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2022-07-28 09:06:48 +00:00
# PERL mapweaver module by gary68
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# Copyright(C)2011, Gerhard Schwanz
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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
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# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or(at your option)any later version.
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# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <>
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package mwRelations;
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use strict;
use warnings;
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use mwMap;
use mwRules;
use mwFile;
use mwMisc;
use mwLabel;
use mwConfig;
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require Exporter;
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@ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader);
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@EXPORT = qw(processRoutes
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my $pathNumber = 0;
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my %iconSizeX =();
my %iconSizeY =();
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# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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sub processRoutes{#
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# process route data
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my %routeColors =(); # will point to arrays of colors per route type
my %actualColorIndex =(); # which color is next
my %colorNumber =(); # number of colors per route type
my %wayRouteLabels =(); # labels to be used per way
my %wayRouteIcons =(); # icons to be used per way
my(%iconSizeX, %iconSizeY);
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print "processing routes...\n";
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# init before relation processing
# get colors per type and set actual index
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my $ref = getRouteColors();
%routeColors = %$ref;
foreach my $type(keys %routeColors){ $colorNumber{$type}= scalar @{$routeColors{$type}};
$actualColorIndex{$type}= 0;
my($lonRef, $latRef)= getNodePointers();
my($wayNodesRef, $wayTagsRef)= getWayPointers();
my($relationMembersRef, $relationTagsRef)= getRelationPointers();
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foreach my $relId(keys %$relationTagsRef){ my $relationType = getValue("type", $$relationTagsRef{$relId});
if(! defined $relationType){$relationType = "";}
if(($relationType eq "route")and((cv('relid')== $relId)or(cv('relid')== 0))){
my $ruleRef = getRouteRule($$relationTagsRef{$relId});
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if(defined $ruleRef){
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# new route detected
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if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "ROUTE: rule found for $relId, $$ruleRef{'type'}.\n";}
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# try to get color from relation tags first
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my $color = getValue("color", $$relationTagsRef{$relId});
if(! defined $color){ $color = getValue("colour", $$relationTagsRef{$relId});
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# no color yet, then get color from rule
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if(! defined $color){
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "ROUTE: actual color index: $actualColorIndex{$$ruleRef{'type'}}\n";} $color = $routeColors{$$ruleRef{'type'}}[$actualColorIndex{$$ruleRef{'type'}}];
$actualColorIndex{$$ruleRef{'type'}}=($actualColorIndex{$$ruleRef{'type'}}+ 1)% $colorNumber{$$ruleRef{'type'}};
} if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "ROUTE: $relId final color: $color\n";}
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# find icon
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my $iconName = getValue("ref", $$relationTagsRef{$relId});
if(! defined $iconName){ getValue("name", $$relationTagsRef{$relId}) } if(! defined $iconName){$iconName = "";}
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# look for route icon. svg first, then png
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my $file;
$iconName = cv('routeicondir'). $$ruleRef{'type'}. "-" . $iconName . ".svg";
my $iconResult = open($file, "<", $iconName);
# print " trying $iconName\n";
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "ROUTE: icon $iconName found!\n";} close($file);
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if(! $iconResult){ $iconName =~ s/.svg/.png/;
# print " trying $iconName\n";
$iconResult = open($file, "<", $iconName);
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "ROUTE: icon $iconName found!\n";} close($file);
if($iconResult){ my($x, $y); undef $x; undef $y;
if(grep /.svg/, $iconName){ ($x, $y)= sizeSVG($iconName);
if(($x == 0)or($y == 0)){
$x = 32; $y = 32;
print "WARNING: size of file $iconName could not be determined. Set to 32px x 32px\n";
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if(grep /.png/, $iconName){ ($x, $y)= sizePNG($iconName);
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$iconSizeX{$iconName}= $x;
$iconSizeY{$iconName}= $y;
my($label, $ref)= createLabel($$relationTagsRef{$relId}, $$ruleRef{'label'});
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my $printIcon = ""; if($iconResult){$printIcon = $iconName;}
if(cv('verbose')eq "1"){
printf "ROUTE: route %10s %10s %10s %30s %40s\n", $relId, $$ruleRef{'type'}, $color, $label, $printIcon;
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# collect ways
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my $mRef = getAllMembers($relId, 0);
my @tempMembers = @$mRef;
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my @relWays =();
foreach my $member(@tempMembers){ if((($member->[2] eq "none")or($member->[2] eq "route"))and($member->[0] eq "way")){push @relWays, $member->[1];} if((($member->[2] eq "forward")or($member->[2] eq "backward"))and($member->[0] eq "way")){push @relWays, $member->[1];}
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# TODO diversions, shortcuts?
