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2022-07-28 09:06:48 +00:00
# PERL mapweaver module by gary68
# Copyright (C) 2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <>
package mwMisc ;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use Math::Trig;
use Math::Polygon ;
use List::Util qw[min max] ;
use mwConfig ;
use mwFile ;
# use mwMap ;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw ( Exporter AutoLoader ) ;
@EXPORT = qw ( getValue
) ;
sub getValue {
my ($key, $aRef) = @_ ;
my $value = undef ;
foreach my $kv (@$aRef) {
if ($kv->[0] eq $key) { $value = $kv->[1]; }
return $value ;
sub createLabel {
# takes @tags and labelKey(s) from style file and creates labelTextTotal and array of labels for directory
# takes more keys in one string - using a separator.
# § all listed keys will be searched for and values be concatenated
# # first of found keys will be used to select value
# "name§ref" will return all values if given
# "name#ref" will return name, if given. if no name is given, ref will be used. none given, no text
my ($ref1, $styleLabelText, $lon, $lat) = @_ ;
my @tags = @$ref1 ;
my @keys ;
my @labels = () ;
my $labelTextTotal = "" ;
if (grep /!/, $styleLabelText) { # AND
@keys = split ( /!/, $styleLabelText) ;
# print "par found: $styleLabelText; @keys\n" ;
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#keys; $i++) {
if ($keys[$i] eq "_lat") { push @labels, $lat ; }
if ($keys[$i] eq "_lon") { push @labels, $lon ; }
foreach my $tag (@tags) {
if ($tag->[0] eq $keys[$i]) {
push @labels, $tag->[1] ;
$labelTextTotal = "" ;
foreach my $label (@labels) { $labelTextTotal .= $label . " " ; }
else { # PRIO
@keys = split ( /#/, $styleLabelText) ;
my $i = 0 ; my $found = 0 ;
while ( ($i<=$#keys) and ($found == 0) ) {
if ($keys[$i] eq "_lat") { push @labels, $lat ; $found = 1 ; $labelTextTotal = $lat ; }
if ($keys[$i] eq "_lon") { push @labels, $lon ; $found = 1 ; $labelTextTotal = $lon ; }
foreach my $tag (@tags) {
if ($tag->[0] eq $keys[$i]) {
push @labels, $tag->[1] ;
$labelTextTotal = $tag->[1] ;
$found = 1 ;
$i++ ;
return ( $labelTextTotal, \@labels) ;
sub buildRings {
# accepts ref to array of ways and option if unclosed rings shoulf be returned
# closeOpt == 1 returns only closed rings
# returns two refs to arrays of arrays: ways and nodes
my ($ref, $closeOpt) = @_ ;
my (@allWays) = @$ref ;
my @ringWays = () ;
my @ringNodes = () ;
my $ringCount = 0 ;
my ($memWayNodesRef, $memWayTagsRef) = mwFile::getWayPointers() ;
# print "build rings for @allWays\n" ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1" ) { print "BR: called.\n" ; }
while ( scalar @allWays > 0) {
# build new test ring
my (@currentWays) = () ; my (@currentNodes) = () ;
push @currentWays, $allWays[0] ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1" ) { print "BR: initial way for next ring id= $allWays[0]\n" ; }
push @currentNodes, @{$$memWayNodesRef{$allWays[0]}} ;
my $startNode = $currentNodes[0] ;
my $endNode = $currentNodes[-1] ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1" ) { print "BR: initial start and end node $startNode $endNode\n" ; }
my $closed = 0 ;
shift @allWays ; # remove first element
if ($startNode == $endNode) { $closed = 1 ; }
my $success = 1 ;
while ( ($closed == 0) and ( (scalar @allWays) > 0) and ($success == 1) ) {
# try to find new way
if (cv('debug') eq "1" ) { print "TRY TO FIND NEW WAY\n" ; }
$success = 0 ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1" ) { print "BR: actual start and end node $startNode $endNode\n" ; }
my $i = 0 ;
