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No commits in common. "master" and "first" have entirely different histories.

17 changed files with 5555 additions and 3661 deletions

211 Executable file → Normal file
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@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
# PERL mapweaver by gary68 & atlas48
# PERL mapweaver by gary68
# Copyright(C)2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# Copyright (C) 2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or(at your option)any later version.
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
@ -12,76 +15,170 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <>
# 0.03 20110614 -help
# 0.03 20110614 square for nodes
# 0.03 print prg name and version
# 0.03 ruler
# 0.04 ruler positions; ruler background; disc opacity correction; -debug; -verbose
# 0.04 scale, colors and positions; header/footer
# 0.04 triangle and diamond for nodes; labels and icons for nodes
# 0.05 categories for config values
# 0.06 drawArea; area rules; extended help, added valid object properties
# 0.07 way labels; minsizearea implemented;
# 0.08 added coastlines; problems with completeObjects! use option -cie
# 0.09 oneways
# 0.10 pagenumbers; rectangles; comments and empty lines in rule file; config in rule file
# 0.10 coast lines fixed; auto bridge implemented
# 0.11 area icons / patterns added; time; street directory; poi directory; pdf directoriy
# 0.12 way shields
# 0.13 routes, not yet working...
# 0.14 route work
# 0.15 routes working now - finetuning needed; bgbolor implemented; multipolygons
# 0.16 size check for multipolygon areas; scale rule sizes (x:y)
# 0.17 -forcenodes; projection in footer
# 0.18 direxclude options and rule properties
# 0.19 pagenumber bug solved
# 0.20 legend
# 0.21 legend in separate file
# 0.22 help texts for object properties in rule file
# 0.23 latex string sanitize
# 0.24 labels for areas
# 0.25 labels for multipolygons
# 0.26 fix directory bugs
# 0.27 way name substitution, if name is too long for way. incl. legend for map
# 0.28 oceancolor bug fixed
# 0.29 fonts/families
# 0.30 -wns=5 now possible; way name substitutions in separate file
# 0.31 getXXXrule bug fixed; wnsunique
# 0.32 -targetSize
# 0.33 -onewayautosize
# 0.34 pbf support; halo; label transform; bold print of labels
# 0.35 svg text creation bug fixed
# 0.36 font size error wns corrected; box occupy; new place management
# 0.37 -dirprg program to create directory; gpx support
# 0.38 -gpxcolor; -gpxsize
# 0.39 parameter bug dirprg fixed; sanitize bug fixed
# 0.40 draw only items inside drawing area; check for undefined relation nodes, reduce errors
# 0.41 fixed icon space occupy error; eliminated labels drawn outside map area
# 0.42 fixed error with area label svg string
# 0.43 check if areas (simple ways) are closed before drawing
# 0.44 overpass options added
# 0.45 utf-8 encoding error solved for overpass data
# 0.46 out parameter fixed
# 0.47 added srtm option
# 0.48 shield error corrected
# -different tempfilenames
my $version = "0.48";
my $programName = "mapweaver";
my $version = "0.48" ;
my $programName = "mapweaver" ;
use strict; use warnings;
use OSM::osm;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use mwConfig;
use mwMap;
use mwRules;
use mwFile;
use mwNodes;
use mwWays;
use mwRelations;
use mwMulti;
use mwMisc;
use mwOccupy;
use mwGPX;
use OSM::osm ;
use mwConfig ;
use mwMap ;
use mwRules ;
use mwFile ;
use mwNodes ;
use mwWays ;
use mwRelations ;
use mwMulti ;
use mwMisc ;
use mwOccupy ;
use mwGPX ;
my $time0 = time();
my $time0 = time() ;
print "\n$programName $version by gary68\n\n";
print "\n$programName $version by gary68\n\n" ;
readConfigFile cv('ini');
initConfig() ;
if(cv('help')eq "1"){ printConfigDescriptions;
die "quit after help output\n";
getProgramOptions() ;
readConfigFile( cv('ini') ) ;
if ( cv('help') eq "1" ) {
printConfigDescriptions() ;
printValidObjectProperties() ;
die ("quit after help output\n") ;
printConfig if cv('verbose');
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){ printNodeRules;
if ( cv('verbose') eq "1" ) {
printConfig() ;
my $renderTime0 = time();
unless(cv('multionly')){ processNodes;
createPoiDirectory()if cv('poi');
createDirectory if cv('dir');
createDirPdf if cv('dirpdf');
readRules() ;
if ( cv('debug') eq "1" ) {
printNodeRules() ;
printWayRules() ;
printAreaRules() ;
printRouteRules() ;
createLegend if cv('legend');
processPageNumbers if cv('pagenumbers');
processRectanglesif if cv('rectangles');
boxDrawOccupiedAreas if cv('test');
processGPXFile if cv('gpx');
readFile() ;
my $renderTime1 = time();
my $renderTime0 = time() ;
adaptRuleSizes() ;
if ( cv('multionly') eq "0" ) {
processNodes() ;
if ( cv('poi') eq "1") {
createPoiDirectory() ;
initOneways() ;
processWays() ;
if ( cv('dir') eq "1") {
createDirectory() ;
if ( cv('dirpdf') eq "1") {
createDirPdf() ;
processRoutes() ;
} # multionly
processMultipolygons() ;
if ( cv('legend') ne "0" ) { createLegend() ; }
if ( cv('pagenumbers') ne "" ) { processPageNumbers() ; }
if ( cv('rectangles') ne "" ) { processRectangles() ; }
if ( cv ('test') eq "1") {
boxDrawOccupiedAreas() ;
if ( cv ('gpx') ne "") {
processGPXFile() ;
writeMap() ;
my $renderTime1 = time() ;
my ($paper, $x, $y) = fitsPaper () ; $x = int ($x*10) / 10 ; $y = int ($y*10) / 10 ;
print "map ($x cm x $y cm) fits paper $paper\n\n" ;
my $time1 = time() ;
print "\nrender time (excluding all file operations) ", stringTimeSpent ($renderTime1-$renderTime0), "\n" ;
print "\n$programName finished after ", stringTimeSpent ($time1-$time0), "\n\n" ;
my($paper, $x, $y)= fitsPaper();
$x = int($x*10)/10;
$y = int($y*10)/10;
print "map($x cm x $y cm)fits paper $paper\n\n";
my $time1 = time();
print "\nrender time(excluding all file operations)", stringTimeSpent($renderTime1-$renderTime0), "\n";
print "\n$programName finished after ", stringTimeSpent($time1-$time0), "\n\n";

View File

@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
# PERL mapweaver module by gary68
# Copyright(C)2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# Copyright (C) 2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or(at your option)any later version.
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
@ -13,257 +16,402 @@
package mwCoastLines;
use strict; use warnings;
use Math::Polygon; use List::Util qw[min max];
package mwCoastLines ;
use mwMap;
use mwFile;
use mwConfig;
use mwMisc;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use Math::Polygon ;
use List::Util qw[min max] ;
use mwMap ;
use mwFile ;
use mwConfig ;
use mwMisc ;
require Exporter;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader);
@ISA = qw ( Exporter AutoLoader ) ;
@EXPORT = qw(processCoastLines
@EXPORT = qw ( processCoastLines
) ;
sub nearestPoint{#
sub nearestPoint {
# accepts x/y coordinates and returns nearest point on border of map to complete cut coast ways
my $ref = shift;
my $x = $ref->[0];
my $y = $ref->[1];
my $xn; my $yn;
my $min = 99999;
# print " NP: initial $x $y\n";
my($xmax, $ymax)= getDimensions();
# print " NP: dimensions $xmax $ymax\n";
if(abs($xmax-$x)<$min){# right
$xn = $xmax;
$yn = $y;
$min = abs($xmax-$x);
} if(abs($ymax-$y)<$min){# bottom
$xn = $x;
$yn = $ymax;
$min = abs($ymax-$y);
} if(abs($x)<$min){# left
$xn = 0;
$yn = $y;
$min = abs($x);
} if(abs($y)< $min){# top
$xn = $x;
$yn = 0;
} # print " NP: final $xn $yn\n";
my @a =($xn, $yn);
return \@a;
}sub nextPointOnBorder{#
my $ref = shift ;
my $x = $ref->[0] ;
my $y = $ref->[1] ;
my $xn ; my $yn ;
my $min = 99999 ;
# print " NP: initial $x $y\n" ;
my ($xmax, $ymax) = getDimensions() ;
# print " NP: dimensions $xmax $ymax\n" ;
if ( abs ($xmax-$x) < $min) { # right
$xn = $xmax ;
$yn = $y ;
$min = abs ($xmax-$x) ;
if ( abs ($ymax-$y) < $min) { # bottom
$xn = $x ;
$yn = $ymax ;
$min = abs ($ymax-$y) ;
if ( abs ($x) < $min) { # left
$xn = 0 ;
$yn = $y ;
$min = abs ($x) ;
if ( abs ($y) < $min) { # top
$xn = $x ;
$yn = 0 ;
# print " NP: final $xn $yn\n" ;
my @a = ($xn, $yn) ;
return (\@a) ;
sub nextPointOnBorder {
# accepts x/y coordinates and returns next point on border - to complete coast rings with other polygons and corner points
# hints if returned point is a corner
# right turns
my($x, $y)= @_;
my($xn, $yn);
my $corner = 0;
my($xmax, $ymax)= getDimensions();
if($x == $xmax){# right border
if($y < $ymax){ $xn = $xmax; $yn = $y + 1;
} else{ $xn = $xmax - 1; $yn = $ymax;
}} else{ if($x == 0){# left border
if($y > 0){ $xn = 0; $yn = $y - 1;
} else{ $xn = 1; $yn = 0;
} } else{ if($y == $ymax){# bottom border
if($x > 0){ $xn = $x - 1; $yn = $ymax;
} else{ $xn = 0; $yn = $ymax - 1;
} } else{ if($y == 0){# top border
if($x < $xmax){ $xn = $x + 1; $yn = 0;
} else{ $xn = $xmax; $yn = 1;
} } } }} # print "NPOB: $x, $y --- finito $xn $yn\n";
my ($x, $y) = @_ ;
my ($xn, $yn) ;
my $corner = 0 ;
my ($xmax, $ymax) = getDimensions() ;
if ($x == $xmax) { # right border
if ($y < $ymax) {
$xn = $xmax ; $yn = $y + 1 ;
else {
$xn = $xmax - 1 ; $yn = $ymax ;
else {
if ($x == 0) { # left border
if ($y > 0) {
$xn = 0 ; $yn = $y - 1 ;
else {
$xn = 1 ; $yn = 0 ;
else {
if ($y == $ymax) { # bottom border
if ($x > 0) {
$xn = $x - 1 ; $yn = $ymax ;
else {
$xn = 0 ; $yn = $ymax - 1 ;
else {
if ($y == 0) { # top border
if ($x < $xmax) {
$xn = $x + 1 ; $yn = 0 ;
else {
$xn = $xmax ; $yn = 1 ;
# print "NPOB: $x, $y --- finito $xn $yn\n" ;
if(($xn == 0)and($yn == 0)){$corner = 1;} if(($xn == 0)and($yn == $ymax)){$corner = 1;} if(($xn == $xmax)and($yn == 0)){$corner = 1;} if(($xn == $xmax)and($yn == $ymax)){$corner = 1;}
return($xn, $yn, $corner);
if ( ($xn == 0) and ($yn == 0) ) { $corner = 1 ; }
if ( ($xn == 0) and ($yn == $ymax) ) { $corner = 1 ; }
if ( ($xn == $xmax) and ($yn == 0) ) { $corner = 1 ; }
if ( ($xn == $xmax) and ($yn == $ymax) ) { $corner = 1 ; }
return ($xn, $yn, $corner) ;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub processCoastLines{ print "check and process coastlines...\n";
sub processCoastLines {
print "check and process coastlines...\n" ;
my $ref = shift; # ref to all coast ways
my @allWays = @$ref;
my $ref = shift ; # ref to all coast ways
my @allWays = @$ref ;
print "COAST: " . scalar(@allWays). " coast ways initially found.\n";
print "COAST: ways: @allWays\n\n";
if (cv('debug') eq "1") {
print "COAST: " . scalar (@allWays) . " coast ways initially found.\n" ;
print "COAST: ways: @allWays\n\n" ;
my($lonRef, $latRef)= getNodePointers();
my($nodesRef, $tagRef)= getWayPointers();
my ($lonRef, $latRef) = getNodePointers() ;
my ($nodesRef, $tagRef) = getWayPointers() ;
# check coast ways. eliminate invisible ways. eliminate points outside map.
my @newWays =();
foreach my $w(@allWays){ my @nodes = @{$$nodesRef{$w}};
my @newWays = () ;
foreach my $w ( @allWays ) {
my @nodes = @{ $$nodesRef{ $w } } ;
my $allIn = 1;
my $allOut = 1;
foreach my $n(@nodes){ if(pointInMap($n)){ $allOut = 0;
} else{ $allIn = 0;
} }
if($allIn){ # use way as it is
push @newWays, $w;
print "COAST: way $w will be used unmodified.\n" if cv('debug');
} elsif($allOut){ # do nothing
print "COAST: way $w will NOT be used. outside map.\n" if cv('debug');} } else{ # eliminate all outside nodes at start and end of way, then use new way
my $allIn = 1 ;
my $allOut = 1 ;
foreach my $n ( @nodes ) {
if ( pointInMap ($n) ) {
$allOut = 0 ;
else {
$allIn = 0 ;
if ( $allIn ) {
# use way as it is
push @newWays, $w ;
if ( cv ('debug') eq "1" ) { print "COAST: way $w will be used unmodified.\n" ; }
elsif ( $allOut) {
# do nothing
if ( cv ('debug') eq "1" ) { print "COAST: way $w will NOT be used. outside map.\n" ; }
else {
# eliminate all outside nodes at start and end of way, then use new way
# eliminate outsides at start
shift @nodes while((scalar(@nodes)>= 1)and not pointInMap($nodes[0]));
while ( (scalar @nodes >= 1) and ( ! pointInMap ($nodes[0]) ) ) {
shift @nodes ;
# eliminate outsides at end
while((scalar @nodes >= 1)and not pointInMap($nodes[-1])){ pop @nodes;
if(scalar @nodes >= 2){ @{$$nodesRef{$w}}= @nodes;
push @newWays, $w;
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "COAST: modified way $w will be used.\n";} } else{ if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "COAST: way $w too short now.\n";} } }
@allWays = @newWays;
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){
print "\nCOAST: " . scalar(@allWays). " coast ways will be used.\n";
print "COAST: ways: @allWays\n\n";
if(scalar @allWays > 0){ # build rings
my($refWays, $refNodes)= buildRings(\@allWays, 0);
my @ringNodes = @$refNodes; # contains all nodes of rings // array of arrays !
print "COAST: " . scalar(@ringNodes). " rings found.\n" if cv('debug');
while ( (scalar @nodes >= 1) and ( ! pointInMap ($nodes[-1]) ) ) {
pop @nodes ;
if ( scalar @nodes >= 2 ) {
@{ $$nodesRef{$w}} = @nodes ;
push @newWays, $w ;
if ( cv ('debug') eq "1" ) { print "COAST: modified way $w will be used.\n" ; }
else {
if ( cv ('debug') eq "1" ) { print "COAST: way $w too short now.\n" ; }
@allWays = @newWays ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1") {
print "\nCOAST: " . scalar (@allWays) . " coast ways will be used.\n" ;
print "COAST: ways: @allWays\n\n" ;
if (scalar @allWays > 0) {
# build rings
my ($refWays, $refNodes) = buildRings (\@allWays, 0) ;
my @ringNodes = @$refNodes ; # contains all nodes of rings // array of arrays !
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "COAST: " . scalar (@ringNodes) . " rings found.\n" ; }
# convert rings to coordinate system
my @ringCoordsOpen =(); my @ringCoordsClosed =();
for(my $i=0; $i<=$#ringNodes; $i++){ # print "COAST: initial ring $i\n";
my @actualCoords =();
foreach my $node(@{$ringNodes[$i]}){ push @actualCoords, [convert($$lonRef{$node}, $$latRef{$node})];
} if(${$ringNodes[$i]}[0] == ${$ringNodes[$i]}[-1]){ push @ringCoordsClosed, [@actualCoords]; # islands
} else{ push @ringCoordsOpen, [@actualCoords];
} # printRingCoords(\@actualCoords);
my $num = scalar @actualCoords;
print "COAST: initial ring $i - $actualCoords[0]->[0],$actualCoords[0]->[1] -->> $actualCoords[-1]->[0],$actualCoords[-1]->[1] nodes: $num\n" if cv('debug');
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "COAST: add points on border...\n";} foreach my $ring(@ringCoordsOpen){ # print "COAST: ring $ring with border nodes\n";
my @ringCoordsOpen = () ; my @ringCoordsClosed = () ;
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#ringNodes; $i++) {
# print "COAST: initial ring $i\n" ;
my @actualCoords = () ;
foreach my $node (@{$ringNodes[$i]}) {
push @actualCoords, [convert ($$lonRef{$node}, $$latRef{$node})] ;
if (${$ringNodes[$i]}[0] == ${$ringNodes[$i]}[-1]) {
push @ringCoordsClosed, [@actualCoords] ; # islands
else {
push @ringCoordsOpen, [@actualCoords] ;
# printRingCoords (\@actualCoords) ;
my $num = scalar @actualCoords ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "COAST: initial ring $i - $actualCoords[0]->[0],$actualCoords[0]->[1] -->> $actualCoords[-1]->[0],$actualCoords[-1]->[1] nodes: $num\n" ; }
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "COAST: add points on border...\n" ; }
foreach my $ring (@ringCoordsOpen) {
# print "COAST: ring $ring with border nodes\n" ;
# add first point on border
my $ref = nearestPoint($ring->[0]);
my @a = @$ref;
unshift @$ring, [@a];
my $ref = nearestPoint ($ring->[0]) ;
my @a = @$ref ;
unshift @$ring, [@a] ;
# add last point on border
$ref = nearestPoint($ring->[-1]);
@a = @$ref;
push @$ring, [@a];
# printRingCoords($ring);
my @islandRings = @ringCoordsClosed;
print "COAST: " . scalar(@islandRings). " islands found.\n" if cv('debug');
@ringCoordsClosed =();
$ref = nearestPoint ($ring->[-1]) ;
@a = @$ref ;
push @$ring, [@a] ;
# printRingCoords ($ring) ;
my @islandRings = @ringCoordsClosed ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "COAST: " . scalar (@islandRings) . " islands found.\n" ; }
@ringCoordsClosed = () ;
# process ringCoordsOpen
# add other rings, corners...
while(scalar @ringCoordsOpen > 0){# as long as there are open rings
print "COAST: building ring...\n" if(cv('debug');
my $ref = shift @ringCoordsOpen; # get start ring
my @actualRing = @$ref;
while (scalar @ringCoordsOpen > 0) { # as long as there are open rings
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "COAST: building ring...\n" ; }
my $ref = shift @ringCoordsOpen ; # get start ring
my @actualRing = @$ref ;
my $closed = 0; # mark as not closed
my $actualX = $actualRing[-1]->[0];
my $actualY = $actualRing[-1]->[1];
my $closed = 0 ; # mark as not closed
my $actualX = $actualRing[-1]->[0] ;
my $actualY = $actualRing[-1]->[1] ;
my $actualStartX = $actualRing[0]->[0];
my $actualStartY = $actualRing[0]->[1];
my $actualStartX = $actualRing[0]->[0] ;
my $actualStartY = $actualRing[0]->[1] ;
print "COAST: actual and actualStart $actualX, $actualY - $actualStartX, $actualStartY\n" if cv('debug');
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "COAST: actual and actualStart $actualX, $actualY - $actualStartX, $actualStartY\n" ; }
my $corner;
while(!$closed){# as long as this ring is not closed
($actualX, $actualY, $corner)= nextPointOnBorder($actualX, $actualY);
# print " actual $actualX, $actualY\n";
my $startFromOtherPolygon = -1;
my $corner ;
while (!$closed) { # as long as this ring is not closed
($actualX, $actualY, $corner) = nextPointOnBorder ($actualX, $actualY) ;
# print " actual $actualX, $actualY\n" ;
my $startFromOtherPolygon = -1 ;
# find matching ring if there is another ring
if(scalar(@ringCoordsOpen)> 0){ for(my $i=0; $i <= $#ringCoordsOpen; $i++){ my @test = @{$ringCoordsOpen[$i]};
# print " test ring $i: ", $test[0]->[0], " " , $test[0]->[1] , "\n";
if(($actualX == $test[0]->[0])and($actualY == $test[0]->[1])){ $startFromOtherPolygon = $i;
print "COAST: matching start other polygon found i= $i\n" if cv('debug');
} } } # process matching polygon, if present
if($startFromOtherPolygon != -1){# start from other polygon{ # append nodes
# print "ARRAY TO PUSH: @{$ringCoordsOpen[$startFromOtherPolygon]}\n";
push @actualRing, @{$ringCoordsOpen[$startFromOtherPolygon]};
if (scalar @ringCoordsOpen > 0) {
for (my $i=0; $i <= $#ringCoordsOpen; $i++) {
my @test = @{$ringCoordsOpen[$i]} ;
# print " test ring $i: ", $test[0]->[0], " " , $test[0]->[1] , "\n" ;
if ( ($actualX == $test[0]->[0]) and ($actualY == $test[0]->[1]) ) {
$startFromOtherPolygon = $i ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "COAST: matching start other polygon found i= $i\n" ; }
# process matching polygon, if present
if ($startFromOtherPolygon != -1) { # start from other polygon {
# append nodes
# print "ARRAY TO PUSH: @{$ringCoordsOpen[$startFromOtherPolygon]}\n" ;
push @actualRing, @{$ringCoordsOpen[$startFromOtherPolygon]} ;
# set actual
$actualX = $actualRing[-1]->[0];
$actualY = $actualRing[-1]->[1];
$actualX = $actualRing[-1]->[0] ;
$actualY = $actualRing[-1]->[1] ;
# drop p2 from opens
splice @ringCoordsOpen, $startFromOtherPolygon, 1;
print "COAST: openring $startFromOtherPolygon added to actual ring\n" if cv('debug');
} else{ if($corner){# add corner to actual ring
push @actualRing, [$actualX, $actualY];
print "COAST: corner $actualX, $actualY added to actual ring\n" if cv('debug');
} } # check if closed
if(($actualX == $actualStartX)and($actualY == $actualStartY)){ $closed = 1;
push @actualRing, [$actualX, $actualY];
push @ringCoordsClosed, [@actualRing];
print "COAST: ring now closed and moved to closed rings.\n" if cv('debug');
} }# !closed
}# open rings
splice @ringCoordsOpen, $startFromOtherPolygon, 1 ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "COAST: openring $startFromOtherPolygon added to actual ring\n" ; }
else {
if ($corner) { # add corner to actual ring
push @actualRing, [$actualX, $actualY] ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "COAST: corner $actualX, $actualY added to actual ring\n" ; }
# check if closed
if ( ($actualX == $actualStartX) and ($actualY == $actualStartY) ) {
$closed = 1 ;
push @actualRing, [$actualX, $actualY] ;
push @ringCoordsClosed, [@actualRing] ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "COAST: ring now closed and moved to closed rings.\n" ; }
} # !closed
} # open rings
my $color = cv('oceancolor');
my $color = cv('oceancolor') ;
# build islandRings polygons
print "OCEAN: building island polygons\n" if cv('debug');
my @islandPolygons =();
if(scalar @islandRings > 0){ for(my $i=0; $i<=$#islandRings; $i++){ my @poly =();
foreach my $node(@{$islandRings[$i]}){ push @poly, [$node->[0], $node->[1]];
} my($p)= Math::Polygon->new(@poly);
$islandPolygons[$i] = $p;
} }
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "OCEAN: building island polygons\n" ; }
my @islandPolygons = () ;
if (scalar @islandRings > 0) {
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#islandRings; $i++) {
my @poly = () ;
foreach my $node ( @{$islandRings[$i]} ) {
push @poly, [$node->[0], $node->[1]] ;
my ($p) = Math::Polygon->new(@poly) ;
$islandPolygons[$i] = $p ;
# build ocean ring polygons
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "OCEAN: building ocean polygons\n";} my @oceanPolygons =();
if(scalar(@ringCoordsClosed)> 0){ for(my $i=0; $i<=$#ringCoordsClosed; $i++){ my @poly =();
foreach my $node(@{$ringCoordsClosed[$i]}){ push @poly, [$node->[0], $node->[1]];
} my($p)= Math::Polygon->new(@poly);
$oceanPolygons[$i] = $p;
} } else{ if(scalar(@islandRings)> 0){ if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "OCEAN: build ocean rect\n";} my @ocean =();
my($x, $y)= getDimensions();
push @ocean, [0,0], [$x,0], [$x,$y], [0,$y], [0,0];
push @ringCoordsClosed, [@ocean];
my($p)= Math::Polygon->new(@ocean);
push @oceanPolygons, $p;
} }
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "OCEAN: building ocean polygons\n" ; }
my @oceanPolygons = () ;
if (scalar @ringCoordsClosed > 0) {
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#ringCoordsClosed; $i++) {
my @poly = () ;
foreach my $node ( @{$ringCoordsClosed[$i]} ) {
push @poly, [$node->[0], $node->[1]] ;
my ($p) = Math::Polygon->new(@poly) ;
$oceanPolygons[$i] = $p ;
else {
if (scalar @islandRings > 0) {
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "OCEAN: build ocean rect\n" ; }
my @ocean = () ;
my ($x, $y) = getDimensions() ;
push @ocean, [0,0], [$x,0], [$x,$y], [0,$y], [0,0] ;
push @ringCoordsClosed, [@ocean] ;
my ($p) = Math::Polygon->new(@ocean) ;
push @oceanPolygons, $p ;
# finally create pathes for SVG
for(my $i=0; $i<=$#ringCoordsClosed; $i++){ # foreach my $ring(@ringCoordsClosed){ my @ring = @{$ringCoordsClosed[$i]};
my @array =();
my @coords =();
foreach my $c(@ring){ push @coords, $c->[0], $c->[1];
} push @array, [@coords];
if(scalar @islandRings > 0){ for(my $j=0; $j<=$#islandRings; $j++){ # island in ring? 1:1 and coast on border?
# if(isIn($islandPolygons[$j], $oceanPolygons[$i])== 1){ if((isIn($islandPolygons[$j], $oceanPolygons[$i])== 1)or
((scalar @islandRings == 1)and(scalar @ringCoordsClosed == 1))){ if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "OCEAN: island $j in ocean $i\n";} my @coords =();
foreach my $c(@{$islandRings[$j]}){ push @coords, $c->[0], $c->[1];
} push @array, [@coords];
} } }
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#ringCoordsClosed; $i++) {
# foreach my $ring (@ringCoordsClosed) {
my @ring = @{$ringCoordsClosed[$i]} ;
my @array = () ;
my @coords = () ;
foreach my $c (@ring) {
push @coords, $c->[0], $c->[1] ;
push @array, [@coords] ;
if (scalar @islandRings > 0) {
for (my $j=0; $j<=$#islandRings; $j++) {
# island in ring? 1:1 and coast on border?
# if (isIn ($islandPolygons[$j], $oceanPolygons[$i]) == 1) {
if ( (isIn ($islandPolygons[$j], $oceanPolygons[$i]) == 1) or
( (scalar @islandRings == 1) and (scalar @ringCoordsClosed == 1) ) ) {
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "OCEAN: island $j in ocean $i\n" ; }
my @coords = () ;
foreach my $c (@{$islandRings[$j]}) {
push @coords, $c->[0], $c->[1] ;
push @array, [@coords] ;
# drawAreaOcean($color, \@array);
my $svgText = "fill=\"$color\" ";
drawArea($svgText, "none", \@array, 0, "base");
sub pointInMap{ my($n)= shift;
my($sizeX, $sizeY)= getDimensions();
my($lonRef, $latRef)= getNodePointers();
# drawAreaOcean ($color, \@array) ;
my $svgText = "fill=\"$color\" " ;
drawArea($svgText, "none", \@array, 0, "base") ;
my($x, $y)= convert($$lonRef{$n}, $$latRef{$n});
my $ok = 0;
if(($x >= 0)and
($x <= $sizeX)and
($y >= 0)and
($y <= $sizeY)){ $ok = 1;
} return $ok;
sub pointInMap {
my ($n) = shift ;
my ($sizeX, $sizeY) = getDimensions() ;
my ($lonRef, $latRef) = getNodePointers() ;
my ($x, $y) = convert ($$lonRef{$n}, $$latRef{$n}) ;
my $ok = 0 ;
if (
( $x >= 0 ) and
( $x <= $sizeX ) and
( $y >= 0 ) and
( $y <= $sizeY ) ) {
$ok = 1 ;
return $ok ;
1 ;

