
840 lines
23 KiB
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2022-07-28 09:06:48 +00:00
# Copyright (C) 2010, Gerhard Schwanz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <>
# requires osmdb.ini file in program directory for credentials containing two information
# user=NAME
# password=PASSWORD
# db size
package OSM::osmDB ;
my $DBuser = "" ; # to be read from ini file
my $DBpassword = "" ;
my $tempDir = "/tmp" ;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use DBI ;
use OSM::osm ;
$VERSION = '1.0' ;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw ( Exporter AutoLoader ) ;
@EXPORT = qw ( bulkLoad
storeDBNode storeDBWay storeDBRelation ) ;
my $dbh ;
my $sthLoopNodes ;
my $sthLoopWays ;
my $sthLoopRelations ;
my $maxK = 0 ;
my $maxV = 0 ;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub deleteDBNode {
my $id = shift ;
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM nodes WHERE id = $id") ;
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM nodetags WHERE id = $id") ;
sub deleteDBWay {
my $id = shift ;
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM ways WHERE id = $id") ;
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM waytags WHERE id = $id") ;
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM waynodes WHERE id = $id") ;
sub deleteDBRelation {
my $id = shift ;
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM relations WHERE id = $id") ;
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM relationtags WHERE id = $id") ;
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM relationmembers WHERE id = $id") ;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub storeDBNode {
my ($aRef0, $aRef1) = @_ ;
my %nodeProperties = %$aRef0 ;
my @nodeTags = @$aRef1 ;
my $id = $nodeProperties{'id'} ;
my $lon = $nodeProperties{'lon'} ;
my $lat = $nodeProperties{'lat'} ;
my $user = $nodeProperties{'user'} ;
my $version = $nodeProperties{'version'} ;
my $timestamp = $nodeProperties{'timestamp'} ;
my $uid = $nodeProperties{'uid'} ;
my $changeset = $nodeProperties{'changeset'} ;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO nodes (id, lon, lat, user, version, timestamp, uid, changeset) VALUES ($id, $lon, $lat, '$user', $version, '$timestamp', $uid, $changeset)") ;
my $nodeId = $nodeProperties{'id'} ;
foreach my $t (@nodeTags) {
my $k = $t->[0] ;
my $v = $t->[1] ;
if (length $k > $maxK) { $maxK = length $k ; }
if (length $v > $maxV) { $maxV = length $v ; }
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO nodetags (id, k, v) VALUES ($nodeId, '$k', '$v')") ;
sub storeDBWay {
my ($aRef0, $aRef1, $aRef2) = @_ ;
my %wayProperties = %$aRef0 ;
my @wayNodes = @$aRef1 ;
my @wayTags = @$aRef2 ;
my $id = $wayProperties{'id'} ;
my $user = $wayProperties{'user'} ;
my $version = $wayProperties{'version'} ;
my $timestamp = $wayProperties{'timestamp'} ;
my $uid = $wayProperties{'uid'} ;
my $changeset = $wayProperties{'changeset'} ;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO ways (id, user, version, timestamp, uid, changeset) VALUES ($id, '$user', $version, '$timestamp', $uid, $changeset)") ;
my $wayId = $wayProperties{'id'} ;
foreach my $t (@wayTags) {
my $k = $t->[0] ;
my $v = $t->[1] ;
if (length $k > $maxK) { $maxK = length $k ; }
if (length $v > $maxV) { $maxV = length $v ; }
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO waytags (id, k, v) VALUES ($wayId, '$k', '$v')") ;
my $i = 0 ;
foreach my $n (@wayNodes) {
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO waynodes (id, s, nodeid) VALUES ($wayId, $i, $n)") ;
$i++ ;
sub storeDBRelation {
my ($aRef0, $aRef1, $aRef2) = @_ ;
my %relationProperties = %$aRef0 ;
my @relationMembers = @$aRef1 ;
my @relationTags = @$aRef2 ;
my $id = $relationProperties{'id'} ;
my $user = $relationProperties{'user'} ;
my $version = $relationProperties{'version'} ;
