mirror of https://github.com/makew0rld/amfora.git synced 2025-01-03 14:56:27 -05:00
makeworld 90654cd2cf Replace left margin spaces with an empty primitive
This commit introduced flashing issues in the tab row when reformatting,
and even can panic in certain reformatting situations. These bugs have
been logged in the inital comment of the PR.
2020-12-29 17:35:29 -05:00

523 lines
14 KiB

package display
import (
// handleHTTP is used by handleURL.
// It opens HTTP links and displays Info and Error modals.
// Returns false if there was an error.
func handleHTTP(u string, showInfo bool) bool {
if len(config.HTTPCommand) == 1 {
// Possibly a non-command
switch strings.TrimSpace(config.HTTPCommand[0]) {
case "", "off":
Error("HTTP Error", "Opening HTTP URLs is turned off.")
return false
case "default":
s, err := webbrowser.Open(u)
if err != nil {
Error("Webbrowser Error", err.Error())
return false
if showInfo {
return true
// Custom command
var err error = nil
if len(config.HTTPCommand) > 1 {
err = exec.Command(config.HTTPCommand[0], append(config.HTTPCommand[1:], u)...).Start()
} else {
err = exec.Command(config.HTTPCommand[0], u).Start()
if err != nil {
Error("HTTP Error", "Error executing custom browser command: "+err.Error())
return false
return true
// handleOther is used by handleURL.
// It opens links other than Gemini and HTTP and displays Error modals.
func handleOther(u string) {
// The URL should have a scheme due to a previous call to normalizeURL
parsed, _ := url.Parse(u)
// Search for a handler for the URL scheme
handler := strings.TrimSpace(viper.GetString("url-handlers." + parsed.Scheme))
if len(handler) == 0 {
handler = strings.TrimSpace(viper.GetString("url-handlers.other"))
switch handler {
case "", "off":
Error("URL Error", "Opening "+parsed.Scheme+" URLs is turned off.")
// The config has a custom command to execute for URLs
fields := strings.Fields(handler)
err := exec.Command(fields[0], append(fields[1:], u)...).Start()
if err != nil {
Error("URL Error", "Error executing custom command: "+err.Error())
// handleFavicon handles getting and displaying a favicon.
func handleFavicon(t *tab, host string) {
defer func() {
// Update display if needed
if t.page.Favicon != "" && isValidTab(t) {
browser.SetTabLabel(strconv.Itoa(tabNumber(t)), makeTabLabel(t.page.Favicon))
if !viper.GetBool("a-general.emoji_favicons") {
// Not enabled
if t.page.Favicon != "" {
if host == "" {
fav := cache.GetFavicon(host)
if fav == cache.KnownNoFavicon {
// It's been cached that this host doesn't have a favicon
if fav != "" {
t.page.Favicon = fav
// No favicon cached
res, err := client.Fetch("gemini://" + host + "/favicon.txt")
if err != nil {
if res != nil {
cache.AddFavicon(host, cache.KnownNoFavicon)
defer res.Body.Close()
if res.Status != 20 {
cache.AddFavicon(host, cache.KnownNoFavicon)
if !strings.HasPrefix(res.Meta, "text/") {
cache.AddFavicon(host, cache.KnownNoFavicon)
// It's a regular plain response
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
_, err = io.CopyN(buf, res.Body, 29+2+1) // 29 is the max emoji length, +2 for CRLF, +1 so that the right size will EOF
if err == nil {
// Content was too large
cache.AddFavicon(host, cache.KnownNoFavicon)
} else if err != io.EOF {
// Some network reading error
// No favicon is NOT known, could be a temporary error
// EOF, which is what we want.
emoji := strings.TrimRight(buf.String(), "\r\n")
if !isemoji.IsEmoji(emoji) {
cache.AddFavicon(host, cache.KnownNoFavicon)
// Valid favicon found
t.page.Favicon = emoji
cache.AddFavicon(host, emoji)
// handleAbout can be called to deal with any URLs that start with
// 'about:'. It will display errors if the URL is not recognized,
// but not display anything if an 'about:' URL is not passed.
// It does not add the displayed page to history.