View File

@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
# PERL mapweaver module by gary68
# Copyright(C)2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# Copyright (C) 2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or(at your option)any later version.
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
@ -13,30 +16,31 @@
package mwConfig;
package mwConfig ;
use strict;
use warnings;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use Getopt::Long;
use Getopt::Long ;
require Exporter;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader);
@ISA = qw ( Exporter AutoLoader ) ;
@EXPORT = qw(cv
@EXPORT = qw ( cv
) ;
my @initial =(["verbose",0, "print some more information(CLO)", "misc"],
["debug",0, "print debug information(CLO)", "misc"],
my @initial = ( ["verbose",0, "print some more information (CLO)", "misc"],
["debug",0, "print debug information (CLO)", "misc"],
["projection", "merc","Used projection", "map"],
["ellipsoid", "WGS84","Used ellipsoid", "map"],
@ -89,69 +93,69 @@ my @initial =(["verbose",0, "print some more information(CLO)", "misc"],
["elementFont","","DON'T USE", "map"],
["elementFontFamily","sans-serif","default font family for map elements like title, scale, grid etc.", "map"],
["in","map.osm","osm in file(CLO)", "job"],
["srtm","","srtm in file(CLO)", "job"],
["in","map.osm","osm in file (CLO)", "job"],
["srtm","","srtm in file (CLO)", "job"],
["overpass",0,"use overpass servers to get data(CLO)", "job"],
["near","","search only near this name(when using overpass)(CLO)", "job"],
["overpassdistance",50000,"overpass distance for near search(CLO)", "job"],
["overpassserver","","overpass server address(CLO)", "job"],
["overpass",0,"use overpass servers to get data (CLO)", "job"],
["near","","search only near this name (when using overpass) (CLO)", "job"],
["overpassdistance",50000,"overpass distance for near search (CLO)", "job"],
["overpassserver","","overpass server address (CLO)", "job"],
["gpx","","gpx file to overlay(CLO)", "map"],
["gpxColor","black","color for gpx objects(CLO)", "map"],
["gpxSize",10,"base size of gpx objects(CLO)", "map"],
["ini","mwconfig.ini","file with configuration values(CLO)", "misc"],
["out","mapweaver.svg","svg output name(CLO)", "job"],
["style","mwStandardRules.txt","file with render rules(CLO)", "job"],
["svgname","mapweaver.svg","output file name for svg graphics(CLO)", "job"],
["size",2200,"size in pixels x axis, 300dpi(CLO)", "map"],
["maxTargetSize","","sizes w,h in cm [21,29.7](CLO)", "map"],
["legend",0,"appearance and position of legend(CLO)", "map"],
["bgcolor","white","background color of map(CLO)", "map"],
["grid",0,"number of grid cells, 0 = no grid(CLO)", "map"],
["gridcolor","black","color of grid lines(CLO)", "map"],
["coords",0,"draw coordinate system(CLO)", "map"],
["coordsexp",-2,"size of grid cells, exp 10(CLO)", "map"],
["coordscolor","black","color of coordinates grid lines(CLO)", "map"],
["clip",0,"(CLO)", "job"],
["clipbbox","","(CLO)", "job"],
["pad",0,"(CLO)", "job"],
["ppc",6.5,"points per character(CLO)", "misc", "map"],
["pdf",0,"convert output to pdf(CLO)", "job"],
["png",0,"convert output to png(CLO)", "job"],
["pngdpi",115,"png resolution(CLO)", "job"],
["dir",0,"add directory(CLO)", "additional information"],
["dirprg","","program to create directory(CLO)", "additional information"],
["gpx","","gpx file to overlay (CLO)", "map"],
["gpxColor","black","color for gpx objects (CLO)", "map"],
["gpxSize",10,"base size of gpx objects (CLO)", "map"],
["ini","mwconfig.ini","file with configuration values (CLO)", "misc"],
["out","mapweaver.svg","svg output name (CLO)", "job"],
["style","mwStandardRules.txt","file with render rules (CLO)", "job"],
["svgname","mapweaver.svg","output file name for svg graphics (CLO)", "job"],
["size",2200,"size in pixels x axis, 300dpi (CLO)", "map"],
["maxTargetSize","","sizes w,h in cm [21,29.7] (CLO)", "map"],
["legend",0,"appearance and position of legend (CLO)", "map"],
["bgcolor","white","background color of map (CLO)", "map"],
["grid",0,"number of grid cells, 0 = no grid (CLO)", "map"],
["gridcolor","black","color of grid lines (CLO)", "map"],
["coords",0,"draw coordinate system (CLO)", "map"],
["coordsexp",-2,"size of grid cells, exp 10 (CLO)", "map"],
["coordscolor","black","color of coordinates grid lines (CLO)", "map"],
["clip",0," (CLO)", "job"],
["clipbbox",""," (CLO)", "job"],
["pad",0," (CLO)", "job"],
["ppc",6.5,"points per character (CLO)", "misc", "map"],
["pdf",0,"convert output to pdf (CLO)", "job"],
["png",0,"convert output to png (CLO)", "job"],
["pngdpi",115,"png resolution (CLO)", "job"],
["dir",0,"add directory (CLO)", "additional information"],
["dirprg","","program to create directory (CLO)", "additional information"],
["direxcludedefault", "no", "object default property for directory entries", "additional information"],
["poi",0,"add POI directory(CLO)", "additional information"],
["dirpdf",0,"create directory pdf(CLO)", "additional information"],
["dircolnum",2,"number of text columns for directory pdf(CLO)", "additional information"],
["dirtitle","Directory","title for directory(CLO)", "additional information"],
["tagstat",0,"print tag statistics(CLO)", "misc"],
["declutter",1,"(CLO)", "map"],
["allowIconMove",0,"(CLO)", "map"],
["forceNodes",0,"(CLO)", "map"],
["poi",0,"add POI directory (CLO)", "additional information"],
["dirpdf",0,"create directory pdf (CLO)", "additional information"],
["dircolnum",2,"number of text columns for directory pdf (CLO)", "additional information"],
["dirtitle","Directory","title for directory (CLO)", "additional information"],
["tagstat",0,"print tag statistics (CLO)", "misc"],
["declutter",1," (CLO)", "map"],
["allowIconMove",0," (CLO)", "map"],
["forceNodes",0," (CLO)", "map"],
["lineDist",10,"distance between text lines in pixels", "map"],
["maxCharPerLine",20,"maximum characters per line in node label", "map"],
["help",0,"prints help texts(CLO)", "misc"],
["oneways",0,"add oneway arrows(CLO)", "map"],
["onewayColor","white","color of oneway arrows(CLO)", "map"],
["onewaySize",20,"size of oneway arrows(CLO)", "map"],
["help",0,"prints help texts (CLO)", "misc"],
["oneways",0,"add oneway arrows (CLO)", "map"],
["onewayColor","white","color of oneway arrows (CLO)", "map"],
["onewaySize",20,"size of oneway arrows (CLO)", "map"],
["onewayAutoSize",0,"auto size oneway arrows accordind way size; factor 0..100; 0=NOT AUTO; else percent of way size(CLO)", "map"],
["autobridge",1,"automatically draw bridges and tunnels(CLO)", "map"],
["autobridge",1,"automatically draw bridges and tunnels (CLO)", "map"],
["noLabel",0,"", "map"],
["place","","search for place name in osm file and create map(CLO)", "job"],
["placefile","","name of file containing only place information(CLO)", "job"],
["lonrad",2,"radius lon in km for place map(CLO)", "job"],
["latrad",2,"radius lat in km for place map(CLO)", "job"],
["ruler",0,"draw ruler; positions 1..4(CLO)", "map"],
["rulercolor","black","color of ruler(CLO)", "map"],
["rulerbackground","none","background of ruler, none=transparent(CLO)", "map"],
["scale",0,"draw scale; positions 1..4(CLO)", "map"],
["scalecolor","black","color of scale(CLO)", "map"],
["scalebackground","none","color of scale background; none=transparent(CLO)", "map"],
["scaleset",0,"set scale of map(i.e. 10000)(CLO)", "map"],
["rulescaleset",0,"set assumed scale for rules(CLO)", "map"],
["place","","search for place name in osm file and create map (CLO)", "job"],
["placefile","","name of file containing only place information (CLO)", "job"],
["lonrad",2,"radius lon in km for place map (CLO)", "job"],
["latrad",2,"radius lat in km for place map (CLO)", "job"],
["ruler",0,"draw ruler; positions 1..4 (CLO)", "map"],
["rulercolor","black","color of ruler (CLO)", "map"],
["rulerbackground","none","background of ruler, none=transparent (CLO)", "map"],
["scale",0,"draw scale; positions 1..4 (CLO)", "map"],
["scalecolor","black","color of scale (CLO)", "map"],
["scalebackground","none","color of scale background; none=transparent (CLO)", "map"],
["scaleset",0,"set scale of map (i.e. 10000) (CLO)", "map"],
["rulescaleset",0,"set assumed scale for rules (CLO)", "map"],
["routelabelcolor","black","", "routes"],
["routelabelsize",20,"", "routes"],
["routelabelfontfamily","sans-serif","font-family for route labels", "routes"],
@ -160,86 +164,136 @@ my @initial =(["verbose",0, "print some more information(CLO)", "misc"],
["routeicondist",70,"", "routes"],
["routeiconscale",1,"", "routes"],
["routeicondir","./routeicons","", "routes"],
["poifile","","name of external POI file(CLO)", "job"],
["relid",0,"relation ID for hikingbook(CLO)", "misc"],
["rectangles","","draw rectangles for hikingbook(CLO)", "misc"],
["pagenumbers","","add page numbers to map(CLO)", "misc"],
["ra",0,"relation analyzer mode(CLO)", "misc"],
["multionly",0,"draw only multipolygons(CLO)", "misc"],
["test",0,"test feature(CLO)", "misc"],
["foot","mapweaver by gary68 - data by","text for footer(CLO)", "map"],
["footcolor","black","color for footer(CLO)", "map"],
["footbackground","none","background color for footer(CLO)", "map"],
["footsize",40,"font size for footer(CLO)", "map"],
["head","","text for header(CLO)", "map"],
["headcolor","black","color for header(CLO)", "map"],
["headbackground","none","background color for header(CLO)", "map"],
["headsize",40,"font size for header(CLO)", "map"],
["poifile","","name of external POI file (CLO)", "job"],
["relid",0,"relation ID for hikingbook (CLO)", "misc"],
["rectangles","","draw rectangles for hikingbook (CLO)", "misc"],
["pagenumbers","","add page numbers to map (CLO)", "misc"],
["ra",0,"relation analyzer mode (CLO)", "misc"],
["multionly",0,"draw only multipolygons (CLO)", "misc"],
["test",0,"test feature (CLO)", "misc"],
["foot","mapweaver by gary68 - data by","text for footer (CLO)", "map"],
["footcolor","black","color for footer (CLO)", "map"],
["footbackground","none","background color for footer (CLO)", "map"],
["footsize",40,"font size for footer (CLO)", "map"],
["head","","text for header (CLO)", "map"],
["headcolor","black","color for header (CLO)", "map"],
["headbackground","none","background color for header (CLO)", "map"],
["headsize",40,"font size for header (CLO)", "map"],
["wns",0,"substitute unfitting way names by numbers; 0..4 1..4=positions in map; 5=file(CLO)", "map"],
["wns",0,"substitute unfitting way names by numbers; 0..4 1..4=positions in map; 5=file (CLO)", "map"],
["wnssize",20,"size of labels in wns legend", "map"],
["wnscolor","black","color of labels in wns legend", "map"],
["wnsbgcolor","white","color of background of wns legend", "map"],
["wnsunique",0,"wns will label each way only once(CLO)", "map"],
["wnsunique",0,"wns will label each way only once (CLO)", "map"],
["minAreaSize",400,"min size of area to be drawn on map", "map"],
["minAreaLabelSize",10000,"min size of area to be labeled on map", "map"],
["oceanColor","lightblue","color of ocean(CLO)", "map"],
["cIE",0,"osmosis clipIncompleteEntities instead of completeObjects(CLP)", "map"]
["oceanColor","lightblue","color of ocean (CLO)", "map"],
["cIE",0,"osmosis clipIncompleteEntities instead of completeObjects (CLP)", "map"]
) ;
my %cv =();
my %explanation =();
my %cv = () ;
my %explanation = () ;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub initConfig{ # set initial values according to program internal values from array @initial
foreach my $kv(@initial){ $cv{lc($kv->[0])}= $kv->[1];
$explanation{lc($kv->[0])}= $kv->[2];
sub initConfig {
sub setConfigValue{ # allows any module to change a certain k/v pair
my($k, $v)= @_;
# set initial values according to program internal values from array @initial
$k = lc($k);
$cv{$k}= $v;
if($cv{"verbose"}> 1){print "config key $k. value changed to $v\n";}}
sub cv{ # access a value by key
my $k = shift;
$k = lc($k);
if(! defined $cv{$k}){print "WARNING: requested config key $k not defined!\n";} return($cv{$k});
foreach my $kv (@initial) {
$cv{ lc( $kv->[0] ) } = $kv->[1] ;
$explanation{ lc( $kv->[0] ) } = $kv->[2] ;
sub printConfig{ # print actual config to stdout
print "\nActual configuration\n";
my %cats =();
foreach my $e(@initial){ $cats{$e->[3]}= 1;
sub setConfigValue {
# allows any module to change a certain k/v pair
my ($k, $v) = @_ ;
$k = lc ( $k ) ;
$cv{$k} = $v ;
if ($cv{"verbose"} > 1) { print "config key $k. value changed to $v\n" ; }
foreach my $cat(sort keys %cats){ my @entries =();
foreach my $e(@initial){ if($e->[3] eq $cat){ push @entries, $e->[0];
} } print "\nCATEGORY $cat\n";
print "--------\n";
foreach my $e(sort{$a cmp $b}@entries){ printf "%-30s %-30s\n", $e, cv($e);
}} print "\n";
sub cv {
# access a value by key
my $k = shift ;
$k = lc ( $k ) ;
if ( ! defined $cv{ $k } ) { print "WARNING: requested config key $k not defined!\n" ; }
return ( $cv{ $k } ) ;
sub readConfigFile{ # read ini file; initial k/v pairs might be changed
my $fileName = shift;
my $lc = 0;
sub printConfig {
# print actual config to stdout
print "\nActual configuration\n" ;
my %cats = () ;
foreach my $e (@initial) {
$cats{ $e->[3] } = 1 ;
foreach my $cat (sort keys %cats) {
my @entries = () ;
foreach my $e (@initial) {
if ($e->[3] eq $cat) {
push @entries, $e->[0] ;
print "\nCATEGORY $cat\n" ;
print "--------\n" ;
foreach my $e ( sort { $a cmp $b } @entries ) {
printf "%-30s %-30s\n", $e, cv($e) ;
print "\n" ;
sub readConfigFile {
# read ini file; initial k/v pairs might be changed
my $fileName = shift ;
my $lc = 0 ;
print "reading config file $fileName\n";
print "reading config file $fileName\n" ;
open(my $file, "<", $fileName)or die("ERROR: could not open ini file $fileName\n");
my $line = "";
while($line = <$file>){ $lc++;
unless(grep(/^#/, $line)){ my($k, $v)=($line =~ /(.+?)=(.*)/);
if((! defined $k)or(! defined $v)){ print "WARNING: could not parse config line: $line";
} else{ $k = lc($k);
$cv{$k}= $v;
} }} close $file;
print "$lc lines read.\n\n";
}sub getProgramOptions{my $optResult = GetOptions("in=s" => \$cv{'in'}, # the in file, mandatory
open (my $file, "<", $fileName) or die ("ERROR: could not open ini file $fileName\n") ;
my $line = "" ;
while ($line = <$file>) {
$lc ++ ;
if ( ! grep /^#/, $line) {
my ($k, $v) = ( $line =~ /(.+?)=(.*)/ ) ;
if ( ( ! defined $k ) or ( ! defined $v ) ) {
print "WARNING: could not parse config line: $line" ;
else {
$k = lc ( $k ) ;
$cv{ $k } = $v ;
close ($file) ;
print "$lc lines read.\n\n" ;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub getProgramOptions {
my $optResult = GetOptions ( "in=s" => \$cv{'in'}, # the in file, mandatory
"overpass" => \$cv{'overpass'},
"near:s" => \$cv{'near'},
"overpassdistance:i" => \$cv{'overpassdistance'},
@ -323,15 +377,28 @@ sub readConfigFile{ # read ini file; initial k/v pairs might be changed
"debug" => \$cv{'debug'}, # turns debug messages on
"cie" => \$cv{'cie'}, # turns debug messages on
"verbose" => \$cv{'verbose'}, # turns twitter on
"test" => \$cv{'test'}); # test
sub printConfigDescriptions{ my @texts = @initial;
@texts = sort{$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]}@texts;
"test" => \$cv{'test'} ) ; # test
sub printConfigDescriptions {
my @texts = @initial ;
@texts = sort {$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]} @texts ;
print "\nconfig value descriptions\n\n" ;
printf "%-25s %-50s %-20s\n" , "key" , "description", "default" ;
foreach my $t (@texts) {
my $def = $t->[1] ;
if ($def eq "") { $def = "<EMPTY>" ; }
printf "%-25s %-50s %-20s\n" , $t->[0] , $t->[2], $def ;
print "\n" ;
1 ;
print "\nconfig value descriptions\n\n";
printf "%-25s %-50s %-20s\n" , "key" , "description", "default";
foreach my $t(@texts){ my $def = $t->[1];
$def = "<EMPTY>" unless $def;
printf "%-25s %-50s %-20s\n" , $t->[0] , $t->[2], $def;
} print "\n";

View File

@ -1,119 +1,119 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use OSM::osm 8.3;
use OSM::osm 8.3 ;
my $version = "1.00";
my $version = "1.00" ;
my $streetFileName;
my $poiFileName;
my $pdfFileName;
my $texFileName;
my $titleText;
my $numColumns;
my $streetFileName ;
my $poiFileName ;
my $pdfFileName ;
my $texFileName ;
my $titleText ;
my $numColumns ;
my $streetFile;
my $poiFile;
my $texFile;
my $streetFile ;
my $poiFile ;
my $texFile ;
($streetFileName, $poiFileName, $titleText, $pdfFileName, $numColumns)= @ARGV;
($streetFileName, $poiFileName, $titleText, $pdfFileName, $numColumns) = @ARGV ;
print " $streetFileName, $poiFileName, $titleText, $pdfFileName, $numColumns\n";
print " $streetFileName, $poiFileName, $titleText, $pdfFileName, $numColumns\n" ;
$texFileName = $pdfFileName;
$texFileName =~ s/.pdf/.tex/;
$texFileName = $pdfFileName ;
$texFileName =~ s/.pdf/.tex/ ;
open($texFile, ">", $texFileName)or die("can't open tex output file");
print $texFile "\\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{book}\n";
print $texFile "\\usepackage{multicol}\n";
print $texFile "\\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\n";
print $texFile "\\usepackage[top=2.5cm,bottom=2cm,left=3cm,right=2cm]{geometry}\n";
print $texFile "\\columnsep7mm\n";
print $texFile "\\begin{document}\n";
print $texFile "\\section*{$titleText}\n";
print $texFile "\n";
open ($texFile, ">", $texFileName) or die ("can't open tex output file") ;
print $texFile "\\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{book}\n" ;
print $texFile "\\usepackage{multicol}\n" ;
print $texFile "\\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\n" ;
print $texFile "\\usepackage[top=2.5cm,bottom=2cm,left=3cm,right=2cm]{geometry}\n" ;
print $texFile "\\columnsep7mm\n" ;
print $texFile "\\begin{document}\n" ;
print $texFile "\\section*{$titleText}\n" ;
print $texFile "\n" ;
print $texFile "\\tiny\n";
print $texFile "Data CC-BY-SA\n";
print $texFile "\\normalsize\n\n";
print $texFile "\\tiny\n" ;
print $texFile "Data CC-BY-SA\n" ;
print $texFile "\\normalsize\n\n" ;
# streets
if($streetFileName ne "none"){
my $result = open($streetFile, "<", $streetFileName);
my $line;
print $texFile "\\begin{multicols}{$numColumns}[\\subsubsection*{Streets}]\n";
print $texFile "\\tiny\n";
while($line = <$streetFile>){
$line = convertToLatex($line);
my(@entry)= split /\t/, $line;
print $texFile $entry[0];
print $texFile " \\dotfill ";
print $texFile $entry[1], " \\\\\n";
print $texFile "\\normalsize\n";
print $texFile "\\end{multicols}\n";
print "WARNING: street file $streetFile could not be opened.";
if ($streetFileName ne "none") {
my $result = open ($streetFile, "<", $streetFileName) ;
if ($result) {
my $line ;
print $texFile "\\begin{multicols}{$numColumns}[\\subsubsection*{Streets}]\n" ;
print $texFile "\\tiny\n" ;
while ($line = <$streetFile>) {
$line = convertToLatex ($line) ;
my (@entry) = split /\t/, $line ;
print $texFile $entry[0] ;
print $texFile " \\dotfill " ;
print $texFile $entry[1], " \\\\\n" ;
close ($streetFile) ;
print $texFile "\\normalsize\n" ;
print $texFile "\\end{multicols}\n" ;
else {
print "WARNING: street file $streetFile could not be opened." ;
# POIs
if($poiFileName ne "none"){
my $result = open($poiFile, "<", $poiFileName);
my $line;
print $texFile "\\begin{multicols}{$numColumns}[\\subsubsection*{Points of interest}]\n";
print $texFile "\\tiny\n";
while($line = <$poiFile>){
$line = convertToLatex($line);
my @entry = split /\t/, $line;
print $texFile $entry[0];
print $texFile " \\dotfill ";
print $texFile $entry[1], "\\\\\n";
print $texFile "\\normalsize\n";
print $texFile "\\end{multicols}\n";
print "WARNING: POI file $poiFile could not be opened.";
if ($poiFileName ne "none") {
my $result = open ($poiFile, "<", $poiFileName) ;
if ($result) {
my $line ;
print $texFile "\\begin{multicols}{$numColumns}[\\subsubsection*{Points of interest}]\n" ;
print $texFile "\\tiny\n" ;
while ($line = <$poiFile>) {
$line = convertToLatex ($line) ;
my @entry = split /\t/, $line ;
print $texFile $entry[0] ;
print $texFile " \\dotfill " ;
print $texFile $entry[1], "\\\\\n" ;
close ($poiFile) ;
print $texFile "\\normalsize\n" ;
print $texFile "\\end{multicols}\n" ;
else {
print "WARNING: POI file $poiFile could not be opened." ;
print $texFile "\\end{document}\n";
print "directory tex file created.\n";
print $texFile "\\end{document}\n" ;
close ($texFile) ;
print "directory tex file created.\n" ;
my $dviFileName = $pdfFileName;
$dviFileName =~ s/.pdf/.dvi/;
my $psFileName = $pdfFileName;
$psFileName =~ s/.pdf/.ps/;
my $dviFileName = $pdfFileName ;
$dviFileName =~ s/.pdf/.dvi/ ;
my $psFileName = $pdfFileName ;
$psFileName =~ s/.pdf/.ps/ ;
`latex $texFileName`;
print "directory dvi file created.\n";
`dvips -D600 $dviFileName -o`;
print "directory ps file created.\n";
`ps2pdf $psFileName $pdfFileName`;
print "directory pdf file created.\n";
`rm *.dvi`;
`rm *.tex`;
`rm *.ps`;
`rm *.aux`;
`rm *.log`;
print "directory FINISHED.\n";
`latex $texFileName` ;
print "directory dvi file created.\n" ;
`dvips -D600 $dviFileName -o` ;
print "directory ps file created.\n" ;
`ps2pdf $psFileName $pdfFileName` ;
print "directory pdf file created.\n" ;
`rm *.dvi` ;
`rm *.tex` ;
`rm *.ps` ;
`rm *.aux` ;
`rm *.log` ;
print "directory FINISHED.\n" ;

