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2022-07-28 09:06:48 +00:00
# PERL mapgen module by gary68
# This module contains a lot of useful graphic functions for working with osm files and data. This enables you (in conjunction with
# to easily draw custom maps.
# Have a look at the last (commented) function below. It is useful for your main program!
# Copyright (C) 2010, Gerhard Schwanz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <>
# graph top left coordinates: (0,0)
# size for lines = pixel width / thickness
# 1.051 l0 calculation adapted
package OSM::mapgen ; #
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use Math::Trig;
use File::stat;
use Time::localtime;
use List::Util qw[min max] ;
use Encode ;
use OSM::osm ;
use OSM::QuadTree ;
use GD ;
use Geo::Proj4 ;
$VERSION = '1.19' ;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw ( Exporter AutoLoader ) ;
@EXPORT = qw ( addAreaIcon
writeSVG ) ;
# constants
my %dashStyle = () ;
my %dashDefinition = () ; # for 300 dpi
@{$dashDefinition{1}} = (60,20,"round") ; #grid
@{$dashDefinition{11}} = (16,16,"butt") ; # tunnel
my $wayIndexLabelColor = 9 ;
my $wayIndexLabelSize = 10 ;
my $wayIndexLabelFont = 11 ;
my $wayIndexLabelOffset = 12 ;
my $wayIndexLegendLabel = 14 ;
my $lineCap = "round" ;
my $lineJoin = "round" ;
my @occupiedAreas = () ;
my $labelPathId = 0 ;
my $qtWayLabels ;
my $qtPoiLabels ;
# variables
my $proj ;
my $projSizeX ;
my $projSizeY ;
my ($projLeft, $projRight, $projBottom, $projTop) ;
my ($top, $bottom, $left, $right) ; # min and max real world coordinates
my ($sizeX, $sizeY) ; # pic size in pixels
my %svgOutputWays ;
my %svgOutputNodes ;
my @svgOutputAreas = () ;
my @svgOutputText = () ;
my @svgOutputPixel = () ;
my @svgOutputPixelGrid = () ;
my @svgOutputDef = () ;
my @svgOutputPathText = () ;
my @svgOutputIcons = () ;
my @svgOutputRouteStops = () ;
my $pathNumber = 0 ;
my $svgBaseFontSize = 10 ;
my @svgOutputRoutes = () ;
my %areaDef = () ;
my $areaNum = 1 ;
my $numIcons = 0 ;
my $numIconsMoved = 0 ;
my $numIconsOmitted = 0 ;
my $numLabels = 0 ;
my $numLabelsMoved = 0 ;
my $numLabelsOmitted = 0 ;
my $numWayLabelsOmitted = 0 ;
my $dpi = 0 ;
my $baseDpi ;
# clutter information
my %clutter = () ;
my %clutterIcon = () ;
my @lines ;
my $simplified = 0 ;
my $simplifyTotal = 0 ;
my $shieldPathId = 0 ;
my %createdShields = () ; # key = name; value = id of path
my %shieldXSize = () ;
my %shieldYSize = () ;
sub setdpi {
$dpi = shift ;
sub setBaseDpi {
$baseDpi = shift ;
sub initGraph {
# function initializes the picture, the colors and the background (white)
my ($x, $l, $b, $r, $t, $color, $projection, $ellipsoid) = @_ ;
# my $l0 = int($l) - 1 ;
my $l0 = int(($r+$l) / 2 ) ;
$proj = Geo::Proj4->new(
proj => $projection,
ellps => $ellipsoid,
lon_0 => $l0
) or die "parameter error: ".Geo::Proj4->error. "\n";
($projLeft, $projBottom) = $proj->forward($b, $l) ; # lat/lon!!!
($projRight, $projTop) = $proj->forward($t, $r) ; # lat/lon!!!
# print "PROJ: bounds: $projLeft $projRight $projBottom $projTop\n" ;
$projSizeX = $projRight - $projLeft ;
$projSizeY = $projTop - $projBottom ;
my $factor = $projSizeY / $projSizeX ;
# print "PROJ: $projSizeX x $projSizeY units, factor = $factor\n" ;
$sizeX = int ($x) ;
$sizeY = int ($x * $factor) ;
# print "PROJ: $sizeX x $sizeY pixels\n" ;
# print "PROJ: t b l r $t $b $l $r\n" ;
# print "PROJ: pt pb pl pr $projTop $projBottom $projLeft $projRight\n" ;
# print "PROJ: factor $factor\n" ;
# print "PROJ: l0 $l0\n" ;
$top = $t ;
$left = $l ;
$right = $r ;
$bottom = $b ;
drawArea ($color, "", $l, $t, $r, $t, $r, $b, $l, $b, $l, $t) ;
$qtWayLabels = OSM::QuadTree->new( -xmin => 0,
-xmax => $sizeX+100,
-ymin => 0,
-ymax => $sizeY+40,
-depth => 5);
$qtPoiLabels = OSM::QuadTree->new( -xmin => 0,
-xmax => $sizeX+100,
-ymin => 0,
-ymax => $sizeY+40,
-depth => 5);
initDashes() ;
sub initDashes {
# sub creates internal dash styles according to base definition
foreach my $style (keys %dashDefinition) {
my @array = @{$dashDefinition{$style}} ;
my $lc = pop @array ;
my $dashString = "" ;
foreach my $entry (@array) {
my $entryScaled = scalePoints ( scaleBase ($entry) ) ;
$dashString .= "$entryScaled," ;
$dashString .= $lc ;
$dashStyle{$style} = $dashString ;
sub convert {
# converts real world coordinates to system graph pixel coordinates
my ($x, $y) = @_ ;
my ($x1, $y1) = $proj->forward($y, $x) ; # lat/lon!!!
my $x2 = int ( ($x1 - $projLeft) / ($projRight - $projLeft) * $sizeX ) ;
my $y2 = $sizeY - int ( ($y1 - $projBottom) / ($projTop - $projBottom) * $sizeY ) ;
return ($x2, $y2) ;
sub gridSquare {
# returns grid square of given coordinates for directories
my ($lon, $lat, $parts) = @_ ;
my ($x, $y) = convert ($lon, $lat) ;
# my $partsY = $sizeY / ($sizeX / $parts) ;
my $xi = int ($x / ($sizeX / $parts)) + 1 ;
my $yi = int ($y / ($sizeX / $parts)) + 1 ;
if ( ($x >= 0) and ($x <= $sizeX) and ($y >= 0) and ($y <= $sizeY) ) {
return (chr($xi+64) . $yi) ;
else {
return undef ;
sub occupyArea {
# occupy area and make entry in quad tree for later use
my ($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2) = @_ ;
# left, right, bottom, top (bottom > top!)
push @occupiedAreas, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2] ;
$qtPoiLabels->add ($#occupiedAreas, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) ;
sub areaOccupied {
# look up possible interfering objects in quad tree and check for collision
my ($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2) = @_ ;
# left, right, bottom, top (bottom > top!)
my $occupied = 0 ;
my $ref2 = $qtPoiLabels->getEnclosedObjects ($x1, $y2, $x2, $y1) ;
my @index = @$ref2 ;
my @occupiedAreasTemp = () ;
foreach my $nr (@index) {
push @occupiedAreasTemp, $occupiedAreas[$nr] ;
LAB1: foreach my $area (@occupiedAreasTemp) {
my $intersection = 1 ;
if ($x1 > $area->[1]) { $intersection = 0 ; } ;
if ($x2 < $area->[0]) { $intersection = 0 ; } ;
if ($y1 < $area->[3]) { $intersection = 0 ; } ;
if ($y2 > $area->[2]) { $intersection = 0 ; } ;
if ($intersection == 1) {
$occupied = 1 ;
last LAB1 ;
return ($occupied) ;
sub splitLabel {
# split label text at space locations and then merge new parts if new part will be smaller than 21 chars
my $text = shift ;
my @lines = split / /, $text ;
my $merged = 1 ;
while ($merged) {
$merged = 0 ;
LAB2: for (my $i=0; $i<$#lines; $i++) {
if (length ($lines[$i] . " " . $lines[$i+1]) <= 20) {
$lines[$i] = $lines[$i] . " " . $lines[$i+1] ;
splice (@lines, $i+1, 1) ;
$merged = 1 ;
last LAB2 ;
return (\@lines) ;
sub svgElementIcon {
# create SVG text for icons
my ($x, $y, $icon, $sizeX, $sizeY) = @_ ;
my ($out) = "<image x=\"" . $x . "\"" ;
$out .= " y=\"" . $y . "\"" ;
if ($sizeX > 0) { $out .= " width=\"" . $sizeX . "\"" ; }
if ($sizeY > 0) { $out .= " height=\"" . $sizeY . "\"" ; }
$out .= " xlink:href=\"" . $icon . "\" />" ;
return ($out) ;
sub drawHead {
# draws text on top left corner of the picture
my ($text, $col, $size, $font) = @_ ;
push @svgOutputText, svgElementText (20, 20, $text, $size, $font, $col) ;
sub drawFoot {
# draws text on bottom left corner of the picture
my ($text, $col, $size, $font) = @_ ;
my $posX = 80 ;
my $posY = 40 ;
push @svgOutputText, svgElementText (
scalePoints ( scaleBase ($posX) ),
$sizeY - ( scalePoints ( scaleBase ($posY) ) ),
scalePoints ( scaleBase ($size) ) ,
) ;
sub drawTextPix {
# draws text at pixel position
# with small offset direction bottom
my ($x1, $y1, $text, $col, $size, $font) = @_ ;
push @svgOutputPixel, svgElementText ($x1, $y1, $text, $size, $font, $col) ;
sub drawTextPixGrid {
# draws text at pixel position. code goes to grid
my ($x1, $y1, $text, $col, $size) = @_ ;
push @svgOutputPixelGrid, svgElementText ($x1, $y1+9, $text, $size, "sans-serif", $col) ;
sub drawNodeDot {
# draws node as a dot at given real world coordinates
my ($lon, $lat, $col, $size) = @_ ;
my ($x1, $y1) = convert ($lon, $lat) ;
push @{$svgOutputNodes{0}}, svgElementCircleFilled ($x1, $y1, $size, $col) ;
sub drawNodeDotRouteStops {
# draws node as a dot at given real world coordinates
my ($lon, $lat, $col, $size) = @_ ;
my ($x1, $y1) = convert ($lon, $lat) ;
push @svgOutputRouteStops, svgElementCircleFilled ($x1, $y1, $size, $col) ;
sub drawNodeDotPix {
# draws node as a dot at given pixels
my ($x1, $y1, $col, $size) = @_ ;
push @svgOutputPixel, svgElementCircleFilled ($x1, $y1, $size, $col) ;
sub drawCircle {
my ($lon, $lat, $radius, $color, $thickness) = @_ ;
# radius in meters
my ($x, $y) = convert ($lon, $lat) ;
my $thickness2 = scalePoints ($thickness) ;
my $radiusPixel = $radius / (1000 * distance ($left, $bottom, $right, $bottom) ) * $sizeX ;
push @svgOutputPixelGrid, svgElementCircle ($x, $y, $radiusPixel, $thickness2, $color) ;