// It returns the URL displayed, and a bool indicating if the provided
// URL could be handled. The string returned will always be empty
// if the bool is false.
func handleAbout(t *tab, u string) (string, bool) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(u, "about:") {
return "", false
switch u {
case "about:bookmarks":
return u, true
case "about:newtab":
temp := newTabPage // Copy
setPage(t, &temp)
return u, true
case "about:version":
temp := versionPage
setPage(t, &temp)
return u, true
if u == "about:subscriptions" || (len(u) > 20 && u[:20] == "about:subscriptions?") {
// about:subscriptions?2 views page 2
return Subscriptions(t, u), true
if u == "about:manage-subscriptions" || (len(u) > 27 && u[:27] == "about:manage-subscriptions?") {
ManageSubscriptions(t, u)
// Don't count remove command in history
if u == "about:manage-subscriptions" {
return u, true
return "", false
Error("Error", "Not a valid 'about:' URL.")
return "", false
// handleURL displays whatever action is needed for the provided URL,
// and applies it to the current tab.
// It loads documents, handles errors, brings up a download prompt, etc.
// The string returned is the final URL, if redirects were involved.
// In most cases it will be the same as the passed URL.
// If there is some error, it will return "".
// The second returned item is a bool indicating if page content was displayed.
// It returns false for Errors, other protocols, etc.
// The bottomBar is not actually changed in this func, except during loading.
// The func that calls this one should apply the bottomBar values if necessary.
// numRedirects is the number of redirects that resulted in the provided URL.
// It should typically be 0.
func handleURL(t *tab, u string, numRedirects int) (string, bool) {
defer App.Draw() // Just in case
// Save for resetting on error
oldLable := t.barLabel
oldText := t.barText
// Custom return function
ret := func(s string, b bool) (string, bool) {
if !b {
// Reset bottomBar if page wasn't loaded
t.barLabel = oldLable
t.barText = oldText
t.mode = tabModeDone
go func(p *structs.Page) {
if b && t.hasContent() && viper.GetBool("subscriptions.popup") {
// The current page might be an untracked feed, and the user wants
// to be notified in such cases.
feed, isFeed := getFeedFromPage(p)
if isFeed && isValidTab(t) && t.page == p {
// After parsing and track-checking time, the page is still being displayed
addFeedDirect(p.URL, feed, subscriptions.IsSubscribed(p.URL))
return s, b
t.barLabel = ""
if strings.HasPrefix(u, "about:") {
return ret(handleAbout(t, u))
u = normalizeURL(u)
u = cache.Redirect(u)
parsed, err := url.Parse(u)
if err != nil {
Error("URL Error", err.Error())
return ret("", false)
proxy := strings.TrimSpace(viper.GetString("proxies." + parsed.Scheme))
usingProxy := false
proxyHostname, proxyPort, err := net.SplitHostPort(proxy)
if err != nil {
// Error likely means there's no port in the host
proxyHostname = proxy
proxyPort = "1965"
if strings.HasPrefix(u, "http") {
if proxy == "" || proxy == "off" {
// No proxy available
handleHTTP(u, true)
return ret("", false)
usingProxy = true
if strings.HasPrefix(u, "file") {
page, ok := handleFile(u)
if !ok {
return ret("", false)
setPage(t, page)
return ret(u, true)
if !strings.HasPrefix(u, "http") && !strings.HasPrefix(u, "gemini") && !strings.HasPrefix(u, "file") {
// Not a Gemini URL
if proxy == "" || proxy == "off" {
// No proxy available
return ret("", false)
usingProxy = true
// Gemini URL, or one with a Gemini proxy available
// Load page from cache if it exists,
// and this isn't a page that was redirected to by the server (indicates dynamic content)
if numRedirects == 0 {
page, ok := cache.GetPage(u)
if ok {
setPage(t, page)
return ret(u, true)
// Otherwise download it
t.barText = "Loading..." // Save it too, in case the tab switches during loading
t.mode = tabModeLoading
var res *gemini.Response
if usingProxy {
res, err = client.FetchWithProxy(proxyHostname, proxyPort, u)
} else {
res, err = client.Fetch(u)
// Loading may have taken a while, make sure tab is still valid
if !isValidTab(t) {
return ret("", false)
if errors.Is(err, client.ErrTofu) {
if usingProxy {
// They are using a proxy
if Tofu(proxy, client.GetExpiry(proxyHostname, proxyPort)) {
// They want to continue anyway
client.ResetTofuEntry(proxyHostname, proxyPort, res.Cert)
// Response can be used further down, no need to reload
} else {
// They don't want to continue
return ret("", false)
} else {
if Tofu(parsed.Host, client.GetExpiry(parsed.Hostname(), parsed.Port())) {