View File

@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
# Copyright(C)2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# Copyright (C) 2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or(at your option)any later version.
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
@ -16,305 +16,419 @@
package mwFile;
package mwFile ;
use strict;
use warnings;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use mwConfig;
use mwMap;
use mwLabel;
use mwConfig ;
use mwMap ;
use mwLabel ;
use LWP::Simple ;
use LWP::Simple;
use OSM::osm;
use OSM::osm ;
require Exporter;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader);
@ISA = qw ( Exporter AutoLoader ) ;
@EXPORT = qw(readFile
@EXPORT = qw ( readFile
) ;
my %lon;
my %lat;
my %lon ;
my %lat ;
my %memNodeTags ;
my %memNodeTags;
my %memWayNodes;
my %memWayTags;
my %memRelationMembers;
my %memRelationTags;
my %memWayNodes ;
my %memWayTags ;
my $overpassSource0 = "interpreter?data=node%5B%22name%22%3D%22NAME%22%5D%3Bout%20body%3B%0A";
my $overpassSource1 = "interpreter?data=node%5B%22name%22%3D%22NEAR%22%5D%3Bnode%28around%3ADIST%29%5B%22name%22%3D%22NAME%22%5D%3Bout%3B";
my $overpassSource3 = "interpreter?data=%28node%28BOTTOM%2CLEFT%2CTOP%2CRIGHT%29%3B%3C%3B%3E%3B%29%3Bout%20meta%3B";
my %memRelationMembers ;
my %memRelationTags ;
my $overpassSource0 = "interpreter?data=node%5B%22name%22%3D%22NAME%22%5D%3Bout%20body%3B%0A" ;
my $overpassSource1 = "interpreter?data=node%5B%22name%22%3D%22NEAR%22%5D%3Bnode%28around%3ADIST%29%5B%22name%22%3D%22NAME%22%5D%3Bout%3B" ;
my $overpassSource3 = "interpreter?data=%28node%28BOTTOM%2CLEFT%2CTOP%2CRIGHT%29%3B%3C%3B%3E%3B%29%3Bout%20meta%3B" ;
sub readFile{
my($nodeId, $nodeLon, $nodeLat, $nodeUser, $aRef1, @nodeTags);
my($wayId, $wayUser, $aRef2, @wayTags, @wayNodes);
my($relationId, $relationUser, @relationTags, @relationMembers);
my %invalidWays;
sub readFile {
my ($nodeId, $nodeLon, $nodeLat, $nodeUser, $aRef1, @nodeTags) ;
my ($wayId, $wayUser, $aRef2, @wayTags, @wayNodes) ;
my ($relationId, $relationUser, @relationTags, @relationMembers) ;
my %invalidWays ;
my $osmName;
if(defined cv('in')){$osmName = cv('in');}
my $osmName ;
if (defined cv('in')) { $osmName = cv('in') ; }
my $clipbbox = "";
if(defined cv('clipbbox')){$clipbbox = cv('clipbbox');}
if(cv('overpass')eq "1"){ if(cv('place')eq ""){die("ERROR: option place not specified.\n");}
my $overpassNear = cv('near');
my $overpassDistance = cv('overpassdistance');
my $overpassName = cv('place');
my $overpassUrl1 = cv('overpassserver'). $overpassSource1;
if(cv('near')eq ""){ $overpassUrl1 = cv('overpassserver'). $overpassSource0;
$overpassUrl1 =~ s/NEAR/$overpassNear/;
$overpassUrl1 =~ s/DIST/$overpassDistance/;
$overpassUrl1 =~ s/NAME/$overpassName/;
my $clipbbox = "" ;
if (defined cv('clipbbox')) { $clipbbox = cv('clipbbox') ; }
if ( cv('overpass') eq "1" ) {
if ( cv('place') eq "" ) { die ("ERROR: option place not specified.\n") ; }
my $overpassNear = cv('near') ;
my $overpassDistance = cv('overpassdistance') ;
my $overpassName = cv('place') ;
my $overpassUrl1 = cv('overpassserver') . $overpassSource1 ;
if ( cv('near') eq "" ) {
$overpassUrl1 = cv('overpassserver') . $overpassSource0 ;
$overpassUrl1 =~ s/NEAR/$overpassNear/ ;
$overpassUrl1 =~ s/DIST/$overpassDistance/ ;
$overpassUrl1 =~ s/NAME/$overpassName/ ;
if ( cv('debug') eq "1" ) { print "Overpass Query1: $overpassUrl1 ...\n" ; }
print "Send Query 1 to overpass server..\n" ;
my $result1 = get ( $overpassUrl1 ) ;
if ( ! defined $result1 ) { die ("ERROR: bad overpass result!\n") ; }
if ( cv('debug') eq "1" ) { print "\n$result1\n\n" ; }
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "Overpass Query1: $overpassUrl1 ...\n";} print "Send Query 1 to overpass server..\n";
my $result1 = get($overpassUrl1);
if(! defined $result1){die("ERROR: bad overpass result!\n");}
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "\n$result1\n\n";}
# get lon, lat
my($placeLon)=($result1 =~ /lon=\"([\d\.\-]+)/);
my($placeLat)=($result1 =~ /lat=\"([\d\.\-]+)/);
my ($placeLon) = ( $result1 =~ /lon=\"([\d\.\-]+)/ ) ;
my ($placeLat) = ( $result1 =~ /lat=\"([\d\.\-]+)/ ) ;
if((! defined $placeLon)or(! defined $placeLat)){die("ERROR: lon/lat could not be obtained from 1st overpass result.\n");}
print "place $overpassName found:\n";
print "lon= $placeLon\n";
print "lat= $placeLat\n";
if ((! defined $placeLon) or (! defined $placeLat)) { die ("ERROR: lon/lat could not be obtained from 1st overpass result.\n") ; }
print "place $overpassName found:\n" ;
print "lon= $placeLon\n" ;
print "lat= $placeLat\n" ;
# calc bbox
my $overLeft = $placeLon - cv('lonrad')/(111.11 * cos($placeLat / 360 * 3.14 * 2));
my $overRight = $placeLon + cv('lonrad')/(111.11 * cos($placeLat / 360 * 3.14 * 2));
my $overTop = $placeLat + cv('latrad')/111.11;
my $overBottom = $placeLat - cv('latrad')/111.11;
my $overLeft = $placeLon - cv('lonrad')/(111.11 * cos ( $placeLat / 360 * 3.14 * 2 ) ) ;
my $overRight = $placeLon + cv('lonrad')/(111.11 * cos ( $placeLat / 360 * 3.14 * 2 ) ) ;
my $overTop = $placeLat + cv('latrad')/111.11 ;
my $overBottom = $placeLat - cv('latrad')/111.11 ;
my $overpassUrl2 = cv('overpassserver'). $overpassSource3;
$overpassUrl2 =~ s/LEFT/$overLeft/;
$overpassUrl2 =~ s/RIGHT/$overRight/;
$overpassUrl2 =~ s/TOP/$overTop/;
$overpassUrl2 =~ s/BOTTOM/$overBottom/;
my $overpassUrl2 = cv('overpassserver') . $overpassSource3 ;
$overpassUrl2 =~ s/LEFT/$overLeft/ ;
$overpassUrl2 =~ s/RIGHT/$overRight/ ;
$overpassUrl2 =~ s/TOP/$overTop/ ;
$overpassUrl2 =~ s/BOTTOM/$overBottom/ ;
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "Overpass Query2: $overpassUrl2\n";} print "Send Query 2 to overpass server..\n";
my $result2 = get($overpassUrl2);
if(! defined $result2){die("ERROR: bad overpass result!\n");}
if ( cv('debug') eq "1" ) { print "Overpass Query2: $overpassUrl2\n" ; }
print "Send Query 2 to overpass server..\n" ;
my $result2 = get ( $overpassUrl2 ) ;
if ( ! defined $result2 ) { die ("ERROR: bad overpass result!\n") ; }
# save
my $opFileName = "overpass.osm";
open(my $overFile, ">", $opFileName);
binmode($overFile, ":utf8");
print $overFile $result2;
my $opFileName = "overpass.osm" ;
open (my $overFile, ">", $opFileName) ;
binmode($overFile, ":utf8") ;
print $overFile $result2 ;
close ( $overFile ) ;
setConfigValue('in', $opFileName);
$osmName = $opFileName;
# setConfigValue('place', '');
setConfigValue ('in', $opFileName) ;
$osmName = $opFileName ;
# setConfigValue ('place', '') ;
$clipbbox = "$overLeft,$overBottom,$overRight,$overTop";
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "clipbox: $clipbbox\n";}}
if(grep /\.pbf/, $osmName){ my $newName = $osmName;
$newName =~ s/\.pbf/\.osm/i;
$clipbbox = "$overLeft,$overBottom,$overRight,$overTop" ;
if ( cv('debug') eq "1" ) { print "clipbox: $clipbbox\n" ; }
if ( grep /\.pbf/, $osmName ) {
my $newName = $osmName ;
$newName =~ s/\.pbf/\.osm/i ;
# osmosis
print "call osmosis to convert pbf file to osm file.\n";
`osmosis --read-pbf $osmName --write-xml $newName`;
print "call osmosis to convert pbf file to osm file.\n" ;
`osmosis --read-pbf $osmName --write-xml $newName` ;
# change config
$osmName = $newName;
setConfigValue("in", $newName);
$osmName = $newName ;
setConfigValue ("in", $newName) ;
# -place given? look for place and call osmosis
my $left;
my $right;
my $top;
my $bottom;
my $left ;
my $right ;
my $top ;
my $bottom ;
my $placeFound = 0; my $placeLon; my $placeLat;
if((cv('place')ne "")and(cv('overpass')ne "1")){ my($placeId)=(cv('place')=~ /([\d]+)/);
if(!defined $placeId){$placeId = -999999999;} print "looking for place...\n";
my $placeFound = 0 ; my $placeLon ; my $placeLat ;
if ( ( cv('place') ne "") and (cv('overpass') ne "1" ) ) {
my ($placeId) = ( cv('place') =~ /([\d]+)/);
if (!defined $placeId) { $placeId = -999999999 ; }
print "looking for place...\n" ;
my $placeFileName = "";
if(cv('placeFile')ne ""){
$placeFileName = cv('placeFile');
} else{ $placeFileName = cv('in');
($nodeId, $nodeLon, $nodeLat, $nodeUser, $aRef1)= getNode2();
if($nodeId != -1){ @nodeTags = @$aRef1;
} my $place = cv('place');
while(($nodeId != -1)and($placeFound == 0)){ my $placeNode = 0; my $placeName = 0;
foreach my $tag(@nodeTags){ if($tag->[0] eq "place"){$placeNode = 1;} if(($tag->[0] eq "name")and(grep /$place/i, $tag->[1])){$placeName = 1;} } if((($placeNode == 1)and($placeName == 1))or($placeId == $nodeId)){ $placeFound = 1;
$placeLon = $nodeLon;
$placeLat = $nodeLat;
} ($nodeId, $nodeLon, $nodeLat, $nodeUser, $aRef1)= getNode2();
if($nodeId != -1){ @nodeTags = @$aRef1;
} }
if($placeFound == 1){ print "place $place found at ";
print "lon: $placeLon ";
print "lat: $placeLat\n";
$left = $placeLon - cv('lonrad')/(111.11 * cos($placeLat / 360 * 3.14 * 2));
$right = $placeLon + cv('lonrad')/(111.11 * cos($placeLat / 360 * 3.14 * 2));
$top = $placeLat + cv('latrad')/111.11;
$bottom = $placeLat - cv('latrad')/111.11;
print "call osmosis...\n";
if(cv('cie')eq "0"){ print "OSMOSIS STRING: --bounding-box completeWays=yes completeRelations=yes bottom=$bottom top=$top left=$left right=$right\n";
`osmosis --read-xml $osmName --bounding-box completeWays=yes completeRelations=yes bottom=$bottom top=$top left=$left right=$right --write-xml ./temp.osm`;
} else{ print "OSMOSIS STRING: --bounding-box clipIncompleteEntities=yes bottom=$bottom top=$top left=$left right=$right\n";
`osmosis --read-xml $osmName --bounding-box clipIncompleteEntities=yes bottom=$bottom top=$top left=$left right=$right --write-xml ./temp.osm`;
my $placeFileName = "" ;
if ( cv('placeFile') ne "" ) {
$placeFileName = cv('placeFile') ;
else {
$placeFileName = cv('in') ;
print "osmosis done.\n";
$osmName = "./temp.osm";
$clipbbox = "$left,$bottom,$right,$top";
} else{ print "ERROR: place $place not found.\n";
openOsmFile ($placeFileName) ;
($nodeId, $nodeLon, $nodeLat, $nodeUser, $aRef1) = getNode2 () ;
if ($nodeId != -1) {
@nodeTags = @$aRef1 ;
my $place = cv ('place') ;
while ( ($nodeId != -1) and ($placeFound == 0) ) {
my $placeNode = 0 ; my $placeName = 0 ;
foreach my $tag ( @nodeTags ) {
if ($tag->[0] eq "place") { $placeNode = 1 ; }
if ( ($tag->[0] eq "name") and (grep /$place/i, $tag->[1]) ){ $placeName = 1 ; }
if ( (($placeNode == 1) and ($placeName == 1)) or ($placeId == $nodeId) ) {
$placeFound = 1 ;
$placeLon = $nodeLon ;
$placeLat = $nodeLat ;
($nodeId, $nodeLon, $nodeLat, $nodeUser, $aRef1) = getNode2 () ;
if ($nodeId != -1) {
@nodeTags = @$aRef1 ;
my $srtmFileName = cv('srtm');
if($srtmFileName ne ""){
my $cmdX = "osmosis --read-xml $osmName --rx file=\"$srtmFileName\" --bounding-box completeWays=yes completeRelations=yes bottom=$bottom top=$top left=$left right=$right --merge --write-xml file=\"./temp2.osm\"";
my $cmdP = "osmosis --read-xml $osmName --read-pbf file=\"$srtmFileName\" --bounding-box completeWays=yes completeRelations=yes bottom=$bottom top=$top left=$left right=$right --merge --write-xml file=\"./temp2.osm\"";
closeOsmFile() ;
my $cmd = "";
if(grep /\.pbf/, $srtmFileName){ $cmd = $cmdP;
} else{ $cmd = $cmdX;
if ($placeFound == 1) {
print "place $place found at " ;
print "lon: $placeLon " ;
print "lat: $placeLat\n" ;
$left = $placeLon - cv('lonrad')/(111.11 * cos ( $placeLat / 360 * 3.14 * 2 ) ) ;
$right = $placeLon + cv('lonrad')/(111.11 * cos ( $placeLat / 360 * 3.14 * 2 ) ) ;
$top = $placeLat + cv('latrad')/111.11 ;
$bottom = $placeLat - cv('latrad')/111.11 ;
print "call osmosis...\n" ;
if ( cv('cie') eq "0" ) {
print "OSMOSIS STRING: --bounding-box completeWays=yes completeRelations=yes bottom=$bottom top=$top left=$left right=$right\n" ;
`osmosis --read-xml $osmName --bounding-box completeWays=yes completeRelations=yes bottom=$bottom top=$top left=$left right=$right --write-xml ./temp.osm` ;
else {
print "OSMOSIS STRING: --bounding-box clipIncompleteEntities=yes bottom=$bottom top=$top left=$left right=$right\n" ;
`osmosis --read-xml $osmName --bounding-box clipIncompleteEntities=yes bottom=$bottom top=$top left=$left right=$right --write-xml ./temp.osm` ;
print "osmosis done.\n" ;
$osmName = "./temp.osm" ;
$clipbbox = "$left,$bottom,$right,$top" ;
else {
print "ERROR: place $place not found.\n" ;
die() ;
print "call osmosis to merge SRTM data...\n$cmd\n";
$osmName = "temp2.osm";
my $srtmFileName = cv('srtm') ;
if ( $srtmFileName ne "" ) {
my $cmdX = "osmosis --read-xml $osmName --rx file=\"$srtmFileName\" --bounding-box completeWays=yes completeRelations=yes bottom=$bottom top=$top left=$left right=$right --merge --write-xml file=\"./temp2.osm\"" ;
my $cmdP = "osmosis --read-xml $osmName --read-pbf file=\"$srtmFileName\" --bounding-box completeWays=yes completeRelations=yes bottom=$bottom top=$top left=$left right=$right --merge --write-xml file=\"./temp2.osm\"" ;
my $cmd = "" ;
if (grep /\.pbf/, $srtmFileName) {
$cmd = $cmdP ;
else {
$cmd = $cmdX ;
print "call osmosis to merge SRTM data...\n$cmd\n" ;
`$cmd` ;
$osmName = "temp2.osm" ;
my $nr = 0; my $wr = 0; my $rr = 0;
print "reading osm file...\n";
my $nr = 0 ; my $wr = 0 ; my $rr = 0 ;
print "reading osm file...\n" ;
($nodeId, $nodeLon, $nodeLat, $nodeUser, $aRef1)= getNode2();
if($nodeId != -1){ @nodeTags = @$aRef1;
} while($nodeId != -1){ $nr++;
$lon{$nodeId}= $nodeLon; $lat{$nodeId}= $nodeLat;
@{$memNodeTags{$nodeId}}= @nodeTags;
openOsmFile ($osmName) ;
($nodeId, $nodeLon, $nodeLat, $nodeUser, $aRef1) = getNode2 () ;
if ($nodeId != -1) {
@nodeTags = @$aRef1 ;
while ($nodeId != -1) {
$nr++ ;
$lon{$nodeId} = $nodeLon ; $lat{$nodeId} = $nodeLat ;
@{$memNodeTags{$nodeId}} = @nodeTags ;
($nodeId, $nodeLon, $nodeLat, $nodeUser, $aRef1)= getNode2();
if($nodeId != -1){ @nodeTags = @$aRef1;
($wayId, $wayUser, $aRef1, $aRef2)= getWay2();
if($wayId != -1){ @wayNodes = @$aRef1;
@wayTags = @$aRef2;
} while($wayId != -1){ $wr++;
if(scalar(@wayNodes)> 1){ @{$memWayTags{$wayId}}= @wayTags;
@{$memWayNodes{$wayId}}= @wayNodes;
foreach my $node(@wayNodes){ if(!defined $lon{$node}){ print " ERROR: way $wayId references node $node, which is not present!\n";
} } } else{ $invalidWays{$wayId}= 1;
($wayId, $wayUser, $aRef1, $aRef2)= getWay2();
if($wayId != -1){ @wayNodes = @$aRef1;
@wayTags = @$aRef2;
($nodeId, $nodeLon, $nodeLat, $nodeUser, $aRef1) = getNode2 () ;
if ($nodeId != -1) {
@nodeTags = @$aRef1 ;
($relationId, $relationUser, $aRef1, $aRef2)= getRelation();
if($relationId != -1){ @relationMembers = @$aRef1;
@relationTags = @$aRef2;
while($relationId != -1){ $rr++;
@{$memRelationTags{$relationId}}= @relationTags;
@{$memRelationMembers{$relationId}}= @relationMembers;
($wayId, $wayUser, $aRef1, $aRef2) = getWay2 () ;
if ($wayId != -1) {
@wayNodes = @$aRef1 ;
@wayTags = @$aRef2 ;
while ($wayId != -1) {
$wr++ ;
if (scalar (@wayNodes) > 1) {
@{$memWayTags{$wayId}} = @wayTags ;
@{$memWayNodes{$wayId}} = @wayNodes ;
foreach my $node (@wayNodes) {
if (!defined $lon{$node}) {
print " ERROR: way $wayId references node $node, which is not present!\n" ;
else {
$invalidWays{$wayId} = 1 ;
($wayId, $wayUser, $aRef1, $aRef2) = getWay2 () ;
if ($wayId != -1) {
@wayNodes = @$aRef1 ;
@wayTags = @$aRef2 ;
($relationId, $relationUser, $aRef1, $aRef2) = getRelation () ;
if ($relationId != -1) {
@relationMembers = @$aRef1 ;
@relationTags = @$aRef2 ;
while ($relationId != -1) {
$rr++ ;
@{$memRelationTags{$relationId}} = @relationTags ;
@{$memRelationMembers{$relationId}} = @relationMembers ;
foreach my $member (@relationMembers) {
if ( ($member->[0] eq "node") and (!defined $lon{$member->[1]}) ) {
print " ERROR: relation $relationId references node $member->[1] which is not present!\n" ;
if ( ($member->[0] eq "way") and (!defined $memWayNodes{$member->[1]} ) and (!defined $invalidWays{$member->[1]}) ) {
print " ERROR: relation $relationId references way $member->[1] which is not present or invalid!\n" ;
foreach my $member(@relationMembers){ if(($member->[0] eq "node")and(!defined $lon{$member->[1]})){ print " ERROR: relation $relationId references node $member->[1] which is not present!\n";
} if(($member->[0] eq "way")and(!defined $memWayNodes{$member->[1]})and(!defined $invalidWays{$member->[1]})){ print " ERROR: relation $relationId references way $member->[1] which is not present or invalid!\n";
} }
($relationId, $relationUser, $aRef1, $aRef2)= getRelation();
if($relationId != -1){ @relationMembers = @$aRef1;
@relationTags = @$aRef2;
($relationId, $relationUser, $aRef1, $aRef2) = getRelation () ;
if ($relationId != -1) {
@relationMembers = @$aRef1 ;
@relationTags = @$aRef2 ;
print "read: $nr nodes, $wr ways and $rr relations.\n\n";
closeOsmFile () ;
print "read: $nr nodes, $wr ways and $rr relations.\n\n" ;
# calc area of pic and init graphics
my $lonMin = 999; my $lonMax = -999; my $latMin = 999; my $latMax = -999;
foreach my $key(keys %lon){ if($lon{$key}> $lonMax){$lonMax = $lon{$key};} if($lon{$key}< $lonMin){$lonMin = $lon{$key};} if($lat{$key}> $latMax){$latMax = $lat{$key};} if($lat{$key}< $latMin){$latMin = $lat{$key};}}
my $lonMin = 999 ; my $lonMax = -999 ; my $latMin = 999 ; my $latMax = -999 ;
foreach my $key (keys %lon) {
if ($lon{$key} > $lonMax) { $lonMax = $lon{$key} ; }
if ($lon{$key} < $lonMin) { $lonMin = $lon{$key} ; }
if ($lat{$key} > $latMax) { $latMax = $lat{$key} ; }
if ($lat{$key} < $latMin) { $latMin = $lat{$key} ; }
# clip picture if desired
if($clipbbox ne ""){ my($bbLeft, $bbBottom, $bbRight, $bbTop)=($clipbbox =~ /([\d\-\.]+),([\d\-\.]+),([\d\-\.]+),([\d\-\.]+)/);
# print "$bbLeft, $bbBottom, $bbRight, $bbTop\n";
if(($bbLeft > $lonMax)or($bbLeft < $lonMin)){print "WARNING -clipbox left parameter outside data.\n";} if(($bbRight > $lonMax)or($bbRight < $lonMin)){print "WARNING -clipbox right parameter outside data.\n";} if(($bbBottom > $latMax)or($bbBottom < $latMin)){print "WARNING -clipbox bottom parameter outside data.\n";} if(($bbTop > $latMax)or($bbTop < $latMin)){print "WARNING -clipbox top parameter outside data.\n";} $lonMin = $bbLeft;
$lonMax = $bbRight;
$latMin = $bbBottom;
$latMax = $bbTop;
} else{ if(defined cv('clip')){ if((cv('clip')> 0)and(cv('clip')< 100)){
my $clip = cv('clip');
$clip = $clip / 100;
$lonMin +=($lonMax-$lonMin)* $clip;
$lonMax -=($lonMax-$lonMin)* $clip;
$latMin +=($latMax-$latMin)* $clip;
$latMax -=($latMax-$latMin)* $clip;
} }}
if ($clipbbox ne "") {
my ($bbLeft, $bbBottom, $bbRight, $bbTop) = ($clipbbox =~ /([\d\-\.]+),([\d\-\.]+),([\d\-\.]+),([\d\-\.]+)/ ) ;
# print "$bbLeft, $bbBottom, $bbRight, $bbTop\n" ;
if (($bbLeft > $lonMax) or ($bbLeft < $lonMin)) { print "WARNING -clipbox left parameter outside data.\n" ; }
if (($bbRight > $lonMax) or ($bbRight < $lonMin)) { print "WARNING -clipbox right parameter outside data.\n" ; }
if (($bbBottom > $latMax) or ($bbBottom < $latMin)) { print "WARNING -clipbox bottom parameter outside data.\n" ; }
if (($bbTop > $latMax) or ($bbTop < $latMin)) { print "WARNING -clipbox top parameter outside data.\n" ; }
$lonMin = $bbLeft ;
$lonMax = $bbRight ;
$latMin = $bbBottom ;
$latMax = $bbTop ;
else {
if (defined cv('clip')) {
if ( (cv('clip') > 0) and (cv('clip') < 100) ) {
my $clip = cv('clip') ;
$clip = $clip / 100 ;
$lonMin += ($lonMax-$lonMin) * $clip ;
$lonMax -= ($lonMax-$lonMin) * $clip ;
$latMin += ($latMax-$latMin) * $clip ;
$latMax -= ($latMax-$latMin) * $clip ;
# pad picture if desired
if(defined cv('pad')){ my $pad = cv('pad');
if(($pad > 0)and($pad < 100)){
$pad = $pad / 100;
$lonMin -=($lonMax-$lonMin)* $pad;
$lonMax +=($lonMax-$lonMin)* $pad;
$latMin -=($latMax-$latMin)* $pad;
$latMax +=($latMax-$latMin)* $pad;
my $size = cv('size');
if (defined cv('pad')) {
my $pad = cv('pad') ;
if ( ($pad > 0) and ($pad < 100) ) {
$pad = $pad / 100 ;
$lonMin -= ($lonMax-$lonMin) * $pad ;
$lonMax += ($lonMax-$lonMin) * $pad ;
$latMin -= ($latMax-$latMin) * $pad ;
$latMax += ($latMax-$latMin) * $pad ;
my $size = cv('size') ;
# calc pic size
if(cv('scaleSet')!= 0){ my $dist = distance($lonMin, $latMin, $lonMax, $latMin);
my $width = $dist / cv('scaleSet')* 1000 * 100 / 2.54; # inches
$size = int($width * 300);
if(cv('maxTargetSize')ne ""){ my @a = split /,/, cv('maxTargetSize');
my $targetWidth = $a[0];
my $targetHeight = $a[1];
# print "TS: $targetWidth, $targetHeight [cm]\n";
my $distLon = distance($lonMin, $latMin, $lonMax, $latMin);
my $distLat = distance($lonMin, $latMin, $lonMin, $latMax);
# print "TS: $distLon, $distLat [km]\n";
my $scaleLon =($distLon * 1000 * 100)/ $targetWidth;
my $scaleLat =($distLat * 1000 * 100)/ $targetHeight;
my $targetScale = int $scaleLon;
if($scaleLat > $targetScale){$targetScale = int $scaleLat;} # print "TS: $targetScale [1:n]\n";
if ( cv('scaleSet') != 0 ) {
my $dist = distance ($lonMin, $latMin, $lonMax, $latMin) ;
my $width = $dist / cv('scaleSet') * 1000 * 100 / 2.54 ; # inches
$size = int ($width * 300) ;
my $width = $distLon / $targetScale * 1000 * 100 / 2.54; # inches
$size = int($width * 300);
print "Map width now $size [px] due to maxTargetSize parameter\n";
mwMap::initGraph($size, $lonMin, $latMin, $lonMax, $latMax);
if ( cv('maxTargetSize') ne "" ) {
my @a = split /,/, cv('maxTargetSize') ;
my $targetWidth = $a[0] ;
my $targetHeight = $a[1] ;
# print "TS: $targetWidth, $targetHeight [cm]\n" ;
my $distLon = distance ($lonMin, $latMin, $lonMax, $latMin) ;
my $distLat = distance ($lonMin, $latMin, $lonMin, $latMax) ;
# print "TS: $distLon, $distLat [km]\n" ;
my $scaleLon = ($distLon * 1000 * 100) / $targetWidth ;
my $scaleLat = ($distLat * 1000 * 100) / $targetHeight ;
my $targetScale = int $scaleLon ;
if ( $scaleLat > $targetScale ) { $targetScale = int $scaleLat ; }
# print "TS: $targetScale [1:n]\n" ;
my $width = $distLon / $targetScale * 1000 * 100 / 2.54 ; # inches
$size = int ($width * 300) ;
print "Map width now $size [px] due to maxTargetSize parameter\n" ;
mwMap::initGraph ($size, $lonMin, $latMin, $lonMax, $latMax) ;
sub getNodePointers{ return(\%lon, \%lat, \%memNodeTags);
sub getWayPointers{ return(\%memWayNodes, \%memWayTags);
sub getRelationPointers{
return(\%memRelationMembers, \%memRelationTags);
sub getNodePointers {
return ( \%lon, \%lat, \%memNodeTags) ;
sub getWayPointers {
return ( \%memWayNodes, \%memWayTags) ;
sub getRelationPointers {
return ( \%memRelationMembers, \%memRelationTags) ;
1 ;

View File

@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
# Copyright(C)2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# Copyright (C) 2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or(at your option)any later version.
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
@ -16,92 +16,108 @@
package mwGPX;
package mwGPX ;
use strict;
use warnings;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use OSM::gpx;
use OSM::gpx ;
use mwConfig;
use mwMap;
use mwConfig ;
use mwMap ;
require Exporter;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader);
@ISA = qw ( Exporter AutoLoader ) ;
@EXPORT = qw(processGPXFile
@EXPORT = qw ( processGPXFile
) ;
sub processGPXFile{
my($ref1, $ref2, $ref3)= readGPXFile(cv('gpx'));
sub processGPXFile {
my %wptHash = %$ref1;
my %rteHash = %$ref2;
my %trkHash = %$ref3;
my ($ref1, $ref2, $ref3) = readGPXFile ( cv('gpx') ) ;
my $size = cv('gpxsize');
my $color = cv('gpxcolor');
my %wptHash = %$ref1 ;
my %rteHash = %$ref2 ;
my %trkHash = %$ref3 ;
my $size = cv('gpxsize') ;
my $color = cv('gpxcolor') ;
foreach my $wptNr ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %wptHash) {
# print "WPT $wptNr: $wptHash{$wptNr}{'lon'} $wptHash{$wptNr}{'lat'}\n" ;
if (defined $wptHash{$wptNr}{'name'}) {
# print " name: $wptHash{$wptNr}{'name'}\n" ;
if (defined $wptHash{$wptNr}{'ele'}) {
# print " ele: $wptHash{$wptNr}{'ele'}\n" ;
my $svgString = "fill=\"$color\" stroke=\"none\" " ;
my $lon = $wptHash{$wptNr}{'lon'} ;
my $lat = $wptHash{$wptNr}{'lat'} ;
drawCircle ($lon, $lat, 1, 3*$size, 0, $svgString, 'gpx') ;
foreach my $wptNr(sort{$a <=> $b}keys %wptHash){ # print "WPT $wptNr: $wptHash{$wptNr}{'lon'}$wptHash{$wptNr}{'lat'}\n";
if(defined $wptHash{$wptNr}{'name'}){
# print " name: $wptHash{$wptNr}{'name'}\n";
} if(defined $wptHash{$wptNr}{'ele'}){
# print " ele: $wptHash{$wptNr}{'ele'}\n";
my $svgString = "fill=\"$color\" stroke=\"none\" ";
my $lon = $wptHash{$wptNr}{'lon'};
my $lat = $wptHash{$wptNr}{'lat'};
drawCircle($lon, $lat, 1, 3*$size, 0, $svgString, 'gpx');
foreach my $rteNr ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %rteHash) {
# print "RTE $rteNr\n" ;
foreach my $rteNr(sort{$a <=> $b}keys %rteHash){ # print "RTE $rteNr\n";
my @coords = () ;
my @coords =();
foreach my $rteWptNr ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$rteHash{$rteNr}}) {
# print " wpt $rteWptNr: $rteHash{$rteNr}{$rteWptNr}{'lon'} $rteHash{$rteNr}{$rteWptNr}{'lat'}\n" ;
foreach my $rteWptNr(sort{$a <=> $b}keys %{$rteHash{$rteNr}}){ # print " wpt $rteWptNr: $rteHash{$rteNr}{$rteWptNr}{'lon'}$rteHash{$rteNr}{$rteWptNr}{'lat'}\n";
my $svgString = "fill=\"$color\" stroke=\"none\" " ;
my $lon = $rteHash{$rteNr}{$rteWptNr}{'lon'} ;
my $lat = $rteHash{$rteNr}{$rteWptNr}{'lat'} ;
drawCircle ($lon, $lat, 1, 2*$size, 0, $svgString, 'gpx') ;
my $svgString = "fill=\"$color\" stroke=\"none\" ";
my $lon = $rteHash{$rteNr}{$rteWptNr}{'lon'};
my $lat = $rteHash{$rteNr}{$rteWptNr}{'lat'};
drawCircle($lon, $lat, 1, 2*$size, 0, $svgString, 'gpx');
my ($x, $y) = convert ($lon, $lat) ;
push @coords, $x, $y ;
my($x, $y)= convert($lon, $lat);
push @coords, $x, $y;
my $svgString = "" ;
my $lc = "round" ;
my $lj = "round" ;
$svgString = "stroke=\"$color\" stroke-width=\"$size\" stroke-linecap=\"$lc\" fill=\"none\" stroke-linejoin=\"$lj\" " ;
drawWay (\@coords, 0, $svgString, "gpx", undef) ;
my $svgString = "";
my $lc = "round";
my $lj = "round";
foreach my $trkNr ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %trkHash) {
# print "TRK $trkNr\n" ;
my %seg ;
%seg = %{ $trkHash{$trkNr} } ;
$svgString = "stroke=\"$color\" stroke-width=\"$size\" stroke-linecap=\"$lc\" fill=\"none\" stroke-linejoin=\"$lj\" ";
foreach my $segNr ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys %seg) {
# print " SEG $segNr\n" ;
my %points ;
%points = %{ $seg{$segNr}} ;
foreach my $ptNr ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %points) {
# print " trkpt $ptNr: $points{$ptNr}{'lon'} $points{$ptNr}{'lat'}\n" ;
drawWay(\@coords, 0, $svgString, "gpx", undef);
foreach my $trkNr(sort{$a <=> $b}keys %trkHash){ # print "TRK $trkNr\n";
my %seg;
%seg = %{$trkHash{$trkNr}};
my $svgString = "fill=\"$color\" stroke=\"none\" " ;
my $lon = $points{$ptNr}{'lon'} ;
my $lat = $points{$ptNr}{'lat'} ;
drawCircle ($lon, $lat, 1, $size, 0, $svgString, 'gpx') ;
foreach my $segNr(sort{$a <=> $b}keys %seg){ # print " SEG $segNr\n";
my %points;
%points = %{$seg{$segNr}};
foreach my $ptNr(sort{$a <=> $b}keys %points){ # print " trkpt $ptNr: $points{$ptNr}{'lon'}$points{$ptNr}{'lat'}\n";
my $svgString = "fill=\"$color\" stroke=\"none\" ";
my $lon = $points{$ptNr}{'lon'};
my $lat = $points{$ptNr}{'lat'};
drawCircle($lon, $lat, 1, $size, 0, $svgString, 'gpx');
} }}
1 ;

View File

@ -1,111 +1,127 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
my $sStyle = "mwStandardRules.txt";
my $tStyle = "mwTopoRules.txt";
my $sStyle = "mwStandardRules.txt" ;
my $tStyle = "mwTopoRules.txt" ;
my $place = "";
my $near = "";
my $dist = 50000;
my $lonrad = 2;
my $latrad = 2;
my $scaleset = 10000;
my $png = 0;
my $pdf = 1;
my $outName = "";
my $style = "";
my $place = "" ;
my $near = "" ;
my $dist = 50000 ;
my $lonrad = 2 ;
my $latrad = 2 ;
my $scaleset = 10000 ;
my $png = 0 ;
my $pdf = 1 ;
my $outName = "" ;
my $style = "" ;
print "Mapweaver interactive\n\n";
print "Mapweaver interactive\n\n" ;
while($place eq ""){ print "Please enter exact place name:\n";
$place = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
chomp $place;
while ($place eq "") {
print "Please enter exact place name:\n" ;
$place = <STDIN> ;
print "\n" ;
chomp $place ;
# ---
print "Please enter exact place name of bigger city i.e. in vicinity:\n";
$near = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
chomp $near;
# ---
print "Please enter radius in m for vicinity search(defaults to 50.000):\n";
$dist = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
chomp $dist;
print "Please enter exact place name of bigger city i.e. in vicinity:\n" ;
$near = <STDIN> ;
print "\n" ;
chomp $near ;
if($dist eq ""){$dist = 50000;}
# ---
print "Please enter radius in km for latitude(defaults to 2km):\n";
$latrad = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
chomp $latrad;
if($latrad eq ""){$latrad=2;}
print "Please enter radius in m for vicinity search (defaults to 50.000):\n" ;
$dist = <STDIN> ;
print "\n" ;
chomp $dist ;
if ($dist eq "") { $dist = 50000 ; }
# ---
print "Please enter radius in km for longitude(defaults to 2km):\n";
$lonrad = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
chomp $lonrad;
if($lonrad eq ""){$lonrad=2;}
print "Please enter radius in km for latitude (defaults to 2km):\n" ;
$latrad = <STDIN> ;
print "\n" ;
chomp $latrad ;
if ($latrad eq "") { $latrad=2 ; }
# ---
print "Please enter scale of map(i.e. 10000 for 1:10.000):\n";
$scaleset = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
chomp $scaleset;
if($scaleset eq ""){$scaleset = 10000;}
print "Please enter radius in km for longitude (defaults to 2km):\n" ;
$lonrad = <STDIN> ;
print "\n" ;
chomp $lonrad ;
if ($lonrad eq "") { $lonrad=2 ; }
# ---
print "Output map in PDF format yes/no(defaults to yes):\n";
$pdf = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
chomp $pdf;
if(($pdf eq "")or(lc $pdf eq "yes")){$pdf = 1;}
print "Please enter scale of map (i.e. 10000 for 1:10.000):\n" ;
$scaleset = <STDIN> ;
print "\n" ;
chomp $scaleset ;
if ($scaleset eq "") { $scaleset = 10000 ; }
# ---
print "Output map in PNG format yes/no(defaults to no):\n";
$png = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
chomp $png;
if(($png eq "")or(lc $png eq "no")){$png = 0;}if(lc $png eq "yes"){$png = 1;}
print "Output map in PDF format yes/no (defaults to yes):\n" ;
$pdf = <STDIN> ;
print "\n" ;
chomp $pdf ;
if (($pdf eq "") or (lc $pdf eq "yes")) { $pdf = 1 ; }
# ---
$outName = $place . ".svg";
print "Output map in PNG format yes/no (defaults to no):\n" ;
$png = <STDIN> ;
print "\n" ;
chomp $png ;
if (($png eq "") or (lc $png eq "no")) { $png = 0 ; }
if (lc $png eq "yes") { $png = 1 ; }
print "Output name(defaults to $outName):\n";
$outName = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
chomp $outName;
if($outName eq ""){$outName = $place . ".svg";}if(! grep /\.svg$/, $outName){$outName .= ".svg";}
# ---
print "Select map style from list:\n";
print "1 - standard rules(default)\n";
print "2 - topo rules\n";
$style = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
chomp $style;
$outName = $place . ".svg" ;
if($style eq "2"){$style = "mwTopoRules.txt";}else{$style = "mwStandardRules.txt";}
print "Output name (defaults to $outName):\n" ;
$outName = <STDIN> ;
print "\n" ;
chomp $outName ;
if ($outName eq "") { $outName = $place . ".svg" ; }
if (! grep /\.svg$/, $outName) { $outName .= ".svg" ; }
# ---
print "Select map style from list:\n" ;
print "1 - standard rules (default)\n" ;
print "2 - topo rules\n" ;
$style = <STDIN> ;
print "\n" ;
chomp $style ;
if ($style eq "2") { $style = "mwTopoRules.txt" ; }
else { $style = "mwStandardRules.txt" ; }
my $cmd = "perl -place=\"$place\" -overpass -style=\"$style\" -out=\"$outName\" -scaleset=$scaleset ";
if($near ne ""){$cmd .= "-near=\"$near\" -overpassdistance=$dist ";}$cmd .= " -lonrad=$lonrad -latrad=$latrad ";
if($png eq "1"){$cmd .= " -png ";}if($pdf eq "1"){$cmd .= " -pdf ";}
print "call $cmd\n";
my $cmd = "perl -place=\"$place\" -overpass -style=\"$style\" -out=\"$outName\" -scaleset=$scaleset " ;
if ($near ne "") { $cmd .= "-near=\"$near\" -overpassdistance=$dist " ; }
$cmd .= " -lonrad=$lonrad -latrad=$latrad " ;
if ($png eq "1") { $cmd .= " -png " ; }
if ($pdf eq "1") { $cmd .= " -pdf " ; }
print "call $cmd\n" ;
`$cmd` ;