while ( ($i < (scalar @allWays) ) and ($success == 0) ) {
if (cv('debug') eq "1" ) { print "BR: testing way $i = $allWays[$i]\n" ; }
if (cv('debug') eq "1" ) { print "BR: rev in front?\n" ; }
if ( $$memWayNodesRef{$allWays[$i]}[0] == $startNode ) {
$success = 1 ;
# reverse in front
@currentWays = ($allWays[$i], @currentWays) ;
@currentNodes = (reverse (@{$$memWayNodesRef{$allWays[$i]}}), @currentNodes) ;
splice (@allWays, $i, 1) ;
if ($success ==0) {
if (cv('debug') eq "1" ) { print "BR: app at end?\n" ; }
if ( $$memWayNodesRef{$allWays[$i]}[0] == $endNode) {
$success = 1 ;
# append at end
@currentWays = (@currentWays, $allWays[$i]) ;
@currentNodes = (@currentNodes, @{$$memWayNodesRef{$allWays[$i]}}) ;
splice (@allWays, $i, 1) ;
if ($success ==0) {
if (cv('debug') eq "1" ) { print "BR: app in front?\n" ; }
if ( $$memWayNodesRef{$allWays[$i]}[-1] == $startNode) {
$success = 1 ;
# append in front
@currentWays = ($allWays[$i], @currentWays) ;
@currentNodes = (@{$$memWayNodesRef{$allWays[$i]}}, @currentNodes) ;
splice (@allWays, $i, 1) ;
if ($success ==0) {
if (cv('debug') eq "1" ) { print "BR: rev at end?\n" ; }
if ( $$memWayNodesRef{$allWays[$i]}[-1] == $endNode) {
$success = 1 ;
# append reverse at the end
@currentWays = (@currentWays, $allWays[$i]) ;
@currentNodes = (@currentNodes, (reverse (@{$$memWayNodesRef{$allWays[$i]}}))) ;
splice (@allWays, $i, 1) ;
$i++ ;
} # look for new way that fits
$startNode = $currentNodes[0] ;
$endNode = $currentNodes[-1] ;
if ($startNode == $endNode) {
$closed = 1 ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1" ) { print "BR: ring now closed\n" ;}
} # new ring
# examine ring and act
if ( ($closed == 1) or ($closeOpt == 0) ) {
# eliminate double nodes in @currentNodes
my $found = 1 ;
while ($found) {
$found = 0 ;
LABCN: for (my $i=0; $i<$#currentNodes; $i++) {
if ($currentNodes[$i] == $currentNodes[$i+1]) {
$found = 1 ;
splice @currentNodes, $i, 1 ;
last LABCN ;
# add data to return data
@{$ringWays[$ringCount]} = @currentWays ;
@{$ringNodes[$ringCount]} = @currentNodes ;
$ringCount++ ;
return (\@ringWays, \@ringNodes) ;
sub angleMapgen {
# angle between lines/segments
my ($g1x1) = shift ;
my ($g1y1) = shift ;
my ($g1x2) = shift ;
my ($g1y2) = shift ;
my ($g2x1) = shift ;
my ($g2y1) = shift ;
my ($g2x2) = shift ;
my ($g2y2) = shift ;
my $g1m ;
if ( ($g1x2-$g1x1) != 0 ) {
$g1m = ($g1y2-$g1y1)/($g1x2-$g1x1) ; # steigungen
else {
$g1m = 999999999 ;
my $g2m ;
if ( ($g2x2-$g2x1) != 0 ) {
$g2m = ($g2y2-$g2y1)/($g2x2-$g2x1) ;
else {
$g2m = 999999999 ;
if ($g1m == $g2m) { # parallel
return (0) ;
else {
my $t1 = $g1m -$g2m ;
my $t2 = 1 + $g1m * $g2m ;
if ($t2 == 0) {
return 90 ;
else {
my $a = atan (abs ($t1/$t2)) / 3.141592654 * 180 ;
return $a ;
sub triangleNode {
# get segment of segment as coordinates
# from start or from end of segment
# 0 = start
# 1 = end
my ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $len, $startEnd) = @_ ;
my ($c) = sqrt ( ($x2-$x1)**2 + ($y2-$y1)**2) ;
my $percent = $len / $c ;
my ($x, $y) ;
if ($startEnd == 0 ) {
$x = $x1 + ($x2-$x1)*$percent ;
$y = $y1 + ($y2-$y1)*$percent ;
else {
$x = $x2 - ($x2-$x1)*$percent ;
$y = $y2 - ($y2-$y1)*$percent ;
return ($x, $y) ;
sub intersection {
# returns intersection point of two lines, else (0,0)
my ($g1x1) = shift ;
my ($g1y1) = shift ;
my ($g1x2) = shift ;
my ($g1y2) = shift ;
my ($g2x1) = shift ;
my ($g2y1) = shift ;
my ($g2x2) = shift ;
my ($g2y2) = shift ;
if (($g1x1 == $g2x1) and ($g1y1 == $g2y1)) { # p1 = p1 ?
return ($g1x1, $g1y1) ;
if (($g1x1 == $g2x2) and ($g1y1 == $g2y2)) { # p1 = p2 ?
