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2022-07-28 09:06:48 +00:00
# PERL osm module by gary68
# !!! store as in folder OSM in lib directory !!!
# This module contains a lot of useful functions for working with osm files and data. it also
# includes functions for calculation and output.
# Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 Gerhard Schwanz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <>
# version 2
# - added html table functions
# Version 3
# - added project and angle
# - added support for bz2 files
# Version 4
# - add support for relations
# - select multiple ways in JOSM link
# - getNode2, getWay2: return tags as arrays
# Version 4.1
# - getBugs added
# Version 4.2
# - map compare link added
# Version 4.3
# - regex for k/v changed
# Version 4.4
# -added relation analyzer link
# Version 4.41 (gary68)
# - changed regex for openosmfile from /node/ to /<node/ - seems better since changesets are now in planet...
# Version 4.5 (gary68)
# - OSB address changed
# Version 4.6 (gary68)
# - getnode2 error correction
# Version 4.7 (gary68)
# - hidden iframe for josm links
# Version 4.8
# - josm dont select added
# Version 4.9
# - APIgetWay new
# Version 5.0
# - new osm link function
# Version 5.1
# - new hash function
# Version 5.2
# - josm select nodes added
# Version 5.3
# - new html output functions
# Version 5.4
# - support negative ids
# Version 5.5
# - support comments in osm files
# - ignore a space after the last attribute in the <node> tag.
# Version 6.0
# - regex improvements
# Version 7.0
# - skip nodes and skip ways performance boost by using seek in files
# Version 7.1
# - get...Xml functions added
# Version 8.0
# - read xml subs implemented for different getXXX
# Version 8.1
# - diff db sub
# Version 8.2
# - latexSanitizeString
# Version 8.4
# - negative IDs
# analyzerLink ($id) > $htmlString, link to relation analyzer
# angle (x1,y1,x2,y2) > angle (N=0,E=90...)
# APIgetWay ($id) > ($wayId, $wayUser, \@wayNodes, \@wayTags)
# binSearch ($value, @ref) > $index or -1
# closeOsmFile ()
# checkOverlap (w1xMin, w1yMin, w1xMax, w1yMax, w2xMin, w2yMin, w2xMax, w2yMax) > 0=no overlap, 1=overlap
# crossing (g1x1,g1y1,g1x2,g1y2,g2x1,g2y1,g2x2,g2y2) > ($sx, $sy)
# distance (x1,y1,x2,y2) > $distance in km
# getBugs ($lon, $lat, $bugsDownDist, $bugsMaxDist) > pos, down dist in deg, max dist in km -> html text
# getNode2 () > ($gId, $gLon, $gLat, $gU, \@gTags) ; # in main @array = @$ref // returns k/v as array, not string!
# getNode3 () > (\%nodeProperties \@nodeTags) ; # in main @array = @$ref // returns k/v as array, not string!
# getNodeXml () > ($gId, $xml) ;
# getRelation
# getRelation3 > (\%properties, \@members, \@tags)
# getWay2 () > ($gId, $gU, \@gNodes, \@gTags) ; # in main @array = @$ref // returns k/v as array, not string!
# getWay3 () > (\%properties, \@Nodes, \@Tags) ;
# getWayXml () > ($gId, $xml) ;
# getRelationXml () > ($gId, $xml) ;
# hashValue ($lon, $lat) > $hashValue 0.1 deg
# hashValue2 ($lon, $lat) > $hashValue 0.01 deg
# historyLink ($type, $key) > $htmlString
# josmLinkDontSelect ($lon, $lat, $span) > $htmlString
# josmLinkSelectWay ($lon, $lat, $span, $wayId) > $htmlString
# josmLinkSelectWays ($lon, $lat, $span, @wayIds) > $htmlString
# josmLinkSelectNode ($lon, $lat, $span, $nodeId) > $htmlString
# josmLinkSelectNodes ($lon, $lat, $span, @nodes) > $htmlString
# DON'T USE ANYMORE! josmLink ($lon, $lat, $span, $wayId) > $htmlString
# mapCompareLink ($lon, $lat, $zoom) > $htmlString
# openOsmFile ($file) > osm file open and $line set to first node (*.osm or *.osm.bz2)
# osbLink ($lon, $lat, $zoom) > $htmlString
# osmLink ($lon, $lat, $zoom) > $htmlString
# osmLinkMarkerWay ($lon, $lat, $zoom, $way) > $htmlString
# picLinkMapnik ($lon, $lat, $zoom) > $htmlString
# picLinkOsmarender ($lon, $lat, $zoom) > $htmlString
# printGPXHeader ($file)
# printGPXFoot ($file)
# printGPXWaypoint ($file, $lon, $lat, $text)
# printHTMLCellCenter ($file, $value)
# printHTMLCellLeft ($file, $value)
# printHTMLCellLeftEM
# printHTMLCellLeftTwoValues
# printHTMLCellRight ($file, $value)
# printHTMLFoot ($file) > print foot to file
# printHTMLHeader ($file, $title) > print header to file
# printHTMLHeaderiFrame ($file) > print iFrame code for josm links, call before body
# printHTMLRowStart ($file)
# printHTMLRowEnd ($file)
# printHTMLTableFoot ($file)
# printHTMLTableHead ($file)
# printHTMLTableHeadings ($file, @list)
# printHTMLTableRowLeft ($file, @list)
# printHTMLTableRowRight ($file, @list)
# printNodeList ($file, @list)
# printProgress ($program, $osm, $startTime, $fullCount, $actualCount)
# printWayList ($file, @list)
# project (x1, y1, angle, dist) > (x2,y2)
# shortestDistance ($gx1, $gy1, $gx2, $gy2, $nx, $ny) > roughly the distance of node to segment in km
# skipNodes ()
# skipWays ()
# stringFileInfo ($file) > $string
# stringTimeSpent ($timeSpent in seconds) > $string
# tileNumber ($lon,$lat,$zoom) > ($xTile, $yTile)
package OSM::osm ;
