mirror of https://github.com/makew0rld/amfora.git synced 2024-10-01 23:25:56 -04:00
makeworld 90654cd2cf Replace left margin spaces with an empty primitive
This commit introduced flashing issues in the tab row when reformatting,
and even can panic in certain reformatting situations. These bugs have
been logged in the inital comment of the PR.
2020-12-29 17:35:29 -05:00

353 lines
12 KiB

// Package renderer provides functions to convert various data into a cview primitive.
// Example objects include a Gemini response, and an error.
// Rendered lines always end with \r\n, in an effort to be Window compatible.
package renderer
import (
urlPkg "net/url"
// Regex for identifying ANSI color codes
var ansiRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`\x1b\[[0-9;]*m`)
// RenderANSI renders plain text pages containing ANSI codes.
// Practically, it is used for the text/x-ansi.
func RenderANSI(s string) string {
s = cview.Escape(s)
if viper.GetBool("a-general.color") && viper.GetBool("a-general.ansi") {
s = cview.TranslateANSI(s)
// The TranslateANSI function injects tags like [-:-:-]
// but this will reset the background to use the user's terminal color.
// These tags need to be replaced with resets that use the theme color.
s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "[-:-:-]",
fmt.Sprintf("[-:%s:-]", config.GetColorString("bg")))
} else {
s = ansiRegex.ReplaceAllString(s, "")
return s
// RenderPlainText should be used to format plain text pages.
func RenderPlainText(s string) string {
// It used to add a left margin, now this is done elsewhere.
// The function is kept for convenience and in case rendering
// is needed in the future.
return s
// wrapLine wraps a line to the provided width, and adds the provided prefix and suffix to each wrapped line.
// It recovers from wrapping panics and should never cause a panic.
// It returns a slice of lines, without newlines at the end.
// Set includeFirst to true if the prefix and suffix should be applied to the first wrapped line as well
func wrapLine(line string, width int, prefix, suffix string, includeFirst bool) []string {
// Anonymous function to allow recovery from potential WordWrap panic
var ret []string
func() {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
// Use unwrapped line instead
if includeFirst {
ret = []string{prefix + line + suffix}
} else {
ret = []string{line}
wrapped := cview.WordWrap(line, width)
for i := range wrapped {
if !includeFirst && i == 0 {
wrapped[i] = prefix + wrapped[i] + suffix
ret = wrapped
return ret
// convertRegularGemini converts non-preformatted blocks of text/gemini
// into a cview-compatible format.
// Since this only works on non-preformatted blocks, RenderGemini
// should always be used instead.
// It also returns a slice of link URLs.
// numLinks is the number of links that exist so far.
// width is the number of columns to wrap to.
// proxied is whether the request is through the gemini:// scheme.
// If it's not a gemini:// page, set this to true.
func convertRegularGemini(s string, numLinks, width int, proxied bool) (string, []string) {
links := make([]string, 0)
lines := strings.Split(s, "\n")
wrappedLines := make([]string, 0) // Final result
for i := range lines {
lines[i] = strings.TrimRight(lines[i], " \r\t\n")
if strings.HasPrefix(lines[i], "#") {
// Headings
var tag string
if viper.GetBool("a-general.color") {
if strings.HasPrefix(lines[i], "###") {
tag = fmt.Sprintf("[%s::b]", config.GetColorString("hdg_3"))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(lines[i], "##") {
tag = fmt.Sprintf("[%s::b]", config.GetColorString("hdg_2"))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(lines[i], "#") {
tag = fmt.Sprintf("[%s::b]", config.GetColorString("hdg_1"))
wrappedLines = append(wrappedLines, wrapLine(lines[i], width, tag, "[-::-]", true)...)
} else {
// Just bold, no colors
wrappedLines = append(wrappedLines, wrapLine(lines[i], width, "[::b]", "[-::-]", true)...)
// Links
} else if strings.HasPrefix(lines[i], "=>") && len([]rune(lines[i])) >= 3 {
// Trim whitespace and separate link from link text
lines[i] = strings.Trim(lines[i][2:], " \t") // Remove `=>` part too
delim := strings.IndexAny(lines[i], " \t") // Whitespace between link and link text
var url string
var linkText string
if delim == -1 {
// No link text
url = lines[i]
linkText = url
} else {
// There is link text
url = lines[i][:delim]
linkText = strings.Trim(lines[i][delim:], " \t")
if viper.GetBool("a-general.show_link") {
linkText += " (" + url + ")"
if strings.TrimSpace(lines[i]) == "" || strings.TrimSpace(url) == "" {
// Link was just whitespace, reset it and move on
lines[i] = "=>"
wrappedLines = append(wrappedLines, lines[i])
links = append(links, url)
num := numLinks + len(links) // Visible link number, one-indexed
var indent int
if num > 99 {
// Indent link text by 3 or more spaces
indent = len(strconv.Itoa(num)) + 4 // +4 indent for spaces and brackets
} else {
// One digit and two digit links have the same spacing - see #60
indent = 5 // +4 indent for spaces and brackets, and 1 for link number
// Spacing after link number: 1 or 2 spaces?