View File

@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
# Copyright(C)2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# Copyright (C) 2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or(at your option)any later version.
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
@ -16,237 +16,313 @@
package mwLabel;
package mwLabel ;
use strict;
use warnings;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use mwConfig;
use mwMap;
# use mwMisc;
use mwOccupy;
use mwConfig ;
use mwMap ;
# use mwMisc ;
use mwOccupy ;
my $labelPathId = 0;
my $labelPathId = 0 ;
my @lines =();
my @lines = () ;
my $numIconsMoved = 0;
my $numLabels = 0;
my $numIcons = 0;
my $numLabelsOmitted = 0;
my $numLabelsMoved = 0;
my $numIconsOmitted = 0;
my $numIconsMoved = 0 ;
my $numLabels = 0 ;
my $numIcons = 0 ;
my $numLabelsOmitted = 0 ;
my $numLabelsMoved = 0 ;
my $numIconsOmitted = 0 ;
my %poiHash =();
my %poiHash = () ;
require Exporter;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader);
@ISA = qw ( Exporter AutoLoader ) ;
@EXPORT = qw( placeLabelAndIcon
@EXPORT = qw (
) ;
sub placeLabelAndIcon{#
sub placeLabelAndIcon {
# intelligent icon and label placement alg.
my($lon, $lat, $offset, $thickness, $text, $svgText, $icon, $iconSizeX, $iconSizeY, $layer)= @_;
my ($lon, $lat, $offset, $thickness, $text, $svgText, $icon, $iconSizeX, $iconSizeY, $layer) = @_ ;
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "PLAI: $lon, $lat, $offset, $thickness, $text, $svgText, $icon, $iconSizeX, $iconSizeY, $layer\n";}
my($x, $y)= mwMap::convert($lon, $lat); # center !
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "PLAI: $lon, $lat, $offset, $thickness, $text, $svgText, $icon, $iconSizeX, $iconSizeY, $layer\n" ; }
if(! coordsOut($x, $y)){
$y = $y + $offset;
my ($x, $y) = mwMap::convert ($lon, $lat) ; # center !
my($ref)= splitLabel($text);
my(@lines)= @$ref;
my $numLines = scalar @lines;
my $maxTextLenPix = 0;
my $orientation = "";
my $lineDist = cv('linedist');;
my $tries = 0;
my $allowIconMove = cv('allowiconmove');
if ( ! coordsOut ($x, $y) ) {
my($textSize)=($svgText =~ /font-size=\"(\d+)\"/);
if(! defined $textSize){die("ERROR: font size could not be determined from svg format string \"$svgText\"\n");}
foreach my $line(@lines){ my $len = length($line)* cv('ppc')/ 10 * $textSize; # in pixels
if($len > $maxTextLenPix){$maxTextLenPix = $len;} } my $spaceTextX = $maxTextLenPix;
my $spaceTextY = $numLines *($lineDist+$textSize);
$y = $y + $offset ;
my ($ref) = splitLabel ($text) ;
my (@lines) = @$ref ;
my $numLines = scalar @lines ;
my $maxTextLenPix = 0 ;
my $orientation = "" ;
my $lineDist = cv ('linedist') ; ;
my $tries = 0 ;
my $allowIconMove = cv ('allowiconmove') ;
my ($textSize) = ( $svgText =~ /font-size=\"(\d+)\"/ ) ;
if ( ! defined $textSize ) { die ("ERROR: font size could not be determined from svg format string \"$svgText\"\n") ; }
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my $len = length ($line) * cv('ppc') / 10 * $textSize ; # in pixels
if ($len > $maxTextLenPix) { $maxTextLenPix = $len ; }
my $spaceTextX = $maxTextLenPix ;
my $spaceTextY = $numLines * ($lineDist+$textSize) ;
if($icon ne "none"){ $numIcons++;
if ($icon ne "none") {
$numIcons++ ;
# space for icon?
my $sizeX1 = $iconSizeX; if($sizeX1 == 0){$sizeX1 = 20;} my $sizeY1 = $iconSizeY; if($sizeY1 == 0){$sizeY1 = 20;} my $iconX = $x - $sizeX1/2; # top left corner
my $iconY = $y - $sizeY1/2;
my $sizeX1 = $iconSizeX ; if ($sizeX1 == 0) { $sizeX1 = 20 ; }
my $sizeY1 = $iconSizeY ; if ($sizeY1 == 0) { $sizeY1 = 20 ; }
my $iconX = $x - $sizeX1/2 ; # top left corner
my $iconY = $y - $sizeY1/2 ;
my @shifts =(0);
if($allowIconMove eq "1"){ @shifts =(0, -15, 15);
} my $posFound = 0; my $posCount = 0;
my($iconAreaX1, $iconAreaY1, $iconAreaX2, $iconAreaY2);
LABAB: foreach my $xShift(@shifts){ foreach my $yShift(@shifts){ $posCount++;
if((! boxAreaOccupied($iconX+$xShift, $iconY+$sizeY1+$yShift, $iconX+$sizeX1+$xShift, $iconY+$yShift))or(cv('forcenodes')eq "1")){ placeIcon($iconX+$xShift, $iconY+$yShift, $icon, $sizeX1, $sizeY1, "nodes");
$iconAreaX1 = $iconX+$xShift;
$iconAreaY1 = $iconY+$sizeY1+$yShift;
$iconAreaX2 = $iconX+$sizeX1+$xShift;
$iconAreaY2 = $iconY+$yShift;
my @shifts = (0) ;
if ($allowIconMove eq "1") {
@shifts = ( 0, -15, 15 ) ;
my $posFound = 0 ; my $posCount = 0 ;
my ($iconAreaX1, $iconAreaY1, $iconAreaX2, $iconAreaY2) ;
LABAB: foreach my $xShift (@shifts) {
foreach my $yShift (@shifts) {
$posCount++ ;
if ( ( ! boxAreaOccupied ($iconX+$xShift, $iconY+$sizeY1+$yShift, $iconX+$sizeX1+$xShift, $iconY+$yShift) ) or ( cv('forcenodes') eq "1" ) ) {
placeIcon ($iconX+$xShift, $iconY+$yShift, $icon, $sizeX1, $sizeY1, "nodes") ;
$iconAreaX1 = $iconX+$xShift ;
$iconAreaY1 = $iconY+$sizeY1+$yShift ;
$iconAreaX2 = $iconX+$sizeX1+$xShift ;
$iconAreaY2 = $iconY+$yShift ;
$posFound = 1 ;
if ($posCount > 1) { $numIconsMoved++ ; }
$iconX = $iconX + $xShift ; # for later use with label
$iconY = $iconY + $yShift ;
last LABAB ;
if ($posFound == 1) {
$posFound = 1;
if($posCount > 1){$numIconsMoved++;} $iconX = $iconX + $xShift; # for later use with label
$iconY = $iconY + $yShift;
last LABAB;
} } } if($posFound == 1){
# label text?
if($text ne ""){ $numLabels++;
if ($text ne "") {
$numLabels++ ;
$sizeX1 += 1; $sizeY1 += 1;
$sizeX1 += 1 ; $sizeY1 += 1 ;
my($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2);
my ($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2) ;
# $x, $y centered
# yes, check if space for label, choose position, draw
# no, count omitted text
my @positions =(); my $positionFound = 0;
my @positions = () ; my $positionFound = 0 ;
# pos 1 centered below
$x1 = $x - $spaceTextX/2; $x2 = $x + $spaceTextX/2; $y1 = $y + $sizeY1/2 + $spaceTextY; $y2 = $y + $sizeY1/2; $orientation = "centered";
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation];
$x1 = $x - $spaceTextX/2 ; $x2 = $x + $spaceTextX/2 ; $y1 = $y + $sizeY1/2 + $spaceTextY ; $y2 = $y + $sizeY1/2 ; $orientation = "centered" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
# pos 2/3 to the right, bottom, top
$x1 = $x + $sizeX1/2; $x2 = $x + $sizeX1/2 + $spaceTextX; $y1 = $y + $sizeY1/2; $y2 = $y1 - $spaceTextY; $orientation = "left";
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation];
$x1 = $x + $sizeX1/2; $x2 = $x + $sizeX1/2 + $spaceTextX; $y2 = $y - $sizeY1/2; $y1 = $y2 + $spaceTextY; $orientation = "left";
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation];
$x1 = $x + $sizeX1/2 ; $x2 = $x + $sizeX1/2 + $spaceTextX ; $y1 = $y + $sizeY1/2 ; $y2 = $y1 - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "left" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x + $sizeX1/2 ; $x2 = $x + $sizeX1/2 + $spaceTextX ; $y2 = $y - $sizeY1/2 ; $y1 = $y2 + $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "left" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
# pos 4 centered upon
$x1 = $x - $spaceTextX/2; $x2 = $x + $spaceTextX/2; $y1 = $y - $sizeY1/2; $y2 = $y - $sizeY1/2 - $spaceTextY; $orientation = "centered";
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation];
$x1 = $x - $spaceTextX/2 ; $x2 = $x + $spaceTextX/2 ; $y1 = $y - $sizeY1/2 ; $y2 = $y - $sizeY1/2 - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "centered" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
# pos 5/6 to the right, below and upon
$x1 = $x + $sizeX1/2; $x2 = $x + $sizeX1/2 + $spaceTextX; $y2 = $y + $sizeY1/2; $y1 = $y2 + $spaceTextY; $orientation = "left";
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation];
$x1 = $x + $sizeX1/2; $x2 = $x + $sizeX1/2 + $spaceTextX; $y1 = $y - $sizeY1/2; $y2 = $y1 - $spaceTextY; $orientation = "left";
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation];
$x1 = $x + $sizeX1/2 ; $x2 = $x + $sizeX1/2 + $spaceTextX ; $y2 = $y + $sizeY1/2 ; $y1 = $y2 + $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "left" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x + $sizeX1/2 ; $x2 = $x + $sizeX1/2 + $spaceTextX ; $y1 = $y - $sizeY1/2 ; $y2 = $y1 - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "left" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
# left normal, bottom, top
$x1 = $x - $sizeX1/2 - $spaceTextX; $x2 = $x - $sizeX1/2; $y1 = $y + $sizeY1/2; $y2 = $y1 - $spaceTextY; $orientation = "right";
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation];
$x1 = $x - $sizeX1/2 - $spaceTextX; $x2 = $x - $sizeX1/2; $y2 = $y - $sizeY1/2; $y1 = $y2 + $spaceTextY; $orientation = "right";
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation];
$x1 = $x - $sizeX1/2 - $spaceTextX ; $x2 = $x - $sizeX1/2 ; $y1 = $y + $sizeY1/2 ; $y2 = $y1 - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "right" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x - $sizeX1/2 - $spaceTextX ; $x2 = $x - $sizeX1/2 ; $y2 = $y - $sizeY1/2 ; $y1 = $y2 + $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "right" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
# left corners, bottom, top
$x1 = $x - $sizeX1/2 - $spaceTextX; $x2 = $x - $sizeX1/2; $y2 = $y + $sizeY1/2; $y1 = $y2 + $spaceTextY; $orientation = "right";
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation];
$x1 = $x - $sizeX1/2 - $spaceTextX; $x2 = $x - $sizeX1/2; $y1 = $y - $sizeY1/2; $y2 = $y1 - $spaceTextY; $orientation = "right";
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation];
$x1 = $x - $sizeX1/2 - $spaceTextX ; $x2 = $x - $sizeX1/2 ; $y2 = $y + $sizeY1/2 ; $y1 = $y2 + $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "right" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x - $sizeX1/2 - $spaceTextX ; $x2 = $x - $sizeX1/2 ; $y1 = $y - $sizeY1/2 ; $y2 = $y1 - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "right" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$tries = 0;
LABB: foreach my $pos(@positions){ $tries++;
$tries = 0 ;
LABB: foreach my $pos (@positions) {
$tries++ ;
$positionFound = checkAndDrawText($pos->[0], $pos->[1], $pos->[2], $pos->[3], $pos->[4], \@lines, $svgText, $layer);
$positionFound = checkAndDrawText ($pos->[0], $pos->[1], $pos->[2], $pos->[3], $pos->[4], \@lines, $svgText, $layer) ;
if($positionFound == 1){ last LABB;
} } if($positionFound == 0){$numLabelsOmitted++;} if($tries > 1){$numLabelsMoved++;} }# label
if ($positionFound == 1) {
last LABB ;
if ($positionFound == 0) { $numLabelsOmitted++ ; }
if ($tries > 1) { $numLabelsMoved++ ; }
} # label
boxOccupyArea($iconAreaX1, $iconAreaY1, $iconAreaX2, $iconAreaY2, 0, 2);
}# pos found
else{ # no, count omitted
} } else{# only text
my($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2);
boxOccupyArea ($iconAreaX1, $iconAreaY1, $iconAreaX2, $iconAreaY2, 0, 2) ;
} # pos found
else {
# no, count omitted
$numIconsOmitted++ ;
else { # only text
my ($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2) ;
# x1, x2, y1, y2
# left, right, bottom, top
# choose space for text, draw
# count omitted
my @positions =();
$x1 = $x + $thickness; $x2 = $x + $thickness + $spaceTextX; $y1 = $y; $y2 = $y - $spaceTextY; $orientation = "left";
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation];
$x1 = $x + $thickness; $x2 = $x + $thickness + $spaceTextX; $y1 = $y + $spaceTextY; $y2 = $y; $orientation = "left";
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation];
$numLabels++ ;
my @positions = () ;
$x1 = $x + $thickness ; $x2 = $x + $thickness + $spaceTextX ; $y1 = $y ; $y2 = $y - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "left" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x + $thickness ; $x2 = $x + $thickness + $spaceTextX ; $y1 = $y + $spaceTextY ; $y2 = $y ; $orientation = "left" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x -($thickness + $spaceTextX); $x2 = $x - $thickness; $y1 = $y; $y2 = $y - $spaceTextY; $orientation = "right";
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation];
$x1 = $x -($thickness + $spaceTextX); $x2 = $x - $thickness; $y1 = $y; $y2 = $y - $spaceTextY; $orientation = "right";
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation];
$x1 = $x - ($thickness + $spaceTextX) ; $x2 = $x - $thickness ; $y1 = $y ; $y2 = $y - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "right" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x - ($thickness + $spaceTextX) ; $x2 = $x - $thickness ; $y1 = $y ; $y2 = $y - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "right" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x - $spaceTextX/2; $x2 = $x + $spaceTextX/2; $y1 = $y - $thickness; $y2 = $y -($thickness + $spaceTextY); $orientation = "centered";
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation];
$x1 = $x - $spaceTextX/2; $x2 = $x + $spaceTextX/2; $y1 = $y + $thickness + $spaceTextY; $y2 = $y + $thickness; $orientation = "centered";
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation];
$x1 = $x - $spaceTextX/2 ; $x2 = $x + $spaceTextX/2 ; $y1 = $y - $thickness ; $y2 = $y - ($thickness + $spaceTextY) ; $orientation = "centered" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x - $spaceTextX/2 ; $x2 = $x + $spaceTextX/2 ; $y1 = $y + $thickness + $spaceTextY ; $y2 = $y + $thickness ; $orientation = "centered" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
my $positionFound = 0;
$tries = 0;
LABA: foreach my $pos(@positions){ $tries++;
# print "$lines[0] $pos->[0], $pos->[1], $pos->[2], $pos->[3], $pos->[4], $numLines\n";
my $positionFound = 0 ;
$tries = 0 ;
LABA: foreach my $pos (@positions) {
$tries++ ;
# print "$lines[0] $pos->[0], $pos->[1], $pos->[2], $pos->[3], $pos->[4], $numLines\n" ;
$positionFound = checkAndDrawText($pos->[0], $pos->[1], $pos->[2], $pos->[3], $pos->[4], \@lines, $svgText, $layer);
$positionFound = checkAndDrawText ($pos->[0], $pos->[1], $pos->[2], $pos->[3], $pos->[4], \@lines, $svgText, $layer) ;
if($positionFound == 1){ last LABA;
} } if($positionFound == 0){$numLabelsOmitted++;} if($tries > 1){$numLabelsMoved++;} }}}
if ($positionFound == 1) {
last LABA ;
if ($positionFound == 0) { $numLabelsOmitted++ ; }
if ($tries > 1) { $numLabelsMoved++ ; }
sub checkAndDrawText{#
sub checkAndDrawText {
# checks if area available and if so draws text
my($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation, $refLines, $svgText, $layer)= @_;
my ($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation, $refLines, $svgText, $layer) = @_ ;
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "CADT: $x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation, $refLines, $svgText, $layer\n";}
my @lines = @$refLines;
my $numLines = scalar @lines;
my $lineDist = cv('linedist');
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "CADT: $x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation, $refLines, $svgText, $layer\n" ; }
my @lines = @$refLines ;
my $numLines = scalar @lines ;
my $lineDist = cv ('linedist') ;
my ($size) = ( $svgText =~ /font-size=\"(\d+)\"/ ) ;
if ( ! defined $size ) { die ("ERROR: font size could not be determined from svg format string \"$svgText\"\n") ; }
my($size)=($svgText =~ /font-size=\"(\d+)\"/);
if(! defined $size){die("ERROR: font size could not be determined from svg format string \"$svgText\"\n");}
# WATCH for variable sequence!
if((! boxAreaOccupied($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2))or
(cv('forcenodes')eq "1")){
for(my $i=0; $i<=$#lines; $i++){
my @points =($x1, $y2+($i+1)*($size+$lineDist), $x2, $y2+($i+1)*($size+$lineDist));
my $pathName = "LabelPath" . $labelPathId;
createPath($pathName, \@points, "definitions");
if (
( ! boxAreaOccupied ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) ) or
( cv('forcenodes') eq "1" )
) {
if($orientation eq "centered"){ pathText($svgText, $lines[$i], $pathName, 0, "middle", 50, $layer) } if($orientation eq "left"){ pathText($svgText, $lines[$i], $pathName, 0, "start", 0, $layer) } if($orientation eq "right"){ pathText($svgText, $lines[$i], $pathName, 0, "end", 100, $layer) } }
boxOccupyArea($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, 0, 2);
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#lines; $i++) {
my @points = ($x1, $y2+($i+1)*($size+$lineDist), $x2, $y2+($i+1)*($size+$lineDist)) ;
my $pathName = "LabelPath" . $labelPathId ;
$labelPathId++ ;
createPath ($pathName, \@points, "definitions") ;
if ($orientation eq "centered") {
pathText ($svgText, $lines[$i], $pathName, 0, "middle", 50, $layer)
if ($orientation eq "left") {
pathText ($svgText, $lines[$i], $pathName, 0, "start", 0, $layer)
if ($orientation eq "right") {
pathText ($svgText, $lines[$i], $pathName, 0, "end", 100, $layer)
boxOccupyArea ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, 0, 2) ;
} else{ return 0;
sub splitLabel{#
return (1) ;
else {
return 0 ;
sub splitLabel {
# split label text at space locations and then merge new parts if new part will be smaller than XX chars
my $text = shift;
my @lines = split / /, $text;
my $merged = 1;
while($merged){ $merged = 0;
LAB2: for(my $i=0; $i<$#lines; $i++){ if(length($lines[$i] . " " . $lines[$i+1])<= cv('maxcharperline')){
$lines[$i] = $lines[$i] . " " . $lines[$i+1];
splice(@lines, $i+1, 1);
$merged = 1;
last LAB2;
} }} return(\@lines);
my $text = shift ;
my @lines = split / /, $text ;
my $merged = 1 ;
while ($merged) {
$merged = 0 ;
LAB2: for (my $i=0; $i<$#lines; $i++) {
if (length ($lines[$i] . " " . $lines[$i+1]) <= cv ('maxcharperline') ) {
$lines[$i] = $lines[$i] . " " . $lines[$i+1] ;
splice (@lines, $i+1, 1) ;
$merged = 1 ;
last LAB2 ;
return (\@lines) ;
# ------------------------------------------------------------
sub addToPoiHash{ my($name, $sq)= @_;
if(defined $sq){ $poiHash{$name}{$sq}= 1;
} else{ $poiHash{$name}= 1;
sub getPoiHash{ return \%poiHash;
sub addToPoiHash {
my ($name, $sq) = @_ ;
if (defined $sq) {
$poiHash{$name}{$sq} = 1 ;
else {
$poiHash{$name} = 1 ;
sub getPoiHash {
return \%poiHash ;
1 ;


