed.
// It returns false for Errors, other protocols, etc.
// The bottomBar is not actually changed in this func, except during loading.
// The func that calls this one should apply the bottomBar values if necessary.
func handleURL(tab int, u string) (string, bool) {
defer App.Draw() // Just in case
// To allow linking to the bookmarks page, and history browsing
if u == "about:bookmarks" {
return "about:bookmarks", true
u = normalizeURL(u)
parsed, err := url.Parse(u)
if err != nil {
Error("URL Error", err.Error())
tabs[tab].barText = tabs[tab].page.Url
return "", false
if strings.HasPrefix(u, "http") {
switch strings.TrimSpace(viper.GetString("a-general.http")) {
case "", "off":
Info("Opening HTTP URLs is turned off.")
case "default":
s, err := webbrowser.Open(u)
if err != nil {
Error("Webbrowser Error", err.Error())
} else {
// The config has a custom command to execute for HTTP URLs
fields := strings.Fields(viper.GetString("a-general.http"))
err := exec.Command(fields[0], append(fields[1:], u)...).Start()
if err != nil {
Error("HTTP Error", "Error executing custom browser command: "+err.Error())
tabs[tab].barText = tabs[tab].page.Url
return "", false
if !strings.HasPrefix(u, "gemini") {
Error("Protocol Error", "Only gemini and HTTP are supported. URL was "+u)
tabs[tab].barText = tabs[tab].page.Url
return "", false
// Gemini URL
// Load page from cache if possible
page, ok := cache.Get(u)
if ok {
setPage(tab, page)
return u, true
// Otherwise download it
tabs[tab].barText = "Loading..." // Save it too, in case the tab switches during loading
tabs[tab].mode = tabModeLoading
defer func(t int) {
tabs[t].mode = tabModeDone
res, err := client.Fetch(u)
if err == client.ErrTofu {
if Tofu(parsed.Host) {
// They want to continue anyway
client.ResetTofuEntry(parsed.Hostname(), parsed.Port(), res.Cert)
// Response can be used further down, no need to reload
} else {
// They don't want to continue
// Set the bar back to original URL
tabs[tab].barText = tabs[tab].page.Url
return "", false
} else if err != nil {
Error("URL Fetch Error", err.Error())
// Set the bar back to original URL
tabs[tab].barText = tabs[tab].page.Url
return "", false
if renderer.CanDisplay(res) {
page, err := renderer.MakePage(u, res, textWidth(), leftMargin())
page.Width = termW
if err != nil {
Error("Page Error", "Issuing creating page: "+err.Error())
// Set the bar back to original URL
tabs[tab].barText = tabs[tab].page.Url
return "", false
go cache.Add(page)
setPage(tab, page)
return u, true
// Not displayable
// Could be a non 20 (or 21) status code, or a different kind of document
// Set the bar back to original URL
tabs[tab].barText = tabs[curTab].page.Url
// Handle each status code
switch gemini.SimplifyStatus(res.Status) {
case 10:
userInput, ok := Input(res.Meta)
if ok {
// Make another request with the query string added
// + chars are replaced because PathEscape doesn't do that
parsed.RawQuery = queryEscape(userInput)
if len(parsed.String()) > 1024 {
// 1024 is the max size for URLs in the spec
Error("Input Error", "URL for that input would be too long.")
return "", false
return handleURL(tab, parsed.String())
return "", false
case 30:
parsedMeta, err := url.Parse(res.Meta)
if err != nil {
Error("Redirect Error", "Invalid URL: "+err.Error())
return "", false
redir := parsed.ResolveReference(parsedMeta).String()
if YesNo("Follow redirect?\n" + redir) {
return handleURL(tab, redir)
return "", false
case 40:
Error("Temporary Failure", cview.Escape(res.Meta))
return "", false
case 50:
Error("Permanent Failure", cview.Escape(res.Meta))
return "", false
case 60:
Info("The server requested a certificate. Cert handling is coming to Amfora soon!")
return "", false
// Status code 20, but not a document that can be displayed
yes := YesNo("This type of file can't be displayed. Downloading will be implemented soon. Would like to open the file in a HTTPS proxy for now?")
if yes {
// Open in mozz's proxy
portalURL := u
if parsed.RawQuery != "" {
// Remove query and add encoded version on the end
query := parsed.RawQuery
parsed.RawQuery = ""
portalURL = parsed.String() + "%3F" + query
portalURL = strings.TrimPrefix(portalURL, "gemini://") + "?raw=1"
s, err := webbrowser.Open("https://portal.mozz.us/gemini/" + portalURL)
if err != nil {
Error("Webbrowser Error", err.Error())
} else {
return "", false
// normalizeURL attempts to make URLs that are different strings
// but point to the same place all look the same.
// Example: gemini://gus.guru:1965/ and //gus.guru/.
// This function will take both output the same URL each time.
// The string passed must already be confirmed to be a URL.
// Detection of a search string vs. a URL must happen elsewhere.
// It only works with absolute URLs.
func normalizeURL(u string) string {
parsed, err := url.Parse(u)
if err != nil {
return u
if !strings.Contains(u, "://") && !strings.HasPrefix(u, "//") {
// No scheme at all in the URL
parsed, err = url.Parse("gemini://" + u)
if err != nil {
return u
if parsed.Scheme == "" {
// Always add scheme
parsed.Scheme = "gemini"
} else if parsed.Scheme != "gemini" {
// Not a gemini URL, nothing to do
return u
parsed.User = nil // No passwords in Gemini
parsed.Fragment = "" // No fragments either
if parsed.Port() == "1965" {
// Always remove default port
parsed.Host = parsed.Hostname()
// Add slash to the end of a URL with just a domain
// gemini://example.com -> gemini://example.com/
if parsed.Path == "" {
parsed.Path = "/"
return parsed.String()