mirror of https://github.com/makew0rld/amfora.git synced 2025-02-02 15:07:34 -05:00
makeworld 90654cd2cf Replace left margin spaces with an empty primitive
This commit introduced flashing issues in the tab row when reformatting,
and even can panic in certain reformatting situations. These bugs have
been logged in the inital comment of the PR.
2020-12-29 17:35:29 -05:00

329 lines
9.7 KiB

package display
import (
// Map page number (zero-indexed) to the time it was made at.
// This allows for caching the pages until there's an update.
var subscriptionPageUpdated = make(map[int]time.Time)
// toLocalDay truncates the provided time to a date only,
// but converts to the local time first.
func toLocalDay(t time.Time) time.Time {
t = t.Local()
return time.Date(t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, t.Location())
// Subscriptions displays the subscriptions page on the current tab.
func Subscriptions(t *tab, u string) string {
pageN := 0 // Pages are zero-indexed internally
// Correct URL if query string exists
// The only valid query string is an int above 1.
// Anything "redirects" to the first page, with no query string.
// This is done over just serving the first page content for
// invalid query strings so that there won't be duplicate caches.
correctURL := func(u2 string) string {
if len(u2) > 20 && u2[:20] == "about:subscriptions?" {
query, err := gemini.QueryUnescape(u2[20:])
if err != nil {
return "about:subscriptions"
// Valid query string
i, err := strconv.Atoi(query)
if err != nil {
// Not an int
return "about:subscriptions"
if i < 2 {
return "about:subscriptions"
// Valid int above 1
pageN = i - 1 // Pages are zero-indexed internally
return u2
return u2
u = correctURL(u)
// Retrieve cached version if there hasn't been any updates
p, ok := cache.GetPage(u)
if subscriptionPageUpdated[pageN].After(subscriptions.LastUpdated) && ok {
setPage(t, p)
return u
pe := subscriptions.GetPageEntries()
// Figure out where the entries for this page start, if at all.
epp := viper.GetInt("subscriptions.entries_per_page")
if epp <= 0 {
epp = 1
start := pageN * epp // Index of the first page entry to be displayed
end := start + epp
if end > len(pe.Entries) {
end = len(pe.Entries)
var rawPage string
if pageN == 0 {
rawPage = "# Subscriptions\n\n" + rawPage
} else {
rawPage = fmt.Sprintf("# Subscriptions (page %d)\n\n", pageN+1) + rawPage
if start > len(pe.Entries)-1 && len(pe.Entries) != 0 {
// The page is out of range, doesn't exist
rawPage += "This page does not exist.\n\n=> about:subscriptions Subscriptions\n"
} else {
// Render page
rawPage += "You can use Ctrl-X to subscribe to a page, or to an Atom/RSS/JSON feed. See the online wiki for more.\n" +
"If you just opened Amfora then updates may appear incrementally. Reload the page to see them.\n\n" +
"=> about:manage-subscriptions Manage subscriptions\n\n"
// curDay represents what day of posts the loop is on.
// It only goes backwards in time.
// Its initial setting means:
// Only display posts older than 26 hours in the future, nothing further in the future.
// 26 hours was chosen because it is the largest timezone difference
// currently in the world. Posts may be dated in the future
// due to software bugs, where the local user's date is used, but
// the UTC timezone is specified. Gemfeed does this at the time of
// writing, but will not after #3 gets merged on its repo. Still,
// the older version will be used for a while.
curDay := toLocalDay(time.Now()).Add(26 * time.Hour)
for _, entry := range pe.Entries[start:end] { // From new to old
// Convert to local time, remove sub-day info
pub := toLocalDay(entry.Published)
if pub.Before(curDay) {
// This post is on a new day, add a day header
curDay = pub
rawPage += fmt.Sprintf("\n## %s\n\n", curDay.Format("Jan 02, 2006"))
if entry.Title == "" || entry.Title == "/" {
// Just put author/title
// Mainly used for when you're tracking the root domain of a site
rawPage += fmt.Sprintf("=>%s %s\n", entry.URL, entry.Prefix)
} else {
// Include title and dash
rawPage += fmt.Sprintf("=>%s %s - %s\n", entry.URL, entry.Prefix, entry.Title)
if pageN == 0 && len(pe.Entries) > epp {
// First page, and there's more than can fit
rawPage += "\n\n=> about:subscriptions?2 Next Page\n"
} else if pageN > 0 {
// A later page
rawPage += fmt.Sprintf(
"\n\n=> about:subscriptions?%d Previous Page\n",
pageN, // pageN is zero-indexed but the query string is one-indexed
if end != len(pe.Entries) {
// There's more
rawPage += fmt.Sprintf("=> about:subscriptions?%d Next Page\n", pageN+2)
content, links := renderer.RenderGemini(rawPage, textWidth(), false)
page := structs.Page{
Raw: rawPage,
Content: content,
Links: links,
URL: u,
Width: termW,
Mediatype: structs.TextGemini,
go cache.AddPage(&page)
setPage(t, &page)
subscriptionPageUpdated[pageN] = time.Now()
return u
// ManageSubscriptions displays the subscription managing page in
// the current tab. `u` is the URL entered by the user.
