mirror of https://github.com/makew0rld/amfora.git synced 2025-02-02 15:07:34 -05:00

Default to using the user's terminal theme colors

Issue #181
This commit is contained in:
makeworld 2021-12-03 14:58:02 -05:00
parent 599f42744e
commit 2e1049b8ab
8 changed files with 262 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -21,9 +21,11 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
- Bookmarks are stored using XML in the XBEL format, old bookmarks are transferred (#68)
- Text no longer disappears under the left margin when scrolling (regression in v1.8.0) (#197)
- Default search engine changed to geminispace.info from gus.guru
- The user's terminal theme colors are used by default (#181)
## Removed
- Favicon support removed (#199)
- The default Amfora theme, get it back [here](https://github.com/makeworld-the-better-one/amfora/blob/master/contrib/themes/amfora.toml)
### Fixed
- Help text is now the same color as `regular_text` in the theme config

View File

@ -322,6 +322,8 @@ entries_per_page = 20
# Colors can be set using a W3C color name, or a hex value such as "#ffffff".
# Setting a background to "default" keeps the terminal default
# If your terminal has transparency, set any background to "default" to keep it transparent
# The key "bg" is already set to "default", but this can be used on other backgrounds,
# like for modals.
# Note that not all colors will work on terminals that do not have truecolor support.
# If you want to stick to the standard 16 or 256 colors, you can get