# stops
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if((grep /stop/, $member->[2])and($member->[0] eq "node")){ if(($$ruleRef{'nodesize'}> 0)and(defined $$latRef{$member->[1]})and(defined $$lonRef{$member->[1]})){ my $svgString = "fill=\"$color\" ";
drawCircle($$lonRef{$member->[1]}, $$latRef{$member->[1]}, 1, $$ruleRef{'nodesize'}, 0, $svgString, 'routes');
} } }
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "ROUTE: ways: @relWays\n";}
foreach my $w(@relWays){
my $op = $$ruleRef{'opacity'}/ 100;
my $width = $$ruleRef{'size'};
my $linecap = $$ruleRef{'linecap'};
my $dashString = "";
my $dash = $$ruleRef{'dash'};
if($dash ne ""){$dashString = "stroke-dasharray=\"$dash\" ";} my $svgString = "stroke=\"$color\" stroke-opacity=\"$op\" stroke-width=\"$width\" fill=\"none\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-linecap=\"$linecap\" " . $dashString;
drawWay($$wayNodesRef{$w}, 1, $svgString, "routes", undef);
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# collect labels and icons per way
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$wayRouteLabels{$w}{$label}= 1;
$wayRouteIcons{$w}{$iconName}= 1;
} }
}# rule found
if(cv('debug')eq "1"){print "\n";} }# rel route
}# relation
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# label route ways after all relations have been processed
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foreach my $w(keys %wayRouteLabels){ if((defined $$wayNodesRef{$w})and(scalar @{$$wayNodesRef{$w}}> 1)){ my $label = "";
foreach my $l(keys %{$wayRouteLabels{$w}}){ $label .= $l . " ";
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my @way = @{$$wayNodesRef{$w}};
if($$lonRef{$way[0]}> $$lonRef{$way[-1]}){ @way = reverse(@way);
if(labelFitsWay(\@way, $label, cv('routelabelfont'), cv('routelabelsize'))){ my $pathName = "RoutePath" . $pathNumber;
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my @points = nodes2Coordinates(@way);
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if(! coordsOut(@points)){
createPath($pathName, \@points, "definitions");
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my $size = cv('routelabelsize');
my $font = cv('routelabelfont');
my $fontFamily = cv('routelabelfontfamily');
my $color = cv('routelabelcolor');
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my $svgText = createTextSVG($fontFamily, $font, $size, $color, undef, undef);
pathText($svgText, $label, $pathName, cv('routelabeloffset'), "middle", 50, "routes");
} } }}
# place icons
foreach my $w(keys %wayRouteIcons){ my $offset = 0;
my $nodeNumber = scalar @{$$wayNodesRef{$w}};
if($nodeNumber > 1){ my $node = $$wayNodesRef{$w}[int($nodeNumber / 2)];
my $num = scalar(keys %{$wayRouteIcons{$w}});
$offset = int(-($num-1)* cv('routeicondist')/ 2);
foreach my $iconName(keys %{$wayRouteIcons{$w}}){
my $size = 40;
placeLabelAndIcon($$lonRef{$node}, $$latRef{$node}, $offset, $size, "", "", $iconName, $iconSizeX{$iconName}, $iconSizeY{$iconName}, "routes");
$offset += cv('routeicondist');
} }}}
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# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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sub getAllMembers{#
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# get all members of a relation recursively
# takes rel id and nesting level
# retruns ref to array with all members
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my($relId, $nestingLevel)= @_;
my @allMembers =();
my $maxNestingLevel = 20;
my($relationMembersRef, $relationTagsRef)= getRelationPointers();
if($nestingLevel > $maxNestingLevel){
print "ERROR/WARNING nesting level of relations too deep. recursion stopped at depth $maxNestingLevel! relId=$relId\n";
} else{ foreach my $member(@{$$relationMembersRef{$relId}}){ if(($member->[0] eq "way")or($member->[0] eq "node")){ push @allMembers, $member;
} if($member->[0] eq "relation"){ my $ref = getAllMembers($member->[1], $nestingLevel+1);
push @allMembers, @$ref;
} }
} return \@allMembers;
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sub labelFitsWay{ my($refWayNodes, $text, $font, $size)= @_;
my @wayNodes = @$refWayNodes;
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my($lonRef, $latRef)= getNodePointers();
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# calc waylen
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my $wayLength = 0; # in pixels
for(my $i=0; $i<$#wayNodes; $i++){ my($x1, $y1)= convert($$lonRef{$wayNodes[$i]}, $$latRef{$wayNodes[$i]});
my($x2, $y2)= convert($$lonRef{$wayNodes[$i+1]}, $$latRef{$wayNodes[$i+1]});
$wayLength += sqrt(($x2-$x1)**2 +($y2-$y1)**2);
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# calc label len
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my $labelLength = length($text)* cv('ppc')/ 10 * $size; # in pixels
my $fit;
if($labelLength < $wayLength){$fit="fit";}else{$fit = "NOFIT";} # print "labelFitsWay: $fit, $text, labelLen = $labelLength, wayLen = $wayLength\n";
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if($labelLength < $wayLength){ return 1;
} else{ return 0;
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