use strict;
use warnings;
use OSM::osmDB ;
use LWP::Simple;
use Math::Trig;
# use IO::Handle ;
use File::stat;
use Time::localtime;
use List::Util qw[min max] ;
use Compress::Bzip2 ; # install packet "libcompress-bzip2-perl"
# if you have problems with this module/library then just comment out all lines using these functions
# and don't use zipped files
$VERSION = '8.4' ;
my $apiUrl = "" ; # way/Id
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw ( Exporter AutoLoader ) ;
@EXPORT = qw (analyzerLink applyDiffFile getBugs getNode getNode2 getNode3 getNodeXml getWay getWay2 getWay3 getWayXml getRelation getRelation3 getRelationXml crossing historyLink hashValue hashValue2 tileNumber openOsmFile osmLink osmLinkMarkerWay osbLink mapCompareLink josmLink josmLinkDontSelect josmLinkSelectWay josmLinkSelectWays josmLinkSelectNode josmLinkSelectNodes printHTMLHeader printHTMLFoot stringTimeSpent distance angle project picLinkMapnik picLinkOsmarender stringFileInfo closeOsmFile skipNodes skipWays binSearch printProgress printNodeList printWayList printGPXHeader printGPXFoot printGPXWaypoint checkOverlap shortestDistance printHTMLTableHead printHTMLTableFoot printHTMLTableHeadings printHTMLTableRowLeft printHTMLTableRowRight printHTMLCellLeft printHTMLCellLeftEM printHTMLCellLeftTwoValues printHTMLCellCenter printHTMLCellRight printHTMLRowStart printHTMLRowEnd printHTMLiFrameHeader APIgetWay convertToLatex replaceHTMLCode ) ;
our $line ;
our $file ;
our $fileName ;
my $bufferSize = 512000 ;
my $bz ; my $isBz2 ;
# file
sub openOsmFile {
$fileName = shift ;
if (grep /.bz2/, $fileName) { $isBz2 = 1 ; } else { $isBz2 = 0 ; }
if ($isBz2) {
$bz = bzopen($fileName, "rb") or die "Cannot open $fileName: $bzerrno\n" ;
else {
open ($file, "<", $fileName) || die "can't open osm file" ;
nextLine() ;
while ( ! (grep /\<node/, $line) ) {
nextLine() ;
#print "LINE: $line" ;
return 1 ;
sub closeOsmFile {
if ($isBz2) {
$bz->bzclose() ;
else {
close ($file) ;
sub stringFileInfo {
my $file = shift ;
my $string = "file " . $file . " " . ctime(stat($file)->mtime) ;
return ($string) ;
sub nextLine {
do {
if ($isBz2) {
$bz->bzreadline($line) ;
else {
$line = <$file> ;
} while ($line =~ /^<!--/) ;
sub seek_to_way_section
my $sb = stat ($fileName) ;
my $size = $sb->size ;
my $firstindex = 0;
my $lastindex = $size;
my $index = int($size / 2) ;
my $buf;
seek($file, $index, 0);
read($file, $buf, $bufferSize);
my $relationstart = index($buf, "<relation id");
my $waystart = index($buf, "<way id");
my $nodestart = index($buf, "<node id");
# print "$index $nodestart $waystart $relationstart\n" ;
if (($waystart > -1) && ($nodestart > -1))
seek($file, $index + $waystart - 1, 0);
# elsif ($waystart > -1)
elsif ( ($waystart > -1) or ($relationstart > -1) )
$lastindex = $index;
$index = int(($index + $firstindex) / 2);
$firstindex = $index;
$index = int(($index + $lastindex) / 2);
sub seek_to_relation_section
my $sb = stat ($fileName) ;
my $size = $sb->size ;
my $firstindex = 0;
my $lastindex = $size;
my $index = int($size / 2);
my $buf;
seek($file, $index, 0);
read($file, $buf, $bufferSize);
my $relationstart = index($buf, "<relation id");
my $waystart = index($buf, "<way id");
my $nodestart = index($buf, "<node id");
# print "$index $nodestart $waystart $relationstart\n" ;
if (($relationstart > -1) && ($waystart > -1))
seek($file, $index + $relationstart - 1, 0);
elsif ($relationstart > -1)
$lastindex = $index;
$index = int(($index + $firstindex) / 2);
$firstindex = $index;
$index = int(($index + $lastindex) / 2);
sub skipNodes {
if ($isBz2) {
while ( ! (grep /<way/, $line) ) {
nextLine() ;
else {
seek_to_way_section() ;
nextLine() ;
sub getNode {
my $gId ;
my $gLon ;
my $gLat ;
my $gU ;
my @gTags = () ;
if($line =~ /^\s*\<node/) {
my ($id) = ($line =~ / id=[\'\"](.+?)[\'\"]/ ) ;
my ($u) = ($line =~ / user=[\'\"](.+?)[\'\"]/ ) ;
my ($lon) = ($line =~ / lon=[\'\"](.+?)[\'\"]/ ) ;
my ($lat) = ($line =~ / lat=[\'\"](.+?)[\'\"]/ ) ;
if (!defined $u) { $u = "undefined" ; }
if (! defined $id ) {
print "WARNING reading osm file, line follows (expecting id, lon, lat and user for node):\n", $line, "\n" ;
unless ($id) { next; }
if (! (defined ($lat))) { next; }
if (! (defined ($lon))) { next; }
if ( (grep (/"\s*>/, $line)) or (grep (/'\s*>/, $line)) ) { # more lines, get tags