View File

@ -8,97 +8,118 @@ import (
// Functions to allow themeing configuration.
// UI element colors are mapped to a string key, such as "error" or "tab_bg"
// UI element tcell.Colors are mapped to a string key, such as "error" or "tab_bg"
// These are the same keys used in the config file.
var themeMu = sync.RWMutex{}
var theme = map[string]tcell.Color{
// Default values below
// Only the 16 Xterm system tcell.Colors are used, because those are the tcell.Colors overrided
// by the user's default terminal theme
"bg": tcell.ColorBlack, // Used for cview.Styles.PrimitiveBackgroundColor
"tab_num": tcell.Color30, // xterm:Turquoise4, #008787
// Used for cview.Styles.PrimitiveBackgroundColor
// Set to tcell.ColorDefault because that allows transparent terminals to work
// The rest of this theme assumes that the background is equivalent to tcell.Color zero, or black.
"bg": tcell.ColorDefault,
"tab_num": tcell.ColorTeal,
"tab_divider": tcell.ColorWhite,
"bottombar_label": tcell.Color30,
"bottombar_label": tcell.ColorTeal,
"bottombar_text": tcell.ColorBlack,
"bottombar_bg": tcell.ColorWhite,
"scrollbar": tcell.ColorWhite,
// Modals
"btn_bg": tcell.ColorNavy, // All modal buttons
"btn_bg": tcell.ColorTeal, // All modal buttons
"btn_text": tcell.ColorWhite,
"dl_choice_modal_bg": tcell.ColorPurple,
"dl_choice_modal_bg": tcell.ColorOlive,
"dl_choice_modal_text": tcell.ColorWhite,
"dl_modal_bg": tcell.Color130, // xterm:DarkOrange3, #af5f00
"dl_modal_bg": tcell.ColorOlive,
"dl_modal_text": tcell.ColorWhite,
"info_modal_bg": tcell.ColorGray,
"info_modal_text": tcell.ColorWhite,
"error_modal_bg": tcell.ColorMaroon,
"error_modal_text": tcell.ColorWhite,
"yesno_modal_bg": tcell.ColorPurple,
"yesno_modal_bg": tcell.ColorTeal,
"yesno_modal_text": tcell.ColorWhite,
"tofu_modal_bg": tcell.ColorMaroon,
"tofu_modal_text": tcell.ColorWhite,
"subscription_modal_bg": tcell.Color61, // xterm:SlateBlue3, #5f5faf
"subscription_modal_bg": tcell.ColorTeal,
"subscription_modal_text": tcell.ColorWhite,
"input_modal_bg": tcell.ColorGreen,
"input_modal_text": tcell.ColorWhite,
"input_modal_field_bg": tcell.ColorBlue,
"input_modal_field_bg": tcell.ColorNavy,
"input_modal_field_text": tcell.ColorWhite,
"bkmk_modal_bg": tcell.ColorTeal,
"bkmk_modal_text": tcell.ColorWhite,
"bkmk_modal_label": tcell.ColorYellow,
"bkmk_modal_field_bg": tcell.ColorBlue,
"bkmk_modal_field_bg": tcell.ColorNavy,
"bkmk_modal_field_text": tcell.ColorWhite,
"hdg_1": tcell.ColorRed,
"hdg_2": tcell.ColorLime,
"hdg_3": tcell.ColorFuchsia,
"amfora_link": tcell.Color33, // xterm:DodgerBlue1, #0087ff
"foreign_link": tcell.Color92, // xterm:DarkViolet, #8700d7
"amfora_link": tcell.ColorBlue,
"foreign_link": tcell.ColorPurple,
"link_number": tcell.ColorSilver,
"regular_text": tcell.ColorWhite,
"quote_text": tcell.ColorWhite,
"preformatted_text": tcell.Color229, // xterm:Wheat1, #ffffaf
"preformatted_text": tcell.ColorWhite,
"list_text": tcell.ColorWhite,
func SetColor(key string, color tcell.Color) {
theme[key] = color
// Use truecolor because this is only called with user-set tcell.Colors
// Which should be represented exactly
theme[key] = color.TrueColor()
// GetColor will return tcell.ColorBlack if there is no color for the provided key.
// GetColor will return tcell.ColorBlack if there is no tcell.Color for the provided key.
func GetColor(key string) tcell.Color {
defer themeMu.RUnlock()
return theme[key].TrueColor()
return theme[key]
// GetColorString returns a string that can be used in a cview color tag,
// for the given theme key.
// It will return "#000000" if there is no color for the provided key.