my $timestamp = $relationProperties{'timestamp'} ;
my $uid = $relationProperties{'uid'} ;
my $changeset = $relationProperties{'changeset'} ;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO relations (id, user, version, timestamp, uid, changeset) VALUES ($id, '$user', $version, '$timestamp', $uid, $changeset)") ;
my $relationId = $relationProperties{'id'} ;
foreach my $t (@relationTags) {
my $k = $t->[0] ;
my $v = $t->[1] ;
if (length $k > $maxK) { $maxK = length $k ; }
if (length $v > $maxV) { $maxV = length $v ; }
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO relationtags (id, k, v) VALUES ($relationId, '$k', '$v')") ;
my $i = 0 ;
foreach my $m (@relationMembers) {
my $type = $m->[0] ;
my $mid = $m->[1] ;
my $role = $m->[2] ;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO relationmembers (id, s, type, memberid, role) VALUES ($relationId, $i, '$type', $mid, '$role')") ;
$i++ ;
sub printMaxValues {
print "\nmax key length = $maxK\n" ;
print "max val length = $maxV\n\n" ;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub loopInitNodes {
my ($k, $v) = @_ ;
my $kq = "" ;
my $vq = "" ;
my $and = "" ;
if (defined $k) { $kq = " k = '$k'" ; }
if (defined $v) { $vq = " v = '$v'" ; }
if ( (defined $k) and (defined $v) ) {
$and = " AND " ;
if ( (! defined $k) and (! defined $v) ) {
$sthLoopNodes = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id FROM nodes ORDER BY id") or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr ;
else {
my $q = "SELECT id from nodetags WHERE $kq $and $vq ORDER BY id" ;
$sthLoopNodes = $dbh->prepare("$q") or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr ;
$sthLoopNodes->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sthLoopNodes->errstr ;
sub loopGetNextNode {
my $id = undef ;
my @data ;
if (@data = $sthLoopNodes->fetchrow_array()) { $id = $data[0] ;
else {
$sthLoopNodes->finish ;
$id = undef ;
return $id ;
sub loopInitWays {
my ($k, $v) = @_ ;
my $kq = "" ;
my $vq = "" ;
my $and = "" ;
if (defined $k) { $kq = " k = '$k'" ; }
if (defined $v) { $vq = " v = '$v'" ; }
if ( (defined $k) and (defined $v) ) {
$and = " AND " ;
if ( (! defined $k) and (! defined $v) ) {
$sthLoopWays = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id FROM ways ORDER BY id") or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr ;
else {
my $q = "SELECT id from waytags WHERE $kq $and $vq ORDER BY id" ;
$sthLoopWays = $dbh->prepare("$q") or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr ;
$sthLoopWays->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sthLoopWays->errstr ;
sub loopGetNextWay {
my $id = undef ;
my @data ;
if (@data = $sthLoopWays->fetchrow_array()) { $id = $data[0] ;
else {
$sthLoopWays->finish ;
$id = undef ;
return $id ;
sub loopInitRelations {
my ($k, $v) = @_ ;
my $kq = "" ;
my $vq = "" ;
my $and = "" ;
if (defined $k) { $kq = " k = '$k'" ; }
if (defined $v) { $vq = " v = '$v'" ; }
if ( (defined $k) and (defined $v) ) {
$and = " AND " ;
if ( (! defined $k) and (! defined $v) ) {
$sthLoopRelations = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id FROM relations ORDER BY id") or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr ;
else {
my $q = "SELECT id from relationtags WHERE $kq $and $vq ORDER BY id" ;
$sthLoopRelations = $dbh->prepare("$q") or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr ;
$sthLoopRelations->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sthLoopRelations->errstr ;
sub loopGetNextRelation {
my $id = undef ;
my @data ;
if (@data = $sthLoopRelations->fetchrow_array()) { $id = $data[0] ;
else {
$sthLoopRelations->finish ;
$id = undef ;
return $id ;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub getTag {
my ($type, $id, $key) = @_ ;
my $tag = undef ;
my $tableName = "" ;
if ($type eq "node") { $tableName = "nodetags" ; }