return ($g1x1, $g1y1) ;
if (($g1x2 == $g2x1) and ($g1y2 == $g2y1)) { # p2 = p1 ?
return ($g1x2, $g1y2) ;
if (($g1x2 == $g2x2) and ($g1y2 == $g2y2)) { # p2 = p1 ?
return ($g1x2, $g1y2) ;
my $g1m ;
if ( ($g1x2-$g1x1) != 0 ) {
$g1m = ($g1y2-$g1y1)/($g1x2-$g1x1) ; # steigungen
else {
$g1m = 999999 ;
my $g2m ;
if ( ($g2x2-$g2x1) != 0 ) {
$g2m = ($g2y2-$g2y1)/($g2x2-$g2x1) ;
else {
$g2m = 999999 ;
if ($g1m == $g2m) { # parallel
return (0, 0) ;
my ($g1b) = $g1y1 - $g1m * $g1x1 ; # abschnitte
my ($g2b) = $g2y1 - $g2m * $g2x1 ;
my ($sx) = ($g2b-$g1b) / ($g1m-$g2m) ; # schnittpunkt
my ($sy) = ($g1m*$g2b - $g2m*$g1b) / ($g1m-$g2m);
my ($g1xmax) = max ($g1x1, $g1x2) ;
my ($g1xmin) = min ($g1x1, $g1x2) ;
my ($g1ymax) = max ($g1y1, $g1y2) ;
my ($g1ymin) = min ($g1y1, $g1y2) ;
my ($g2xmax) = max ($g2x1, $g2x2) ;
my ($g2xmin) = min ($g2x1, $g2x2) ;
my ($g2ymax) = max ($g2y1, $g2y2) ;
my ($g2ymin) = min ($g2y1, $g2y2) ;
if (($sx >= $g1xmin) and
($sx >= $g2xmin) and
($sx <= $g1xmax) and
($sx <= $g2xmax) and
($sy >= $g1ymin) and
($sy >= $g2ymin) and
($sy <= $g1ymax) and
($sy <= $g2ymax)) {
return ($sx, $sy) ;
else {
return (0, 0) ;
sub isIn {
# checks two polygons
# return 0 = neither
# 1 = p1 is in p2
# 2 = p2 is in p1
my ($p1, $p2) = @_ ;
my ($p1In2) = 1 ;
my ($p2In1) = 1 ;
# p1 in p2 ?
foreach my $pt1 ($p1->points) {
if ($p2->contains ($pt1) ) {
# good
else {
$p1In2 = 0 ;
# p2 in p1 ?
foreach my $pt2 ($p2->points) {
if ($p1->contains ($pt2) ) {
# good
else {
$p2In1 = 0 ;
if ($p1In2 == 1) {
return 1 ;
elsif ($p2In1 == 1) {
return 2 ;
else {
return 0 ;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub processPageNumbers {
if ( cv('pageNumbers') ne "") {
my $pnSize ; my $pnColor ;
my @a = split /,/, cv('pageNumbers') ;
if (scalar @a >= 3) {
$pnSize = $a[0] ;
$pnColor = $a[1] ;
my $pnNumber = $a[2] ;
if ($pnNumber != 0) {
drawPageNumber ($pnSize, $pnColor, $pnNumber) ;