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
# Copyright(C)2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# Copyright (C) 2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or(at your option)any later version.
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
@ -16,273 +16,405 @@
package mwMulti;
package mwMulti ;
use strict;
use warnings;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use mwMap;
use mwMisc;
use mwFile;
use mwLabel;
use mwConfig;
use mwRules;
use mwMap ;
use mwMisc ;
use mwFile ;
use mwLabel ;
use mwConfig ;
use mwRules ;
use Math::Polygon;
use Math::Polygon ;
require Exporter;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader);
@ISA = qw ( Exporter AutoLoader ) ;
@EXPORT = qw(processMultipolygons
@EXPORT = qw ( processMultipolygons
) ;
my $newId = 0;
my $newId = 0 ;
my %multiNodes =();
my %multiTags =();
my %multiPaths =();
my %multiNodes = () ;
my %multiTags = () ;
my %multiPaths = () ;
my %wayUsed =();
my %wayUsed = () ;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub processMultipolygons{ my $notDrawnMP = 0;
my $mp = 0;
my $mpLabels = 0;
my $mpNotDrawnLabels = 0;
print "draw multipolygons...\n";
sub processMultipolygons {
my $notDrawnMP = 0 ;
my $mp = 0 ;
my $mpLabels = 0 ;
my $mpNotDrawnLabels = 0 ;
print "draw multipolygons...\n" ;
preprocessMultipolygons() ;
foreach my $multiId(keys %multiTags){
my $ruleRef = getAreaRule(\@{$multiTags{$multiId}});
foreach my $multiId (keys %multiTags) {
if(defined $ruleRef){
my $svgText = "";
my $icon = "";
if($$ruleRef{'icon'}ne "none"){ $icon = $$ruleRef{'icon'};
} else{ my $col = $$ruleRef{'color'};
$svgText = "fill=\"$col\" ";
my $ref = $multiPaths{$multiId}[0]; # first, outer way
my $size = areaSize($ref);
my $ruleRef = getAreaRule ( \@{$multiTags{$multiId}} ) ;
if($size >= cv('minareasize')){ drawArea($svgText, $icon, $multiPaths{$multiId}, 1, "multi");
if (defined $ruleRef) {
my $svgText = "" ;
my $icon = "" ;
if ($$ruleRef{'icon'} ne "none") {
$icon = $$ruleRef{'icon'} ;
else {
my $col = $$ruleRef{'color'} ;
$svgText = "fill=\"$col\" " ;
my $ref = $multiPaths{$multiId}[0] ; # first, outer way
my $size = areaSize ( $ref ) ;
if ($size >= cv('minareasize') ) {
drawArea ($svgText, $icon, $multiPaths{$multiId}, 1, "multi") ;
$mp++ ;
my $name = ""; my $ref1;
if(cv('ignorelabels')eq "0"){ ($name, $ref1)= createLabel($multiTags{$multiId}, $$ruleRef{'label'}, 0, 0);
my $name = "" ; my $ref1 ;
if ( cv('ignorelabels') eq "0" ) {
($name, $ref1) = createLabel ( $multiTags{$multiId}, $$ruleRef{'label'}, 0, 0) ;
if(($$ruleRef{'label'}ne "none")and
(cv('nolabel')eq "1")and
($name eq "")) {
$name = "NO LABEL";
} }
if($name ne ""){ if($size >= cv('minarealabelsize')){ $mpLabels++;
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "MP LABEL: $name, size: $$ruleRef{'labelsize'}, color: $$ruleRef{'labelcolor'}\n";}
my($x, $y)= areaCenter($multiPaths{$multiId}[0]);
if ( ( $$ruleRef{'label'} ne "none") and
( cv('nolabel') eq "1" ) and
($name eq "") )
$name = "NO LABEL" ;
if ($name ne "") {
if ($size >= cv('minarealabelsize') ) {
$mpLabels++ ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "MP LABEL: $name, size: $$ruleRef{'labelsize'}, color: $$ruleRef{'labelcolor'}\n" ; }
my ($x, $y) = areaCenter ( $multiPaths{$multiId}[0] ) ;
my $labelFont = $$ruleRef{'labelfont'};
my $labelFontFamily = $$ruleRef{'labelfontfamily'};
my $labelSize = $$ruleRef{'labelsize'};
my $color = $$ruleRef{'labelcolor'};
my $labelBold = $$ruleRef{'labelbold'};
my $labelItalic = $$ruleRef{'labelitalic'};
my $labelHalo = $$ruleRef{'labelhalo'};
my $labelHaloColor = $$ruleRef{'labelhalocolor'};
my $labelFont = $$ruleRef{'labelfont'} ;
my $labelFontFamily = $$ruleRef{'labelfontfamily'} ;
my $labelSize = $$ruleRef{'labelsize'} ;
my $color = $$ruleRef{'labelcolor'} ;
my $labelBold = $$ruleRef{'labelbold'} ;
my $labelItalic = $$ruleRef{'labelitalic'} ;
my $labelHalo = $$ruleRef{'labelhalo'} ;
my $labelHaloColor = $$ruleRef{'labelhalocolor'} ;
my $svgText = createTextSVG($labelFontFamily, $labelFont, $labelBold, $labelItalic, $labelSize, $color, $labelHalo, $labelHaloColor);
my $svgText = createTextSVG ( $labelFontFamily, $labelFont, $labelBold, $labelItalic, $labelSize, $color, $labelHalo, $labelHaloColor) ;
# $svgText = createTextSVG(undef, undef, $$ruleRef{'labelsize'}, $$ruleRef{'labelcolor'}, undef, undef);
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "MP LABEL: svg: \"$svgText\"\n";} placeLabelAndIcon($x, $y, 1, 0, $name, $svgText, "none", 0, 0, "arealabels");
}# if size
else{ $mpNotDrawnLabels++;
} } else{
} } else{ $notDrawnMP++;
}# if rule
}# foreach multi
print "$mp multipolygon areas drawn, $notDrawnMP not drawn because they were too small.\n";
print "$mpLabels multipolygon labels drawn, $mpNotDrawnLabels not drawn because belonging areas were too small.\n";
# $svgText = createTextSVG ( undef, undef, $$ruleRef{'labelsize'}, $$ruleRef{'labelcolor'}, undef, undef ) ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "MP LABEL: svg: \"$svgText\"\n" ; }
placeLabelAndIcon ($x, $y, 1, 0, $name, $svgText, "none", 0, 0, "arealabels") ;
} # if size
else {
$mpNotDrawnLabels++ ;
else {
else {
$notDrawnMP++ ;
} # if rule
} # foreach multi
print "$mp multipolygon areas drawn, $notDrawnMP not drawn because they were too small.\n" ;
print "$mpLabels multipolygon labels drawn, $mpNotDrawnLabels not drawn because belonging areas were too small.\n" ;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub preprocessMultipolygons{#
sub preprocessMultipolygons {
# preprecess all multipolygons
my($wayNodesRef, $wayTagsRef)= getWayPointers();
my($relationMembersRef, $relationTagsRef)= getRelationPointers();
my ($wayNodesRef, $wayTagsRef) = getWayPointers() ;
my ($relationMembersRef, $relationTagsRef) = getRelationPointers() ;
foreach my $relId(keys %$relationMembersRef){ my $isMulti = 0;
foreach my $tag(@{$$relationTagsRef{$relId}}){ if(($tag->[0] eq "type")and($tag->[1] eq "multipolygon")){$isMulti = 1;} }
if($isMulti){ if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "\n---------------------------------------------------\n";} if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "\nRelation $relId is multipolygon!\n";}
# get inner and outer ways
my(@innerWays)=(); my(@outerWays)=();
foreach my $member(@{$$relationMembersRef{$relId}}){ if(($member->[0] eq "way")and($member->[2] eq "outer")and(defined @{$$wayNodesRef{$member->[1]}})){push @outerWays, $member->[1];} if(($member->[0] eq "way")and($member->[2] eq "inner")and(defined @{$$wayNodesRef{$member->[1]}})){push @innerWays, $member->[1];} } if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "OUTER WAYS: @outerWays\n";} if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "INNER WAYS: @innerWays\n";}
my($ringsWaysRef, $ringsNodesRef);
my @ringWaysInner =(); my @ringNodesInner =(); my @ringTagsInner =();
# build rings inner
if(scalar @innerWays > 0){ ($ringsWaysRef, $ringsNodesRef)= buildRings(\@innerWays, 1);
@ringWaysInner = @$ringsWaysRef;
@ringNodesInner = @$ringsNodesRef;
for(my $ring=0; $ring<=$#ringWaysInner; $ring++){ if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "INNER RING $ring: @{$ringWaysInner[$ring]}\n";} my $firstWay = $ringWaysInner[$ring]->[0];
if(scalar @{$ringWaysInner[$ring]}== 1){$wayUsed{$firstWay}= 1;}# way will be marked as used/drawn by multipolygon
foreach my $relId (keys %$relationMembersRef) {
my $isMulti = 0 ;
foreach my $tag (@{$$relationTagsRef{$relId}}) {
if ( ($tag->[0] eq "type") and ($tag->[1] eq "multipolygon") ) { $isMulti = 1 ; }
@{$ringTagsInner[$ring]}= @{$$wayTagsRef{$firstWay}}; # ring will be tagged like first contained way
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){ print "tags from first way...\n";
foreach my $tag(@{$$wayTagsRef{$firstWay}}){ print " $tag->[0] - $tag->[1]\n";
} } if((scalar @{$$wayTagsRef{$firstWay}})== 0){ if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "tags set to hole in mp.\n";} push @{$ringTagsInner[$ring]}, ["multihole", "yes"];
} } }
# build rings outer
my @ringWaysOuter =(); my @ringNodesOuter =(); my @ringTagsOuter =();
if(scalar @outerWays > 0){ ($ringsWaysRef, $ringsNodesRef)= buildRings(\@outerWays, 1);
@ringWaysOuter = @$ringsWaysRef; # not necessary for outer
@ringNodesOuter = @$ringsNodesRef;
for(my $ring=0; $ring<=$#ringWaysOuter; $ring++){ if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "OUTER RING $ring: @{$ringWaysOuter[$ring]}\n";} my $firstWay = $ringWaysOuter[$ring]->[0];
if(scalar @{$ringWaysOuter[$ring]}== 1){$wayUsed{$firstWay}= 1;} @{$ringTagsOuter[$ring]}= @{$$relationTagsRef{$relId}}; # tags from relation
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){ print "tags from relation...\n";
foreach my $tag(@{$$relationTagsRef{$relId}}){ print " $tag->[0] - $tag->[1]\n";
} } if(scalar @{$$relationTagsRef{$relId}}== 1){ @{$ringTagsOuter[$ring]}= @{$$wayTagsRef{$firstWay}}; # ring will be tagged like first way
} } }# outer
if ($isMulti) {
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "\n---------------------------------------------------\n" ; }
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "\nRelation $relId is multipolygon!\n" ; }
my @ringNodesTotal =(@ringNodesInner, @ringNodesOuter);
my @ringWaysTotal =(@ringWaysInner, @ringWaysOuter);
my @ringTagsTotal =(@ringTagsInner, @ringTagsOuter);
# get inner and outer ways
my (@innerWays) = () ; my (@outerWays) = () ;
foreach my $member ( @{$$relationMembersRef{$relId}} ) {
if ( ($member->[0] eq "way") and ($member->[2] eq "outer") and (defined @{$$wayNodesRef{$member->[1]}} ) ) { push @outerWays, $member->[1] ; }
if ( ($member->[0] eq "way") and ($member->[2] eq "inner") and (defined @{$$wayNodesRef{$member->[1]}} )) { push @innerWays, $member->[1] ; }
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "OUTER WAYS: @outerWays\n" ; }
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "INNER WAYS: @innerWays\n" ; }
processRings(\@ringNodesTotal, \@ringWaysTotal, \@ringTagsTotal);
}# multi
my ($ringsWaysRef, $ringsNodesRef) ;
my @ringWaysInner = () ; my @ringNodesInner = () ; my @ringTagsInner = () ;
# build rings inner
if (scalar @innerWays > 0) {
($ringsWaysRef, $ringsNodesRef) = buildRings (\@innerWays, 1) ;
@ringWaysInner = @$ringsWaysRef ;
@ringNodesInner = @$ringsNodesRef ;
for (my $ring=0; $ring<=$#ringWaysInner; $ring++) {
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "INNER RING $ring: @{$ringWaysInner[$ring]}\n" ; }
my $firstWay = $ringWaysInner[$ring]->[0] ;
if (scalar @{$ringWaysInner[$ring]} == 1) {$wayUsed{$firstWay} = 1 ; } # way will be marked as used/drawn by multipolygon
}# relIds
@{$ringTagsInner[$ring]} = @{$$wayTagsRef{$firstWay}} ; # ring will be tagged like first contained way
if (cv('debug') eq "1") {
print "tags from first way...\n" ;
foreach my $tag (@{$$wayTagsRef{$firstWay}}) {
print " $tag->[0] - $tag->[1]\n" ;
if ( (scalar @{$$wayTagsRef{$firstWay}}) == 0 ) {
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "tags set to hole in mp.\n" ; }
push @{$ringTagsInner[$ring]}, ["multihole", "yes"] ;
# build rings outer
my @ringWaysOuter = () ; my @ringNodesOuter = () ; my @ringTagsOuter = () ;
if (scalar @outerWays > 0) {
($ringsWaysRef, $ringsNodesRef) = buildRings (\@outerWays, 1) ;
@ringWaysOuter = @$ringsWaysRef ; # not necessary for outer
@ringNodesOuter = @$ringsNodesRef ;
for (my $ring=0; $ring<=$#ringWaysOuter; $ring++) {
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "OUTER RING $ring: @{$ringWaysOuter[$ring]}\n" ; }
my $firstWay = $ringWaysOuter[$ring]->[0] ;
if (scalar @{$ringWaysOuter[$ring]} == 1) {$wayUsed{$firstWay} = 1 ; }
@{$ringTagsOuter[$ring]} = @{$$relationTagsRef{$relId}} ; # tags from relation
if (cv('debug') eq "1") {
print "tags from relation...\n" ;
foreach my $tag (@{$$relationTagsRef{$relId}}) {
print " $tag->[0] - $tag->[1]\n" ;
if (scalar @{$$relationTagsRef{$relId}} == 1) {
@{$ringTagsOuter[$ring]} = @{$$wayTagsRef{$firstWay}} ; # ring will be tagged like first way
} # outer
my @ringNodesTotal = (@ringNodesInner, @ringNodesOuter) ;
my @ringWaysTotal = (@ringWaysInner, @ringWaysOuter) ;
my @ringTagsTotal = (@ringTagsInner, @ringTagsOuter) ;
processRings (\@ringNodesTotal, \@ringWaysTotal, \@ringTagsTotal) ;
} # multi
} # relIds
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub processRings{#
sub processRings {
# process rings of multipolygons and create path data for svg
my($ref1, $ref2, $ref3)= @_;
my @ringNodes = @$ref1;
my @ringWays = @$ref2;
my @ringTags = @$ref3;
my @polygon =();
my @polygonSize =();
my @ringIsIn =();
my @stack =(); # all created stacks
my %selectedStacks =(); # stacks selected for processing
my $actualLayer = 0; # for new tags
my ($ref1, $ref2, $ref3) = @_ ;
my @ringNodes = @$ref1 ;
my @ringWays = @$ref2 ;
my @ringTags = @$ref3 ;
my @polygon = () ;
my @polygonSize = () ;
my @ringIsIn = () ;
my @stack = () ; # all created stacks
my %selectedStacks = () ; # stacks selected for processing
my $actualLayer = 0 ; # for new tags
# rings referenced by array index
my($lonRef, $latRef)= getNodePointers();
my($wayNodesRef, $wayTagsRef)= getWayPointers();
my ($lonRef, $latRef) = getNodePointers() ;
my ($wayNodesRef, $wayTagsRef) = getWayPointers() ;
# create polygons
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "CREATING POLYGONS\n";} for(my $ring = 0; $ring <= $#ringWays; $ring++){ my @poly =();
foreach my $node(@{$ringNodes[$ring]}){ push @poly, [$$lonRef{$node}, $$latRef{$node}];
} my($p)= Math::Polygon->new(@poly);
$polygon[$ring] = $p;
$polygonSize[$ring] = $p->area;
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){
print " POLYGON $ring - created, size = $polygonSize[$ring] \n";
foreach my $tag(@{$ringTags[$ring]}){ print " $tag->[0] - $tag->[1]\n";
} }}
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "CREATING POLYGONS\n" ; }
for (my $ring = 0 ; $ring <= $#ringWays; $ring++) {
my @poly = () ;
foreach my $node ( @{$ringNodes[$ring]} ) {
push @poly, [$$lonRef{$node}, $$latRef{$node}] ;
my ($p) = Math::Polygon->new(@poly) ;
$polygon[$ring] = $p ;
$polygonSize[$ring] = $p->area ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1") {
print " POLYGON $ring - created, size = $polygonSize[$ring] \n" ;
foreach my $tag (@{$ringTags[$ring]}) {
print " $tag->[0] - $tag->[1]\n" ;
# create is_in list (unsorted) for each ring
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "CALC isIn\n" ; }
for (my $ring1=0 ; $ring1<=$#polygon; $ring1++) {
my $res = 0 ;
for (my $ring2=0 ; $ring2<=$#polygon; $ring2++) {
if ($ring1 < $ring2) {
$res = isIn ($polygon[$ring1], $polygon[$ring2]) ;
if ($res == 1) {
push @{$ringIsIn[$ring1]}, $ring2 ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print " $ring1 isIn $ring2\n" ; }
if ($res == 2) {
push @{$ringIsIn[$ring2]}, $ring1 ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print " $ring2 isIn $ring1\n" ; }
if (cv('debug') eq "1") {
print "IS IN LIST\n" ;
for (my $ring1=0 ; $ring1<=$#ringNodes; $ring1++) {
if (defined @{$ringIsIn[$ring1]}) {
print " ring $ring1 isIn - @{$ringIsIn[$ring1]}\n" ;
print "\n" ;
# create is_in list(unsorted)for each ring
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "CALC isIn\n";} for(my $ring1=0; $ring1<=$#polygon; $ring1++){ my $res = 0;
for(my $ring2=0; $ring2<=$#polygon; $ring2++){ if($ring1 < $ring2){ $res = isIn($polygon[$ring1], $polygon[$ring2]);
if($res == 1){
push @{$ringIsIn[$ring1]}, $ring2;
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print " $ring1 isIn $ring2\n";} }
if($res == 2){
push @{$ringIsIn[$ring2]}, $ring1;
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print " $ring2 isIn $ring1\n";} }
} }} if(cv('debug')eq "1"){ print "IS IN LIST\n";
for(my $ring1=0; $ring1<=$#ringNodes; $ring1++){ if(defined @{$ringIsIn[$ring1]}){ print " ring $ring1 isIn - @{$ringIsIn[$ring1]}\n";
} } print "\n";
# sort is_in list, biggest first
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "SORTING isIn\n";} for(my $ring=0; $ring<=$#ringIsIn; $ring++){ my @isIn =();
foreach my $ring2(@{$ringIsIn[$ring]}){ push @isIn, [$ring2, $polygonSize[$ring2]];
} @isIn = sort{$a->[1] <=> $b->[1]}(@isIn); # sorted array
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "SORTING isIn\n" ; }
for (my $ring=0 ; $ring<=$#ringIsIn; $ring++) {
my @isIn = () ;
foreach my $ring2 (@{$ringIsIn[$ring]}) {
push @isIn, [$ring2, $polygonSize[$ring2]] ;
@isIn = sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } (@isIn) ; # sorted array
my @isIn2 = () ; # only ring numbers
foreach my $temp (@isIn) {
push @isIn2, $temp->[0] ;
@{$stack[$ring]} = reverse (@isIn2) ;
push @{$stack[$ring]}, $ring ; # sorted descending and ring self appended
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print " stack ring $ring sorted: @{$stack[$ring]}\n" ; }
my @isIn2 =(); # only ring numbers
foreach my $temp(@isIn){ push @isIn2, $temp->[0];
} @{$stack[$ring]}= reverse(@isIn2);
push @{$stack[$ring]}, $ring; # sorted descending and ring self appended
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print " stack ring $ring sorted: @{$stack[$ring]}\n";}}
# find tops and select stacks
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "SELECTING STACKS\n";} my $actualStack = 0;
for(my $stackNumber=0; $stackNumber<=$#stack; $stackNumber++){ # look for top element
my $topElement = $stack[$stackNumber]->[(scalar @{$stack[$stackNumber]}- 1)];
my $found = 0;
for(my $stackNumber2=0; $stackNumber2<=$#stack; $stackNumber2++){ if($stackNumber != $stackNumber2){ foreach my $ring(@{$stack[$stackNumber2]}){ if($ring == $topElement){
$found = 1;
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print " element also found in stack $stackNumber2\n";} } } } }
if($found == 0){ @{$selectedStacks{$actualStack}}= @{$stack[$stackNumber]};
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print " stack $stackNumber has been selected.\n";} }
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "SELECTING STACKS\n" ; }
my $actualStack = 0 ;
for (my $stackNumber=0 ; $stackNumber<=$#stack; $stackNumber++) {
# look for top element
my $topElement = $stack[$stackNumber]->[(scalar @{$stack[$stackNumber]} - 1)] ;
my $found = 0 ;
for (my $stackNumber2=0 ; $stackNumber2<=$#stack; $stackNumber2++) {
if ($stackNumber != $stackNumber2) {
foreach my $ring (@{$stack[$stackNumber2]}) {
if ($ring == $topElement) {
$found = 1 ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print " element also found in stack $stackNumber2\n" ; }
if ($found == 0) {
@{$selectedStacks{$actualStack}} = @{$stack[$stackNumber]} ;
$actualStack++ ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print " stack $stackNumber has been selected.\n" ; }
# process selected stacks
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "PROCESS SELECTED STACKS\n";} # while stacks left
while(scalar(keys %selectedStacks)> 0){ my(@k)= keys %selectedStacks;
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print " stacks available: @k\n";} my @nodes =();
my @nodesOld;
my @processedStacks =();
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "PROCESS SELECTED STACKS\n" ; }
# while stacks left
while (scalar (keys %selectedStacks) > 0) {
my (@k) = keys %selectedStacks ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print " stacks available: @k\n" ; }
my @nodes = () ;
my @nodesOld ;
my @processedStacks = () ;
# select one bottom element
my $key = $k[0]; # key of first stack
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print " stack nr $key selected\n";} my $ringToDraw = $selectedStacks{$key}[0];
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print " ring to draw: $ringToDraw\n";}
push @nodesOld, @{$ringNodes[$ringToDraw]}; # outer polygon
push @nodes, [@{$ringNodes[$ringToDraw]}]; # outer polygon as array
my $key = $k[0] ; # key of first stack
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print " stack nr $key selected\n" ; }
my $ringToDraw = $selectedStacks{$key}[0] ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print " ring to draw: $ringToDraw\n" ; }
push @nodesOld, @{$ringNodes[$ringToDraw]} ; # outer polygon
push @nodes, [@{$ringNodes[$ringToDraw]}] ; # outer polygon as array
# and remove ring from stacks; store processed stacks
foreach my $k2(keys %selectedStacks){ if($selectedStacks{$k2}[0] == $ringToDraw){
push @processedStacks, $k2;
if(scalar @{$selectedStacks{$k2}}== 0){delete $selectedStacks{$k2};} if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print " removed $ringToDraw from stack $k2\n";} }
foreach my $k2 (keys %selectedStacks) {
if ($selectedStacks{$k2}[0] == $ringToDraw) {
shift (@{$selectedStacks{$k2}}) ;
push @processedStacks, $k2 ;
if (scalar @{$selectedStacks{$k2}} == 0) { delete $selectedStacks{$k2} ; }
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print " removed $ringToDraw from stack $k2\n" ; }
# foreach stack in processed stacks
foreach my $k(@processedStacks){ # if now bottom of a stack is hole, then add this polygon to points
if(defined $selectedStacks{$k}){ my $tempRing = $selectedStacks{$k}[0];
my $temp = $ringTags[$tempRing]->[0]->[0];
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print " testing for hole: stack $k, ring $tempRing, tag $temp\n";} if($ringTags[$tempRing]->[0]->[0] eq "multihole"){ push @nodesOld, @{$ringNodes[$tempRing]};
push @nodes, [@{$ringNodes[$tempRing]}];
# print " nodes so far: @nodes\n";
foreach my $k (@processedStacks) {
# if now bottom of a stack is hole, then add this polygon to points
if (defined $selectedStacks{$k}) {
my $tempRing = $selectedStacks{$k}[0] ;
my $temp = $ringTags[$tempRing]->[0]->[0] ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print " testing for hole: stack $k, ring $tempRing, tag $temp\n" ; }
if ($ringTags[$tempRing]->[0]->[0] eq "multihole") {
push @nodesOld, @{$ringNodes[$tempRing]} ;
push @nodes, [@{$ringNodes[$tempRing]}] ;
# print " nodes so far: @nodes\n" ;
# and remove this element from stack
shift @{$selectedStacks{$k}};
if(scalar @{$selectedStacks{$k}}== 0){delete $selectedStacks{$k};} if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print " ring $tempRing identified as hole\n";} } } }
shift @{$selectedStacks{$k}} ;
if (scalar @{$selectedStacks{$k}} == 0) { delete $selectedStacks{$k} ; }
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print " ring $tempRing identified as hole\n" ; }
# add way
@{$multiNodes{$newId}}= @nodesOld;
@{$multiTags{$newId}}= @{$ringTags[$ringToDraw]};
@{$multiPaths{$newId}}= @nodes;
@{$multiNodes{$newId}} = @nodesOld ;
@{$multiTags{$newId}} = @{$ringTags[$ringToDraw]} ;
@{$multiPaths{$newId}} = @nodes ;
push @{$$wayTagsRef{$newId}}, ["layer", $actualLayer];
push @{$$wayTagsRef{$newId}}, ["layer", $actualLayer] ;
$actualLayer++ ;
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){
print " DRAWN: $ringToDraw, wayId $newId\n";
foreach my $tag(@{$ringTags[$ringToDraw]}){ print " k/v $tag->[0] - $tag->[1]\n";
} }
if (cv('debug') eq "1") {
print " DRAWN: $ringToDraw, wayId $newId\n" ;
foreach my $tag (@{$ringTags[$ringToDraw]}) {
print " k/v $tag->[0] - $tag->[1]\n" ;
$newId++ ;
} # (while)
1 ;

View File

@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
# Copyright(C)2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# Copyright (C) 2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or(at your option)any later version.
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
@ -16,118 +16,172 @@
package mwNodes;
package mwNodes ;
use strict;
use warnings;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use OSM::osm 8.21;
use OSM::osm 8.21 ;
use mwConfig;
use mwFile;
use mwRules;
use mwMap;
use mwMisc;
use mwLabel;
use mwConfig ;
use mwFile ;
use mwRules ;
use mwMap ;
use mwMisc ;
use mwLabel ;
require Exporter;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader);
@ISA = qw ( Exporter AutoLoader ) ;
@EXPORT = qw(processNodes
@EXPORT = qw ( processNodes
) ;
sub processNodes{
print "drawing nodes...\n";
sub processNodes {
my $lonRef; my $latRef; my $tagRef;
($lonRef, $latRef, $tagRef)= getNodePointers();
print "drawing nodes...\n" ;
foreach my $nodeId(keys %$lonRef){ my @tags = @{$$tagRef{$nodeId}};
my $tagsString = "";
my $lonRef; my $latRef; my $tagRef ;
($lonRef, $latRef, $tagRef) = getNodePointers () ;
foreach my $nodeId (keys %$lonRef) {
my @tags = @{ $$tagRef{$nodeId} } ;
my $tagsString = "" ;
my $ruleRef = getNodeRule (\@tags) ;
if (defined $ruleRef) {
my $ruleRef = getNodeRule(\@tags);
if(defined $ruleRef){
# draw disc first !
if(grep /yes/, $$ruleRef{'disc'}){ my $svgString = "";
if($$ruleRef{'discsvgstring'}ne ""){ $svgString = $$ruleRef{'discsvgstring'};
} else{ $svgString = "fill=\"$$ruleRef{'disccolor'}\" stroke=\"none\" fill-opacity=\"$$ruleRef{'discopacity'}\"";
} drawCircle($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 1, $$ruleRef{'discradius'}, 1, $svgString, 'nodes');
if(grep /yes/, $$ruleRef{'circle'}){ my $svgString = "";
if($$ruleRef{'circlesvgstring'}ne ""){ $svgString = $$ruleRef{'circlesvgstring'};
} else{ $svgString = "fill=\"none\" stroke=\"$$ruleRef{'circlecolor'}\" stroke-width=\"$$ruleRef{'circlethickness'}\"";
} drawCircle($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 1, $$ruleRef{'circleradius'}, 1, $svgString, 'nodes');
if(($$ruleRef{'size'}> 0)and($$ruleRef{'icon'}eq "none")){ my $svgString = "";
if($$ruleRef{'svgstring'}ne ""){ $svgString = $$ruleRef{'svgstring'};
} else{ $svgString = "fill=\"$$ruleRef{'color'}\"";
if (grep /yes/, $$ruleRef{'disc'}) {
my $svgString = "" ;
if ( $$ruleRef{'discsvgstring'} ne "" ) {
$svgString = $$ruleRef{'discsvgstring'} ;
else {
$svgString = "fill=\"$$ruleRef{'disccolor'}\" stroke=\"none\" fill-opacity=\"$$ruleRef{'discopacity'}\"" ;
drawCircle ($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 1, $$ruleRef{'discradius'}, 1, $svgString, 'nodes') ;
if($$ruleRef{'shape'}eq "circle"){ drawCircle($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 1, $$ruleRef{'size'}, 0, $svgString, 'nodes');
} elsif($$ruleRef{'shape'}eq "square"){ drawSquare($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 1, $$ruleRef{'size'}, 0, $svgString, 'nodes');
} elsif($$ruleRef{'shape'}eq "triangle"){ drawTriangle($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 1, $$ruleRef{'size'}, 0, $svgString, 'nodes');
} elsif($$ruleRef{'shape'}eq "diamond"){ drawDiamond($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 1, $$ruleRef{'size'}, 0, $svgString, 'nodes');
} }
if(($$ruleRef{'label'}ne "none")or($$ruleRef{'icon'}ne "none")){ my($labelText, $ref)= createLabel(\@tags, $$ruleRef{'label'}, $$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId});
$labelText = labelTransform($labelText, $$ruleRef{'labeltransform'});
my $labelSize = $$ruleRef{'labelsize'};
my $labelColor = $$ruleRef{'labelcolor'};
my $labelFont = $$ruleRef{'labelfont'};
my $labelFontFamily = $$ruleRef{'labelfontfamily'};
my $labelBold = $$ruleRef{'labelbold'};
my $labelItalic = $$ruleRef{'labelitalic'};
my $labelHalo = $$ruleRef{'labelhalo'};
my $labelHaloColor = $$ruleRef{'labelhalocolor'};
my $icon = $$ruleRef{'icon'};
my $iconSize = $$ruleRef{'iconsize'};
my $svgText = createTextSVG($labelFontFamily, $labelFont, $labelBold, $labelItalic, $labelSize, $labelColor, $labelHalo, $labelHaloColor);
if (grep /yes/, $$ruleRef{'circle'}) {
my $svgString = "" ;
if ( $$ruleRef{'circlesvgstring'} ne "" ) {
$svgString = $$ruleRef{'circlesvgstring'} ;
else {
$svgString = "fill=\"none\" stroke=\"$$ruleRef{'circlecolor'}\" stroke-width=\"$$ruleRef{'circlethickness'}\"" ;
drawCircle ($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 1, $$ruleRef{'circleradius'}, 1, $svgString, 'nodes') ;
if ( ($$ruleRef{'size'} > 0) and ($$ruleRef{'icon'} eq "none") ) {
my $svgString = "" ;
if ( $$ruleRef{'svgstring'} ne "" ) {
$svgString = $$ruleRef{'svgstring'} ;
else {
$svgString = "fill=\"$$ruleRef{'color'}\"" ;
if ( $$ruleRef{'shape'} eq "circle") {
drawCircle ($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 1, $$ruleRef{'size'}, 0, $svgString, 'nodes') ;
elsif ( $$ruleRef{'shape'} eq "square") {
drawSquare ($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 1, $$ruleRef{'size'}, 0, $svgString, 'nodes') ;
elsif ( $$ruleRef{'shape'} eq "triangle") {
drawTriangle ($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 1, $$ruleRef{'size'}, 0, $svgString, 'nodes') ;
elsif ( $$ruleRef{'shape'} eq "diamond") {
drawDiamond ($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 1, $$ruleRef{'size'}, 0, $svgString, 'nodes') ;
if ( ($$ruleRef{'label'} ne "none") or ($$ruleRef{'icon'} ne "none") ) {
my ($labelText, $ref) = createLabel (\@tags, $$ruleRef{'label'}, $$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}) ;
$labelText = labelTransform ($labelText, $$ruleRef{'labeltransform'}) ;
my $labelSize = $$ruleRef{'labelsize'} ;
my $labelColor = $$ruleRef{'labelcolor'} ;
my $labelFont = $$ruleRef{'labelfont'} ;
my $labelFontFamily = $$ruleRef{'labelfontfamily'} ;
my $labelBold = $$ruleRef{'labelbold'} ;
my $labelItalic = $$ruleRef{'labelitalic'} ;
my $labelHalo = $$ruleRef{'labelhalo'} ;
my $labelHaloColor = $$ruleRef{'labelhalocolor'} ;
my $icon = $$ruleRef{'icon'} ;
my $iconSize = $$ruleRef{'iconsize'} ;
my $svgText = createTextSVG ( $labelFontFamily, $labelFont, $labelBold, $labelItalic, $labelSize, $labelColor, $labelHalo, $labelHaloColor) ;
placeLabelAndIcon($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 0, $$ruleRef{'size'}, $labelText, $svgText, $icon, $iconSize, $iconSize, "nodes") ;
placeLabelAndIcon($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 0, $$ruleRef{'size'}, $labelText, $svgText, $icon, $iconSize, $iconSize, "nodes");
# fill poi directory
my $thing0 = $$ruleRef{'keyvalue'};
my($thing)=($thing0 =~ /.+=(.+)/);
my $thing0 = $$ruleRef{'keyvalue'} ;
my ($thing) = ( $thing0 =~ /.+=(.+)/ ) ;
my $dirName = getValue("name", $$tagRef{$nodeId});
if((cv('poi')eq "1")and
(defined $dirName)and
($$ruleRef{'direxclude'}eq "no") ){ $dirName .= "($thing)";
if(cv('grid')> 0){ my $sq = gridSquare($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, cv('grid'));
if(defined $sq){ addToPoiHash($dirName, $sq);
} } else{ # $poiHash{$dirName}= 1;
addToPoiHash($dirName, undef);
} }
my $dirName = getValue ("name", $$tagRef{$nodeId} ) ;
if ( ( cv('poi') eq "1" ) and
( defined $dirName ) and
( $$ruleRef{'direxclude'} eq "no")
) {
$dirName .= " ($thing)" ;
if ( cv('grid') > 0) {
my $sq = gridSquare($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, cv('grid')) ;
if (defined $sq) {
addToPoiHash ($dirName, $sq) ;
else {
# $poiHash{$dirName} = 1 ;
addToPoiHash ($dirName, undef) ;
} # defined ruleref
}# defined ruleref
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub createPoiDirectory{ my $poiName;
my $poiFile;
$poiName = cv('out');
$poiName =~ s/\.svg/\_pois.txt/;
setConfigValue("poiname", $poiName);
print "creating poi file $poiName ...\n";
open($poiFile, ">", $poiName)or die("can't open poi file $poiName\n");
sub createPoiDirectory {
my $poiName ;
my $poiFile ;
$poiName = cv ('out') ;
$poiName =~ s/\.svg/\_pois.txt/ ;
setConfigValue("poiname", $poiName) ;
print "creating poi file $poiName ...\n" ;
open ($poiFile, ">", $poiName) or die ("can't open poi file $poiName\n") ;
my $ref = getPoiHash();
my %poiHash = %$ref;
my $ref = getPoiHash() ;
my %poiHash = %$ref ;
if(cv('grid')eq "0"){ foreach my $poi(sort keys %poiHash){ $poi = replaceHTMLCode($poi);
print $poiFile "$poi\n";
}} else{ foreach my $poi(sort keys %poiHash){ $poi = replaceHTMLCode($poi);
print $poiFile "$poi\t";
foreach my $square(sort keys %{$poiHash{$poi}}){ print $poiFile "$square ";
} print $poiFile "\n";
}} close($poiFile);
if ( cv('grid') eq "0") {
foreach my $poi (sort keys %poiHash) {
$poi = replaceHTMLCode ( $poi ) ;
print $poiFile "$poi\n" ;
else {
foreach my $poi (sort keys %poiHash) {
$poi = replaceHTMLCode ( $poi ) ;
print $poiFile "$poi\t" ;
foreach my $square (sort keys %{$poiHash{$poi}}) {
print $poiFile "$square " ;
print $poiFile "\n" ;
close ($poiFile) ;
1 ;