if ($type eq "way") { $tableName = "waytags" ; }
if ($type eq "relation") { $tableName = "relationtags" ; }
if ($tableName ne "") {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT v FROM $tableName WHERE id = $id AND k='$key'") or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr ;
my @data ;
$sth->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sth->errstr ;
while (@data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$tag = $data[0] ;
$sth->finish ;
return $tag ;
sub getDBWayNodesCoords {
my $wayId = shift ;
my %lon = () ;
my %lat = () ;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT,lon,lat FROM waynodes, nodes WHERE$wayId AND") or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr ;
my @data ;
$sth->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sth->errstr ;
while (@data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { my $id = $data[0] ;
my $lo = $data[1] ;
my $la = $data[2] ;
$lon{$id} = $lo ;
$lat{$id} = $la ;
return (\%lon, \%lat) ;
sub getDBNode {
my $id = shift ;
my $user = undef ;
my $lon = undef ;
my $lat = undef ;
my $version = "0" ;
my $timestamp = "" ;
my $uid = 0 ;
my $changeset = 0 ;
my @nodeTags = () ;
my $refTags = undef ;
my %properties = () ;
my $refProperties = undef ;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE id = $id") or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr ;
my @data ;
$sth->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sth->errstr ;
while (@data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$lon = $data[1] ;
$lat = $data[2] ;
$user = $data[3] ;
$version = $data[4] ;
$timestamp = $data[5] ;
$uid = $data[6] ;
$changeset = $data[7] ;
$properties{"user"} = $user ;
$properties{"lon"} = $lon ;
$properties{"lat"} = $lat ;
$properties{"version"} = $version ;
$properties{"timestamp"} = $timestamp ;
$properties{"uid"} = $uid ;
$properties{"changeset"} = $changeset ;
if ($sth->rows == 0) {
print STDERR "ERROR: node $id not found in DB.\n\n" ;
$sth->finish ;
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM nodetags WHERE id = $id") or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr ;
my @tagdata;
$sth2->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sth->errstr ;
my @data2 ;
while (@data2 = $sth2->fetchrow_array()) {
my $k = $data2[1] ;
my $v = $data2[2] ;
push @nodeTags, [$k, $v] ;
$sth2->finish ;
$refTags = \@nodeTags ;
$refProperties = \%properties ;
return ($refProperties, $refTags) ;
sub getDBWay {
my $id = shift ;
my $user = undef ;
my $version = "0" ;
my $timestamp = "" ;
my $uid = 0 ;
my $changeset = 0 ;
my @wayTags = () ;
my @wayNodes = () ;
my %properties = () ;
my $refNodes = undef ;
my $refTags = undef ;
my $refProperties = undef ;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM ways WHERE id = $id") or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr ;
my @data ;
$sth->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sth->errstr ;
while (@data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { $user = $data[1] ;
$version = $data[2] ;
$timestamp = $data[3] ;
$uid = $data[4] ;
$changeset = $data[5] ;
$properties{"user"} = $user ;
$properties{"version"} = $version ;
$properties{"timestamp"} = $timestamp ;
$properties{"uid"} = $uid ;
$properties{"changeset"} = $changeset ;
if ($sth->rows == 0) {
print STDERR "ERROR: node $id not found in DB.\n\n" ;
$sth->finish ;
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM waytags WHERE id = $id") or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr ;
$sth2->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sth->errstr ;
my @data2 ;
while (@data2 = $sth2->fetchrow_array()) {
my $k = $data2[1] ;
my $v = $data2[2] ;
push @wayTags, [$k, $v] ;
$sth2->finish ;
my $sth3 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM waynodes WHERE id = $id ORDER BY s") or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr ;