func GetColorString(key string) string {
defer themeMu.RUnlock()
color := theme[key].TrueColor()
// colorToString converts a color to a string for use in a cview tag
func colorToString(color tcell.Color) string {
if color == tcell.ColorDefault {
return "-"
if color&tcell.ColorIsRGB == 0 {
// tcell.Color is not RGB/TrueColor, it's a tcell.Color from the default terminal
// theme as set above
// Return a tcell.Color name instead of a hex code, so that cview doesn't use TrueColor
return ColorToColorName[color]
return fmt.Sprintf("#%06x", color.Hex())
// GetContrastingColor returns ColorBlack if color is brighter than gray
// otherwise returns ColorWhite if color is dimmer than gray
// if color is ColorDefault (undefined luminance) this returns ColorDefault
// GetColorString returns a string that can be used in a cview tcell.Color tag,
// for the given theme key.
// It will return "#000000" if there is no tcell.Color for the provided key.
func GetColorString(key string) string {
defer themeMu.RUnlock()
return colorToString(theme[key])
// GetContrastingColor returns tcell.ColorBlack if tcell.Color is brighter than gray
// otherwise returns tcell.ColorWhite if tcell.Color is dimmer than gray
// if tcell.Color is tcell.ColorDefault (undefined luminance) this returns tcell.ColorDefault
func GetContrastingColor(color tcell.Color) tcell.Color {
if color == tcell.ColorDefault {
// color should never be tcell.ColorDefault
// tcell.Color should never be tcell.ColorDefault
// only config keys which end in bg are allowed to be set to default
// and the only way the argument of this function is set to ColorDefault
// and the only way the argument of this function is set to tcell.ColorDefault
// is if both the text and bg of an element in the UI are set to default
return tcell.ColorDefault
@ -128,6 +149,149 @@ func GetTextColor(key, bg string) tcell.Color {
// This happens on focus of a UI element which has a bg of default, in which case
// It return tcell.ColorBlack or tcell.ColorWhite, depending on which is more readable
func GetTextColorString(key, bg string) string {
color := GetTextColor(key, bg)
return fmt.Sprintf("#%06x", color.Hex())
return colorToString(GetTextColor(key, bg))
// Inverted version of a tcell map
// https://github.com/gdamore/tcell/blob/v2.3.3/color.go#L845
var ColorToColorName = map[tcell.Color]string{
tcell.ColorBlack: "black",
tcell.ColorMaroon: "maroon",
tcell.ColorGreen: "green",
tcell.ColorOlive: "olive",
tcell.ColorNavy: "navy",
tcell.ColorPurple: "purple",
tcell.ColorTeal: "teal",
tcell.ColorSilver: "silver",
tcell.ColorGray: "gray",
tcell.ColorRed: "red",
tcell.ColorLime: "lime",
tcell.ColorYellow: "yellow",
tcell.ColorBlue: "blue",
tcell.ColorFuchsia: "fuchsia",
tcell.ColorAqua: "aqua",
tcell.ColorWhite: "white",
tcell.ColorAliceBlue: "aliceblue",
tcell.ColorAntiqueWhite: "antiquewhite",
tcell.ColorAquaMarine: "aquamarine",
tcell.ColorAzure: "azure",
tcell.ColorBeige: "beige",
tcell.ColorBisque: "bisque",
tcell.ColorBlanchedAlmond: "blanchedalmond",
tcell.ColorBlueViolet: "blueviolet",
tcell.ColorBrown: "brown",
tcell.ColorBurlyWood: "burlywood",
tcell.ColorCadetBlue: "cadetblue",
tcell.ColorChartreuse: "chartreuse",
tcell.ColorChocolate: "chocolate",
tcell.ColorCoral: "coral",
tcell.ColorCornflowerBlue: "cornflowerblue",
tcell.ColorCornsilk: "cornsilk",
tcell.ColorCrimson: "crimson",
tcell.ColorDarkBlue: "darkblue",
tcell.ColorDarkCyan: "darkcyan",
tcell.ColorDarkGoldenrod: "darkgoldenrod",
tcell.ColorDarkGray: "darkgray",
tcell.ColorDarkGreen: "darkgreen",
tcell.ColorDarkKhaki: "darkkhaki",
tcell.ColorDarkMagenta: "darkmagenta",