sub drawWay {
# draws way as a line at given real world coordinates. nodes have to be passed as array ($lon, $lat, $lon, $lat...)
# $size = thickness
my ($layer, $col, $size, $dash, @nodes) = @_ ;
my $i ;
my @points = () ;
for ($i=0; $i<$#nodes; $i+=2) {
my ($x, $y) = convert ($nodes[$i], $nodes[$i+1]) ;
push @points, $x ; push @points, $y ;
push @{$svgOutputWays{$layer+$size/100}}, svgElementPolyline ($col, $size, $dash, @points) ;
sub drawWayBridge {
# draws way as a line at given real world coordinates. nodes have to be passed as array ($lon, $lat, $lon, $lat...)
# $size = thickness
my ($layer, $col, $size, $dash, @nodes) = @_ ;
my $i ;
my @points = () ;
if ($dash eq "11") { $dash = $dashStyle{11} ; }
for ($i=0; $i<$#nodes; $i+=2) {
my ($x, $y) = convert ($nodes[$i], $nodes[$i+1]) ;
push @points, $x ; push @points, $y ;
push @{$svgOutputWays{$layer+$size/100}}, svgElementPolylineBridge ($col, $size, $dash, @points) ;
sub drawWayPix {
# draws way as a line at given pixels. nodes have to be passed as array ($x, $y, $x, $y...)
# $size = thickness
my ($col, $size, $dash, @nodes) = @_ ;
my $i ;
my @points = () ;
for ($i=0; $i<$#nodes; $i+=2) {
my ($x, $y) = ($nodes[$i], $nodes[$i+1]) ;
push @points, $x ; push @points, $y ;
push @svgOutputPixel, svgElementPolyline ($col, $size, $dash, @points) ;
sub drawWayPixGrid {
# draws way as a line at given pixels. nodes have to be passed as array ($x, $y, $x, $y...)
# $size = thickness
my ($col, $size, $dash, @nodes) = @_ ;
my $i ;
my @points = () ;
for ($i=0; $i<$#nodes; $i+=2) {
my ($x, $y) = ($nodes[$i], $nodes[$i+1]) ;
push @points, $x ; push @points, $y ;
push @svgOutputPixelGrid, svgElementPolyline ($col, $size, $dash, @points) ;
sub labelWay {
# labels a way
my ($col, $size, $font, $text, $tSpan, @nodes) = @_ ;
my $i ;
my @points = () ;
for ($i=0; $i<$#nodes; $i+=2) {
my ($x, $y) = convert ($nodes[$i], $nodes[$i+1]) ;
push @points, $x ; push @points, $y ;
my $pathName = "Path" . $pathNumber ; $pathNumber++ ;
push @svgOutputDef, svgElementPath ($pathName, @points) ;
push @svgOutputPathText, svgElementPathTextAdvanced ($col, $size, $font, $text, $pathName, $tSpan, "middle", 50, 0) ;
sub createWayLabels {
# finally take all way label candidates and try to label them
my ($ref, $ruleRef, $declutter, $halo, $svgName) = @_ ;
my @labelCandidates = @$ref ;
my @wayRules = @$ruleRef ;
my %notDrawnLabels = () ;
my %drawnLabels = () ;
# calc ratio to label ways first where label just fits
# these will be drawn first
foreach my $candidate (@labelCandidates) {
my $wLen = $candidate->[2] ;
my $lLen = $candidate->[3] ;
if ($wLen == 0) { $wLen = 1 ; }
if ($lLen == 0) { $lLen = 1 ; }
$candidate->[5] = $lLen / $wLen ;
@labelCandidates = sort { $b->[5] <=> $a->[5] } @labelCandidates ;
foreach my $candidate (@labelCandidates) {
my $rule = $candidate->[0] ; # integer
my @ruleData = @{$wayRules[$rule]} ;
my $name = $candidate->[1] ;
my $wLen = $candidate->[2] ;
my $lLen = $candidate->[3] ;
my @points = @{$candidate->[4]} ;
my $toLabel = 1 ;
if ( ($declutter eq "1") and ($points[0] > $points[-2]) and ( ($ruleData[1] eq "motorway") or ($ruleData[1] eq "trunk") ) ) {
$toLabel = 0 ;
if ($lLen > $wLen*0.95) {
$notDrawnLabels { $name } = 1 ;
if ( ($lLen > $wLen*0.95) or ($toLabel == 0) ) {
# label too long
$numWayLabelsOmitted++ ;
else {
if (grep /shield/i, $name) {
# create shield if necessary
if ( ! defined $createdShields{ $name }) {
createShield ($name, $ruleData[$wayIndexLabelSize]) ;
# @points = (x1, y1, x2, y2 ... )
# $wLen in pixels
# $lLen in pixels
# <use xlink:href="#a661" x="40" y="40" />
my $shieldMaxSize = $shieldXSize{ $name } ;
if ($shieldYSize{ $name } > $shieldMaxSize) { $shieldMaxSize = $shieldYSize{ $name } ; }
my $numShields = int ($wLen / ($shieldMaxSize * 12) ) ;
# if ($numShields > 4) { $numShields = 4 ; }
if ($numShields > 0) {
my $step = $wLen / ($numShields + 1) ;
my $position = $step ;
while ($position < $wLen) {
my ($x, $y) = getPointOfWay (\@points, $position) ;
# print "XY: $x, $y\n" ;
# place shield if not occupied
my $x2 = int ($x - $shieldXSize{ $name } / 2) ;
my $y2 = int ($y - $shieldYSize{ $name } / 2) ;
# print "AREA: $x2, $y2, $x2+$lLen, $y2+$lLen\n" ;
if ( ! areaOccupied ($x2, $x2+$shieldXSize{ $name }, $y2+$shieldYSize{ $name }, $y2) ) {
my $id = $createdShields{$name};
push @svgOutputIcons, "<use xlink:href=\"#$id\" x=\"$x2\" y=\"$y2\" />" ;
occupyArea ($x2, $x2+$shieldXSize{ $name }, $y2+$shieldYSize{ $name }, $y2) ;
$position += $step ;
else {
# print "$wLen - $name - $lLen\n" ;
my $numLabels = int ($wLen / (4 * $lLen)) ;
if ($numLabels < 1) { $numLabels = 1 ; }
if ($numLabels > 4) { $numLabels = 4 ; }
if ($numLabels == 1) {
my $spare = 0.95 * $wLen - $lLen ;
my $sparePercentHalf = $spare / ($wLen*0.95) *100 / 2 ;
my $startOffset = 50 - $sparePercentHalf ;
my $endOffset = 50 + $sparePercentHalf ;
# five possible positions per way
my $step = ($endOffset - $startOffset) / 5 ;
my @positions = () ;
my $actual = $startOffset ;
while ($actual <= $endOffset) {
my ($ref, $angle) = subWay (\@points, $lLen, "middle", $actual) ;
my @way = @$ref ;
my ($col) = lineCrossings (\@way) ;
# calc quality of position. distance from middle and bend angles
my $quality = $angle + abs (50 - $actual) ;
if ($col == 0) { push @positions, ["middle", $actual, $quality] ; }
$actual += $step ;
if (scalar @positions > 0) {
$drawnLabels { $name } = 1 ;
# sort by quality and take best one
@positions = sort {$a->[2] <=> $b->[2]} @positions ;
my ($pos) = shift @positions ;
my ($ref, $angle) = subWay (\@points, $lLen, $pos->[0], $pos->[1]) ;
my @finalWay = @$ref ;
my $pathName = "Path" . $pathNumber ; $pathNumber++ ;
push @svgOutputDef, svgElementPath ($pathName, @points) ;
push @svgOutputPathText, svgElementPathTextAdvanced ($ruleData[$wayIndexLabelColor], $ruleData[$wayIndexLabelSize],
$ruleData[$wayIndexLabelFont], $name, $pathName, $ruleData[$wayIndexLabelOffset], $pos->[0], $pos->[1], $halo) ;
occupyLines (\@finalWay) ;
else {
$numWayLabelsOmitted++ ;
else { # more than one label
my $labelDrawn = 0 ;