// They want to continue anyway
client.ResetTofuEntry(parsed.Hostname(), parsed.Port(), res.Cert)
// Response can be used further down, no need to reload
} else {
// They don't want to continue
return ret("", false)
} else if err != nil {
Error("URL Fetch Error", err.Error())
return ret("", false)
// Fetch happened successfully, use RestartReader to buffer read data
res.Body = rr.NewRestartReader(res.Body)
if renderer.CanDisplay(res) {
page, err := renderer.MakePage(u, res, textWidth(), usingProxy)
// Rendering may have taken a while, make sure tab is still valid
if !isValidTab(t) {
return ret("", false)
if errors.Is(err, renderer.ErrTooLarge) {
// Downloading now
// Disable read timeout and go back to start
res.SetReadTimeout(0) //nolint: errcheck
go dlChoice("That page is too large. What would you like to do?", u, res)
return ret("", false)
if errors.Is(err, renderer.ErrTimedOut) {
// Downloading now
// Disable read timeout and go back to start
res.SetReadTimeout(0) //nolint: errcheck
go dlChoice("Loading that page timed out. What would you like to do?", u, res)
return ret("", false)
if err != nil {
Error("Page Error", "Issuing creating page: "+err.Error())
return ret("", false)
page.Width = termW
if !client.HasClientCert(parsed.Host) {
// Don't cache pages with client certs
go cache.AddPage(page)
setPage(t, page)
return ret(u, true)
// Not displayable
// Could be a non 20 status code, or a different kind of document
// Handle each status code
switch res.Status {
case 10, 11:
userInput, ok := Input(res.Meta)
if ok {
// Make another request with the query string added
parsed.RawQuery = gemini.QueryEscape(userInput)
if len(parsed.String()) > gemini.URLMaxLength {
Error("Input Error", "URL for that input would be too long.")
return ret("", false)
return ret(handleURL(t, parsed.String(), 0))
return ret("", false)
case 30, 31:
parsedMeta, err := url.Parse(res.Meta)
if err != nil {
Error("Redirect Error", "Invalid URL: "+err.Error())
return ret("", false)
redir := parsed.ResolveReference(parsedMeta).String()
// Prompt before redirecting to non-Gemini protocol
redirect := false
if !strings.HasPrefix(redir, "gemini") {
if YesNo("Follow redirect to non-Gemini URL?\n" + redir) {
redirect = true
} else {
return ret("", false)
// Prompt before redirecting
autoRedirect := viper.GetBool("a-general.auto_redirect")
if redirect || (autoRedirect && numRedirects < 5) || YesNo("Follow redirect?\n"+redir) {
if res.Status == gemini.StatusRedirectPermanent {
go cache.AddRedir(u, redir)
return ret(handleURL(t, redir, numRedirects+1))
return ret("", false)
case 40:
Error("Temporary Failure", escapeMeta(res.Meta))
return ret("", false)
case 41:
Error("Server Unavailable", escapeMeta(res.Meta))
return ret("", false)
case 42:
Error("CGI Error", escapeMeta(res.Meta))
return ret("", false)
case 43:
Error("Proxy Failure", escapeMeta(res.Meta))
return ret("", false)
case 44:
Error("Slow Down", "You should wait "+escapeMeta(res.Meta)+" seconds before making another request.")
return ret("", false)
case 50:
Error("Permanent Failure", escapeMeta(res.Meta))
return ret("", false)
case 51:
Error("Not Found", escapeMeta(res.Meta))
return ret("", false)
case 52:
Error("Gone", escapeMeta(res.Meta))
return ret("", false)
case 53:
Error("Proxy Request Refused", escapeMeta(res.Meta))
return ret("", false)
case 59:
Error("Bad Request", escapeMeta(res.Meta))
return ret("", false)
case 60:
Error("Client Certificate Required", escapeMeta(res.Meta))
return ret("", false)
case 61:
Error("Certificate Not Authorised", escapeMeta(res.Meta))
return ret("", false)
case 62:
Error("Certificate Not Valid", escapeMeta(res.Meta))
return ret("", false)
// Status code 20, but not a document that can be displayed
// First see if it's a feed, and ask the user about adding it if it is
filename := path.Base(parsed.Path)
mediatype, _, _ := mime.ParseMediaType(res.Meta)
feed, ok := subscriptions.GetFeed(mediatype, filename, res.Body)
if ok {
go func() {
added := addFeedDirect(u, feed, subscriptions.IsSubscribed(u))
if !added {
// Otherwise offer download choices
// Disable read timeout and go back to start
res.SetReadTimeout(0) //nolint: errcheck
go dlChoice("That file could not be displayed. What would you like to do?", u, res)
return ret("", false)
// Otherwise offer download choices
// Disable read timeout and go back to start
res.SetReadTimeout(0) //nolint: errcheck
go dlChoice("That file could not be displayed. What would you like to do?", u, res)
return ret("", false)