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2022-07-28 09:06:48 +00:00
# PERL mapweaver module by gary68
# Copyright (C) 2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <>
package mwNodes ;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use OSM::osm 8.21 ;
use mwConfig ;
use mwFile ;
use mwRules ;
use mwMap ;
use mwMisc ;
use mwLabel ;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw ( Exporter AutoLoader ) ;
@EXPORT = qw ( processNodes
) ;
sub processNodes {
print "drawing nodes...\n" ;
my $lonRef; my $latRef; my $tagRef ;
($lonRef, $latRef, $tagRef) = getNodePointers () ;
foreach my $nodeId (keys %$lonRef) {
my @tags = @{ $$tagRef{$nodeId} } ;
my $tagsString = "" ;
my $ruleRef = getNodeRule (\@tags) ;
if (defined $ruleRef) {
# draw disc first !
if (grep /yes/, $$ruleRef{'disc'}) {
my $svgString = "" ;
if ( $$ruleRef{'discsvgstring'} ne "" ) {
$svgString = $$ruleRef{'discsvgstring'} ;
else {
$svgString = "fill=\"$$ruleRef{'disccolor'}\" stroke=\"none\" fill-opacity=\"$$ruleRef{'discopacity'}\"" ;
drawCircle ($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 1, $$ruleRef{'discradius'}, 1, $svgString, 'nodes') ;
if (grep /yes/, $$ruleRef{'circle'}) {
my $svgString = "" ;
if ( $$ruleRef{'circlesvgstring'} ne "" ) {
$svgString = $$ruleRef{'circlesvgstring'} ;
else {
$svgString = "fill=\"none\" stroke=\"$$ruleRef{'circlecolor'}\" stroke-width=\"$$ruleRef{'circlethickness'}\"" ;
drawCircle ($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 1, $$ruleRef{'circleradius'}, 1, $svgString, 'nodes') ;
if ( ($$ruleRef{'size'} > 0) and ($$ruleRef{'icon'} eq "none") ) {
my $svgString = "" ;
if ( $$ruleRef{'svgstring'} ne "" ) {
$svgString = $$ruleRef{'svgstring'} ;
else {
$svgString = "fill=\"$$ruleRef{'color'}\"" ;
if ( $$ruleRef{'shape'} eq "circle") {
drawCircle ($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 1, $$ruleRef{'size'}, 0, $svgString, 'nodes') ;
elsif ( $$ruleRef{'shape'} eq "square") {
drawSquare ($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 1, $$ruleRef{'size'}, 0, $svgString, 'nodes') ;
elsif ( $$ruleRef{'shape'} eq "triangle") {
drawTriangle ($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 1, $$ruleRef{'size'}, 0, $svgString, 'nodes') ;
elsif ( $$ruleRef{'shape'} eq "diamond") {
drawDiamond ($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 1, $$ruleRef{'size'}, 0, $svgString, 'nodes') ;
if ( ($$ruleRef{'label'} ne "none") or ($$ruleRef{'icon'} ne "none") ) {
my ($labelText, $ref) = createLabel (\@tags, $$ruleRef{'label'}, $$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}) ;
$labelText = labelTransform ($labelText, $$ruleRef{'labeltransform'}) ;
my $labelSize = $$ruleRef{'labelsize'} ;
my $labelColor = $$ruleRef{'labelcolor'} ;
my $labelFont = $$ruleRef{'labelfont'} ;
my $labelFontFamily = $$ruleRef{'labelfontfamily'} ;
my $labelBold = $$ruleRef{'labelbold'} ;
my $labelItalic = $$ruleRef{'labelitalic'} ;
my $labelHalo = $$ruleRef{'labelhalo'} ;
my $labelHaloColor = $$ruleRef{'labelhalocolor'} ;
my $icon = $$ruleRef{'icon'} ;
my $iconSize = $$ruleRef{'iconsize'} ;
my $svgText = createTextSVG ( $labelFontFamily, $labelFont, $labelBold, $labelItalic, $labelSize, $labelColor, $labelHalo, $labelHaloColor) ;
placeLabelAndIcon($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, 0, $$ruleRef{'size'}, $labelText, $svgText, $icon, $iconSize, $iconSize, "nodes") ;
# fill poi directory
my $thing0 = $$ruleRef{'keyvalue'} ;
my ($thing) = ( $thing0 =~ /.+=(.+)/ ) ;
my $dirName = getValue ("name", $$tagRef{$nodeId} ) ;
if ( ( cv('poi') eq "1" ) and
( defined $dirName ) and
( $$ruleRef{'direxclude'} eq "no")
) {
$dirName .= " ($thing)" ;
if ( cv('grid') > 0) {
my $sq = gridSquare($$lonRef{$nodeId}, $$latRef{$nodeId}, cv('grid')) ;
if (defined $sq) {
addToPoiHash ($dirName, $sq) ;
else {
# $poiHash{$dirName} = 1 ;
addToPoiHash ($dirName, undef) ;
} # defined ruleref
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub createPoiDirectory {
my $poiName ;
my $poiFile ;
$poiName = cv ('out') ;
$poiName =~ s/\.svg/\_pois.txt/ ;
setConfigValue("poiname", $poiName) ;
print "creating poi file $poiName ...\n" ;
open ($poiFile, ">", $poiName) or die ("can't open poi file $poiName\n") ;
my $ref = getPoiHash() ;
my %poiHash = %$ref ;
if ( cv('grid') eq "0") {
foreach my $poi (sort keys %poiHash) {
$poi = replaceHTMLCode ( $poi ) ;
print $poiFile "$poi\n" ;
else {
foreach my $poi (sort keys %poiHash) {
$poi = replaceHTMLCode ( $poi ) ;
print $poiFile "$poi\t" ;
foreach my $square (sort keys %{$poiHash{$poi}}) {
print $poiFile "$square " ;
print $poiFile "\n" ;
close ($poiFile) ;
1 ;