View File

@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
# Copyright(C)2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# Copyright (C) 2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or(at your option)any later version.
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
@ -16,238 +16,317 @@
package mwOccupy;
package mwOccupy ;
use strict;
use warnings;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use List::Util qw[min max];
use List::Util qw[min max] ;
use mwMap;
use mwMap ;
require Exporter;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader);
@ISA = qw ( Exporter AutoLoader ) ;
@EXPORT = qw(boxOccupyLines
@EXPORT = qw ( boxOccupyLines
) ;
my $boxSize = 5;
my $boxSize = 5 ;
my %box =();
my %box = () ;
# -------------------------------------------------------------
sub boxOccupyLines{ my($refCoords, $buffer, $value)= @_;
my @coordinates = @$refCoords;
my @lines =();
sub boxOccupyLines {
my ($refCoords, $buffer, $value) = @_ ;
my @coordinates = @$refCoords ;
my @lines = () ;
for(my $i = 0; $i < $#coordinates-2; $i += 2){ push @lines, [$coordinates[$i], $coordinates[$i+1], $coordinates[$i+2], $coordinates[$i+3]];
foreach my $line(@lines){ my $x1 = $line->[0];
my $y1 = $line->[1];
my $x2 = $line->[2];
my $y2 = $line->[3];
for ( my $i = 0; $i < $#coordinates-2; $i += 2 ) {
push @lines, [$coordinates[$i], $coordinates[$i+1], $coordinates[$i+2], $coordinates[$i+3]] ;
foreach my $line ( @lines ) {
my $x1 = $line->[0] ;
my $y1 = $line->[1] ;
my $x2 = $line->[2] ;
my $y2 = $line->[3] ;
# print "$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2\n";
# print "$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2\n" ;
if($x1 != $x2){
my $m =($y2 - $y1)/($x2 - $x1);
my $b = $y1 - $m * $x1;
if ( $x1 != $x2) {
my $m = ($y2 - $y1) / ($x2 - $x1) ;
my $b = $y1 - $m * $x1 ;
if ( abs ( $x1 - $x2 ) > abs ( $y1 - $y2 ) ) {
if(abs($x1 - $x2)> abs($y1 - $y2)){
# calc points on x axis
my $x = $x1;
my $stepX = $boxSize;
if($x2 < $x1){$stepX = - $boxSize;} while(($x >= min($x1, $x2))and($x <= max($x1, $x2))){
my $y = $m * $x + $b;
my $x = $x1 ;
my $stepX = $boxSize ;
if ( $x2 < $x1 ) { $stepX = - $boxSize ; }
while ( ( $x >= min ($x1, $x2) ) and ( $x <= max ($x1, $x2) ) ) {
my $y = $m * $x + $b ;
my $ax1 = $x - $buffer;
my $ax2 = $x + $buffer;
my $ay1 = $y - $buffer;
my $ay2 = $y + $buffer;
boxOccupyArea($ax1, $ay1, $ax2, $ay2, 0, $value);
$x += $stepX;
my $ax1 = $x - $buffer ;
my $ax2 = $x + $buffer ;
my $ay1 = $y - $buffer ;
my $ay2 = $y + $buffer ;
boxOccupyArea ($ax1, $ay1, $ax2, $ay2, 0, $value) ;
$x += $stepX ;
} else{
else {
# calc points on y axis
my $y = $y1;
my $stepY = $boxSize;
if($y2 < $y1){$stepY = - $boxSize;} while(($y >= min($y1, $y2))and($y <= max($y1, $y2))){
my $x =($y - $b)/ $m;
my $y = $y1 ;
my $stepY = $boxSize ;
if ( $y2 < $y1 ) { $stepY = - $boxSize ; }
while ( ( $y >= min ($y1, $y2) ) and ( $y <= max ($y1, $y2) ) ) {
my $x = ($y - $b) / $m ;
my $ax1 = $x - $buffer;
my $ax2 = $x + $buffer;
my $ay1 = $y - $buffer;
my $ay2 = $y + $buffer;
boxOccupyArea($ax1, $ay1, $ax2, $ay2, 0, $value);
my $ax1 = $x - $buffer ;
my $ax2 = $x + $buffer ;
my $ay1 = $y - $buffer ;
my $ay2 = $y + $buffer ;
boxOccupyArea ($ax1, $ay1, $ax2, $ay2, 0, $value) ;
$y += $stepY;
}# abs
$y += $stepY ;
} else{ my $x = $x1;
} # abs
else {
my $x = $x1 ;
# calc points on y axis
my $y = $y1;
my $stepY = $boxSize;
if($y2 < $y1){$stepY = - $boxSize;} while(($y >= min($y1, $y2))and($y <= max($y1, $y2))){
my $y = $y1 ;
my $stepY = $boxSize ;
if ( $y2 < $y1 ) { $stepY = - $boxSize ; }
while ( ( $y >= min ($y1, $y2) ) and ( $y <= max ($y1, $y2) ) ) {
my $ax1 = $x - $buffer;
my $ax2 = $x + $buffer;
my $ay1 = $y - $buffer;
my $ay2 = $y + $buffer;
boxOccupyArea($ax1, $ay1, $ax2, $ay2, 0, $value);
my $ax1 = $x - $buffer ;
my $ax2 = $x + $buffer ;
my $ay1 = $y - $buffer ;
my $ay2 = $y + $buffer ;
boxOccupyArea ($ax1, $ay1, $ax2, $ay2, 0, $value) ;
$y += $stepY;
} }
$y += $stepY ;
sub boxLinesOccupied{ my($refCoords, $buffer)= @_;
my @coordinates = @$refCoords;
my @lines =();
my $result = 0;
for(my $i = 0; $i < $#coordinates-2; $i += 2){ push @lines, [$coordinates[$i], $coordinates[$i+1], $coordinates[$i+2], $coordinates[$i+3]];
foreach my $line(@lines){ my $x1 = $line->[0];
my $y1 = $line->[1];
my $x2 = $line->[2];
my $y2 = $line->[3];
# print "$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2\n";
sub boxLinesOccupied {
my ($refCoords, $buffer) = @_ ;
my @coordinates = @$refCoords ;
my @lines = () ;
my $result = 0 ;
if($x1 != $x2){
my $m =($y2 - $y1)/($x2 - $x1);
my $b = $y1 - $m * $x1;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < $#coordinates-2; $i += 2 ) {
push @lines, [$coordinates[$i], $coordinates[$i+1], $coordinates[$i+2], $coordinates[$i+3]] ;
foreach my $line ( @lines ) {
my $x1 = $line->[0] ;
my $y1 = $line->[1] ;
my $x2 = $line->[2] ;
my $y2 = $line->[3] ;
# print "$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2\n" ;
if ( $x1 != $x2) {
my $m = ($y2 - $y1) / ($x2 - $x1) ;
my $b = $y1 - $m * $x1 ;
if ( abs ( $x1 - $x2 ) > abs ( $y1 - $y2 ) ) {
if(abs($x1 - $x2)> abs($y1 - $y2)){
# calc points on x axis
my $x = $x1;
my $stepX = $boxSize;
if($x2 < $x1){$stepX = - $boxSize;} while(($x >= min($x1, $x2))and($x <= max($x1, $x2))){
my $y = $m * $x + $b;
my $x = $x1 ;
my $stepX = $boxSize ;
if ( $x2 < $x1 ) { $stepX = - $boxSize ; }
while ( ( $x >= min ($x1, $x2) ) and ( $x <= max ($x1, $x2) ) ) {
my $y = $m * $x + $b ;
my $ax1 = $x - $buffer;
my $ax2 = $x + $buffer;
my $ay1 = $y - $buffer;
my $ay2 = $y + $buffer;
my $tmp = boxAreaOccupied($ax1, $ay1, $ax2, $ay2);
if($tmp > $result){$result = $tmp;} $x += $stepX;
my $ax1 = $x - $buffer ;
my $ax2 = $x + $buffer ;
my $ay1 = $y - $buffer ;
my $ay2 = $y + $buffer ;
my $tmp = boxAreaOccupied ($ax1, $ay1, $ax2, $ay2) ;
if ($tmp > $result) { $result = $tmp ; }
$x += $stepX ;
} else{
else {
# calc points on y axis
my $y = $y1;
my $stepY = $boxSize;
if($y2 < $y1){$stepY = - $boxSize;} while(($y >= min($y1, $y2))and($y <= max($y1, $y2))){
my $x =($y - $b)/ $m;
my $y = $y1 ;
my $stepY = $boxSize ;
if ( $y2 < $y1 ) { $stepY = - $boxSize ; }
while ( ( $y >= min ($y1, $y2) ) and ( $y <= max ($y1, $y2) ) ) {
my $x = ($y - $b) / $m ;
my $ax1 = $x - $buffer;
my $ax2 = $x + $buffer;
my $ay1 = $y - $buffer;
my $ay2 = $y + $buffer;
my $tmp = boxAreaOccupied($ax1, $ay1, $ax2, $ay2);
if($tmp > $result){$result = $tmp;}
$y += $stepY;
}# abs
my $ax1 = $x - $buffer ;
my $ax2 = $x + $buffer ;
my $ay1 = $y - $buffer ;
my $ay2 = $y + $buffer ;
my $tmp = boxAreaOccupied ($ax1, $ay1, $ax2, $ay2) ;
if ($tmp > $result) { $result = $tmp ; }
} else{ my $x = $x1;
$y += $stepY ;
} # abs
else {
my $x = $x1 ;
# calc points on y axis
my $y = $y1;
my $stepY = $boxSize;
if($y2 < $y1){$stepY = - $boxSize;} while(($y >= min($y1, $y2))and($y <= max($y1, $y2))){
my $y = $y1 ;
my $stepY = $boxSize ;
if ( $y2 < $y1 ) { $stepY = - $boxSize ; }
while ( ( $y >= min ($y1, $y2) ) and ( $y <= max ($y1, $y2) ) ) {
my $ax1 = $x - $buffer;
my $ax2 = $x + $buffer;
my $ay1 = $y - $buffer;
my $ay2 = $y + $buffer;
my $tmp = boxAreaOccupied($ax1, $ay1, $ax2, $ay2);
if($tmp > $result){$result = $tmp;}
$y += $stepY;
} }
my $ax1 = $x - $buffer ;
my $ax2 = $x + $buffer ;
my $ay1 = $y - $buffer ;
my $ay2 = $y + $buffer ;
my $tmp = boxAreaOccupied ($ax1, $ay1, $ax2, $ay2) ;
if ($tmp > $result) { $result = $tmp ; }
} return $result;
$y += $stepY ;
return $result ;
# -------------------------------------------------------------
sub boxOccupyArea{ my($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $buffer, $value)= @_;
sub boxOccupyArea {
my ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $buffer, $value) = @_ ;
if($x2 < $x1){ my $tmp = $x1;
$x1 = $x2;
$x2 = $tmp;
} if($y2 < $y1){ my $tmp = $y1;
$y1 = $y2;
$y2 = $tmp;
$x1 -= $buffer;
$x2 += $buffer;
$y1 -= $buffer;
$y2 += $buffer;
if ( $x2 < $x1) {
my $tmp = $x1 ;
$x1 = $x2 ;
$x2 = $tmp ;
if ( $y2 < $y1) {
my $tmp = $y1 ;
$y1 = $y2 ;
$y2 = $tmp ;
for(my $x = $x1; $x <= $x2; $x += $boxSize){ for(my $y = $y1; $y <= $y2; $y += $boxSize){ my $bx = int($x / $boxSize);
my $by = int($y / $boxSize);
$box{$bx}{$by}= $value;
# print "box $bx, $by occupied\n";
$x1 -= $buffer ;
$x2 += $buffer ;
$y1 -= $buffer ;
$y2 += $buffer ;
for ( my $x = $x1; $x <= $x2; $x += $boxSize) {
for ( my $y = $y1; $y <= $y2; $y += $boxSize) {
my $bx = int ( $x / $boxSize ) ;
my $by = int ( $y / $boxSize ) ;
$box{$bx}{$by} = $value ;
# print "box $bx, $by occupied\n" ;
return ;
sub boxAreaOccupied{ my($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)= @_;
my $result = 0;
if($x2 < $x1){ my $tmp = $x1;
$x1 = $x2;
$x2 = $tmp;
} if($y2 < $y1){ my $tmp = $y1;
$y1 = $y2;
$y2 = $tmp;
for(my $x = $x1; $x <= $x2; $x += $boxSize){ my $bx = int($x / $boxSize);
for(my $y = $y1; $y <= $y2; $y += $boxSize){ my $by = int($y / $boxSize);
# print " $bx, $by\n";
if(defined $box{$bx}{$by}){ if($box{$bx}{$by}> $result){ # print "check box $bx, $by\n";
$result = $box{$bx}{$by};
} } }} return $result;
sub boxAreaOccupied {
my ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = @_ ;
my $result = 0 ;
if ( $x2 < $x1) {
my $tmp = $x1 ;
$x1 = $x2 ;
$x2 = $tmp ;
if ( $y2 < $y1) {
my $tmp = $y1 ;
$y1 = $y2 ;
$y2 = $tmp ;
for ( my $x = $x1; $x <= $x2; $x += $boxSize) {
my $bx = int ($x / $boxSize) ;
for ( my $y = $y1; $y <= $y2; $y += $boxSize) {
my $by = int ($y / $boxSize) ;
# print " $bx, $by\n" ;
if ( defined $box{$bx}{$by} ) {
if ( $box{$bx}{$by} > $result ) {
# print "check box $bx, $by\n" ;
$result = $box{$bx}{$by} ;
return $result ;
# -------------------------------------------------------------
sub boxDrawOccupiedAreas{ my $format1 = "fill=\"red\" fill-opacity=\"0.3\" ";
my $format2 = "fill=\"blue\" fill-opacity=\"0.3\" ";
my $format3 = "fill=\"green\" fill-opacity=\"0.5\" ";
foreach my $bx(sort{$a <=> $b}keys %box){ foreach my $by(sort{$a <=> $b}keys %{$box{$bx}}){ my $x1 = $bx * $boxSize;
my $x2 = $x1 + $boxSize;
my $y1 = $by * $boxSize;
my $y2 = $y1 + $boxSize;
sub boxDrawOccupiedAreas {
my $format1 = "fill=\"red\" fill-opacity=\"0.3\" " ;
my $format2 = "fill=\"blue\" fill-opacity=\"0.3\" " ;
my $format3 = "fill=\"green\" fill-opacity=\"0.5\" " ;
foreach my $bx ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys %box ) {
foreach my $by ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$box{$bx}} ) {
my $x1 = $bx * $boxSize ;
my $x2 = $x1 + $boxSize ;
my $y1 = $by * $boxSize ;
my $y2 = $y1 + $boxSize ;
if ( $box{$bx}{$by} == 1) {
drawRect ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, 0, $format1, "occupied") ;
elsif ( $box{$bx}{$by} == 2) {
drawRect ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, 0, $format2, "occupied") ;
else {
drawRect ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, 0, $format3, "occupied") ;
# print "occupied $bx, $by\n" ;
if($box{$bx}{$by}== 1){ drawRect($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, 0, $format1, "occupied");
} elsif($box{$bx}{$by}== 2){ drawRect($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, 0, $format2, "occupied");
} else { drawRect($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, 0, $format3, "occupied");
} # print "occupied $bx, $by\n";
1 ;

View File

@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
# Copyright(C)2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# Copyright (C) 2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or(at your option)any later version.
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
@ -16,231 +16,311 @@
package mwRelations;
package mwRelations ;
use strict;
use warnings;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use mwMap;
use mwRules;
use mwFile;
use mwMisc;
use mwLabel;
use mwConfig;
use mwMap ;
use mwRules ;
use mwFile ;
use mwMisc ;
use mwLabel ;
use mwConfig ;
require Exporter;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader);
@ISA = qw ( Exporter AutoLoader ) ;
@EXPORT = qw(processRoutes
@EXPORT = qw ( processRoutes
) ;
my $pathNumber = 0;
my $pathNumber = 0 ;
my %iconSizeX =();
my %iconSizeY =();
my %iconSizeX = () ;
my %iconSizeY = () ;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub processRoutes{#
sub processRoutes {
# process route data
my %routeColors =(); # will point to arrays of colors per route type
my %actualColorIndex =(); # which color is next
my %colorNumber =(); # number of colors per route type
my %wayRouteLabels =(); # labels to be used per way
my %wayRouteIcons =(); # icons to be used per way
my(%iconSizeX, %iconSizeY);
my %routeColors = () ; # will point to arrays of colors per route type
my %actualColorIndex = () ; # which color is next
my %colorNumber = () ; # number of colors per route type
my %wayRouteLabels = () ; # labels to be used per way
my %wayRouteIcons = () ; # icons to be used per way
my (%iconSizeX, %iconSizeY) ;
print "processing routes...\n";
print "processing routes...\n" ;
# init before relation processing
# get colors per type and set actual index
my $ref = getRouteColors();
%routeColors = %$ref;
foreach my $type(keys %routeColors){ $colorNumber{$type}= scalar @{$routeColors{$type}};
$actualColorIndex{$type}= 0;
my($lonRef, $latRef)= getNodePointers();
my($wayNodesRef, $wayTagsRef)= getWayPointers();
my($relationMembersRef, $relationTagsRef)= getRelationPointers();
my $ref = getRouteColors() ;
%routeColors = %$ref ;
foreach my $type (keys %routeColors) {
$colorNumber{$type} = scalar @{$routeColors{$type}} ;
$actualColorIndex{$type} = 0 ;
foreach my $relId(keys %$relationTagsRef){ my $relationType = getValue("type", $$relationTagsRef{$relId});
if(! defined $relationType){$relationType = "";}
if(($relationType eq "route")and((cv('relid')== $relId)or(cv('relid')== 0))){
my $ruleRef = getRouteRule($$relationTagsRef{$relId});
my ($lonRef, $latRef) = getNodePointers() ;
my ($wayNodesRef, $wayTagsRef) = getWayPointers() ;
my ($relationMembersRef, $relationTagsRef) = getRelationPointers() ;
foreach my $relId (keys %$relationTagsRef) {
my $relationType = getValue ("type", $$relationTagsRef{$relId} ) ;
if ( ! defined $relationType ) { $relationType = "" ; }
if ( ( $relationType eq "route" ) and ( (cv('relid') == $relId) or (cv('relid') == 0) ) ) {
my $ruleRef = getRouteRule( $$relationTagsRef{$relId} ) ;
if (defined $ruleRef) {
if(defined $ruleRef){
# new route detected
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "ROUTE: rule found for $relId, $$ruleRef{'type'}.\n";}
if (cv('debug') eq "1" ) { print "ROUTE: rule found for $relId, $$ruleRef{'type'}.\n" ; }
# try to get color from relation tags first
my $color = getValue("color", $$relationTagsRef{$relId});
if(! defined $color){ $color = getValue("colour", $$relationTagsRef{$relId});
my $color = getValue ("color", $$relationTagsRef{$relId} ) ;
if ( ! defined $color) {
$color = getValue ("colour", $$relationTagsRef{$relId} ) ;
# no color yet, then get color from rule
if(! defined $color){
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "ROUTE: actual color index: $actualColorIndex{$$ruleRef{'type'}}\n";} $color = $routeColors{$$ruleRef{'type'}}[$actualColorIndex{$$ruleRef{'type'}}];
$actualColorIndex{$$ruleRef{'type'}}=($actualColorIndex{$$ruleRef{'type'}}+ 1)% $colorNumber{$$ruleRef{'type'}};
} if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "ROUTE: $relId final color: $color\n";}
if ( ! defined $color) {
if (cv('debug') eq "1" ) { print "ROUTE: actual color index: $actualColorIndex{ $$ruleRef{'type'} }\n" ; }
$color = $routeColors{ $$ruleRef{'type'} }[$actualColorIndex{ $$ruleRef{'type'} }] ;
$actualColorIndex{ $$ruleRef{'type'} } = ($actualColorIndex{ $$ruleRef{'type'} } + 1) % $colorNumber{ $$ruleRef{'type'} } ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1" ) { print "ROUTE: $relId final color: $color\n" ; }
# find icon
my $iconName = getValue("ref", $$relationTagsRef{$relId});
if(! defined $iconName){ getValue("name", $$relationTagsRef{$relId}) } if(! defined $iconName){$iconName = "";}
my $iconName = getValue ("ref", $$relationTagsRef{$relId} ) ;
if ( ! defined $iconName ) {
getValue ("name", $$relationTagsRef{$relId} )
if ( ! defined $iconName) { $iconName = "" ; }
# look for route icon. svg first, then png
my $file;
$iconName = cv('routeicondir'). $$ruleRef{'type'}. "-" . $iconName . ".svg";
my $iconResult = open($file, "<", $iconName);
# print " trying $iconName\n";
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "ROUTE: icon $iconName found!\n";} close($file);
my $file ;
$iconName = cv('routeicondir') . $$ruleRef{'type'} . "-" . $iconName . ".svg" ;
my $iconResult = open ($file, "<", $iconName) ;
# print " trying $iconName\n" ;
if ($iconResult) {
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "ROUTE: icon $iconName found!\n" ; }
close ($file) ;
if(! $iconResult){ $iconName =~ s/.svg/.png/;
# print " trying $iconName\n";
$iconResult = open($file, "<", $iconName);
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "ROUTE: icon $iconName found!\n";} close($file);
if ( ! $iconResult) {
$iconName =~ s/.svg/.png/ ;
# print " trying $iconName\n" ;
$iconResult = open ($file, "<", $iconName) ;
if ($iconResult) {
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "ROUTE: icon $iconName found!\n" ; }
close ($file) ;
if($iconResult){ my($x, $y); undef $x; undef $y;
if(grep /.svg/, $iconName){ ($x, $y)= sizeSVG($iconName);
if(($x == 0)or($y == 0)){
$x = 32; $y = 32;
print "WARNING: size of file $iconName could not be determined. Set to 32px x 32px\n";
if ($iconResult) {
my ($x, $y) ; undef $x ; undef $y ;
if (grep /.svg/, $iconName) {
($x, $y) = sizeSVG ($iconName) ;
if ( ($x == 0) or ($y == 0) ) {
$x = 32 ; $y = 32 ;
print "WARNING: size of file $iconName could not be determined. Set to 32px x 32px\n" ;
if(grep /.png/, $iconName){ ($x, $y)= sizePNG($iconName);
$iconSizeX{$iconName}= $x;
$iconSizeY{$iconName}= $y;
my($label, $ref)= createLabel($$relationTagsRef{$relId}, $$ruleRef{'label'});
my $printIcon = ""; if($iconResult){$printIcon = $iconName;}
if(cv('verbose')eq "1"){
printf "ROUTE: route %10s %10s %10s %30s %40s\n", $relId, $$ruleRef{'type'}, $color, $label, $printIcon;
if (grep /.png/, $iconName) {
($x, $y) = sizePNG ($iconName) ;
$iconSizeX{$iconName} = $x ;
$iconSizeY{$iconName} = $y ;
my ($label, $ref) = createLabel ( $$relationTagsRef{$relId}, $$ruleRef{'label'} ) ;
my $printIcon = "" ; if ($iconResult) { $printIcon = $iconName ; }
if (cv('verbose') eq "1" ) {
printf "ROUTE: route %10s %10s %10s %30s %40s\n", $relId, $$ruleRef{'type'}, $color, $label, $printIcon ;
# collect ways
my $mRef = getAllMembers($relId, 0);
my @tempMembers = @$mRef;
my $mRef = getAllMembers ($relId, 0) ;
my @tempMembers = @$mRef ;
my @relWays = () ;
foreach my $member (@tempMembers) {
if ( ( ($member->[2] eq "none") or ($member->[2] eq "route") ) and ($member->[0] eq "way") ) { push @relWays, $member->[1] ; }
if ( ( ($member->[2] eq "forward") or ($member->[2] eq "backward") ) and ($member->[0] eq "way") ) { push @relWays, $member->[1] ; }
my @relWays =();
foreach my $member(@tempMembers){ if((($member->[2] eq "none")or($member->[2] eq "route"))and($member->[0] eq "way")){push @relWays, $member->[1];} if((($member->[2] eq "forward")or($member->[2] eq "backward"))and($member->[0] eq "way")){push @relWays, $member->[1];}
# TODO diversions, shortcuts?
# stops
if((grep /stop/, $member->[2])and($member->[0] eq "node")){ if(($$ruleRef{'nodesize'}> 0)and(defined $$latRef{$member->[1]})and(defined $$lonRef{$member->[1]})){ my $svgString = "fill=\"$color\" ";
drawCircle($$lonRef{$member->[1]}, $$latRef{$member->[1]}, 1, $$ruleRef{'nodesize'}, 0, $svgString, 'routes');
} } }
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "ROUTE: ways: @relWays\n";}
foreach my $w(@relWays){
my $op = $$ruleRef{'opacity'}/ 100;
my $width = $$ruleRef{'size'};
my $linecap = $$ruleRef{'linecap'};
my $dashString = "";
my $dash = $$ruleRef{'dash'};
if($dash ne ""){$dashString = "stroke-dasharray=\"$dash\" ";} my $svgString = "stroke=\"$color\" stroke-opacity=\"$op\" stroke-width=\"$width\" fill=\"none\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-linecap=\"$linecap\" " . $dashString;
if ( (grep /stop/, $member->[2]) and ($member->[0] eq "node") ) {
if ( ( $$ruleRef{'nodesize'} > 0) and (defined $$latRef{$member->[1]}) and (defined $$lonRef{$member->[1]}) ) {
my $svgString = "fill=\"$color\" " ;
drawCircle ($$lonRef{$member->[1]}, $$latRef{$member->[1]}, 1, $$ruleRef{'nodesize'}, 0, $svgString, 'routes') ;
drawWay($$wayNodesRef{$w}, 1, $svgString, "routes", undef);
if (cv('debug') eq "1" ) { print "ROUTE: ways: @relWays\n" ; }
foreach my $w (@relWays) {
my $op = $$ruleRef{'opacity'} / 100 ;
my $width = $$ruleRef{'size'} ;
my $linecap = $$ruleRef{'linecap'} ;
my $dashString = "" ;
my $dash = $$ruleRef{'dash'} ;
if ( $dash ne "") { $dashString = "stroke-dasharray=\"$dash\" " ; }
my $svgString = "stroke=\"$color\" stroke-opacity=\"$op\" stroke-width=\"$width\" fill=\"none\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-linecap=\"$linecap\" " . $dashString ;
drawWay ($$wayNodesRef{$w}, 1, $svgString, "routes", undef) ;
# collect labels and icons per way
$wayRouteLabels{$w}{$label}= 1;
$wayRouteIcons{$w}{$iconName}= 1;
} }
}# rule found
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "\n";} }# rel route
}# relation
$wayRouteLabels{$w}{$label} = 1 ;
if ($iconResult) {
$wayRouteIcons{$w}{$iconName} = 1 ;
} # rule found
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "\n" ; }
} # rel route
} # relation
# label route ways after all relations have been processed
foreach my $w(keys %wayRouteLabels){ if((defined $$wayNodesRef{$w})and(scalar @{$$wayNodesRef{$w}}> 1)){ my $label = "";
foreach my $l(keys %{$wayRouteLabels{$w}}){ $label .= $l . " ";
foreach my $w (keys %wayRouteLabels) {
if ( (defined $$wayNodesRef{$w}) and (scalar @{$$wayNodesRef{$w}} > 1) ) {
my $label = "" ;
foreach my $l (keys %{$wayRouteLabels{$w}}) {
$label .= $l . " " ;
my @way = @{$$wayNodesRef{$w}} ;
if ($$lonRef{$way[0]} > $$lonRef{$way[-1]}) {
@way = reverse (@way) ;
if (labelFitsWay ( \@way, $label, cv('routelabelfont'), cv('routelabelsize') ) ) {
my $pathName = "RoutePath" . $pathNumber ;
$pathNumber++ ;
my @points = nodes2Coordinates( @way ) ;
if ( ! coordsOut (@points) ) {
createPath ($pathName, \@points, "definitions") ;
my $size = cv('routelabelsize') ;
my $font = cv('routelabelfont') ;
my $fontFamily = cv('routelabelfontfamily') ;
my $color = cv('routelabelcolor') ;
my $svgText = createTextSVG ( $fontFamily, $font, $size, $color, undef, undef) ;
pathText ($svgText, $label, $pathName, cv('routelabeloffset'), "middle", 50, "routes") ;
my @way = @{$$wayNodesRef{$w}};
if($$lonRef{$way[0]}> $$lonRef{$way[-1]}){ @way = reverse(@way);
if(labelFitsWay(\@way, $label, cv('routelabelfont'), cv('routelabelsize'))){ my $pathName = "RoutePath" . $pathNumber;
my @points = nodes2Coordinates(@way);
if(! coordsOut(@points)){
createPath($pathName, \@points, "definitions");
my $size = cv('routelabelsize');
my $font = cv('routelabelfont');
my $fontFamily = cv('routelabelfontfamily');
my $color = cv('routelabelcolor');
my $svgText = createTextSVG($fontFamily, $font, $size, $color, undef, undef);
pathText($svgText, $label, $pathName, cv('routelabeloffset'), "middle", 50, "routes");
} } }}
# place icons
foreach my $w(keys %wayRouteIcons){ my $offset = 0;
my $nodeNumber = scalar @{$$wayNodesRef{$w}};
if($nodeNumber > 1){ my $node = $$wayNodesRef{$w}[int($nodeNumber / 2)];
my $num = scalar(keys %{$wayRouteIcons{$w}});
$offset = int(-($num-1)* cv('routeicondist')/ 2);
foreach my $w (keys %wayRouteIcons) {
my $offset = 0 ;
my $nodeNumber = scalar @{$$wayNodesRef{$w}} ;
if ($nodeNumber > 1) {
my $node = $$wayNodesRef{$w}[int ($nodeNumber / 2)] ;
my $num = scalar (keys %{$wayRouteIcons{$w}}) ;
$offset = int (-($num-1)* cv('routeicondist') / 2) ;
foreach my $iconName(keys %{$wayRouteIcons{$w}}){
my $size = 40;
placeLabelAndIcon($$lonRef{$node}, $$latRef{$node}, $offset, $size, "", "", $iconName, $iconSizeX{$iconName}, $iconSizeY{$iconName}, "routes");
foreach my $iconName (keys %{$wayRouteIcons{$w}}) {
my $size = 40 ;
placeLabelAndIcon ($$lonRef{$node}, $$latRef{$node}, $offset, $size, "", "", $iconName, $iconSizeX{$iconName}, $iconSizeY{$iconName}, "routes") ;
$offset += cv('routeicondist') ;
$offset += cv('routeicondist');
} }}}
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub getAllMembers{#
sub getAllMembers {
# get all members of a relation recursively
# takes rel id and nesting level
# retruns ref to array with all members
my($relId, $nestingLevel)= @_;
my @allMembers =();
my $maxNestingLevel = 20;
my ($relId, $nestingLevel) = @_ ;
my @allMembers = () ;
my $maxNestingLevel = 20 ;
my($relationMembersRef, $relationTagsRef)= getRelationPointers();
my ($relationMembersRef, $relationTagsRef) = getRelationPointers() ;
if($nestingLevel > $maxNestingLevel){
print "ERROR/WARNING nesting level of relations too deep. recursion stopped at depth $maxNestingLevel! relId=$relId\n";
} else{ foreach my $member(@{$$relationMembersRef{$relId}}){ if(($member->[0] eq "way")or($member->[0] eq "node")){ push @allMembers, $member;
} if($member->[0] eq "relation"){ my $ref = getAllMembers($member->[1], $nestingLevel+1);
push @allMembers, @$ref;
} }
} return \@allMembers;
if ($nestingLevel > $maxNestingLevel) {
print "ERROR/WARNING nesting level of relations too deep. recursion stopped at depth $maxNestingLevel! relId=$relId\n" ;
else {
foreach my $member ( @{$$relationMembersRef{$relId}} ) {
if ( ($member->[0] eq "way") or ($member->[0] eq "node") ) {
push @allMembers, $member ;
if ( $member->[0] eq "relation" ) {
my $ref = getAllMembers ($member->[1], $nestingLevel+1) ;
push @allMembers, @$ref ;
return \@allMembers ;
sub labelFitsWay{ my($refWayNodes, $text, $font, $size)= @_;
my @wayNodes = @$refWayNodes;
my($lonRef, $latRef)= getNodePointers();
sub labelFitsWay {
my ($refWayNodes, $text, $font, $size) = @_ ;
my @wayNodes = @$refWayNodes ;
my ($lonRef, $latRef) = getNodePointers() ;
# calc waylen
my $wayLength = 0; # in pixels
for(my $i=0; $i<$#wayNodes; $i++){ my($x1, $y1)= convert($$lonRef{$wayNodes[$i]}, $$latRef{$wayNodes[$i]});
my($x2, $y2)= convert($$lonRef{$wayNodes[$i+1]}, $$latRef{$wayNodes[$i+1]});
$wayLength += sqrt(($x2-$x1)**2 +($y2-$y1)**2);
my $wayLength = 0 ; # in pixels
for (my $i=0; $i<$#wayNodes; $i++) {
my ($x1, $y1) = convert ($$lonRef{$wayNodes[$i]}, $$latRef{$wayNodes[$i]}) ;
my ($x2, $y2) = convert ($$lonRef{$wayNodes[$i+1]}, $$latRef{$wayNodes[$i+1]}) ;
$wayLength += sqrt ( ($x2-$x1)**2 + ($y2-$y1)**2 ) ;
# calc label len
my $labelLength = length($text)* cv('ppc')/ 10 * $size; # in pixels
my $labelLength = length ($text) * cv('ppc') / 10 * $size ; # in pixels
my $fit;
if($labelLength < $wayLength){$fit="fit";}else{$fit = "NOFIT";} # print "labelFitsWay: $fit, $text, labelLen = $labelLength, wayLen = $wayLength\n";
my $fit ;
if ($labelLength < $wayLength) { $fit="fit" ; } else { $fit = "NOFIT" ; }
# print "labelFitsWay: $fit, $text, labelLen = $labelLength, wayLen = $wayLength\n" ;
if($labelLength < $wayLength){ return 1;
} else{ return 0;
if ($labelLength < $wayLength) {
return 1 ;
else {
return 0 ;
1 ;