nextLine() ;
while (!grep(/<\/node>/, $line)) {
my ($k, $v) = ($line =~ /^\s*\<tag k=[\'\"](.+)[\'\"]\s*v=[\'\"](.+)[\'\"]/) ;
if ( (defined ($k)) and (defined ($v)) ) {
my $tag = $k . ":" . $v ;
push @gTags, $tag ;
else {
#print "WARNING tag not recognized: ", $line, "\n" ;
nextLine() ;
nextLine() ;
else {
nextLine() ;
$gId = $id ;
$gLon = $lon ;
$gLat = $lat ;
$gU = $u ;
} # node
else {
return (-1, -1, -1, -1, -1) ;
} # node
#print "$gId $gLon $gLat $gU\n" ;
return ($gId, $gLon, $gLat, $gU, \@gTags) ; # in main @array = @$ref
} # getNode
sub getNode2 {
my $gId ; my $gLon ; my $gLat ; my $gU ;
my ($ref0, $ref1) ;
if($line =~ /^\s*\<node/) {
($ref0, $ref1) = readNode () ;
my %properties = %$ref0 ;
$gId = $properties{"id"} ;
$gLon = $properties{"lon"} ;
$gLat = $properties{"lat"} ;
$gU = $properties{"user"} ;
} # node
else {
return (-1, -1, -1, -1, -1) ;
} # node
return ($gId, $gLon, $gLat, $gU, $ref1) ;
} # getNode2
sub getNode3 {
my $ref0 ; my $ref1 ;
if($line =~ /^\s*\<node/) {
($ref0, $ref1) = readNode () ;
else {
return (undef, undef) ;
return ($ref0, $ref1) ;
} # getNode3
sub readNode {
my $id ;
my $propRef = () ;
my @nodeTags = () ;
($id) = ($line =~ / id=[\'\"](.+?)[\'\"]/ ) ;
if (! defined $id ) {
print "WARNING reading osm file, line follows (expecting id, lon, lat and user for node):\n", $line, "\n" ;
else {
$propRef = getProperties ($line, "node", $id) ;
if ( (grep (/"\s*>/, $line)) or (grep (/'\s*>/, $line)) ) { # more lines, get tags
nextLine() ;
while (!grep(/<\/node>/, $line)) {
my ($k, $v) = ($line =~ /^\s*\<tag k=[\'\"](.+)[\'\"]\s*v=[\'\"](.+)[\'\"]/) ;
if ( (defined ($k)) and (defined ($v)) ) {
my $tag = [$k, $v] ;
push @nodeTags, $tag ;
else {
#print "WARNING tag not recognized: ", $line, "\n" ;
nextLine() ;
nextLine() ;
else {
nextLine() ;
return ($propRef, \@nodeTags) ;
sub getProperties {
my ($line, $type, $id) = @_ ;
my $version ; my $timestamp ; my $uid ; my $lon ; my $lat ; my $u ; my $cs ;
my %properties = () ;
($u) = ($line =~ / user=[\'\"](.+?)[\'\"]/ ) ;
($version) = ($line =~ / version=[\'\"](.+?)[\'\"]/ ) ;
($timestamp) = ($line =~ / timestamp=[\'\"](.+?)[\'\"]/ ) ;
($uid) = ($line =~ / uid=[\'\"](.+?)[\'\"]/ ) ;
($cs) = ($line =~ / changeset=[\'\"](.+?)[\'\"]/ ) ;
if ( ! defined $u) { $u = "undefined" ; }
if ( ! defined $version) { $version = "0" ; }
if ( ! defined $uid) { $uid = 0 ; }
if ( ! defined $timestamp) { $timestamp = "" ; }
if ( ! defined $cs) { $cs = "" ; }
$properties{"id"} = $id ;
$properties{"user"} = $u ;
$properties{"uid"} = $uid ;
$properties{"version"} = $version ;
$properties{"timestamp"} = $timestamp ;
$properties{"changeset"} = $cs ;
if ($type eq "node") {
($lon) = ($line =~ / lon=[\'\"](.+?)[\'\"]/ ) ;
($lat) = ($line =~ / lat=[\'\"](.+?)[\'\"]/ ) ;
if ( ! defined $lon) { $lon = 0 ; }
if ( ! defined $lat) { $lat = 0 ; }
$properties{"lon"} = $lon ;
$properties{"lat"} = $lat ;
return ( \%properties ) ;
sub getNodeXml {
my $gId ;
my $xml ;
my $id ;
if($line =~ /^\s*\<node/) {
$xml .= $line;
my ($id) = ($line =~ / id=[\'\"](.+?)[\'\"]/ ) ;
if (! defined $id ) {
print "WARNING reading osm file, line follows (expecting id, lon, lat and user for node):\n", $line, "\n" ;
unless ($id) { next; }
if ( (grep (/"\s*>/, $line)) or (grep (/'\s*>/, $line)) ) { # more lines, get tags
nextLine() ;
while (!grep(/<\/node>/, $line)) {
$xml .= $line ;
nextLine() ;
$line =~ /\/node>/ ;
$xml .= $line;
nextLine() ;
else {
nextLine() ;
$gId = $id ;
} # node
else {
return (-1, "") ;
} # node
#print "$gId $gLon $gLat $gU\n" ;
return ($gId, $xml) ; # in main @array = @$ref
} # getNodeXml
sub skipWays {
if ($isBz2) {
while ( ! (grep /<relation/, $line) ) {
nextLine() ;
else {
seek_to_relation_section() ;
nextLine() ;
sub getWay {
my $gId ;
my $gU ;
my @gTags ;
my @gNodes ;
if($line =~ /^\s*\<way/) {
my ($id) = ($line =~ / id=[\'\"](.+?)[\'\"]/ ) ;
my ($u) = ($line =~ / user=[\'\"](.+?)[\'\"]/ ) ;
if (!defined $u) { $u = "undefined" ; }
if (! defined $id ) { print "ERROR: $line\n" ; }
nextLine() ;
while (not($line =~ /\/way>/)) { # more way data
#get nodes and type
my ($node) = ($line =~ /^\s*\<nd ref=[\'\"]([\d\-]+)[\'\"]/); # get node id
my ($k, $v) = ($line =~ /^\s*\<tag k=[\'\"](.+)[\'\"]\s*v=[\'\"](.+)[\'\"]/) ;
if (!(($node) or ($k and defined($v) ))) {
#print "WARNING tag not recognized", $line, "\n" ;
if ($node) {
push @gNodes, $node ;
#get tags
if ($k and defined($v)) {
my $tag = $k . ":" . $v ;
push @gTags, $tag ;
nextLine() ;
nextLine() ;
$gId = $id ;
$gU = $u ;
else {
return (-1, -1, -1, -1) ;
return ($gId, $gU, \@gNodes, \@gTags) ;
} # way
sub getWay2 {
my $gId ;
my $gU ;
my @gTags ;
my @gNodes ;
my ($ref0, $ref1, $ref2) ;