$sth3->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sth->errstr ;
my @data3 ;
while (@data3 = $sth3->fetchrow_array()) {
my $n = $data3[2] ;
push @wayNodes, $n ;
$sth3->finish ;
$refTags = \@wayTags ;
$refNodes = \@wayNodes ;
$refProperties = \%properties ;
return ($refProperties, $refNodes, $refTags) ;
sub getDBRelation {
my $id = shift ;
my $user = undef ;
my $version = "0" ;
my $timestamp = "" ;
my $uid = 0 ;
my $changeset = 0 ;
my @relationTags = () ;
my @relationMembers = () ;
my %properties = () ;
my $refMembers = undef ;
my $refTags = undef ;
my $refProperties = undef ;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM relations WHERE id = $id") or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr ;
my @data ;
$sth->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sth->errstr ;
while (@data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { $user = $data[1] ;
$version = $data[2] ;
$timestamp = $data[3] ;
$uid = $data[4] ;
$changeset = $data[5] ;
$properties{"user"} = $user ;
$properties{"version"} = $version ;
$properties{"timestamp"} = $timestamp ;
$properties{"uid"} = $uid ;
$properties{"changeset"} = $changeset ;
if ($sth->rows == 0) {
print STDERR "ERROR: node $id not found in DB.\n\n" ;
$sth->finish ;
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM relationtags WHERE id = $id") or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr ;
$sth2->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sth->errstr ;
my @data2 ;
while (@data2 = $sth2->fetchrow_array()) {
my $k = $data2[1] ;
my $v = $data2[2] ;
push @relationTags, [$k, $v] ;
$sth2->finish ;
my $sth3 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM relationmembers WHERE id = $id ORDER BY s") or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr ;
$sth3->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sth->errstr ;
my @data3 ;
while (@data3 = $sth3->fetchrow_array()) {
my $type = $data3[2] ;
my $memId = $data3[3] ;
my $role = $data3[4] ;
push @relationMembers, [$type, $memId, $role] ;
$sth3->finish ;
$refTags = \@relationTags ;
$refMembers = \@relationMembers ;
$refProperties = \%properties ;
return ($refProperties, $refMembers, $refTags) ;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub dbConnect {
my $DBname = shift ;
readINI() ;
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$DBname", $DBuser, $DBpassword) or die ("error connecting DB: $DBI::errstr\n") ;
print STDERR "successfully connected to DB $DBname\n" ;
sub dbDisconnect {
$dbh->disconnect() ;
print STDERR "DB disconnected\n" ;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub initTableNodes {
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE nodes") ;
$dbh->do("create table nodes ( id BIGINT, lon DOUBLE, lat DOUBLE, user VARCHAR(50), version INTEGER, timestamp VARCHAR(20), uid INTEGER, changeset INTEGER )") ;
$dbh->do("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i_nodeids ON nodes (id)") ;
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE nodetags") ;
$dbh->do("create table nodetags (id BIGINT, k VARCHAR(50), v VARCHAR(256))") ;
$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX i_nodeids2 ON nodetags (id)") ;
$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX i_nodekeys ON nodetags (k(12))") ;
$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX i_nodevalues ON nodetags (v(12))") ;
sub initTableWays {
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE ways") ;
$dbh->do("create table ways (id BIGINT, user VARCHAR(50), version INTEGER, timestamp VARCHAR(20), uid INTEGER, changeset INTEGER)") ;
$dbh->do("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i_wayids ON ways (id)") ;
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE waytags") ;
$dbh->do("create table waytags (id BIGINT, k VARCHAR(50), v VARCHAR(256))") ;