my $interval = int (100 / ($numLabels + 1)) ;
my @positions = () ;
for (my $i=1; $i<=$numLabels; $i++) {
push @positions, $i * $interval ;
foreach my $position (@positions) {
my ($refFinal, $angle) = subWay (\@points, $lLen, "middle", $position) ;
my (@finalWay) = @$refFinal ;
my ($collision) = lineCrossings (\@finalWay) ;
if ($collision == 0) {
$labelDrawn = 1 ;
$drawnLabels { $name } = 1 ;
my $pathName = "Path" . $pathNumber ; $pathNumber++ ;
push @svgOutputDef, svgElementPath ($pathName, @finalWay) ;
push @svgOutputPathText, svgElementPathTextAdvanced ($ruleData[$wayIndexLabelColor], $ruleData[$wayIndexLabelSize],
$ruleData[$wayIndexLabelFont], $name, $pathName, $ruleData[$wayIndexLabelOffset], "middle", 50, $halo) ;
occupyLines (\@finalWay) ;
else {
# print "INFO: $name labeled less often than desired.\n" ;
if ($labelDrawn == 0) {
$notDrawnLabels { $name } = 1 ;
my $labelFileName = $svgName ;
$labelFileName =~ s/\.svg/_NotDrawnLabels.txt/ ;
my $labelFile ;
open ($labelFile, ">", $labelFileName) or die ("couldn't open label file $labelFileName") ;
print $labelFile "Not drawn labels\n\n" ;
foreach my $labelName (sort keys %notDrawnLabels) {
if (!defined $drawnLabels { $labelName } ) {
print $labelFile "$labelName\n" ;
close ($labelFile) ;
sub occupyLines {
# store drawn lines and make quad tree entries
# accepts multiple coordinates that form a way
my ($ref) = shift ;
my @coordinates = @$ref ;
for (my $i=0; $i<$#coordinates-2; $i+=2) {
push @lines, [$coordinates[$i], $coordinates[$i+1], $coordinates[$i+2], $coordinates[$i+3]] ;
# print "PUSHED $coordinates[$i], $coordinates[$i+1], $coordinates[$i+2], $coordinates[$i+3]\n" ;
# drawWayPix ("black", 1, 0, @coordinates)
$qtWayLabels->add ($#lines, $coordinates[$i], $coordinates[$i+1], $coordinates[$i+2], $coordinates[$i+3]) ;
sub lineCrossings {
# checks for line collisions
# accepts multiple lines in form of multiple coordinates
my ($ref) = shift ;
my @coordinates = @$ref ;
my @testLines = () ;
for (my $i=0; $i<$#coordinates-2; $i+=2) {
push @testLines, [$coordinates[$i], $coordinates[$i+1], $coordinates[$i+2], $coordinates[$i+3]] ;
# find area of way
my ($found) = 0 ;
my $xMin = 999999 ; my $xMax = 0 ;
my $yMin = 999999 ; my $yMax = 0 ;
foreach my $l1 (@testLines) {
if ($l1->[0] > $xMax) { $xMax = $l1->[0] ; }
if ($l1->[0] < $xMin) { $xMin = $l1->[0] ; }
if ($l1->[1] > $yMax) { $yMax = $l1->[1] ; }
if ($l1->[1] < $yMin) { $yMin = $l1->[1] ; }
# get indexes from quad tree
my $ref2 = $qtWayLabels->getEnclosedObjects ($xMin, $yMin, $xMax, $yMax) ;
# create array linesInArea
my @linesInAreaIndex = @$ref2 ;
my @linesInArea = () ;
foreach my $lineNr (@linesInAreaIndex) {
push @linesInArea, $lines[$lineNr] ;
LABCR: foreach my $l1 (@testLines) {
foreach my $l2 (@linesInArea) {
my ($x, $y) = intersection (@$l1, @$l2) ;
if (($x !=0) and ($y != 0)) {
$found = 1 ;
last LABCR ;
if ($found == 0) {
return 0 ;
else {
return 1 ;
sub triangleNode {
# get segment of segment as coordinates
# from start or from end of segment
# 0 = start
# 1 = end
my ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $len, $startEnd) = @_ ;
my ($c) = sqrt ( ($x2-$x1)**2 + ($y2-$y1)**2) ;
my $percent = $len / $c ;
my ($x, $y) ;
if ($startEnd == 0 ) {
$x = $x1 + ($x2-$x1)*$percent ;
$y = $y1 + ($y2-$y1)*$percent ;
else {
$x = $x2 - ($x2-$x1)*$percent ;
$y = $y2 - ($y2-$y1)*$percent ;
return ($x, $y) ;
sub subWay {
# takes coordinates and label information and creates new way/path
# also calculates total angles / bends
my ($ref, $labLen, $alignment, $position) = @_ ;
my @coordinates = @$ref ;
my @points ;
my @dists ;
my @angles = () ;
for (my $i=0; $i < $#coordinates; $i+=2) {
push @points, [$coordinates[$i],$coordinates[$i+1]] ;
$dists[0] = 0 ;
my $dist = 0 ;
if (scalar @points > 1) {
for (my $i=1;$i<=$#points; $i++) {
$dist = $dist + sqrt ( ($points[$i-1]->[0]-$points[$i]->[0])**2 + ($points[$i-1]->[1]-$points[$i]->[1])**2 ) ;
$dists[$i] = $dist ;
# calc angles at nodes
if (scalar @points > 2) {
for (my $i=1;$i<$#points; $i++) {
$angles[$i] = angleMapgen ($points[$i-1]->[0], $points[$i-1]->[1], $points[$i]->[0], $points[$i]->[1], $points[$i]->[0], $points[$i]->[1], $points[$i+1]->[0], $points[$i+1]->[1]) ;
my $wayLength = $dist ;
my $refPoint = $wayLength / 100 * $position ;
my $labelStart ; my $labelEnd ;
if ($alignment eq "start") { # left
$labelStart = $refPoint ;
$labelEnd = $labelStart + $labLen ;
if ($alignment eq "end") { # right
$labelEnd = $refPoint ;
$labelStart = $labelEnd - $labLen ;
if ($alignment eq "middle") { # center
$labelEnd = $refPoint + $labLen / 2 ;
$labelStart = $refPoint - $labLen / 2 ;
# find start and end segments
my $startSeg ; my $endSeg ;
for (my $i=0; $i<$#points; $i++) {
if ( ($dists[$i]<=$labelStart) and ($dists[$i+1]>=$labelStart) ) { $startSeg = $i ; }
if ( ($dists[$i]<=$labelEnd) and ($dists[$i+1]>=$labelEnd) ) { $endSeg = $i ; }
my @finalWay = () ;
my $finalAngle = 0 ;
my ($sx, $sy) = triangleNode ($coordinates[$startSeg*2], $coordinates[$startSeg*2+1], $coordinates[$startSeg*2+2], $coordinates[$startSeg*2+3], $labelStart-$dists[$startSeg], 0) ;
push @finalWay, $sx, $sy ;
if ($startSeg != $endSeg) {
for (my $i=$startSeg+1; $i<=$endSeg; $i++) {
push @finalWay, $coordinates[$i*2], $coordinates[$i*2+1] ;
$finalAngle += abs ($angles[$i]) ;
my ($ex, $ey) = triangleNode ($coordinates[$endSeg*2], $coordinates[$endSeg*2+1], $coordinates[$endSeg*2+2], $coordinates[$endSeg*2+3], $labelEnd-$dists[$endSeg], 0) ;
push @finalWay, $ex, $ey ;
return (\@finalWay, $finalAngle) ;
sub intersection {
# returns intersection point of two lines, else (0,0)
my ($g1x1) = shift ;
my ($g1y1) = shift ;
my ($g1x2) = shift ;
my ($g1y2) = shift ;
my ($g2x1) = shift ;
my ($g2y1) = shift ;
my ($g2x2) = shift ;
my ($g2y2) = shift ;
if (($g1x1 == $g2x1) and ($g1y1 == $g2y1)) { # p1 = p1 ?
return ($g1x1, $g1y1) ;
if (($g1x1 == $g2x2) and ($g1y1 == $g2y2)) { # p1 = p2 ?
return ($g1x1, $g1y1) ;
if (($g1x2 == $g2x1) and ($g1y2 == $g2y1)) { # p2 = p1 ?
return ($g1x2, $g1y2) ;
if (($g1x2 == $g2x2) and ($g1y2 == $g2y2)) { # p2 = p1 ?