if($line =~ /^\s*\<way/) {
($ref0, $ref1, $ref2) = readWay () ;
my %properties = %$ref0 ;
$gId = $properties{"id"} ;
$gU = $properties{"user"} ;
else {
return (-1, -1, -1, -1) ;
return ($gId, $gU, $ref1, $ref2) ;
} # getWay2
sub getWay3 {
my $ref0 ; my $ref1 ; my $ref3 ;
if($line =~ /^\s*\<way/) {
($ref0, $ref1, $ref3) = readWay () ;
else {
return (undef, undef, undef) ;
return ($ref0, $ref1, $ref3) ;
sub readWay {
my @gNodes = () ; my @gTags = () ;
my $propRef ;
my ($id) = ($line =~ / id=[\'\"](.+?)[\'\"]/ ) ;
if (! defined $id ) {
print "WARNING reading osm file, line follows :\n", $line, "\n" ;
else {
$propRef = getProperties ($line, "way", $id) ;
if ( ! grep /\/>/, $line) {
nextLine() ;
while (not($line =~ /\/way>/)) { # more way data
#get nodes and type
my ($node) = ($line =~ /^\s*\<nd ref=[\'\"]([\d\-]+)[\'\"]/); # get node id
my ($k, $v) = ($line =~ /^\s*\<tag k=[\'\"](.+)[\'\"]\s*v=[\'\"](.+)[\'\"]/) ;
if (!(($node) or ($k and defined($v) ))) {
#print "WARNING tag not recognized", $line, "\n" ;
if ($node) {
push @gNodes, $node ;
#get tags
if ($k and defined($v)) {
my $tag = [$k, $v] ;
push @gTags, $tag ;
nextLine() ;
nextLine() ;
return ($propRef, \@gNodes, \@gTags) ;
sub getWayXml {
my $gId ;
my $xml ;
if($line =~ /^\s*\<way/) {
my ($id) = ($line =~ / id=[\'\"](.+?)[\'\"]/ ) ;
if (! defined $id ) { print "ERROR: $line\n" ; }
$xml = $line;
nextLine() ;
while (not($line =~ /\/way>/)) { # more way data
#get nodes and type
$xml .= $line;
nextLine() ;
$xml .= $line;
nextLine() ;
$gId = $id ;
else {
return (-1, "") ;
return ($gId, $xml) ;
} # getWayXml
sub getRelation {
my $gId ;
my $gU ;
my ($ref1, $ref2) ;
my $propRef ;
if ($line =~ /^\s*\<relation/) {
($propRef, $ref1, $ref2) = readRelation () ;
my %properties = %$propRef ;
$gId = $properties{"id"} ;
$gU = $properties{"user"} ;
else {
return (-1, -1, -1, -1) ;
return ($gId, $gU, $ref1, $ref2) ;
sub getRelation3 {
my $ref0 ; my $ref1 ; my $ref2 ;
if($line =~ /^\s*\<relation/) {
($ref0, $ref1, $ref2) = readRelation () ;
else {
return (undef, undef, undef) ;
return ($ref0, $ref1, $ref2) ;
sub readRelation {
my $propRef ; my @gTags ; my @gMembers ;
my ($id) = ($line =~ / id=[\'\"](.+?)[\'\"]/ ) ;
if (! defined $id ) {
print "ERROR: $line\n" ;
else {
$propRef = getProperties ($line, "relation", $id) ;
if ( ! grep /\/>/, $line) {
nextLine() ;
while (not($line =~ /\/relation>/)) { # more data
if ($line =~ /<member/) {
my ($memberType) = ($line =~ /^\s*\<member type=[\'\"]([\w]*)[\'\"]/);
my ($memberRef) = ($line =~ /^.+ref=[\'\"]([\d\-]+)[\'\"]/);
my ($memberRole) = ($line =~ /^.+role=[\'\"](.*)[\'\"]/);
if (!$memberRole) { $memberRole = "none" ; }
my @member = [$memberType, $memberRef, $memberRole] ;
push @gMembers, @member ;
if ($line =~ /<tag/) {
my ($k, $v) = ($line =~ /^\s*\<tag k=[\'\"](.+)[\'\"]\s*v=[\'\"](.+)[\'\"]/) ;
if (!(($k and defined($v) ))) {
$k = "unknown" ; $v = "unknown" ;
my $tag = [$k, $v] ;
push @gTags, $tag ;
nextLine() ;
nextLine() ;
return ($propRef, \@gMembers, \@gTags) ;
sub getRelationXml {
my $gId ;
my $xml;
if ($line =~ /^\s*\<relation/) {
my ($id) = ($line =~ / id=[\'\"](.+?)[\'\"]/ ) ;
if (! defined $id ) { print "ERROR: $line\n" ; }
$xml .= $line;
unless ($id) { next ; }
nextLine() ;
while (not($line =~ /\/relation>/)) { # more data
$xml .= $line;
nextLine() ;
$gId = $id ;
$xml .= $line;
nextLine() ;
else {
return (-1, "") ;
return ($gId, $xml) ;
# crossing
sub crossing {
my ($g1x1) = shift ;
my ($g1y1) = shift ;
my ($g1x2) = shift ;
my ($g1y2) = shift ;
my ($g2x1) = shift ;
my ($g2y1) = shift ;
my ($g2x2) = shift ;
my ($g2y2) = shift ;
#printf "g1: %f/%f %f/%f\n", $g1x1, $g1y1, $g1x2, $g1y2 ;
#printf "g2: %f/%f %f/%f\n", $g2x1, $g2y1, $g2x2, $g2y2 ;
# wenn punkte gleich, dann 0 !!!
# nur geraden pr fen, wenn node ids ungleich !!!
if (($g1x1 == $g2x1) and ($g1y1 == $g2y1)) { # p1 = p1 ?
#print "gleicher punkt\n" ;
return (0, 0) ;
if (($g1x1 == $g2x2) and ($g1y1 == $g2y2)) { # p1 = p2 ?
#print "gleicher punkt\n" ;
return (0, 0) ;
if (($g1x2 == $g2x1) and ($g1y2 == $g2y1)) { # p2 = p1 ?
#print "gleicher punkt\n" ;
return (0, 0) ;
if (($g1x2 == $g2x2) and ($g1y2 == $g2y2)) { # p2 = p1 ?
#print "gleicher punkt\n" ;
return (0, 0) ;
my $g1m ;
if ( ($g1x2-$g1x1) != 0 ) {
$g1m = ($g1y2-$g1y1)/($g1x2-$g1x1) ; # steigungen
else {
$g1m = 999999 ;
my $g2m ;
if ( ($g2x2-$g2x1) != 0 ) {
$g2m = ($g2y2-$g2y1)/($g2x2-$g2x1) ;
else {
$g2m = 999999 ;
#printf "Steigungen: m1=%f m2=%f\n", $g1m, $g2m ;
if ($g1m == $g2m) { # parallel
#print "parallel\n" ;
return (0, 0) ;
my ($g1b) = $g1y1 - $g1m * $g1x1 ; # abschnitte
my ($g2b) = $g2y1 - $g2m * $g2x1 ;
#printf "b1=%f b2=%f\n", $g1b, $g2b ;