if (scalar @a == 7) {
# draw 4 other positions if ne 0!!!
if ($a[3] != 0) { # left
drawPageNumberLeft ($pnSize, $pnColor, $a[3]) ;
if ($a[4] != 0) { # bottom
drawPageNumberBottom ($pnSize, $pnColor, $a[4]) ;
if ($a[5] != 0) { # right
drawPageNumberRight ($pnSize, $pnColor, $a[5]) ;
if ($a[6] != 0) { # top
drawPageNumberTop ($pnSize, $pnColor, $a[6]) ;
sub drawPageNumber {
my ($size, $col, $num) = @_ ;
my ($sizeX, $sizeY) = mwMap::getDimensions() ;
my $x = $sizeX - 2 * $size ;
my $y = $sizeY - 2 * $size ;
my $svgString = "fill=\"$col\" font-size=\"$size\" " ;
mwMap::drawText ($x, $y, 0, $num, $svgString, "text")
sub drawPageNumberLeft {
my ($size, $col, $num) = @_ ;
my ($sizeX, $sizeY) = mwMap::getDimensions() ;
my $x = 2 * $size ;
my $y = $sizeY / 2 ;
my $svgString = "fill=\"$col\" font-size=\"$size\" " ;
mwMap::drawText ($x, $y, 0, $num, $svgString, "text")
sub drawPageNumberBottom {
my ($size, $col, $num) = @_ ;
my ($sizeX, $sizeY) = mwMap::getDimensions() ;
my $x = $sizeX / 2 ;
my $y = $sizeY - 2 * $size ;
my $svgString = "fill=\"$col\" font-size=\"$size\" " ;
mwMap::drawText ($x, $y, 0, $num, $svgString, "text")
sub drawPageNumberRight {
my ($size, $col, $num) = @_ ;
my ($sizeX, $sizeY) = mwMap::getDimensions() ;
my $x = $sizeX - 2 * $size ;
my $y = $sizeY / 2 ;
my $svgString = "fill=\"$col\" font-size=\"$size\" " ;
mwMap::drawText ($x, $y, 0, $num, $svgString, "text")
sub drawPageNumberTop {
my ($size, $col, $num) = @_ ;
my ($sizeX, $sizeY) = mwMap::getDimensions() ;
my $x = $sizeX / 2 ;
my $y = 2 * $size ;
my $svgString = "fill=\"$col\" font-size=\"$size\" " ;
mwMap::drawText ($x, $y, 0, $num, $svgString, "text")
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
sub processRectangles {
my $no = 0 ;
if ( cv('rectangles') ne "") {
my @rects ;
@rects = split /#/, cv('rectangles') ;
foreach my $r (@rects) {
$no++ ;
my @coords ;
@coords = split /,/, $r ;
my $left = $coords[0] ;
my $bottom = $coords[1] ;
my $right = $coords[2] ;
my $top = $coords[3] ;
my @nodes ;
push @nodes, convert ($left, $bottom) ;
push @nodes, convert ($right, $bottom) ;
push @nodes, convert ($right, $top) ;
push @nodes, convert ($left, $top) ;
push @nodes, convert ($left, $bottom) ;
# drawWay (10, "black", 5, "none", @nodes) ;
my $svgString = "fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"7\" " ;
drawWay (\@nodes, 0, $svgString, "rectangles", undef) ;
# drawRect ($left, $bottom, $right, $top, 1, $svgString, "rectangles") ;
if ( cv('pagenumbers') ne "") {
my $x = ($right + $left) / 2 ;
my $y = ($bottom + $top) / 2 ;
my $xp ; my $yp ;
($xp, $yp) = convert ($x, $y) ;
# drawTextPixGrid ($xp, $yp, $no, $pnColor, scalePoints ( scaleBase ($pnSize) ) ) ;
my $svgString = "fill=\"black\" font-size=\"60\" " ;
drawText ($xp, $yp, 0, $no, $svgString, "rectangles") ;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
sub sizePNG {
# evaluates size of png graphics
my $fileName = shift ;
my ($x, $y) ;
my $file ;
my $result = open ($file, "<", $fileName) ;
if ($result) {
my $pic = newFromPng GD::Image($file) ;
($x, $y) = $pic->getBounds ;
close ($file) ;
else {
($x, $y) = (0, 0) ;
return ($x, $y) ;
sub sizeSVG {
# evaluates size of svg graphics
my $fileName = shift ;
my $file ;
my ($x, $y) ; undef $x ; undef $y ;
my $result = open ($file, "<", $fileName) ;
if ($result) {
my $line ;
while ($line = <$file>) {
my ($x1) = ( $line =~ /^.*width=\"([\d]+)px\"/ ) ;
my ($y1) = ( $line =~ /^.*height=\"([\d]+)px\"/ ) ;
if (!defined $x1) {
($x1) = ( $line =~ /^\s*width=\"([\d]+)\"/ ) ;
if (!defined $y1) {
($y1) = ( $line =~ /^\s*height=\"([\d]+)\"/ ) ;
if (defined $x1) { $x = $x1 ; }
if (defined $y1) { $y = $y1 ; }
close ($file) ;
if ( (!defined $x) or (!defined $y) ) {
$x = 0 ; $y = 0 ;
print "WARNING: size of file $fileName could not be determined.\n" ;
return ($x, $y) ;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub createDirPdf {
if ((cv('dir') eq "1") or (cv('poi') eq "1")) {
if (cv('grid') > 0) {