return ($g1x2, $g1y2) ;
my $g1m ;
if ( ($g1x2-$g1x1) != 0 ) {
$g1m = ($g1y2-$g1y1)/($g1x2-$g1x1) ; # steigungen
else {
$g1m = 999999 ;
my $g2m ;
if ( ($g2x2-$g2x1) != 0 ) {
$g2m = ($g2y2-$g2y1)/($g2x2-$g2x1) ;
else {
$g2m = 999999 ;
if ($g1m == $g2m) { # parallel
return (0, 0) ;
my ($g1b) = $g1y1 - $g1m * $g1x1 ; # abschnitte
my ($g2b) = $g2y1 - $g2m * $g2x1 ;
my ($sx) = ($g2b-$g1b) / ($g1m-$g2m) ; # schnittpunkt
my ($sy) = ($g1m*$g2b - $g2m*$g1b) / ($g1m-$g2m);
my ($g1xmax) = max ($g1x1, $g1x2) ;
my ($g1xmin) = min ($g1x1, $g1x2) ;
my ($g1ymax) = max ($g1y1, $g1y2) ;
my ($g1ymin) = min ($g1y1, $g1y2) ;
my ($g2xmax) = max ($g2x1, $g2x2) ;
my ($g2xmin) = min ($g2x1, $g2x2) ;
my ($g2ymax) = max ($g2y1, $g2y2) ;
my ($g2ymin) = min ($g2y1, $g2y2) ;
if (($sx >= $g1xmin) and
($sx >= $g2xmin) and
($sx <= $g1xmax) and
($sx <= $g2xmax) and
($sy >= $g1ymin) and
($sy >= $g2ymin) and
($sy <= $g1ymax) and
($sy <= $g2ymax)) {
return ($sx, $sy) ;
else {
return (0, 0) ;
sub angleMapgen {
# angle between lines/segments
my ($g1x1) = shift ;
my ($g1y1) = shift ;
my ($g1x2) = shift ;
my ($g1y2) = shift ;
my ($g2x1) = shift ;
my ($g2y1) = shift ;
my ($g2x2) = shift ;
my ($g2y2) = shift ;
my $g1m ;
if ( ($g1x2-$g1x1) != 0 ) {
$g1m = ($g1y2-$g1y1)/($g1x2-$g1x1) ; # steigungen
else {
$g1m = 999999999 ;
my $g2m ;
if ( ($g2x2-$g2x1) != 0 ) {
$g2m = ($g2y2-$g2y1)/($g2x2-$g2x1) ;
else {
$g2m = 999999999 ;
if ($g1m == $g2m) { # parallel
return (0) ;
else {
my $t1 = $g1m -$g2m ;
my $t2 = 1 + $g1m * $g2m ;
if ($t2 == 0) {
return 90 ;
else {
my $a = atan (abs ($t1/$t2)) / 3.141592654 * 180 ;
return $a ;
sub drawArea {
# draws an area like waterway=riverbank or landuse=forest.
# pass color as string and nodes as list (x1, y1, x2, y2...) - real world coordinates
my ($col, $icon, @nodes) = @_ ;
my $i ;
my @points = () ;
for ($i=0; $i<$#nodes; $i+=2) {
my ($x1, $y1) = convert ($nodes[$i], $nodes[$i+1]) ;
push @points, $x1 ; push @points, $y1 ;
push @svgOutputAreas, svgElementPolygonFilled ($col, $icon, @points) ;
sub drawAreaPix {
# draws an area like waterway=riverbank or landuse=forest.
# pass color as string and nodes as list (x1, y1, x2, y2...) - pixels
# used for legend
my ($col, $icon, @nodes) = @_ ;
my $i ;
my @points = () ;
for ($i=0; $i<$#nodes; $i+=2) {
my ($x1, $y1) = ($nodes[$i], $nodes[$i+1]) ;
push @points, $x1 ; push @points, $y1 ;
push @svgOutputPixel, svgElementPolygonFilled ($col, $icon, @points) ;
sub drawAreaMP {
# draws an area like waterway=riverbank or landuse=forest.
# pass color as string and nodes as list (x1, y1, x2, y2...) - real world coordinates
# receives ARRAY of ARRAY of NODES LIST! NOT coordinates list like other functions
my ($col, $icon, $ref, $refLon, $refLat) = @_ ;
# my %lon = %$refLon ;
# my %lat = %$refLat ;
my @ways = @$ref ;
my $i ;
my @array = () ;
foreach my $way (@ways) {
my @actual = @$way ;
# print "drawAreaMP - actual ring/way: @actual\n" ;
my @points = () ;
for ($i=0; $i<$#actual; $i++) { # without last node! SVG command 'z'!
my ($x1, $y1) = convert ( $$refLon{$actual[$i]}, $$refLat{$actual[$i]} ) ;
push @points, $x1 ; push @points, $y1 ;
push @array, [@points] ;
# print "drawAreaMP - array pushed: @points\n" ;
push @svgOutputAreas, svgElementMultiPolygonFilled ($col, $icon, \@array) ;
sub drawRuler {
# draws ruler in top right corner, size is automatic
my $col = shift ;
my $B ; my $B2 ;
my $L ; my $Lpix ;
my $x ;
my $text ;
my $rx = $sizeX - scalePoints (scaleBase (80)) ;
my $ry = scalePoints (scaleBase (60)) ; #v1.17
# my $ry = scalePoints (scaleBase (80)) ;
my $lineThickness = 8 ; # at 300dpi
my $textSize = 40 ; # at 300 dpi
my $textDist = 60 ; # at 300 dpi
my $lineLen = 40 ; # at 300 dpi
$B = $right - $left ; # in degrees
$B2 = $B * cos ($top/360*3.14*2) * 111.1 ; # in km
$text = "50m" ; $x = 0.05 ; # default length ruler
if ($B2 > 0.5) {$text = "100m" ; $x = 0.1 ; } # enlarge ruler
if ($B2 > 1) {$text = "500m" ; $x = 0.5 ; } # enlarge ruler
if ($B2 > 5) {$text = "1km" ; $x = 1 ; }
if ($B2 > 10) {$text = "5km" ; $x = 5 ; }
if ($B2 > 50) {$text = "10km" ; $x = 10 ; }
$L = $x / (cos ($top/360*3.14*2) * 111.1 ) ; # length ruler in km
$Lpix = $L / $B * $sizeX ; # length ruler in pixels
push @svgOutputText, svgElementLine ($rx-$Lpix,$ry,$rx,$ry, $col, scalePoints( scaleBase ($lineThickness) ) ) ;
push @svgOutputText, svgElementLine ($rx-$Lpix,$ry,$rx-$Lpix,$ry+scalePoints(scaleBase($lineLen)), $col, scalePoints( scaleBase ($lineThickness) ) ) ;
push @svgOutputText, svgElementLine ($rx,$ry,$rx,$ry+scalePoints(scaleBase($lineLen)), $col, scalePoints( scaleBase ($lineThickness) )) ;
push @svgOutputText, svgElementLine ($rx-$Lpix/2,$ry,$rx-$Lpix/2,$ry+scalePoints(scaleBase($lineLen/2)), $col, scalePoints( scaleBase ($lineThickness) ) ) ;
push @svgOutputText, svgElementText ($rx-$Lpix, $ry+scalePoints(scaleBase($textDist)), $text, scalePoints(scaleBase($textSize)), "sans-serif", $col) ;
sub drawGrid {
# draw grid on top of map. receives number of parts in x/lon direction
my ($number, $color) = @_ ;
my $part = $sizeX / $number ;
my $numY = $sizeY / $part ;
# vertical lines
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $number; $i++) {
drawWayPixGrid ($color, 1, $dashStyle{1}, $i*$part, 0, $i*$part, $sizeY) ;
drawTextPixGrid (($i-1)*$part+$part/2, scalePoints(scaleBase(160)), chr($i+64), $color, scalePoints(scaleBase(60))) ;
# hor. lines
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $numY; $i++) {
drawWayPixGrid ($color, 1, $dashStyle{1}, 0, $i*$part, $sizeX, $i*$part) ;
drawTextPixGrid (scalePoints(scaleBase(20)), ($i-1)*$part+$part/2, $i, $color, scalePoints(scaleBase(60))) ;
sub writeSVG {
# writes svg elemets collected so far to file
my ($fileName) = shift ;
my $file ;
my ($paper, $w, $h) = fitsPaper ($dpi) ;
open ($file, ">", $fileName) || die "can't open svg output file";
print $file "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n" ;
print $file "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" \"\" >\n" ;
my ($svg) = "<svg version=\"1.1\" baseProfile=\"full\" xmlns=\"\" " ;
$svg .= "xmlns:xlink=\"\" xmlns:ev=\"\" " ;
$svg .= "width=\"$w" . "cm\" height=\"$h" . "cm\" viewBox=\"0 0 $sizeX $sizeY\">\n" ;
print $file $svg ;
print $file "<rect width=\"$sizeX\" height=\"$sizeY\" y=\"0\" x=\"0\" fill=\"#ffffff\" />\n" ;
print $file "<defs>\n" ;
foreach (@svgOutputDef) { print $file $_, "\n" ; }
print $file "</defs>\n" ;
print $file "<g id=\"Areas\">\n" ;
foreach (@svgOutputAreas) { print $file $_, "\n" ; }
print $file "</g>\n" ;
print $file "<g id=\"Ways\">\n" ;
foreach my $layer (sort {$a <=> $b} (keys %svgOutputWays)) {
foreach (@{$svgOutputWays{$layer}}) { print $file $_, "\n" ; }
print $file "</g>\n" ;
print $file "<g id=\"Nodes\">\n" ;
foreach my $layer (sort {$a <=> $b} (keys %svgOutputNodes)) {
foreach (@{$svgOutputNodes{$layer}}) { print $file $_, "\n" ; }
print $file "</g>\n" ;
print $file "<g id=\"Routes\">\n" ;
foreach (@svgOutputRoutes) { print $file $_, "\n" ; }
print $file "</g>\n" ;
print $file "<g id=\"RouteStops\">\n" ;
foreach (@svgOutputRouteStops) { print $file $_, "\n" ; }
print $file "</g>\n" ;
print $file "<g id=\"Text\">\n" ;
foreach (@svgOutputText) { print $file $_, "\n" ; }
print $file "</g>\n" ;
print $file "<g id=\"Icons\">\n" ;
foreach (@svgOutputIcons) { print $file $_, "\n" ; }
print $file "</g>\n" ;
print $file "<g id=\"Labels\">\n" ;
foreach (@svgOutputPathText) { print $file $_, "\n" ; }
print $file "</g>\n" ;
print $file "<g id=\"Grid\">\n" ;
foreach (@svgOutputPixelGrid) { print $file $_, "\n" ; }
print $file "</g>\n" ;
print $file "<g id=\"Pixels\">\n" ;
foreach (@svgOutputPixel) { print $file $_, "\n" ; }
print $file "</g>\n" ;
print $file "</svg>\n" ;
close ($file) ;
sub svgElementText {
# creates string with svg element incl utf-8 encoding
my ($x, $y, $text, $size, $font, $col) = @_ ;
my $svg = "<text x=\"" . $x . "\" y=\"" . $y .
