
366 lines
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2022-07-28 09:06:48 +00:00
package OSM::QuadTree;
use strict;
use Carp;
our $VERSION = 0.1;
# sub new() - constructor
# Arguments are a hash:
# -xmin => minimum x value
# -xmax => maximum x value
# -ymin => minimum y value
# -ymax => maximum y value
# -depth => depth of tree
# Creating a new QuadTree objects automatically
# segments the given area into quadtrees of the
# specified depth.
sub new {
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref($self) || $self;
my $obj = bless {} => $class;
$obj->{BACKREF} = {};
$obj->{OBJECTS} = [];
$obj->{ORIGIN} = [0, 0];
$obj->{SCALE} = 1;
my %args = @_;
for my $arg (qw/xmin ymin xmax ymax depth/) {
unless (exists $args{"-$arg"}) {
carp "- must specify $arg";
return undef;
$obj->{uc $arg} = $args{"-$arg"};
return $obj;
# sub _segment() - private method
# This method does the actual segmentation
# and stores everything internally.
sub _segment {
my $obj = shift;
1, # current depth
0, # current index
undef, # parent index
# sub _addLevel() - private method
# This method segments a given area
# and adds a level to the tree.
sub _addLevel {
my ($obj,
) = @_;
$obj->{AREA} [$index] = [$xmin, $ymin, $xmax, $ymax];
$obj->{PARENT} [$index] = $parent;
$obj->{CHILDREN}[$index] = [];
$obj->{OBJECTS} [$index] = [];
if (defined $parent) {
push @{$obj->{CHILDREN}[$parent]} => $index;
return if $curDepth == $obj->{DEPTH};
my $xmid = $xmin + ($xmax - $xmin) / 2;
my $ymid = $ymin + ($ymax - $ymin) / 2;
# now segment in the following order (doesn't matter):
# top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right
$obj->_addLevel($xmin, $ymid, $xmid, $ymax, # tl
$curDepth + 1, 4 * $index + 1, $index);
$obj->_addLevel($xmid, $ymid, $xmax, $ymax, # tr
$curDepth + 1, 4 * $index + 2, $index);
$obj->_addLevel($xmin, $ymin, $xmid, $ymid, # bl
$curDepth + 1, 4 * $index + 3, $index);
$obj->_addLevel($xmid, $ymin, $xmax, $ymid, # br
$curDepth + 1, 4 * $index + 4, $index);
# sub add() - public method
# This method adds an object to the tree.
# The arguments are a unique tag to identify
# the object, and the bounding box of the object.
# It automatically assigns the proper quadtree
# sections to each object.
sub add {
my ($self,
) = @_;
# assume that $objRef is unique.
# assume coords are (xmin, ymix, xmax, ymax).
# modify coords according to window.
@coords = $self->_adjustCoords(@coords);
($coords[0], $coords[2]) = ($coords[2], $coords[0]) if
$coords[2] < $coords[0];
($coords[1], $coords[3]) = ($coords[3], $coords[1]) if
$coords[3] < $coords[1];
0, # current index
# sub _addObjToChild() - private method
# This method is used internally. Given
# a tree segment, an object and its area,
# it checks to see whether the object is to
# be included in the segment or not.
# The object is not included if it does not
# overlap the segment.
sub _addObjToChild {
my ($self,
) = @_;
# first check if obj overlaps current segment.
# if not, return.
my ($cxmin, $cymin, $cxmax, $cymax) = @{$self->{AREA}[$index]};
return if
$coords[0] > $cxmax ||
$coords[2] < $cxmin ||
$coords[1] > $cymax ||
$coords[3] < $cymin;
# Only add the object to the segment if we are at the last
# level of the tree.
# Else, keep traversing down.
unless (@{$self->{CHILDREN}[$index]}) {
push @{$self->{OBJECTS}[$index]} => $objRef; # points from leaf to object
push @{$self->{BACKREF}{$objRef}} => $index; # points from object to leaf
} else {
# Now, traverse down the hierarchy.
for my $child (@{$self->{CHILDREN}[$index]}) {
# sub delete() - public method
# This method deletes an object from the tree.
sub delete {
my ($self,
) = @_;
return unless exists $self->{BACKREF}{$objRef};
for my $i (@{$self->{BACKREF}{$objRef}}) {
$self->{OBJECTS}[$i] = grep {$_ ne $objRef} @{$self->{OBJECTS}[$i]};
delete $self->{BACKREF}{$objRef};
# sub getEnclosedObjects() - public method
# This method takes an area, and returns all objects
# enclosed in that area.
sub getEnclosedObjects {
my ($self,
@coords) = @_;
$self->{TEMP} = [];
@coords = $self->_adjustCoords(@coords);
0, # current index
# uniquify {TEMP}.
my %temp;
@temp{@{$self->{TEMP}}} = undef;
# PS. I don't check explicitly if those objects
# are enclosed in the given area. They are just
# part of the segments that are enclosed in the
# given area. TBD.
return [keys %temp];
# sub _adjustCoords() - private method
# This method adjusts the given coordinates
# according to the stored window. This is used
# when we 'zoom in' to avoid searching in areas
# that are not visible in the canvas.
sub _adjustCoords {
my ($self, @coords) = @_;
# modify coords according to window.
$_ = $self->{ORIGIN}[0] + $_ / $self->{SCALE}
for $coords[0], $coords[2];
$_ = $self->{ORIGIN}[1] + $_ / $self->{SCALE}
for $coords[1], $coords[3];
return @coords;
# sub _checkOverlap() - private method
# This method checks if the given coordinates overlap
# the specified tree segment. If not, nothing happens.
# If it does overlap, then it is called recuresively
# on all the segment's children. If the segment is a
# leaf, then its associated objects are pushed onto
# a temporary array for later access.
sub _checkOverlap {
my ($self,
) = @_;
# first check if obj overlaps current segment.
# if not, return.
my ($cxmin, $cymin, $cxmax, $cymax) = @{$self->{AREA}[$index]};
return if
$coords[0] >= $cxmax ||
$coords[2] <= $cxmin ||
$coords[1] >= $cymax ||
$coords[3] <= $cymin;
unless (@{$self->{CHILDREN}[$index]}) {
push @{$self->{TEMP}} => @{$self->{OBJECTS}[$index]};
} else {
# Now, traverse down the hierarchy.
for my $child (@{$self->{CHILDREN}[$index]}) {
# sub setWindow() - public method
# This method takes an area as input, and
# sets it as the active window. All new
# calls to any method will refer to that area.
sub setWindow {
my ($self, $sx, $sy, $s) = @_;
$self->{ORIGIN}[0] += $sx / $self->{SCALE};
$self->{ORIGIN}[1] += $sy / $self->{SCALE};
$self->{SCALE} *= $s;
# sub setWindow() - public method
# This resets the window.
sub resetWindow {
my $self = shift;
$self->{ORIGIN}[$_] = 0 for 0 .. 1;
$self->{SCALE} = 1;