func ManageSubscriptions(t *tab, u string) {
if len(u) > 27 && u[:27] == "about:manage-subscriptions?" {
// There's a query string, aka a URL to unsubscribe from
manageSubscriptionQuery(t, u)
rawPage := "# Manage Subscriptions\n\n" +
"Below is list of URLs you are subscribed to, both feeds and pages. " +
"Navigate to the link to unsubscribe from that feed or page.\n\n"
urls := subscriptions.AllURLS()
for _, u2 := range urls {
rawPage += fmt.Sprintf(
"=>%s %s\n",
content, links := renderer.RenderGemini(rawPage, textWidth(), false)
page := structs.Page{
Raw: rawPage,
Content: content,
Links: links,
URL: "about:manage-subscriptions",
Width: termW,
Mediatype: structs.TextGemini,
go cache.AddPage(&page)
setPage(t, &page)
func manageSubscriptionQuery(t *tab, u string) {
sub, err := gemini.QueryUnescape(u[27:])
if err != nil {
Error("URL Error", "Invalid query string: "+err.Error())
err = subscriptions.Remove(sub)
if err != nil {
ManageSubscriptions(t, "about:manage-subscriptions") // Reload
Error("Save Error", "Error saving the unsubscription to disk: "+err.Error())
ManageSubscriptions(t, "about:manage-subscriptions") // Reload
Info("Unsubscribed from " + sub)
// openSubscriptionModal displays the "Add subscription" modal
// It returns whether the user wanted to subscribe to feed/page.
// The subscribed arg specifies whether this feed/page is already
// subscribed to.
func openSubscriptionModal(validFeed, subscribed bool) bool {
// Reuses yesNoModal
if viper.GetBool("a-general.color") {
m := yesNoModal
frame := yesNoModal.GetFrame()
} else {
m := yesNoModal
frame := yesNoModal.GetFrame()
if validFeed {
yesNoModal.GetFrame().SetTitle("Feed Subscription")
if subscribed {
yesNoModal.SetText("You are already subscribed to this feed. Would you like to manually update it?")
} else {
yesNoModal.SetText("Would you like to subscribe to this feed?")
} else {
yesNoModal.GetFrame().SetTitle("Page Subscription")
if subscribed {
yesNoModal.SetText("You are already subscribed to this page. Would you like to manually update it?")
} else {
yesNoModal.SetText("Would you like to subscribe to this page?")
resp := <-yesNoCh
return resp
// getFeedFromPage is like subscriptions.GetFeed but takes a structs.Page as input.
func getFeedFromPage(p *structs.Page) (*gofeed.Feed, bool) {
parsed, _ := url.Parse(p.URL)
filename := path.Base(parsed.Path)
r := strings.NewReader(p.Raw)
return subscriptions.GetFeed(p.RawMediatype, filename, r)
// addFeedDirect is only for adding feeds, not pages.
// It's for when you already have a feed and know if it's tracked.
// Used mainly by handleURL because it already did a lot of the work.
// It returns a bool indicating whether the user actually wanted to
// add the feed or not.
// Like addFeed, it should be called in a goroutine.
func addFeedDirect(u string, feed *gofeed.Feed, tracked bool) bool {
if openSubscriptionModal(true, tracked) {
err := subscriptions.AddFeed(u, feed)
if err != nil {
Error("Feed Error", err.Error())
return true
return false
// addFeed goes through the process of subscribing to the current page/feed.
// It is the high-level way of doing it. It should be called in a goroutine.
func addSubscription() {
t := tabs[curTab]
p := t.page
if !t.hasContent() {
// It's an about: page, or a malformed one
feed, isFeed := getFeedFromPage(p)
tracked := subscriptions.IsSubscribed(p.URL)
if openSubscriptionModal(isFeed, tracked) {
var err error
if isFeed {
err = subscriptions.AddFeed(p.URL, feed)
} else {
err = subscriptions.AddPage(p.URL, strings.NewReader(p.Raw))
if err != nil {
Error("Feed/Page Error", err.Error())