"\" font-size=\"" . $size .
"\" font-family=\"" . $font .
"\" fill=\"" . $col .
"\">" . $text . "</text>" ;
return $svg ;
sub svgElementCircleFilled {
# draws circle filled
my ($x, $y, $size, $col) = @_ ;
my $svg = "<circle cx=\"" . $x . "\" cy=\"" . $y . "\" r=\"" . $size . "\" fill=\"" . $col . "\" />" ;
return $svg ;
sub svgElementCircle {
# draws not filled circle / dot
my ($x, $y, $radius, $size, $col) = @_ ;
my $svg = "<circle cx=\"" . $x . "\" cy=\"" . $y . "\" r=\"" . $radius . "\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"" . $col . "\" stroke-width=\"$size\" />" ;
return $svg ;
sub svgElementLine {
# draws line between two points
my ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $col, $size) = @_ ;
my $svg = "<polyline points=\"" . $x1 . "," . $y1 . " " . $x2 . "," . $y2 . "\" stroke=\"" . $col . "\" stroke-width=\"" . $size . "\"/>" ;
return $svg ;
sub svgElementPolyline {
# draws way to svg
my ($col, $size, $dash, @points) = @_ ;
my $refp = simplifyPoints (\@points) ;
@points = @$refp ;
my $svg = "<polyline points=\"" ;
my $i ;
for ($i=0; $i<scalar(@points)-1; $i+=2) {
$svg = $svg . $points[$i] . "," . $points[$i+1] . " " ;
if ($dash eq "none") {
my $lc = "round" ;
$svg = $svg . "\" stroke=\"" . $col . "\" stroke-width=\"" . $size . "\" stroke-linecap=\"" . $lc . "\" stroke-linejoin=\"" . $lineJoin . "\" fill=\"none\" />" ;
else {
my $lc = "" ; my $ds = "" ;
($lc, $ds) = getDashElements ($dash) ;
$svg = $svg . "\" stroke=\"" . $col . "\" stroke-width=\"" . $size . "\" stroke-linecap=\"" . $lc . "\" stroke-linejoin=\"" . $lineJoin . "\" stroke-dasharray=\"" . $ds . "\" fill=\"none\" />" ;
return $svg ;
sub svgElementPolylineBridge {
# draws way to svg
my ($col, $size, $dash, @points) = @_ ;
my $refp = simplifyPoints (\@points) ;
@points = @$refp ;
my $svg = "<polyline points=\"" ;
my $i ;
for ($i=0; $i<scalar(@points)-1; $i+=2) {
$svg = $svg . $points[$i] . "," . $points[$i+1] . " " ;
if ($dash eq "none") {
$svg = $svg . "\" stroke=\"" . $col . "\" stroke-width=\"" . $size . "\" fill=\"none\" />" ;
else {
my $lc = "" ; my $ds ;
($lc, $ds) = getDashElements ($dash) ;
$svg = $svg . "\" stroke=\"" . $col . "\" stroke-width=\"" . $size . "\" stroke-linecap=\"" . $lc . "\" stroke-dasharray=\"" . $ds . "\" fill=\"none\" />" ;
return $svg ;
sub getDashElements {
my $string = shift ;
my @a = split /,/, $string ;
my $cap = pop @a ;
my $ds = "" ; my $first = 1 ;
foreach my $v (@a) {
if ($first) {
$first = 0 ;
else {
$ds .= "," ;
$ds .= $v ;
# print "GETDE $cap, $ds\n" ;
return ($cap, $ds) ;
sub svgElementPath {
# creates path element for later use with textPath
my ($pathName, @points) = @_ ;
my $refp = simplifyPoints (\@points) ;
@points = @$refp ;
my $svg = "<path id=\"" . $pathName . "\" d=\"M " ;
my $i ;
my $first = 1 ;
for ($i=0; $i<scalar(@points); $i+=2) {
if ($first) {
$svg = $svg . $points[$i] . "," . $points[$i+1] . " " ;
$first = 0 ;
else {
$svg = $svg . "L " . $points[$i] . "," . $points[$i+1] . " " ;
$svg = $svg . "\" />\n" ;
sub svgElementPathTextAdvanced {
# draws text to path element; anchors: start, middle, end
my ($col, $size, $font, $text, $pathName, $tSpan, $alignment, $offset, $halo) = @_ ;
my $svg = "<text font-family=\"" . $font . "\" " ;
$svg = $svg . "font-size=\"" . $size . "\" " ;
if ($halo > 0) {
$svg = $svg . "font-weight=\"bold\" " ;
$svg = $svg . "stroke=\"white\" " ;
$svg = $svg . "stroke-width=\"" . $halo . "\" " ;
$svg = $svg . "opacity=\"90\%\" " ;
$svg = $svg . "fill=\"" . $col . "\" >\n" ;
$svg = $svg . "<textPath xlink:href=\"#" . $pathName . "\" text-anchor=\"" . $alignment . "\" startOffset=\"" . $offset . "%\" >\n" ;
$svg = $svg . "<tspan dy=\"" . $tSpan . "\" >" . $text . " </tspan>\n" ;
$svg = $svg . "</textPath>\n</text>\n" ;
return $svg ;
sub svgElementPolygonFilled {
# draws areas in svg, filled with color
my ($col, $icon, @points) = @_ ;
my $refp = simplifyPoints (\@points) ;
@points = @$refp ;
my $i ;
my $svg ;
if (defined $areaDef{$icon}) {
$svg = "<path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" style=\"fill:url(" . $areaDef{$icon} . ")\" d=\"" ;
# print "AREA POLYGON with icon $icon drawn\n" ;
else {
$svg = "<path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill=\"" . $col . "\" d=\"" ;
for ($i=0; $i<scalar(@points); $i+=2) {
if ($i == 0) { $svg .= " M " ; } else { $svg .= " L " ; }
$svg = $svg . $points[$i] . " " . $points[$i+1] ;
$svg .= " z" ;
# for ($i=0; $i<scalar(@points); $i+=2) {
# $svg = $svg . $points[$i] . "," . $points[$i+1] . " " ;
# }
$svg = $svg . "\" />" ;
return $svg ;
sub svgElementMultiPolygonFilled {
# draws mp in svg, filled with color. accepts holes. receives ARRAY of ARRAY of coordinates
my ($col, $icon, $ref) = @_ ;
my @ways = @$ref ;
my $i ;
my $svg ;
if (defined $areaDef{$icon}) {
$svg = "<path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" style=\"fill:url(" . $areaDef{$icon} . ")\" d=\"" ;
# print "AREA PATH with icon $icon drawn\n" ;
else {
$svg = "<path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill=\"" . $col . "\" d=\"" ;
foreach my $way (@ways) {
my @actual = @$way ;
# print "svg - actual: @actual\n" ;
for ($i=0; $i<scalar(@actual); $i+=2) {
if ($i == 0) { $svg .= " M " ; } else { $svg .= " L " ; }
$svg = $svg . $actual[$i] . " " . $actual[$i+1] ;
$svg .= " z" ;
# print "svg - text = $svg\n" ;
$svg = $svg . "\" />" ;
# print "svg - text = $svg\n" ;
return $svg ;