$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX i_wayids2 ON waytags (id)") ;
$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX i_waykeys ON waytags (k(12))") ;
$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX i_wayvalues ON waytags (v(12))") ;
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE waynodes") ;
$dbh->do("create table waynodes (id BIGINT, s INT, nodeid BIGINT)") ;
$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX i_wayids3 ON waynodes (id)") ;
sub initTableRelations {
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE relations") ;
$dbh->do("create table relations (id BIGINT, user VARCHAR(50), version INTEGER, timestamp VARCHAR(20), uid INTEGER, changeset INTEGER)") ;
$dbh->do("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i_relationids ON relations (id)") ;
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE relationtags") ;
$dbh->do("create table relationtags (id BIGINT, k VARCHAR(50), v VARCHAR(256))") ;
$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX i_relationids2 ON relationtags (id)") ;
$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX i_relationkeys ON relationtags (k(12))") ;
$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX i_relationvalues ON relationtags (v(12))") ;
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE relationmembers") ;
$dbh->do("create table relationmembers (id BIGINT, s INT, type VARCHAR(20), memberid BIGINT, role VARCHAR(20))") ;
$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX i_relationids3 ON relationmembers (id)") ;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub readINI {
my $file ;
open ($file, "<", "osmdb.ini") or die ("ERROR: could not open ./osmdb.ini\n") ;
my $line ;
while ($line = <$file>) {
my ($k, $v) = ( $line =~ /(.+)=(.+)/ ) ;
if ((defined $k) and (defined $v)) {
if ($k eq "password") { $DBpassword = $v ; }
if ($k eq "user") { $DBuser = $v ; }
close ($file) ;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub bulkLoad {
my ($file, $dbName) = @_ ;
my $nodeCount = 0 ;
my $wayCount = 0 ;
my $relationCount = 0 ;
my $wayId ;
my $wayId2 ;
my $wayUser ;
my @wayNodes ;
my @wayTags ;
my $nodeId ;
my $nodeUser ;
my $nodeLat ;
my $nodeLon ;
my @nodeTags ;
my $relationId ;
my $relationUser ;
my @relationTags ;
my @relationMembers ;
my %nodeProperties ;
my %wayProperties ;
my %relationProperties ;
my $aRef0 ;
my $aRef1 ;
my $aRef2 ;
OSM::osm::openOsmFile ($file) ;
print STDERR "INFO: processing nodes...\n" ;
print STDERR "reading nodes...\n" ;
open (my $nodesFile, ">", $tempDir . "/nodes.txt") ;
open (my $nodetagsFile, ">", $tempDir . "/nodetags.txt") ;
($aRef0, $aRef1) = OSM::osm::getNode3 () ;
if (defined $aRef0) {
@nodeTags = @$aRef1 ;
%nodeProperties = %$aRef0 ;
while (defined $aRef0) {
$nodeCount++ ;
print $nodesFile "$nodeProperties{'id'}\t$nodeProperties{'lon'}\t$nodeProperties{'lat'}\t" ;
print $nodesFile "$nodeProperties{'user'}\t$nodeProperties{'version'}\t$nodeProperties{'timestamp'}\t" ;
print $nodesFile "$nodeProperties{'uid'}\t$nodeProperties{'changeset'}\n" ;
my $nodeId = $nodeProperties{'id'} ;
foreach my $t (@nodeTags) {
my $k = $t->[0] ;
my $v = $t->[1] ;
print $nodetagsFile "$nodeId\t$k\t$v\n" ;
# next
($aRef0, $aRef1) = OSM::osm::getNode3 () ;
if (defined $aRef0) {
@nodeTags = @$aRef1 ;
%nodeProperties = %$aRef0 ;
close ($nodesFile) ;
close ($nodetagsFile) ;
dbConnect ($dbName) ;
initTableNodes() ;
print STDERR "load nodes data...\n" ;
$dbh->do("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$tempDir/nodes.txt' INTO TABLE nodes") ;
print STDERR "load nodetags data...\n" ;
$dbh->do("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$tempDir/nodetags.txt' INTO TABLE nodetags") ;
dbDisconnect ($dbName) ;
`rm $tempDir/nodes.txt` ;
`rm $tempDir/nodetags.txt` ;
print STDERR "INFO: $nodeCount nodes processed.\n" ;