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
# Copyright(C)2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# Copyright (C) 2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or(at your option)any later version.
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
@ -16,420 +16,563 @@
package mwWayLabel;
package mwWayLabel ;
use strict;
use warnings;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use mwConfig;
use mwFile;
use mwMisc;
use mwMap;
use mwLabel;
use mwOccupy;
use mwConfig ;
use mwFile ;
use mwMisc ;
use mwMap ;
use mwLabel ;
use mwOccupy ;
require Exporter;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader);
@ISA = qw ( Exporter AutoLoader ) ;
@EXPORT = qw(addToDirectory
@EXPORT = qw ( addToDirectory
) ;
my %directory =();
my %wayLabels =();
my @labelCandidates =();
my %ruleRefs =();
my $pathNumber = 0;
my %directory = () ;
my %wayLabels = () ;
my @labelCandidates = () ;
my %ruleRefs = () ;
my $pathNumber = 0 ;
my $numWayLabelsOmitted = 0;
my $wnsNumber = 1;
my @wns =();
my $numWayLabelsOmitted = 0 ;
my $wnsNumber = 1 ;
my @wns =() ;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub addToDirectory{ my($name, $square)= @_;
if(! defined $square){ $directory{$name}= 1;
} else{ $directory{$name}{$square}= 1;
sub getDirectory{ return \%directory;
sub addToDirectory {
my ($name, $square) = @_ ;
if ( ! defined $square ) {
$directory { $name } = 1 ;
else {
$directory { $name } { $square } = 1 ;
sub addWayLabel{#
sub getDirectory {
return \%directory ;
sub addWayLabel {
# collect all way label data before actual labeling
my($wayId, $name, $ruleRef)= @_;
push @{$wayLabels{$ruleRef}{$name}}, $wayId;
$ruleRefs{$ruleRef}= $ruleRef;
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){ print "AWL: $wayId, $name, $ruleRef\n";
sub preprocessWayLabels{#
my ($wayId, $name, $ruleRef) = @_ ;
push @{ $wayLabels{$ruleRef}{$name} }, $wayId ;
$ruleRefs{$ruleRef} = $ruleRef ;
if ( cv ('debug') eq "1" ) {
print "AWL: $wayId, $name, $ruleRef\n" ;
sub preprocessWayLabels {
# preprocess way labels collected so far
# combine ways with same rule and name
# split ways where direction in longitude changes so labels will be readable later
# store result in @labelCandidates
my($lonRef, $latRef)= getNodePointers();
my($memWayNodesRef, $memWayTagsRef)= getWayPointers();
my ($lonRef, $latRef) = getNodePointers() ;
my ($memWayNodesRef, $memWayTagsRef) = getWayPointers() ;
foreach my $rule(keys %wayLabels){ my $ruleRef = $ruleRefs{$rule};
# print "PPWL: ruleNum $rule\n";
foreach my $name(keys %{$wayLabels{$rule}}){ my(@ways)= @{$wayLabels{$rule}{$name}};
# print "PPWL: processing name $name, " . scalar(@ways). " ways\n";
my($waysRef, $nodesRef)= buildRings(\@ways, 0);
my @segments = @$nodesRef;
# print "PPWL: processing name $name, " . scalar(@segments). " segments\n";
foreach my $rule (keys %wayLabels) {
my $ruleRef = $ruleRefs{ $rule } ;
# print "PPWL: ruleNum $rule\n" ;
foreach my $name (keys %{$wayLabels{$rule}}) {
my (@ways) = @{$wayLabels{$rule}{$name}} ;
# print "PPWL: processing name $name, " . scalar (@ways) . " ways\n" ;
my ($waysRef, $nodesRef) = buildRings (\@ways, 0) ;
my @segments = @$nodesRef ;
# print "PPWL: processing name $name, " . scalar (@segments) . " segments\n" ;
if(! grep /shield:/i, $name){
my @newSegments =();
foreach my $segment(@segments){ my @actual = @$segment;
# print "PPWL: Actual segment @actual\n";
my $found = 1;
while($found){ $found = 0; my $sp = 0;
if ( ! grep /shield:/i, $name) {
my @newSegments = () ;
foreach my $segment (@segments) {
my @actual = @$segment ;
# print "PPWL: Actual segment @actual\n" ;
my $found = 1 ;
while ($found) {
$found = 0 ; my $sp = 0 ;
# look for splitting point
LABSP: for(my $i=1; $i<$#actual; $i++){ if((($$lonRef{$actual[$i-1]}> $$lonRef{$actual[$i]})and($$lonRef{$actual[$i+1]}> $$lonRef{$actual[$i]}))or
(($$lonRef{$actual[$i-1]}< $$lonRef{$actual[$i]})and($$lonRef{$actual[$i+1]}< $$lonRef{$actual[$i]}))){ $found = 1;
$sp = $i;
last LABSP;
} } if($found == 1){ # print "\nname $name --- sp: $sp\n";
# print "ACTUAL BEFORE: @actual\n";
LABSP: for (my $i=1; $i<$#actual; $i++) {
if ( (($$lonRef{$actual[$i-1]} > $$lonRef{$actual[$i]}) and ($$lonRef{$actual[$i+1]} > $$lonRef{$actual[$i]})) or
(($$lonRef{$actual[$i-1]} < $$lonRef{$actual[$i]}) and ($$lonRef{$actual[$i+1]} < $$lonRef{$actual[$i]})) ) {
$found = 1 ;
$sp = $i ;
last LABSP ;
if ($found == 1) {
# print "\nname $name --- sp: $sp\n" ;
# print "ACTUAL BEFORE: @actual\n" ;
# create new seg
my @newSegment = @actual[0..$sp];
push @newSegments, [@newSegment];
# print "NEW: @newSegment\n";
my @newSegment = @actual[0..$sp] ;
push @newSegments, [@newSegment] ;
# print "NEW: @newSegment\n" ;
# splice actual
splice @actual, 0, $sp;
# print "ACTUAL AFTER: @actual\n\n";
} } @$segment = @actual;
push @segments, @newSegments;
splice @actual, 0, $sp ;
# print "ACTUAL AFTER: @actual\n\n" ;
@$segment = @actual ;
push @segments, @newSegments ;
foreach my $segment (@segments) {
my (@wayNodes) = @$segment ;
my @points = () ;
if ($$lonRef{$wayNodes[0]} > $$lonRef{$wayNodes[-1]}) {
if ( ( ! grep /motorway/, $$ruleRef{'keyvalue'}) and ( ! grep /trunk/, $$ruleRef{'keyvalue'} ) ) {
@wayNodes = reverse @wayNodes ;
foreach my $node (@wayNodes) {
push @points, convert ($$lonRef{$node}, $$latRef{$node}) ;
# print "PPWL: segment @wayNodes\n" ;
# print "PPWL: segment @points\n" ;
my ($segmentLengthPixels) = 0 ;
for (my $i=0; $i<$#wayNodes; $i++) {
my ($x1, $y1) = convert ($$lonRef{$wayNodes[$i]}, $$latRef{$wayNodes[$i]}) ;
my ($x2, $y2) = convert ($$lonRef{$wayNodes[$i+1]}, $$latRef{$wayNodes[$i+1]}) ;
$segmentLengthPixels += sqrt ( ($x2-$x1)**2 + ($y2-$y1)**2 ) ;
# print "$rule, $wayIndexLabelSize\n" ;
my $labelLengthPixels = 0 ;
if (grep /shield/i, $$ruleRef{'label'} ) {
$labelLengthPixels = $$ruleRef{'labelsize'} ;
# print "PPWL: len = $labelLengthPixels\n" ;
else {
$labelLengthPixels = length ($name) * cv('ppc') / 10 * $$ruleRef{'labelsize'} ;
# print "\nPPWL: name $name - ppc $ppc - size $ruleArray[$wayIndexLabelSize]\n" ;
# print "PPWL: wayLen $segmentLengthPixels\n" ;
# print "PPWL: labLen $labelLengthPixels\n" ;
push @labelCandidates, [$rule, $name, $segmentLengthPixels, $labelLengthPixels, [@points]] ;
if ( cv('debug') eq "1") {
print "PLC: $rule, $name, $segmentLengthPixels, $labelLengthPixels\n" ;
foreach my $segment(@segments){ my(@wayNodes)= @$segment;
my @points =();
if($$lonRef{$wayNodes[0]}> $$lonRef{$wayNodes[-1]}){ if((! grep /motorway/, $$ruleRef{'keyvalue'})and(! grep /trunk/, $$ruleRef{'keyvalue'})){ @wayNodes = reverse @wayNodes;
} }
foreach my $node(@wayNodes){ push @points, convert($$lonRef{$node}, $$latRef{$node});
} # print "PPWL: segment @wayNodes\n";
# print "PPWL: segment @points\n";
my($segmentLengthPixels)= 0;
for(my $i=0; $i<$#wayNodes; $i++){ my($x1, $y1)= convert($$lonRef{$wayNodes[$i]}, $$latRef{$wayNodes[$i]});
my($x2, $y2)= convert($$lonRef{$wayNodes[$i+1]}, $$latRef{$wayNodes[$i+1]});
$segmentLengthPixels += sqrt(($x2-$x1)**2 +($y2-$y1)**2);
} # print "$rule, $wayIndexLabelSize\n";
my $labelLengthPixels = 0;
if(grep /shield/i, $$ruleRef{'label'}){ $labelLengthPixels = $$ruleRef{'labelsize'};
# print "PPWL: len = $labelLengthPixels\n";
} else{ $labelLengthPixels = length($name)* cv('ppc')/ 10 * $$ruleRef{'labelsize'};
# print "\nPPWL: name $name - ppc $ppc - size $ruleArray[$wayIndexLabelSize]\n";
# print "PPWL: wayLen $segmentLengthPixels\n";
# print "PPWL: labLen $labelLengthPixels\n";
push @labelCandidates, [$rule, $name, $segmentLengthPixels, $labelLengthPixels, [@points]];
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){ print "PLC: $rule, $name, $segmentLengthPixels, $labelLengthPixels\n";
} } }}}
sub subWay{#
sub subWay {
# takes coordinates and label information and creates new way/path
# also calculates total angles / bends
my($ref, $labLen, $alignment, $position)= @_;
my @coordinates = @$ref;
my @points;
my @dists;
my @angles =();
my ($ref, $labLen, $alignment, $position) = @_ ;
my @coordinates = @$ref ;
my @points ;
my @dists ;
my @angles = () ;
for (my $i=0; $i < $#coordinates; $i+=2) {
push @points, [$coordinates[$i],$coordinates[$i+1]] ;
$dists[0] = 0 ;
my $dist = 0 ;
if (scalar @points > 1) {
for (my $i=1;$i<=$#points; $i++) {
$dist = $dist + sqrt ( ($points[$i-1]->[0]-$points[$i]->[0])**2 + ($points[$i-1]->[1]-$points[$i]->[1])**2 ) ;
$dists[$i] = $dist ;
for(my $i=0; $i < $#coordinates; $i+=2){ push @points, [$coordinates[$i],$coordinates[$i+1]];
$dists[0] = 0;
my $dist = 0;
if(scalar @points > 1){ for(my $i=1;$i<=$#points; $i++){ $dist = $dist + sqrt(($points[$i-1]->[0]-$points[$i]->[0])**2 +($points[$i-1]->[1]-$points[$i]->[1])**2);
$dists[$i] = $dist;
# calc angles at nodes
if(scalar @points > 2){ for(my $i=1;$i<$#points; $i++){ $angles[$i] = angleMapgen($points[$i-1]->[0], $points[$i-1]->[1], $points[$i]->[0], $points[$i]->[1], $points[$i]->[0], $points[$i]->[1], $points[$i+1]->[0], $points[$i+1]->[1]);
my $wayLength = $dist;
my $refPoint = $wayLength / 100 * $position;
my $labelStart; my $labelEnd;
if($alignment eq "start"){# left
$labelStart = $refPoint;
$labelEnd = $labelStart + $labLen;
} if($alignment eq "end"){# right
$labelEnd = $refPoint;
$labelStart = $labelEnd - $labLen;
} if($alignment eq "middle"){# center
$labelEnd = $refPoint + $labLen / 2;
$labelStart = $refPoint - $labLen / 2;
# find start and end segments
my $startSeg; my $endSeg;
for(my $i=0; $i<$#points; $i++){ if(($dists[$i]<=$labelStart)and($dists[$i+1]>=$labelStart)){$startSeg = $i;} if(($dists[$i]<=$labelEnd)and($dists[$i+1]>=$labelEnd)){$endSeg = $i;}}
my @finalWay =();
my $finalAngle = 0;
my($sx, $sy)= triangleNode($coordinates[$startSeg*2], $coordinates[$startSeg*2+1], $coordinates[$startSeg*2+2], $coordinates[$startSeg*2+3], $labelStart-$dists[$startSeg], 0);
push @finalWay, $sx, $sy;
if (scalar @points > 2) {
for (my $i=1;$i<$#points; $i++) {
$angles[$i] = angleMapgen ($points[$i-1]->[0], $points[$i-1]->[1], $points[$i]->[0], $points[$i]->[1], $points[$i]->[0], $points[$i]->[1], $points[$i+1]->[0], $points[$i+1]->[1]) ;
if($startSeg != $endSeg){ for(my $i=$startSeg+1; $i<=$endSeg; $i++){
push @finalWay, $coordinates[$i*2], $coordinates[$i*2+1];
$finalAngle += abs($angles[$i]);
my($ex, $ey)= triangleNode($coordinates[$endSeg*2], $coordinates[$endSeg*2+1], $coordinates[$endSeg*2+2], $coordinates[$endSeg*2+3], $labelEnd-$dists[$endSeg], 0);
push @finalWay, $ex, $ey;
my $wayLength = $dist ;
my $refPoint = $wayLength / 100 * $position ;
my $labelStart ; my $labelEnd ;
if ($alignment eq "start") { # left
$labelStart = $refPoint ;
$labelEnd = $labelStart + $labLen ;
if ($alignment eq "end") { # right
$labelEnd = $refPoint ;
$labelStart = $labelEnd - $labLen ;
if ($alignment eq "middle") { # center
$labelEnd = $refPoint + $labLen / 2 ;
$labelStart = $refPoint - $labLen / 2 ;
# find start and end segments
my $startSeg ; my $endSeg ;
for (my $i=0; $i<$#points; $i++) {
if ( ($dists[$i]<=$labelStart) and ($dists[$i+1]>=$labelStart) ) { $startSeg = $i ; }
if ( ($dists[$i]<=$labelEnd) and ($dists[$i+1]>=$labelEnd) ) { $endSeg = $i ; }
my @finalWay = () ;
my $finalAngle = 0 ;
my ($sx, $sy) = triangleNode ($coordinates[$startSeg*2], $coordinates[$startSeg*2+1], $coordinates[$startSeg*2+2], $coordinates[$startSeg*2+3], $labelStart-$dists[$startSeg], 0) ;
push @finalWay, $sx, $sy ;
if ($startSeg != $endSeg) {
for (my $i=$startSeg+1; $i<=$endSeg; $i++) {
push @finalWay, $coordinates[$i*2], $coordinates[$i*2+1] ;
$finalAngle += abs ($angles[$i]) ;
my ($ex, $ey) = triangleNode ($coordinates[$endSeg*2], $coordinates[$endSeg*2+1], $coordinates[$endSeg*2+2], $coordinates[$endSeg*2+3], $labelEnd-$dists[$endSeg], 0) ;
push @finalWay, $ex, $ey ;
return(\@finalWay, $finalAngle);
return (\@finalWay, $finalAngle) ;
sub createWayLabels{#
sub createWayLabels {
# finally take all way label candidates and try to label them
my %wnsUnique =();
print "placing way labels...\n";
my %wnsUnique = () ;
print "placing way labels...\n" ;
my %notDrawnLabels =();
my %drawnLabels =();
my %notDrawnLabels = () ;
my %drawnLabels = () ;
# calc ratio to label ways first where label just fits
# these will be drawn first
foreach my $candidate(@labelCandidates){ my $wLen = $candidate->[2];
my $lLen = $candidate->[3];
if($wLen == 0){$wLen = 1;} if($lLen == 0){$lLen = 1;} $candidate->[5] = $lLen / $wLen;
} @labelCandidates = sort{$b->[5] <=> $a->[5]}@labelCandidates;
foreach my $candidate(@labelCandidates){ my $ruleRef = $ruleRefs{$candidate->[0]};
my $name = $candidate->[1];
my $wLen = $candidate->[2];
my $lLen = $candidate->[3];
my @points = @{$candidate->[4]};
my $toLabel = 1;
if((cv('declutter')eq "1")and($points[0] > $points[-2])and
((grep /motorway/i, $$ruleRef{'keyvalue'})or(grep /trunk/i, $$ruleRef{'keyvalue'}))){ $toLabel = 0;
foreach my $candidate (@labelCandidates) {
my $wLen = $candidate->[2] ;
my $lLen = $candidate->[3] ;
if ($wLen == 0) { $wLen = 1 ; }
if ($lLen == 0) { $lLen = 1 ; }
$candidate->[5] = $lLen / $wLen ;
@labelCandidates = sort { $b->[5] <=> $a->[5] } @labelCandidates ;
foreach my $candidate (@labelCandidates) {
my $ruleRef = $ruleRefs{ $candidate->[0] } ;
my $name = $candidate->[1] ;
my $wLen = $candidate->[2] ;
my $lLen = $candidate->[3] ;
my @points = @{$candidate->[4]} ;
my $toLabel = 1 ;
if ( ( cv('declutter') eq "1") and ($points[0] > $points[-2]) and
( ( grep /motorway/i, $$ruleRef{'keyvalue'}) or (grep /trunk/i, $$ruleRef{'keyvalue'}) ) ) {
$toLabel = 0 ;
# wns?
if(($lLen > $wLen * 0.95)and(cv('wns')> 0)){ if(($toLabel != 0)and(! grep /shield:/i, $name)and(wayVisible(\@points))){ if(! defined $wnsUnique{$name}){ my $oldName = $name;
$wnsUnique{$name}= 1;
push @wns, [ $wnsNumber, $name];
$name = $wnsNumber;
$lLen = cv('ppc')/ 10 * $$ruleRef{'labelsize'}* length($name);
# print "WNS: $oldName - $name\n";
} } }
if ( ($lLen > $wLen * 0.95) and ( cv('wns') > 0 ) ) {
if ( ( $toLabel != 0 ) and ( ! grep /shield:/i, $name) and ( wayVisible( \@points ) ) ) {
if ( ! defined $wnsUnique{$name} ) {
my $oldName = $name ;
$wnsUnique{$name} = 1 ;
push @wns, [ $wnsNumber, $name] ;
$name = $wnsNumber ;
$lLen = cv('ppc') / 10 * $$ruleRef{'labelsize'} * length ($name) ;
# print "WNS: $oldName - $name\n" ;
$wnsNumber++ ;
if(($lLen > $wLen*0.95)or($toLabel == 0)){ # label too long
$notDrawnLabels{$name}= 1;
} else{
if(grep /shield:/i, $name){
createShield($name, $$ruleRef{'labelsize'});
if ( ($lLen > $wLen*0.95) or ($toLabel == 0) ) {
# label too long
$numWayLabelsOmitted++ ;
$notDrawnLabels { $name } = 1 ;
my $shieldMaxSize = getMaxShieldSize($name);
else {
my $numShields = int($wLen /($shieldMaxSize * 12));
# if($numShields > 4){$numShields = 4;}
if (grep /shield:/i, $name) {
if($numShields > 0){ my $step = $wLen /($numShields + 1);
my $position = $step;
while($position < $wLen){ my($x, $y)= getPointOfWay(\@points, $position);
# print "XY: $x, $y\n";
createShield ($name, $$ruleRef{'labelsize'} ) ;
my $shieldMaxSize = getMaxShieldSize ($name) ;
my $numShields = int ($wLen / ($shieldMaxSize * 12) ) ;
# if ($numShields > 4) { $numShields = 4 ; }
if ($numShields > 0) {
my $step = $wLen / ($numShields + 1) ;
my $position = $step ;
while ($position < $wLen) {
my ($x, $y) = getPointOfWay (\@points, $position) ;
# print "XY: $x, $y\n" ;
if(! coordsOut($x, $y)){
if ( ! coordsOut ($x, $y) ) {
# place shield if not occupied
my($ssx, $ssy)= getShieldSizes($name);
my ($ssx, $ssy) = getShieldSizes($name) ;
my $x2 = int($x - $ssx / 2);
my $y2 = int($y - $ssy / 2);
my $x2 = int ($x - $ssx / 2) ;
my $y2 = int ($y - $ssy / 2) ;
# print "AREA: $x2, $y2, $x2+$lLen, $y2+$lLen\n";
# print "AREA: $x2, $y2, $x2+$lLen, $y2+$lLen\n" ;
if(! mwLabel::boxAreaOccupied($x2, $y2+$ssy, $x2+$ssx, $y2)){
my $id = getShieldId($name);
addToLayer("shields", "<use xlink:href=\"#$id\" x=\"$x2\" y=\"$y2\" />");
if ( ! mwLabel::boxAreaOccupied ($x2, $y2+$ssy, $x2+$ssx, $y2) ) {
mwLabel::boxOccupyArea($x2, $y2+$ssy, $x2+$ssx, $y2, 0, 3);
} }
$position += $step;
} }
}# shield
my $id = getShieldId ($name) ;
addToLayer ("shields", "<use xlink:href=\"#$id\" x=\"$x2\" y=\"$y2\" />") ;
mwLabel::boxOccupyArea ($x2, $y2+$ssy, $x2+$ssx, $y2, 0, 3) ;
# print "$wLen - $name - $lLen\n";
my $numLabels = int($wLen /(4 * $lLen));
if($numLabels < 1){$numLabels = 1;} if($numLabels > 4){$numLabels = 4;}
if($numLabels == 1){ # print "LA: $name *1*\n";
my $spare = 0.95 * $wLen - $lLen;
my $sparePercentHalf = $spare /($wLen*0.95)*100 / 2;
my $startOffset = 50 - $sparePercentHalf;
my $endOffset = 50 + $sparePercentHalf;
$position += $step ;
} # shield
else {
# print "$wLen - $name - $lLen\n" ;
my $numLabels = int ($wLen / (4 * $lLen)) ;
if ($numLabels < 1) { $numLabels = 1 ; }
if ($numLabels > 4) { $numLabels = 4 ; }
if ($numLabels == 1) {
# print "LA: $name *1*\n" ;
my $spare = 0.95 * $wLen - $lLen ;
my $sparePercentHalf = $spare / ($wLen*0.95) *100 / 2 ;
my $startOffset = 50 - $sparePercentHalf ;
my $endOffset = 50 + $sparePercentHalf ;
# five possible positions per way
my $step =($endOffset - $startOffset)/ 5;
my @positions =();
my $actual = $startOffset;
my $size = $$ruleRef{'labelsize'};
while($actual <= $endOffset){ my($ref, $angle)= subWay(\@points, $lLen, "middle", $actual);
my @way = @$ref;
# my($col)= lineCrossings(\@way);
my($col)= boxLinesOccupied(\@way, $size/2);
my $step = ($endOffset - $startOffset) / 5 ;
my @positions = () ;
my $actual = $startOffset ;
my $size = $$ruleRef{'labelsize'} ;
while ($actual <= $endOffset) {
my ($ref, $angle) = subWay (\@points, $lLen, "middle", $actual) ;
my @way = @$ref ;
# my ($col) = lineCrossings (\@way) ;
my ($col) = boxLinesOccupied (\@way, $size/2) ;
# calc quality of position. distance from middle and bend angles
my $quality = $angle + abs(50 - $actual);
if($col == 0){push @positions, ["middle", $actual, $quality];} $actual += $step;
} if(scalar @positions > 0){ $drawnLabels{$name}= 1;
my $quality = $angle + abs (50 - $actual) ;
if ($col == 0) { push @positions, ["middle", $actual, $quality] ; }
$actual += $step ;
if (scalar @positions > 0) {
$drawnLabels { $name } = 1 ;
# sort by quality and take best one
@positions = sort{$a->[2] <=> $b->[2]}@positions;
my($pos)= shift @positions;
my($ref, $angle)= subWay(\@points, $lLen, $pos->[0], $pos->[1]);
my @finalWay = @$ref;
@positions = sort {$a->[2] <=> $b->[2]} @positions ;
my ($pos) = shift @positions ;
my ($ref, $angle) = subWay (\@points, $lLen, $pos->[0], $pos->[1]) ;
my @finalWay = @$ref ;
# print "final way @finalWay\n";
# print "final way @finalWay\n" ;
if(! coordsOut(@finalWay)){ my $pathName = "Path" . $pathNumber; $pathNumber++;
createPath($pathName, \@finalWay, "definitions");
if ( ! coordsOut (@finalWay) ) {
my $pathName = "Path" . $pathNumber ; $pathNumber++ ;
createPath ($pathName, \@finalWay, "definitions") ;
my $size = $$ruleRef{'labelsize'};
my $color = $$ruleRef{'labelcolor'};
my $font = $$ruleRef{'labelfont'};
my $fontFamily = $$ruleRef{'labelfontfamily'};
my $labelBold = $$ruleRef{'labelbold'};
my $labelItalic = $$ruleRef{'labelitalic'};
my $labelHalo = $$ruleRef{'labelhalo'};
my $labelHaloColor = $$ruleRef{'labelhalocolor'};
my $size = $$ruleRef{'labelsize'} ;
my $color = $$ruleRef{'labelcolor'} ;
my $font = $$ruleRef{'labelfont'} ;
my $fontFamily = $$ruleRef{'labelfontfamily'} ;
my $labelBold = $$ruleRef{'labelbold'} ;
my $labelItalic = $$ruleRef{'labelitalic'} ;
my $labelHalo = $$ruleRef{'labelhalo'} ;
my $labelHaloColor = $$ruleRef{'labelhalocolor'} ;
my $svgText = createTextSVG($fontFamily, $font, $labelBold, $labelItalic, $size, $color, $labelHalo, $labelHaloColor);
# pathText($svgText, $name, $pathName, $$ruleRef{'labeloffset'}, $pos->[0], $pos->[1], "text");
pathText($svgText, $name, $pathName, $$ruleRef{'labeloffset'}, $pos->[0], 50, "text");
my $svgText = createTextSVG ( $fontFamily, $font, $labelBold, $labelItalic, $size, $color, $labelHalo, $labelHaloColor) ;
# pathText ($svgText, $name, $pathName, $$ruleRef{'labeloffset'}, $pos->[0], $pos->[1], "text") ;
pathText ($svgText, $name, $pathName, $$ruleRef{'labeloffset'}, $pos->[0], 50, "text") ;
boxOccupyLines(\@finalWay, $size/2, 3);
} } else{ $numWayLabelsOmitted++;
} } else{# more than one label
# print "LA: $name *X*\n";
my $labelDrawn = 0;
my $interval = int(100 /($numLabels + 1));
my @positions =();
for(my $i=1; $i<=$numLabels; $i++){ push @positions, $i * $interval;
foreach my $position(@positions){ my($refFinal, $angle)= subWay(\@points, $lLen, "middle", $position);
my(@finalWay)= @$refFinal;
# my($collision)= lineCrossings(\@finalWay);
boxOccupyLines (\@finalWay, $size/2, 3) ;
else {
$numWayLabelsOmitted++ ;
else { # more than one label
# print "LA: $name *X*\n" ;
my $labelDrawn = 0 ;
my $interval = int (100 / ($numLabels + 1)) ;
my @positions = () ;
for (my $i=1; $i<=$numLabels; $i++) {
push @positions, $i * $interval ;
foreach my $position (@positions) {
my ($refFinal, $angle) = subWay (\@points, $lLen, "middle", $position) ;
my (@finalWay) = @$refFinal ;
# my ($collision) = lineCrossings (\@finalWay) ;
my $size = $$ruleRef{'labelsize'};
my($collision)= boxLinesOccupied(\@finalWay, $size/2);
my $size = $$ruleRef{'labelsize'} ;
my ($collision) = boxLinesOccupied (\@finalWay, $size/2 ) ;
if($collision == 0){ $labelDrawn = 1;
$drawnLabels{$name}= 1;
my $pathName = "Path" . $pathNumber; $pathNumber++;
if ($collision == 0) {
$labelDrawn = 1 ;
$drawnLabels { $name } = 1 ;
my $pathName = "Path" . $pathNumber ; $pathNumber++ ;
# createPath($pathName, \@points, "definitions");
createPath($pathName, \@finalWay, "definitions");
# createPath ($pathName, \@points, "definitions") ;
createPath ($pathName, \@finalWay, "definitions") ;
my $size = $$ruleRef{'labelsize'};
my $color = $$ruleRef{'labelcolor'};
my $font = $$ruleRef{'labelfont'};
my $fontFamily = $$ruleRef{'labelfontfamily'};
my $labelBold = $$ruleRef{'labelbold'};
my $labelItalic = $$ruleRef{'labelitalic'};
my $labelHalo = $$ruleRef{'labelhalo'};
my $labelHaloColor = $$ruleRef{'labelhalocolor'};
my $size = $$ruleRef{'labelsize'} ;
my $color = $$ruleRef{'labelcolor'} ;
my $font = $$ruleRef{'labelfont'} ;
my $fontFamily = $$ruleRef{'labelfontfamily'} ;
my $labelBold = $$ruleRef{'labelbold'} ;
my $labelItalic = $$ruleRef{'labelitalic'} ;
my $labelHalo = $$ruleRef{'labelhalo'} ;
my $labelHaloColor = $$ruleRef{'labelhalocolor'} ;
my $svgText = createTextSVG($fontFamily, $font, $labelBold, $labelItalic, $size, $color, $labelHalo, $labelHaloColor);
pathText($svgText, $name, $pathName, $$ruleRef{'labeloffset'}, "middle", 50, "text");
my $svgText = createTextSVG ( $fontFamily, $font, $labelBold, $labelItalic, $size, $color, $labelHalo, $labelHaloColor) ;
pathText ($svgText, $name, $pathName, $$ruleRef{'labeloffset'}, "middle", 50, "text") ;
boxOccupyLines(\@finalWay, $size/2, 3);
boxOccupyLines (\@finalWay, $size/2, 3) ;
} else{ # print "INFO: $name labeled less often than desired.\n";
} } if($labelDrawn == 0){ $notDrawnLabels{$name}= 1;
} } } }} my $labelFileName = cv('out');
$labelFileName =~ s/\.svg/_NotDrawnLabels.txt/;
my $labelFile;
open($labelFile, ">", $labelFileName)or die("couldn't open label file $labelFileName");
print $labelFile "Not drawn labels\n\n";
foreach my $labelName(sort keys %notDrawnLabels){ if(!defined $drawnLabels{$labelName}){ print $labelFile "$labelName\n";
}} close($labelFile);
else {
# print "INFO: $name labeled less often than desired.\n" ;
if ($labelDrawn == 0) {
$notDrawnLabels { $name } = 1 ;
my $labelFileName = cv('out') ;
$labelFileName =~ s/\.svg/_NotDrawnLabels.txt/ ;
my $labelFile ;
open ($labelFile, ">", $labelFileName) or die ("couldn't open label file $labelFileName") ;
print $labelFile "Not drawn labels\n\n" ;
foreach my $labelName (sort keys %notDrawnLabels) {
if (!defined $drawnLabels { $labelName } ) {
print $labelFile "$labelName\n" ;
close ($labelFile) ;
# way name substitutes legend?
if(cv('wns')> 0){ createWNSLegend();
if ( cv('wns') > 0 ) {
createWNSLegend() ;
# ------------------------------------------------------------
sub createWNSLegend{ my $size = cv('wnssize');
my $color = cv('wnscolor');
sub createWNSLegend {
my $size = cv('wnssize') ;
my $color = cv('wnscolor') ;
# TODO max len auto size
my $maxLen = 0;
foreach my $e(@wns){ if(length $e->[1] > $maxLen){$maxLen = length $e->[1];}}
my $sy = 2 * $size;
my $sx =(4 + $maxLen)* $size / 10 * cv('ppc');
my $tx = 4 * $size / 10 * cv('ppc');
my $nx = 1 * $size / 10 * cv('ppc');
my $ty = 1.5 * $size;
my $maxLen = 0 ;
foreach my $e ( @wns ) {
if ( length $e->[1] > $maxLen ) { $maxLen = length $e->[1] ; }
my $sizeX = $sx;
my $sizeY = $sy * scalar @wns;
my $sy = 2 * $size ;
my $sx = (4 + $maxLen) * $size / 10 * cv('ppc') ;
my $tx = 4 * $size / 10 * cv('ppc') ;
my $nx = 1 * $size / 10 * cv('ppc') ;
my $ty = 1.5 * $size ;
my $sizeX = $sx ;
my $sizeY = $sy * scalar @wns ;
# defs
my $actualLine = 0;
my $actualLine = 0 ;
addToLayer("definitions", "<g id=\"wnsdef\" width=\"$sizeX\" height=\"$sizeY\" >");
addToLayer ("definitions", "<g id=\"wnsdef\" width=\"$sizeX\" height=\"$sizeY\" >") ;
# bg
my $bg = cv('wnsbgcolor');
my $svgString = "fill=\"$bg\"";
drawRect(0, 0, $sizeX, $sizeY, 0, $svgString, "definitions");
my $bg = cv('wnsbgcolor') ;
my $svgString = "fill=\"$bg\"" ;
drawRect (0, 0, $sizeX, $sizeY, 0, $svgString, "definitions") ;
$svgString = createTextSVG(cv('elementFontFamily'), cv('elementFont'), undef, undef, cv('wnssize'), cv('wnscolor'), undef, undef);
foreach my $e(@wns){ my $y = $actualLine * $sy + $ty;
drawText($nx, $y, 0, $e->[0], $svgString, "definitions");
drawText($tx, $y, 0, $e->[1], $svgString, "definitions");
$svgString = createTextSVG ( cv('elementFontFamily'), cv('elementFont'), undef, undef, cv('wnssize'), cv('wnscolor'), undef, undef) ;
foreach my $e ( @wns ) {
my $y = $actualLine * $sy + $ty ;
drawText ($nx, $y, 0, $e->[0], $svgString, "definitions") ;
drawText ($tx, $y, 0, $e->[1], $svgString, "definitions") ;
addToLayer("definitions", "</g>");
$actualLine++ ;
my $posX = 0;
my $posY = 0;
addToLayer ("definitions", "</g>") ;
my $posX = 0 ;
my $posY = 0 ;
# reset some variables
($sizeX, $sizeY)= getDimensions();
$sy = $sy * scalar @wns;
($sizeX, $sizeY) = getDimensions() ;
$sy = $sy * scalar @wns ;
if(cv('wns')eq "2"){ $posX = $sizeX - $sx;
$posY = 0;
if ( cv('wns') eq "2") {
$posX = $sizeX - $sx ;
$posY = 0 ;
if ( cv('wns') eq "3") {
$posX = 0 ;
$posY = $sizeY - $sy ;
if ( cv('wns') eq "4") {
$posX = $sizeX - $sx ;
$posY = $sizeY - $sy ;
if ( ( cv('wns') >=1 ) and ( cv('wns') <= 4 ) ) {
addToLayer ("wns", "<use x=\"$posX\" y=\"$posY\" xlink:href=\"#wnsdef\" />") ;
if ( cv('wns') eq "5") {
createLegendFile ($sx, $sy, "_wns", "#wnsdef") ;
if(cv('wns')eq "3"){ $posX = 0;
$posY = $sizeY - $sy;
if(cv('wns')eq "4"){ $posX = $sizeX - $sx;
$posY = $sizeY - $sy;
if((cv('wns')>=1)and(cv('wns')<= 4)){ addToLayer("wns", "<use x=\"$posX\" y=\"$posY\" xlink:href=\"#wnsdef\" />");
if(cv('wns')eq "5"){ createLegendFile($sx, $sy, "_wns", "#wnsdef");
1 ;