var spacing string
if num > 9 {
// One space to keep it in line with other links - see #60
spacing = " "
} else {
// One digit numbers use two spaces
spacing = " "
// Wrap and add link text
// Wrap the link text, but add some spaces to indent the wrapped lines past the link number
// Set the style tags
// Add them to the first line
var wrappedLink []string
if viper.GetBool("a-general.color") {
pU, err := urlPkg.Parse(url)
if !proxied && err == nil &&
(pU.Scheme == "" || pU.Scheme == "gemini" || pU.Scheme == "about") {
// A gemini link
// Add the link text in blue (in a region), and a gray link number to the left of it
// Those are the default colors, anyway
wrappedLink = wrapLine(linkText, width,
strings.Repeat(" ", indent)+
false, // Don't indent the first line, it's the one with link number
// Add special stuff to first line, like the link number
wrappedLink[0] = fmt.Sprintf(`[%s::b][`, config.GetColorString("link_number")) +
strconv.Itoa(num) + "[]" + "[-::-]" + spacing +
`["` + strconv.Itoa(num-1) + `"][` + config.GetColorString("amfora_link") + `]` +
wrappedLink[0] + `[-][""]`
} else {
// Not a gemini link
wrappedLink = wrapLine(linkText, width,
strings.Repeat(" ", indent)+
false, // Don't indent the first line, it's the one with link number
wrappedLink[0] = fmt.Sprintf(`[%s::b][`, config.GetColorString("link_number")) +
strconv.Itoa(num) + "[]" + "[-::-]" + spacing +
`["` + strconv.Itoa(num-1) + `"][` + config.GetColorString("foreign_link") + `]` +
wrappedLink[0] + `[-][""]`
} else {
// No colors allowed
wrappedLink = wrapLine(linkText, width,
strings.Repeat(" ", len(strconv.Itoa(num))+4)+ // +4 for spaces and brackets
false, // Don't indent the first line, it's the one with link number
wrappedLink[0] = `[::b][` + strconv.Itoa(num) + "[][::-] " +
`["` + strconv.Itoa(num-1) + `"]` +
wrappedLink[0] + `[""]`
wrappedLines = append(wrappedLines, wrappedLink...)
// Lists
} else if strings.HasPrefix(lines[i], "* ") {
if viper.GetBool("a-general.bullets") {
// Wrap list item, and indent wrapped lines past the bullet
wrappedItem := wrapLine(lines[i][1:], width,
fmt.Sprintf(" [%s]", config.GetColorString("list_text")),
"[-]", false)
// Add bullet
wrappedItem[0] = fmt.Sprintf(" [%s]\u2022", config.GetColorString("list_text")) +
wrappedItem[0] + "[-]"
wrappedLines = append(wrappedLines, wrappedItem...)
// Optionally list lines could be colored here too, if color is enabled
} else if strings.HasPrefix(lines[i], ">") {
// It's a quote line, add extra quote symbols and italics to the start of each wrapped line
if len(lines[i]) == 1 {
// Just an empty quote line
wrappedLines = append(wrappedLines, fmt.Sprintf("[%s::i]>[-::-]", config.GetColorString("quote_text")))
} else {
// Remove beginning quote and maybe space
lines[i] = strings.TrimPrefix(lines[i], ">")
lines[i] = strings.TrimPrefix(lines[i], " ")
wrappedLines = append(wrappedLines,
wrapLine(lines[i], width, fmt.Sprintf("[%s::i]> ", config.GetColorString("quote_text")),
"[-::-]", true)...,
} else if strings.TrimSpace(lines[i]) == "" {
// Just add empty line without processing
wrappedLines = append(wrappedLines, "")
} else {
// Regular line, just wrap it
wrappedLines = append(wrappedLines, wrapLine(lines[i], width,
fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", config.GetColorString("regular_text")),
"[-]", true)...)
return strings.Join(wrappedLines, "\r\n"), links
// RenderGemini converts text/gemini into a cview displayable format.
// It also returns a slice of link URLs.
// width is the number of columns to wrap to.
// leftMargin is the number of blank spaces to prepend to each line.
// proxied is whether the request is through the gemini:// scheme.
// If it's not a gemini:// page, set this to true.
func RenderGemini(s string, width int, proxied bool) (string, []string) {
s = cview.Escape(s)
lines := strings.Split(s, "\n")
links := make([]string, 0)
// Process and wrap non preformatted lines
rendered := "" // Final result
pre := false
buf := "" // Block of regular or preformatted lines
// processPre is for rendering preformatted blocks
processPre := func() {
// Support ANSI color codes in preformatted blocks - see #59
if viper.GetBool("a-general.color") && viper.GetBool("a-general.ansi") {
buf = cview.TranslateANSI(buf)
// The TranslateANSI function injects tags like [-:-:-]
// but this will reset the background to use the user's terminal color.
// These tags need to be replaced with resets that use the theme color.
buf = strings.ReplaceAll(buf, "[-:-:-]",
fmt.Sprintf("[%s:%s:-]", config.GetColorString("preformatted_text"), config.GetColorString("bg")))
} else {
buf = ansiRegex.ReplaceAllString(buf, "")
// The final newline is removed (and re-added) to prevent background glitches
// where the terminal background color slips through. This only happens on
// preformatted blocks with ANSI characters.
// Lines are modified below to always end with \r\n
buf = strings.TrimSuffix(buf, "\r\n")
rendered += fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", config.GetColorString("preformatted_text")) +
buf + fmt.Sprintf("[%s:%s:-]\r\n", config.GetColorString("regular_text"), config.GetColorString("bg"))
// processRegular processes non-preformatted sections
processRegular := func() {
// ANSI not allowed in regular text - see #59
buf = ansiRegex.ReplaceAllString(buf, "")
ren, lks := convertRegularGemini(buf, len(links), width, proxied)
links = append(links, lks...)
rendered += ren
for i := range lines {
if strings.HasPrefix(lines[i], "```") {
if pre {
// In a preformatted block, so add the text as is
// Don't add the current line with backticks
} else {
// Not preformatted, regular text
buf = "" // Clear buffer for next block
pre = !pre
// Lines always end with \r\n for Windows compatibility
buf += strings.TrimSuffix(lines[i], "\r") + "\r\n"
// Gone through all the lines, but there still is likely a block in the buffer
if pre {
// File ended without closing the preformatted block
} else {
// Not preformatted, regular text
return rendered, links