# wenn punkt auf gerade, dann 1 - DELTA Pr fung !!! delta?
my ($sx) = ($g2b-$g1b) / ($g1m-$g2m) ; # schnittpunkt
my ($sy) = ($g1m*$g2b - $g2m*$g1b) / ($g1m-$g2m);
#print "schnitt: ", $sx, "/", $sy, "\n" ;
my ($g1xmax) = max ($g1x1, $g1x2) ;
my ($g1xmin) = min ($g1x1, $g1x2) ;
my ($g1ymax) = max ($g1y1, $g1y2) ;
my ($g1ymin) = min ($g1y1, $g1y2) ;
my ($g2xmax) = max ($g2x1, $g2x2) ;
my ($g2xmin) = min ($g2x1, $g2x2) ;
my ($g2ymax) = max ($g2y1, $g2y2) ;
my ($g2ymin) = min ($g2y1, $g2y2) ;
if (($sx >= $g1xmin) and
($sx >= $g2xmin) and
($sx <= $g1xmax) and
($sx <= $g2xmax) and
($sy >= $g1ymin) and
($sy >= $g2ymin) and
($sy <= $g1ymax) and
($sy <= $g2ymax)) {
#print "*******IN*********\n" ;
return ($sx, $sy) ;
else {
#print "OUT\n" ;
return (0, 0) ;
} # crossing
# string linkHistory
sub historyLink {
my ($type, $key) = @_;
return "<a href=\"$type/$key/history\">$key</a>";
sub tileNumber {
my ($lon,$lat,$zoom) = @_;
my $xtile = int( ($lon+180)/360 *2**$zoom ) ;
my $ytile = int( (1 - log(tan($lat*pi/180) + sec($lat*pi/180))/pi)/2 *2**$zoom ) ;
return(($xtile, $ytile));
# hashValues
sub hashValue {
my $lon = shift ;
my $lat = shift ;
my $lo = int ($lon*10) * 10000 ;
my $la = int ($lat*10) ;
return ($lo+$la) ;
sub hashValue2 {
my $lon = shift ;
my $lat = shift ;
my $lo = int ($lon*100) * 100000 ;
my $la = int ($lat*100) ;
return ($lo+$la) ;
# calc
sub angle {
# angle from point 1 to point 2
# N = 0, O = 90, S = 180, W = 270
my ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = @_ ;
my $d_lat = ($y2-$y1) * 111.11 ;
my $d_lon = ($x2-$x1) * cos($y1/360*3.14*2) * 111.11 ;
my $a = - rad2deg(atan2($d_lat,$d_lon)) + 90 ;
if ($a < 0) { $a += 360 ; }
return $a ;
sub project {
# project point from point by angle and distance in km
# N = 0, O = 90, S = 180, W = 270
my ($x1, $y1, $angle, $dist) = @_ ;
my $x2; my $y2 ;
my $dLat ; my $dLon ;
$dLat = $dist * cos ($angle/360*3.141592654*2) ;
$dLon = $dist * sin ($angle/360*3.141592654*2) ;
$x2 = $x1 + $dLon / (111.11 * cos($y1/360*3.14*2) ) ;
$y2 = $y1 + $dLat / 111.11 ;
return ($x2, $y2) ;
sub distance {
my ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = @_ ;
my ($d_lat) = ($y2 - $y1) * 111.11 ;
my ($d_lon) = ($x2 - $x1) * cos ( $y1 / 360 * 3.14 * 2 ) * 111.11;
my ($dist) = sqrt ($d_lat*$d_lat+$d_lon*$d_lon);
return ($dist) ;
sub shortestDistance {
# distance in km ONLY ROUGHLY !!! TODO
# better calc point on line first and then calc distance with function above!
my ($gx1, $gy1, $gx2, $gy2, $nx, $ny) = @_ ;
my $m ; my $b ; my $t ;
$t = $gx2 - $gx1 ;
if ($t == 0) {
my ($d1) = distance ($gx1, $gy1, $nx, $ny) ;
my ($d2) = distance ($gx2, $gy2, $nx, $ny) ;
my ($d3) = distance ($gx1, $gy1, $gx2, $gy2) ;
my ($d4) = abs ($nx - $gx1) * 111.11 * cos ( $gy1 / 360 * 3.14 * 2 ) ;
if ( ($d1 <= $d3) and ($d2 <= $d3) ) {
return (abs ($d4)) ;
else {
return (999) ;
else {
my ($d10) = distance ($gx1, $gy1, $nx, $ny) ;
my ($d20) = distance ($gx2, $gy2, $nx, $ny) ;
my ($d30) = distance ($gx1, $gy1, $gx2, $gy2) ;
$m = ($gy2 - $gy1) / $t ;
$b = $gy1 - $m * $gx1 ;
my ($d40) = ($ny - $m * $nx - $b) / sqrt ($m * $m + 1) ;
if ( ($d10 <= $d30) and ($d20 <= $d30) ) {
my $result = abs ($d40 * 111.11) ;
# print "dist = $result\n" ;
return $result ;
else {
return (999) ;
sub checkOverlap {
my ($w1xMin, $w1yMin, $w1xMax, $w1yMax, $w2xMin, $w2yMin, $w2xMax, $w2yMax) = @_ ;
my $result = 1 ;
if ($w1xMin > $w2xMax) { $result = 0 ; }
if ($w2xMin > $w1xMax) { $result = 0 ; }
if ($w1yMin > $w2yMax) { $result = 0 ; }
if ($w2yMin > $w1yMax) { $result = 0 ; }
return $result ;
# links
sub picLinkMapnik {
my $lon = shift ;
my $lat = shift ;
my $zoom = shift ;
my (@res) = tileNumber ($lon, $lat, $zoom) ;
my $link = "<img src=\"" . $zoom . "/" . $res[0] . "/" . $res[1] . ".png\">" ;
return ($link) ;
sub picLinkOsmarender {
my $lon = shift ;
my $lat = shift ;
my $zoom = shift ;
my (@res) = tileNumber ($lon, $lat, $zoom) ;
my $link = "<img src=\"" . $zoom . "/" . $res[0] . "/" . $res[1] . ".png\">" ;
return ($link) ;
sub osmLink {
my $lon = shift ;
my $lat = shift ;
my $zoom = shift ;
my $string = "<A HREF=\"" . $lat . "&mlon=" . $lon . "&zoom=" . $zoom . "\">OSM</A>" ;
return ($string) ;
sub osmLinkMarkerWay {
my $lon = shift ;
my $lat = shift ;
my $zoom = shift ;
my $way = shift ;
my $string = "<A HREF=\"" . $lat . "&mlon=" . $lon . "&zoom=" . $zoom . "&way=" . $way . "\">OSM marked</A>" ;
return ($string) ;
sub osbLink {
my $lon = shift ;
my $lat = shift ;
my $zoom = shift ;
my $string = "<A HREF=\"" . $lon . "&lat=" . $lat . "&zoom=" . $zoom . "\">OSB</A>" ;
return ($string) ;
sub mapCompareLink {
my $lon = shift ;
my $lat = shift ;
my $zoom = shift ;
my $string = "<A HREF=\"" . $lon . "&lat=" . $lat . "&zoom=" . $zoom . "\">mapcompare</A>" ;
return ($string) ;
sub josmLink {
my $lon = shift ;
my $lat = shift ;
my $span = shift ;
my $way = shift ;
my ($string) = "<A HREF=\"http://localhost:8111/load_and_zoom?" ;