View File

@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
# Copyright(C)2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# Copyright (C) 2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or(at your option)any later version.
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
@ -16,269 +16,379 @@
package mwWays;
package mwWays ;
use strict;
use warnings;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use OSM::osm 8.3;
use OSM::osm 8.3 ;
use mwConfig;
use mwFile;
use mwRules;
use mwMap;
use mwMisc;
use mwWayLabel;
use mwCoastLines;
use mwConfig ;
use mwFile ;
use mwRules ;
use mwMap ;
use mwMisc ;
use mwWayLabel ;
use mwCoastLines ;
require Exporter;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader);
@ISA = qw ( Exporter AutoLoader ) ;
@EXPORT = qw(processWays
@EXPORT = qw ( processWays
) ;
my $areasOmitted = 0;
my $areasDrawn = 0;
my $areasOmitted = 0 ;
my $areasDrawn = 0 ;
my $areaLabels = 0;
my $areaLabelsOmitted = 0;
my $areaLabels = 0 ;
my $areaLabelsOmitted = 0 ;
my @coastWays =();
my @coastWays = () ;
sub processWays{
print "drawing ways/areas...\n";
sub processWays {
my $nodesRef; my $tagRef;
($nodesRef, $tagRef)= getWayPointers();
my($lonRef, $latRef, $nodeTagRef)= getNodePointers();
print "drawing ways/areas...\n" ;
foreach my $wayId(keys %$nodesRef){ my @tags = @{$$tagRef{$wayId}};
my $tagsString = "";
my $nodesRef; my $tagRef ;
($nodesRef, $tagRef) = getWayPointers () ;
my ($lonRef, $latRef, $nodeTagRef) = getNodePointers() ;
foreach my $wayId (keys %$nodesRef) {
my @tags = @{ $$tagRef{$wayId} } ;
my $tagsString = "" ;
# coast
my $v = getValue("natural", \@tags);
if((defined $v)and($v eq "coastline")){ push @coastWays, $wayId;
my $v = getValue ("natural", \@tags) ;
if ( (defined $v) and ($v eq "coastline") ) {
push @coastWays, $wayId ;
my $ruleRef = getWayRule(\@tags);
if(defined $ruleRef){ my @nodes = @{$$nodesRef{$wayId}};
my $ruleRef = getWayRule (\@tags) ;
if (defined $ruleRef) {
my @nodes = @{ $$nodesRef{ $wayId } } ;
my $layer = getValue ("layer", $$tagRef{$wayId}) ;
if ( ! defined $layer ) { $layer = 0 ; }
my $layer = getValue("layer", $$tagRef{$wayId});
if(! defined $layer){$layer = 0;}
# TODO check for numeric!!!
my $direction = 0;
my $ow = getValue("oneway", $$tagRef{$wayId});
if(defined $ow){ if(($ow eq "yes")or($ow eq "true")or($ow eq "1")){$direction = 1;} if($ow eq "-1"){$direction = -1;} }
my $bridge = getValue("bridge", $$tagRef{$wayId});
if(defined $bridge){ if(($bridge eq "yes")or($bridge eq "true")){$bridge = 1;}else{$bridge = 0;} } else{$bridge = 0;}
my $tunnel = getValue("tunnel", $$tagRef{$wayId});
if(defined $tunnel){ if(($tunnel eq "yes")or($tunnel eq "true")){$tunnel = 1;}else{$tunnel = 0;} } else{$tunnel = 0;}
my($svg1, $layer1, $svg2, $layer2)= createWayParameters($ruleRef, $layer, $bridge, $tunnel);
my $direction = 0 ;
my $ow = getValue("oneway", $$tagRef{$wayId}) ;
if (defined $ow) {
if (($ow eq "yes") or ($ow eq "true") or ($ow eq "1")) { $direction = 1 ; }
if ($ow eq "-1") { $direction = -1 ; }
my $bridge = getValue("bridge", $$tagRef{$wayId}) ;
if (defined $bridge) {
if (($bridge eq "yes") or ($bridge eq "true")) { $bridge = 1 ; } else { $bridge = 0 ; }
else { $bridge = 0 ; }
my $tunnel = getValue("tunnel", $$tagRef{$wayId}) ;
if (defined $tunnel) {
if (($tunnel eq "yes") or ($tunnel eq "true")) { $tunnel = 1 ; } else { $tunnel = 0 ; }
else { $tunnel = 0 ; }
my ($svg1, $layer1, $svg2, $layer2) = createWayParameters ($ruleRef, $layer, $bridge, $tunnel) ;
drawWay ( \@nodes, 1, $svg1, undef, $layer1 ) ;
if ($svg2 ne "") {
drawWay ( \@nodes, 1, $svg2, undef, $layer2 ) ;
my $size = $$ruleRef{'size'} ;
if ( ( cv('oneways') eq "1" ) and ($direction != 0) ) {
addOnewayArrows (\@nodes, $direction, $size, $layer) ;
drawWay(\@nodes, 1, $svg1, undef, $layer1);
if($svg2 ne ""){ drawWay(\@nodes, 1, $svg2, undef, $layer2);
my $size = $$ruleRef{'size'};
if((cv('oneways')eq "1")and($direction != 0)){ addOnewayArrows(\@nodes, $direction, $size, $layer);
if(cv('ignorelabels')eq "0"){ if($$ruleRef{'label'}ne "none"){
my $name = ""; my $ref1; my @names;
if ( cv('ignorelabels') eq "0" ) {
if ($$ruleRef{'label'} ne "none") {
if(grep /shield/i, $$ruleRef{'label'}){ ($name, $ref1)= createLabel(\@tags, "ref",0, 0);
my $ref = $name;
my $name = "" ; my $ref1 ; my @names ;
if (grep /shield/i, $$ruleRef{'label'} ) {
($name, $ref1) = createLabel (\@tags, "ref",0, 0) ;
my $ref = $name ;
if (grep /;/, $ref) {
my @a = split /;/, $ref ;
$ref = $a[0] ;
if ($ref ne "") {
@names = ($ref) ;
$name = $$ruleRef{'label'} . ":$ref" ;
# print "DRAW WAY: name set to $name\n" ;
else {
@names = () ;
$name = "" ;
# print "WAY: name for shield >$name<\n" ;
else {
($name, $ref1) = createLabel (\@tags, $$ruleRef{'label'}, 0, 0) ;
@names = @$ref1 ;
$name = labelTransform ($name, $$ruleRef{'labeltransform'}) ;
if ( ( cv('nolabel') eq "1") and ($name eq "") ) { $name = "NO LABEL" ; }
if ($name ne "") {
addWayLabel ($wayId, $name, $ruleRef) ;
if ( ( cv('dir') eq "1") and ( $$ruleRef{'direxclude'} eq "no") ) {
if ( cv('grid') > 0) {
foreach my $node ( @nodes ) {
foreach my $name (@names) {
my $sq = gridSquare($$lonRef{$node}, $$latRef{$node}, cv('grid') ) ;
if (defined $sq) {
addToDirectory($name, $sq) ;
else {
foreach my $name (@names) {
addToDirectory ($name, undef) ;
} # label
} # ignorelabels
if(grep /;/, $ref){ my @a = split /;/, $ref;
$ref = $a[0];
if($ref ne ""){ @names =($ref);
$name = $$ruleRef{'label'}. ":$ref";
# print "DRAW WAY: name set to $name\n";
} else{ @names =();
$name = "";
# print "WAY: name for shield >$name<\n";
} else{ ($name, $ref1)= createLabel(\@tags, $$ruleRef{'label'}, 0, 0);
@names = @$ref1;
$name = labelTransform($name, $$ruleRef{'labeltransform'});
if((cv('nolabel')eq "1")and($name eq "")){$name = "NO LABEL";}
if($name ne ""){
addWayLabel($wayId, $name, $ruleRef);
} if((cv('dir')eq "1")and($$ruleRef{'direxclude'}eq "no")){ if(cv('grid')> 0){ foreach my $node(@nodes){ foreach my $name(@names){ my $sq = gridSquare($$lonRef{$node}, $$latRef{$node}, cv('grid'));
if(defined $sq){ addToDirectory($name, $sq);
} } } } else{ foreach my $name(@names){ addToDirectory($name, undef);
} } } } # label
}# ignorelabels
$ruleRef = getAreaRule(\@tags);
my @nodes = @{$$nodesRef{$wayId}};
if((defined $ruleRef)and($nodes[0] == $nodes[-1])){ my $color = $$ruleRef{'color'};
my $icon = $$ruleRef{'icon'};
my $base = $$ruleRef{'base'};
my $svgString = $$ruleRef{'svgstring'};
my $size = areaSize(\@nodes);
my @ways = [@nodes];
$ruleRef = getAreaRule (\@tags) ;
my @nodes = @{ $$nodesRef{ $wayId } } ;
if ( (defined $ruleRef) and ($nodes[0] == $nodes[-1]) ) {
my $color = $$ruleRef{'color'} ;
my $icon = $$ruleRef{'icon'} ;
my $base = $$ruleRef{'base'} ;
my $svgString = $$ruleRef{'svgstring'} ;
my $size = areaSize (\@nodes) ;
my @ways = [@nodes] ;
if(($svgString eq "")and($icon eq "none")){ $svgString = "fill=\"$color\" ";
if($size > cv('minareasize')){ if($base eq "yes"){ drawArea($svgString, $icon, \@ways, 1, "base");
} else{ drawArea($svgString, $icon, \@ways, 1, "area");
} $areasDrawn++;
if ( ($svgString eq "") and ($icon eq "none") ) {
$svgString = "fill=\"$color\" " ;
if ($size > cv('minareasize') ) {
if ($base eq "yes") {
drawArea ($svgString, $icon, \@ways, 1, "base") ;
else {
drawArea ($svgString, $icon, \@ways, 1, "area") ;
$areasDrawn++ ;
# DRAW label
if($$ruleRef{'label'}ne "none"){ $areaLabels++;
if($size > cv('minarealabelsize')){ # text
my($name, $ref1)= createLabel(\@tags, $$ruleRef{'label'},0, 0);
$name = labelTransform($name, $$ruleRef{'labeltransform'});
if ( $$ruleRef{'label'} ne "none" ) {
$areaLabels++ ;
if ($size > cv('minarealabelsize') ) {
# text
my ($name, $ref1) = createLabel (\@tags, $$ruleRef{'label'},0, 0) ;
$name = labelTransform ($name, $$ruleRef{'labeltransform'}) ;
# pos
my($lon, $lat)= areaCenter($$nodesRef{$wayId});
my ($lon, $lat) = areaCenter ( $$nodesRef{$wayId} ) ;
# draw
my $labelFont = $$ruleRef{'labelfont'};
my $labelFontFamily = $$ruleRef{'labelfontfamily'};
my $labelSize = $$ruleRef{'labelsize'};
my $color = $$ruleRef{'labelcolor'};
my $labelBold = $$ruleRef{'labelbold'};
my $labelItalic = $$ruleRef{'labelitalic'};
my $labelHalo = $$ruleRef{'labelhalo'};
my $labelHaloColor = $$ruleRef{'labelhalocolor'};
my $labelFont = $$ruleRef{'labelfont'} ;
my $labelFontFamily = $$ruleRef{'labelfontfamily'} ;
my $labelSize = $$ruleRef{'labelsize'} ;
my $color = $$ruleRef{'labelcolor'} ;
my $labelBold = $$ruleRef{'labelbold'} ;
my $labelItalic = $$ruleRef{'labelitalic'} ;
my $labelHalo = $$ruleRef{'labelhalo'} ;
my $labelHaloColor = $$ruleRef{'labelhalocolor'} ;
my $svgText = createTextSVG($labelFontFamily, $labelFont, $labelBold, $labelItalic, $labelSize, $color, $labelHalo, $labelHaloColor);
my $svgText = createTextSVG ( $labelFontFamily, $labelFont, $labelBold, $labelItalic, $labelSize, $color, $labelHalo, $labelHaloColor) ;
mwLabel::placeLabelAndIcon($lon, $lat, 0, 0, $name, $svgText, "none", 0, 0, "arealabels");
} else{ $areaLabelsOmitted++;
} }
mwLabel::placeLabelAndIcon ($lon, $lat, 0, 0, $name, $svgText, "none", 0, 0, "arealabels") ;
else {
$areaLabelsOmitted++ ;
} else{ $areasOmitted++;
}# Area
print "$areasDrawn areas drawn, $areasOmitted omitted because they are too small\n";
print "$areaLabels area labels total, $areaLabelsOmitted omitted because belonging areas were too small\n";
my $cw = scalar @coastWays;
if(cv('verbose')){print "$cw coast line ways found.\n";}
else {
$areasOmitted++ ;
if($cw > 0){ processCoastLines(\@coastWays);
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} # Area
sub createWayParameters{ my($ruleRef, $layer, $bridge, $tunnel)= @_;
print "$areasDrawn areas drawn, $areasOmitted omitted because they are too small\n" ;
print "$areaLabels area labels total, $areaLabelsOmitted omitted because belonging areas were too small\n" ;
my $svg1 = ""; my $layer1 = 0;
my $svg2 = ""; my $layer2 = 0;
my $cw = scalar @coastWays ;
if ( cv('verbose')) { print "$cw coast line ways found.\n" ; }
preprocessWayLabels() ;
createWayLabels() ;
my %dashDefinition =();
@{$dashDefinition{1}}=("round", "20,20");
@{$dashDefinition{2}}=("round", "44,20");
@{$dashDefinition{3}}=("round", "28,20");
@{$dashDefinition{4}}=("round", "12,20");
@{$dashDefinition{10}}=("round", "8,8");
@{$dashDefinition{11}}=("round", "16,16");
@{$dashDefinition{12}}=("round", "24,24");
@{$dashDefinition{13}}=("round", "32,32");
@{$dashDefinition{14}}=("round", "40,40");
@{$dashDefinition{20}}=("round", "0,8,0,16");
@{$dashDefinition{21}}=("round", "0,16,0,32");
@{$dashDefinition{22}}=("round", "0,24,0,48");
@{$dashDefinition{23}}=("round", "0,32,0,48");
@{$dashDefinition{30}}=("butt", "4,4");
@{$dashDefinition{31}}=("butt", "8,8");
@{$dashDefinition{32}}=("butt", "12,12");
@{$dashDefinition{33}}=("butt", "4,12");
@{$dashDefinition{34}}=("butt", "4,20");
@{$dashDefinition{35}}=("butt", "8,20");
if(cv('autobridge')eq "0"){ $layer = 0;
if(($$ruleRef{'svgstringtop'}ne "")or($$ruleRef{'svgstringbottom'}ne "")){
$svg1 = $$ruleRef{'svgstringtop'};
$svg2 = $$ruleRef{'svgstringbottom'};
# TODO layer
$layer1 = $layer;
$layer2 = $layer;
} else{
my $size = $$ruleRef{'size'};
my $color = $$ruleRef{'color'};
my $lc = "round";
my $lj = "round";
my $dash = "";
if($$ruleRef{'dash'}ne ""){ if(! grep /,/, $$ruleRef{'dash'}){ my @ds = @{$dashDefinition{$$ruleRef{'dash'}}};
$lc = $ds[0];
my $style = $ds[1];
$dash = "stroke-dasharray=\"$style\" ";
} else{ $lc = $$ruleRef{'dashcap'};
my $style = $$ruleRef{'dash'};
$dash = "stroke-dasharray=\"$style\"";
} }
# top(actual way) $svg1 = "stroke=\"$color\" stroke-width=\"$size\" stroke-linecap=\"$lc\" fill=\"none\" stroke-linejoin=\"$lj\" " . $dash;
$layer1 = $layer + $size / 100;
my $bs = $$ruleRef{'bordersize'};
$lc = "round";
$dash = "";
if(cv('autobridge')eq "1"){ # TODO bridge/tunnel
if($bridge == 1){ $lc = "butt";
$bs += 3; # TODO config value
} elsif($tunnel == 1){ $lc = "butt";
$dash = "stroke-dasharray=\"10,10\" ";
$bs += 3;
} }
# bottom(border) if($bs > 0){ $size = 2 * $bs + $$ruleRef{'size'};
$color = $$ruleRef{'bordercolor'};
$svg2 = "stroke=\"$color\" stroke-width=\"$size\" stroke-linecap=\"$lc\" fill=\"none\" stroke-linejoin=\"$lj\" " . $dash;
$layer2 = $layer - 0.3 + $size / 100;
} else{ $svg2 = "";
$layer2 = 0;
if ($cw > 0) {
processCoastLines (\@coastWays) ;
return($svg1, $layer1, $svg2, $layer2);
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub createWayParameters {
my ($ruleRef, $layer, $bridge, $tunnel) = @_ ;
my $svg1 = "" ; my $layer1 = 0 ;
my $svg2 = "" ; my $layer2 = 0 ;
my %dashDefinition = () ;
@{$dashDefinition {1} } = ("round", "20,20") ;
@{$dashDefinition {2} } = ("round", "44,20") ;
@{$dashDefinition {3} } = ("round", "28,20") ;
@{$dashDefinition {4} } = ("round", "12,20") ;
@{$dashDefinition {10} } = ("round", "8,8") ;
@{$dashDefinition {11} } = ("round", "16,16") ;
@{$dashDefinition {12} } = ("round", "24,24") ;
@{$dashDefinition {13} } = ("round", "32,32") ;
@{$dashDefinition {14} } = ("round", "40,40") ;
@{$dashDefinition {20} } = ("round", "0,8,0,16") ;
@{$dashDefinition {21} } = ("round", "0,16,0,32") ;
@{$dashDefinition {22} } = ("round", "0,24,0,48") ;
@{$dashDefinition {23} } = ("round", "0,32,0,48") ;
@{$dashDefinition {30} } = ("butt", "4,4") ;
@{$dashDefinition {31} } = ("butt", "8,8") ;
@{$dashDefinition {32} } = ("butt", "12,12") ;
@{$dashDefinition {33} } = ("butt", "4,12") ;
@{$dashDefinition {34} } = ("butt", "4,20") ;
@{$dashDefinition {35} } = ("butt", "8,20") ;
if ( cv ('autobridge') eq "0" ) {
$layer = 0 ;
if ( ( $$ruleRef{'svgstringtop'} ne "" ) or ( $$ruleRef{'svgstringbottom'} ne "" ) ) {
$svg1 = $$ruleRef{'svgstringtop'} ;
$svg2 = $$ruleRef{'svgstringbottom'} ;
# TODO layer
$layer1 = $layer ;
$layer2 = $layer ;
else {
my $size = $$ruleRef{'size'} ;
my $color = $$ruleRef{'color'} ;
my $lc = "round" ;
my $lj = "round" ;
my $dash = "" ;
if ( $$ruleRef{'dash'} ne "" ) {
if ( ! grep /,/, $$ruleRef{'dash'}) {
my @ds = @{$dashDefinition{ $$ruleRef{'dash'} } } ;
$lc = $ds[0] ;
my $style = $ds[1] ;
$dash = "stroke-dasharray=\"$style\" " ;
else {
$lc = $$ruleRef{'dashcap'} ;
my $style = $$ruleRef{'dash'} ;
$dash = "stroke-dasharray=\"$style\"" ;
# top (actual way)
$svg1 = "stroke=\"$color\" stroke-width=\"$size\" stroke-linecap=\"$lc\" fill=\"none\" stroke-linejoin=\"$lj\" " . $dash ;
$layer1 = $layer + $size / 100 ;
my $bs = $$ruleRef{'bordersize'} ;
$lc = "round" ;
$dash = "" ;
if ( cv ('autobridge') eq "1" ) {
# TODO bridge/tunnel
if ( $bridge == 1) {
$lc = "butt" ;
$bs += 3 ; # TODO config value
elsif ( $tunnel == 1) {
$lc = "butt" ;
$dash = "stroke-dasharray=\"10,10\" " ;
$bs += 3 ;
# bottom (border)
if ( $bs > 0 ) {
$size = 2 * $bs + $$ruleRef{'size'} ;
$color = $$ruleRef{'bordercolor'} ;
$svg2 = "stroke=\"$color\" stroke-width=\"$size\" stroke-linecap=\"$lc\" fill=\"none\" stroke-linejoin=\"$lj\" " . $dash ;
$layer2 = $layer - 0.3 + $size / 100 ;
else {
$svg2 = "" ;
$layer2 = 0 ;
return ($svg1, $layer1, $svg2, $layer2) ;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub createDirectory{ my $directoryName;
my $dirFile;
$directoryName = cv('out');
$directoryName =~ s/\.svg/\_streets.txt/;
setConfigValue("directoryname", $directoryName);
print "creating dir file $directoryName ...\n";
open($dirFile, ">", $directoryName)or die("can't open dir file $directoryName\n");
sub createDirectory {
my $directoryName ;
my $dirFile ;
$directoryName = cv ('out') ;
$directoryName =~ s/\.svg/\_streets.txt/ ;
setConfigValue("directoryname", $directoryName) ;
print "creating dir file $directoryName ...\n" ;
open ($dirFile, ">", $directoryName) or die ("can't open dir file $directoryName\n") ;
my $ref = getDirectory();
my %directory = %$ref;
my $ref = getDirectory() ;
my %directory = %$ref ;
if(cv('grid')eq "0"){ foreach my $street(sort keys %directory){ $street = replaceHTMLCode($street);
print $dirFile "$street\n";
}} else{ foreach my $street(sort keys %directory){ my $streetSanitized = replaceHTMLCode($street);
print $dirFile "$streetSanitized\t";
foreach my $square(sort keys %{$directory{$street}}){ print $dirFile "$square ";
} print $dirFile "\n";
}} close($dirFile);
if ( cv('grid') eq "0") {
foreach my $street (sort keys %directory) {
$street = replaceHTMLCode ( $street ) ;
print $dirFile "$street\n" ;
else {
foreach my $street (sort keys %directory) {
my $streetSanitized = replaceHTMLCode ( $street ) ;
print $dirFile "$streetSanitized\t" ;
foreach my $square (sort keys %{$directory{$street}}) {
print $dirFile "$square " ;
print $dirFile "\n" ;
close ($dirFile) ;
1 ;