tcell.ColorDarkOliveGreen: "darkolivegreen",
tcell.ColorDarkOrange: "darkorange",
tcell.ColorDarkOrchid: "darkorchid",
tcell.ColorDarkRed: "darkred",
tcell.ColorDarkSalmon: "darksalmon",
tcell.ColorDarkSeaGreen: "darkseagreen",
tcell.ColorDarkSlateBlue: "darkslateblue",
tcell.ColorDarkSlateGray: "darkslategray",
tcell.ColorDarkTurquoise: "darkturquoise",
tcell.ColorDarkViolet: "darkviolet",
tcell.ColorDeepPink: "deeppink",
tcell.ColorDeepSkyBlue: "deepskyblue",
tcell.ColorDimGray: "dimgray",
tcell.ColorDodgerBlue: "dodgerblue",
tcell.ColorFireBrick: "firebrick",
tcell.ColorFloralWhite: "floralwhite",
tcell.ColorForestGreen: "forestgreen",
tcell.ColorGainsboro: "gainsboro",
tcell.ColorGhostWhite: "ghostwhite",
tcell.ColorGold: "gold",
tcell.ColorGoldenrod: "goldenrod",
tcell.ColorGreenYellow: "greenyellow",
tcell.ColorHoneydew: "honeydew",
tcell.ColorHotPink: "hotpink",
tcell.ColorIndianRed: "indianred",
tcell.ColorIndigo: "indigo",
tcell.ColorIvory: "ivory",
tcell.ColorKhaki: "khaki",
tcell.ColorLavender: "lavender",
tcell.ColorLavenderBlush: "lavenderblush",
tcell.ColorLawnGreen: "lawngreen",
tcell.ColorLemonChiffon: "lemonchiffon",
tcell.ColorLightBlue: "lightblue",
tcell.ColorLightCoral: "lightcoral",
tcell.ColorLightCyan: "lightcyan",
tcell.ColorLightGoldenrodYellow: "lightgoldenrodyellow",
tcell.ColorLightGray: "lightgray",
tcell.ColorLightGreen: "lightgreen",
tcell.ColorLightPink: "lightpink",
tcell.ColorLightSalmon: "lightsalmon",
tcell.ColorLightSeaGreen: "lightseagreen",
tcell.ColorLightSkyBlue: "lightskyblue",
tcell.ColorLightSlateGray: "lightslategray",
tcell.ColorLightSteelBlue: "lightsteelblue",
tcell.ColorLightYellow: "lightyellow",
tcell.ColorLimeGreen: "limegreen",
tcell.ColorLinen: "linen",
tcell.ColorMediumAquamarine: "mediumaquamarine",
tcell.ColorMediumBlue: "mediumblue",
tcell.ColorMediumOrchid: "mediumorchid",
tcell.ColorMediumPurple: "mediumpurple",
tcell.ColorMediumSeaGreen: "mediumseagreen",
tcell.ColorMediumSlateBlue: "mediumslateblue",
tcell.ColorMediumSpringGreen: "mediumspringgreen",
tcell.ColorMediumTurquoise: "mediumturquoise",
tcell.ColorMediumVioletRed: "mediumvioletred",
tcell.ColorMidnightBlue: "midnightblue",
tcell.ColorMintCream: "mintcream",
tcell.ColorMistyRose: "mistyrose",
tcell.ColorMoccasin: "moccasin",
tcell.ColorNavajoWhite: "navajowhite",
tcell.ColorOldLace: "oldlace",
tcell.ColorOliveDrab: "olivedrab",
tcell.ColorOrange: "orange",
tcell.ColorOrangeRed: "orangered",
tcell.ColorOrchid: "orchid",
tcell.ColorPaleGoldenrod: "palegoldenrod",
tcell.ColorPaleGreen: "palegreen",
tcell.ColorPaleTurquoise: "paleturquoise",
tcell.ColorPaleVioletRed: "palevioletred",
tcell.ColorPapayaWhip: "papayawhip",
tcell.ColorPeachPuff: "peachpuff",
tcell.ColorPeru: "peru",
tcell.ColorPink: "pink",
tcell.ColorPlum: "plum",
tcell.ColorPowderBlue: "powderblue",
tcell.ColorRebeccaPurple: "rebeccapurple",
tcell.ColorRosyBrown: "rosybrown",
tcell.ColorRoyalBlue: "royalblue",
tcell.ColorSaddleBrown: "saddlebrown",
tcell.ColorSalmon: "salmon",
tcell.ColorSandyBrown: "sandybrown",
tcell.ColorSeaGreen: "seagreen",
tcell.ColorSeashell: "seashell",
tcell.ColorSienna: "sienna",
tcell.ColorSkyblue: "skyblue",
tcell.ColorSlateBlue: "slateblue",
tcell.ColorSlateGray: "slategray",
tcell.ColorSnow: "snow",
tcell.ColorSpringGreen: "springgreen",
tcell.ColorSteelBlue: "steelblue",
tcell.ColorTan: "tan",
tcell.ColorThistle: "thistle",
tcell.ColorTomato: "tomato",
tcell.ColorTurquoise: "turquoise",
tcell.ColorViolet: "violet",
tcell.ColorWheat: "wheat",
tcell.ColorWhiteSmoke: "whitesmoke",
tcell.ColorYellowGreen: "yellowgreen",