my $temp = $lon - $span ;
$string = $string . "left=" . $temp ;
$temp = $lon + $span ;
$string = $string . "&right=" . $temp ;
$temp = $lat + $span ;
$string = $string . "&top=" . $temp ;
$temp = $lat - $span ;
$string = $string . "&bottom=" . $temp ;
$string = $string . "&select=way" . $way ;
$string = $string . "\" target=\"hiddenIframe\">Local JOSM</a>" ;
return ($string) ;
sub josmLinkDontSelect {
my $lon = shift ;
my $lat = shift ;
my $span = shift ;
my $way = shift ;
my ($string) = "<A HREF=\"http://localhost:8111/load_and_zoom?" ;
my $temp = $lon - $span ;
$string = $string . "left=" . $temp ;
$temp = $lon + $span ;
$string = $string . "&right=" . $temp ;
$temp = $lat + $span ;
$string = $string . "&top=" . $temp ;
$temp = $lat - $span ;
$string = $string . "&bottom=" . $temp ;
$string = $string . "\" target=\"hiddenIframe\">Local JOSM</a>" ;
return ($string) ;
sub josmLinkSelectWay {
my $lon = shift ;
my $lat = shift ;
my $span = shift ;
my $way = shift ;
my ($string) = "<A HREF=\"http://localhost:8111/load_and_zoom?" ;
my $temp = $lon - $span ;
$string = $string . "left=" . $temp ;
$temp = $lon + $span ;
$string = $string . "&right=" . $temp ;
$temp = $lat + $span ;
$string = $string . "&top=" . $temp ;
$temp = $lat - $span ;
$string = $string . "&bottom=" . $temp ;
$string = $string . "&select=way" . $way ;
$string = $string . "\" target=\"hiddenIframe\">Local JOSM</a>" ;
return ($string) ;
sub josmLinkSelectWays {
my ($lon, $lat, $span, @ways) = @_ ;
my ($string) = "<A HREF=\"http://localhost:8111/load_and_zoom?" ;
my $temp = $lon - $span ;
$string = $string . "left=" . $temp ;
$temp = $lon + $span ;
$string = $string . "&right=" . $temp ;
$temp = $lat + $span ;
$string = $string . "&top=" . $temp ;
$temp = $lat - $span ;
$string = $string . "&bottom=" . $temp ;
$string = $string . "&select=way" . $ways[0] ;
if (scalar @ways > 1) {
my $i ;
for ($i=1; $i < scalar @ways; $i++) {
$string = $string . ",way" . $ways[$i] ;
$string = $string . "\" target=\"hiddenIframe\">Local JOSM</a>" ;
return ($string) ;
sub josmLinkSelectNode {
my $lon = shift ;
my $lat = shift ;
my $span = shift ;
my $node = shift ;
my ($string) = "<A HREF=\"http://localhost:8111/load_and_zoom?" ;
my $temp = $lon - $span ;
$string = $string . "left=" . $temp ;
$temp = $lon + $span ;
$string = $string . "&right=" . $temp ;
$temp = $lat + $span ;
$string = $string . "&top=" . $temp ;
$temp = $lat - $span ;
$string = $string . "&bottom=" . $temp ;
$string = $string . "&select=node" . $node ;
$string = $string . "\" target=\"hiddenIframe\">Local JOSM</a>" ;
return ($string) ;
sub josmLinkSelectNodes {
my ($lon, $lat, $span, @nodes) = @_ ;
my ($string) = "<A HREF=\"http://localhost:8111/load_and_zoom?" ;
my $temp = $lon - $span ;
$string = $string . "left=" . $temp ;
$temp = $lon + $span ;
$string = $string . "&right=" . $temp ;
$temp = $lat + $span ;
$string = $string . "&top=" . $temp ;
$temp = $lat - $span ;
$string = $string . "&bottom=" . $temp ;
$string = $string . "&select=node" . $nodes[0] ;
if (scalar @nodes > 1) {
my $i ;
for ($i=1; $i < scalar @nodes; $i++) {
$string = $string . ",node" . $nodes[$i] ;
$string = $string . "\" target=\"hiddenIframe\">Local JOSM</a>" ;
return ($string) ;
sub analyzerLink {
my $id = shift ;
my $result = "<A HREF=\"" . $id . "\">" . $id . "</A>" ;
return $result ;
sub printGPXHeader {
my $file = shift ;
print $file "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\" ?>\n" ;
print $file "<gpx xmlns=\"\" creator=\"Gary68script\" version=\"1.1\"\n" ;
print $file " xmlns:xsi=\"\"\n" ;
print $file " xsi:schemaLocation=\"\">\n" ;
sub printGPXFoot {
my $file = shift ;
print $file "</gpx>\n" ;
sub printGPXWaypoint {
my ($file, $lon, $lat, $text) = @_ ;
print $file "<wpt lat=\"", $lat, "\" lon=\"", $lon, "\">" ;
print $file "<desc>", $text, "</desc></wpt>\n" ;
# other
sub stringTimeSpent {
my $timeSpent = shift ;
my $string ;
$string = ($timeSpent/(60*60))%99 . " hours, " . ($timeSpent/60)%60 . " minutes and " . $timeSpent%60 . " seconds" ;
return ($string) ;
sub binSearch {
my ($find, $aRef) = @_ ;
my ($lower, $upper) = (0, @$aRef - 1) ;
my $result ;
while ($upper >= $lower) {
$result = int( ($lower + $upper) / 2) ;
if ($aRef->[$result] < $find) {
$lower = $result + 1 ;
elsif ($aRef->[$result] > $find) {
$upper = $result - 1 ;
else {
return ($result) ;
return (-1) ;
sub printProgress {
my $program = shift ;
my $osm = shift ;
my $startTime = shift ;
my $fullCount = shift ;
my $actualCount = shift ;
my ($percent) = $actualCount / $fullCount * 100 ;
my ($time_spent) = (time() - $startTime) / 3600 ;
my ($tot_time) = $time_spent / $actualCount * $fullCount ;
my ($to_go) = $tot_time - $time_spent ;
printf STDERR "$program - file: %s %d/100 Ttot=%2.1fhrs Ttogo=%2.1fhrs \n", $osm, $percent, $tot_time, $to_go ;
# html
sub printHTMLiFrameHeader {
