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2022-07-28 09:06:48 +00:00
# PERL mapweaver module by gary68
# Copyright (C) 2011, Gerhard Schwanz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <>
package mwLabel ;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use mwConfig ;
use mwMap ;
# use mwMisc ;
use mwOccupy ;
my $labelPathId = 0 ;
my @lines = () ;
my $numIconsMoved = 0 ;
my $numLabels = 0 ;
my $numIcons = 0 ;
my $numLabelsOmitted = 0 ;
my $numLabelsMoved = 0 ;
my $numIconsOmitted = 0 ;
my %poiHash = () ;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw ( Exporter AutoLoader ) ;
@EXPORT = qw (
) ;
sub placeLabelAndIcon {
# intelligent icon and label placement alg.
my ($lon, $lat, $offset, $thickness, $text, $svgText, $icon, $iconSizeX, $iconSizeY, $layer) = @_ ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "PLAI: $lon, $lat, $offset, $thickness, $text, $svgText, $icon, $iconSizeX, $iconSizeY, $layer\n" ; }
my ($x, $y) = mwMap::convert ($lon, $lat) ; # center !
if ( ! coordsOut ($x, $y) ) {
$y = $y + $offset ;
my ($ref) = splitLabel ($text) ;
my (@lines) = @$ref ;
my $numLines = scalar @lines ;
my $maxTextLenPix = 0 ;
my $orientation = "" ;
my $lineDist = cv ('linedist') ; ;
my $tries = 0 ;
my $allowIconMove = cv ('allowiconmove') ;
my ($textSize) = ( $svgText =~ /font-size=\"(\d+)\"/ ) ;
if ( ! defined $textSize ) { die ("ERROR: font size could not be determined from svg format string \"$svgText\"\n") ; }
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my $len = length ($line) * cv('ppc') / 10 * $textSize ; # in pixels
if ($len > $maxTextLenPix) { $maxTextLenPix = $len ; }
my $spaceTextX = $maxTextLenPix ;
my $spaceTextY = $numLines * ($lineDist+$textSize) ;
if ($icon ne "none") {
$numIcons++ ;
# space for icon?
my $sizeX1 = $iconSizeX ; if ($sizeX1 == 0) { $sizeX1 = 20 ; }
my $sizeY1 = $iconSizeY ; if ($sizeY1 == 0) { $sizeY1 = 20 ; }
my $iconX = $x - $sizeX1/2 ; # top left corner
my $iconY = $y - $sizeY1/2 ;
my @shifts = (0) ;
if ($allowIconMove eq "1") {
@shifts = ( 0, -15, 15 ) ;
my $posFound = 0 ; my $posCount = 0 ;
my ($iconAreaX1, $iconAreaY1, $iconAreaX2, $iconAreaY2) ;
LABAB: foreach my $xShift (@shifts) {
foreach my $yShift (@shifts) {
$posCount++ ;
if ( ( ! boxAreaOccupied ($iconX+$xShift, $iconY+$sizeY1+$yShift, $iconX+$sizeX1+$xShift, $iconY+$yShift) ) or ( cv('forcenodes') eq "1" ) ) {
placeIcon ($iconX+$xShift, $iconY+$yShift, $icon, $sizeX1, $sizeY1, "nodes") ;
$iconAreaX1 = $iconX+$xShift ;
$iconAreaY1 = $iconY+$sizeY1+$yShift ;
$iconAreaX2 = $iconX+$sizeX1+$xShift ;
$iconAreaY2 = $iconY+$yShift ;
$posFound = 1 ;
if ($posCount > 1) { $numIconsMoved++ ; }
$iconX = $iconX + $xShift ; # for later use with label
$iconY = $iconY + $yShift ;
last LABAB ;
if ($posFound == 1) {
# label text?
if ($text ne "") {
$numLabels++ ;
$sizeX1 += 1 ; $sizeY1 += 1 ;
my ($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2) ;
# $x, $y centered
# yes, check if space for label, choose position, draw
# no, count omitted text
my @positions = () ; my $positionFound = 0 ;
# pos 1 centered below
$x1 = $x - $spaceTextX/2 ; $x2 = $x + $spaceTextX/2 ; $y1 = $y + $sizeY1/2 + $spaceTextY ; $y2 = $y + $sizeY1/2 ; $orientation = "centered" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
# pos 2/3 to the right, bottom, top
$x1 = $x + $sizeX1/2 ; $x2 = $x + $sizeX1/2 + $spaceTextX ; $y1 = $y + $sizeY1/2 ; $y2 = $y1 - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "left" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x + $sizeX1/2 ; $x2 = $x + $sizeX1/2 + $spaceTextX ; $y2 = $y - $sizeY1/2 ; $y1 = $y2 + $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "left" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
# pos 4 centered upon
$x1 = $x - $spaceTextX/2 ; $x2 = $x + $spaceTextX/2 ; $y1 = $y - $sizeY1/2 ; $y2 = $y - $sizeY1/2 - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "centered" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
# pos 5/6 to the right, below and upon
$x1 = $x + $sizeX1/2 ; $x2 = $x + $sizeX1/2 + $spaceTextX ; $y2 = $y + $sizeY1/2 ; $y1 = $y2 + $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "left" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x + $sizeX1/2 ; $x2 = $x + $sizeX1/2 + $spaceTextX ; $y1 = $y - $sizeY1/2 ; $y2 = $y1 - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "left" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
# left normal, bottom, top
$x1 = $x - $sizeX1/2 - $spaceTextX ; $x2 = $x - $sizeX1/2 ; $y1 = $y + $sizeY1/2 ; $y2 = $y1 - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "right" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x - $sizeX1/2 - $spaceTextX ; $x2 = $x - $sizeX1/2 ; $y2 = $y - $sizeY1/2 ; $y1 = $y2 + $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "right" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