sub createLabel {
# takes @tags and labelKey(s) from style file and creates labelTextTotal and array of labels for directory
# takes more keys in one string - using a separator.
# <20> all listed keys will be searched for and values be concatenated
# # first of found keys will be used to select value
# "name<6D>ref" will return all values if given
# "name#ref" will return name, if given. if no name is given, ref will be used. none given, no text
my ($ref1, $styleLabelText, $lon, $lat) = @_ ;
my @tags = @$ref1 ;
my @keys ;
my @labels = () ;
my $labelTextTotal = "" ;
if (grep /!/, $styleLabelText) { # AND
@keys = split ( /!/, $styleLabelText) ;
# print "par found: $styleLabelText; @keys\n" ;
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#keys; $i++) {
if ($keys[$i] eq "_lat") { push @labels, $lat ; }
if ($keys[$i] eq "_lon") { push @labels, $lon ; }
foreach my $tag (@tags) {
if ($tag->[0] eq $keys[$i]) {
push @labels, $tag->[1] ;
$labelTextTotal = "" ;
foreach my $label (@labels) { $labelTextTotal .= $label . " " ; }
else { # PRIO
@keys = split ( /#/, $styleLabelText) ;
my $i = 0 ; my $found = 0 ;
while ( ($i<=$#keys) and ($found == 0) ) {
if ($keys[$i] eq "_lat") { push @labels, $lat ; $found = 1 ; $labelTextTotal = $lat ; }
if ($keys[$i] eq "_lon") { push @labels, $lon ; $found = 1 ; $labelTextTotal = $lon ; }
foreach my $tag (@tags) {
if ($tag->[0] eq $keys[$i]) {
push @labels, $tag->[1] ;
$labelTextTotal = $tag->[1] ;
$found = 1 ;
$i++ ;
return ( $labelTextTotal, \@labels) ;
sub center {
# calculate center of area by averageing lons/lats. could be smarter because result could be outside of area! TODO
my @nodes = @_ ;
my $x = 0 ;
my $y = 0 ;
my $num = 0 ;
while (scalar @nodes > 0) {
my $y1 = pop @nodes ;
my $x1 = pop @nodes ;
$x += $x1 ;
$y += $y1 ;
$num++ ;
$x = $x / $num ;
$y = $y / $num ;
return ($x, $y) ;
sub printScale {
# print scale based on dpi and global variables left, right etc.
my ($dpi, $color) = @_ ;
my $dist = distance ($left, $bottom, $right, $bottom) ;
my $inches = $sizeX / $dpi ;
my $cm = $inches * 2.54 ;
my $scale = int ( $dist / ($cm/100/1000) ) ;
$scale = int ($scale / 100) * 100 ;
my $text = "1 : $scale" ;
# sizes for 300 dpi
my $posX = 350 ;
my $posY = 50 ;
my $size = 56 ;
drawTextPix (
$sizeX-scalePoints( scaleBase($posX) ),
scalePoints( scaleBase($posY) ),
$text, $color,
scalePoints( scaleBase ($size) ), "sans-serif"
) ;
sub getScale {
# calcs scale of map
my ($dpi) = shift ;
my $dist = distance ($left, $bottom, $right, $bottom) ;
my $inches = $sizeX / $dpi ;
my $cm = $inches * 2.54 ;
my $scale = int ( $dist / ($cm/100/1000) ) ;
$scale = int ($scale / 100) * 100 ;
return ($scale) ;
sub fitsPaper {
# takes dpi and calculates on what paper size the map will fit. sizes are taken from global variables
my ($dpi) = shift ;
my @sizes = () ;
my $width = $sizeX / $dpi * 2.54 ;
my $height = $sizeY / $dpi * 2.54 ;
my $paper = "" ;
push @sizes, ["4A0", 168.2, 237.8] ;
push @sizes, ["2A0", 118.9, 168.2] ;
push @sizes, ["A0", 84.1, 118.9] ;
push @sizes, ["A1", 59.4, 84.1] ;
push @sizes, ["A2", 42, 59.4] ;
push @sizes, ["A3", 29.7, 42] ;
push @sizes, ["A4", 21, 29.7] ;
push @sizes, ["A5", 14.8, 21] ;
push @sizes, ["A6", 10.5, 14.8] ;
push @sizes, ["A7", 7.4, 10.5] ;
push @sizes, ["none", 0, 0] ;
foreach my $size (@sizes) {
if ( ( ($width<=$size->[1]) and ($height<=$size->[2]) ) or ( ($width<=$size->[2]) and ($height<=$size->[1]) ) ) {
$paper = $size->[0] ;
return ($paper, $width, $height) ;
sub drawCoords {
# draws coordinates grid on map
my ($exp, $color) = @_ ;
my $step = 10 ** $exp ;
# vert. lines
my $start = int ($left / $step) + 1 ;
my $actual = $start * $step ;
while ($actual < $right) {
# print "actualX: $actual\n" ;
my ($x1, $y1) = convert ($actual, 0) ;
drawTextPixGrid ($x1+scalePoints(scaleBase(10)), $sizeY-scalePoints(scaleBase(50)), $actual, $color, scalePoints(scaleBase(40))) ;
drawWayPixGrid ($color, 1, "none", ($x1, 0, $x1, $sizeY) ) ;
$actual += $step ;
# hor lines
$start = int ($bottom / $step) + 1 ;
$actual = $start * $step ;
while ($actual < $top) {
# print "actualY: $actual\n" ;
my ($x1, $y1) = convert (0, $actual) ;
drawTextPixGrid ($sizeX-scalePoints(scaleBase(180)), $y1+scalePoints(scaleBase(30)), $actual, $color, scalePoints(scaleBase(40))) ;
drawWayPixGrid ($color, 1, "none", (0, $y1, $sizeX, $y1) ) ;
$actual += $step ;
sub getValue {
# gets value of a certain tag
my ($key, $ref) = @_ ;
my @relationTags = @$ref ;
my $value = "" ;
foreach my $tag (@relationTags) {
if ($tag->[0] eq $key) { $value = $tag->[1] ; }
return ($value) ;
sub drawWayRoute {
# draws way as a line at given real world coordinates. nodes have to be passed as array ($lon, $lat, $lon, $lat...)
# $size = thickness
my ($col, $size, $dash, $opacity, @nodes) = @_ ;
my $i ;
my @points = () ;
for ($i=0; $i<$#nodes; $i+=2) {
my ($x, $y) = convert ($nodes[$i], $nodes[$i+1]) ;
push @points, $x ; push @points, $y ;
push @svgOutputRoutes, svgElementPolylineOpacity ($col, $size, $dash, $opacity, @points) ;
sub svgElementPolylineOpacity {
# draws way to svg with opacity; for routes
my ($col, $size, $dash, $opacity, @points) = @_ ;
my $refp = simplifyPoints (\@points) ;
@points = @$refp ;
my $svg = "<polyline points=\"" ;
my $i ;
for ($i=0; $i<scalar(@points)-1; $i+=2) {
$svg = $svg . $points[$i] . "," . $points[$i+1] . " " ;
if ($dash eq "none") {
my $lc = "round" ;
$svg = $svg . "\" stroke=\"" . $col .
"\" stroke-width=\"" . $size .
"\" stroke-opacity=\"" . $opacity .
"\" stroke-linecap=\"" . $lc .
"\" stroke-linejoin=\"" . $lineJoin . "\" fill=\"none\" />" ;
else {
my $lc = "" ; my $ds = "" ;
($lc, $ds) = getDashElements ($dash) ;
$svg = $svg . "\" stroke=\"" . $col .
"\" stroke-width=\"" . $size .
"\" stroke-opacity=\"" . $opacity .
"\" stroke-linecap=\"" . $lc .
"\" stroke-linejoin=\"" . $lineJoin .
"\" stroke-dasharray=\"" . $ds .