my $file = shift ;
my $title = shift ;
print $file "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\"";
print $file " \"\">";
print $file "<html xmlns=\"\" lang=\"en\" xml:lang=\"en\">\n";
print $file "<head><title>", $title, "</title>\n";
print $file "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\" />\n";
print $file "</head>\n";
print $file "<iframe style=\"display:none\" id=\"hiddenIframe\" name=\"hiddenIframe\"></iframe>\n" ;
print $file "<body>\n";
return (1) ;
sub printHTMLHeader {
my $file = shift ;
my $title = shift ;
print $file "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\"";
print $file " \"\">";
print $file "<html xmlns=\"\" lang=\"en\" xml:lang=\"en\">\n";
print $file "<head><title>", $title, "</title>\n";
print $file "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\" />\n";
print $file "</head>\n<body>\n";
return (1) ;
sub printHTMLFoot {
my $file = shift ;
print $file "</body>\n</html>\n" ;
return (1) ;
sub printWayList {
my ($file, @list) = @_ ;
print $file "<table border=\"1\">\n";
print $file "<tr>\n" ;
print $file "<th>Line</th>\n" ;
print $file "<th>WayId</th>\n" ;
print $file "</tr>\n" ;
my $i = 0 ;
foreach (@list) {
$i++ ;
print $file "<tr><td>$i</td><td>", historyLink ("way", $_) , "</td></tr>\n" ;
print $file "</table>\n";
sub printNodeList {
my ($file, @list) = @_ ;
print $file "<table border=\"1\">\n";
print $file "<tr>\n" ;
print $file "<th>Line</th>\n" ;
print $file "<th>NodeId</th>\n" ;
print $file "</tr>\n" ;
my $i = 0 ;
foreach (@list) {
$i++ ;
print $file "<tr><td>$i</td><td>", historyLink ("node", $_) , "</td></tr>\n" ;
print $file "</table>\n";
sub printHTMLTableHead {
my ($file) = shift ;
print $file "<table border=\"1\">\n" ;
sub printHTMLTableFoot {
my ($file) = shift ;
print $file "</table>\n" ;
sub printHTMLTableHeadings {
my ($file, @list) = @_ ;
print $file "<tr>\n" ;
foreach (@list) { print $file "<th>" . $_ . "</th>\n" ; }
print $file "</tr>\n" ;
sub printHTMLTableRowLeft {
my ($file, @list) = @_ ;
print $file "<tr>\n" ;
foreach (@list) { print $file "<td align=\"left\">" . $_ . "</td>\n" ; }
print $file "</tr>\n" ;
sub printHTMLTableRowRight {
my ($file, @list) = @_ ;
print $file "<tr>\n" ;
foreach (@list) { print $file "<td align=\"right\">" . $_ . "</td>\n" ; }
print $file "</tr>\n" ;
sub printHTMLCellLeft {
my ($file) = shift ;
my ($value) = shift ;
print $file "<td align=\"left\">" . $value . "</td>\n" ;
sub printHTMLCellLeftEM {
my ($file) = shift ;
my ($value) = shift ;
print $file "<td align=\"left\"><em>" . $value . "</em></td>\n" ;
sub printHTMLCellLeftTwoValues {
my ($file) = shift ;
my ($value1) = shift ;
my ($value2) = shift ;
print $file "<td align=\"left\">" . $value1 . "<br><em>" . $value2 . "</em></td>\n" ;
sub printHTMLCellCenter {
my ($file) = shift ;
my ($value) = shift ;
print $file "<td align=\"center\">" . $value . "</td>\n" ;
sub printHTMLCellRight {
my ($file) = shift ;
my ($value) = shift ;
print $file "<td align=\"right\">" . $value . "</td>\n" ;
sub printHTMLRowStart {
my ($file) = shift ;
print $file "<tr>\n" ;
sub printHTMLRowEnd {
my ($file) = shift ;
print $file "</tr>\n" ;
sub printHTMLiFrame {
my ($file) = shift ;
print $file "<iframe style=\"display:none\" id=\"hiddenIframe\" name=\"hiddenIframe\"></iframe>\n" ;
sub getBugs {
my ($lon, $lat, $bugsDownDist, $bugsMaxDist) = @_ ;
my $resultString = "" ;
my ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2 ) ;
my %lon = () ;
my %lat = () ;
my %text = () ;
my %open = () ;
my %user = () ;
$x1 = $lon - $bugsDownDist ;
$x2 = $lon + $bugsDownDist ;
$y1 = $lat - $bugsDownDist ;
$y2 = $lat + $bugsDownDist ;
#print "get bugs $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2...\n" ;
sleep 1.5 ;
my ($url) = '' . $y1 . '&t=' . $y2 . '&l=' . $x1 . '&r=' . $x2 ;
my ($content) = get $url ;
if (!defined $content) {
$resultString = "bugs request error<br>" ;
else {
# process string
#print "CONTENT\n", $content, "\n\n" ;
open my $sh, '<', \$content or die $!;
while (<$sh>) {
my $line = $_ ;
#print "actual line: $line\n" ;
my ($id) = ($line =~ /^putAJAXMarker\((\d+),/) ;
my ($text) = ($line =~ /^.*\"([-\w\W\d\D\s\']+)\"/) ;
my ($user) = ($line =~ /^.*\[([-\w\W\d\D\s\']+)\]/) ;
my ($lon, $lat) = ($line =~ /,([-]?[\d]+\.[\d]+),([-]?[\d]+\.[\d]+)/);
my ($open) = ($line =~ /.*(\d)\);$/) ;
if (!$user) { $user = "-" ; }
#print "\nfields found: $id $text $user $lon $lat $open\n\n" ;
$text =~ s/<hr \/>/:::/g ; # replace <HR /> horizontal rulers by ":::"
$lon{$id} = $lon;
$lat{$id} = $lat ;
$text{$id} = $text ;
if ($open == 0) { $open{$id} = "OPEN" ; } else { $open{$id} = "CLOSED" ; }
$user{$id} = $user ;
close $sh or die $!;
my $id ;
foreach $id (keys %lon) {
my ($d) = distance ($lon, $lat, $lon{$id}, $lat{$id}) ;
#print "check id: $id, distance: $d", , "\n" ;
if ($d < $bugsMaxDist) {
$d = int ($d * 1000) ;