# left corners, bottom, top
$x1 = $x - $sizeX1/2 - $spaceTextX ; $x2 = $x - $sizeX1/2 ; $y2 = $y + $sizeY1/2 ; $y1 = $y2 + $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "right" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x - $sizeX1/2 - $spaceTextX ; $x2 = $x - $sizeX1/2 ; $y1 = $y - $sizeY1/2 ; $y2 = $y1 - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "right" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$tries = 0 ;
LABB: foreach my $pos (@positions) {
$tries++ ;
$positionFound = checkAndDrawText ($pos->[0], $pos->[1], $pos->[2], $pos->[3], $pos->[4], \@lines, $svgText, $layer) ;
if ($positionFound == 1) {
last LABB ;
if ($positionFound == 0) { $numLabelsOmitted++ ; }
if ($tries > 1) { $numLabelsMoved++ ; }
} # label
boxOccupyArea ($iconAreaX1, $iconAreaY1, $iconAreaX2, $iconAreaY2, 0, 2) ;
} # pos found
else {
# no, count omitted
$numIconsOmitted++ ;
else { # only text
my ($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2) ;
# x1, x2, y1, y2
# left, right, bottom, top
# choose space for text, draw
# count omitted
$numLabels++ ;
my @positions = () ;
$x1 = $x + $thickness ; $x2 = $x + $thickness + $spaceTextX ; $y1 = $y ; $y2 = $y - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "left" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x + $thickness ; $x2 = $x + $thickness + $spaceTextX ; $y1 = $y + $spaceTextY ; $y2 = $y ; $orientation = "left" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x - ($thickness + $spaceTextX) ; $x2 = $x - $thickness ; $y1 = $y ; $y2 = $y - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "right" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x - ($thickness + $spaceTextX) ; $x2 = $x - $thickness ; $y1 = $y ; $y2 = $y - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "right" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x - $spaceTextX/2 ; $x2 = $x + $spaceTextX/2 ; $y1 = $y - $thickness ; $y2 = $y - ($thickness + $spaceTextY) ; $orientation = "centered" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x - $spaceTextX/2 ; $x2 = $x + $spaceTextX/2 ; $y1 = $y + $thickness + $spaceTextY ; $y2 = $y + $thickness ; $orientation = "centered" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
my $positionFound = 0 ;
$tries = 0 ;
LABA: foreach my $pos (@positions) {
$tries++ ;
# print "$lines[0] $pos->[0], $pos->[1], $pos->[2], $pos->[3], $pos->[4], $numLines\n" ;
$positionFound = checkAndDrawText ($pos->[0], $pos->[1], $pos->[2], $pos->[3], $pos->[4], \@lines, $svgText, $layer) ;
if ($positionFound == 1) {
last LABA ;
if ($positionFound == 0) { $numLabelsOmitted++ ; }
if ($tries > 1) { $numLabelsMoved++ ; }
sub checkAndDrawText {
# checks if area available and if so draws text
my ($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation, $refLines, $svgText, $layer) = @_ ;
if (cv('debug') eq "1") { print "CADT: $x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation, $refLines, $svgText, $layer\n" ; }
my @lines = @$refLines ;
my $numLines = scalar @lines ;
my $lineDist = cv ('linedist') ;
my ($size) = ( $svgText =~ /font-size=\"(\d+)\"/ ) ;
if ( ! defined $size ) { die ("ERROR: font size could not be determined from svg format string \"$svgText\"\n") ; }
# WATCH for variable sequence!
if (
( ! boxAreaOccupied ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) ) or
( cv('forcenodes') eq "1" )
) {
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#lines; $i++) {
my @points = ($x1, $y2+($i+1)*($size+$lineDist), $x2, $y2+($i+1)*($size+$lineDist)) ;
my $pathName = "LabelPath" . $labelPathId ;
$labelPathId++ ;
createPath ($pathName, \@points, "definitions") ;
if ($orientation eq "centered") {
pathText ($svgText, $lines[$i], $pathName, 0, "middle", 50, $layer)
if ($orientation eq "left") {
pathText ($svgText, $lines[$i], $pathName, 0, "start", 0, $layer)
if ($orientation eq "right") {
pathText ($svgText, $lines[$i], $pathName, 0, "end", 100, $layer)
boxOccupyArea ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, 0, 2) ;
return (1) ;
else {
return 0 ;
sub splitLabel {
# split label text at space locations and then merge new parts if new part will be smaller than XX chars
my $text = shift ;
my @lines = split / /, $text ;
my $merged = 1 ;
while ($merged) {
$merged = 0 ;
LAB2: for (my $i=0; $i<$#lines; $i++) {
if (length ($lines[$i] . " " . $lines[$i+1]) <= cv ('maxcharperline') ) {
$lines[$i] = $lines[$i] . " " . $lines[$i+1] ;
splice (@lines, $i+1, 1) ;
$merged = 1 ;
last LAB2 ;
return (\@lines) ;
# ------------------------------------------------------------
sub addToPoiHash {
my ($name, $sq) = @_ ;
if (defined $sq) {
$poiHash{$name}{$sq} = 1 ;
else {
$poiHash{$name} = 1 ;
sub getPoiHash {
return \%poiHash ;
1 ;