View File

@ -2,6 +2,14 @@
You can use these themes by replacing the `[theme]` section of your [config](https://github.com/makeworld-the-better-one/amfora/wiki/Configuration) with their contents. Some themes won't display properly on terminals that do not have truecolor support.
## Amfora
This is the original Amfora theme we all know and love. From v1.9.0 and onwards, the user's terminal theme is used by default. Use this theme to restore the original Amfora look.
<a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/makeworld-the-better-one/amfora/master/demo-large.gif">
<img src="demo-large.gif" alt="Demo GIF" width="80%">
## Nord
Contributed by **[@lokesh-krishna](https://github.com/lokesh-krishna)**.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# Only the 256 xterm colors are used, so truecolor support is not needed
bg = "black"
tab_num = "#008787"
tab_divider = "white"
bottombar_label = "#008787"
bottombar_text = "black"
bottombar_bg = "white"
scrollbar = "white"
btn_bg = "#000080"
btn_text = "white"
dl_choice_modal_bg = "#800080"
dl_choice_modal_text = "white"
dl_modal_bg = "#af5f00"
dl_modal_text = "white"
info_modal_bg = "#808080"
info_modal_text = "white"
error_modal_bg = "#800000"
error_modal_text = "white"
yesno_modal_bg = "#800080"
yesno_modal_text = "white"
tofu_modal_bg = "#800000"
tofu_modal_text = "white"
subscription_modal_bg = "#5f5faf"
subscription_modal_text = "white"
input_modal_bg = "#008000"
input_modal_text = "white"
input_modal_field_bg = "#0000ff"
input_modal_field_text = "white"
bkmk_modal_bg = "#008080"
bkmk_modal_text = "white"
bkmk_modal_label = "#ffff00"
bkmk_modal_field_bg = "#0000ff"
bkmk_modal_field_text = "white"
hdg_1 = "#ff0000"
hdg_2 = "#00ff00"
hdg_3 = "#ff00ff"
amfora_link = "#0087ff"
foreign_link = "#8700d7"
link_number = "#c0c0c0"
regular_text = "white"
quote_text = "white"
preformatted_text = "#ffffaf"
list_text = "white"

View File

@ -319,6 +319,8 @@ entries_per_page = 20
# Colors can be set using a W3C color name, or a hex value such as "#ffffff".
# Setting a background to "default" keeps the terminal default
# If your terminal has transparency, set any background to "default" to keep it transparent
# The key "bg" is already set to "default", but this can be used on other backgrounds,
# like for modals.
# Note that not all colors will work on terminals that do not have truecolor support.
# If you want to stick to the standard 16 or 256 colors, you can get

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module github.com/makeworld-the-better-one/amfora
go 1.15
require (
code.rocketnine.space/tslocum/cview v1.5.6-0.20210525194531-92dca67ac283
code.rocketnine.space/tslocum/cview v1.5.6-0.20210530175404-7e8817f20bdc
github.com/atotto/clipboard v0.1.4
github.com/dustin/go-humanize v1.0.0
github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.4.9 // indirect

View File

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ cloud.google.com/go/pubsub v1.0.1/go.mod h1:R0Gpsv3s54REJCy4fxDixWD93lHJMoZTyQ2k
cloud.google.com/go/storage v1.0.0/go.mod h1:IhtSnM/ZTZV8YYJWCY8RULGVqBDmpoyjwiyrjsg+URw=
code.rocketnine.space/tslocum/cbind v0.1.5 h1:i6NkeLLNPNMS4NWNi3302Ay3zSU6MrqOT+yJskiodxE=
code.rocketnine.space/tslocum/cbind v0.1.5/go.mod h1:LtfqJTzM7qhg88nAvNhx+VnTjZ0SXBJtxBObbfBWo/M=
code.rocketnine.space/tslocum/cview v1.5.6-0.20210525194531-92dca67ac283 h1:5KBGXdQdfV09eYXOZuFTxqDujndqtRraXj+lyFcxlPk=
code.rocketnine.space/tslocum/cview v1.5.6-0.20210525194531-92dca67ac283/go.mod h1:KBRxzIsj8bfgFpnMpkGVoxsrPUvnQsRnX29XJ2yzB6M=
code.rocketnine.space/tslocum/cview v1.5.6-0.20210530175404-7e8817f20bdc h1:nAcBp7ZCWHpa8fHpynCbULDTAZgPQv28+Z+QnhnFG7E=
code.rocketnine.space/tslocum/cview v1.5.6-0.20210530175404-7e8817f20bdc/go.mod h1:KBRxzIsj8bfgFpnMpkGVoxsrPUvnQsRnX29XJ2yzB6M=
dmitri.shuralyov.com/gpu/mtl v0.0.0-20190408044501-666a987793e9/go.mod h1:H6x//7gZCb22OMCxBHrMx7a5I7Hp++hsVxbQ4BYO7hU=
github.com/BurntSushi/toml v0.3.1 h1:WXkYYl6Yr3qBf1K79EBnL4mak0OimBfB0XUf9Vl28OQ=
github.com/BurntSushi/toml v0.3.1/go.mod h1:xHWCNGjB5oqiDr8zfno3MHue2Ht5sIBksp03qcyfWMU=