"\" fill=\"none\" />" ;
return $svg ;
sub addAreaIcon {
# initial collection of area icons
my $fileNameOriginal = shift ;
# print "AREA: $fileNameOriginal\n" ;
my $result = open (my $file, "<", $fileNameOriginal) ;
close ($file) ;
if ($result) {
my ($x, $y) ;
if (grep /.svg/, $fileNameOriginal) {
($x, $y) = sizeSVG ($fileNameOriginal) ;
if ( ($x == 0) or ($y == 0) ) {
$x = 32 ; $y = 32 ;
print "WARNING: size of file $fileNameOriginal could not be determined. Set to 32px x 32px\n" ;
if (grep /.png/, $fileNameOriginal) {
($x, $y) = sizePNG ($fileNameOriginal) ;
if (!defined $areaDef{$fileNameOriginal}) {
my $x1 = scalePoints( $x ) ; # scale area icons
my $y1 = scalePoints( $y ) ;
my $fx = $x1 / $x ;
my $fy = $y1 / $y ;
# add defs to svg output
my $defName = "A" . $areaNum ;
# print "INFO area icon $fileNameOriginal, $defName, $x, $y --- $x1, $y1 --- $fx, $fy --- processed.\n" ;
$areaNum++ ;
my $svgElement = "<pattern id=\"" . $defName . "\" width=\"" . $x . "\" height=\"" . $y . "\" " ;
$svgElement .= "patternTransform=\"translate(0,0) scale(" . $fx . "," . $fy . ")\" \n" ;
$svgElement .= "patternUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\">\n" ;
$svgElement .= " <image xlink:href=\"" . $fileNameOriginal . "\"/>\n" ;
$svgElement .= "</pattern>\n" ;
push @svgOutputDef, $svgElement ;
$defName = "#" . $defName ;
$areaDef{$fileNameOriginal} = $defName ;
else {
print "WARNING: area icon $fileNameOriginal not found!\n" ;
sub svgEle {
# creates svg element string
my ($a, $b) = @_ ;
my $out = $a . "=\"" . $b . "\" " ;
return ($out)
sub initOneways {
# write marker defs to svg
my $color = shift ;
my $markerSize = scalePoints (scaleBase (20)) ;
push @svgOutputDef, "<marker id=\"Arrow1\"" ;
push @svgOutputDef, "viewBox=\"0 0 10 10\" refX=\"5\" refY=\"5\"" ;
push @svgOutputDef, "markerUnits=\"strokeWidth\"" ;
push @svgOutputDef, "markerWidth=\"" . $markerSize . "\" markerHeight=\"" . $markerSize . "\"" ;
push @svgOutputDef, "orient=\"auto\">" ;
push @svgOutputDef, "<path d=\"M 0 4 L 6 4 L 6 2 L 10 5 L 6 8 L 6 6 L 0 6 Z\" fill=\"" . $color . "\" />" ;
push @svgOutputDef, "</marker>" ;
sub addOnewayArrows {
# adds oneway arrows to new pathes
my ($wayNodesRef, $lonRef, $latRef, $direction, $thickness, $color, $layer) = @_ ;
my @wayNodes = @$wayNodesRef ;
my $minDist = scalePoints(scaleBase(25)) ;
# print "OW: mindist = $minDist\n" ;
if ($direction == -1) { @wayNodes = reverse @wayNodes ; }
# create new pathes with new nodes
for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(@wayNodes)-1;$i++) {
my ($x1, $y1) = convert ($$lonRef{$wayNodes[$i]}, $$latRef{$wayNodes[$i]}) ;
my ($x2, $y2) = convert ($$lonRef{$wayNodes[$i+1]}, $$latRef{$wayNodes[$i+1]}) ;
my $xn = ($x2+$x1) / 2 ;
my $yn = ($y2+$y1) / 2 ;
if (sqrt (($x2-$x1)**2+($y2-$y1)**2) > $minDist) {
# create path
# use path
my $svg = "<path d=\"M $x1 $y1 L $xn $yn L $x2 $y2\" fill=\"none\" marker-mid=\"url(#Arrow1)\" />" ;
push @{$svgOutputWays{$layer+$thickness/100}}, $svg ;
sub declutterStat {
# creates print string with clutter/declutter information
my $perc1 ;
my $perc2 ;
my $perc3 ;
my $perc4 ;
if ($numIcons != 0) {
$perc1 = int ($numIconsMoved / $numIcons * 100) ;
$perc2 = int ($numIconsOmitted / $numIcons * 100) ;
else {
$perc1 = 0 ;
$perc2 = 0 ;
if ($numLabels != 0) {
$perc3 = int ($numLabelsMoved / $numLabels * 100) ;
$perc4 = int ($numLabelsOmitted / $numLabels * 100) ;
else {
$perc3 = 0 ;
$perc4 = 0 ;
my $out = "$numIcons icons drawn.\n" ;
$out .= " $numIconsMoved moved. ($perc1 %)\n" ;
$out .= " $numIconsOmitted omitted (possibly with label!). ($perc2 %)\n" ;
$out .= "$numLabels labels drawn.\n" ;
$out .= " $numLabelsMoved moved. ($perc3 %)\n" ;
$out .= " $numLabelsOmitted omitted. ($perc4 %)\n\n" ;
$out .= "$numWayLabelsOmitted way labels omitted because way was too short, collision or declutter.\n" ;
sub placeLabelAndIcon {
# intelligent icon and label placement alg.
my ($lon, $lat, $offset, $thickness, $text, $color, $textSize, $font, $ppc, $icon, $iconSizeX, $iconSizeY, $allowIconMove, $halo) = @_ ;
my ($x, $y) = convert ($lon, $lat) ; # center !
$y = $y + $offset ;
my ($ref) = splitLabel ($text) ;
my (@lines) = @$ref ;
my $numLines = scalar @lines ;
my $maxTextLenPix = 0 ;
my $orientation = "" ;
my $lineDist = 2 ;
my $tries = 0 ;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my $len = length ($line) * $ppc / 10 * $textSize ; # in pixels
if ($len > $maxTextLenPix) { $maxTextLenPix = $len ; }
my $spaceTextX = $maxTextLenPix ;
my $spaceTextY = $numLines * ($lineDist+$textSize) ;
if ($icon ne "none") {
$numIcons++ ;
# space for icon?
my $sizeX1 = $iconSizeX ; if ($sizeX1 == 0) { $sizeX1 = 20 ; }
my $sizeY1 = $iconSizeY ; if ($sizeY1 == 0) { $sizeY1 = 20 ; }
my $iconX = $x - $sizeX1/2 ; # top left corner
my $iconY = $y - $sizeY1/2 ;
my @shifts = (0) ;
if ($allowIconMove eq "1") {
@shifts = ( 0, scalePoints(scaleBase(-15)), scalePoints(scaleBase(15)) ) ;
my $posFound = 0 ; my $posCount = 0 ;
LABAB: foreach my $xShift (@shifts) {
foreach my $yShift (@shifts) {
$posCount++ ;
if ( ! areaOccupied ($iconX+$xShift, $iconX+$sizeX1+$xShift, $iconY+$sizeY1+$yShift, $iconY+$yShift) ) {
push @svgOutputIcons, svgElementIcon ($iconX+$xShift, $iconY+$yShift, $icon, $sizeX1, $sizeY1) ;
occupyArea ($iconX+$xShift, $iconX+$sizeX1+$xShift, $iconY+$sizeY1+$yShift, $iconY+$yShift) ;
$posFound = 1 ;
if ($posCount > 1) { $numIconsMoved++ ; }
$iconX = $iconX + $xShift ; # for later use with label
$iconY = $iconY + $yShift ;
last LABAB ;
if ($posFound == 1) {
# label text?
if ($text ne "") {
$numLabels++ ;
$sizeX1 += 1 ; $sizeY1 += 1 ;
my ($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2) ;
# $x, $y centered
# yes, check if space for label, choose position, draw
# no, count omitted text
my @positions = () ; my $positionFound = 0 ;
# pos 1 centered below
$x1 = $x - $spaceTextX/2 ; $x2 = $x + $spaceTextX/2 ; $y1 = $y + $sizeY1/2 + $spaceTextY ; $y2 = $y + $sizeY1/2 ; $orientation = "centered" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
# pos 2/3 to the right, bottom, top
$x1 = $x + $sizeX1/2 ; $x2 = $x + $sizeX1/2 + $spaceTextX ; $y1 = $y + $sizeY1/2 ; $y2 = $y1 - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "left" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x + $sizeX1/2 ; $x2 = $x + $sizeX1/2 + $spaceTextX ; $y2 = $y - $sizeY1/2 ; $y1 = $y2 + $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "left" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
# pos 4 centered upon
$x1 = $x - $spaceTextX/2 ; $x2 = $x + $spaceTextX/2 ; $y1 = $y - $sizeY1/2 ; $y2 = $y - $sizeY1/2 - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "centered" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
# pos 5/6 to the right, below and upon
$x1 = $x + $sizeX1/2 ; $x2 = $x + $sizeX1/2 + $spaceTextX ; $y2 = $y + $sizeY1/2 ; $y1 = $y2 + $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "left" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x + $sizeX1/2 ; $x2 = $x + $sizeX1/2 + $spaceTextX ; $y1 = $y - $sizeY1/2 ; $y2 = $y1 - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "left" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
# left normal, bottom, top
$x1 = $x - $sizeX1/2 - $spaceTextX ; $x2 = $x - $sizeX1/2 ; $y1 = $y + $sizeY1/2 ; $y2 = $y1 - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "right" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x - $sizeX1/2 - $spaceTextX ; $x2 = $x - $sizeX1/2 ; $y2 = $y - $sizeY1/2 ; $y1 = $y2 + $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "right" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
# left corners, bottom, top
$x1 = $x - $sizeX1/2 - $spaceTextX ; $x2 = $x - $sizeX1/2 ; $y2 = $y + $sizeY1/2 ; $y1 = $y2 + $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "right" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x - $sizeX1/2 - $spaceTextX ; $x2 = $x - $sizeX1/2 ; $y1 = $y - $sizeY1/2 ; $y2 = $y1 - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "right" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$tries = 0 ;
LABB: foreach my $pos (@positions) {
$tries++ ;