# -----------
print STDERR "INFO: processing ways...\n" ;
print STDERR "reading ways...\n" ;
open (my $waysFile, ">", $tempDir . "/ways.txt") ;
open (my $waytagsFile, ">", $tempDir . "/waytags.txt") ;
open (my $waynodesFile, ">", $tempDir . "/waynodes.txt") ;
($aRef0, $aRef1, $aRef2) = OSM::osm::getWay3 () ;
if (defined $aRef0) {
%wayProperties = %$aRef0 ;
@wayNodes = @$aRef1 ;
@wayTags = @$aRef2 ;
while (defined $aRef0) {
$wayCount++ ;
print $waysFile "$wayProperties{'id'}\t" ;
print $waysFile "$wayProperties{'user'}\t$wayProperties{'version'}\t$wayProperties{'timestamp'}\t" ;
print $waysFile "$wayProperties{'uid'}\t$wayProperties{'changeset'}\n" ;
my $wayId = $wayProperties{'id'} ;
foreach my $t (@wayTags) {
my $k = $t->[0] ;
my $v = $t->[1] ;
print $waytagsFile "$wayId\t$k\t$v\n" ;
my $i = 0 ;
foreach my $n (@wayNodes) {
print $waynodesFile "$wayId\t$i\t$n\n" ;
$i++ ;
# next way
($aRef0, $aRef1, $aRef2) = OSM::osm::getWay3 () ;
if (defined $aRef0) {
%wayProperties = %$aRef0 ;
@wayNodes = @$aRef1 ;
@wayTags = @$aRef2 ;
close ($waysFile) ;
close ($waytagsFile) ;
close ($waynodesFile) ;
dbConnect ($dbName) ;
initTableWays() ;
print STDERR "load ways data...\n" ;
$dbh->do("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$tempDir/ways.txt' INTO TABLE ways") ;
print STDERR "load waytags data...\n" ;
$dbh->do("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$tempDir/waytags.txt' INTO TABLE waytags") ;
print STDERR "load waynodes data...\n" ;
$dbh->do("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$tempDir/waynodes.txt' INTO TABLE waynodes") ;
dbDisconnect ($dbName) ;
`rm $tempDir/ways.txt` ;
`rm $tempDir/waytags.txt` ;
`rm $tempDir/waynodes.txt` ;
print STDERR "INFO: $wayCount ways processed.\n" ;
# -----------
print STDERR "INFO: processing relations...\n" ;
print STDERR "reading relations...\n" ;
open (my $relationsFile, ">", $tempDir . "/relations.txt") ;
open (my $relationtagsFile, ">", $tempDir . "/relationtags.txt") ;
open (my $relationmembersFile, ">", $tempDir . "/relationmembers.txt") ;
($aRef0, $aRef1, $aRef2) = OSM::osm::getRelation3 () ;
if (defined $aRef0) {
%relationProperties = %$aRef0 ;
@relationMembers = @$aRef1 ;
@relationTags = @$aRef2 ;
while (defined $aRef0) {
$relationCount++ ;
print $relationsFile "$relationProperties{'id'}\t" ;
print $relationsFile "$relationProperties{'user'}\t$relationProperties{'version'}\t$relationProperties{'timestamp'}\t" ;
print $relationsFile "$relationProperties{'uid'}\t$relationProperties{'changeset'}\n" ;
my $relationId = $relationProperties{'id'} ;
foreach my $t (@relationTags) {
my $k = $t->[0] ;
my $v = $t->[1] ;
print $relationtagsFile "$relationId\t$k\t$v\n" ;
my $n = 0 ;
foreach my $m (@relationMembers) {
my $t = $m->[0] ;
my $i = $m->[1] ;
my $r = $m->[2] ;
print $relationmembersFile "$relationId\t$n\t$t\t$i\t$r\n" ;
$n++ ;
($aRef0, $aRef1, $aRef2) = OSM::osm::getRelation3 () ;
if (defined $aRef0) {
%relationProperties = %$aRef0 ;
@relationMembers = @$aRef1 ;
@relationTags = @$aRef2 ;
close ($relationsFile) ;
close ($relationtagsFile) ;
close ($relationmembersFile) ;
dbConnect ($dbName) ;
initTableRelations() ;
print STDERR "load relations data...\n" ;
$dbh->do("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$tempDir/relations.txt' INTO TABLE relations") ;
print STDERR "load relationtags data...\n" ;
$dbh->do("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$tempDir/relationtags.txt' INTO TABLE relationtags") ;
print STDERR "load relationmembers data...\n" ;
$dbh->do("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$tempDir/relationmembers.txt' INTO TABLE relationmembers") ;
dbDisconnect ($dbName) ;
`rm $tempDir/relations.txt` ;
`rm $tempDir/relationtags.txt` ;
`rm $tempDir/relationmembers.txt` ;
print STDERR "INFO: $relationCount relations processed.\n" ;
OSM::osm::closeOsmFile () ;
1 ;