my $dirPdfName = cv('out') ;
$dirPdfName =~ s/.svg/_dir.pdf/ ;
my $sName = "none" ;
my $pName = "none" ;
my $prg = cv ('dirprg') ;
if (cv('dir') eq "1") { $sName = cv('directoryname') ; }
if (cv('poi') eq "1") { $pName = cv('poiname') ; }
my $dirColNum = cv ('dircolnum') ;
my $dirTitle = cv ('dirtitle') ;
print "\ncalling perl $prg $sName $pName $dirTitle $dirPdfName $dirColNum\n\n" ;
`perl $prg $sName $pName \"$dirTitle\" $dirPdfName $dirColNum > out.txt` ;
else {
print "WARNING: directory PDF will not be created because -grid was not specified\n" ;
else {
print "WARNING: directory PDF will not be created because neither -dir nor -poi was specified\n" ;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub getPointOfWay {
# returns point of way at distance/position
# coordinates and units are pixels
my ($ref, $position) = @_ ;
my @points = @$ref ;
my @double = () ;
while (scalar @points > 0) {
my $x = shift @points ;
my $y = shift @points ;
push @double, [$x, $y] ;
my $i = 0 ; my $actLen = 0 ;
while ($actLen < $position) {
$actLen += sqrt ( ($double[$i]->[0]-$double[$i+1]->[0])**2 + ($double[$i]->[1]-$double[$i+1]->[1])**2 ) ;
$i++ ;
my $x = int (($double[$i]->[0] + $double[$i-1]->[0]) / 2) ;
my $y = int (($double[$i]->[1] + $double[$i-1]->[1]) / 2) ;
# print "POW: $x, $y\n" ;
return ($x, $y) ;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
sub nodes2Coordinates {
# transform list of nodeIds to list of x/y
# straight array in and out
my @nodes = @_ ;
my $i ;
my @result = () ;
my ($lonRef, $latRef) = mwFile::getNodePointers() ;
foreach my $n (@nodes) {
my ($x, $y) = mwMap::convert ( $$lonRef{$n}, $$latRef{$n}) ;
push @result, $x, $y ;
return @result ;
sub areaCenter {
# calculate center of area by averageing lons/lats. could be smarter because result could be outside of area! TODO
my $ref = shift ;
my @nodes = @$ref ;
# print "CENTER: @nodes\n" ;
my $x = 0 ;
my $y = 0 ;
my $num = 0 ;
my ($lonRef, $latRef) = getNodePointers() ;
foreach my $n (@nodes) {
$x += $$lonRef{$n} ;
$y += $$latRef{$n} ;
$num++ ;
$x = $x / $num ;
$y = $y / $num ;
return ($x, $y) ;
sub areaSize {
my $ref = shift ; # nodes
my @nodes = @$ref ;
# print "SIZE: @nodes\n" ;
my ($lonRef, $latRef) = mwFile::getNodePointers() ;
my @poly = () ;
foreach my $node ( @nodes ) {
my ($x, $y) = mwMap::convert ($$lonRef{$node}, $$latRef{$node}) ;
push @poly, [$x, $y] ;
my ($p) = Math::Polygon->new(@poly) ;
my $size = $p->area ;
return $size ;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
sub createTextSVG {
my ($fontFamily, $font, $bold, $italic, $size, $color, $strokeWidth, $strokeColor) = @_ ;
my $svg = "" ;
if ( (defined $font) and ( $font ne "") ) {
$svg .= "font=\"$font\" " ;
if ( (defined $fontFamily) and ( $fontFamily ne "") ) {
$svg .= "font-family=\"$fontFamily\" " ;
if ( (defined $bold) and ( lc ($bold) eq "yes") ) {
$svg .= "font-weight=\"bold\" " ;
if ( (defined $italic) and ( lc ($italic) eq "yes") ) {
$svg .= "font-style=\"italic\" " ;
if ( (defined $size) and ( $size ne "") ) {
$svg .= "font-size=\"$size\" " ;
if ( (defined $color) and ( $color ne "") ) {
$svg .= "fill=\"$color\" " ;
if ( (defined $strokeColor) and ( $strokeColor ne "") ) {
$svg .= "stroke=\"$strokeColor\" " ;
if ( (defined $strokeWidth) and ( $strokeWidth ne "") ) {
$svg .= "stroke-width=\"$strokeWidth\" " ;
return $svg ;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
sub wayVisible {
my $ref = shift ;
my @points = @$ref ;
my ($sizeX, $sizeY) = mwMap::getDimensions() ;
my $result = 0 ;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $#points; $i += 2) {
my $x = $points[$i] ;
my $y = $points[$i+1] ;
if ( ( $x >= 0 ) and ( $y >= 0 ) and ( $x <= $sizeX ) and ( $y <= $sizeY ) ) {
$result = 1 ;
return $result ;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
sub labelTransform {
my ($label, $cmd) = @_ ;
if ($cmd ne "") {
eval $cmd ;
if ($@) { print "ERROR processing label '$label' with command: '$cmd'\nERROR: $@\n" ; }
return $label ;
1 ;