$positionFound = checkAndDrawText ($pos->[0], $pos->[1], $pos->[2], $pos->[3], $pos->[4], $numLines, \@lines, $color, $textSize, $font, $lineDist, $halo) ;
if ($positionFound == 1) {
last LABB ;
if ($positionFound == 0) { $numLabelsOmitted++ ; }
if ($tries > 1) { $numLabelsMoved++ ; }
else {
# no, count omitted
$numIconsOmitted++ ;
else { # only text
my ($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2) ;
# x1, x2, y1, y2
# left, right, bottom, top
# choose space for text, draw
# count omitted
$numLabels++ ;
my @positions = () ;
$x1 = $x + $thickness ; $x2 = $x + $thickness + $spaceTextX ; $y1 = $y ; $y2 = $y - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "left" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x + $thickness ; $x2 = $x + $thickness + $spaceTextX ; $y1 = $y + $spaceTextY ; $y2 = $y ; $orientation = "left" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x - ($thickness + $spaceTextX) ; $x2 = $x - $thickness ; $y1 = $y ; $y2 = $y - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "right" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x - ($thickness + $spaceTextX) ; $x2 = $x - $thickness ; $y1 = $y ; $y2 = $y - $spaceTextY ; $orientation = "right" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x - $spaceTextX/2 ; $x2 = $x + $spaceTextX/2 ; $y1 = $y - $thickness ; $y2 = $y - ($thickness + $spaceTextY) ; $orientation = "centered" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
$x1 = $x - $spaceTextX/2 ; $x2 = $x + $spaceTextX/2 ; $y1 = $y + $thickness + $spaceTextY ; $y2 = $y + $thickness ; $orientation = "centered" ;
push @positions, [$x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation] ;
my $positionFound = 0 ;
$tries = 0 ;
LABA: foreach my $pos (@positions) {
$tries++ ;
# print "$lines[0] $pos->[0], $pos->[1], $pos->[2], $pos->[3], $pos->[4], $numLines\n" ;
$positionFound = checkAndDrawText ($pos->[0], $pos->[1], $pos->[2], $pos->[3], $pos->[4], $numLines, \@lines, $color, $textSize, $font, $lineDist, $halo) ;
if ($positionFound == 1) {
last LABA ;
if ($positionFound == 0) { $numLabelsOmitted++ ; }
if ($tries > 1) { $numLabelsMoved++ ; }
sub checkAndDrawText {
# checks if area available and if so draws text
my ($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $orientation, $numLines, $ref, $col, $size, $font, $lineDist, $halo) = @_ ;
my @lines = @$ref ;
if (!areaOccupied ($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2)) {
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#lines; $i++) {
my @points = ($x1, $y2+($i+1)*($size+$lineDist), $x2, $y2+($i+1)*($size+$lineDist)) ;
my $pathName = "LabelPath" . $labelPathId ;
$labelPathId++ ;
push @svgOutputDef, svgElementPath ($pathName, @points) ;
if ($orientation eq "centered") {
push @svgOutputPathText, svgElementPathTextAdvanced ($col, $size, $font, $lines[$i], $pathName, 0, "middle", 50, $halo) ;
if ($orientation eq "left") {
push @svgOutputPathText, svgElementPathTextAdvanced ($col, $size, $font, $lines[$i], $pathName, 0, "start", 0, $halo) ;
if ($orientation eq "right") {
push @svgOutputPathText, svgElementPathTextAdvanced ($col, $size, $font, $lines[$i], $pathName, 0, "end", 100, $halo) ;
occupyArea ($x1, $x2, $y1, $y2) ;
return (1) ;
else {
return 0 ;
sub getDimensions {
# returns dimensions of map
return ($sizeX, $sizeY) ;
sub drawAreaOcean {
my ($col, $ref) = @_ ;
push @svgOutputAreas, svgElementMultiPolygonFilled ($col, "none", $ref) ;
sub sizePNG {
# evaluates size of png graphics
my $fileName = shift ;
my ($x, $y) ;
my $file ;
my $result = open ($file, "<", $fileName) ;
if ($result) {
my $pic = newFromPng GD::Image($file) ;
($x, $y) = $pic->getBounds ;
close ($file) ;
else {
($x, $y) = (0, 0) ;
return ($x, $y) ;
sub sizeSVG {
# evaluates size of svg graphics
my $fileName = shift ;
my $file ;
my ($x, $y) ; undef $x ; undef $y ;
my $result = open ($file, "<", $fileName) ;
if ($result) {
my $line ;
while ($line = <$file>) {
my ($x1) = ( $line =~ /^.*width=\"([\d]+)px\"/ ) ;
my ($y1) = ( $line =~ /^.*height=\"([\d]+)px\"/ ) ;
if (!defined $x1) {
($x1) = ( $line =~ /^\s*width=\"([\d]+)\"/ ) ;
if (!defined $y1) {
($y1) = ( $line =~ /^\s*height=\"([\d]+)\"/ ) ;
if (defined $x1) { $x = $x1 ; }
if (defined $y1) { $y = $y1 ; }
close ($file) ;
if ( (!defined $x) or (!defined $y) ) {
$x = 0 ; $y = 0 ;
print "WARNING: size of file $fileName could not be determined.\n" ;
return ($x, $y) ;
sub scalePoints {
my $a = shift ;
# my $b = $a ;
my $b = $a / $baseDpi * $dpi ;
return (int ($b*10)) / 10 ;
sub scaleBase {
# function scales sizes given in 300dpi to base dpi given in rules so texts in legend, ruler etc. will appear in same size
my $a = shift ;
my $b = $a / 300 * $baseDpi ;
return $b ;
sub simplifyPoints {
my $ref = shift ;
my @points = @$ref ;
my @newPoints ;
my $maxIndex = $#points ;
if (scalar @points > 4) {
# push first
push @newPoints, $points[0], $points[1] ;
# push other
for (my $i=2; $i <= $maxIndex; $i+=2) {
$simplifyTotal++ ;
if ( ($points[$i]==$points[$i-2]) and ($points[$i+1]==$points[$i-1]) ) {
# same
$simplified++ ;
else {
push @newPoints, $points[$i], $points[$i+1] ;
return (\@newPoints) ;
else {
return ($ref) ;
sub simplifiedPercent {
return ( int ($simplified / $simplifyTotal * 100) ) ;
sub drawPageNumber {
my ($size, $col, $num) = @_ ;
my $x = $sizeX - scalePoints (scaleBase (80)) ;
my $y = $sizeY - scalePoints (scaleBase (80)) ;
drawTextPixGrid ($x, $y, $num, $col, scalePoints ( scaleBase ($size) ) ) ;
sub drawPageNumberLeft {
my ($size, $col, $num) = @_ ;
my $x = scalePoints (scaleBase (80)) ;
my $y = $sizeY / 2 ;
drawTextPixGrid ($x, $y, $num, $col, scalePoints ( scaleBase ($size) ) ) ;
sub drawPageNumberBottom {
my ($size, $col, $num) = @_ ;
my $x = $sizeX / 2 ;
my $y = $sizeY - scalePoints (scaleBase (80)) ;
drawTextPixGrid ($x, $y, $num, $col, scalePoints ( scaleBase ($size) ) ) ;
sub drawPageNumberRight {
my ($size, $col, $num) = @_ ;
my $x = $sizeX - scalePoints (scaleBase (80)) ;
my $y = $sizeY / 2 ;
drawTextPixGrid ($x, $y, $num, $col, scalePoints ( scaleBase ($size) ) ) ;
sub drawPageNumberTop {
my ($size, $col, $num) = @_ ;
my $x = $sizeX / 2 ;
my $y = scalePoints (scaleBase (80)) ;
drawTextPixGrid ($x, $y, $num, $col, scalePoints ( scaleBase ($size) ) ) ;
sub createShield {
my ($name, $targetSize) = @_ ;
my @a = split /:/, $name ;
my $shieldFileName = $a[1] ;
my $shieldText = $a[2] ;
if (! defined $createdShields{$name}) {
open (my $file, "<", $shieldFileName) or die ("ERROR: shield definition $shieldFileName not found.\n") ;
my @defText = <$file> ;
close ($file) ;
# get size
# calc scaling
my $sizeX = 0 ;
my $sizeY = 0 ;
foreach my $line (@defText) {
if (grep /<svg/, $line) {
($sizeY) = ( $line =~ /height=\"(\d+)px\"/ ) ;
($sizeX) = ( $line =~ /width=\"(\d+)px\"/ ) ;
if ( (!defined $sizeX) or (!defined $sizeY) ) {
die "ERROR: size of shield in $shieldFileName could not be determined.\n" ;
if ( ($sizeX == 0) or ($sizeY == 0) ) {
die "ERROR: initial size of shield $shieldFileName could not be determined.\n" ;
my $scaleFactor = $targetSize / $sizeY ;
# print "factor: $scaleFactor\n" ;
$shieldXSize{ $name } = int ($sizeX * $scaleFactor) ;
$shieldYSize{ $name } = int ($sizeY * $scaleFactor) ;
$shieldPathId++ ;
my $shieldPathName = "ShieldPath" . $shieldPathId ;
my $shieldGroupName = "ShieldGroup" . $shieldPathId ;
foreach my $line (@defText) {
$line =~ s/REPLACEID/$shieldGroupName/ ;
$line =~ s/REPLACESCALE/$scaleFactor/g ;
$line =~ s/REPLACEPATH/$shieldPathName/ ;
$line =~ s/REPLACELABEL/$shieldText/ ;
foreach my $line (@defText) {
push @svgOutputDef, $line ;
# print "DEF: $line" ;
# print "\n" ;
$createdShields{$name} = $shieldGroupName ;
sub getPointOfWay {
# returns point of way at distance/position
my ($ref, $position) = @_ ;
my @points = @$ref ;
my @double = () ;
while (scalar @points > 0) {
my $x = shift @points ;
my $y = shift @points ;
push @double, [$x, $y] ;
my $i = 0 ; my $actLen = 0 ;
while ($actLen < $position) {
$actLen += sqrt ( ($double[$i]->[0]-$double[$i+1]->[0])**2 + ($double[$i]->[1]-$double[$i+1]->[1])**2 ) ;
$i++ ;
my $x = int (($double[$i]->[0] + $double[$i-1]->[0]) / 2) ;
my $y = int (($double[$i]->[1] + $double[$i-1]->[1]) / 2) ;
# print "POW: $x, $y\n" ;
return ($x, $y) ;
1 ;