$resultString = $resultString . "<strong>" . $open{$id} . "</strong>" . " (" . $d . "m)<br>" ;
$resultString = $resultString . $text{$id} . "<br>" ;
#print "$resultString\n\n" ;
return $resultString ;
sub APIgetWay {
# wayId == 0 returned if error
my ($wayId) = shift ;
my $content ;
my $url ;
my $try = 0 ;
my $wayUser = "" ;
my @wayNodes = () ;
my @wayTags = () ;
#print "\nAPI request for way $wayId\n" ;
while ( (!defined($content)) and ($try < 4) ) {
$url = $apiUrl . "way/" . $wayId ;
$content = get $url ;
$try++ ;
#print "API result:\n$content\n\n" ;
if (!defined $content) {
print "ERROR: error receiving OSM query result for way $wayId\n" ;
$wayId = 0 ;
$content = "" ;
if (grep(/<error>/, $content)) {
print "ERROR: invalid OSM query result for way $wayId\n" ;
$wayId = 0 ;
if (defined $content) {
# parse $content
if ($wayId != 0) {
my (@lines) = split /\n/, $content ;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
if (grep /<way id/, $line ) {
my ($u) = ($line =~ /^.+user=[\'\"](.*)[\'\"]/) ;
if (defined $u) { $wayUser = $u ; }
if (grep /<nd ref/, $line ) {
my ($node) = ($line =~ /^\s*\<nd ref=[\'\"](\d+)[\'\"]/) ;
if (defined $node) { push @wayNodes, $node ; }
if (grep /<tag k=/, $line ) {
my ($k, $v) = ($line =~ /^\s*\<tag k=[\'\"](.+)[\'\"]\s*v=[\'\"](.+)[\'\"]/) ;
if ( (defined $k) and (defined $v) ) { push @wayTags, [$k, $v] ; }
#print "\nAPI result:\n$wayId\nNodes: @wayNodes\nTags: " ;
#foreach my $t (@wayTags) { print "$t->[0]:$t->[1] \n" ; }
return ($wayId, $wayUser, \@wayNodes, \@wayTags) ;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub applyDiffFile {
my ($dbName, $fileName) = @_ ;
my $mode = "" ;
my $object = "" ;
my ($propRef, $tagRef, $nodeRef, $memberRef) ;
my $nodeCount = 0 ;
my $wayCount = 0 ;
my $relationCount = 0 ;
open ($file, "<", $fileName) or die ("ERROR: could not open diff file $fileName\n") ;
dbConnect ($dbName) ;
$line = <$file> ;
$line = <$file> ;
$line = <$file> ;
while ( ! grep /<\/osmchange/i, $line) {
($mode) = ( $line =~ /<(.+)>/ ) ;
$line = <$file> ;
# print "MODE: $mode\n" ;
while ( ! grep /<\/$mode>/i, $line) {
if (grep /<node/i, $line) {
$nodeCount++ ;
($propRef, $tagRef) = getNode3() ;
my $id = $$propRef{"id"} ;
if ( ($mode eq "delete") or ($mode eq "modify") ) {
deleteDBNode ($id) ;
# print " deleting node $id\n" ;
if ( ($mode eq "modify") or ($mode eq "create") ) {
storeDBNode ($propRef, $tagRef) ;
# print " storing node $id\n" ;
if (grep /<way/i, $line) {
$wayCount++ ;
($propRef, $nodeRef, $tagRef) = getWay3() ;
my $id = $$propRef{"id"} ;
if ( ($mode eq "delete") or ($mode eq "modify") ) {
deleteDBWay ($id) ;
# print " deleting way $id\n" ;
if ( ($mode eq "modify") or ($mode eq "create") ) {
storeDBWay ($propRef, $nodeRef, $tagRef) ;
# print " storing way $id\n" ;
if (grep /<relation/i, $line) {
$relationCount++ ;
($propRef, $memberRef, $tagRef) = getRelation3() ;
my $id = $$propRef{"id"} ;
if ( ($mode eq "delete") or ($mode eq "modify") ) {
deleteDBRelation ($id) ;
# print " deleting relation $id\n" ;
if ( ($mode eq "modify") or ($mode eq "create") ) {
storeDBRelation ($propRef, $memberRef, $tagRef) ;
# print " storing relation $id\n" ;
$line = <$file> ; # end of mode
dbDisconnect () ;
close ($file) ;
print "$nodeCount nodes processed.\n" ;
print "$wayCount ways processed.\n" ;
print "$relationCount relations processed.\n" ;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub convertToLatex {
my $text = shift ;
my %validLatex = () ;
my %replaceLatex = () ;
$replaceLatex{'_'} = '\\_' ;
$replaceLatex{'&'} = '\\&' ;
$replaceLatex{'$'} = '\\$' ;
$replaceLatex{'%'} = '\\%' ;
$replaceLatex{'{'} = '\\{' ;
$replaceLatex{'}'} = '\\}' ;
$replaceLatex{'#'} = '\\#' ;
$replaceLatex{'^'} = "\\textasciicircum " ;
$replaceLatex{'\\'} = "\\textbackslash " ;
foreach my $c (0..9) {
$validLatex{$c} = 1 ;
foreach my $c ("a".."z") {
$validLatex{$c} = 1 ;
foreach my $c ("A".."Z") {
$validLatex{$c} = 1 ;
foreach my $c ( qw (! + * - : . ; § / = ? ) ) {
$validLatex{$c} = 1 ;
foreach my $c ( ' ', '"', "\'", '(', ')', '[', ']', ',' ) {
$validLatex{$c} = 1 ;
$validLatex{"\t"} = 1 ;
($text) = ($text =~ /^(.*)$/ ) ;
my $out = "" ;
my @chars ;
@chars = split //, $text ;
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#chars; $i++) {
my $c = $chars[$i] ;
# print "$c ", ord ($c), "\n" ;
if (defined $validLatex{$c}) {
$out .= $c ;
elsif (defined $replaceLatex{$c}) {
$out .= $replaceLatex{$c} ;
else {
if ( ($i < $#chars) and ($c eq chr (195)) ) {
my $found = 0 ;
foreach my $c2 (164, 182, 188, 132, 150, 156, 159) {
if ($chars[$i+1] eq chr($c2)) {
$found = 1 ;
if ($found) {
$out .= $c . $chars[$i+1] ;
$i++ ;
if ( ($i < $#chars) and ($c eq chr (194)) ) {
if ( ord $chars[$i+1] == 176 ) {
$out .= '$^{\\circ }$' ;
$i++ ;
return $out ;
sub replaceHTMLCode {
my $text = shift ;
($text) = ($text =~ /^(.*)$/ ) ;
$text =~ s/\&apos;/\'/g ;
$text =~ s/\&quot;/\'/g ;
$text =~ s/\&amp;/\&/g ;
return $text ;
1 ;